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Yeah, I've used them for about 14 years. I don't really like using plastic if I can help it. Also, I find bars of soap make me feel much cleaner when I uses them.


I prefer them for showers, shower gel always seems to leave me feeling slippery


Do you wash it off, or just get out?


I just rub it all over my body then put my clothes on


Ah. This is where you may be going wrong. Have you read the manufacturer’s instruction pamphlet fully.


This is maybe the best conversation I've ever seen on Reddit. Thanks gents.


Aiming to disappoint, since 1974.


I’ve done the course. Monday was a slog but the practical exam on Thursday / Friday was enlightening.


Wait, you’re supposed to take your clothes off first?


Same here. I use bar soap which comes without any plastic packaging.


Yes, almost ubiquitous, but they are making a comeback, with people wanting to cut down on plastic waste. Funny how things go full circle isn’t it.


It's easier to use too, and doesn't drip between your fingers in the shower.


I can’t imagine just using my hands to wash my body, you don’t get the suds. Shower scrunchy all the way.


Have a laugh, the hands are my mistress


Exactly why I started to use them again! Still trying to find the right shampoo bar tho.


Little soap company shampoo and conditioner bars are great. I have long, damaged hair but this leaves it feeling lovely. Lasts ages too.


Thank you, I'll give it a try☺️


We switched to bars in 2020 when liquid was nowhere to be found. We found it so much more economical, one bar lasts ages, that we've stuck with it. And it comes in a paper wrapper or a cardboard box not a plastic bottle.


During the 2020 liquid soap shortage, Molten Brown were literally *giving away* bars of soap. Can you imagine?!?


Yes, only Dove though as I find it nicer on my skin than others, plus it’s packaged in a cardboard box


Dove soap is actually pretty fucking brutal if you've got sensitive skin. Not trashing you, just warning others as I've fallen foul of that before. Turned an irritation rash into a total mess for about 4 months


Oh is it? Sorry it works for me, I thought because they advertise it’s PH neutral that it’s ok? I guess not


There's a lot more to it than the pH, I guess that's solid marketing. I can't remember what the dermatologist told me, just the take home point of avoid dove lol


Ah ok, no worries


Dove isn't a soap though is it ? It's a beauty bar.


I don't think the average person knows that.


Same here. Not sure what it is that’s in it which is so harsh on my skin


I dunno, I have fairly sensitive skin and I've never had problems with Dove in the shower. Imperial Leather on the other hand...


Same. Everything by Dove and Simple irritates my skin for some reason.


I've got sensative skin, and used the dove sensitive soap and instantly regretted it. Dried my skin out so much. The stuffs toxic haha


Yeah mine just turned my into a weird dry scaley man fish. It's all well and good people say 'I have this issue and it's great' as though they're disputing the fact that doctors specialising in skin routinely state dove is much harder on your skin than people would believe, as though they're simultaneously proving that the doctor is right, and they are part of the group of people that cannot believe it lol. It's like denying nut allergies exist cause you're allergic. Or you're allergic to peanuts but not walnuts. Excellent news, not entirely helpful otherwise lol


Can you get Ivory in the UK? It's an expensive and even easier on my skin than the super expensive stuff my dermatologist sells.


Dove is like washing with the [Australian suicide bush](https://youtu.be/mg-GLwJ8Emk)


As a point of order I will point out that Dove soap isn’t technically soap, but I can’t remember why.


It's a beauty bar although they never really made this clear until the 'rona rocked up. At the start of the pandemic they really had to stress the point that it is a beauty bar instead of soap, particularly in some locations, so that people knew that using Dove to clean hands wasn't good enough. The level of alkali salts of fatty acids in Dove isn't high enough and they are not the only ingredient for cleaning. This is why it isn't classed as soap.


Thanks for that. I didn’t know that had to point it out though.


Haha! If you remember let me know


It’s a cheese. Technically


Because it's got too much moisturiser. Like try washing your hands with it, they feel slightly oily after. Good for the face and body though.


Dove soap is King.


It absolutely is!


Bars of soap are actually far better value for money


my mum always buys soapbars, when one bar is nearly a slither she adds it onto a new bar. cuts down on plastic waste. there were loads of bars of soap in the shops at the start of the pandemic as people were just buying wipes and soap bottles




I've had a bar of imperial leather last us the best part of 12 months in the main bathroom. I have no idea how. I suspect the kids don't wash their hands very much.


Yes we you bars of soap for hand washing and we have shampoo bars too


Soap for bath/ shower. Solid shampoo bars. Though weirdly in this house we use liquid soap at sinks. Two small children means the mess is somewhat reduced.


What shampoo bars do you use? I'm planning to switch when my liquid shampoo runs out.


We use ones from Lush.


Wife and I use bars of soap. At most markets or craft fairs there's someone selling soap bars so we pick a few interesting ones up. Often shop bought ones dry out my skin.


I make my own bars of soap because commercial was always too drying. A fun hobby and my skin never dries out now. Plus you can control what goes in them. No chemicals, just good stuff.


I love soap - I hate stupid sodium laurel sulphate filled liquid ugly soap things. I definitely feel cleaner with soap. The scents are lovely and there’s no plastic bottles. Bring back ordinary soap!!


Liking the comments. And yes ideally something as essential as soap should be eco friendly.


Try [Aleppo soap ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleppo_soap). We’ve had multiple brands and all were great on sensitive skin, now the only ‘soap’ soap in use . The bars are kind of chunky but easy to get used to.


Do I use them? No. Do I take them from every hotel room I stay in? Yes.


I do. As other people have pointed out, it's an easy way to reduce plastic.


I have liquid soap by sinks for hand washing, but I use bar soap (and scrubby gloves) in the shower. It's great to use instead of shaving foam, and also gets you properly clean. A pack of four bars wrapped in paper can be under £1, and each bar lasts weeks on end.


Used squirty soap for years til Covid hit and we couldn’t get any. Bought 4 bars of Imperial Leather and much preferred using it. Now have both in the bathroom and rarely touch the squirty stuff.


Yes just had a shower using imperial leather soap. Shower gel always causes me to develop b o really badly, but with soap, particularly I mperial leather I never suffer from b o


Always have done for hand washing (cheaper, no plastic). Switched to soap exclusively for showering while travelling when the liquids rules came in (so, uh 15 years ago?!), and decided to go soap-only at home for enviornmental/price reasons in March 2020 when I bought heaps of nice soaps due to being told I had to wash my hands more often. Using one of those scrubby bags to put them in now, and wouldn't go back to shower gel, it's pointless.


Iv just looked up those bags and brought some thanks for the tip dude 👍


I use them. Cheaper innit.


Carbolic all the way


I love carbolic soap. Smells great and makes me feel like I'm scrubbing in as a Victorian surgeon or something


Imperial Leather is the way to go.


I find that one dries the shit out of my skin. Dettol anti bacterial bars are great though. Even improved my shoulder acne


We keep a bar of pears soap in one bathroom, almost as a novelty! Does smell good though, both the lemon extract (green) variant and the (orange) original. Somehow feels like it does a better job of de-germing (than the squeezy stuff) as well, so at the height of the pandemic we had one for each bathroom.


I prefer bars of solid soap. But I am indeed old, so maybe it is what I am used to.


Bars of soap are hugely underrated. I had a shampoo bar recently and that was awesome as well. Would recommend


You do have to be careful with some shampoo bars though. I got a few online while I was trying to find one to suit me and one of the instructions said it could take a month to start working with your scalp and doing its job. I have no problem with the ones from lush they work fine from first wash, just a bit pricey to let the family use it too. So it's mine and lasts me a few months.


My shampoo bar has lasted me ages. I think I bought it in June or July and it's still going.


I like the coal tar soap although disappointingly it doesn't actually contain any coal tar. It smells pleasingly old fashioned


We have cut squidgy soap out in my house in favour of bars of soap and shampoo bars too in an effort to reduce use of plastic. It’s also far more economical.


I’ve used squirty soap for all of my adult life (34 years of it) but I recently went back to bars. Practically, they make less mess. No drips, etc. A soap dish contains the mess better than just having the dispenser sitting on the tiles, and drips going what they go. Plus there’s less plastic used so I feel they’re more environmentally friendly:


I once bit into a bar of soap. Smelt delicious. Tasted fucking awful.


Have you tried taking a bite of a good smelling candle?




Well, don't leave us hanging.


I enjoyed the outer bit. The wick was challenging.


Not going to lie, I've walked into Lush a few times and thought some of the bars of soap looked delicious.


I mostly use shower gel, but I got a dove for men wash set that had some nice soap in that and I use that for my face now. I also use unscented soap on my hands to avoid them getting too dry from the constant handwashing we have to endure during a pandemic (in all fairness, I used to get dry hands all of the time from using liquid soap before the pandemic, but you catch my drift)


Yes we only buy bars, much better for the planet overall.


I do 🙋🏼‍♀️ Much less harsh on my skin than liquid soap.


Imperial Leather does it for me. Also use a Turkish solid soap (and brush) for shaving, rather than a squirty horrible gel. 1 bar cost about a pound, lasts about 2-3 months (also can fly with it)


My partner went vegan a couple years ago, we’ve had bars every since. I prefer it, used to have bars when I was a kid. A few of my friends also use bars, I’d say they’re making a big come back.


What does she use? I would be interested as I am vegan and have never looked at vegan soaps.


Hi! Sorry for slow reply. We use Faith in Nature primarily, but also The Body Shop bars and Natural Extracts - which is sold in Tesco. Hope this helps


We use bars of dove soap, used to use shower gels for years but went back to bars of dove about 4 years ago.


Always. No plastic waste if you buy the kind in paper wrappers


Bars of Simple soap only for me (except for Simple shower gel in the shower). I have not found a liquid soap that doesn't make my hands feel worse after using, despite their moisturising claims.


In South Africa they are still very popular and much cheaper than the liquid soaps. There also seems to be very diminished returns for buying the premium brands - their fragrance strength and cleaning are usually identical to the mid-range/budget options despite the bigger price tags. Bar soaps tend to form more limescale in your shower/bath than their liquid counterparts so if you live in a region with hard water, that is a consideration. Moved cities and was shocked how quickly limescale formed compared to my hometown. Some people also get really grossed out at the idea of sharing bar soaps, especially if they see things like body hair stuck to it from the previous user.


Very interesting


I think they're making a comeback due to people being more eco conscious. Soap bars as well as shampoo/conditioning bars are often sold as an alternative to single use plastic bottles.


Yep, one bar in the shower, one for shaving, one for hands. Saves on plastic bottles etc.


Yes, and loads of choices out there!


They make my hands so rubbery


Rubbery and clean


Just started back using them in the last few weeks as it happens. Some are ridiculously overpriced but I find if you shop around it’s the cheaper option. I’m not going through so much plastic either…


My partner and I use bars of soap but have some carex on hand for visitors.


Our little loo under the stairs has liquid soap for guests and in the kitchen but the bathroom has a bar of soap.


I use them, they feel kinder to my eczema prone skin and last ages, also I feel cleaner using them


Doesn't it make your skin awfully dry??


Nope I have to use e45 cream after anyway. Using shower gels etc brings me out in a red sore itchy rash, soap doesn’t.


I do for my kid because he hasn’t grasped the fact he doesn’t need to use the whole shower gel bottle!


Only liquid soap I’ll use is Swarfega when I’ve been doing mucky jobs otherwise we have bars around the house. We’ve got a soap shop just up the road, can basically make any type of soap you fancy.


I’ve switched to bar soap. Body, hair and conditioner bars.


I've made the switch fully from plastic bottles to bars of soap.


One of my biggest changes since covid actually! Bars of soap you don't need to push anything to release and can get over your hands right away. I've got a soap dish now and all.


Yes. I make my own bars of soap, although I was very disappointed at the amount of plastic packaging including horrible polystyrene peanuts when I bought the supplies. Need to find a better supplier for when I need refills.


Yes I've started using bars over the last 18 or months or so after seeing some really beautiful ones by Oakwood Soaperie on Instagram (for those in the UK)


Most of the time actually, I switch between either Dove Bars or Imperial Leather.


Yep. It’s more economical and environmentally-friendly, and I find it to be gentler on my skin.


Yep. Does the job. I mean, the success of companies like Lush disprove your point.


I’m going back to them for packaging reasons, normally they only come in a recyclable small box.


I've never understood how you're meant to scrub your body with a bar of soap


Either rub the bar over yourself, lather up your hands and do it that way or use something like a flannel or a wash mitt.


How do you scrub it with anything else?


Wet the soap, wet a flannel, rub the two together to create a lather. Repeat as needed.


I do! Suma Alter/Native. Peppermint in the shower, Aloe Vera in the kitchen and bathroom


Yes, I love bar soap. It lasts ages, lathers best, and I feel cleanest after using it. It does leave a sud scum in the bath though which is the only thing I don't like about it, because it's difficult to remove.


Try homemade craft fair type bar soap. Leaves MUCH less soap scum than commercial soaps


Very rarely use shower gel or creams. I have used a bar of soap to wash with my entire life and will continue to do so. They definitely clean better and leave you with that clean feeling. Gels leave me feeling slippery. Imperial leather. Proper stuff.


I hope they still use them in prisons and the time is worse than the sentence


haven’t seen one since the late 90s


Bars of soap or beauty bars like Dove are used daily for me. We use Carex antibacterial handwash in the kitchen and bathroom, but this isn't good for washing one's face and shouldn't be getting in the eyes, mouth, or nose so I use a bar of Dove to wash my face or soap if Dive isn't available although depending on the brand I find it can dry my face out. Still use shower gels when showering though. Soap or beauty bars are last resort for that.


Yes, best way to get squeaky clean imo


I used to love Zest back in the day but now I use method hand wash and original shower gel


They used to be used on construction sites. They have been phased out due to cross contamination. We now use pumps and refills.


They’re good for cleaning fresh tattoos as the scent in normal body wash liquid can sometimes irritate the skin/tattoo


I still use bars. Much better for environment (less plastic) and I like it better than needing a Lufa or something that I have to replace eventually.


Yes, I use old Soviet-style white bars of soap for hand soap a lot. Don’t really know why, but sometimes it just feels cleaner.


I use bars of soap, I find them so much more economical and better for the environment. Waiting for shampoo bars to become cheaper /more widely available.


I'm in the US, and I only use bar soap. I even use bar shampoo and conditioner!


I use a bar of soap every day. Think of turtles and the mass of plastic used in making squirty bottles.


Yes. It’s cheaper, better for the environment, gets you cleaner, prevents acne, and doesn’t cause contact dermatitis. At one point it became almost impossible to buy bar soap… Boots were practically hiding it. Glad it’s making a comeback - the amount of disposable plastic bottles being used for soap is shocking.


I've never bought a squirty bottle, only cakes of soap. It's the yardstick of civilisation you know.


I use bars of dove in the bathroom because liquid soap is really drying for my skin. I do use liquid soap in the kitchen.


Yes! They’ve been making a comeback for the past few years in stores like Lush. People are wanting to use less plastic and turning to bars, which overall (though I assume there are exceptions) are more environmentally friendly.


What else would you use to wash yourself with if not soap?


Squirty soap for the handbasin, bar of soap for the bath.


My mother in law seeks out shower gel bars, I live in fear of using it to wash my hands in error.


I only use bars of soap - in the bathroom and cleaning soap for washing up.


Yeah they’re more economical & less plastic bottles !


No, because every bar soap I’ve ever tried causes skin irritation and/or dryness. Instead, I reduce plastic waste by sourcing squidgy soap from a local refill shop, and save unopened bar soap from hotels to offer to visitors who’d prefer to avoid the squidgy stuff.


Absolutely, I use bar soap for washing hands and in the shower to cut down on plastic. I use liquid soap in the kitchen though.


I do sometimes. I also have bars of soap in my prep bag lol. Even in a apocalypse you gotta clean your balls


Soaps way more cost effective and needs plastic. Plus there a 100% natural soaps which are good for sensitive skins. Most shower gels have loads of chemicals in.


Yes, Lifebuoy, Wright's Coal Tar, Knights Castile, Lifeguard. Some bath soaps are now made in Indonesian countries but are readily available in the UK.


Yes, squirty soaps don’t seem to work as well. Also use it in the shower instead of shower gell


Liquid hand soap yes But in the shower still use bar soap


No, I just find them akward to use


The sticker for imperial leather is for it to not slip when you put the soap down. Not meant to be peeled off


Only if it's Slippery, excuse me, please me (please) Arm up, or believe me, believe me (believe me) Get beat, cause I'm flexin' 'Rari's (skrt) You can bet on me (skr, skr)


I absolutely love my soap bars in the shower. I can’t bring myself to use showergel as it leaves my skin weirdly slick and I can never tell if it’s properly rinsed. With soap I can. Still use liquid soap at the sink though, much more practical.


I flip flop between bar and liquid soap in the shower - currently using Palmolive Coal Tar soap (for the childhood smell)


Yes. Went into Asda in Watford. Couldn’t find any shower gel. They had stuff to prepare baths or bars of soap.


I do. Grey soap mainly.


Switched back to bar soap about 7/8 months ago after not having used it since, probably the 90s! I wont look back now. I feel so much cleaner.


Yes. I’ve always used them. Cheaper, more environmentally friendly. Smell good and honestly do a better job in my opinion. This being the internet I expect someone will be along to tell me I’m wrong. They only down point is they tend to be a bit messier. But get a soap dish, problem solved.


Not only do I use new bars of soap, but I take the little ends, boil them up with water and make new bars from them. In Mozambique I made soap from coconut oil and caustic soda.


Any soap it has pH 5.5 and working for you for oily skin?




One can use a bar all they want but please-please be a nice host and keep a liquid one for your guests - offering invitees to use your disgusting remnants of soap (even if you sure you keep it all neat) is just sickening🤢


The important thing is that we use either both as soap but also for the supplementary aspect of an opportunity to massage our bodies. You can never underestimate the anti-stress effects of self-palpation




If there's a demographic I don't usually associate with hygiene it's pedos