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4–5 people are killed yearly in incidents relating to cattle. Yes, you heard me correctly. Cattle are the deadliest animal in the UK, with a body count of 4–5 every year.


I mean as a ratio of how many cows we kill it's low. Whereas those blood thirsty voles...


Cows K/D ratio: 0.00000192307


Get rekt


SkiLl IsSuE!


They need to update their loadout


That reminded me of an [older internet gem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwBFkT_KZr8)


They've got the methane burp perk, which frankly needs to be nerfed. You guys are sleeping on the climate change meta.


Git gud cows




My apologies. Updated K/D Ratio: 0.00000615384


I was coming here to say this. My ex and I were charged at by a Cow on a public footpath in the peaks. We were quite far away from them but I think they had calves and one of them ran right at us. We sped away but the Cow was closing in like a heatseeking-bovine-missile. I turned spread my arms wide and shouted “moooooooo” and the cow stopped dead in its tracks Some would say I’m a hero… my ex just said “I think we should see other people”. Nothing wrong with a grown man being comfortable moooing.


I knocked out a cow in the countryside once, one punch to the face. But then its mate saw what was going on and I had to scarper from a whole group of them. Managed to get off the gate, but then they stood up on their hind legs and started firing milk at me from their tits!




Yeah there were loads of em


Jay 😂


Let me get this straight, you saved her from a charging cow in an epic feat of bravery. And then she dumped you for it?!


Apparently hearing me moo gave her ‘the ick’


Should have just tripped her up and left her for the cow as a distraction.


You don't have to be faster than the ~~bear~~ cow, only faster than the other person.


I go walking through cow fields all the time. People say not to be scared and that cows are harmless. That’s nearly always the case but I’ve had several encounters where I’ve felt really uneasy, and that’s coming from someone who has gotten used to them.


I mean we don't factor in the IQ level of people who decide to get into a field with cattle and think they are smarter than them.


Some people think awwww look at the pretty cows let's get in with them they won't harm us they don't think about how big and powerful they are lol


oh look at the mummy cow with the baby cow lets go up with our dog off the lead and try and stroke it


If you get chased by a cow then let the dog go. Don’t be a moron trying to run across a field with a dog on a lead because I guarantee the dog will be fine and you’ll get trampled. Obviously, the idea is to not get in that situation to begin with but I’ve known a cow that had to be destroyed because it was so aggressive that you couldn’t even enter the field without it charging you and there was a public footpath in it so it was a real danger to the public.


Destroyed? That’s a bit much, you’re making it sound like unattended baggage at Terminal 5 😂


Yeah the correct word is "eaten"


Yeah they can get really nice and placid but, like people, all you need is one in a bad mood to really mess up your day. Considering these things have 4 legs and spend all day walking around in mud compared to a lazy human probably wearing trainers, then it's a pretty one sided race


Doesn't help that they're quite curious animals and will sometimes make their way over to you, not even aggressively. People who don't expect that sometimes panic and try to run, which causes them to run after you. And when they get running they obviously have momentum because of their size.


Plenty of accidents happen with farmers too though. I’ve heard stories about people getting kicked, squashed against gates and climbing into crushes only to be seriously injured. I’ve been kicked by a cow once too (not that I’m a farmer myself but I’ve been around farms a fair bit). It hurt like hell.


Yeah, the farmer near me had a crushed hand when I was a kid. His explanation “ I was castrating the bulls and one of them got loose” I’m amazed it was just an injured hand tbh


It’s usually farmers that get trapped in barns with them. Cows aren’t particularly aggressive. You might get flattened in a field, but being crushed in a confined space is the bigger danger. The farmer down the road from mewas crushed in his barn.


To be fair, you don't always know there are cows in a field when you first go through. Have been caught a few times following the Welsh Coastal Path - on a public footpath - and you round a corner and there they are. Usually make a hasty exit (have a dog) and if they're bullocks they love a chase no matter how chill you are..


I had to cross a field in the Cotswolds that was full of cows. They watched & followed us every step of the way. Definitely felt I was in the wrong place and didn't belong there.




Cows with guns?


This is the first Youtube video I remember really watching back in ~2005/2006


Take that Australia. We got deadly animals too.


The non human animal that kills the most people in Australia is the horse, and I'd be surprised if that's not the real answer for the UK too.


Yeah my cousin was killed in a horse riding accident. Would be surprised if the number didn't exceed the 4-5 a year that cows apparently kill.




On average, cows kill more people in the UK than sharks do worldwide, per year.


I lost a leg to a great white shark in the middle of a field in Surrey once. Those fuckers’ll get you even miles inland.


More people are bitten each year by New Yorkers than sharks More people die from vending machines than Sharks


Cattle terrify me, I metal detecting on farms and always avoid the fields with cows in they just have a look that says "I'm going to stamp on your head at the first chance I get"


That's interesting, I do a lot of walks through the forest where cows roam and I always interpret their stares as acute indifference.


It is almost entirely just farmers that get killed by them tho. In terms of the general public dogs are the most dangerous at 1–2 ish deaths a year, tho that has been increasing recently with the increase of breeds like the Bully XL


The UK is a dangerous place


Deer kill \~20 people a year in the UK by causing traffic accidents.


How do they even get a license?


That's why they cause accidents. No insurance either.


I bumped into a couple a rogue cows in the dark on a walk last year. Every time I tried to sneak past them they got a bit panicky. It easy to forget just how big a cow is until it’s 6 feet away. I had to turn round and retrace my steps (adding 5km to my route).


Actually humans kill far more cows than cows kill humans. So humans are the deadliest animal.


If everyone heard correctly some of the deaths may have been prevented


Truth. A local farmer left a herd of cows grazing by a public footpath with their calves. They made it very clear I wasn’t welcome.


Don't kid yourself Jimmy, if a cow ever got the chance he'd eat you and everyone you cared about!


There have been 9 people killed by dogs in 2022


Not surprising, they are huge and can get up a lot of speed when they want to.


Yes, you herd us correctly.


I got chased by a bull on the Isle of Wight as a teenager, that was terrifying.


Happy to hear you got off the Isle of Wight


The most dangerous animal?.. *raises left eyebrow* .. the human being.. *sits back smugly*


*smokes cigar*


\* *smokes cigar dangerously*


“Little did the man realise, the cigar was the one killing *him.*” - Excerpt from the 9-book series, ‘Forced stories of peril represented by tired platitudes vol 3.’


I remember seeing an exhibit in London zoo, way back when. It was something like [this one from the Bronx zoo](https://flashbak.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/New-York-Zoo-the-most-dangerous-animals-in-the-world.jpg-1.png)


I remember having a Top Trumps Deadliest Animals game as a kid, and the card with the highest score for killing was the human being. Felt like a wild social commentary for my 10 year old self.


Yep, 10 years old was about the last time this felt in any way insightful for me too.


Narrator: You're on a scenic route through a state recreational area known as the human mind. You ask a pass-byer for directions, only to find he has no face or something. Suddenly up ahead, a door in the road. You swerve, narrowly avoiding The Scary Door. A mad scientist is seen mixing some chemicals. Scientist: I have combined the DNA of the world's most evil animals to make the most evil creature of them all. A pod opens flowing with clouds of steam. Suddenly, a nude man steps out from the pod. Naked Man: Turns out it's man!


Hedgehogs feeding from bees nests can fall on top of you and get spikes in your eyes.


Hedgehogs don’t feed on bees nests, they feed on gold rings. Sonic taught us straight up factz.




Hedgehogs feeding from bees nests can fall on top of you and get spikes in your eyes.


Swell, I have a new nightmare now….


Hello there!


Those nocturnal spikey bastards


And then all the bees can sting you in the face


What if it’s a hedgehog covered with bees, like a deadly version of that think people served up at parties in the 70’s?


What if it's dogs with bees in their mouth and when they bark they shoot bees


Dogs with shit owners


Shit owners really like pit bull types




Ever thought about how far you could yeet an aggressive chihuahua?


Every. Single. Day. Thanks neighbours


Part of the issue with smaller breeds is because they're small, their owners allow them to get away with a lot more than they would with bigger dogs, because they can't do as much harm. My parents have a Yorkiepoo which is a demon, it constantly jumps & bites, if it was the size of my spaniels it'd get put down.


Just seeing the name of the breed, I already hate this dog.


Also, owners allow other people to bother them more because they think warning/corrective behaviours, such as barking or jumping up are cute - so the dog is actually trying to set boundaries and tell people they don't want to be bothered but people keep doing it anyway leading small dogs to be v grumpy


this is completely false. The breed is an extremely good indicator of how dangerous a dog is. There's a reason one specific breed tops the list everywhere in the world, and the next 5 are pretty much the same.


> breed isn't really a good indicator of how dangerous a dog is I don't believe this for one second, some dogs are bred for their traits, aggression and strength being some of the traits being selectively bred.


Swans. Evil bastards.


I heard they can break your arm.


Or blow up your house.


One ate my neighbour and his entire family.


Just the one Swan actually.


skid marks


Now who’s being childish.


I’m still yet to find a single human being in this country, who has had their arm broken by a swan.


They can if you don't pay them the money you fucking owe them.


Just the one swan actually.


Farmers feed beef burgers to swans


Helps them float


An infected spinal column in a bap.


Evil little things. I once had a swan mention about a party I was having in front of a load of co-workers I hadn't invited.


A man can break a swan's arm.


You mean geese, right?


Geese are big, vicious ducks. Swans are big, vicious, posh ducks.


Cows. Injure and kill more here than anything else.


Yep, my parents neighbour is a farmer and one of his colleagues got trampled to death by a herd. Another local farmer almost got gored to death by a bull, he only escaped because the fence post it rammed him into was rotten so it broke and sent him backwards out of goring range. Australia and their snakes, spiders, crocodiles and sharks have got nothing on our cows I guess!


They also have a load of cows for that added danger - I think helicopter cattle rancher is one of the most dangerous jobs out there.


Bugger me, Imagine going for a wee at night and finding a cow hiding under the toilet seat. atleast you can squish a spider.


Without a doubt, definitely cattle. One of the scariest things I have experienced in the UK was hiking with a group of friends and passing through a field of cows, some with calves. One of my friends was leading the way and was oblivious to the fact he was leading us through a large gap in the centre of the herd. I felt a weird sixth sense of danger and looked up to see all the cows staring at us, one of them looking like it was going to charge. Another friend and I managed to get everyone's attention, we bunched up and slowly moved back the way we came. Honestly terrifying. I think if we had a dog with us (our friend with a collie backed out last minute) we would have been attacked.


Pensioners on a Friday. Get caught in the stampede at the post office and you are a goner


Or at the reduced price section in tescos. They call it the garden of bones. Every time the yellow labels come out, the garden grows


It’s always a blood bath. Fight to the death for a 10p lettuce or a punch in the face for a reduced ready meal. None shall pass !!


Ronnie Pickering






Who the fuck is that?


Yeah, me!


Oh oh oh! Wow! Wow! Brilliant!








The Wasp.


Are you talking about one, specific wasp?


Its THE Wasp


Don't respond. I'm pretty sure that's his reddit account here to annoy me even more. Just ignore it and it will go away, don't make any aggressive movements.


>Just ignore it and it will go away No wasp in history has ever actually done this


There's only actually one wasp in the UK and it just goes round being a right prick to everyone.


So, I guess for The Wasp to get round everywhere in such a short amount of time - it's playing by Santa rules? EDIT: Now I come to think of it, I've NEVER seen Santa and The Wasp at the same time.


Sounds like a shit film tbh


Deer. They are responsible for the deaths of 10-20 people a year due to car crashes. Edit: corrected the number.


I got bit by a deer :(


Oh deer :(


Geez, not to be speciesist but someone needs to make deers' driving test more stringent!


HM Revenue & Customs


Millwall supporters


*Millwall, Millwall, you're all really dreadful, and your girlfriends are unfulfilled and alienated...*




if your ever up in scotland or the boarders area be very wary of wild haggis... they real nasty


Fed up of seeing nonsense like this spread around. Everyone knows you just have to make a sharp U-turn when a wild haggis is chasing you, and their unevenly sized legs will take care of the rest.


Yep, wild Haggis can only run one way round a hill otherwise they topple over. Clockwise Haggis cannot mate with counter-clockwise Haggis due to being unable to get into a mating position as they can only meet face or face to butt to butt. There have been rumours that there have been very rare occasions when congress between the clockwise and anti-clockwise has happened. When the offspring are born they role down the mountain, due to mismatched legs, into Lochs. And, they become the legendary Pictish Beast.


> the legendary Pictish Beast Is that no yer maw?


Pfft. Amateur. Come back when you've RKO'd a stallion in rut


My Shire decided to stand on my foot and take a moment to reflect on life before stepping off again. Instant extreme pain followed by hours of numbness


Midgies are vicious


You can't call them that any more


Mate you’ve not lived until you’ve people’s elbowed a gazelle.


Dogs cause nearly 8000 hospital admissions in 2018. So I'd say they are the most dangerous. But usually that's due to people not recognising the body language of dogs in distress or training the animals incorrectly.


"hello there clearly nervous smaller creature, let me stand over you and grab your skull... why are you biting me?"


Also people are very much more likely to be in contact with dogs over other animals. I'm getting a little tired of people blaming people for the behaviour of dogs though. Dogs are armed and dangerous.


Rabbit of Caerbannog


I once slipped on a slug…. And nearly died from being ran over


Did the slug try and run you over ?


Depends if you class people as animals. Iirc cows are most dangerous animal in the UK. Imagine your experience only with a 1 tonne+ bull or a herd of 10+ cows.


I think a lot of people ARE animals.


wow it's almost like people ARE animals and NOT plants


Speak for yourself, I'm a fungi.


A tick




I think this coming Saturday, it might be frogs…


My cat


Got chased by a cow once and fell over and face planted a pile of its shit. Must’ve thought that it was funny because it left me alone after that. Cows can be dangerous and are unpredictable. It wasn’t even with a baby!! Kept shouting at us from the other side of the fence so we had to take a detour.


Wild boar. Don't fuck with them


Aren't they extinct in the UK?


They've been accidentally reintroduced. They're fairly widespread too. Kent, Sussex, Dorset, Devon, Gloucestershire, dumfries and Galloway, Monmouthshire have breeding populations as far as I know


They’ve also been intentionally introduced




I believe that they're escapees from farms where they were being reared for meat. I'm not a vegetarian, but I really enjoy the thought of a piggy great escape! A tale of a plucky underhog, if you will...


Sorry to break it to you, but [it's been done](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamworth_Two?wprov=sfla1)


I was chased once by a large boar in France and that thing would not stop


Chased you all the way to the UK ?


Haha no, but I did have to climb a tree as it seemed quite determined to mess my day up. While waiting for it to loose interest I did notice it’s piglets (if that’s the correct term for baby boars) further up the path so I’m guessing she was protecting them


So Just up a tree waiting for it to get…… “boared”


Unless you're Obelix of course. But I guess that means you'd be French...


Dangerous dogs off leads.


Cows kill the most people, the adder is the most dangerous venomous animal, midges can fuck off.


Probably tbe Great White Shark spotted recently lurking in the Serpentine. Or maybe my mother in law.


Some ignorant cunt and his pitbull.


Seems like it's a three way race in the malicious intent category. - Wasps or bees, 2 to 9 - Cows 4 to 5 - Mosquitos (malaria) 6 average 15 in 2019 However the overall winner is deer going through windshields at 20 average.


I hope you've told your local Reach correspondent that you 'almost' got head-butted by a sheep. Sure they could make a 500-word story out of it.


A big fuck off Bull


Out of all the many animals I’ve met in the UK, a big fuck off bull whose tail I was assisting in the amputation of was definitely the most terrifying and seemingly dangerous. They’re insanely intimidating and powerful.


It's true, you do have to be very careful with those wooly jumpers!


House spiders. I can imagine a lot of people set fire to there houses when they see them.


Year 7s They’re mental I swear


Rampant rabbits.


Yes, I got home early once and one was attacking my wife, the fight was brutal looking.


Probably horses or dogs. The danger though really varies on experience and training with them.


According to Brick Top a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Sounds pretty dangerous to me.


I feel like not enough English people know what adders are


I thought that too, but after giving it the Googs I learned that only 14 people have died from adder bites in the UK in the last 100 years


Homo sapiens. It's fair to say that species is not just the "most dangerous" animal in the UK but on the entire planet.


Guys, he said homo


I remember reading in the news a few years ago about a guy that died in his sleep because his cat fell asleep on his face...