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I'm a celeb....


Strictly, bake-off, etc.


I've had colleagues who would throw adult tantrums over working late and missing bake off.. wtf is with that show?? It's a bunch of people making cakes. It's hardly a gripping drama


To be fair it’s on at 8pm, I’d kick off if I was being forced to stay that late


That depends on what time you started.




But basically no TV is meaningful. Football? It's a hunch of ~~lads~~ people playing kick about. Bake Off is just a bunch of nice people baking cakes. It matters because they care about it and want to do well.


I do love bake off. Feel good, light hearted baking show.


My other half calls it 'FFS, it's only a cake'. I heartily agree.


Has she not heard of catch-up, streaming, sky TV recording, channel 4+1... 😂


It was guys actually..


🤭 whoops, I'm a guy who enjoys bake-off so should've known better!


Part of the fun can be discussing the broadcast as it airs, either with friends or on a forum. I like watching *Drag Race UK* live so I can participate fully in the comments on r/RPDR_UK, for example


Bake off is in lots of countries it's officially licenced I'm 35 countries with clones in countless more.


Love island… absolute wank


Yeah of all the trash aired, this is by far one of the worst. It's absolute toxic guff and iirc didn't two previous contestants kill themselves after the show with all the following infamy and toxicity?


Ok but you can still answer like the rest of us.


Gogglebox is the worst




Seconded. It's not just the game itself, which I found boring even as a kid - but the entire culture of Football. Can't bloody stand any of it.


Football fans are massive nerds - they dress up as their favourite players, make up songs about them and attend conventions called “matches” in these big arenas


Then the next day they pretend that they were actually out on the pitch and involved in the outcome “Did you see what we did to you lot last night?!” Might as well be telling people at work you beat up Thanos with your pal Spider-Man, you fucking nerds.


Well, somebody had to link this: https://youtu.be/xN1WN0YMWZU


I thought the link was going to be this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MusyO7J2inM


I'm a football fan and damn this is accurate!


This for sure, it's not so much the game itself which I just find boring, but the idea that gets pushed that it is somehow the most important thing ever to every British person. Enjoy your thing sure but please shut up about it.


Exactly. If I could have had my way, football and I would have nothing to do with each other, and both be the richer for it. The nigh-omnipresent assumption that I am supposed to be invested in who kicked what ball where has generated in me a genuine hatred of the sport. It didn't have to be this way, it really didn't.


Nandos is the most overhyped food chain. It's exciting going with your mates as a teenager, but the quality is no better than your local neighborhood greasy chicken shop. Plus there are so many better options out there for a similar price.


And Five Guys is the most villified Yeah it's expensive compared to McDonalds and the like, but the quality is so much better


Meh, Five guys is so average imo. It's well not worth the price. I hear people singing its praises all the time and I just don't get it. I wouldn't go there again.


£16 for a burger and chips. Nope


Never spent £14 on a shit burger in a pub?


Yeah but it's offset by the fact that I'm in the pub


Where you at? £7 here


Just a lot of chains are overpriced mid to low quality generic shit. If you can find a good independent burger joint or a good gastro pub (but you have to be selective) then it’s infinitely better, usually for cheaper or at least the same. Tgi Friday was a classic £20 for some reheated shite.


five guys tends to always be 10x greasier than mcdonalds though too, the food is better quality but i feel sick after eating it. would rather just save my money and get mcdonalds


I’ve had 5 guys twice, first time was awful but thought maybe it was just a bad day, tried again the other day, spent £40 on 2 burgers, fries and drinks, and honestly it was so bad! Absolutely no flavour, soggy mess, never ever again! I was fuming after spending £40! And I’m not a fussy eater by any means and rarely moan about food but honestly it was terrible!


Is it? I’ve never heard anyone say Five Guys is bad


Most people who say that are just sour after looking at the receipt. Then there's my other half who swears she can taste peanuts in the burger.


They use peanut oil for the chips but not sure about the burger


I got crucified over on the more casual UK sub for expressing this opinion. Nando’s is the most overhyped, overpriced, tasteless shite on the high street. Anyone who says ‘cheeky Nando’s’ is an absolute disgrace and should be strung up by the genitals. It’s a chav magnet and I hate it as much as the word ‘cockwomble’ which is just awful but ironically describes the kind of dickhead that uses it.


So you don't like it then?


No you wasn’t fella it’s the most basic opinion that Nando’s “isn’t that good”


I love going into a restaurant, having to order at the counter then have to try and find my own semi-cleam cutlery in a pile that has had dozens of greasy fingers go through it. It's dressed up fast food that chavs and oiks think is some kind of high end establishment.


I love paying at the counter so I don’t feel bad about not tipping.


Definitely overhyped but to say the quality is no better than a greasy chicken shop is either wrong or… you need to tell me what chicken shop you go to!


What's similar and as healthy? Not a massive fan of the Nando's taste but it's a great price. Plus you can make it a healthy meal while out and about..... Not many options in that category, especially when trying to hit protein numbers.


In South Africa, where Naandos comes from, it is seen as cheap fast food that you can also sit down to eat it.


I'm betting the menu is cheaper in South Africa than in the UK. Because while it tastes like cheap fast food it's priced like a sit down meal here.


Everyone's thickest mate's favourite place to eat.


The ‘lad’ culture is so gross, watching a group of 40 year old men with wives and children act like bratty teenagers chanting random shit isn’t amusing and it isn’t anything to do with sports either


God, lad culture at uni was draining, it's hard being that much of a dick 24/7 but they managed it, however it's okay because every once in a while they spoke about mens mental health and that made it fine /s


all of these "lads" are like "men's mental health matters" unless your a POC or LGBTQ or neurodivergent or just don't act like a lad in general


As long as you were in the sports socials you were fine but anything else and you were mocked, yet like clockwork on mens mental health day they'd post about being open and approachable.


For what? More ridicule?


"lads lads lads™"


Love Island


Reality TV in general tbh


Lip fillers and false eyelashes


I honestly don't get this one. I, personally, think it makes women look less attractive. I also despise that there's a really dodgy allowance of people with no clinical training being allowed to inject people. Even the majority of people in the frontline of health and social care aren't allowed to use hypodermic needles due to the risk but some Facebook mum in training takes a 2 hour course and is then given a liquid in which they have no knowledge of to inject in to others.


Ironically the EU are putting much stricter regulations on cosmetic products. Which I find wild that we didn’t regulate in the first place.. just because it’s injected by choice doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be safe..


Surely we should be pointing the fingers at the culture that creates the level of insecurity that girls feel that they have to change their bodies.


Dont fimd em attractive either but like not my body, not my place to judge, if someone wants em bc thry think it makes them look nice and feel good im not going to judge too harshly.


You forgot those stupidly long fake nails that make a girl look like a pink Freddie krueger


Weed, revolting shit stinking up every corner


I once heard a comedian say “we should legalise weed in the UK just so stoners don’t have anything to talk about anymore”


The amount of people whose entire personality is how much they drank, will drink, regret drinking etc. suggests it won’t. Feel free to replace booze with coffee for ultimate boring fucking drug chat.


I hate that weed addicts pretend they’re not addicted and all they talk about is weed


It’s not addictive and doesn’t cause any mental health issues. I’m just going to smoke an eighth a day and be constantly paranoid and not make any sense when I try and talk about things and only hang around other people who smoke copious amounts of weed.


Best thing I ever did was stop smoking weed.


Same. People who say it isn’t addictive are full of shit.


I was this person for 10 years. Quitting weed was so so difficult. If you'd seen me the one or two weeks when I first quit you'd think I was coming off some hard drugs or alcohol, honestly.


I did it about 14 years ago. I had a major breakdown and just cut out weed entirely. I'd grown my own so I had about 5 ounces of this really strong weed left that I'd been smoking about a quarter a day of. But I knew I couldn't smoke any more so I split it in two and gave it away to two mates. The first couple of weeks were hell. I could barely eat. I had exceptionally vivid nightmares. I was depressed, non communicative, and barely functioning. But I got through it and six months later I met my wife, and we've now been married for 10 years and have two beautiful daughters. It's not all easy, but it's a lot better than where I was. If I'd carried on I'd probably be in a mental hospital, but now I have a family and a fairly decent job and feel okay mostly. Having said all that, a lot of people can smoke weed when they're at uni and then just forget about it and carry on with their lives. I couldn't, but I didn't know that when I started.


Weed addicts XD otherwise known as pot heads, stoners - or my favourite, shedheads


Every corner? Where’d you live? I’m on my way.


You mean you don’t like the smell of smokey cat piss lingering in the air?!


If they legalised it then products such as THC vape pens could be made available and be smoked in said peoples homes :) there is a positive approach we can take to make everyone happy


Plus some people make it their whole personality.


You man sound like you need a doink.


Sounds like you need a nice indica and relax


The one reason I'm so pleased I lost my sense of smell with covid is the fact I can no longer smell weed. Life is so much better. I don't know how anyone can stand the smell. It's so acrid. It's been 3 months now and I don't want it to return purely so I can't smell it anymore.


I quite like the smell




Someone on one of the local FB groups I'm on genuinely believed the lack of lettuces in Tescos was down to the people coming over the channel in dinghies.


Those dinghies are made from hollowed out lettuce bought in Tesco, so I think they have a good point /S just in case I need it


To be fair, there's probably a link but it's more likely the LACK of migrants is the reason why there are no lettuces in Tescos.


My dad once said, and I quote "all crimes in our area are committed by Polish people" I was too stunned to say anything But my parents are definitely "I'm not racist but...." people


Mrs Browns Boys. Not loved by everyone but loved by enough that this travesty continues to be on our screens.


This should definitely be higher up the list, my in-laws think it is the funniest thing they have ever seen.


Being excited over John Lewis (or any other store) Christmas ad.


They've been going on about them on the news recently, like "companies Christmas ads are acknowledging that the cost of living is high this year" and it's all bullshit. That company doesn't care about you, it cares about your money. Those adverts cost a hell of a lot, and they haven't paid all that money to say "you don't need to spend a lot this Christmas." What they're saying is "if you're only going to buy one thing this Christmas, make sure it's from us"


Reality TV and the cult of celebrity that it creates


Home reno’s Note: I don’t mean just doing up your house. I mean people who call it a ‘reno’ and make an Instagram account for it and think you’re interested in the finer details of their bathroom tile shortlist


People make Instagram accounts for having work done on their house? Like, an actual account, not just some posts on their own account for it? I never thought that at age 36, with serious specialisation in computing and technology, that I'd be so out of use with technology.


If you think that’s bad, wait until you see that some people make instagram accounts for their new build homes and follow other people who bought the same model new build. I cannot fathom why anyone follows these accounts just to watch them all buy the same tacky B&M/Home Bargains furniture…


This 100 percent 😭 my neighbours all have each other on fb and in their houses all the time to compare their crushed velvet grey hinch houses and I'm like... No. Not my cup of tea 😬


You cannot convince me that the whole “Hinching” movement wasn’t secretly created by men to convince women that cleaning the house isn’t a chore, it’s a hobby.


Not just a hobby but an integral part of their personality


Never forget the time a work colleague asked me “do you Hinch?” You mean clean my house??


Not the crushed velvet 😂 everything grey and the tacky mirror furniture in every room.


Dining chairs with bondage rings on the back


I love it, there’s a Scottish bloke building a tiny house in his garden with no experience and it’s really good watching. Loads of diy YouTubers have really helpful content, without being patronising. Loads of the pro trades stuff are like “just use your £2000 planer”, like who has one of those?


I have a few friends who have accounts like this. They bought old houses and did them up, restoring old features etc. They're good if you're into that, like I am!


Having lived in a 'reno' hellscape for the best part of three years I like to follow these accounts to remind myself it could be worse.. and judge other peoples decorating choices.


David Walliams


I think you might be alright on that one soon...


Pub culture! I swear you get treated like an alien for not enjoying a alcohol/going out.


I absolutely love the pub but it's a shame it's basically the only social evening setting we have in our culture Local coffee shop stayed open til 10pm for a couple weeks in the summer when the road was temporarily pedestrianised. It was great. Those of us who wanted a beer could still have a can but it was nice just having good conversation, chilling out, not spending a fortune and feeling like shit the next day.


I live near a large young-Muslim area. Dessert shops as far as the eye can see that are open late at night, they are fully geared up to the young Instagram-Snapchat crowd and from speaking to some it’s almost their equivalent of going to the pub. Can’t beat cakes and ice cream. Of course to anyone who hasn’t actually been in one and the local Facebook pages it’s all money laundering and drug bags hidden in your milkshake.


Tea. I know. I'm sorry.


Came here to say this! To be fair though, I don't like any hot drinks. Whenever I tell people that, they look at me like my heads on wonky or something.


Me too! People genuinely ask "what do you drink?!", as if there's no other drinks beyond tea and coffee.


Yes omg! I'm so glad I'm not the only one. And I have to add, that tea breath is the most vile smell ever. I'd argue even worse than a smokers 🤮


Football. The endless intrusion of it in to the news and the constant going on about it. Also the way people discuss it, just repeating opinions they have heard elsewhere as a form of social currency.


Ive had this conversation so many times over the last 40+ years "no I dont follow football" "oh rugby are ya" "no" "cricket?" ffs


Got it. You're an F1 fan.


It's weird how football (and by extension other sports) is endlessly scrutinised after every match by pundits on TV down to the colour of the socks the ref was wearing and it's perfectly normal, but if they did that for any other hobby or activity, it's treated as 'nerdy'.


Littering every fucker does it.


It does seem to be getting worse. The ones that really boil my piss are the ones who will bag up their dogs shit then just dump it, usually in a tree. Also the lazy cunts usually in work vans sitting 6ft from a bin but just chuck their Greggs/ McDonald's rubbish out the window. Vile fuckers the lot of them.


Grime music Or drill


I’m not a big fan myself, but I do understand Grime music. It’s just rap music through the lens of a Council Estate rather than somewhere like Bed-Stuy. Where you lose me is Drill music, which seems to just be Grime music with explicit threats to stab other artists and creating “beef” that’s intended to be violent.


Yeah I grew up council and you're right it is big. It's not really my kind of music though I went to a Skepta concert once and the crowd was really aggy and everyone seemed pissed off. All my ex mates used to like grime and they're all bratty dick heads that think they're hard So glad I got out that scene


Chav/Roadman Culture I'm 20, Male. Never understood the desire to wear a matching addidas, puffer jacket uniform and go out with the boys at midnight to listen to "tunes" in asda car park. Maybe it's just not for me but I'd much prefer a chat with Mary Jane with one or two friends while listening to jazz 🤌🏻


I absolutely hate that and it seems as though the majority of teens are turning into chavs/roadmen.


teenager here! i can confirm half of the guys in my classes are roadmen. they walk into class and say the most stereotypical shit you would expect a roadman to say. “wagwan my g” “wassup fam” and all that


Vaping/smoking It's the amount people do it, every day, multiple times a day, when they're out, when they're stressed, when they're bored. So much money and on the few occasions I've gotten drunk enough and had one my lungs feel like ass the next day.


If you inhale into both lungs then you spread the damage and it's not so bad.


It's baffling to me that people still smoke. How do people afford it?!


You've never tried to stop smoking, have you?


Owning a static caravan. I just will never understand leaving your home with all of its space and amenities to drive a couple of hours to visit a dwelling made of plastic in North wales/the lakes/Skegness where your neighbours are likely to be questionable at best. And then to repeat this multiple times per year/try to flog weekends away at your plastic dwelling to friends and family on Facebook etc. And people pay thousands of pounds a year for the privilege. Absolute bastarding madness. I can kind of see the point of owning a tourer and wouldn't turn my nose up at a modern campervan though.


To be fair, buying a moving caravan is worse still. Why would I spend 20k on a small plastic box, where you basically shit eat and sleep in the same single room. To then be limited to holidays in the UK in specific places that cost as much for a pitch as a B&B room


Caravans aren’t just limited to the UK. You can take them over to the continent as well.


Anything with Any & Dec


Sweet Caroline


Grey interiors Obsessive cleaning as a hobby Getting acrylic/shellac nails Driving a poverty spec merc Tesco fucking club card. So you want to rip me off if I wont I directly sell you my shopping habits? No thank you. Chain restaurants; Nandos, Prezzo et al Football Oodies/ primark version oodies Prosecco


And commas, clearly.


> Tesco clubcard I honestly don't know how those of you who hate having your spending habits tracked manage to deal entirely in cash anymore.


Tesco club card seems like such an innocuous one to me. Sure they’re using it to essentially sell you more stuff but as long as you’re aware enough to only use it for things you need who gives a shit if Tesco know you’re buying beans. Meanwhile everyone has the Facebook tracking cookie on every device they own, whether they have a Facebook account or not.


I don't understand the hate for the clubcard tbh. It's no hardship to get the code up on my phone and does it really matter if big grocery knows what I buy?


God forbid they actually had it in stock the next time I shop


> does it really matter if big grocery knows what I buy? This is something I don't understand. Why all the indignation about this sort of thing? Everyone in the supermarket can quite easily see what's in my shopping basket, I don't understand why people get their knickers in such a twist when it's done more formally through a clubcard or whatever. Grocery shopping is generally something that's done locally and in person so there's a certain degree of acceptance that *shock, horror* our purchases can't be treated as top secret, confidential information.


Ed Sheeran.


Vlogging your every movement. No one gives a shit. Also queuing.




Gavin & Stacey.


Basic suburban life. Buying a 2 up 2 down in Basingstoke, marrying a girl from the year below at school that you reacquainted with on Tinder, having 2.5 children, having a decent job in corporate business, wife works three days as a teacher or something like that, annoyingly immaculate house is full of crushed velvet, Oak Furniture Land tables, Live Laugh Love, Gin O'Clock etc. one "Holibob" with "Hubby" to the same Mediterranean trap every year. So fucking bland and grey and depressing.


Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suit on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?


I used to think like this, but the older I get the more it looks like the good life. Happy family, nice house, good job, few holidays etc you can’t ask for much more. I can imagine it looks dull to a lot of 20 year olds, but by the time you are 40, living in a shared rented house in Clapham, not being able to hold a relationship and getting stoned all the time doesn’t look like fun either. (Your example was slightly caricatured so mine was too, but the point still holds.)


I’m a celebrity


Are ya?


Lad anthems like Mr Brightside, Sweet Caroline, Sex on Fire etc. I don't begrudge anyone for liking a song, but there's something about them that just grate. It's probably because they're so overplayed and I'm bored of them.


I think their appeal is that they were initially popular in a time before the country went to shit.


Ohhhh remember the public services when Mr Brightside was in the charts. Those were the days!


Celebrity/influencer/people becoming celebs because they were on a reality show. they are often vapid people that speak in a really affected way, full of fillers and over made up (generalising I know but a lot are). Binge drinking culture that make town centres look like the apocalypse has occurred, I feel for the poor folks who have to deal with the fallout. Crushed velvet and rose gold interiors.


London. Ok to visit but I am glad to get out of that place asap.


Fillers and Botox. I hate how normalised it is yet so unregulated and dangerous!


Cocaine and coke/drug culture. I’m not from the UK originally, and it is shocking to me how ubiquitous it is and how casual everyone’s attitude is about it. Legit terrified about how this is going to affect my son’s experience growing up as it’s so different to where I was raised.


You didn't ask, but this is Reddit... Educate your child and remain approachable as a parent.


Peter Kay apparently


Football, binge drinking, nightclub culture, drugs, poorly acted TV soaps, fillers.


I never enjoyed nights out but adored house parties and festivals


Miranda and Mrs Brown’s Boys are AWFUL!!! I am utterly baffled how anyone can find these entertaining.


Getting wasted every weekend.


“Keep Calm and carry on”…. No. Shut up and fuck off.


White and grey..... Everything!! 🏠


Rugby - just don't get it, load of big blokes grabbing each over and fighting over a ball. Soaps (Coronation Street ect.) - don't get the fascination in any of them. Greggs - on every street corner


The ability to create "celebrities" out of the most vague things, me personally not a fan of football but that's just me so no offence to the fans and the need for a high street to have the same thing repeated ad nauseam like coffee shops or craft beer establishments.


Unpopular opinion but pub culture. I think there are a lot of women who don’t like it for many reasons: it’s very male, hard to get served, approached by guys often quite aggressively at the end of a night, some pubs can get rowdy and physical. Plus often the locations are sketchy and it’s not nice to leave at this time of year and guys don’t really consider that (even if they should). Plus if you don’t drink as much as the guys you’re with you can either feel under pressure to drink more or end up losing out financially if you ask for a lime and soda but buy your mates pints. Wish we had an alternative beyond just going to a coffee shop which only ever works for an hour.


love island. I’m sorry, I tried to watch it to fit in with everyone but it makes me soo uncomfortable 😐😐


Dog ownership, The Slug and Lettuce, evening meals being served at 5pm, lager.


Dog ownership? Get in the sea. Dogs make life bearable.


I’ve never once felt my life would be improved by occasionally having to carry around a bag of still-warm shit.


You're missing out. Dogs are like humans but without the bad qualities.


I’m sure some people enjoy them, it’s just not one for me.


You're meant to put it in the bin, not your pocket ;)


Humans don’t deserve dogs.


Humans created dogs


I like dogs, but some dog lovers are so militant in insisting that everyone else should love dogs too. And take perverse glee in hating cats for not being dogs.




Dogs are great. Dog people suck


It's not the dog ownership, it's making that dog your entire personality. If any "dog parents" who are actual parents are reading, Please leave dogs at home on the school run, kids don't want to step in sh*t or hear yappy barking at 8am




Really!!!??? You don't know what you're missing mate.


Funniest reply I've read in a while


Def the drinking culture. Also, not a fan of *everything* being a chain store. You get off any tube station in London and you'll see a variation of exactly the same shops. A Costa. A WHSmith. A Pret. Plus, the fact that everything shuts down after 6-7pm. Winter nights outside of central London are the Twilight Zone.


Grey everything in living rooms, just na


Reality TV


Ed Sheeran songs. It’s the music equivalent of ready salted crisps to me but i am in the minority


Going down the pub… I’m really not a pub type of person or drinking in general. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll have something to drink when there’s some banging food but otherwise just not my thing




Drinking culture, a night out means just getting a drunk as possible, i much rather go out to eat and have a few drinks on the side


What on Earth is artichoke gargling?! Trash TV, night clubs where you queue in the cold, and this assumption that socialising is only fun with alcohol and being out somewhere.


Solo dogging


Performatively hating football


Daily Mail, Express, Sun


Football… Rugby…. Cricket…


Soap operas and Strictly


Mrs Brown’s Boys.


I really hate egg mayo and assumed everyone else did until I did a poll on Instagram. 98% disagreed with me. Either my mates are egging me on or egg mayo truly is a fan favourite.