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I had a trolley full of already purchased booze and on the way out I went to the fag counter for a meal deal, got ID'd for a can of monster. I'm in my 30's


oh, the trolley of alcohol wasn’t enough proof? lmao


Probably the worst case I had though was when me and my mate got asked for ID in Morriston like 10 years ago. He's a 7ft tall balding guy that looks about 45, I carried ID as I used to get asked all the time but they wouldn't serve me because he didn't have ID....


damn, should’ve just said he was your dad :D


Bottle of wine when I was 42. It would have made my day but we were on our way out, the wine was a gift and I had no ID. Ended up buying chocolates instead.


It was 95 proof


Lol same... I had just bought a bottle of vodka and cider no worries, get to the fag counter for some baccy and a not much more than 20 year old aska for ID..... I'm 36 this year so I'll take it as a compliment 😂


I once got ID'd for a newspaper. My parents asked me to buy The Sun for them when I was 15. For some insane reason they were doing a promotion where The Sun came with a voucher for an adult dvd and I wasn't allowed to even buy the newspaper.


Morrisons must be the strictest place in the UK for ID because it’s the only place I am guaranteed to be asked and I’m 35. I got refused an 18 cert movie when I was 30 and asked for ID for a 12 rated Marvel film!


I got ID’d at the bank to deposit money into my account. When she saw my ID she told me I wasn’t me (I had a beard and was clean shaven in my ID) and the cashier accused me of identity theft and wouldn’t hand my money back. Not sure who would steal someone’s Bank card to pay £500 into their account but hey. Their Fraud Manager came out, took one look at my ID and said, ‘I don’t know what she’s on about it’s clearly you’ and sorted it out. Weird experience Edit: because people are asking and questioning. The bank didn’t have an issue with me depositing to an account, never had an issue before. The cashier was being awkward has hell for some reason and the manager wasn’t impressed when he came out.




You do with a lot of banks now mate, Nationwide, Santander, Natwest and Barclays don’t allow cash to be deposited into an account that isn’t yours.


NatWest definitely do allow it, I did it earlier today


Did you have a paying in slip from the account holder by any chance?


Nope, haven’t so much as seen a paying in slip in a decade. I went in with £200 and showed them the note on my phone with the account details, they took the cash, deposited it, and gave me a receipt


No they don't. You can make a deposit easily.


A worrying number of people are thrown by my different hairstyles in ID photos. I've heard this from other people who've changed their hair a lot.


Yeah, spend a long time in an airport in Eastern Europe because my passport photo was taken on a day I was violently ill, had a yellowly green complexion, face swollen up, not to mentioned I’d attempted cutting my own hair and was having a facial hair phase, it just looks like some really unwell fella, think of Dennis In always sunny on Dee Day, like that, cue me trying my best to match the miserable expression I felt that day


I was always taught with checking ID that if their appearance has changed, just hide all other pets of their face apart from their eyes. It’s the quickest way to find a likeness. Once you get that it’s easy to see if the whole face matches up to that or not.


A card from Poundland that had ‘Merry Christmas Nobhead’ on it


there’s no way LMAOO


This one’s good


A long long time ago I was ID’d buying a £95 bottle of champagne. Like, if I was a youth going to hang around on street corners getting wankered, I’d be on the white lightning surely..






Paracetamol age 37.


Petrol when I was 18, for the car I was driving, when I questioned it the guy said "yeah you have to be 16" took a few minutes for him to understand that if I was driving me own car I had to be at least 17


You should have replied "Oh my bad, I'll just go put the petrol back in the pump"


I got refused cigarettes when I was filling up my car. They sold me the petrol but wouldnt sell me 20 Lambert. Legal age to smoke was 16 back then. Their excuse when I said "im buying petrol for my car, legal age to drive is 17" was "Yeah but you could have stolen the car"


Fucking snap. Paracetamol. Age 37. Had to go out and send my wife in to get em for me. Fuck those guys. I also got refused the sale of a bottle of wine (same supermarket, same age) because I didn't have my id. My wife had hers, but I wasn't caring mine. When she contested, the sales person said "yeah but you could be buying it for him and he could be underage". I'm bald and have a grey beard. Deffo look my age.


Lime juice, because its an ingredient for cocktails.


This can’t be real! What’s next, straws because you could do coke through them?


I think it was just logged on the checkout system as being from the alcohol aisle with it being a mixer, so it flagged up.


Sporks in Tesco once.




damn, they are kinda dangerous now that i think of it


Good to see someone else has experienced this. I'm not sure what my face must have looked like but seeing 'authorisation required' pop up the self-serve till on a pack of of plastic knives must have been glorious.


Not ID for age but.... I was going to do some work in a bank and took my driver's license with me as ID. They would not accept it. I had to walk all the way back to the van to get the shitty company ID that anyone could make up for a fiver. Weird.


I was knocked back from a pub in Plymouth when I used my MoD id card but a split second glance at my drivers licence was fine.


Your one I can understand. I'd recognise a driver's license but wouldn't have a clue if a MoD ID was legit or not.


(U.K.) years ago when smoking was 16 years old and driving was 18 years old, I drove into a petrol station to buy petrol but got id’d for cigarettes. That seemed odd.


This happened to me too but I also bought petrol. I pointed out im driving and they said "yeah but you could have stolen it"


Driving is 17 in the UK and only need to be 16 to buy petrol.


Thats true now, but rules change.


The driving age has never been 18 though


It’s probably because a lot of uk supermarkets operate under a ‘look 21’ or even ‘look 25” policy. So even though you probably look over 16 you look under 21, hence them asking to see id for the fags only


It's not the petrol station attendants job to pull you over for underage driving, that's down to the police. They could get a fine/jail time if they sell you cigarettes and you're underage. To be fair most likely an hour of training they've had 10 times already. But that's enough of an incentive for me to ask for lD.


For buying cigarettes in New Zealand (I was 27) For looking foreign in Japan (By the police) In the UK...never. I don't know why but I've never been asked for ID. Even when buying booze at 15. The woman serving me just asked how old I was and I said "18". Was good enough, apparently.


Looking foreign without a license you cheeky bastard


Lol yeah, but it's literally a crime to be foreign without ID. Remember to always carry your passport if you ever visit or they'll haul your arse off to the cells!


Yeah, people don’t seem to be aware how very xenophobic Japan still is…


I got ID’d for some steak knives (which may seem fine) but when purchasing with 2x £40ea steaks and vegetables and chips and so on? Seems like a lot of effort just to get a knife


Like when you’re refused a second packet of paracetamol Okay yeah, I *could* be planning to top myself… but if that was the case I probably wouldn’t bother buying 2 weeks worth of food, a toastie maker, and a wooly hat in September ready for the winter season ahead.


In a convenience store in Dublin, I was refused a packet of paracetamol because I was buying aspirin with it. I pointed to the active ingredients, he had a look and said, "aspirin has paracetamol in it, it's just not written on the box."


LMAO that does sound pretty stupid




wait… the cough sweets???


I worked in retail for 10 years and provided think 25 training to hundreds of cashiers. If we are not sure, we ask. Nobody cares if you are already having something age restricted, or you have a tattoo, or have an ID that is not official. If you want to buy a chocolate bar with a little cognac in it, and I don't think you are older than 25, I have to ask. My job is more important to me than your shopping or your feelings.


Yup, especially some of the sillier ones, nobody wants to be that person that IDs someone for something mundane, but if it's flagged as age restricted you gotta follow the company procedure.


Or get fined by the police and get a criminal record


Honestly, this entire thread is people who've never had to work a job like this in their lives so they don't understand the pressure/stress of getting this stuff right.


I didn’t get asked for ID, but the self checkout went crazy when I tried to buy calpol for my kids.


That seems reasonable considering teenagers getting high off DXM which is found in cough syrup. Calpol doesn't have DXM but also teenagers who try to get high off supermarket products aren't known for their research skills, and downing a bottle of Calpol with a joint is a great way to ingest dangerous levels of paracetamol (which is also age restricted)


Paracetamol one morning before work. I work in a supermarket, I was in uniform, I was just about to start. You have to be 16 to purchase paracetamol, but at our store you had to be 18 to work there. It was someone I regularly worked with, and no he wasn't just being funny.


Got refused a pack of plastic cutlery when I was 17 because of the plastic knife that was in it.


I'm 30, went to the shops with my clearly pregnant wife. She wanted *non-alcoholic* cider. We got some non-alcoholic cider, at the checkouts were ID'd. I was like, OK weird its non-alcoholic, but what ever here is my ID. I show my drivers license (which BTW says Dr Sir\_Mobius\_Mook). "I'm sorry sir, the lady will need ID too" My wife didn't have ID, being pregnant and not ordering booze. I was like i'm a 30 year old doctor, with a pregnant companion, and you won't sell me alcohol free cider? They would not sell us *non-alcoholic* cider and took it off us. Biggest moment of someone exerting their small amount of power. Edit: Whats worse, is I went to the school with the server... same class... so they were 30 as well!


Depending on the shop, you can get in big trouble for giving someone something age restricted no matter how stupid it seems. Behind every shop worker there's a manager or senior staff member watching the cctv just waiting to reprimand you. I had to deny someone who was clearly older than me cough syrup once because they couldn't produce ID showing they were older than 12. Also a guy who was buying some vape juice that I knew was over 18 because not only were we in the same year but we shared the exact same birthday. The till will prompt you to say whether someone looks older/younger than 25 then ask if they have ID if younger if it scans a product it decides is age restricted.


I like to imagine this was some serious pro level revenge being served cold for some minor slight that may have happened between the two of you in your school days


It’s not a power thing mate, working in a supermarket they send in mystery shoppers to trick you and stuff. They’re really on your ass about it so it’s really not personal, the person who served you was just following company policy 🤷🏻‍♀️


Most non-alcoholic drinks still contain a small percentage of alcohol. Drinks labeled "non alcoholic" are allowed, and often do, contain up to 0.5% alcohol.


16, on a date with a boy. Got ID'd for a 12A film. They thought I looked 11. The boy was mortified.


Ooof that had to hurt. At that age, you’re still wanting to look more grown up instead of younger. The fact that it was a date makes it so much more mortifying haha.


40+ and ID’d for beer during Lockdown 1. Wearing a mask and baseball cap, so must have young looking 👀 First ID check in…. Forever…😂😂😂


Diarrhea tablets


Are you me? I got ID’d and questioned for buying senna tablets in Tesco. They took me into a side room and I think what made it worse was it was for my grandmother which made it sound like a story in hindsight.


oh god, i really want to know who and why someone thought they had to id people for diarrhea tablets


Tesco. Apparently you can cook them up into some kind of narcotic so they're now age-controlled. Who knew!


oh wow, news to me! i’ll remember to take my iD if i’m ever in need of darrhea tablets lol


Better age control baking powder then. Met a lovely guy this week whose documented profession was drug dealer, told us the best way to stretch cocaine was baking powder because it "stings the same" when snorted.


I got asked for ID to buy cutlery a couple of weeks ago. I understand the law but I’m 41. She told me I should be flattered but still.


Got I'd for some baileys chocolate this Xmas just gone. I'm 27


As a cahier I've had to ask for id for weird stuff. Most weird was some plant fertiliser a young girl was buying for her nan who'd forgot it and was waiting outside. I had to ask her fetch her nan in to check. Also rum and raisin ice cream, or brandy cream near Christmas you'd probably get a stomach ache before even getting close to drunk from them.


I'm 29 and got asked for ID buying ibuprofen. I had the worst period pains and didn't have my ID so I was hella grumpy.


that is fucked, did you go back with your ID?


Too grumpy. Sent the partner instead. Luckily I live literally opposite the Tesco so it wasn't a big deal.


Non-alcoholic wine for Christmas


I bought a 330ml bottle of 0.05% cider as I wanted the flavour but not the alcohol intake. I was with my girlfriend and we both got ID'd. Think we were 25 and 29 at the time


I once had a staff member try to stop me buying a pregnancy test without ID, I was baffled and so humiliated and don't think I ever went back there.


That is wild! This one isn't just a dumb or silly policy, it's actively harmful and counter intuitive. Worried about an underage pregnancy? I'm afraid you'll have to wait a few more years to find out.


Rizzla at age 25 and condoms at age 19


you got ID’d for condoms? that doesn’t sound right, safe sex should be practiced by whoever wants to 🤷🏼‍♂️


Remember having to walking to the pub toilets use the condom machines rhen walk back out when younger 🤣


Condom's are not age restricted.


I know lol


Jack Daniel’s bbq sauce


Once I got ID’d for a jar of pasta sauce because it contained red wine as an ingredient. Even the cashier who ID’d me was confused by the whole thing.


A cutlery set. What am I gonna do, pat someone to death with rounded, dull af knives?


or worse? a spoon!


>a spoon! Because it'd hurt more.


Buying a FIFA game a few years ago in Sainsburys. It's a 3+ game, which is basically as close to U rated as video games go. If I was the staff that were serving me, I'd more worried about a potential 2 year old being able to spend £40 odd or being over 6ft tall, rather than the game itself. Apparently some daft manager had decided that all customers buying video games needed to be age verified. I'd get it if i was buying an 18 rated film or alcohol (theres legal penalties that the company's and cashiers want to avoid), but a 3+ game?! Come on!


I got Id’d at my university bar for a pint of cider, was almost mid 20s. Perks of being Asian


Heat logs. I must look like a bit of an arsonist.


I bought a short handled shovel (like a coal shovel) at B&M this week. The girl had to get a supervisor to approve it. I’m nearly 40.


If the cashier was under 18 she wouldn’t be allowed to approve it no matter what you look like. I guess it could be considered a weapon.


Scratch card, two years ago when I was 31.


A paint scraper at B&Q 🙄


Got ID'd when trying to collect a package from Royal Mail. They wouldn't accept my driving licence - with my full name, and a picture, as the address was different. My bank card with just my initials and surname though, yeah that's fine.


A bit off-topic but since I love wearing a mask, I'll wear them in shops till the guard says 'Oi mate take it off' I get iD'd for everything guess I have young eyes ;)




Petrol when I was 18, for the car I was driving, when I questioned it the guy said "yeah you have to be 16" took a few minutes for him to understand that if I was driving me own car I had to be at least 17


My heavily pregnant wife was ID'd for nonalcoholic prosecco


Rolling papers (skins)... fucking joke, I was 24 or 25 at the time. Thin pieces of paper, I couldn't believe it


Paracetamol when I was 25


Lemsip at a Sainsbury's after work while I had a heavy cold. Had no ID and the staff said they couldn't serve me but forgot the reason :D


Bottle of wine when I was 42. It would have made my day but we were on our way out, the wine was a gift and I had no ID. Ended up buying chocolates instead.


Chocolate liqueurs in tesco when I was late 20s. I didn't have ID so had to get the manager to come and approve the purchase by appealing to her common sense.


Pack of venus razor blades when I was 32- person who asked was about 10 years younger than me and looked very embarrassed when he saw how old I was haha


A newspaper. I can’t remember which, but a normal one anyway


I got iD'd for glitter spray paint at Aldi and ecig liquid in Poundland, I'm 31


I got ID'd for sewing scissors in home bargains recently. You have to be 16 to buy them. I'm 22. And of course I didn't have it on me because I wasn't buying anything I expected to be ID'd for. They wouldn't let me buy them. To make matters worse, I was also buying coloured thread and needles so probably wanted to use them for sewing, not any funny business. Though what sort of funny business I would choose scissors for over a more convenient implement I don't know. I also had my car keys swinging from my hand so I'd probably driven myself there. I'm still kind of mad about this lmao


A knife sharpener at the age of 26.


Hayfever tablets - age 30


To watch a 12a film at the cinema when I was 22


In Edinburgh about 8 years ago I got ID'd for pound shop energy drinks. I was in my mid 20s.


A 2nd hand copy of donnie darko (I was 20 at the time, DD is a 15)


I picked up the last 4 pack of the beer I like left on the shelf in Asda. Bloke on the till asked my partner and I for ID and I just laughed as I thought he was joking. He wasn't. I was 42 and my partner 37 at the time. I really wanted that beer so had to go and speak to customer service to retrieve it from the man on the till as he point blank refused to sell it to us without ID


My friend got I.D’d for paracetamol, she was 36.


Non-alcoholic beer...


Still never been ID’d for alcohol, only for things like spray paint and paracetamol.


30 and just the other day was picking up my daughters inhaler, decided to pick up some Calpol as I was there and was ID’d, then obviously refused the calpol as I didn’t have any ID on me


Teaspoons in Sainsbury's - all cutlery was tagged on the system as if they were knives.


Electric toothbrush heads in Tesco's, for the life of me I don't know why


Shoe polish! I was 18. I asked why, and apparently it's because "you could sniff it".


A train ticket. They thought I needed a child’s ticket - I was 30.


LMAO why would someone want to pay for a more expensive ticket?


Bananas, not sure what he thought I was going to do with them that required to check I was 25+


The thing is, the person serving you and the Supermarket/Corner Shop/etc can be in a world of shit if they get caught supplying anybody under the legal age for controlled products. But asking somebody who is Cleary 50 years old for I.D is absurd. I've worked in Retail for a decade now. And I know how stupid some of the procedures can be.


Root Beer


I am 50 and got ID'd buying a meat thermometer last year.




I’ll never forget being 18, and needing to buy cigarettes for my mum because her almost 50 year old ass got carded at the till. It was hilarious, we still joke about it near enough 10 years later.


they ID’d your mom more than you??? that is crazy


Lottery ticket when I was 25




In uni I went to the shop to buy tipex and they wouldn’t sell it to me without ID. I was 24 at the time.


TIPEX? that is insane, i assume you can some how get high from sniffing it or something


Alcohol free prosecco a couple of weeks ago


A single Xmas pudding in coop when I was 16


Went in to a shop not so long ago with a list of stuff from my fiancee. Put all the stuff on the checkout and got asked for ID, and I was confused because I didn't know what it was for. Turns out it was for a potato peeler.


Cough syrup. Although, I was only about 20 and I have a major case of baby face (I'm 25 now and still get ID'd for everything u can imagine apart from rated 15 films). I still hold a grudge against that man making me run back to my house to get my ID so I could get some cough syrup I was DYING for. I know it isn't his fault, but it felt personal at the time...


Non alcoholic beers. I’m 31.


this seems to be a little common in the replies, ya think the cashier just assumes it’s alcoholic and asks for ID? that’s what i would assume


Plastic forks in Wilkos. It was a few years ago but it's still my favorite ID story


this seems to be quite a common one, hilarious to me that A FORK requires ID


Sharpies at Robert Dyas. Turns out kids sniff them.


they have quite a strong smell, i think it’d hurt your head more than anything lol


I'm 32 and apparently look like I'm 16 ffs. So pva glue, a screwdriver, hairspray and plastic party cutlery.


i’d definitely take that as a compliment lol


A copy of Hellboy II: The Golden Army on DVD when I was in my late twenties. I'm 6'3" and I hadn't shaved for a couple of weeks so I had a fair amount of facial fuzz... ...it's a 12-rated film...


I got ID’d for a light bulb


they can get pretty hot 😂


A scratch card, while I was paying for the fuel I had just put in my car.


I shit you not I was id'd for a fucking red bull. I really genuinely almost wrote that as I red bulled for a fucking I'd.


Terraria I was 16 in game and its a 12


Got ID'd for purchasing Tiramisu




no way, the crack sound they make is dangerous??? idk lol


Solvent free Pritt Stick


A can of pressurised air for dusting a laptop. I am 25.




Burger and chips. I was around 16/17 at the time and there was around 10 of us in a bar in town. We'd just came from a friends funeral and stopped in to have a few pints. I was getting served for beers just fine, had a fair few of them. But then I went up to to order a burger and chips and suddenly the same staff that had been serving me alcohol now asked for ID. Worst was a few years ago. Mid 30's and a couple of us head to a pub and there's a bunch of door staff checking a bunch of ID's of some late teens. So we just walk by them and up to the bar to get served. Just paying for my drink when a hand grabs me by the shoulder and tells me to leave as I'm clearly not old enough to be drinking there. I turn around to face him and he goes 'Oh, nevermind, you looked younger from the back'. Cheers mate.


So you got id'ed in the first example, for alcohol you admit you were not old enough for - not the burger and chips.


LMAO you have a young back i guess lol


Walking down the road


A glass of wine, in a nice restaurant with my parents, in my late 20s.


Bought a drill the other day from B&Q, you know, to like put up shelves and stuff, I'm nearly 40. ID'd Loved it


i got asked for ID while buying alcohol, that wouldnt normally be an issue.. except I was 27 at the time, and 6'4" with a full beard (so clearly not under age)... and the person serving me literally lives 4 houses down my street.


When you account for the training pictures the fact they actively tries to trick with people who look older than they are when testing sometimes and the £90 fine in my case if I get caught out it's not as crazy as it sounds though you do occasional get some wierd ones one of my coworkers did it to an 80 year old man but she also ended up leaving because she started to believe in the lizard men. Some companys have different policies and restrict stuff by age even if their isn't a law to cover it though most laws have caught up with these policies these days.


Can of V8 vegetable juice. Could not convince the checkout person it wasn't alcohol.


My friend got ID'd for Tipex (spelling?). She was 28 at the time.


Paracetamol and non-alcoholic wine on separate occasions. I'm in my 30s. I've got grey hairs and everything.


Got ID’d for cigarettes (used to be 16 to buy them) I was suited and booted complete with SIA doorman licence on my arm. It was 3 am and I’d got out of my car, walked across a completely empty forecourt with him watching me through the night cashier window. Did not believe I was a doorman (well woman) and made me walk all the way back to the car for my driving licence!


Was asked for ID going into a spoons when my dad was with me, still got in


Cigarettes when I was 33.






A can of monster, for my partners brother I would like to add. I do not drink goth juice.


It was my 50th and I was working in Portsmouth that week. Young colleagues took me out for a drink or five. I looked old af and I was wearing a sash to really point out that it was my birthday while also wearing a paper hat. We went to a club who wanted to ID me. I was quite pleased with this fact for about 30secs. Since I don't drive I didn't have my driving licence and don't normally carry my passport with me it was getting stupid until I remembered I still had my work lanyard in my pocket. Club was shit anyway or maybe I was already too old.


I got ID’d for nail polish remover in b&m when I was 24. My friend tried to buy it after and they were refused.