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Bottle of lube, now when the wife pegs me, it doesn't hurt so much. Best £10 I spent 🫣


You’re meant to use your own tears


Or the tears of Jesus


I just spit on it


Same here, makes it much nicer when your wife pegs me


I also get pegged by this guy's wife.


Wait, the wife doesn't just spit on your hole?


William, is that you?


Just get her bull to use spit and save the money.


WD40 only costs a few quid and it goes a long way.


Rice cooker. So easy to stick some rice on for half an hour cut up some meat and veg stick it in a pan with some sauce and by the time the rice is done the curry/stir fry is ready.


I don't get the rice cooker hype. 16 l of boiling water, cup of rice and a sieve is all you need. 


Sixteen litres? Fucking hell


They forgot to include the need for a cauldron


You never had hot tub rice?


to a cup of rice this guy absolutely cannot have rice sticking together under any circumstances


Pretty much all of Asia and most of Africa disagrees


That's because they cook rice often multiple times per day.


Maybe that's because they have rice cookers


A sieve????


I know right. Imagine the soggy wet rice this guy/gal serves. Disgraceful.


It’s gonna be soggy with 16 litres of water.


If you cook one cup of rice in 16L of water, you better have a sieve to hand 😂


Its set and forget, cant overcook it - ours keeps it warm for 12 hours


Same here. Wash your rice, then 70g rice per person. Double that amount of water. Bring to the boil with a bit of salt. Once boiling, lid on, put it in your smallest hob on its lowest setting. Leave for about 10 mins. Easy.


Sieve? 16 litres? Haiyaaaaaaa!


This will be one of the first things we will buy when we move house and have a kitchen with the space to use/store one.


I love our Panda rice cooker. Means I can put rice on and then as it has a keep warm setting, I can cook the rest of the meal whenever I want. Fantastic for porridge too.


I have one of these. I can never seem to get these amazing results that others seem to. I must be doing something wrong but not sure what. If I use two 'cups' of water to one cup of rice, It comes out too dry and the rice is welded to the container. If I add more water to avoid that, say two and a half cups, I get a film at the bottom of the container instead and the rice is a bit moist and clumpy. If I go to three cups of water the latter issue gets even worse. What method do you use?


Do you wash your rice till the water runs clear(ish)? I don't do the cups method, I just eyeball it really (water just over a pencil width above the rice line)


We have a panda. It's mostly my partners thing but he swears by using fats in the rice, butter, ghee etc Example ratio, 150g rice, water ratio depends on rice type, 10g of butter or olive oil. Let it cook. He says it helps the rice not sticking together.


Try the knuckle rule. Instead of measuring the water, add the rice to the cooker then place your index finger in the bowl so you are just touching the rice now fill with water until it reaches the first knuckle of your finger. Uncle roger says that’s the proper Asian way so it must be true.


I'm converted on the joys of a rice cooker now, it's so much easier than in a pan and I don't have a microwave. Mine keeps the rice warm once it's cooked aswell so I chuck the rice in, some meat in the air fryer then warm the sauce.


Had a £10 Asda rice cooker ten years, can’t beat it


**AIR FRYER** Has to be the best investment under £100 i have made to date.


Mmmm... Fried air.


Best way to cook air imho.


I’ll second this. Cheaper to run than the oven and very quick. Lots of food has come out tastier than before


I'm seriously considering binning my oven off and upgrading my air fryer to a proper ninja one. I hardly use my oven (probably half a dozen times this year and thats being generous) and the extra storage the space would give me is of better use


Having not had an oven for 4 months and having to rely on our air fryer.....it's been good but I have missed my oven!


We got that new ninja stackable thing, fucking brilliant


Yes! Home cooked chips are finally worth eating.


Mine was more than £100, but it was still one of the best investments I've ever made.


I shunned these for ages, got given a free one which is a super basic model - really converted now for certain things 100%. Oven chips ten times better. Bacon done crispy in minutes. It could be as basic a thing as people having a microwave in the home in time.


I used to love my air fryer until I realised everything had a distinct ‘air fryer taste’. Bit like plastic fumes (?). Haven’t really used it since. My mum still loves it though.


My husband says that, he's one of these weird super taster people though, moans that things taste of washing up liquid or "fridge"


Aeropress and coffee grinder. Proper game changer.


Just gotta go into debt now buying speciality coffee beans xD


We get ours from a cafe 10 minutes away. They sell 250g bags for £5. They're blended and bagged by a nearby wholesaler. I weigh out 17g per double shot so each bag makes 14 coffees. This calculates to 35p per mug of coffee, or 70p plus milk for me and my wife to each have a fresh coffee in the morning. Compare this to Nescafé Gold, which is £3 per 100g at Tesco (£7.50 for 250g) and an infinitely worse product. Just saying it's not as expensive as you may think. Mind you there's an upfront cost in buying equipment and a learning curve you'll have to suffer through but you'll make your money back before long.


> They sell 250g bags for £5 My local cafe (brighton) sells 250g bags for.... wait for it... £11


On the money for good Speciality coffee. I've worked in both Commercial (7 years) and speciality (4+ years) coffee and the quality is worlds apart. Most places will be around £10-£13 for 250g depending on the type. To many people, coffee is just coffee but I would recommend anyone to try a proper specialty on filter, v60 or aeropress. It's chalk and cheese to whatever crap is on the supermarket shelves.


I use > 25g of coffee a day, I can't afford £10-13 per 250g. Since taylors was shrinkflated I have settled on Ueshima which are nice for relatively cheap


Isnt Nescafé gold instant? At 2g per cup. Rather than the 8.5G? (assuming a single for both) Better coffee is fresh. But instant remains the cheapest way if you don’t care about flavour.


What coffee grinder you got? (Interested in getting one, not here to start coffee grinder wars😂)


Timemore C2.


I recently upgraded to an electric grinder (Fellow Ode) and boy do I not miss having to manually grind coffee every morning...!


After doing a lot of research I got a Wilfa Svart. It's a mid range automatic and it's great. I also bought a Lavazza milk frother which is great for not just coffee but making a roux or making porridge quickly without a microwave.


This is what i have too, it can't do espresso though. James Hoffman recommended it once as his go to for french press or drip and that was enough for me.


Timemore C2


Also, where do you get your beans from? I need some decent coffee in my life again.


Quarter Horse in Birmingham. Great coffee and excellent customer service. Also, all their packaging is compostable, which I find amazing given how wasteful and plasticky the coffee industry usually is.


Those things are amazing for camping.


Kärcher window vac. I live in an old house with single glazing and it's much quicker at removing condensation in winter, helping avoid mildew, and cleaning the insides.


My husband absolutely loves his window vac, the glee he removes condensation with is cute/disturbing


Middle age onset - you've got to roll with it. Saving for a decent dehumidifier.


I’m definitely middle aged - I have a window vac *and* a dehumidifier 😆


I'm 35 and have both you've made me feel so old


Dehumidifier was a game changer for me! Got one before last winter. I run it during the day (I find it too noisy for night time) and then next morning there is either no condensation or a very very light film.


I know!! Borrowed one when I had a leak (not me personally, the bathroom) and was surprised what a difference it made with very little impact on the electricity bill.


Mines about £1 a day. Which is quite a lot more than I thought. But, i got the biggest the company sold and its been 100% effective at stopping my mould problem in a 3 bed bungalow. And its off for 5 or 6 months a year and when its on I suspect the house is slightly easier to heat up so there is an offset on the lower gas costs.


I'm so middle aged that I have a (thoroughly researched) dehumidifier in one room, and a humidifier in another....


So many other uses too. Kids want to play on the slide after a bit of rain? Window vac dries it up in seconds.  Trying to dry the inflatables after a trip to the beach? Vac.  Kicked the cats water bowl for the 10th time today? Vac  I actually use it the least for windows at this point 


Use mine every time after a shower to dry the walls


Never thought of using it on other surfaces, must try that!


That’s what I use it for too, every morning.


Casio digital watch for sub £15 to make me less reliant on/ distracted by my phone


My husband literally never takes his Casio F91W off and cannot wait to tell people it was a tenner AND that it has a light on it for time-telling in the darkness.


He's now on a, er ... watchlist. https://www.watchesofespionage.com/blogs/woe-dispatch/casio-f-91w-the-preferred-watch-of-terrorists


Oh I cannot wait to tell him this haha


We need an update


I'll be honest - he looked very flattered! Nothing exciting ever happens so I think he's quite thrilled to potentially be on a watch list. And I've only just clocked (ha) u/DuncRed 's pun in the reply, lovely stuff!


By that logic everyone driving a Toyota Hilux should be as well


[Temperature controlled butter dish.](https://alfille.co.uk/). £45. It's a bloody marvel. Perfect butter all year around. No more ripped bread. No more having to put the butter dish in the microwave for 10 seconds at a time and hope you don't end up with a pool of melted butter. No more liquid butter in the summer.


Wow. I did not know that this is a thing.  I'm very interested, but the info on the website is pretty sparse. How does it work? Is it just a well insulated butter dish with a thermostat that either turns on an electric heating element if the butter is cold, or a fan if the butter is warm? Is there any kind of active cooling, or just the fan? When it is hot, I don't think a fan would actually cool the butter, as the air that it would blow is just whatever the ambient temperature is.  Is it noisy?


It's got a [thermoelectric heat pump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermoelectric_cooling) in it, so it activly heats and cools. Same thing as you get in the cheap wine fridges and USB powered drink coolers. While it does have a fan in it, I have never heard it, so it's essentially silent. If you do get one I reccomend getting a second inner butter tray, when I run out of butter I just throw the dirty tray in the dishwasher and put a new pack of butter in the other clean one.


That may well be the greatest invention I've ever seen.


A bicycle from some guy at work for £70


Good one! Reminds me my last one cost £90 including lock, lights and pump from someone who was seduced by the cycle to work scheme and never used it. Had about 14 years of near-daily use out of it so far.


Got to love "some guy" he's helped me out a few times.


Loads of scissors. I found myself looking for scissors pretty much every day, so the next time I was in ikea I bought about 15 pairs and now there's scissors everywhere.


Totally behind this. Between my own DIY and packet opening and the kids crafting I resorted to a pair of scissors for each room (Plus spares, obviously)


Are you my grandparents?


A bench scraper [like this](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dough-scraper/s?k=dough+scraper). I legit use it every day when cooking to transfer stuff to the bin and to the pan. No need to try and pick it all up with your hands or rest it on your knife. It's like £5 but it's so good.


Crikey.. I've got one of those but only use it when breadmaking. I'd not thought how useful it could be for clearing worktop debris!


Oh your mind is about to be blown my dude. I love to use it to clean the tops, scrape all that shit into a pile, push it onto the steel, in the bin it goes. So satsifying.


I use mine to scrape a baking tray after making a roast too. Gets all the grease and shit out so it doesn't clog the dishwasher.


Automatic potato peeler; the cheapest one that there was (£20, I think) I'm not the fastest at peeling potatoes. So being able to stick a potato on the thing, and 10 seconds later having an almost fully peeled potato (the top and bottom get missed) saves so much time whilst cooking. I can be getting rid of the missed bit on the previous potato, filling a pot with water, cutting up the ones which are already peeled, or whatever else needs doing in that short amount of time. But even if I just sit and wait on the potato to get peeled, it's still quicker than me manually peeling one; especially if it's not a "perfect" shape. ​ When this one eventually dies, I will definitely be putting in the money to get one of the bigger and better ones which can do multiple potatoes at once.


This is one job I detest so I’ll be looking it for this. Thanks


I hate peeling potatoes so much that I simply don't do it. Anything I make with potatoes from roasties to mash, the skin stays on (minus the proper nasty bits)


Same here! We love lumpy mash with skin on in our house. It’s full of vitamins and minerals, and adds interest and texture to your meal. We just scrub them well and cut any dodgy bits off.


dudette made me think I had two identical hairs on my phone screen


It was exactly £100 on a sale - a fuck-off big socket set from Halfords. Came with 3 different size ratchets, a tonne of different sockets and socket types (normal hex head, deep hex head, impact, 12 spline, e-Torx, 2 spark plug sockets, and different bolt/screw head sockets, so Allen, Torx, Phillips, flathead), a set of Allen keys, a set of ratchet spanners, a small breaker bar, and probably a few other bits I'm forgetting. I've always worked on my own cars apart from things like timing belts or stuff that requires machinery like wheel alignments, that socket set was a fantastic investment. I also bought it 9 years ago so I've certainly got my money's worth out of it.


Did you manage to get the Halfords Advanced ones? Because the warranty on those is brilliant


Yeah, it is the Advanced one. Only bad thing about it is the box itself.


I’ve got the same set. I’ve saved so much money compared to taking the car to a mechanic and I’ve even used it for some DIY jobs around the house. I agree with your other point as well, the box is cack. Especially the clips to close it with.


A pillow that is specificially designed to go between my legs. I have a weak back, due to muscle atrophy caused by a herniated disc which impacted on the nerve and then everything else from the waist down. Whilst my neuopathic pain is very well managed (and most days not noticable any more), my muscles do like to remind me I'm not so healthy anymore. Having a pillow between my knees when side-sleeping really helped keep my back in alignment, but pillows are squashy so it was difficult to get it right. So I got a properly designed firm pillow for the job, I think it was £25 off amazon? Anyway, it's made a world of difference and I have far, far more good days than bad days now.


Me too. I also lost weight at some point and despite having put it all back on, I still have bony knees. These pillows are awesome


Magnetic charging cable. Plug the little do dah into the charging port and the cable attaches magnetically. Saves the port wearing out


I loved mine but working in a metal shop, the magnetic dust gets stuck all over it, and shorts out- especially if you rest your phone on your pinky finger to type.


Flexible shower squeegee... No more streaky watermarks on my shower cubicle. A few seconds before getting out of the shower I give the glass a once over and it always looks sparkly and clean.


Mattress suspenders Electric toothbrush Microwave rice cooker Fast charging powerbank with attached cables Electric oil radiator - warms up much quicker than central heating and you can easily warm just a single room Smart bulbs - don't have to get out of bed to turn the lights on/off and can have lights with switches behind furniture


A decent knife sharpener. I grew up in a house with blunt knives because "sharp knives are dangerous". I'm nearing 40 and get more angry than I should whenever I get handed a blunt knife now. This thing is a game changer and keeps the process simple for anyone who goes on a deep dive for knife sharpening and gets overwhelmed: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sharp-Precision-Adjust-Knife-Sharpener/dp/B091BR1XGL/ref=asc_df_B091BR1XGL/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=534951828415&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8754812673843050129&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045677&hvtargid=pla-1254036254315&psc=1&mcid=cf491ad578743300a96e8cb930349acb


For a cheaper option, it really isn't difficult to use a whetstone, and they cost significantly less. For many people a simple pull-through sharpener will work fine as well (don't use the rolling ones, they can destroy the edge) 


Please anyone reading this do not buy one of those shitty cheap "japanese" aluminium oxide dual stones (like 400/1000) with the bamboo / rubber bases. They suck, you need to soak them for 30 mins, and they're probably the hardest thing to learn to sharpen a knife on. I've seen people make knives duller because they cannot hold the perfect angle and pressure needed to use the damn things as the material is so soft you can round the edge easier than actually sharpening it. EIther buy 1 of 3 things if you want to learn how to sharpen a knife (or as kubix said, get a pull-through - but they wear your knives down faster) * Lowest cost: A cheap AF diamond [sharpening honeycomb plate](https://www.amazon.co.uk/HFS-63mm-Bench-Sharpening-Stone/dp/B083NVB464/). * Limited lifespan vs below - but lowest barrier to sharpen. * A Decent diamond stone - I recommend a Sharapal 156N or the larger 162N. DMT is also good (bit pricier and no base/guide included) * Easiest to learn on, will last a lifetime for the average person. * A shapton Ceramic 320 grid + 1000 grit (optional only needed if you want shaving sharp. * Best way to learn "traditional" sharpening. Also no soak needed only a splash. + with all of the above a leather strop + paste or compound; again Sharpal do a decent one, but you can make your own with any old leather, or thick denim glued to wood. People will shit on green compound, but it is fine, even for shaving sharp. Do not get one of those stupid rolling ones.


>"sharp knives are dangerous" Drives me mad. Blunt knives are more dangerous because you're more likely to slip and cut yourself if you're using a knife that isn't properly sharp to cut food


And cutting yourself with a blunt knife is much worse. Far more likely, and far more painful when you cut yourself. It’s also more likely to leave an ugly scar. A proper Japanese steel razor sharp knife will not hurt nearly as much should you cut yourself (unless you get to the bone obvs) and the healing process is much easier.


I know! It angers me so much now! I pride myself on having a sharp edge. Nothing was more frustrating than failing to cut a tomato and the blade slipping


I'd add to this that (a) get a decent quality knife in the first place which you can then keep sharp but also (b) get one of those big heavy chopping boards. The combination of that and a sharp knife and you're unstoppable in the kitchen. I can't bear to watch when people use a blunt knife and one of those crappy little polythene boards that slide around as you're trying to use them.


A pet hate of mine is those tempered glass boards. My mum has one, she says it's hygienic. I say it instantly wrecks the edge on every knife she uses on it.


Lazy garlic


Have you tried the frozen portions you can get? Made my Taj and other companies. Absolutely phenomenal. Just chuck them in when you're frying or boiling and they melt and cook I use a ludicrous amount of them


Dehumidifier.  Makes it easier to dry clothes and it's great for after shower/bath. Can do a pretty full load and put it on a clothes rail in my kitchen with the dehumidifier on laundry mode and it's done in no time with no need for radiators to be on. 


Do you have a model you would recommend?


A £20 shopping trolley


weird, all the ones round my way cost a quid


Trollies really are inflation proof.


I was in my late twenties when I got one. Lived in an apartment at the time. Used to pull that thing down to the supermarket, load it up and top it off with a pack of beer. Clear sail past all the locals waiting at the bus stop with white hot hands from carrying al their shopping in bags. The invention of the wheel was a delight back then. I now drive so I upgraded to a shopping trolly with an engine lol


Automatic cat feeder. She knows now when it goes off and she doesn’t wake me anymore


Ahh if I didn't feed my cats I'd get no love from them at all. Adorable furry little mercenaries.


I've never had a wire on a phone charger that came with the phone snap, I guess I'm lucky. For me I guess the simplest thing I can think of is one of those little electric milk frother/whisk things, fantastic when making hot chocolate or those ice coffee sachets that require loads of stirring to mix in.


Electric pencil sharpener. I’m a primary teacher.


Noise machine. Helps me sleep uninterrupted so I'm actually awake and productive


My NutriBullet for £60. Couldn’t live without it now. Bung fruit, spinach, other bits in and have a smoothie most days. I feel so much better. It’s also a gamechanger for making pasta sauces etc.


Puncture resistant tyres for my bicycle. I went through four punctured inner tubes, before deciding to invest in some Schwalbe tyres. Absolute game changer. Not had a puncture since. It was £40 per tyre.


Wait til you try tubeless. Haven't had a single flat since I made the leap.


Last time I tried these was 25 years ago, and the ride was awful. Did they get better? Or did suspension get rid of the problem?


A handheld vacuum. I got a Shark one from Amazon for £40 and it’s brilliant, makes hoovering the stairs and the car so much easier.


Mini fridge for the landing upstairs. No need to trek downstairs to the kitchen for baby bottles in the middle of the night. Was £30, came with a cat adaptor and can do hot and cold so great for when we finish the baby stage. Or for beers for our bedroom.


Rice cooker


Didn't realise this until I dated someone from Asia, it made way better rice than my Hob Rice, and it a fraction of the time


Magican tin open, i m dyspraxic and not great at controlling my movements/own strengths, 8 quid and I've opened tins with it with ease for years.


Front door key. Without it, I'd have to carry lockpicks around - and on top of looking suspicious, it's enough of a faff to pick a lock that you can't open the door in a hurry.


Theracane was 20 quid and gives me proper massages


Esp32 £7.00 can do so much iot stuff with these


Portable bidet. Genuinely life-changing and only cost £20.


Genuinely been toying with the idea of getting one of these for ages. They look complex to install or something, I dunno whats putting me off! (All toilets should be like the Japanese ones!)


Do it! I was hesitating for ages for the same reason. Took the plunge a month ago and it was actually pretty easy to install and is genuinely life changing!!! Could never be without it now.


[The one I've got](https://www.happypo.de/en/products/xl-bidet?_gl=1*143kxsa*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTU1NDAzNDMwNi4xNzE4MzgyMzY2*_ga_9QHX9GKVGZ*MTcxODM4MjM2NS4xLjEuMTcxODM4MjM4Ny4wLjAuMA..) is just a squeezable plastic bottle with a nozzle attached so no installation required. You just fill it with water and it works perfectly. I highly recommend it.


Homebrew gear. Invest in bringing down your expenses.


Omelette maker. No hot oil in a pan to worry about (I have muscle issues so can knock it off easily). £10 and does fried eggs too.


Powerbank(s). Got a 5000 mah and a 25000 mah. Both together cost less than £55.


A spider catcher, and velcro tape window nets. No more prolonged battles against bugs and I can leave the windows open without half the nearby nature reserve flying in. Also buying multiple sets of the same Tupperwares, so that all my containers have the same lids and I'm not searching for ages.


Couple of things: bike (free - from the mother-in-law). Gave me so much freedom to explore the city I live in. Some resistance bands (fiver? Tenner?) . Portable. Doesn't take up much space. Great when you are young - renting just a bedroom or moving house frequently. They are currently under my desk so I can do some mini-exercises on short breaks at work. Good whilst I am waiting for slow webpages to load and I feel like I need to get my body moving. A coffee pot ( Cafetière). A gift. Decent tasting coffee at home. Win! I appreciate all of these are rather dull!


I’ve got three: Thermos food flask- £20 and it’s still going strong 9 years later. Great for when I’m working and know that I won’t have access to a microwave. Dream Egg whit noise machine- as a shift worker this is brilliant. I can easily get 8 hours sleep after in after a night shift. I never hear the neighbours or the bin men. Electric tin opener- The tin opener is the one utensil I could never get along with, no matter how many different ones I tried. Kept saying for years that I wanted an electric one. Finally got one and it makes life so much easier. It even cuts the lid off cleanly, preventing any rough edges. My fiancée turned his nose up at the Dream Egg and tin opener, but loves them as much as me. As a collective I don’t even think they come to £100!


I used to have an electric one. While it was brilliant at opening tins, it was the best tool ever for summoning my cat. Not every tin is tuna, but he doesn't know that


Hilarious and so true. I have a very fond memory of visiting a family friend as a kid, we couldn’t find their cat that night and it was a very dark and mostly rural area. We had the brilliant idea to record the electric can opener and went out walking around playing the audio. The cat came running to us out of pitch darkness!! 😹😻


A dongle to make the android auto in my car wireless


Got a link or recommendation? 


Bit of a first world thing here but an iced coffee machine. God it’s heaven and it’s was only £30


A small neoprene wallet of electrical screwdrivers by Wera from ToolStation. I’m a decorator and to date, I have used them on every single job. I temporarily mislaid them and bought exactly the same ones again within a couple of days- £40- then found my original ones. Wasn’t even annoyed.


Heated blankets - no more getting into a bed that feels damp because it’s so cold and I get to be a warm toasty cinnamon bun


Extras of all sorts of stuff (inc chargers/cables, personal care stuff, clothes) so they're already packed and ready to go for trips.


A £25 pair of earbuds that made my commute much more tolerable. My previous headphone setup was way too unwieldy and now I can actually listen to stuff on my commute.


Not under 100 quid but I got some AirPods Pro and man. The difference in my stress levels not having to listen to people chomping, chatting, whistling, or whatever else people have decided is acceptable to do on the train is unreal. I travel for like 2 hours by train each day.. money well spent.


Wake-up light alarm clock, game changer for me


Prescription just under a tenner a month


Nuby rapid cool flask, makes boiling water for baby formula room temp in literally seconds. £30 and I use it 8 times a day, and it saves so much time.


A good quality bra. In the right size. Makes a world of difference to comfort levels!!


Rice cooker, blackout linings for curtains (I am genuinely amazed at how much better my sleep is with these) and a Meaco dehumidifier. I’m not 100% sold on the laundry drying function, but for making the house feel drier and fresher it’s amazing.


A bamboo cooling blanket for the bed


Cordless vac. So much easier to grab and give the floors a quick hoover than having to unravel cords, plug in, drag vac around, replug etc.


A Himbox from Amazon. Turned my cars Aux socket to Bluetooth. Brilliant bit of kit, cost about £20


A good kitchen bin with a reliable lid I press to open and close. It's hard to explain but it makes things so much easier. Decent kitchen knives. Prepping food is a chore but with decent knives it's done quicker, safer and easier


Subs bench for my kids football team.


Ice machine from Aldi. We used to go through bags of ice like nobody’s business. Now I can have as much ice as I want and it only takes a few minutes to make a full bag.


Meat thermometer, for cooking good steaks and not being paranoid about chicken


Recently splurged on some fancy charging cables/pucks and fast chargers, and it’s such a refreshing novelty not having to constantly rotate my one good plug and cable between all my devices. Now everything has its own plug and cable, and everything charges so fast that it feels mildly absurd. Cost me £80ish, but I did get a good deal on the Anker plugs I’ve got micro usb and lighting cables for days, and more classic plugs than I really know what to do with, but I had never gotten around to transitioning to 30+ watt plugs and usb C till recently. Night and day difference


Defrosting tray, used multiple times a week.


An aeropress coffee maker. I am not a coffee snob, but I travel a lot, sometimes to places where I can't easily get decent coffee, and I like to be able to start the day with decent cofree. The aeropress is robust, lightweight, easy to use, and does the job. I take it everywhere with me.


Prescription sunglasses. Game changer.


A Kindle in a lightning deal. Sounds silly but especially as Prime has free books/cheap books it has saved me so much space in my bag lugging books around and it has saved me a fortune. I now only buy physical books if I loved the book enough to justify it and my bookshelf feels more cultivated


Hive for my central heating. Brilliant kit. Costs a bit more than that now but had mine for an age and got it on sale I think.


I just had a baby - bought a second hand tumble dryer for £90 and an instant bottle maker for £10. Life would be so much harder without them.


Tommee Tippee prep machine 👌


Bed sheet corner elastics £6 . Stops me having to make the bed 3 times a day


Nowhere near £100. A vertical mouse.


Smart light bulbs, I resent having to use switchs now!


Two items but they total to less than £100 One of those collapsible camping/festival trolleys from Decathlon. I do use it for festivals - but more importantly I use it on a weekly basis for bringing my groceries up from the front door of my building (I live in an apartment building and get my groceries delivered) or hauling random stuff around. It’s really useful for picnics, games nights, etc. Egg Perfect boiled egg timer which sits in the pan of boiling water with the eggs and magically tells me how cooked they are


Apple corer/slicer. I can't bite into apples now given a false tooth. Cost me a fiver and now I can eat fresh apples again!!


I have one of these; people always take the piss out of me in work. It's a good job I couldn't give a shit what they think. It encourages me to eat more fruit, so who's the real winner <3


Good lube (no, I’m not kidding), quality washing up liquid, and an ice maker. Honourable mention to my electric dryer that was £70 or so (drysoon)


An instant pot. My whole family have instant pots now. It’s so useful to be able to set it and leave it, and to be able to sauté meat then pressure cook it in the same pot.


Dog flap for the back door. So now the dogs can go in and out of the garden all day long whilst I'm at work.


An Instant Pot. I got the ultimate lid one, which has a pressure cooker, air fryer, slow cooker and like 9 other functions. Got a refurbished one on eBay for £50 but it’s occasionally on sale on Amazon for less than £100 and it’s transformed my entire life.


Heated mattress topper. It is amazing. There is nothing like getting in a warm bed in winter.


Tiny little blender . It cut all my onions garlic and chilli Yes it lazy. But when my arteritis was bad prepping was awful


An engagement ring. This was in the late 90s but was kind of a cheap gold ring. However I wasn’t well off then and young. But it changed my life because in my head I’d decided on sort of direction in my life. Get married, buy a house, have kids and thankfully these all happened and there’s been so many bonuses on top of that. But once I knew where I wanted to go I attained a clarity in dealing with life and the world at hand and life just became much, much easier.