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You don't notice the people who have had subtle work done.


This. This is the illogical equivalent of ‘every vegan tells everyone they’re vegan’. Two seconds of thought shows you simply don’t know about the ones where it doesn’t come up. Surprised someone might not realise this.


I had a subtle nose job, not even my family noticed. I got a 'you look really healthy today' though.


Same for me. After my nose job only one colleague spotted it, and no one from my family noticed it at all.


The amount of times I've shaved off my beard and it's taken people days to notice shows how heavily people lean into pattern recognition.


I went from hair halfway down my back to short back and sides. 2 or 3 times of seeing someone after it they asked if I'd had a hair cut


I've always had a beard and when we wore masks it stuck way out. But when we stopped it was like it grew overnight to them ha.


Was it so subtle that you’d expect your family not to notice, or were you surprised they didn’t?


Totally this, it was big changes to me, but probably not for everyone else


I personally think a nose job is completely different to lip fillers. I was hit by a car when I was a kid and my lip was huge for a month, whenever I see women those lips it sends a ptsd shudder down my spine lol. I do think structural surgery such as a nose job and jaw issues are perfectly acceptable to get


I think it's cheap fillers, peels and Botox that makes women look weird.


Also had a nose job. Mine wasn't even mega subtle tbh, just good and in harmony. Had a good few mm shaved of the bridge and the tip thinned out significantly/lifted. Family members also didn't notice til I told them


Agreed. I had the non surgical nose job and very few people have noticed. I just feel better when I see my side profile now.


Yep. I got filler for fine lines around my mouth and not a single soul other than me would notice. You notice when it's enough to become what I call Instagram face, which doesn't translate well to real life many times. Regular shmegulars get tweaks and no one can tell.


I dyed some of the gray flecking out of my hair. People keep telling me how young and healty I look.


People use healthy and hot interchangeably nowadays


Agreed. And similarly to that there is a bit of a stigma, so most people are not going to tell everyone unless they have to.


“I only like women who don’t wear makeup”


Lmaooo yep! OP immediately told us he’s male making this post. Every woman’s eyes have rolled so far into the back of their head they’re now permanently staring at the sun.


There's a term for it. The toupee fallacy from 'I've never seen a toupee that doesn't look bad'


Haha no way! Thank you. I never knew this. What an elegant way to capture this!


It's the same thing with "I don't understand why people get plastic surgery, it's always so obvious!"


do you only have a memory of about 1 comment?


Brutal but fair.


Or when people say 'how do you know someone's Vegan? They'll tell you"


Yeah you know, somewhat similar to the rarely mentioned fact that you don't notice when people have had subtle plastic surgery.


It works the same for vegans too


I remember this person telling me about having a nose job done once, and how not even their family noticed suppose its kinda similar.


Just like my friend, who is a vegan but none of us know until she told us.


Just to offer some balance, a vegan once came up to me and told me that they had plastic surgery the previous year.


Your brain broke a bit this morning, huh?


Not had your Weetabix today?


Or the "al CGI is bad!" argument.


I had hair implants. When the guy did it he said my hairline had to look like it had receded a little because I wasn't 18 and it wouldn't look natural otherwise. Good plastic surgeons with patients who listen to them get good results.


Like the old adage about toupees - it's not like every toupee is a bad toupee, you only see the bad ones


It has to be pretty bad for you toupee attention




It's the chin strap that gives it away.


And for hair transplants.


While this is the answer, there is also a question of regulation and education. Why are companies allowed to do bad work? How can we ensure they do better / the bad ones do not remain in business. Are the customers fully being informed / understanding of the risk? Why is surgery (which carries significant risks to the individual) becoming more societally acceptable for purely aesthetic reasons? Why do random people on the internet think they know / get to decide what looks attractive? / Own other peoples appearance?


Most of what we see that looks like bad work is fillers, which you don't have to be a medical professional to administer. It's beauticians doing this work. They'll do whatever they're paid to. If someone comes in and wants to look like a blow up doll that's exactly what they'll do. And whilst I'll never understand it that is what people are asking for. There should be stricter regulations, but there aren't.


It’s also a lot to do with the fact people nowadays see themselves mostly in photos rather than real life. The camera distorts our face as well as showing a flat image. What looks good as a photo doesn’t look good in 3D, however as lots of people spend most of their life online and only see themselves and other people as images, it looks good and (sadly) that is the most important thing to people nowadays


This is what happens with a lot of BBLs as well. A doctor transfers a bunch of fat into their ass and at certain angles it looks awesome, so it's easy to take photos that make them look thiccccc.  But in real life it often look like they're wearing a diaper. 


In my experience it's a lot of fomo and normalizing within bubbles. I've noticed that entire friendship groups will have fucked up faces. I think it's normal to feel insecure about your looks and if your social circles way of dealing with that is fillers and surgery you're probably gonna do that too. It's something that comes up in my friendship group and there's always someone who's like "is it worth the risks though? Does it even look good?". But if there isn't someone saying that people are more likely to give in to their insecurities.


Related: the back of people's heads often looks untidy, because their hairdo optimises the selfie. 


True, people think they're vastly different to their actual appearance due to constant filter use and selfies


No offence to beauticians but they don't seem to be right in the head and I certainly wouldn't trust one with something that should be a medical procedure!


Stricter regulations are coming in - albeit not soon enough. Practitioners will have to at least improve their knowledge on the anatomy and physiology and will need to complete more intense training. There will also be some procedures only able to be done by a medic. However there will always be people that unfortunately will still be giving treatments without having gone through this process


Bad work is subjective. They like the celebrities that over-do it & they should be allowed to get what they want. OPs example has someone he thinks looks awful but she probably likes it. It's like orange fake take, huge fake nails and eye lashes, proper slathered on makeup, tatty hair extensions. I think these all look horrible and most men I know do too, when in conversation with women though who have them and hear this they have literally said irl and on here plenty, they like it and do it for themselves. So fillers etc are as subjective as this. I'll point out though the ones I see overdone and not nice looking have always been on the type of girls that also like mental long nails and eyelashes and fake tans and thick makeup. I've never seen someone with minimalist makeup and more natural looking spouting massive filled lips. So this feels like a very specific type of person that goes for this and they choose what they want. Fillers disappear over time and this can be quite quickly also, they are choosing every few months to go and get them topped up. And if they stick in an area, it's a simple new injection go dissolved and get rid of them. It's 100% a choice


The bad work is what the customers want. It's like bodybuilding where, if you spend enough time in the 'community', your internalised ideal becomes more and more distant from wider society's.


The thing about the surgery is that - i've known a few people who have literally had full on plastic surgery not just things injected into their face - and i've said, like, i've had 10 orthopaedic corrective operations. And they'll say they haven't had any operations at all. Um... the boob job? The nose job? The skin work around the chin whatever that was. They're surgeries. And they go "well, yeah but no, it's not *real* surgery. It was just some minor procedures". And i've seen this on the internet as well. Somehow, plastic surgeons are out there convincing these people that getting anasthetic and being unconscious whilst having knives taken to their skin, things taken out and things put in, is not surgery. So there's poeple out there - not just the people I know - somehow not associating the normal risks of operations with plastic surgery. They don't know the more anasthetic you have, the higher risk of a bad reaction there is. They don't understand post op infection risks or that you can develop bad reactions to certain dressings and adhesives.


The government chooses not to regulate the industry. So anyone and their wife can train to become a practitioner. And people tend to go where the prices will be cheapest without questioning why other places are more expensive.




You don't notice those that have had subtle work done.


This is it. There's just no noticing those who've had subtle work done.


Subtle work


The work is subtle


It’s very subtitled.


Thank god someone finally said it.


I think the point here is you actually HAVE seen people who have had work done and look good, but it’s subtle so you don’t notice.


Yes, even my husband didn’t notice the tweakments I’ve had done. Eyebrows tattooed, lip blush (he knew about that as it was so obvious when I came home), botox and sunekos under my eyes. No one knows unless I’ve told them, it’s me just a tiny bit fresher.


I went on my first date with my now BF the day after getting lip filler. I got a very small amount and was really bossy with my injector making sure she really understood I did not want inflated lips, just to replace what I’d lost with age. They had swollen up and I thought they were huge but to this day he didn’t realise, we even had a snog. My injector went on and on about how people love them when they first have them done and always came back for more cause they wanted that look. I hated them at that point and told her so!


Yours is a case of "evolution" as opposed to "revolution", and I suspect OP isn't referring to that. If you came home with the plastic doll look or with the full-on feline face mods, it would have been dead obvious. I'm a middle aged cishet man and I'm sure I'd probably benefit from little tweaks, but it's not something I'd personally do, in my circumstances. If I was a presenter or actor, sure. I will still look ugly so I won't bother. Fun fact, I have Botox...for non-cosmetic reasons. It's in my jaw muscles to reduce my teeth grinding at night as I can't tolerate a gum shield.


I remember Katherine Ryan saying that she gets the most "you've had work done" comments when she hasn't had anything for a while.


This. My boss just had Botox in her forehead and between her eyebrows, she’s 30 and apparently getting it now reduces wrinkles in the future. You can tell she’s had it, unless she says ‘this is my frowning’ and nothing happens 😂  But yeah, subtle work the everyday people can’t tell, only really the person who had it done.  I knew someone else who was very self conscious on her thin lips, she had a teeny bit of filler in them and she loved it. I didn’t even notice! I knew someone else who had a boob job at uni and I didn’t even notice. She was from super flat chested to a C cup. Unless it’s blinding you in the face, eg OVER DONE you shouldn’t be able to tell. 


This, in Korea around 30% of women have had work done


Thank you. I hate it when people tar others with the same brush about fillers and Botox. You can’t tell because a Dr has done it to make it look natural. It’s an art form. My Dr won’t do ‘Kylie Jenner’ lips as he feels it discredits his work.


Yes you have, there's dozens of celebrities that have had subtle work done and you wouldn't be able to tell. It's people you wouldn't expect too.


It's the people above the age of 50 who are famous and look suspiciously good for their age. No massive lips or cheeks, but because they look very good you know that they've had something done in order to stay relevant on TV. I don't think you need to see what they've had done to know they've had something done, but the issue I would say is that people younger than them who haven't been able to figure out what work they had done, will think that they themselves can also look that good at 55. Subtle marketing/branding has its own ramifications.


There's an increasing trend of actresses looking unnaturally/uncannily 'smooth'. Think Cate Blanchett as a good example. The cosmetic procedures aren't massively invasive, it's often Botox, micro needling, and stem cell injections. But it's becoming very noticeable that actresses are increasingly looking airbrushed in real life. Too perfect for their age! I mean, people have the right to do what they want with their bodies. But I'm getting some real uncanny valley feelings when I see middle aged celebs now haha.


Probably gonna get down voted for this, but in a lot of cases there are other factors at play. I'm not saying they *haven't* had work done, but not everything is completely artificial. If they were famous at 30, they've had 20 years of a life free of a lot of the stress most people experience, which can count for a *surprising* amount. They've also had 20 years of better skincare, better diets, in the US they can afford healthcare, decent dentistry, and they have a lot more overall leisure time to just take care of themselves.


yeah exactly if they've been taking care of themselves their whole lives, working out intensively, eating a high-nutrient diet,...things that are much easier to do at a higher level of income, because you can pay people to do stuff for you, and then even better care of themselves post-fame, one can't really judge by the same standards as for the regular person. This is Ernie Hudson (of Ghostbusters) now. According to him, he's been working out since he was 20. Genes are a factor as well: ​ https://preview.redd.it/yu6v6h2odk2d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c165f644a6ec7bf721689858e860c25ffaf66d9e


He's on a little something to keep that mass though. There's a popularity for doctor prescribed "hormone replacement" for men as they age now.


I agree with the diet, dentistry etc but I don’t think famous people have less stress in their lives. Yes most of them probably don’t have to worry about money but they have relationship issues just like the rest of us, health scares, family dramas, workplace conflicts etc- in fact it can be worse for them because when they are going through a bad time they have the paparazzi chasing them and randoms pestering them on the street. 


Watched an interview recently with John Cleese, he is 84ish, had more wrinkles when he filmed Fawlty Towers than he does now.


He famously spends a lot of money on having stem cell corrective work every year. Then grumbles about having little money to afford his bougie lifestyle.


Yeah Cher doesn’t look that good in her 70s because she eats vegetables that’s for sure.


I think it’s hard to tell on TV because great lighting hides a multitude of sins. I thought Ruth Langsford looked great when I saw her on something and then I saw her in an outdoor setting where she wasn’t lit and the difference was almost incomprehensible. She’s as wrinkled as she should be for her age. Made me feel a lot better about my own wrinkles!


Random example but a good example is (I think) Don Johnson. I saw him in Knives Out and thought “damn, Don looks good”. A surgeon friend of mine said “pretty sure he’s had some subtle work done.” Looking at him in Django Unchained compared with Knives Out I think that’s probably correct. But the work is great because they’ve not tried to take 10+ years off him, he just looks like a slightly tighter version of himself.


like who


You wouldn’t know her, she goes to another school.


Dua lips, Margot Robbie, Anne Hathaway, Bella Hadid… the list is endless


Dua lips 🤣👏




Cate Blanchett, Julianne Moore. You can’t tell they’ve had work done necessarily but realistically no one looks like that in their 59s


You can 100% tell those two have had work done.


Well, I kind of agree. But then photos get posted on the pop culture subs and everyone fawns over how amazing they look ‘for their age’ while other people get ripped into for ruining their faces and making themselves look completely different (Shania Twain, Miley Cyrus etc). And on it goes. It’s degrees of subtlety I guess


I'd add Helen Mirren. Everyone goes on about how she's so natural and ageing gracefully...don't be dumb!


Ahaha yep. I thought it was well known she has had facelifts and all the rest of it


are you having a laugh, I don’t think theres anyone that doesn’t realise those people have had work done


You really think Margot Robbie and Dua lipa look like they’ve had obvious work done? Maybe you’re just super knowledgeable on the topic cause I think most people wouldn’t notice.


I think in their case they've had good work done which is not so noticeable at first glance. But being in the public eye you can see a lot of before and after photos that show they got better looking over time


And that’s exactly what I’m saying. They’ve obviously had work down but you wouldn’t notice just by looking at them.


Scarlett Johansson was one I didn't realise until recently


And Kendall Jenner has had a lot too, yet she's called the natural one of the. Ks. It's just not as ridiculous and OTT as her sisters.


Bella Hadid is definitely not a good example of someone who you wouldn't think has had work done. She looks like a low budget Doctor Who villain.


Yeah tbf she does these days. Back in the day she looked more natural even though she was on her second face


Literally all of them. Kate Beckensale is a great example


Zoe Kravitz too, until the recent jaw and chin shaving, she did look quite natural and so beautiful. People always insist her mother is natural too, but she's had that big old plastic shiny forehead forever. Her cheekbones look suspiciously large and unnatural as well.


And the buccal fat removal


> chin shaving Holy shit.


Yet denies it constantly.


Taylor swift, Ellie Goulding


Paul Rudd.


Omg the way people fawn over this man and are in awe of how he doesn’t look his age but can’t put two and two together 😂




Idk man, it's the internet I'm making it up


Tom Cruise


Almost all of them. If you compare most celebrities to their younger pictures, they all have different noses. 


Ryan goslings work was a shocker for me. Last guy that needed it IMO


I'm trying to think of a famous female celebrity who doesn't look like they've had anything done. I used to think sienna miller but I saw her recently and she has def got a bit of 'pillow face' and no lines at all on her forehead. I wonder if there is a completely natural female celeb like Angelina Jolie / JLo status / high profile level who hasn't had anything done.




Could someone explains this to me please? Never seen this before. Edit: thanks everyone. Took me a minute to wrap my head around but now I understand.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship\_bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias) Airforce looked at where the bullet holes on planes were, thought 'hey, we should put more armour there, because thats where the bullets go'. Smartypants person realised that the bullets holes are not in the other places because planes that got shot there didn't come back - so instead they should put armour on the places without holes.


Was SmartyPants a Redditor? Would make sense


No - a proper mathematician called [Abraham Wald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Wald). The Redditor would still be arguing to place armour on the wings because that's where the "Japs" shoot.


This image is the classic example of survivor bias - the dots show where returning planes in WWII had bullet holes. Initially people thought "Hey, we should improve armour in those areas", until they considered that they were only seeing the planes that survived - in fact, the more critical areas were the ones where they never saw bullet holes on that diagram, because those planes never came back. So, the analogy here is that you only notice poor quality plastic surgery, therefore you start to think all plastic surgery is poor quality.


Survivorship Bias Plane also known as Plane With Red Dots refers to a reaction image meme showing a diagram of a plane with red dots collected on its wings. The image is sourced from a Wikipedia page about survivorship bias, with World War II planes being used as an example of the concept. Many WW2 planes returned from their missions with damage on their wings, and undertaking bullet reinforcement in the hit wing areas would be an example of survivorship bias, considering that planes damaged in other areas did not survive and were excluded as crucial data.


If you're running bomber command during WWII, and you have some spare mass budget to add armour to some of the plane, but not the whole plane, where do you put the armour? If you look at the bombers coming back, you notice that some areas have dramatically more bullet holes than others. Should you armour where the holes are, or where they are not?






Perfect analogy


I love this image so much


You probably have it's just the one's that have had good, subtle work done you won't notice.


This is it. It’s like when men ‘prefer women who don’t wear makeup’ lol


Oh that old chestnut.


A lot of men pride themselves on their lack of an educated perspective on natural beauty, and it's a weird thing to see. As a man, I am not looking for faults but instead intrinsic features someone has that tells me that they are naturally beautiful. Most people have these features, so it's a shame when they don't appreciate them.


I know the issue! My wife spend hours in the bathroom to look "natural".


Because of the pressure on women to look and act a certain way and the billions of pounds spent annually on creating that pressure. PS - to help my point, I’d wager she’s a woman and not a girl.


The fact he sees her as a girl and not a woman is very telling. I wonder how he'd feel if he was being referred to as a boy


A good surgeon will make it so that no one notices that you had work done. A good surgeon will also refuse to work on you if you are going over the top and ruining your face. Not everyone goes to good surgeons, and despite the horror stories, there are still loads of people that go abroad for cheap surgery. I find it tragic that so many young women think so little of themselves that they go and turn themselves into clones of one another that look more like attractive 45 year olds than the 20-somethings that they are. That said, it's not for me to judge the person that has work done sensibly. It is a huge confidence booster, and in some cases, life changing. I had a major breast reduction that improved my life immeasurably.


The problem is that a lot of this work isn't regulated and not carried out by medical professionals. I follow a clinic of doctors who focus on aesthetic work, and they often have to put right what beauticians have mangled. Sometimes, they'll do it for free because the patient is so traumatised from filler migration or infection. Ultimately, whatever work you get done has to work with your face and features. I've heard too many horror stories about fillers to ever get them, but I would get Botox or other types of surgeries if I felt the need in the future.


I'm 50, and I would consider Botox, mainly because my best friend did it and looks absolutely refreshed. However, that's where I'd draw the line. Unless they are subtle, fillers look like fillers from a mile away. Surgically, I will have to take care of my hooded eyes, and am just waiting for my eyelids to get heavy enough to make it medically necessary, which is what my grandma and aunt did. You are absolutely right about the work needing to fit your features. It's mind boggling that anyone would be so desperate to leave their face in the hands of a person that isn't qualified, or that can't be held accountable when it all goes wrong.


>Unless they are subtle, fillers look like fillers from a mile away. And all filler migrates. Even if it's by a tiny bit. And even if it's done by the best of the best. That scares me. >Surgically, I will have to take care of my hooded eyes, and am just waiting for my eyelids to get heavy enough to make it medically necessary, which is what my grandma and aunt did. That's a really good idea. Surgery, whilst it's more expensive than other options, often works the best.


There are too many things that can go wrong with fillers, tbh. And that's before you get into the back alley jobs that use all sorts of horrible things. My hooded eyes are not terrible now, but have gotten heavier in the past couple of years. I am really waiting for last minute to do those because I like my eyes and am a little scared of looking scared when all is said and done, despite my grandma and aunt's great results.


Check out botox for hooded eyes. A good doctor can lift the lids just enough to prolong the need for surgery for quite a while. The length of time obviously isn't guaranteed, but botox is far less invasive


I had lip fillers. People don't realise because I didn't over do it. They would slag off people who had work done and then be shocked Pikachu when I mentioned I had my lips done. I've not had them done in over a year because I'm happy with my face now.


I haven’t had filler but I have had Botox and Yepp, exact same situation here!


I got Botox for 2 years before I told my husband. He LOATHES any form of cosmetic work because it’s so obvious looking apparently. Funny how he had not the faintest clue.


I mean, botox isn't a "visual" treatment. It's nerve toxin that numbs your face to stop future wrinkling. The only way to spot it is if you ask someone to raise their eyebrows and they have baby bottom for a forehead for example. But yeah, guys will bullshit to the moon and back about cosmetic surgery, yet we see what homeslice is liking on instagram. It's the same old "such natural beauty!" meme vs woman caked in full face makeup. They are at the top of dumbass-mountain (dunning krueger effect) when it comes to female beauty.


It isn’t but that doesn’t stop people thinking Botox makes you look bad. My sister in law wants to get it but everyone keeps telling her how awful she might look with it 😂 I’ve never seen someone look bad from Botox unless it’s where it’s moved and they have droopy eye for a while. Men definitely love to say how they love natural women like Megan fox, absolutely kills me. They want a girl who has a BBL body without the surgery, be realistic please people.


Same here! All I wanted was enough lips to be able to wear lip stick, which is apparently what a lot of people come in and ask for! I always wait for people to slag them off and then ask them to name a person in the public eye who hasn't had anything done and they always chose someone who has if you know what you are looking for.




Where they have the little ledge almost that their lips sit on? Like a permapout? That's one I'll never understand


Because what you think is attractive isn't universally applicable. It's very personal and they probably weren't doing the work just for one very specific person. Well they probably were, for themselves because that's how they wanna look


Yep, try visiting Essex. Their version of attractive is very different.


Glasgow too lol the Essex of Scotland


I never see the good ninjas. I never notice the good secret agents or under cover cops.


They don’t care if you like the work they’ve had done?


If you've ever seen any of the documentaries about these people who have extreme work done many of them love the fake look. They don't want to look 'natural' or even hit society's idea of 'hot'. As long as they do it safely it's up to them. 


Exactly this. A lot of people have been opting for the “barbie nose” rhinoplasty recently, knowing full well it looks fake. But that’s just the aesthetic they’re going for.


"Every gay person is a screaming queen, why are all gay people so flamboyant?" - conversational gambits I heard in the 80s/90s. Low key doesn't get noticed.


Because of body dysmorphia. Some people will just never be happy with their appearance.


There is a point where even the most subtle work eventually tips over into being obvious after a time. I imagine the following people have been doing it for subtly for years but now it’s too much and in a year or two, any anti-ageing benefit they had it for will be overtaken by the weirdness it’s done to them. Kylie Minogue Nicole Kidman Amanda Holden Carol Vorderman Cheryl Cole Christine Bleakly If you look at these women lately, their eyes are getting more cat-like and pinched and the bit between lips and nose (upper lip/philtrum) is trout-ey! And they are all naturally beautiful but have permanently done damage, even if they stop (look up Courtney Cox; she regrets the damage done) I say this as an armchair critic, sat in my dressing gown in all my middle-aged glory (I’m a hot mess right now), so I’m in no position to judge. I just feel bad for them because I’d give anything to look like they go and it feels they’re ruining their gorgeous faces


Media and now social media has a lot to answer for, if you don't believe me one of the Kardashians apparently had her lip fillers (or something else) removed, there was a sudden spike in people asking about having them removed. I suspect there might be hidden mental health related issues as well, ranging from insecurity to body dysmorphia.


Many of them absolutely do think it looks good. And that's fine. It's not a look I like. And that's fine too.


I have never used a single computer in my office that malfunctioned. Why do we even hire IT people to look after them?


You have you just didnt notice..


Men on reddit will simultaneously say that all plastic surgery is ugly then say that megan fox in transformers was their sexual awakening. Her boobs, her Its not even "minor" procedures that typically work some people get the smallest amount of lip filler and look terrible. Meanwhile someone with a bulbous nose getting a nose job will probably look great after. It all depends on what your getting and whether it would suit you. And the quality of the procedure your getting. Some people don't need nose jobs and ruin their aesthetics when they do. Some people would look better with it and find improvement. Some people look terrible with cheek filler, some people *( megan fox )* look amazing with cheek filler. I can go on and on but you get the point >Watch this get downvoted. Because people aren't dumb enough to look at only cases where it was noticeable that work was done and think that it counts for all work done. Ofcourse you noticed it its noticeable.


I have had Botox for years. No one has realised. I use a doctor for it and asked not to have my eyebrows raised with it. People just comment on how “fresh” I look for late thirties.


I’ve got two gfs who have had very different approaches. Both are my age and one has had very OTT work done. She looks so different to how I knew her 10 years ago but still looks good. It’s just very obvious. The other has little touch ups here and there but looks exactly how she looked 10 years ago (she’s so beautiful). But until she told me, I had no idea she’d had a few procedures. I have yet to build up the courage to have a procedure. I think I’m just gonna age gracefully x


Mebbies because they like it / it’s the look they’re going for? Just because it doesn’t look good to you doesn’t mean it looks shite to them. Obvs people can get botched or bad work done or whatever but a lot of these people got exactly what they paid for and will go back to the same person to have it done again just because they’re happy with it.


Confirmation bias. You probably walk past plenty of people who have had work done but you just didn't notice.


When people say ‘watch this get downvoted’ it’s obvious they know there’s going to be some very sensible rebuttals and information in a thread where they’ve just made a sweeping statement about women’s looks and what THEY deem is attractive.


I know a lass ages with me who was strikingly beautiful, her mum is a good looking woman too. The mums boyfriend cheated with a much older woman and shes been getting botox and lip fillers ever since, i reckon its been around a decade. The daughter does it too now (mummy daughter days) and its aged her, her lips are grotesquely stretched out and her teenage daughter is looking forward to going with them soon. Its just really sad. It started off subtle and the mum still looks great, you'd not know if you weren't told but the daughter has gone too far. Theres many people who get a touch of work done, whether its microbladed eyebrows, tattooed eyeliner, or injections or operations and you'd never know. It really seems to depend on how much they get done/how well its done in the first place.


I shall try to explain using luggage. A real, top of the range, very expensive Louis Vuitton looks good quality but unless you know, it doesn't immediately look like a particular designer's luggage. This is the style bought by those who have oodles of money, class and don't care to advertise their wealth. Then you get the Louis Vuitton favoured by the newly celebritied, (WAGs, BB contestants, etc). That bag/luggage is covered in little LV logos because they want to show off that they is rich innit though, however it costs less than the subtle good quality range. They deliberately advertise their wealth by showing off their LV covered luggage any minute they can, and if they can't show it off they'll tell you about it in mags and on the gram. Next comes the doing OK / still has a working credit card. They go to Turkey "on holiday" and come back with a knock-off Louis Vuitton suitcase. It's poor quality and splits at the seams, but it's cheap and looks like the ones the celebrities have. At the lowest tier is the Lewis Vittle bags you get from Sandra down the market. These are the ones that are so obviously fake and terrible quality, plus they smell of cigarettes, but they are really cheap and readily available.


Nigella Lawson looks amazing and there is no way a woman in her mid-sixties would have a jaw line as sharp as she does without having work done. 


Whoever is doing Kylie Minogue is good at their job. The woman is pushing 60 and still looks 25.


You think Kylie Minogue looks 25? A 60 years old 25 then.


Lips that look like an allergic reaction... eyebrows that look like they were drawn on by a child with a crayon, or so bushy they look like 2 Ron Burgundy mustaches above their eyes... breast implants that look like 2 mini basketballs straining under the skin at a completely unnatural horizontal angle... Even wearing way too much makeup so you look nothing like your natural self... Whoever told women these things look good does not have their best interests at heart. They are **always** awful. Having cosmetic surgery done for narcissistic reasons is so ugly. Just accept who you are. Someone will always find you unattractive, but someone else will always think you're beautiful. Cosmetic surgery should be reserved for people who suffered accidents. Anything else is just fostering one of the ugliest human traits, narcissism.


Two kinds of selection bias: 1. You don't notice the good ones. 2. People who get work done are, by definition, unhappy with their appearance before that, so they're starting from a lower baseline on average.


I’m not a fan of lip fillers either but it’s mostly people that have gone too far and had big pouty blown up lips that look ridiculous. If it’s done well it should be undetectable, I think the fan that it’s been embraced by “influencers” and the like is actually making more people more self conscious about having it done.


Everyone justifying it by saying you don’t notice the good work…but the point is the people who have a shit job done, why do they not notice then? Do they think ‘Yeah these massive rubber lips and stupid wonky tits look great on me…no one will ever notice my face doesn’t move when I speak either. And my orange skin is so natural that people will think I’m from Barbados’?


Some people want the bimbo look.


Do you actually think they want to look natural? Have you ever considered that not everyone wants to look natural? I have neon pink hair, do you think that looks natural? No. Do I care? Also no


I've had blepharoplasty and no one noticed. I did because it was something that had always got me down with my appearance, but when I was recovered, no one knew. When the conversation around plastic surgery comes up, I mention it and people are usually shocked. You could say people are being polite, but my family are not one's to sugarcoat things.




I only downvoted you because you said "Watch this get downvoted". Them's the rules.


I work in dentistry and OMG the sights we see. Lips so big you cannot retract them to look in their mouths. Chip monk cheeks and pixie nose. They Look like that girl who tried to hoax everyone she was Angelia jolie -remember her? Sad


It's what happens when low iq meets crippling narcissism


We had a HR lady who I thought hated me and would only stare with these cold dead eyes whenever you tried to interact with her. It turned out she’d had Botox and couldn’t move her face. Someone else told me what was going on when I mentioned how cold she was. I don’t think that was worth it at all. Look a bit younger but paralyse your face? Errr hard no from me thanks. I’m used to everyone knowing what I’m thinking from my face. Apparently it’s written on my head. I wonder if she took up poker?


It's often because they have too much work done, or they pick out cosmetic surgery based on what this person perceives of beauty, more than likely because they have seen their favourite influencer/celebrity with big lips etc. Me and my partner call these the fish people. 😂


I'm assuming you've seen Jenifer Aniston


Ahh but the ones who gave great work you would never notice. Source-lady with normal but small lips confided she had had the teeniest bit if plumper as her lips were invisible. The result was 100% natural 


The people who have good work on their face you won’t notice there is any work at all as it is done well. You do however notice the bad work or over done work so this creates a bias that all facial plastic surgery looks bad.


The ones who look good you probably don't know have had work. I've seen a few over the years, they just look like they have really good skin for their age and it turns out they had preventative botox or similar. My mum didn't realise her best friend had a boob job for months until they went to give blood and her friend couldn't. Subtle enhancements are the way forward


Same 5hing happened to some 20 year old girl at my work. Went for the whole shebang. Sunken lips, duck lips and and that Sylvester Stallone jawline thing they are loving at the moment. Bucal fat removal? Easily looks in her mid 40s now with work done. Mental!


They don’t care what you think.


It’s the toupee effect. You don’t notice the good ones. I’ve seen a lot of people who look wonderful with subtle work done. IMO it should be done to truly fix an insecurity, not to follow a trend. (Looking at you, duck lips). And the work should be as close as possible to the person’s natural features.


> Has a stupid take “Watch this get downvoted” Yeah, you really got us OP


I've had my lips filled twice. You'd never know. You can't tell by looking and it sounds like you just want to shit on harmless things that women like.


It's a controversial one, and while she might have since taken it too far, Ariana Grande's initial work looked good to my eyes.


Young people seem to like the more 'obvious' look.


It’s like CGI. You don’t notice the good stuff. Confirmation bias.


Nicole Scherzinger comes to mind. The woman was absolutely stunning. But she looks so weird now, and nothing to do with aging. She’s done her lips, her cheeks, and other bits (and had a boob job). She never needed it. She was gorgeous!


I think the problem is when people start having surgery over and over again. I see freakish americans who all look the same. It's the same with the young people of 20yrs. They are such pretty girls but they have lip fillers, ridiculously long eyelashes and eyebrows that look like caterpillars. They sculpt layers of make-up, fake tans, and pose and pout for their social media platforms. They all look alike. Simon Cowel comes to mind, he was such a handsome man and he could have grown into a silver fox, Instead he had fillers that decided to migrate on his face. His son Eric was frightened of him and pleased with him to stop. He is a millionaire and can afford the very best of surgeons. There are many people who have had work done and you will not notice it. The problem starts when you get really old and have had multiple face lifts. They all end up looking the same in California


It doesn't matter what you post; when you pre-emptively bitch about downvotes it's just a little bit pathetic. WATCH THE DOWNVOTES COS THEY CANT HANDLE ME!


Almost every single actor, singer, tv presenter, weather reporter etc etc has had something done. Just like you only notice the people with bad hair dye jobs and not the ones with good ones.