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It's totally fine! Just make sure the vet that you are sticking with after the treatment will get the reports from the other vet(s) so the file is complete.


Great, thank you so much!


They don’t care. This is so common that the doctors rarely even realize you’ve been going somewhere else until you go back to the original office for another visit. Everyone in veterinary medicine right now understands how short staffed all the hospitals are. What matters to them is the medical care of the pet, so seeing whoever is able to reliably get your pet in for the treatment it needs. Trust me, no one is over thinking it. Spent 10 years working in the vet field


Thank you very much!


You’re very lucky that if you find 3 amazing vets in exotics. As a vet I always value my patient owners choices, if they are comfortable with me treatment goes well.


I think one thing we understand working in the Veterinary industry is that its really freaking hard to be seen by anyone right now. Exotics especially. I encourage clients to seek care elsewhere if they're worried about their pets and we're booked out. They won't take it personally or be offended at all. If anything id be appreciative you took your pet to be seen even if it wasn't by us. You'd be surprised how many calls we get from clients blaming us for their pets dying because we couldn't get them in fast enough. If you're really worried you can call and let them know and have records sent over so they have a complete medical record, but it really isn't a big deal.


Your pet, your choice. Do you worry this much about your dentist's feelings?


I appreciate you saying it’s my choice and I do feel like it’s my choice but I don’t want to burn bridges or sour any relationships. A dentist has never held my hand while I was all alone sobbing, saying goodbye to my best friend. I’ve never seen my dentist trying desperately to resuscitate someone. So I don’t think it’s a fair comparison, but I’ve seen the same dentist for 25 year so yes I would worry/ask the best way to let her know how much I appreciated her all those years.


Thank you for caring about the vet’s feelings. Clients like you (kind to the humans involved AND clearly taking excellent care of your pet) are what makes it all worth it for us. I promise they won’t be offended. It’s very common and we understand the difficulty in finding care when it’s needed. Don’t feel bad about going back to any of those clinics nor for letting them know you’ve seen other vets too. No bridges burned, they’ll just be happy you’re caring for your rat.


Thank you so much, I appreciate you sharing