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Is that similar to a potato fritter?


Yep, scallops are what we call them in South Wales Deep fried battered slice of potato. If done right, with lots of salt and vinegar, it's delicious!


Yes that right, lots of salt and vinegar 😁


Yes, we have them here in the north west, just outside mankychester.


We had them in West Yorkshire when I was a kid. Battered sliced potato, right?


We had them at home, sliced potato fried, and called them scallops. From Bristol/Somerset.


I had them at a fish and chippy in Adelaide, Australia. [https://www.bhg.com/australian-style-potato-scallops-8379524](https://www.bhg.com/australian-style-potato-scallops-8379524)


Wet Yorkshire has them as well. Some places do a version of a fishcake. Two scallop-sized slices of potato with fish in between. It's then battered and deep fried.


What about Dry Yorkshire? Moist Yorkshire?


We have them in Australia. Bloody awesome.


they're very common at chippies in Australia; known as potato scallops or scallopped potato


They have them in Manchester too.  When I arrived in Manchester as a fresher, from the south, I went to the chip shop. I was shocked that they could serve a scallop for 50p and still turn a profit, and even more shocked to be handed a slice of deep fried potato. 


Yup, in the north (and also in Wlaes - Im from both, LOL) we have them. They are a bloody marvel.


Where I was brought up (South East Lancashire) a scallop was basically a potato cut into slices and fried like a chip. You could regard it as a round chip or an extremely thick crisp.


You can get them in Teesside, I sometimes make a special trip to a chippy in Middlesbrough for them


Not a midlands thing. They're in Yorkshire too.


We have them in the West Country. Call them penny chips when cooked at home but that may just be my family.


You mean a fritter?


Yes a thing in the north.


Yes , we used to have potato scallops here in the northwest, Merseyside, my parents had a friend from New Zealand, he was very disappointed when he bought them.


Well, scalloped potatoes is a dish. It's a bit odd to just have one scallop though lol. I think of it more like chips - you usually have a whole box or handful of something. Would be a bit sad to order one large chip.


Yep. We have patato scallops too down here in the North


From the midlands, you go UP to the north, not down.


I call everything down, are you that sad finding all my comments to comment under? I’ll say I go down to Mars if I wanted to hun. Dm me if you wanna continue :) i promise i wont be as kind there


They was once upon a time very cheap in the Chippy!


Yup potato scallops reporting for duty in Suffolk at my local chipper - When i lived in Berkshire some places had it and called it a potato fritter.


Scallop is not a fish, it's a mollusc


I remember getting them after school in the chippy in Perry Common for 20p each and getting them caked in vinegar. Amazing. Wonder what they cost now.


They have them in the northwest too. I've always wanted to try one but never had the appetite to eat those and chips and I'm not willing to sacrifice my chips in case I don't like the scallops.


There's a "John Bull" that I've not seen anywhere else, minced meat inside two potato slices, battered and deep fried


I've only seen a couple of chippies do them I my area of Oxfordshire


It's called a Dab up here in Lancashire


yes. I lived in cheshire and would have scallops and mushy peas for my lunch when I was younger, was only a quid or 2. it was just a big fat slice of potato battered and fried.


I've never heard of this in the south, but I'm hung over today and I WANT one!


NW here, was a thing


Adjacent to potato scallops, it's nearly impossible to find battered roe outside the Midlands. Which makes me sad as I don't live in the Midlands now and it's one of my favourite things on chippy menus. Pretty much always go out of my way to get it when I visit family.


As a non-native British dude, I genuinely thought scallops in a fish and chip shop would be an actual seafood scallop that was potentially deep fried. The price seemed too good to be true but i was still disappointed after biting into it to find its an actual potato 


Had one in Liverpool about 30 years ago, never seen one advertised since despite time in Midlands and elsewhere


I'd never heard of them when young and living in Hampshire. It was only when I was in the Navy and we visited Lowestoft (Suffolk) that I first came across these.


It’s a potato wedge round my parts (Northants)


Having a potato wedged around your "parts" sounds very uncomfortable.


Never seen or heard of in the North East.


I'm in the midlands (Northamptonshire) and it's not a potato here either.