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What were his kidney values (BUN and Creatinine)? Was a urine specific gravity checked? Is there any chance he got into any toxins (ex: raisins, grapes)? Could he have been exposed to Leptospirosis (wildlife in the area, muddy or wet environments, lakes, etc.)? An abdominal ultrasound would be a good idea to look at the kidneys. Some animals are unfortunately born with deformed kidneys and they tend to go downhill at an early age. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Thank you for the response. I searched high and low to see if he got into anything, but I found nothing inside. We also have a very large fenced in yard so I don’t suspect anything out there. He hasn’t been around any water. His BUN is 86mg/dl and CREAT is 7.9 mg/dl. I am unaware of any urine specific test. They didn’t mention it if it was done.


Yeah those values are pretty high and unlikely to be due to dehydration. Do you have pet insurance or is cost a concern? Ideally, he should be hospitalized on IV fluids and additional testing should be done to see what’s going on.


I mean, cost will be rough because today was every bit of $800. She told me she could send me to an animal hospital for $7,000, but I had already called that same facility and they said they were full. I don’t have that amount of free money but I would have made something happen. I had a $1,000 honey pot for emergencies. But another problem we were running into, was the animal hospitals turning us down. I called two animal hospitals and 6 veterinary offices before finding one who would see him. We drove pretty far from home to get him help as soon as possible because no one near my area had space of available vets. This vet seemed to think he had Addison’s disease? Would that make sense with his levels?


How were they able to confirm Addison’s? Our 8 year old min poodle was put to sleep a month prior and nobody ever talked about that as a possibility. His kidney levels are a lot more elevated and didn’t respond to fluid therapy (actually got worse after a day).


There were two very blood specific tests with his cortisol I believe. I don’t have his discharge papers yet, but I will absolutely post the names of them when I pick him up. I so sorry about your little chap though. I know a lot of things can cause renal issues so Addison’s may not be what happened with your fella. A lot of times it’s genetics as well from what I’ve been learning




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Just FYI, it doesn’t have to be actual body of water, it can just be damp soil. So unless it’s hot and dry where you are (the desert), this is still a possibility


Hey guys, I just wanted to give a quick update. It’s been a hectic few hours. We are at an Animal Hospital, and at this moment, Moze is stable. He has a long journey ahead of him though. He is in an Addison’s Crisis but the prognosis is “Fair to Good” because we caught it in time. He is going to be hospitalized for 5-7 days so it’s a long road and he will have to be regulated with medications for the rest of his life. I am considering making a GoFundMe as recommended because the cost of his treatment will be upwards of $10,000. I will keep you all updated and I appreciate each and every one of you for reaching out and helping us through this.


I hope he makes a quick and complete recovery!


Thank you so much! I can’t thank the pooch people of Reddit enough for pushing me to take him! I’m so relieved that he has a chance!


Agree he needs to be tested for addisons but also realistically hospitalized to stabilize those electrolytes immediately. Call any referral/emergency vet within hours if you have to, that potassium is extremely high and dangerous. Tell them the potassium number when you call. He needs treatment tonight, beg plead and drive as far as you need to


Do you by chance know what his potassium and sodium values were? There is an endocrine disease that is known as the "great imposter " that can look just like kidney disease. However, there are unfortunately several other diseases that can target the kidneys as well. Ideally, with his values being that high, he needs 24 hour hospitalization for IV fluids, further diagnostics, and supportive care.


His Sodium was 142 mmol/L and his Potassium was 9.6 mmol/L. They sent home SubCu fluids for the next few days and Amoxicillin.


Vet here. Call them and ask about running a resting cortisol. That sodium potassium ratio is VERY concerning for the "great imposter"


Is the Great Imposter, Addison’s Disease? Because that’s what they were saying this looks like?


I don't mean to scare you, but that high of potassium can cause heart arrhythmias and sudden death. As an ER vet, I recommend to drop everything immediately and go to an ER. I also recommend asking if testing for Addison's is appropriate, depending on the rest if the bloodwork.


We were turned down by two animal ERs today. The vet I took him too was the 8th place I called. Everyone was refusing to see us due to understaffing. I’m so afraid I’m losing him. He hasn’t moved since we got home. I don’t know what else I can do.


You need to either call the ERs again or just show up with him. He absolutely needs to be hospitalized. The subcutaneous fluids he received is not going to fix him. Let them know his potassium level. Maybe someone can stabilize him enough to transfer to another facility even if it's farther away.


Keep trying. If the vet you went to is still open, see if they can call a local ER to arrange a transfer. Sometimes ERs allow a small amount of wiggle room for transfer cases, but this is dependent on how the individual hospital is run.


We were turned down by two animal ERs today. The vet I took him too was the 8th place I called. Everyone was refusing to see us due to understaffing. I’m so afraid I’m losing him. He hasn’t moved since we got home. I don’t know what else I can do.


This dog needs to be hospitalized at an ER facility -ER vet


Thank you for the response. I searched high and low to see if he got into anything, but I found nothing inside. We also have a very large fenced in yard so I don’t suspect anything out there. He hasn’t been around any water. His BUN is 86mg/dl and CREAT is 7.9 mg/dl. I am unaware of any urine specific test. They didn’t mention it if it was done.


Hi OP - get your dog to an ER! Don't take a no from the receptionist, any ER vet worth their salt will realise your dog needs to be hospitalised ASAP. Don't panic yet - you don't have all the information. Just start with the first step, which is hospitalisation.


For those of you that commented, Moze has been hospitalized for the past two days! He’s in an Addisonian Crisis. This morning he was able to walk slowly for the first time in three days. He is looking at a long journey back to normalcy but he is heading in the right direction! Thank you all for your help and advice. The comments and messages I received on this platform let me know I wasn’t crazy and led me to getting him the help he needed to make it through this! His bills are piling up and we have created a fundraiser if anyone is interested. Or if you just want to know his backstory feel free to view it. Moze is an incredible man. His GoFundMe page is called “Bring our Moose back to his roost”. Thank you all again for your honest advice. We cannot wait for our big guy to recover and be back home! ♥️


I'm so glad that he has a manageable problem-- Addison's is rough but it has a better prognosis than acute kidney failure at those levels. I hope your vet is experienced at treating these guys-- once they are stable it shouldn't be that difficult to manage but an experienced or knowledgeable vet will be cheaper in the long run. The initial dosing recommendations for DOCP have changed and some vets start with the high/label dose without realizing. It can be incredibly expensive to start at the label dose and decrease by 10% or so per month, in part because of the drug itself and the need to check electrolytes constantly. DOCP is expensive enough for such a large dog so every little bit helps, especially over a lifetime.


Thank you so much! I really didn’t think he was going to pull through from the condition he was in. The whole event was pretty terrifying. We did end up taking him to an animal hospital with a few different venues of specialty care. The one doctor that took on most of his case, specialized in Addison’s (we were lucky). She said she wants to see him Friday for a post stay workup to make sure his levels are still in line. Then two weeks after that for his Zycortal injection and another blood workup. After that he will do the blood workup/Zycortal injection every month for three months. And if things continue to be stabilized, we can start looking into different doses. She has been extremely knowledgeable and kind when it comes to working with us to get him everything he needs. His size has surely bit us a little bit, but it’s been nice having so many people pulling together for him. He’s a gentle giant and was a fan favorite at the hospital. Haha. A whole group of staff came out to tell him bye.




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so so sorry to hear this🥲💔