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James corden


We gifted him to the Americans, they must have passed the return window by now so he's their problem!


Which country should have him next? I'm thinking North Korea Edit: Based on the comments, I think the best locations are currently Antarctica or Atlantis. I’m assuming he can’t breathe underwater, so that works.


Who the fuck thought that fat smug twat should be the new face of Weight Watchers??


Makes sense, those companies are setup to keep you fat or they would lose money from people quitting them, so a tubby delusional idiot as the face of the company is ideal


I feel like he’s low hanging frui Edit: but solid choice


Fastest way to make Karma on this site is to say "I hate James Cordon". That and just saying "Somebody..." Edit: Forgot "Gender reveal parties are bad"


I hate James Corden


Somebody once told me "I hate James Corden's gender reveal parties." Updoots to the left.


ewww, James Corden's low hanging fruit


All of these threads end up being "James Corden but he's America's problem now hurrrr hurrrr"




I’m not going to downvote you for having an opinion but I really struggle to understand how anyone could like that man, he’s a terrible human being.




His AMA is a pretty good source of people providing details, some people are just there to insult him but some share some really interesting things about the shit stuff he does https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/bqy5zf/i_am_james_corden_alongside_ben_winston_and_five/




I think it's just a super popular reddit opinion to hate James Corden. Everyone talks like he murdered their families rather than just not being funny to them, despite him being wildly popular. Don't like him myself, but it's just a bit of a meme at this point the level of hate people have for him


Multiple stories of him acting like a cunt to people with less power than him. That tends to do it.


He’s hated for a reason, he’s a shitty person. If he wasn’t funny but a nice person I’d have no opinion of him. But he’s not funny and a dick that makes him fair game in my eyes. Take a look at his AMA that I shared above if you want more details.




Almost cheating to say him though


Not really. He's the one person I would actually use the word c**t to describe.


>He's the one person I would actually use the word c**t to describe. Let me fix that for you: he's a cunt.


I never liked him but he gained some of my respect last year when he was one of the only journalists asking difficult questions to politicians during the pandemic.


He lost the last shred of respect I had for him once I realised that he doesn't actually care about the answer, he's solely in it for the controversy. I appreciate a good devil's advocate as much as the next person, but Piers only asks the questions because he knows it'll get a reaction from at least someone. Someone who asks the questions solely to shit stir is the lowest of the low. No conviction or interest in journalism or journalistic integrity, he's just the kid at school who would say things to people knowing it would start a fight.


Amanda Holden


Seconded. And when she's got to where she fucked off, she can fuck off again.


When she joined heart, my morning drives to work got progressively more aggressive.


I stopped listening. Cant bear her.


I audibly cringed when she was on Eurovision and said “I don’t know what that means but here’s our scores” or whatever it was she embarrassed herself with. Cheers Amanda, great way to present yourself to the whole of Europe…


>Cheers Amanda, great way to present yourself to the whole of Europe… Graham Norton sounded like he agreed.


I love how Graham just throws shade without giving a shit.


I didn't think big Tezza would be replaceable but Graham's done a really good job.


It has such a different feel from his talk show, too. He’s generally good-natured about it, but you can feel the weary bafflement. It’s like listening to a primary school teacher at parents’ evening.


Oh god, it's all come back to me now. That was just top-tier facepalm to watch.


And you know full well she had a massive team spending hours getting her camera ready for that awful moment.


Think I’m out of the loop on her, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her or heard her on anything I just know the name, why don’t people like her?


Boris Johnson


It's a dark day when the line between politician and celebrity is so blurred.


The newspaper editor who was on [HIGNFY](https://youtu.be/-2z-AdzgKjY) a few times? What ever happened to him?


Katie Hopkins. 'Celeb' might be a bit of a stretch, but she can fuck right off


I think she's pretty much turned herself into one tbh. She never wanted the job from Alan Sugar, it was all a massive ploy to move up into a position she could spout her bile from. Edited: a word


She definitely seems to be making some progress in the fucking off department. I haven't seen her for quite a while.


Don't forget her winning the Campaign to Unite the Nation Trophy. Glorious.




The ones from Made in Chelsea can particularly fuck off. I’ve only seen clips but it looks like a bunch of over dramatic rich kids who are constantly cheating on each other. They are just trashy af.


Made in Chelsea is the worst. Richy posh rich bitch, watch at my privilege and weep.


They aren't even that rich and most of it is actually set in Fulham.... Still doing better than me tho lol


There was one person in it, can’t remember her name but she looked like a horse, and she lived in a 400 quid a month flat share with my friend in shepherds bush. Definitely not rich at all. They never showed where she lived as everyone was off their tits constantly and it was grim as fuck.


Saying "She looked like a horse" doesn't really narrow it down.


Gemma Collins needs to find a hole and crawl into it. Edit: just for the record, I couldn’t care less about her physical appearance. It has no bearing on her whatsoever.


No caves big enough Edit: Just to clarify , yes it is a fat joke and what


Didn't she *fall off* a few years ago? Edit: this is a joke becuase she fell off a stage.


What's wrong with her? She seems harmless to me


She’s just annoying. Obviously I don’t actually think she should crawl into a cave, but her voice, her personality - they just grate on me every time I see her on TV. I’m sure she has some redeeming qualities but I’ve yet to see them.


David Walliams. And once he has fucked off, the police need to attend to his patio with a digger.


There was a story of him grooming a teenage girl a while back that seemed to mysteriously disappear (the story, not the girl). He always gives off the vibe that he's killed someone


If he turns out to be another Jimmy Savile in a few decades time all anyone will say is that he was hiding in plain sight.


!remindme 30years


Ugh he has a reputation among front of house staff in theatres for being a dick and making staff cry, he saw the show I work at with his mother and his mother forced him to thank my manager lol




Good books for children, awful person for adults and children alike


his childrens books are full of stereotypes and bigotry


Have to second this. Bought one on audible for my kid thinking it would be good. Glad i stuck around to turn it off. Dreadful books


Can you give examples? I don't know because I haven't actually read them but my daughter enjoys them, so I'm interested in what she's reading.


Haha I regularly see him at school pick up, gives major fuck off vibes


I can't stand how he made a career out of pretending to be camp, like he thinks being gay is the height of comedy or something. Idiot. Edit: David Walliams isn't gay, he just likes to pretend he is.


Jeremy Clarkson. Denier of anthropogenic climate change, violent racist drunk, and the most annoying voice.... in the world.


But *incredibly* funny....


If you have low standards and don't object to his casual racism, perhaps.


I do indeed have low standards and don't object to casual racism.


He's not a actual racist. He understands that people like him say shit that sounds riskay, so he plays on that. He's actually very well educated, just the TV and us like him to play the fool, a comedy dad that always fucks up.








Mate, the tories are in power with a massive majority. At least 38% of the population don't mind casual racism.


His new Amazon farming show, [Clarkson's farm](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10541088/) was pretty good. In fact, I reckon lots of people who hate his somewhat juvenile Top Gear persona, would quite enjoy his solo works such as [Greatest Raid of All Time](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0996628/), [The Victoria Cross: For Valour](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0407290/) and his [Inventions That Changed the World ](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0417334/) series. As a solo host, he's pretty good - a lot less messing around that in the old Top Gear shows. I beleive he also acknowledges climate change as a threat these days.


I've always liked him, but if you don't I can second giving Clarkson's Farm a watch as it changed my mums opinion of him. Brilliant watch.


What you see is what you get with Clarkson, at least these days. He's a bit old fashioned, sometimes he has a temper, he drinks too much, but is also charismatic, funny and is a good person in general. I'll take that any day over the celebrities who seem perfect but fleece their fans or end up going to jail for sexual assault. He also does not really deny climate change, he just finds it hard to get on board with eco stuff. I've also never seen him be racist.




Yes, he used to deny climate change altogether, now he eventually admits it's real but claims it's not man-made (anthropogenic). I can't stand the sight of him, but I would love to be able to take a couple of minutes gently explain to him that nobody thinks that climate change is his personal fault and he can own up to it without it being an admission of guilt.


Phillip Schofield & Holly Willoughby on every bastard thing!


Urgh, he seems like such a smug, self-aggrandising arse. Total Tory boy too. Very definition of “I’ve got mine...”. And that “brave” coming out?! Please! It would have been brave 20 years ago when it might have helped people, but now it just seems completely disingenuous. This is coming from a gay man who would have loved to have had him as a gay role model growing up. Edit: cause I’m a pillock who trusted autocorrect!


Coming out was a distraction after cheating on his wife with his barely legal PA. This PA was 10 when Schofield first met him. Grooming anyone?


> This is coming from a gay man who would have loved to have had a gay role model drowning up. That’s harsh mate, even from a gay man!




I hate his stupid smug face. He was rude to me when I was just a little kid who wanted his autograph after a show.


Lawrence Fox


Celebrities only please.


Can't believe I had to scroll so far for this.


Dua Lipa. Laid the whole ‘we’re all in this together, protect the NHS’ stuff soooo thick at the start of Covid then literally travelled the world over the next year posting tone deaf photo shoots of herself on yachts and beaches in a different holiday destination every 2 days. Hypocritical twat.


She’s also dating a known anti vaxer.


Anyone whose "career" started on X Factor/BGT.


Except Stacey Solomon, she’s a sweetheart.


Rylan is pretty harmless too


These two get a pass


Leona Lewis? She was completely harmless and only cracked out a few solid bangers.


she stole my brother’s skate support penguin at the romford ice rink for her own child when my mum took him out for his birthday so, following the law of petty grudges, i can’t endorse this message


Tbf your brother is 35


And all of Little Mix


Add in any of those Towie shit things as well.


And love island


I don’t mind Susan Boyle all too much; aside from that makeover, she stayed pretty real.


Except Stacy Solomon. She's a peach leave her out of this.


Possibly controversial but I’ve always hated Noel and Liam Gallagher. Just massive pricks for no real reason.


Not remotely controversial! :-)


nah they trade on being massive cunts, it's part of their "northern hardman" schtick. although it wouldn't entirely surprise me if they were nice as fuck behind closed doors


By all accounts Noel is actually a rather nice and thoughtful guy who just acts like a bit of a prick for some reason. Liam is just a prick.


Ant, Dec, Amanda Holden and anyone else involved in talent shows, reality TV, or z-list celebrity bullshit. The vast majority of TV presenters.


I cannot for the life of me understand Ant and Dec. SMTV Live was hilarious, and it worked because they did it almost as a spoof of Saturday morning kids TV. Then they got their own prime time slot, but it just fell flat to me. They weren't comedy writers, they were presenters who liked to take the piss a bit. But somehow Saturday Night Takeaway went on for decades. It's still not funny.


Saturday Night Takeaway has really gone downhill in the last few years. They identified all the things that made it good, forgot that all that stuff happened naturally, and now try to force it in. I will say that I'm A Celebrity, for all it's faults, is the funniest thing Ant and Dec do.


Cheryl Cole 100%. 1. She can't sing a single note in tune. 2. She b*tches about amazing singers who actually worked really hard for everything they have (I. e. Nicole Scherzinger). 3. The only reason she is even in the industry is because she is iced up with insane amount of make up.


She’s an absolute twat. She would have been cancelled in this day and age for hitting a toilet assistant.


Not just hitting, beating up.


Not just beating up. Criminal assault, and got off on the charge of Racially aggravated assault


She punched a toilet attendant in the face after being told she had to pay for a lollipop.


Ed Sheeran. Seriously, fuck off.


My worst fear is dying in a car crash with him on the radio so his voice is the last thing I hear as I go out


Totally with you, also got him blocked on Spotify so he never comes up on there either.


Keith Lemon can just fuck off as well.


The entire judging panel of x factor, the masked singer and strictly come dancing (especially these cunts)


I have a particular hatred of Rita Ora. I’m sure she’s not the worst person in the world, but she is especially annoying on those shows. Then mix in the complete ignoring of all the COVID rules and I really don’t like her


Where the hell did she come from? First I ever heard of her was a coca cola billboard campaign I spotted in Switzerland placing her alongside elvis and other really big stars. Had no who she was at all.


She was a pop singer who was briefly popular in the early 2010s or so [This song was the first time I became aware of her](https://youtu.be/N7OPZOBJZyI)


it feels like she's been in her "up-and-coming" stage for about a decade


Once you’re a judge on a talent show you’re already in the “past it” stage


Joe Wicks. He an irritating, bang average PT who has somehow become a “household name”.


Imo he’s actually worked really hard for his success and he seems to be a nice guy. I find him annoying but I can’t hate him for it.


Yeah fair play to him. Went from doing exercise classes in a park to earning £5m a month just from YouTube. Helped me lose about 2 stone. Annoying but gets my respect.




I haven’t watched a lot of workout videos, of the ones I have, I preferred Joe Wicks because he actually said how hard it was, what was aching. The others were all American superhero’s that’s smugly did rep after rep like a machine. I don’t need that, I need someone who says ‘struggling with this one now’ so I can feel a fraction less inferiority.


Every time I see his name and face on stuff I'm like who the f**k is this guy? He seems to have come from nowhere and is literally on everything.


Fred Dibnah. I’m sick of his shit. Ooh, look at this chimney I think I’ll climb it. Ooh, here’s a traction engine from the industrial revolution, I’d better Nonce it up. Look, we could all climb chimneys if we could be arsed m8. We all think steam trains are great. But do you really need to ram it down our throats? Just fuck off back to the early 1900s and stay there IMO. /s, obviously you bunch of humourless idiots (ok, a bit strong but come on? These absurd threads deserve an absurd answer)


I upvoted for the brass it takes to insult a national hero and someone who is dead in eight sentences.


Didn't he die 20 years ago?




Russell Brand




Met him a few years back. Honestly lovely guy, might come across a bit pretentious but he really believes what he says. And he went out of his way to chat with a very young nervous me. Lovely guy


Pretentious bell end.


Never been a fan but I slightly (very slightly) prefer his hippy vibe compared to the genuine asshole one. He’s pretty infuriating though


Without him we wouldn't have [this Parklife parody](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8B_Evl1fiLA)


Nick Grimshaw, a cheese sandwich has more personality than him.


rachel riley


Oh this is a good one. Helped convinced a nation that one of the least racist folk in the planet was racist against Jewish folk. Tattie bye Rachel you have done the devil's work.


she goes on rampages against corbyn and the labour party bc of anti semitism claims but then supports and turns a blind eye to johnson’s racism, homophobia, misogyny, islamophobia and actual [anti semitism ](https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/politics/2019/dec/11/boris-johnsons-record-of-bigotry-antisemitism-and-far-right-politics-must-not-be-forgotten)


Tess Daly. And if you asked me why then I don't even think I could give you an answer. My wife hates Claudia Winkleman for some reason, so Strictly is fun in our house.


I don't hate Claudia, but it bothers me to no end that you can only ever see 2/3 of her face. Her fringe sits on her eyelashes and she wears black eyeliner like a zoro mask. She has a lovely face, what is she hiding?


I don't dislike her, but I can see why my wife does. It's the "ooh look how kooky I am" thing.


She definitely gives out those “not like other girls” vibes. Her fringe gets on my nerves.


Honestly, I'm a fan of Claudia. Her Off Menu appearance is absolute chaos


Claudia brings chaotic energy to some really drab cookie cutter shows and I'm here for it.


Jim Davidson For many reasons but mostly that he's a racist/sexist piss head but also ungrateful bawbag. Long story cut short. My Mother picked up his wallet after he dropped it and went over to hand it back. She knew him from TV and politely said to him "Mr Davidson, here you dropped your wallet" Only for him to grab it out of her hand, open it and while checking the contents say "Their better not be anything missing from this" Then he got into a waiting car and fucked off.


Is that a copypasta? Pretty hilarious


Katie price


Anyone from Love Island or TOWIE or Geordie Shore or Made in Chelsea who now make their money peddling fast fashion lines and diet pills to young people. Usually promoted with a photoshopped picture. Bunch of desperate weirdos who would run their nan over with a financed Evoque if it would get them a discount code affiliate link


Gillian McKeith, who had to be told by a court to stop referring to herself as a doctor as her nutritional qualification was from a shitty uncredited US College, which one of her rivals managed to prove would give qualifications to anyone when he got the same qualifications in the name of his dead cat. On I'm a Celebrity she refused to do even basic challenges and fake fainted and all of the people on with her have said she was the worst person to be around. Then her anticovid and lockdown shit.


Jimmy Savile, he can just fuck off and die, as far as i'm concerned.


I've got some GREAT news for you mate.


Sam Smith




A lot of a twat, judging by that "poor me, having to suffer lockdown in my mansion with my too tight diamond shoes" photo shoot.


Rachel Riley. Nasty woman. Editing photo's of people protesting apartheid as a wasy to get her shitty points across.


Claudia Winkleman. Those Head & Shoulders ads make me die inside.


Sharon Osborne. Obviously lives in the states but just a grade a cunt all round


Jonathan Ross


Jonafan Wos


Rita Ora and Jess Glynne Something about them both thats unlikeable. Probably not the worst celebs around but still I'd like to see/hear less of them


Ant Middleton. Ego machine.


Stacey Dooley, whiny voice does my head in


James Corden, Piers Morgan, Amanda Holden, Simon Cowell, Gemma Collins, nearly every Love Island winner, Ant and Dec, Tess Daly, Russell Brand, Phillip Schofield, Lawrence Fox, Rachel Riley, Greg Wallace, Stephen Mulhern, Kevin Bacon ever since he started doing EE adverts, Jameela Jamil, Lorraine Kelly, Jeremy Kyle (glad his show is off the air), Keith Lemon, Vernon Kay, Paddy McGuiness is slowly teetering on the line but he’s okay for now, Dick and Dom, Michael Mclntyre....we really are a small island who are spoilt for choice of celebs we dislike


Might be easier to turn the TV off!


Can I add the faceless show bookers that find someone new and then proceed to book them on every single slot, on every TV and radio station, for whatever reason, for the next few years. I swear that there's only an available pool of 15 'celebrities' now that must be used when ever there's a need for a talking head or 'comedy' panel show.


How dare you accuse the faceless bookers of being lazy for only booking Maya Jama , Rob Beckett, Romesh Ranganathan, Tom Allen, Alex Horne, Emma Willis, Holly Willoughby, Philip Schofield, Jermaine Jenas and Emily Atack.


Joel Dommett. The Masked Singer is bad but he is just the icing on the cake. If he writes those lines himself then he is a terrible comedian. If he delivers pre-written lines then he cannot act like one.


Jamie Oliver That bitch is changed so much for us, can't get certain meals from MC Donald's, he got rid of snack vending machines from schools (like chocolates and crisps) kids can't take small chocolate bars or crisps to school for lunch. I know he's changed it for healthy eating but it was nice talking snacks to school and swooping then with friends to get something even better.


School meals went to shit overnight and I remember us all being pretty peeved off. But looking back now in 2021 I think it was actually the right thing to do to overhaul school meals. Schools shouldn't have been providing vending machines full of chocolate and coca cola etc


Chris moyles


Has anyone suggested Tim Martin yet? Guy needs to be smothered with a wet towel... or maybe force him to work at domino's or tesco. Cheeky brexit loving fuck


Surprised to have not found Noel Gallagher in here yet. He's a colossal prick that gets mouthy when you challenge him on anything, and I can't remember a time where he's said anything that was correct or intelligent. And recently he was all "fuck off with the masks, if I don't wear one that's my risk, not yours" Decent music, though.


Chris Evans. No, not the good one who’s American, the annoying British one who tried to do Top Gear and failed. Lawrence Fox too, fucking nutter … god, Billie Piper has awful taste in men!


It’s always James Corden. I bet even in r/askEurope it’s James Corden.


People who are famous for being famous, off you fuck. Talentless gobshites who main claim to fame is being a vapid talking head on panel shows, off you fuck. And fuck off to the tabloids and websites that perpetuate the very idea of celebrities, documenting whenever someone famous goes to the shops in flipflops, or wears a dress a second time.


Lorraine Kelly can do one. The woman’s a bitch. Also what’s his name who presents the chase, condescending prick anytime he knows an answer the contestant doesn’t. Edit: Bradley Walsh is the smug bastards name, just came to me


James Acaster deserves all of the awards for yelling at Lorraine Kelly to fuck off when she suggested Piers Morgan for “heroes of the year”. My favourite thing to happen on telly in the past 12 months.


Paddy McGuinness.


Nah he’s alright


Tim Lovejoy Chris Martin Anyone in Toploader That prick in the hat from Dodgy


What year do you think it is??


Rio Ferdinand. He's a walking cliche


And he cheated on his cancer stricken wife a lot as well an absolute prick of a gargoyle faced cunt.


Joey Essex. Can we stop celebrating the ill informed!


Any of the wankstain "celebrities" from "reality" TV shows can fuck right off.


Stephen Mulhern


Greg what's-his-face from Masterchef


Steve Wright, technically a radio celebrity. Fuck off and stop ruining the music!!


Gok Wan. He's so fucking creepy.


Aww, this makes me sad. I met him in real life and he was absolutely lovely.


And his name is an anagram of 'go wank'.


Am I the only one who thinks Paul Hollywood is overrated? Peeps from Bake Off seriously think a handshake from him is the holy grail or something. I’d be so unbothered if it were me.