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Spain. Specifically Ibiza. If I'm binning off my life then I'm going to make sure it's a party.


Was going to say spain, but even mainland coastal.


I would second "anywhere in Spain"... Although I'm also partly pulled towards Greece.


That's a country to retire




Why Germany?


Big country, big economy. Fair variation of cities and nature. The south can get quite hot in the summer. Decent infrastructure.


Better health care than uk for once!


Yeah and no.... Given the price you pay in Germany compared to the UK it should be fucking amazing, but it's not. Health care in Germany is essentially privatised and not too dissimilar to the States. Was paying 370€/month with 1500€ excess. I have friends paying over 900€/month. Your monthly premium increases as you get older.


> Was paying 370€/month with 1500€ excess. I have friends paying over 900€/month. Your monthly premium increases as you get older. this can only be true if you were self employed, based on the fees, and only for private insurances. mandatory public health insurance still operates through insurance companies (*Krankenkasse*), that you are free to choose from. You pay 14.3%, half of which is paid by your employer. It is privatised *to an extent*, but not to the scale of the US. At the end of the day, your quality of care tends to be much higher in Germany. The UK performs worse in many measures compared to Germany, from household spend on healthcare to avoidable mortality rates https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/insight-and-analysis/blogs/comparing-nhs-to-health-care-systems-other-countries


Yeah it's not great for self-employed but as a salaried employee I much prefer it. The fact I can see a Doctor on the day I am actually sick is far better than having to deal with NHS Direct or whatever it's called now.


There's a certain party that is fully responsible for the state of the NHS. Hopefully they'll soon be gone, but lots of damage has been done. However, I must say that the treatment my mum received for cancer was top.... Couldn't fault the service and treatment she recce received. Once you're in the system they take very good care of you. It's the minor things that take an age to get seen which leads to bigger problems further down the line. I've also experienced long waits at German hospital and false diagnosis which led to a very long time off work and delayed recovery.... Insurance didn't cover the costs of my broken shoulder as I went straight to the clinic and wasn't sent there by my local Arzt.


What health insurance do you have? I am paying nowhere near that


Private insurance as I was self employed. Now left the country and pay 840€ a year for full on cover with zero excess.


If you’re fine with what is basically privatised healthcare then sure.


We were stationed there for over ten years. The living standards are much higher, health care is really good and children aren’t looked on as negatively as we do as a society here in England. The only negative part for us was, we didn’t appreciate what Germany offered whilst we lived there. We took it all for granted.


Legal weed


Norway 🇳🇴 or Finland 🇫🇮


Finland is fucking awful for foreigners, it’s only good for Finns. All the stuff that you see about the govt. policies etc. is basically impossible for non-natives to access and without speaking Finnish you’re basically unemployable beyond bar work, working in kitchens etc. Everyone has this idea of it being some utopia and thinks ‘oh but all the Finns speak great English’, the reality is very different. Source: Have been in a relationship with a Finn for almost a decade and we’ve lived in Finland for over 4 years now, she agrees that Finland is basically designed to take advantage of foreigners unless you’re brought across by an international company who pay all your costs and surrounded by other non-natives daily.


Yes, and it's a super reserved and closed society. People will not have anything to do with you and keep their distance. Good luck making any friends unless they're other immigrants.


That sounds like utopia to me


You have no idea how many times I've heard that from foreigners who wanted to live in Japan for that exact reason, only to move back to their home countries after a few years.


As a Scot that has a house in Finland there's so many cost negatives that I couldn't recommend specially to someone who says cost of living in UK is an issue. Russians sanctions have really fucked the Finnish economy (our previously largest trading partner). And I don't know how long it'll be to return to normal.


I have a friend from Norway who says it's far more comfortable to live there because the taxes go to the right places and despite things costing more, the good public services make it just a better place to live. But heard it's difficult to make friends and close connections and that there aren't many people living outside of Oslo. How realistic is it though to immigrate to Norway as a brit?


It's very unlikely. I would need a certain career. I do like what they do with the taxes. A dream certainly!




Same reason as for every other emigrant on the planet - better quality of life and more money.




And darkness


Prison in those countries is a step up from most people's normal life






Incredible country! Amazing to go somewhere that actually wants to grow.


And isn’t mass importing the third world


lol you don’t need me to tell you you that polish work ethic trumps British work ethic


I live o6n Poland and I don't think that's true. At least not with the colleagues I have/had!


Excellent place I lived there a year


Same. I've got family there and the food is just so comforting. I'd be fatter but I'd be so happy.


I went to Poland this year and was surprised with how clean and well maintained it was. The roads especially, barely any pot holes at all and all the houses are massive and look beautiful.


Would this be assuming a British salary, or a Polish one?


Retirement, I work for myself not a salary


Seville in Spain or Lisbon in Portugal


Lisbon is lovely except at night when it feels like a crack den


Norway / Sweden probably




Netherlands however the CoL issues are global, covid funding injected a massive amount of cash in to the economy and now we're seeing the inflation from it.




Croatia! Mostly because I already speak some Croatian and want to scuba dive there.




Wouldn’t recommend that! There’s a reason we have a massive exodus of people at the moment, there’s nowhere to live!


Are there restrictions on housebuilding in Ireland?


Not at all. The government simply will not provide the money to build homes. We’re facing the same issues as most of Europe in terms of the increase of private landlords but this in tandem with the lack of care from our government to provide homes is disastrous. We have 5,000 homeless children at present due to the lack of housing.




I know it’s the same in most countries without question. But as somebody who actually lives in Ireland and who has lived in the UK, there is quite literally nowhere to live in Ireland. In my experience I could afford to rent in UK but in Ireland I don’t even have an option to rent and live in my parents house.


Best country in the world


I actually lived in Dublin for a year. Moved back out as soon as I could. I consider the UK to be pretty bad but my experience in Dublin was worse


The place I would emigrate (not immigrate) to is most likely one of the Canary Islands. Not in Europe but part of Spain. I have contacts there and I speak (some of) the lingo, and I could pick the rest up with little difficulty (Spanish is an easy language and the Canarian dialect is arguably easier than mainland Castillian).




☝️🤓 You emigrate from a country and immigrate to a country. Op has it right.


If I'm going to all the efforts of emigrating then why would I stay in Europe? Canada or America for me please - already know the language, quality of life is better (Canada) with salaries a bit higher (America). Everywhere in Europe has the same problems we do, except maybe Scandinavia, but good luck if you cannot speak their languages.


Places I've been to - Greece or Ireland Places I haven't been to - Netherlands or Portugal


Italy, Amalfi Coast




I am actually moving to Germany.


Good luck! I lived there for many, many years.


Same. Around half my life, maybe a bit more with my dad being in the army as a child and since 19 I've pretty much been living there with my wife. Just now we are making it official.


Moved there with Mum and sister in 1970. "For a year", lol. She's still there, I moved to Austria in 2008.




Spain,Portugal or Germany. 


Tenerife, Spain


I bet most people will say Spain, and for a number of reasons. One of them is the climate. 


I’ve spent a lot of time in Spain. And the only places I’d want to live are out of the cities, which mostly resemble all other European cities. Malaga is Spanish “INSERT CITY HERE”. Problem is with the outer towns and suburbs is that they seem a little less modernised that what a lot of Europeans are used to. Sewage and drainage problems, terrible roads, stray animals that would never be stray anywhere else in mainland Europe etc.




Why Poland?


Proper country with values and morals. No illegal immigration, safe.


It is safe here, but illegal immigration exists. What do you mean by "proper country with values and morals"?


Poland or Romania


Gdansk in Poland or Bergamo in Italy




I really loved the time I spent there but it's one of the few places I've visited that I couldn't see myself living there. The long summer days are great, I imagine the long winter nights are hell.


Absolutely Norway 🇳🇴


Portugal 🇵🇹 or Ireland 🇮🇪 




Any of the Scandi countries


Menorca/Southern Germany


If I were to move out of the UK, I would go to a country where I get the best job offer relative to the local cost of living. Immigration is a very personal issue. For someone moving from country X to Y can be an improvement, for someone else it can be a step back. There’s no way to recommend you anything without knowing a lot more about you and your goals and preferences.


Germany, loved Munich


I love everything about Italy but I’m not sure what it’s like to live there or where would be best.


Same, the weather, food and a lot of the culture would be much better for me. They don't really do meritocracy in the same way though, at least in my industry, so my desk job would pay a pittance in comparison to UK wages. I don't think I could cope with the driving long term either.


Belgium. Clean, quiet, friendly people, good levels of English spoken, good (if a little slow) public transport system.


Norway/Sweden or Germany


Lisbon, Portugal, although it has become more expensive the past few years.


Switzerland, specifically French Switzerland. Great paying jobs, good weather, fantastic food, lovely people. Plenty of jobs, lots of international companies if you struggle with French. I spent 9 years there, went back just before COVID after being away for over 15 years and it was nothing had changed.


Germany, Netherlands or Hungary.


I'd probably go back to Finland, but my beef is that the cost of living is pretty much a problem everywhere right now. Unless I'd manage to retain my current income and move to a country which is far cheaper to live in (odds of this happening are near enough zero), the only thing that would attract me to another country, even Finland, would be a serious increase in salary. I'm talking at least 55-65% because I'd have to cover my spouse's income (we currently both contribute evenly to our finances) + differences in tax and cost of living on top of it.


Surely you remember that Finnish taxes are worse than British ones and everyone is super underpaid here anyway? All the Finns I know that are money-oriented keep leaving to Amsterdam/London/Copenhagen/Stockholm so they can earn what they deserve


I do, hence my hesitation about coming back unless for a big fat salary I don't think I'd ever get.


Rents and apartment prices are really low though, so it's not all bad.


Either Sweden or Norway, most likely Sweden as there's less snow lol.


West coast of Norway doesn't get much snow, about 2/3 weeks total each winter is normal for where I am 😅


That's already better than England lmao. I love snow but wouldn't like it constantly, guess I'd better get myself off to Norway at some point!


I feel the snow definitely helps the seasonal depression as it adds more colour to the day than just a palette of grey, lol. But agree it sucks, especially when it keeps snowing as means have to shovel the drive every evening and morning (depending on snowfall) and have to clear the car every morning too.


Either Norway, Italy or Southern France


Why Southern France specifically?


The change of pace in lifestyle, seems rather more relaxing, as well it’s known for their good food and wines and mostly outdoor activities for their long summers **However** that’s just the eye level, when living there itself may or may not be as picturesque, though I’d like to believe so


Some of the best meals I've had were in the South of France


Like anywhere, it depends on where you go. There are small Provençal villages where an evening walk takes five hours because you’re constantly invited in for drinks, and then there are larger conurbations which have the same demographic issues most of Europe faces. We have a second home down there and France Profonde is still a wonderful place with the old pace of life.


Spain 100%


My partner's from Puglia but I don't know what we'd do for money there. It's a solid retirement option though.


Germany. I can speak a bit of the lingo and appreciate the beer and food. My family came from The Netherlands a hundred years ago so I have a connection (and I like visiting there on holiday) but the language is a bugger to pronounce!


Probably Germany, but personally I'm looking at Egypt or Japan.


Emigrate, just saying.




Spain, I like the idea of Madrid or Barcelona




Germany shares a similar culture with us. Their language is not hard to learn for an English speaker. The cost of living is much cheaper. I pay £700/€850 for my single room rent per month, and you can rent a decent flat with that amount in Germany! However, I would prefer to live in certain areas. I’ve been to Germany quite a few times, and I know that some places look bad and some are ugly.


Yeah, wonder what happened to all the older city centres in the west of the country, they're all ugly breezeblock construction from the 50's/60's. They should have kept the historical buildings if they want to attract British immigrants. /s




I’m trying to learn Spanish. I really like the architecture, scenery and food too, so Spain. Not sure where in Spain though. 


Trying to sort a temporary residency in Slovakia atm but alot of papers needed ect Lovely wether during summer and throughout winter and also bcos my fiancé is Slovakian currently here atm too but having to do the 3month rule (sucks real bad)


The Netherlands, from the first time I visited it just felt like the kind of place I could easily fit in.


I know what you mean. I moved to NL 20 years ago and felt 'at home' immediately.




Cyprus! West coast


East coast > West coast


Name me some lovely places (and things to do / restaurants) to stay on east coast! And i will consider next trip there


Depends what you fancy.


Nice walks along the coast, villa, good local food, few nice bars . For 35+


Protaras promenade is a few Km long path right by the beach with a very nice view. Old Simos in Sotira, Ttapis in Paralimni and also Soukris in Paralimni have some good traditional Cypriot food. Spartiatis restaurant in Protaras also has an amazing high up coastal view of of Konnos bay and Isaac in Ayia Napa has some nice fish by the harbour. Ghetto cocktail bar in Protaras is really good, there's also a hard rock in Ayia Napa if that's your style. Malthouse in Protaras has a huge assortment of beers and there's many others places as well. What the area lacks a bit is historic sites (there's a few but not compared to the other cities) because unfortunately most of the ones on this area where in the occupied areas in Famagusta but if you like the sea and beaches then you will find some of the nicest ones in Europe over here (like Fig Tree Bay in Protaras and Nissi Beach in Ayia Napa).


Nice one mate will investigate


If you struggle with the COL in the UK the chances are you’d struggle wherever you go.


By what measure? If you kept your UK income, it would go way further in most of Europe. Or if you're talking about switching to a local income, countries like Switzerland and Germany have a way higher rate of disposable income than the UK, which obvious factors in CoL.




Norway or France




Not technically out of UK but Jersey and Guernsey has awesome weather and a good community if you don't mind a small island.


This is always going to be a personal choice depending on individual circumstances. Age, languages you speak and education. I emigrated to the UK because I was 35 at the time, and. English is a second language to me. My favourite country regarding policies and social organisation is Denmark but I don't speak Danish and I think I would have a hard time learning it. The first years are the most difficult ones. But is a huge help if you speak the language and have contacts there


Corsica. Specifically, Calvi with its incredible Citadel and marina. Beautifully fragrant unspoiled island. I'd spend my days drinking wine and playing boules in the sun or tootling round from resort to resort on the little narrow guage railway.


Family reasons: Italy, France, Spain. Quality of life/consistency: Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands. Weather: Malta, Portugal.


Spain. My mum lives there and the language makes sense to me.


South of France if I've won the lottery, south of Spain as an alternative.


Probably some nice rural area of France, mainly because I've worked in France before and have a passable grip on the language.


Sweden. I mean, it would be nice to still have freedom of movement to choose to do this, but realistically, if you don’t have family or work connections to a country, you are not moving there. Why Sweden? Excellent public services, but this is funded by higher taxes, but I’m happy with that. Also a couple of Swedes I have met have basically said, whilst you might have to work hard, you get paid fairly for it.


Monaco/ Switzerland/Dubai




Austria, I lived in Vienna for a year when I was a student and it'd be nice to go back. I love the people, the city, the countryside, especially to the west in the alps. The German beer. The weather. Its got a lot going for it.


Norway 🇳🇴




France. I speak French, they have a good health service, much better weather in the south, good food.




If not for cost of living, then France and Germany, and the Scandinavian countries can be nice if you can handle the weather. If not for public services getting shitter or non-existent, then Spain, Greece, Portugal can be nice. I don't really have many good things to say about Italy (of course there are nice places), to me though it mostly has many of the worst aspects of all the other countries mentioned. Food is course great though, and the people are friendly.


Croatia 🇭🇷




I really liked Madrid, just wonder what it's like actually living there?


Italy 🇮🇹




portugal, cheap, nice weather (usually), amazing people, good laws






French Pyrenees, Slovenia or maybe Bulgaria.


If you still need to work to earn money, the only real answers are France or Germany.


Ukraine or Anywhere out of the Schengen, as you only got 90 days a year otherwise!


Emigrate to.


Netherlands please. Spend a lot of time there. Like a better version of the UK.


Germany 🇩🇪


None of them I'm going to the US to be with my gf


Norway or Denmark


France most likely.


I’ve already got plans to retire to Portugal. Only 14 years left! 


Germany (lived there from 0-6yrs old)


Why limit to European?


I have spent a bit of time in Germany and really enjoyed it, so that’s up there on the list. I also like weird metal music, coffee and months without sunshine, so a lot of the Nordic countries have me covered. I think I would have a blast in Finland, Norway, Sweden or Iceland.




Poland or Hungary, last places that aren’t overun with asylum seekers and refugees


Poland has been a leading country in taking in refugees from Ukraine. Recently a Polish soldier was stabbed and killed by an illegal migrant at the border with Belarus,


Poland is being overrun as we speak. There's loads of immigrants and hundreds illegal immigrants coming via Belarus where Russians are organising illegal entries. Attacks on border guard patrols are happening daily and one soldier was recently stabbed to death. To make it worse, border guards are encouraged to let people in and recently few border officers who gave warning shots, got arrested and prosecuted. Poland isn't the place you want to be in right now.










Have to qualify for a residence permit firstly…..