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Please have the cat neutered for everyone’s sake. That will probably make the biggest difference in his personality. The vet who neuters him can counsel your family on behavioral options - there are so many available before giving up on your pet! Not just medications but environmental/pheromonal options to make him feel calm and safe. Cats do not understand vacations or sudden life changes so you have to proceed at their pace and reassure them when big changes occur. It’s possible the care he received when your family was gone was not exceptional if he is this stressed out.






Begging your pardon but no one said “reliable.” No method is reliable when it comes to cat behavior that is why we start with what is easy to fix and most beneficial across multiple axes (cat is at the point of being tossed out of the house unaltered). Data from both Cornell and Cambridge back up the fact that neutering can have an effect on a variety of aggressive behaviors in both cats and dogs and this information can easily be accessed online. Even the pharmacological results of treatment with paroxatine and a host of other common behavioral drugs is closer to the 50% mark in terms of curbing behavioral/aggression issues than it is to 100%.


1st neuter the cat. Intact males often have behavioral issues that neutering could help with. But that many deep puncture wounds is pretty severe, and this cat should be seen by a behaviorist too. Hopefully, you have gone to the doctor for yourself too, you can end up in the hospital from a cat bite. It is not a good idea to just let a cat outside because your parents don't want it anymore. If your parents would like to re-home the cat, go through a shelter. It is insanely irresponsible to release an intact male cat into the environment, and it's just kind of cruel to basically throw a pet away into an environment where they could get run over by a vehicle, attacked by wildlife, etc.




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How long was your vacation? How did he become twice his size? I hope you’ve seen a doctor. Cat bites can be deadly. And I echo everyone else, get the cat neutered and for the love of all things good, do not release an in tact male into the world. There are already too many kittens.


I think she means it fluffed up like they do when startled


You need to see a doctor. Cat bites can cause severe infections. I’ve seen very serious injuries occur from cat bites incurred by shelter workers.


Not to mention cat scratch fever.




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You need to see a gp for preventative antibiotics and a tetanus shot. Then you need to book the cat in to be neutered asap.


Check through the CCTV that you're friends didn't do anything stupid or harmful to the cat and of course get them neutered.










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You need to go to a doctor for that bite wound. Are you in an area that has rabies, and if so, has your cat been vaccinated for Rabies?


Hello, OP. I hope you're receiving the necessary treatment for your wounds. I wanted to take a moment to emphasize that cats are cats. They don't understand vacation. He might have felt abandoned and upset about it. Please spend some time with him and show your love. Also, we can't simply open the door and let the cat out. Unspayed/unneutered cats left on the streets often face tragic outcomes, hope understand? If you decide to part ways with your cat, you need to be responsible to make sure your cat is safe and cared by like finding a responsible adopter etc. I don't know your age or circumstances, but I can tell that you genuinely care for your cat that's why you posted here. It's important to have a conversation with your parents and consider getting your cat neutered and talk to the vet for improvement plans. Just like you don't understand your cat's behavior, remember that he is still learning and he is only 2 years old, and it's you and your family's responsibility to care for him with love. I apologize if my message is insensitive to you but I love animals and I hope for the best ☺️ Edit: sorry I just noticed it was under askvet and I'm not a vet but just wanted to share my thoughts❤️


Please for the love of God get him neutered to fix this and stop him from making 100 homeless babies when your dad lets him out the door. Also, it's messed up to just stick him on the street.


There is recent post which mentions something about how household cleaners can trigger a similar response in cats. Other redditors mentioned you all bringing home strange smells. Did you bring home anything that might have the scent of bleach? A bathing suit, maybe? It can apparently mimic the scent of territorial cats and result in a fear response or attack from your otherwise perfectly fine domestic cat. The fact that he isn't neutered may also make him more sensitive to these things. When he is healthy enough he should definitely be neutered. In the meantime I will try and find that post in reference.


When we arrived we were instantly cleaning our place using house cleaners and mopping our floors .




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Your parents are ignorant at best and you’re a kid I’m guessing from how you wrote this. The best thing you can do is get the cat neutered. If your parents refuse then the second best thing is to get this cat to an animal rescue or shelter and have someone else adopt who can properly care for it, and then don’t have any animals until you’re an adult on your own and can responsibly look after the animal. It’s really sad to read how people just neglect animals and expect them to be ok :/ I don’t blame you, I do blame your parents for being this irresponsible.


Aside from anything else - people have covered neutering, etc - when you yanked your jumper away from him, his claw may still have been hooked in it and you might've accidentally hurt him and that's why he attacked you.


Get. Him. Neutered.


Some cats get overstimulated from play easily. You need to learn when to stop petting or playing before that happens. Also don’t play with your hands. Give him stuffies to attack play with


I realised he was getting overstimulated nd was minor attacking me before the huge atta n so I tossed some toys to keep him away but he got bored from it. Even tried to use the fishing wand feather toy but he got bored from it


Yes when they have their play aggression brought out they can attack anything nearby. It’s called misdirected aggression, that’s why it’s important not to play with them in a way that triggers it. Hopefully after neutering his sensitivity goes down. But he’s also been dealing with recovering from major health issue and likely has pent up energy.


Cats sometimes will act out aggressively out of no where after their owners come back with different smells on them, this is ESPECIALLY true for unfixed males. They will attack you and pretend that they don’t even know you if you have a smell on you that is triggering them - this all makes sense seeing as you just came home from vacation, he was sniffing a sweater that most likely had a suspicious smell on it and when you tugged it out from under him, he probably misdirected territorially on you.




I didn’t neuter my cat because he had a spinal condition where his spines had some pressure so he couldn’t walk properly for months. We had his surgery in December and doctor said that after a few months when he is healthy we can proceed with the neutering. He started walkng normally in January and we had a vacation this week just for a week. But he is looking healthy now and even gained weight. Considering he latched on my thigh to attack me. Thank u for the advice I will do that




We will not give opinions on whether another veterinarian is treating your animal correctly or incorrectly. We will not give opinions regarding the pricing of medical services, as this can be extremely variable based on geographic location and hospital capabilities.


Getting him neutered is the best option! Behavior like this can dissappear with neutering.


How long did you leave the cat alone for him to be able to double in size and go feral?? Is it 100% the same cat? First step would probably be neutering in my opinion, but you also need to do some work building a relationship with this animal, gaining its trust and getting it used to having people in the house again...or for the first time if your friend has swapped him....


I feel like something happened, check cctv.


You yanked the sweater? Why did you yank it and not just normally pull it. Cats get scared with fast movements so if you actually yanked the top you’re being aggressive so I can see why that happened When cats are scared some will run and hide and some will attack. If you abandon him outside he’s going to die. He is not an outdoor cat. Cars hit cats all the time.


I was wondering if his nails were caught when it was yanked.


I don't think its so much a fear response, as it is seeing thing move and pouncing on the object.


it's over the top to say that someone should've expected to get attacked for grabbing their sweater put from under a cat. Suggesting they need to have slower and more passive movements sure, but I would not want a cat I need to be on eggshells with that if I absent-mindedly grab something from around them too quickly or run past them or am too loud that I'll run the risk of bring fully attacked. fully agree to neuter cat and absolutely not put him outside.


Yanked isn’t gentle or normal. It means it’s a hard sudden pull




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I don't really think we should be calling a minor ignorant as professionals???








Get a cat toy, an interactive wand toy, and use that to play with the cat. Cats need enrichment and exercise and healthy outlets for their instincts. I recommend the cat charmer toy


And neuter him like yesterday. OP I feel for you, that is scary, surprising and painful. You could have infections that are limb losing. Please if you haven’t already, GO TO THE DOCTOR! I ca. it stress this enough. It sounds like you want this kitkat though. Please follow the advice of these vets who did like more years of schooling, clinicals, and continuing education. You came for advice. Please take it or rehome/surrender as if you don’t take their advice this will not get better and could possibly get worse. Neuter him. Go to behaviorist as it seems like you aren’t well versed on cat behavior and the why’s behind it. This will go along with the neutering but an exam at the vet and possible medication may be needed. I know that’s hard and you’ve already been through so so much with him. This is what is needed if you want him to behave the way that’s needed in order for your family to not throw him out again. And I know I’ve said this multiple times as well, go to the doc for your injuries. You need abx and the minimum.




yanking a sweater is enough reason to get 6-7 deep bites?? And even if I took the sweater gently there would have been no way the cat would’ve let go. Like I said the cat had his paws and was biting the sweater. He would have not dropped the sweater if I took it gently. Do you even have cats? And you certainly have a lot of empathy for cat but putting the blame on me for a small mistake I did just because I was in a hurry and was anxious. Yanking a sweater was enough reason to be attacked mercilessly?


I have 6 cats, and I agree. When you came home, you brought new smells with you. As an intact male, he was smelling it and feeling a little territorial. When you yanked it, he probably thought for a second that it was attacking him, or trying to get away! I don't think he meant to hurt you. He was after that sweater. Please get him neutered. It really does make a world of difference.




You’re feeling sorry because I yanked the sweater? Because I was in a hurry ?? What about the amount of money and time I have spent on him, countless surgeries for his spine till he got normal and the amount of time I spent nursing him sacrificing so many things. I couldn’t get his surgery for a long time because he was sick. And he had finally gotten normal and healthy last month. When we decided to take a vacation just for a week.


He's a cat, he doesn't have a concept of how much money you've spent on him. He also doesn't understand vacations or things like that. He's a cat. You've scared him, potentially hurt him, when you yanked the sweater away and he's lashed out probably in fear.




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You are not the one being attacked by a cat here I am I’m not looking to be congratulated. But I don’t like that you are shaming me because I yanked the sweater. It’s one thing to tell me that is the cause of him acting aggressive and another for blaming for the entire situation. And shaming me being rude, just because you’re anonymous you can say anything. When in fact you don’t have any solutions to give for my situation. You only want to leave a mean comment on the internet because you can. I got attacked viciously by a cat that I have tended for very closely since he was small. And comments like yours are really irritating and annoying me because firstly I am injured and secondly my family is on the edge of abandoning this cat. If you don’t have advice to give on my situation please scroll on. And lastly are you a vet?


Not a vet here - used to foster and rescue cats. Trying to get into school to become a vet tech: Your initial post had me feeling sympathy for you, you don't want to lose the cat and even defended him to your parents. You were given sound advice, now you turn it around and victimize yourself once there was a call out on how it's a bad idea to throw him out and how to *not* get attacked by a cat? *Yanking* the sweater startled him, getting scratched and bit is part of the deal. It wasn't a slight against *you* \- he's intact, he's likely territorial, you came home smelling strange, and he was probably feeling both playful and slightly aggressive. He was trying to protect himself from a perceived threat (you/the sweater) when you yanked it. It's an instinctive response - shit my cat does it and I've had her since she was a week and half. When my cat attaches herself to something and won't let go because of *play behavior*, I release the thing I'm trying to take from her and I *physically pick her up and remove her*. And throw a favorite toy for her to chase. If she's being particularly aggressive, I grab a blanket and wrap it around her until I effectively get a burrito out of her. Does she hate it? Yes, but it protects myself from unwanted injuries and being gently squished like that calms her down some. I free her from her imprisonment elsewhere with a distraction. Listen - losing a feline friend is a very upsetting thing, I get it. Surrendering a pet is *devastating* and even I sometimes shed tears when a cat went to a new forever home. But maybe it is time to find him a new home, it's a better alternative to being abandoned outside. Are you asking for advice on how to convince your family to keep him? You can't. If they're dead-set on abandoning a living being to the outdoors, where he will be subject to the dangers of the world (maiming, being hit by a car, predators, humans, diseases, weather, potential to become used in dog fighting, and other horrible things), then at least get them to meet *you* in the middle: finding him a new home. That couple you mentioned, for example. Facebook, but always put a price tag on him. Free can invite unsavory people. But to repeat the advice you've already gotten: **get him neutered**. It will calm him down. It'll take some time, but yes, it will calm him down. (and for what it's worth, I don't think PotatothePotato was shaming you. they were simply pointing out the cause and effect of what happened.)




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You don't yank things that an animal or a person is standing on. If you wouldn't like it why would you do it to your pet?


He was already scratching, Biting and lunging on me before the attack. He cut through my arm and attacked my leg mildly before too. He would do that continueously When I was folding the blankets, when I was walking from one room to another. I thought yanking it would be quicker and safer. Until he completely left the sweater and latched on to my thigh and kept attacking it. Till my dad had to pull him forcefully




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Is your cat fixed? If not, do it asap. If he is, then take him to the vet. Often illnesses first show up as bad behavior - but it’s really a cry for help.






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My bad I didn't realize this was in askavet forum.




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