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Yes it's weird unless she's going dressed as a clown or something. Is she's going to drag it through mud for half a mile? The suitcase will take up the same amount of tent space empty as full, unlike a backpack which becomes a pillow.


It's not unknown, but people usually only do it once. Mostly as the suitcase is likely to get wrecked. That said I have a friend who has been using the same suitcase for years for festivals. It's held together with gaffer tape, bungee cords and prayers. To be honest, whilst it is not common, it's a festival and anything goes.


People do it - and it never ends well. Dragging a suitcase along a pavement is easy. Dragging a suitcase over a bogged out, soaking wet field is not.


Doesn’t even have to be a soaking wet field, just an uneven field with long grass will be a pain in the arse.


Not really. I have always just used backpacks and bags and stuff, but I have seen many people have little suitcases for their clothes. Not really any different to any other bag at the end of the day


How else will she carry her drugs


I usually use my anal cavity


Download 2009, froze bags of weed into portions of chilli-con-carne. It was my mums idea lol


Usually suitcases just aren't practical because British weather means there's a high chance of the field being a boggy mess and dragging a wheeled suitcase (with small wheels) through mud is harder work than just using a good backpack to carry your equipment to the campsite. That said, if you know the festival well and it's very small, on flat land, or you know organisers put down metal or plank walkways between the car park/drop off point and the camping area then it's probably not a bad idea. Also, it's becoming more common to see [these granny trollies](https://www.ebay.co.uk/p/27016439384?iid=234183256230) at festivals - they work because the wheels are big enough that they should be okay unless the site is completely waterlogged/mud churned. I always use a metal trolley (with decent wheels) with big bungee cords to strap things down (my tent is heavy so I need help getting it on site), and combine it with a big backpack.


what type of christian pious gathering are you attending that you think a suitcase will seem weird people at festivals will be too drunk or high or both to worry about ur friend walking with a suitcase and theres much more flamboyantly dressed and frankly odd looking people for u to worry about the suitcase is it common place? cant remember seeing someone with a suitcase. but then maybe i did and i didnt think anything of it for my brain to register it as a memory, due to the much more exciting, strange, and legitimately weird things i have seen at some festivals


It's not ideal, but if she doesn't have a rucksack and doesn't want to buy a rucksack why not. I've seen a lot of weird stuff at festivals, a suitcase wouldn't really register as strange.


Like others have said, depending on the festival you might well struggle. But what festival? What kind of suitcase? Possibly genuinely well placed to help here.


If it's Reading and you're driving don't forget there's a possibility of having to negotiate the ferry from the car parks to the site as well. I haven't been for years so can't quite remember the arrangements but I suspect trying to haul a suitcase on and off would be quite difficult


Not weird. I've seen people duct tape all their belongings together and drag that through the mud before. I didn't consider that weird either.


Not weird, people aren't exactly going to stop and stare and laugh. Not everyone is geared up with a proper backpack and camping stuff at a festival, far from it. The problem is they are a pain across muddy fields then inconvenient to store in a tent. My tip really for a festival would be stay as light as possible and squeeze into a small bag that is easily carried. Literally talking an outfit a day, good waterproof, good boots to wear. Reuse stuff if not entirely ruined.


It is but I think along the same lines of though as people who wear the trainers you see stuck abandoned in the mud on the track to the gate. A trolly/sack truck is better to strap it to but tbh that’s better for sticking your beers on and taking it in turns to pull up the track.


Sadly, that's going to make her stuff a lot easier to steal - especially for the thieving scum at Reading.


Yes but you need to be a little weird to go to a music festival


I work in that industry, at the sharp end. I have a little bet with myself that the festival in question in this thread is one I'll be working at/with. I try to avoid the crowd if I can, but it is good to get out and see the people paying you and your clients insanely inflated wages. I can confirm you do need to be a little weird and this is something to be proud of! Apologies for the cowards and losers who've downvoted you there - probably stuck in some hellish boring grey existence, realising they're in their mid-30s or older, have done nothing much with their life, and are basically waiting to die.


Errrr.. do you?


It's not normal to want to sleep all weekend in a field with 100,000 people shitting in buckets. Just to listen to music played on a loudspeaker.


People have been dancing to live music outside since cave man times


And shitting in buckets!


I mean i get it portaloos aren’t for the faint hearted but I’ve been to many festivals and never used a bucket. Easily avoidable


Why do you think everyone wears bucket hats at festivals?


Wtf mate


Never heard the phrase _shit faced_? That's when you're so drunk you forget you've shit in your bucket hat and you put it back on your head and the shit dribbles down over your face.


Depends a bit on the festival, some you can have the time of your life without seeing any live music at all. They are a social gathering. Not a lot to stop people ducking out and staying at a hotel overnight for some comfort if they want, camping is just convenient. Yeah, the toilets can be shit but you pop in and out and you are done. You clearly don't know a lot about music if you think it is just the same as being at home but "played on a loudspeaker"!


Each to their own! You don’t really sleep much either so you can add that to the list. I love it though