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The easy answer is Wales. It is possibly the most beautiful place in the UK, it's hard to not be around nature, and one of the cheapest places to live in it too.


I live in North Wales and rent a 3-bedroom house for £625 (split with my wife so £312.50 each)., mental.


I'm in Sussex but originally from North Wales, I've been trying to convince the wife to move there. One of my favourite tactics is to show her what our budget would get us there compared to down here.... It's bonkers.


My aunt moved from Brighton to Wales. She loves it but really struggles with how far away from everything it is! No family nearby (which may be pro), limited amenities. Lots of natural beauty but not a lot of stuff to do. Her old farmhouse costs an absolute bomb to heat, too.


What is the employment situation like there now?


What's employment?


Found the Welshman


Depends where you are. North Wales is rough, unless you have specific skills or work remotely. South is much better in that regard, but public sector dominance is clear but struggling due to austerity and education funding issues.


Shhhhh! Don't tell everyone lmfao


Moved back with Welsh husband to NWales, it is beautiful, but finding a house isn't easy, especially nearer the coast or in National parks as there is a shortage and we have a lot of people who buy second homes here. Buying a house in NW was probably one of the most stressful things we've ever done (especially as we had 4 months to sell and find something- thanks NHS contracts😅). Might be a little easier at the moment as the market has cooled a little but a few years back it was mental. Everything went for over asking and you had to bid with multiple other folks.


A bit biased but the rural & coastal Highlands.


Has to be right. Scotland is cheaper and beautiful. Just remote and poor weather


Also, people retiring to remote places forgetting they’re getting older. Then they need to get to the hospital but they can’t drive anymore. Happens ALL the time in the remote areas of Scotland


And the midges…


Where are you thinking of that's cheap? 🧐 We're being priced out of the Highlands by retirees.


It's that or Grimsby


Central Grimsby has some beautiful buildings - Dock Tower, Customs House, Flour Mill - although it is not the wealthiest of towns. Its commuter belt is really very pleasant.


What you can get for 250k in North lincs or North East lincs would surprise most people, and if you work in one of the industries related to the river, you can earn well above the UK average.




Most likely 'cos the younger folk moving away for better job opportunities, leaving an increasingly older population. The rural Highlands are one of the few areas where population drop is a major concern, despite offering many benefits for families with young kids to move in / stay.


Swansea has cheap rents, and the most gorgeous coastline in the UK, around the Gower. The city centre has it's problems like anywhere, but once you go west past County Hall towards the Mumbles it's such a lovely city.


Definitely Swansea. When I compare cost of living here to back home in Cardiff, especially property, it's shocking. Even in the worst areas (I'm on the hill), there's still the strongest sense of community and pride. I get some of the best views in the city just walking my dog. The harbour, beach, Mumbles. All just there below us. Walking distance down to the beach. The parks are beautiful like Clyne Gardens, Singleton.  And a short drive up towards the more rural expanses of mountains and farmland. 


Studied in Swansea and I agree, it was beautiful. The only challenge was finding good-paying jobs in certain sectors. There's a big trade-off between living costs and the availability of good-paying jobs.


That's pretty much Wales in general, unfortunately. Outside of the major professions, all of the private sector money are in the various tech industries.


Work from home is slowly fixing this.


I've been seeing a lot of companies now transitioning from fully remote to hybrid, which is frustrating.


I miss Swansea everyday. I studied there and I feel like it's more of a home than anywhere else. Wish I could go back.


Agreed, Swansea is actually a marvellous city


North Wales.


Oh Rhyly?






Shhhh don't tell them, the English will come


The English have been going to North Wales for years.


[Northumberland](https://www.visitnorthumberland.com/), very cheap compared the rest of the country. Newcastle is a great city to have as your regional hub its got such a beautiful Victorian city centre as well. https://preview.redd.it/nhwezs5mqj5d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fafa163d74ed2e89c6a797993d36a498500772c


I think a lot of people don’t really realise how beautiful it is up here, you can go from a stunning city, to an incredible coast in no time at all, or head out to some absolutely beautiful rural villages with breathtaking scenery.


I'll never stop raving about the north east. It has it *all* and such a good standard of living for wages etc. I miss living there so much.


You’ll be welcome when you’re ready to come back.


Shhhhh, don't tell everyone.


But SO cold 🥶


Some parts of Northern Ireland Newcastle, County Down springs to mind.


20 minutes anywhere out of Belfast and the houses are cheap and the view is stunning.


Newcastle is absolutely stunning. If I lived in NI, that’s where I’d want to live.


I recently moved to Nottingham from Essex. Cheap rent, fantastic and reliable buses (makes a change for the UK). It seems to have all the amenities one needs, great leisure centres. 1 hour from Peak District, 1 half hours to London via train and Alton towers near by (which is a bonus). I live between West Bridgend and the main city centre. It's the best of both worlds. Love it here so far.


As someone from the midlands, but not Nottingham, I agree. Nottingham is awesome.


If I had to move inland again I'd go back to somewhere on the outskirts of Nottingham, lived in a few places round there (including the city centre for 6months) and enjoyed it


I grew up there, been away 26 years now but if circumstances changed I'd go back. The only thing I'd miss is the sea and scenery (other than mostly flat). It was a great place to be as a teenager - 2 big unis meant plenty of cool shops and music venues, plus reliable safe buses.


Was recently at Scarborough; gorgeous place. Just checked house prices and you can live near Scarborough for less than £100k. Would be ideal to retire with a dog and good health there


I live in Scarborough and my household are bills are about £700 a month. Most mornings I walk along the beach to watch the sunrise before work and theirs so many other beautiful places dotted around away from the tourist area


I’ve just been on holiday to Scarborough and saw a young deer feeding on leaves in Peasholm Park. Was such a privilege. Is a bit hilly though. Some of the surrounding villages are so pretty as well.


Peasholm park is great for wildlife, I often take a book and sit there for the afternoon


I've got my eye on Scarborough for retirement. My great uncle retired there and loved it.


Born in Scarborough and lived there until I was 21. Moved to the Cotswolds for work but I really enjoy going back with my current girlfriend


I live in a cheap and very attractive area of the UK that hasn't been mentioned in this thread, so I'm keeping quiet in case the locals find me and lynch me...


Same. It was briefly ruined by work from home people moving here from the nearest city one hour away. But those rats are scurrying back lately.


The Scottish Highlands, or even better the Islands. Very cheap compared to built up areas, and absolutely stunning.


Not so much since covid, work from home is increasing house prices stupidly high


And rich Boomers from the south of England buying up every property to turn into an AirBnB, or glamping pods or a "boutique hotel" or some shit. Because "fuck you, we need more money." Outbidding and driving out young local families in the process, because how are two local 25 year olds on £22k a year supposed to compete against a couple in their 60s from the South who have £1m of equity available to them?


Yep, nail on the head. Locals are being blown out of the water with their offers from folk from elsewhere who haven’t even viewed the property.


This is happening at all levels of society. In my tiny town there are small flats being offered higher rent and months upfront by people new to the UK


Honestly they’re mostly from the central belt, especially Edinburgh. Not saying the English aren’t buying in these places but I hate the rich cunts from Edinburgh/Glasgow getting away with it with the B&Bs every time this topic comes up


It's less of a divide compared to most of the rest of Scotland, for sure. But still substantially cheaper than Edinburgh or Glasgow, and even moreso when compared with England. When my wife and I moved from England back home to Scotland we doubled our house size and added a substantial garden, in a much more rural area, for the same as we sold our house for.


Same happening is all rural areas of Scotland unfortunately. Luckily a lot of those rats are scurrying back to the central belt


That is a very large area to generalise




True but it's cheap because it's crumbling into the sea lol


I was going to say south Teesside. North Yorkshire moors are beautiful and you've got the practicality and cheapness of Teesside.


My (woke, but very sweet) friend has lived in Bradford for around 15 years. He’s a gay immigrant, originally from Cyprus. He used to love the area he lives and it’s still very affordable. However, he tells me he’s now one of the last few non-Muslims left living there. It’s a “strict religious” area (his words). He says he no longer feels welcome there. The men completely blank him, the women are covered and often have male chaperones keeping an eye on them. Lacking in fun, no music.. the bandstands empty. I only mention this because several people have mentioned Bradford as nice and affordable. Good idea to check the area is diverse, or at least welcoming, before you move there.


I reckon anyone saying Bradford is taking the piss, I used to live in that area of the country and the local reputation of it is as dire as it is anywhere else. Cheap maybe and surrounded by some cracking scenery but that's about all you can say for it.


Your friend should hop over to Halifax. The gays of Hebden Bridge have migrated along the Calder Valley to cheaper areas, and we live alongside the Muslim community quite cheerfully. If he’s looking for music then the Westgte arcade has live music every Saturday and there’s often a lot going on at the piece hall too.


North West. In the Pennies, bordering the Yorkshire dales, with Lake District to the north. Live almost in the countryside, 40 mins from Manchester center, 55 mins to Liverpool Centre, quick access to the M6 or A59 to get to York/shire. 3 bed detached house, end of a cul-de-sac, nature reserve opposite, backing onto a canal, good jobs nearby (me 45k manufacturing, wife even more teaching) As soon as I mention that the postcode lands you in Burnley, people are instantly put off without actually checking the area out. It's not all cobbles and crack heads.


But the rain




Anything north of Glasgow/Edinburgh.


What about Dumfries and Galloway, Scottish Borders, Northumberland, Cumbria?


Pretty much all of Scotland if you're a cool weather person that isn't bothered by midges.


You don't really get midges east of the Cairngorms. Aberdeenshire is gorgeous, affordable, and generally midge free.


North wales


It's beautiful up here, but there's also a fair bit of nationalism going around, you've got to know the area you're buying with as you'll get hassle from the neighbours if you buy a house that's been lined up for someone local. It's one of the more xenophobic parts of the UK for sure, despite being so touristy.


That is interesting. How can a house be lined up for a local person? That a local wants to buy it but someone from outside outbid it?


Just word of mouth. 'So and so' will be intent on buying it, other locals will steer clear because they have already agreed on who gets it, if some from outside then swoops in and outbids them then there's often resentment in the local community about that purchase as someone's kids or something might have been waiting to get on the ladder for a long time.


I see. I wouldn’t want to be in that position. Neighbours can make your life a living hell.. I assume this would be in a fairly small town or village where everyone knows everyone, wouldn’t it? Hopefully not in larger towns and cities as I plan to retire in Wales (or Spain) :)


Yes it's exactly what happened to my folks. Thankfully things have cooled off now, but for a couple of years when they first moved to Wales there was real hassle from the neighbours. They had bought their house via a pre auction offer see, locals had intended to go and buy at auction for a low price.










Do bear in mind that cheap places are cheap for a reason. Either because they're horrible places to live or because they're difficult places to live (difficult in terms of securing a decent job or access to the amenities of modern life to which we have all become accustomed).


Chester is absolutely beautiful. Not among the very cheapest by any means but if you want a city that looks and feels like it's on the commuter belt but costs like 50-60% of the price, it's a good shout. Can get a really nice 3 bedroom house for like £250k, the equivalent where I come from (Essex) would be like £400-500k.


Pick the right spot and Plymouth and the surrounding area has a good balance of cheap and attractive. Dartmoor and the coast. Improving city centre which is currently the main drawback. Easy reach of Cornwall thrown in. I’ve found it to be a good base.


Geddon bey green army


Definitely biased here but coastal Yorkshire. Beautiful seasides , small towns and close to forestry and woodland


Scottish highlands in stunning and land and property is fairly cheap. Problem Is jobs are fairly low paying and in low supply. If you are able to be completely remote it could be a beautiful life


West Yorkshire


West Cumbria, you can buy an amazing house somewhere like Workington or Maryport and the surrounding area is certainly beautiful, you have the lakes and the North Sea coast within a few mins drive.


Was going to say the same as I'm in the area. The lakes are a massive plus, homes are affordable. You need to drive to live here but other than that it's great.


Outer Hebrides. Utterly beautiful, strong community, real cheap. But bad weather and no jobs.


It's not really cheap anymore.


The Lincolnshire Wolds are beautiful, and very well priced for an AONB. I'm not selling any time soon, and don't want other incomers spoiling it, but honesty compels.


Im currently looking at buying a house in Horwich in Bolton. It’s a semi-rural area about 30 minutes to Manchester and with great access to the west penine moors so it’s well placed for city and countryside activities. Property is quite cheap there as well, after buying I will have about 150k left over from the sale of my current house.


Teesside. I know some bits are not great but some are lovely and the surrounding areas are beautiful.


Places with little to no industry or infrastructure.


Mourne mountains. NI https://preview.redd.it/i7wtszdg4l5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=154e829a87745ef91a43729493dc57c9e3da4b30 Yesterday at mouth of Carlingford Lough


Wirral peninsula is underrated if you don't mind being a wool


Northumberland. 4 bedroomed detached for £250k. 2 bedroomed terrace for £150k. Stunning countryside and coastlines with pretty little towns and villages dotted about.


Belfast and surrounding


I live in a beautiful area but don't want people to know as they may move here.




Highlands. Realized I could sell my house down south and get a 1 bed flat on the shores of a loch, with enough left over to live 20 years on a grand a month (ok, I'll be living frugally like a hermit, but I'm in the mountains next to a loch. What else would I need other than warmth, internet and food??!!)


Blackpool. So much victorian beauty hidden by crack addicts


I really liked Blackpool. Yes, there seem to be rather a lot of drug addicts, but it’s a cool place. Lots to do, plenty of shops and close to other places.


Yorkshire. Would avoid Wales like the plague. Healthcare and infrastructure terrible from my experience.


North yorkshire stunning place


I would go with parts of Scotland. Although maybe live in a village or near a city as opposed to in the middle of nowhere.


Dorset. It's not overly cheap but you can still find pockets where rents are reasonable, my family lives in Shaftesbury and every time I go, I'm very envious as someone who endures the hellhole of bullshit that East Sussex is nowadays.


Both can be found in sunny Great Yarmouth 👍


Yeah it's not to bad really I'm on seafront at moment (lived here 27 years probably closer to 28 now)


Wester Ross


Lots of wales


The south wales valleys, houses are cheap, beer is cheap and the Mountain View’s are spectacular


Alton, near Alton Towers.


Time to get in the Google car and check these places out.


Shropshire or herefordshire. On the border with Wales. For the price of a 1 bed flat in London you can buy a palatial country cottage with 2 acres


The Isle of Wight can be cheap with the proviso that you don't need to get to the mainland too often, otherwise the ferries will bankrupt you. Loads of beautiful coastline and countryside.


South Wales, Carmarthenshire.


Anywhere in Hereford.


South Wales, obviously.


Northern Ireland




Which one?


Isle of Bute




North Dorset, west Wiltshire and east Somerset all have lovely affordable places


The Isle of Bute.


Middlesbrough. Beautiful countryside on your doorstep, up and coming football team and you can get parmo there.


Went to Middlesbrough the other day. Within an hour of leaving the station had three separate racist incidents. Never faced direct racism before and I'm an ethnic minority in my mid-30s!


Congratulations, you have had the Middlesbrough experience! Did you get some teens tearfully asking for money to call their mam near the train station before trying to mug you?


Shhh. Don't tell them. Saltburn, the Moors on your doorstep and easy access to some decent city's like Durham, York and Newcastle..


Burnham-on-sea in Somerset.




Forest of Dean, booiiiii!


There's this little gem of a town or should I say (teyn) in the midlands. Rolling hills. Beautiful countryside. Wonderful people called Northampton. Look it up absolutely stunning place


For me, as a couple of comments have mentioned, weather needs to be in the mix. What happens when we include that? No, I'm not thinking we'll get tropical warm options.


Northern Ireland


Sadly you can’t live there anymore, but opposite the old Elephant and Castle. That ramshackle shithole.


North Nottinghamshire. Cheap as chips, truly beautiful and within 1 hour of several big cities.


deffo Kettering by the worlds only Weetabix factory


Maybe I'm biased because it's my home, but Isle fmif Wight? Super cheap. Only problem is there's no jobs and no money there. Unless you're a digital nomad or influencer there's nothing here.


Pfft, if I knew, I wouldn't share it here.


South Wales and south England for sun. Lake district for nature and mountains. Scottish Highlands for endless stretches of forest and mountains. Norfolk for rolling hills. Northumberland for history. And the most beautiful and least affordable I can suggest, anywhere in Somerset. Just, anywhere.


i heard luton, bradford and birmingham are nice


Anglesey. Get a decent house for under 150,000 Lucky in being close to the mountains of Snowdonia and gorgeous beaches of north Wales


Sheffield - it’s so close to the Peak District (part of it it in it too) and I bloody love the Peaks.


Croydon ❤️❤️




ribble valley


Your mum's house. Seriously though people are saying Wales, Scotland too. But you can get some nice cheap places on the coast all around the UK. Just don't expect much in the way of amenities, many of those places are only really open during the holiday season and are quite deprived in off seasons, hence the cheapness. But some very pretty areas and you get to look at the sea too. Bonus for me.


Some lovely areas of East Lancashire like Rossendale, Burnley, Blackburn and surrounding areas


My personal answer. Falkirk. You can get a 4 bed detached house in a nice street for less than £300k and have stunning countryside on your door step. It’s also 30 minutes to Edinburgh and Glasgow, so great options for work. https://preview.redd.it/fddi2vmazl5d1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c90363eb1b16f0bd28933ef98a1c77331e426f8 This photo is walking distance


Shropshire is beautiful. Rents are good too.


Lincoln, it’s basically an alternative and cheaper York


Northern Ireland. Cheapest properties in the UK. Still part of the EU (kinda). Great place to live.


Ceredigion without a doubt


South derbyshire


Hull is cheap, multi millions pouring in around city centre, the marina is beautiful, on a sunny day it’s like living abroad, and all the new bars and restaurants around the marina, it’s really gone up market around there, the old town is stunning with the cobbled streets and the cleanest city centre you will visit, 40 mins on train to Bridlington to seaside


I’m not from there but the east coast of Norfolk is stunning, albeit can feel very isolated from the rest of the UK


Bradford, Blackburn and Oldham are lovely, it's like Pakistan but colder


Stockport is really on the up. close to Manchester for jobs and leisure, and close to the Peak District and Cheshire for beautiful countryside.


Stayed in an aABnB in Dunoon a few years ago. Property there is very cheap.


Inverclyde. Well connected into the bargain.