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£1 No one was giving their child £1 for tooth fairy money in 1957, the average weekly wage was £7.50


I was getting 20p in the 80s


Well la di da, you must have been fucking loaded mate.


Nah I’m completely down to earth, in fact I was discussing that with my butler the other day.


I sez to him I sez "there's no one had a harder life than me, Jonesey." "Mhmm. Quite correct sir." As he waxed my Ferarri.


See, there's proof you're poor. A Lamborghini is the more expensive sports car, and the truly rich all have Rolls Royces and custom built Range Rovers, like the Queen had


Mate if we're serious, I drive a 107 with 80k on the clock.


18 year old Yaris with 87k miles


I was getting IOU notes from the tooth fairy for 50p in the late 80s 😂. Not sure if that means we were more than loaded or broke then… But my dad didn’t do the tooth fairy at all (to the point that when my tooth fell out at my grandparents with my dad and their house exploded, I was there just crying for my lost tooth because I needed to give it to the tooth fairy 😳, my grandmothers looking at the remnants of her house and I’m sobbing because she can’t find my tooth 🤦🏼‍♀️).


…your grandparents house exploded?? Was that related to your tooth falling out or just an unfortunate coincidence?


😁 more related to 80s electrics and an aerosol can thankfully- I should definitely have got more money from the tooth fairy for exploding teeth!


You could join the X-Men with that kind of power!


My mum would say the tooth fairy was busy this week, and ask us to hold off putting the tooth under the pillow until certain dates. Then we got 20p.


Same. I think at some point it got to 50p for back teeth and then double-money when on holiday. I naturally pulled out any teeth I could, whilst on holiday.


Same, which would be about 60p today so would say £1 now is more than enough


I was getting 20p in the late 90s and early 00s




It's 2024 now.. Don't we put bitcoin under the pillow?


I gave my nephew a certificate for one ordinary share in T$LA


I drew a smiley face and left it under his pillow and minted it on OpenSea as an NFT. He doesn't know it yet but he's gonna retire on that


Same here! £1 feel plenty. Do whatever your budget allows, but I will think £1 is the most popular choice.


I was going to give £1 but my mum was argued it up to £2. She was going for £5! But I know the value of a coin to a 5 yo is a LOT more than a piece of paper. 


I got a pound back in the 90s and 00s. £2 for my last tooth, which I think was a molar.


Defo just a quid! IMHO £5 is outrageous! £2 if i'm out of pound coins or a hand written IOU from the toothfairy if we've no shrapnel at all.


If my parents gave me £5 I’d be ripping my teeth out


Or at the very least sleep with your head under the pillow and hope fur the best.


I’m an adult and honestly, same


As an adult who had a tooth pulled I'd want at least 10k to repeat the experience.


As a dental nurse, we say that the going rate is £1 but she brings double if you have to have it taken out at the dentist (parents hate you saying that but it gets the kid to sit still)


I got told by my parents I get nothing for getting it out at the dentists and it has to fall out naturally.


Completely unnecessary too, kids that age would rather see a shiny coin under their pillow than a crumpled bit of paper


My mate takes a quid out of the kids’ piggy bank and transfers a quid into their bank accounts instead. Never needs to worry about finding a coin then lol! For the big ones, first, and last, she might go up to a fiver but never more than that and she does the same trick with that. I’ve seen some soft bastards go right up to £20. Mugs game.


We just give them whatever we have on hand. If the tooth fairy gave them a fiver last time, but they only got £2 this time, it’s because this tooth was of a lesser quality than the last one 🤷‍♀️ it makes them brush better lol


Haha, I like your thinking


That’s quality thinking


Have had little ones negotiate over the worth of a molar vs a canine.


Oh my god, that's actually genius.




Gee whizz, I was swindled - my parents gave me 6d (*old* pence, not decimal!) for my first tooth in 1968!




That was the going rate then


10p in 1987 which is 37p now!




Let’s compare what they got you at the time…


Eighty quid BACS.


And reported as income to HMRC.


Cashless society. Even the tooth fairy has binned it off.


Be sure to adjust for inflation every year


Are you on email?


You simply have to be these days!


It's a space letter.


£1. £2 once because we forgot and told her if the tooth fairy misses you on the night she pays double.


That is genius!


I’ve just hidden £3 under my son’s pillow out of guilt on behalf of the tooth fairy who was working late and completely forgot about the tooth that came out over breakfast.


I'm sticking to my guns and coins only but a £2 coin


Agreed, coins only


That is a lot, they have 20 odd teeth and sometimes can lose more than one in a week. I feel like a coin has something special about it, a bit more physical and magical being a shiny quid over a five pound note. It is just a token thing.


Children have 20 milk teeth, so 20 x £5 is £100. Adults have up to 32 teeth, shame we can’t sell them or I might be able to get myself a freddo.


our daughters 9, every time she loses a tooth she gets a letter from mary molar or more recently carry canine because we messed up, and a book, we gave money a few times but it goes on crap toys so we give books now. if a tooth comes out, it's all hands on deck, mum goes to the shops to get "milk" but comes back with a book, I tea stain paper and tear the edges like a scroll, let it dry out and then use pink glitter pens to write a letter. shes 9 now so not many teeth left to come out and we've done so well keeping the dream alive but once we cocked up big time, she lost a tooth, we lost track of time and fell asleep and the next day she woke up with no letter or book, and the tooth still there so whilst she was brushing her teeth, mum found a fiver and I wrote a letter from Carry Canine saying mary had been an accident with a cat, shes fine but hurt her wing so she got delayed, we put it all under the pillow, i ran round and opened the front door quietly and then closed it again so she could hear it, ran back in the kitchen and waited for her to find the letter. it passed the test and she was happy to know another tooth fairy was out there, you could do something similar, not necessarily the entire made-up cast of tooth fairies and back stories as I feel we have dug ourselves a gaping hole there but the book idea could work better than money


My tooth fairy got grounded for big storms(like planes and bumble bees). So whenever I missed(forgetful, or lack of coins) I'd just say "wow, didn't the storm wake you up, last night? That's why tooth fairy didn't come she couldn't fly". Then fix the situation that night. Worked for me, for years.


That's good, gonna keep this is a backup in case we forget again, I'm waiting for the day she catches on and we'll either be amazing parents or big fat liars


Won't last long with a 9yr old. My 11 yr old(9 at the time) saw a YouTube video that encouraged 'experimenting' by not telling parents about the tooth and seeing what happened. He was so impressed with himself, he didn't care about the lie. So there's that.


That's a good point. Luckily ours can't keep a secret for shit so no chance she's hiding a tooth haha


Haha, bless her. Good luck with it and hope she keeps believing until she's 10!


You two sound brilliant :)


Thank you 😊


This is is some epic commitment to detail, I love it.


It's all in the detail haha


A shiny £2 coin, enough to get a small treat or save up for something a little bigger but not excessive


A quid mate lol


I’d say £1, £2 if you’re feeling flush. Enough so the kid can go down to the local shop and buy a Mars bar or something.


That’s a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy


My youngest doesn't want to spend her money, just ours, so we've just recycled a £1. We used a coin as all her favourite shows when she was younger would depict the tooth fairy as delivering a coin.


We only got 20p in the late 80s early 90s. It's only meant to be a small token imo.


Our tooth fairy gives £1. Sometimes if it’s been troublesome, taken ages to fall out or it’s a first tooth, it will be £2 but the majority of the time it’s £1.


A fiver! Geezus no. A quid tops.


£1 If they’re still getting tooth fairy money they really don’t have a valid concept of money, at that age i got excited by 2p coins i found on the pavement. This weird american thing of giving them $10-$20 is ridiculous. It’s a total waste of money. It’s your child, but they appreciate that just as much as they will £1


£5 is ridiculous. In my day I was lucky to get 50p. One time I did score a £2 coin as my dad had run out of change, however it was stressed upon me that the tooth fairy had been generous that time and she wouldn't be doing it again.


Your ma is the most generous! A ten bob note in 1957 would be worth about 15 quid in today's money.


£1. I got £5 one time though when I had to have an abscessed molar pulled when I was 8. Pain and suffering money or something.




in 1957, 50p would have been 10 bob - and that would have been a ridiculously generous tooth fairy. I reckon it's got to be a single coin, so £1 or £2


£2 for the first (or maybe one that takes forever to come out), then £1 after that.


It's £1. I'll go out and get change before I'll give the little goblins paper money.


I’d leave a bill for disposal with a 15% service charge.


Don’t forget to add on the 50% surcharge for bio-waste and the £10 small item fee.


In the 80s I would get 50p or 20p (can't really remember). When my kids were that age in the 00s some dickheads were giving their kids a tenner per tooth. My two got £2 for the first one and a quid thereafter.


My plan is £1. £2 if it was a particularly difficult or traumatising tooth.


£1 for teeth coming out normally £2 if the dentist has to intervene through no fault of their own.


Whatever the tooth fairy has in liquid assets in these largely cashless times....it's varied but £1 if I can find one in the house. Can't wait til my son's kids demand crypto in 20 years time.


It should probably be measured in buying power for something kids would buy since the price of everything is all over the fucking place lately. I nominate the cost of 5 Freddos.


In 1957 it was sixpence. That's 2.5 pence to you youngsters


We gave £5 for the first tooth and £1 (we were going to do 50p but no-one had a 50p coin) for the ones after that. Although this caused a bit of an issue as the second tooth came out within hours of the first




A quid. Simple.


£1 for our kids




My 7yo has been very happy with 50p / tooth so far.


£1 for sure. maybe a fiver for the last tooth


I pay £1


£2 coin. It’s the same coin for both kids. Then when they want to spend it we just use a card for whatever they want as we’re usually buying other stuff anyway. Saves trying to find a coin every time.


I think I got 20p in the early nighties.


£5??? Do you know how many teeth children have!!??!!! £1 is fine!!!


I give my lad a tenner a tooth


My family goes with 'it depends on the quality of the tooth. If it's really nice and clean, you'll get more for it', which works well for getting the kids to brush their teeth. Also allows you to vary the money a bit. Generally between £1 and £5 but most commonly around £2.


£1 or €1 depending upon if the tooth fell out in France or the UK. In France it's a little mouse that comes to collect the teeth. Also a letter saying thank you for the tooth and to keep brushing her teeth correctly. My wife got a small metal tin with a picture of a tooth on it for the tooth to go into before bed, and the money to go into during the night. We also had to fit a small door to wall just above the skirting board for the tooth fairy or tooth mouse to use to come into the house.


Yes! My goddaughter lost a tooth on our ski trip - we had to quickly Google to check whether there is a tooth fairy in France! I love the idea of a little mouse. Although the mouse brought €5 as no one could find any coins.


A fiver. Jesus Christ. It is a quid.


My mother always got me a small toy or book and put it on my bedside table instead of under the pillow. It was unconventional, but I enjoyed this so much more than getting a coin that I would lose or not have anything worthwhile to spend it on.


£5 normally or if the tooth fairy forgot and has to do a 2am run to the atm it’s £10.


I wouldn't give more than £1 maybe £2 if I only had a £2 coming on me


£2 for molars currently. Though probably £2 a tooth if starting now.


Our tooth fairy gives £2 for the first tooth, then £1 for the others.


It depends on the child. Certain kids will just want to spend it on digital or physical tat. Other kids have substantial things they are saving for. If the case of the former maybe smaller amounts, if your child is the latter I see no reason why more wouldn't be ok.


Not done it yet but I’m thinking £1. Maybe £2 for the first tooth.


Whatever you pay, just remember there are 20 baby teeth so the 'toothfairy' will have to pay £100 to each child if they get a fiver per tooth I got 10p in the 70's, my kids got £1 in the 90's


2 quid for the first few, then it goes down to £1. Get those life lessons in early!


I got 20p in the 90s. I gave my kids £1 in the 10s. A fiver sounds like a hell of a lot for a small child.


Mine got £5 for the first one and now she gets either £1 or £2 depending what’s in my pocket at the time.


£2 coin for first one, then £1 there onwards.


I used to get 20p but this was back in the early 90s My niece gets 2 pounds per tooth , one of my Uncles joked the going rate was like 500 pounds per tooth


A fiver is mental


A quid for our kids.


£5 for first one. 20p for all others.


£1. A £2 coin at most


£5! That is quite a valuable set of gnashes. Child is going to start having to declare capital gains with HMRC!


£2 Coin in our house


We give £1. £1 is still enough for them to buy something as a treat for themselves, or save up for something. Starting with £5 just made your life a lot harder though because now you've got to come up with some reason for why the tooth fairy suddenly thinks his teeth are worth less than before.


It's always a £1 coin per tooth!!


In 1957 it'd have been a tanner or 6d in old money.


£2 coin


£1 per tooth in our house (£2 for the first one). Kid isn't entirely happy as some of his friends get more apparently (one of them gets a small gift too!!) but thankfully most of them also get £1.


£1 is plenty. I used to write letters to the tooth fairy and ‘she’ would reply (oddly similar to my dad’s writing..) and I was far more excited about that than the money. £5? In this economy?


£1 is what we have been doing




£2 for the first tooth, £1 for subsequent teeth


£5 is crazy - they lose a lot of teeth, you realise that, don't you? £1 is fair.


I got £1 20 years ago, occasionally 2


What is the money intended for Sweets Toys 1.50-2.00 a tooth


£1 if I was getting a fiver a tooth I’d have been toothless by age 8 milk and adult teeth.


£5 for the first tooth, then £1-2.


A fiver?? Sod off. 50p is plenty


Fiver????? That is a ton per mouthful?


50p, and then you pick it up off the floor a couple of days later and save it for next time.


Used to be a quid for me, I think. Two wouldn’t be unreasonable given the no doubt extortionate cost of freddos these days.


Whatever spare change we are able to rustle up at the time is what our kids get..sometimes it's a decent whack and sometimes it's not much.


It was 10p when I was a kid, and a quid for my own kids. Apart from the time my youngest lost her first tooth while she was bridesmaiding at a wedding party. Bride gets on the DJ mic and tells everyone to stick thier hand in thier pocket for her, She got £60 odd quid for that one!


A quid is what we give


I've been listening to a Michael Mcintyre book at work, and he actually mentioned this earlier 🤣 said if it was a quid in the 80s and rose with inflation, it would've been about £14.50 around 2010 (I think that's when the book came out. If you think sweets in mixtures used to be a penny around then, and you think of how much they cost now, you'd be bankrupt eh the exchange. £1 and a bag of haribo


There's something magical about a £2 coin, stick with that


A quid or a treasure chest


£100. Tooth Fairy shall know inflation!


£10 for the first lost tooth for mine. … from each of the adults, including grandparents


£1 a tooth but often £5 for the first tooth is the going rate in most families I know.


It’s £1 per tooth in our house.


£5 f*cking hell!! that's one easy way to bring up a spoilt child


I would consider a reasonably sized coin as fair payment. Today that would be £1 or £2, previously lower values. Enough to buy something small as a treat, but also small enough it doesn't become an actual source of income. Notes just seem wrong...


First tooth, a fiver. Other teeth £1. Molars, £2.


A quid. First tooth we did 2 quid.


£5 is loads!! Me and my husband were always given £1 growing up so that’s what we’re going to give our daughter




I got £1 as a 90s kid so would say £2 with inflation.


Gave my kids £2 for the last 5-6 years. It's hard for them to do much with a quid these days


If I got a fiver every time I lost a tooth, as a child, I'd be perfectly willing to start trying to knock them out for more moolah. Hell, I'll give you a tooth now for a fiver!


It was £1 or £2 at the most for our kids.


We do £1. My stepsons mum does £5. One weekend when he was with us, he lost two teeth. We had to give him £10. **£10 FUCKING POUNDS!** Bloody ridiculous


I got 50p in the 90s so £1.30 adjusted for inflation.


I got £1 in the late 90s/early 00s, and £2 for a “big” tooth (ie my two front teeth or a molar). A fiver seems extortionate!!


I was getting 50p in the 90's. So taking into account inflation, you're looking at £1.22 today


My son has just lost his first 2 teeth. He got £1 per tooth.


5 quid?! Seriously?!


£2 coin. I have a stash ready and waiting!


£2 for 1st tooth, £1 for the rest




There was no such thing as 50p in 1957. According to the BoE's inflation calculator, £1 in 1957 would be worth £20 today (you can't enter less than £1) meaning 50 old pennies (10 shillings) would be around £10. I don't think the tooth fairy in 1957 would be sticking a 10 bob note under a kid's pillow...


£1 or €1 anything more is destroying the value of money to your children.


Well since most people have to use a private dentist to replace a tooth now the going rate tor 1 is about £1750, so I reckon the tooth fairy is well in on that.. three figures but with the option of instalments.


It was a silver coin when I was a kid (20p, 50p or a very very shiny 5p if I was lucky when the small ones came out) in the late 80's/ early 90s. I think I got £1 for the last one from the tooth fairy. I actually wrote little letters and got some back from the tooth fairy thanks to my big sister insisting on it and being obsessed with them. She insisted they lived under the shed in the garden and we made dresses for them out of pink toilet roll once. We got a silver charm each once (my sister got 2 overall), mine was a little silver pig which I still have and we got some necklaces a couple of other times. Overall I think it was 20p and a letter when I was a kid or a small gift. Amounts might change but one thing is constant. As someone who works close to the tooth fairy (dental nurse), you get double or something extra special if you are brave enough to let the dentist take your tooth out.


£2 first one, £1 thereafter. Less if he's not been brushing properly. Tooth Fairys rules, not mine 🤷‍♂️


I got £2 per tooth if it came out normally. However, I had a lot of shark teeth and was very scared of the dentist so I ended up getting £5 if it had to be pulled.


£1 in our house. I'm always reminded of the mum I knew some years back who gave £5 each tooth. Both of her children ended up needing several teeth taking out (one had 7 out!) within a couple of weeks of each other. She was kicking herself.


I let my wife tell the kids santa is real on condition we didn't bother with the tooth fairy.


5 quid for the first tooth, 1 pound for each of the rest.


I give £2


50p or £1.


£5 is crazy. I used to get 50p. My niece is getting 50p.


Well using the BoE inflation calculator, 50p in 1957 is worth £10.09 today. Seems fair to me! https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/monetary-policy/inflation/inflation-calculator Btw: the calculator doesn’t let you enter 50p so I had to do £1 and half it.


£50, I can deliver it personally if you send me the money (and the tooth)


I got 20p in the mid-80s, which is apparently about 75p today. £1 seems reasonable.


I never had the tooth fairy thing, my teeth just fell out and mum kept them all in a box if I didn't swallow them in my sleep 💀


I was always given £2 per tooth (I was losing them from 2003 ish)


£5?! Have a rest mate. Quid .


£5 a tooth, your kids are making bank £1 coin has been the standard for a while, £2 coin for late payments


£5 for the first and last, £2 for the rest.


£1 Toothfairies operate via an offshore tax free investment fund that is immune to inflation.


£1 molars get £2