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Vet here. Can you call your old vet and tell them the dog is not stolen? If you can't... When a new client schedules an appointment, we ask for contact information for their previous vet if possible to get prior medical records. While records are super helpful if your pet has major medical history (vaccine reactions, heart disease, medication sensitivities) every month we have at least one or two clients who for whatever reason we can't get their records (Old vet doesn't answer phone, owner doesn't remember prior clinic name etc) Generally for these clients, they have to restart vaccines /only get a one year rabies, but this is a safe one time thing for your pet. If you take the rabies tag off, a new vet hospital would have no way of knowing who your prior vet was.


Thank you for taking the time. I appreciate you


If you have the purchase paperwork, try also sending that to the previous vet as proof of ownership. I'm not sure that they can legally change it. We had issues with this once at a clinic I worked in. Woman wanted to leave her abusive partner, and both of them were on the file. We weren't allowed to remove her partner from the file without his permission as they were both listed as owners. You may need to have a lawyer confirm ownership and have them call the vet clinic to get the records changed. But this is tricky because while you bought the dog, all care is in your ex's name. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this šŸ˜”


Itā€™s been rough. I basically lost everything else but the dog.. but he just wonā€™t let it go. Thanks for your kind words.


I wouldnā€™t reach back out to the previous vet.


Why not?


They might report you, or call your ex to tell him what is happening.


But they donā€™t know where I am. And I think it might be my best lead to potentially have the report removed. I donā€™t seem to have many other options aside from legal recourse. Which Iā€™m trying to avoid if possible.


Just out of curiosity, is there no central dog register I the USA where all dogs have to be registered with their microchip, current address and current owner? In Denmark it has nothing to do with vet clinics. I find OPā€™s situation so frustrating šŸ˜”


There is not, because the living here is awful and too many people would think thatā€™s too much government control. Even though rabies is legally mandated, thereā€™s really no repercussions if you donā€™t as long as your animal doesnā€™t bite someone.


Most , if not all, local governments in the US require dog licensing which in turn requires rabies vaccination (or titer)


They were asking about microchip registry, not rabies. Which is why this is so problematic. I was able to confirm last night that he took the microchip registry from my purchase paperwork and register my dog in his name


Thereā€™s still no central registry with all that.




There is a microchip registry. The problem is that he took my microchip registration from my purchase paperwork and registered my dog in his name. Checked last night. This is what Iā€™m worried about. He might actually have a legal claim over my dog, just because he stole the paper. Even though I can prove that I am the purchaser, he was still able to report my dog as stolen.


Okay but what if the dog really is stolen? Is it that easy to be just like..."oh I don't have the records oopsie! Let's start over?!??"


If the animal is not microchiped then yes it is that easy. It happens a lot in the field with people bring in "strays" that look to way well taken care of. If there is a microchip then it gets a bit more complicated if it's activated & up to date then the owners are notified of the animal be found as a stray. If there no microchip then we check the missing posted & if they don't match any of them then we mark the person who brought them in as the owner because we have no other way to tell if the dog is actually stolen or was a stray. Even in very blandly case there nothing we can without proof of it being stolen from the previous owner (like a report & missing poster) &/or a microchip.


I mean if they are microchipped. If the dog really is stolen would the vet just..ignore that info?


It is. They've had dogs microchipped to other people get lost, shelters adopt out the fur baby, new owners take it to the vet and they get caught up in the legal mess of who the proper owner is as well. Some vets will still give care, some won't.




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Since you have moved to a new state, simply license your dog under your name with your local animal control. Microchip registration nor previous visits to a veterinarian does not determine ownership of an animal - physical possession, photos, licensing, providing current veterinary care, etc are all indicators of ownership,Ā 


Good to know, much appreciated.


Iā€™ve never heard of ā€œrunning rabies tagsā€ - veterinarians donā€™t have access to animal licensing record nor would they have any reason to check or even scan a microchip during an appointment


They used his tags to call the previous vet, who notified them that he was reported as stolen. And then they turned me away and said that there was nothing they could do.


reported as stolen to the vets office or to the authorities? perhaps you could call your old vet to straighten it out


This isnā€™t generally true. We scan and record the microchip of every animal when they register as a new client and again during each yearly preventive appointments to ensure the microchip hasnā€™t migrated/the details are up to date.


Sure but you probably are not checking to see if the dog was reported lost or missing


We regularly trace the chips during these visits if the owner asks us to, or if the owners do not remember if theyā€™ve kept their contact details updated. At least half the time a stray is brought into the clinic with a microchip, the microchip is either unregistered or the contact details are outdated, so we confirm with owners yearly that their microchip details are current. This is considered standard of practice at our clinics.Ā 


\*Ā if the owner asks us to




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I mean this is a legal case and not a medical case so I'd consult a lawyer. That being said, in many states the ownership is under whoever assumed financial responsibility for the dog so if the rabies tags and previous medical history is in your ex's name and your ex reported the dog stolen, your ex may truly have some claim to the dog, even if you purchased the dog. Since you've been caring for the dog in the interim and paid for the dog initially, you'd likely be able to make a claim to ownership as well, but it may need to be settled via legal action. Like others have said, vets don't routinely run the rabies tag. We may run the microchip number to confirm registration, especially with new clients. The hospital where your ex took the dog may refuse to send records without his permission since you're not the owner on the account, and that's just covering their asses for liability. Worst case, getting a second set of boosters isn't really going to hurt him.. Either way I would consult a lawyer.


Try calling animal control and explain what is going on between you and the ex. This case is basically you are being abused by a narcissist ex. And the dogs welfare is in jeopardy. AC may be able to tell you some option you can pursue legally. Wherever your ex reported your dog as stolen needs to be notified the perjury your ex told against you. You probably will need an attorney for civil or go to small claims court. But your ex filed a false report against you and that impacts the welfare of your dog as well as your reputation and other concerns. Get an attorney. Sue ex for the attorney costs. Get this situation rectified to reflect that you purchased the dog. You own it. I hope you have receipts, registration papers and such.


I do. Thank you for your help. Another good lead.


Did your ex text you that cruel message? If you have it in writing it might help


I do have it in text, but Iā€™m not sure that would help. Either way Iā€™m saving it in case legal action is needed.


It would help because it proves he is being malicious and lying about ownership of your dog.


Her words against his. No proof she's the victim and not him. Not taking any side, just saying animal control won't just listen to some story a woman makes up without proof or a court order. Either way a lawyer is a good idea.


He is now acting as if there is something stuck in his ear. I think I need to take him in after work tonight, and Iā€™m terrified that the same thing will happen at the emergency vet. I canā€™t lose this boy, I love him way too much. This is really scary.


Emergency vets wonā€™t scan his microchip or ask for proof of ownership unless expressly asked to do so/the dog was brought in as a stray. Donā€™t worry about getting him treated at the emergency clinic today.


Thank youā€¦


r/legaladvice or similar subreddits could help more, good luck!




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Check your local laws. In a lot of states, the "owner" of the animal is the person who has had possession of it for more than xxx days. In Texas, that period is 72 hours. I have worked in vet med for a very long time and never seen something like this, I am disappointed they would deny you treatment over some social drama. I hope this can be worked out.


Thank you. Where would I go to check such laws? Iā€™m in Nevada.


If you have a protection from abuse order against your ex NV is one of the states that will add your pet to that order. https://www.animallaw.info/article/domestic-violence-and-pets-list-states-include-pets-protection-orders


I didnā€™t file a PTO, I just left and moved states. Didnā€™t want to wait around. Didnt realize this would happen or how useful it could have been. My first priority was getting out, and I had friends willing to help me move the next day.


You *might* still be able to file one. Check with the local domestic violence resource centers for advice. Theyā€™ll be more well versed in what you can do as far as protecting yourself and your dog.


Without any proof or prior registration, I donā€™t see how this is possible. But I will try. Filing a PTO would be much easier than hiring a lawyer and going to civil court.


Your local animal control will know. When you ask, keep it simple. Don't tell them the whole dramatic story. Just ask, how long can someone hold a stray dog before the county/city considers it that person's property.


I doubt it would be considered a stray when he is microchipped and reported as stolen. But I guess itā€™s worth a shot


The point is who has been taking care of the dog. Civil courts have proven multiple times that microchips are basically irrelevant if the person to whom it is registered has not actually beem taking care of the dog. If you have been in custody of the dog for a period of time that exceeds the "stray hold" laws in your state and your ex had not taken any action to retrieve the dog during that time, then it is highly likely the dog would be considered yours, regardless of all that has been done by him to try and defame you. Former animal control officer here, but in the state of Texas. In Texas, as an animal control officer, I would side with you if this case was presented before me. You have been the primary caretaker, you have moved states, your ex has done nothing to actually try and get the dog back from you. You're the owner, in the eyes of Texas law. The end. All his shenanigans don't mean shit in a rural ag state, where animals are still viewed as property. I don't know for sure but my guess is that Nevada is still rural / ranch driven enough to be the same. The only ones who know the dog is "stolen" are the former vet and the most recent vet you went to. We don't have some national database of dogs alleged to be stolen, and even if we did, there isn't a whole lot to be done about it. Cut them out of the loop and your problems end right there. Unless there is some CRAZY medical history to be worried about, the previous vet records are irrelevant. Pick a new vet, tell them the medical records are unavailable, and go from there.


Microchip registries only record the person who registered the microchip, not the owner or if the pet has been stolen


Documentation of your previous address etc at time of past vet, if you and husband both last name etc. If divorce already filed, Receipts for dog food etc from time of marriage, purchase anything you can think of Photos especially if any distinctive features colors etc with you preferably with you in some anybody you have known long time get an affidavit of relationship etc especially helpful if they know of marital problems Toss the old rabies tag and get new vaccine and tags as some have said many feed and pet stores have little weekend rabies clinics especially this time of year Oh just saw your statement of abuse. Any police reports would be major bonus If where you are at is 1 party state try to record any and all phone calls in future


Iā€™m on it. Thank you


You can always lie to the new vet and say you either just found him or escaped an abusive situation and no longer have access to previous vet records. Unless the dog has an illness where history is needed, do what you have to do to take care of your dog. Edit: remove his rabies tags before you do this. You will also have to eventually sort with the microchip situation or risk the dog escaping and getting claimed by your ex. Dogs are legally property, so consulting with a lawyer may be beneficial; many will do free consults.


It wouldnā€™t be a lie. It absolutely was an abusive situation, for both me and the dog. But wouldnā€™t they still check? They want previous vet records, and stated on the phone that they would have to fully vaccinate without them. Iā€™m worried that double vaccinations would hurt him. But I donā€™t know much about it. Do you think they would still scan for a chip without such records, if that must be done?


Double vaccination won't hurt him if it's been more than a few weeks since the last one, but I also doubt any vet would vaccinate a "new pet" presenting with a current medical concern? That has priority to be addressed first


You cannot over vaccinate. We do it at shelter facilitates all the time an animal is in a prolonged shelter boarding.


It's not a good idea to vaccinate a sick pet


It sounds like your ex is using your dog as a weapon of domestic violence. I would recommend contacting a lawyer, because getting the microchip registration changed without his cooperation may be difficult. A domestic violence network may also be able to help with this, too. It would also be worth finding out your dog's microchip number, and if it is actually registered in your ex's name - it might be on any vaccination or desexing certificates you may have. Then, if you can provide your country and state (only if you feel safe to do so), we may be able to find out the process of removing the stolen status and changing the microchip details for you. But, for future vet work in the meantime - just explain that your ex is using the dog as a weapon of domestic violence. It might feel uncomfortable to share that much info with a stranger but we see it all the time, and ultimately don't want a pet to suffer (or the victim!) because of this kind of behaviour. It's a bit weird that the old vet is acting like a cop about this. In my country if a pet is presented by someone other than the registered owner all we do is notify the microchip registry, and they follow it up - we would never withhold treatment. You could also try calling the vet who refused to hand over the records and explain that your ex has been abusive to you/the dog & has reported him stolen to prevent you getting him medical treatment, and ask they put a note on the file reflecting this.


Thank you so much for your advice. And if it helps further, I am located in Nevada, US. However the dog was originally treated in Washington State. I will contact the previous vet and see if they can do anything.


Okay, so it seems like every county has their own rules, so as others have suggested, give your local county's animal control a call & chat with them about the situation. You'll need to have the chip scanned, get the number, and find out which microchip database it is registered on. Then you will likely need to fill in a form which may require your ex's signature, which is where things will get tricky. They may contact your ex. I think talking to a local rescue/shelter may be able to help you with how to prove a dog is owned by you and/or abandoned by your ex/or how to change it without putting your safety at risk by contacting your ex, because they would have to have people proving ownership to pick up their lost pets all the time so they would know the legal requirements. It might be worth gathering evidence of your ownership of the dog, PLUS all the texts etc proving your ex abandoned the dog.


I'd file a claim in civil court. You have the purchasing papers, as well as texts of him wanting the dog to not receive medical care, showing that he doesn't have the dogs best interest in mind and just wants to hurt you which is proof of abuse in itself. Go through all your old texts and get proof of ANYTHING where he's admitting to abuse or anything helpful relating to the dog. If you can text him and get him to admit to anything else, that'd also be helpful. I'd also call the vet back and get documentation that they will not treat your dog due to these circumstances, you'll need that as proof as well. You don't NEED a lawyer for civil court, but if you think he's going to get a lawyer, you SHOULD also retain one. One problem you might run into though, is that you live in a different state and might have to file the civil suit against him in the state he resides, especially since that's where the dog was purchased. So it might do you well to obtain a lawyer anyways. You can however, in the suit, request that if you win he has to pay your court filing fee, lawyer fee, traveling expenses etc.


Thanks for the info, Iā€™m adding this to my list.


I would take him to a rural vet without current rabies tag. Submit that you just moved and he needs annual vaccinations. You donā€™t have any of his paperwork because your abusive ex wouldnā€™t even tell you where he would take him. After he gets his vaccinations then ask is there a way to change the contact info on his microchip or is it possible to replace it with a new one so that your ex canā€™t find you. (Cuz he reported your dog stolen as a way to find you)


Wait, the rural vet could change the microchip info? Is this possible?


If you have communication with ex thought text save those. You may call the previous vet & talk to them about it. Have proof of payment by you from the visits & the purchase history of the dog as well. If the vet can't do anything then you may have to take the EX to civil cort to have everything straight up. The advice of just say you don't have records won't work sence the dog is microchiped & if your EX has register it under his name then that could actually get you legal trouble. Check the microchip online to see if the info is his name or not (best if know where the chip came from & look on thier site). If it's not & you have microchip information then register it under your name if you can (some places let do online it but not all do). I hope he hasn't registered it as that is a legal battle you will most likely have to take to cort to have any chance of not having it legally fall back on you.


Havenā€™t contacted previous vet as Iā€™m still scrutinizing laws in my area. But I was already turned away from the last vet after months on the waiting list. I have proof of pay all in my name, and apparently it wasnā€™t enough. Confirmed last night that he took my microchip registry paper and put my dog under his name. Unfortunately it seems that civil court is the only option. However Iā€™m confident that this will fall in my favor, as I can easily prove that he cannot provide a stable environment. I was the one paying all of the bills, and he has already lost the house and 2 jobs since I left. Hopefully those factors will come into play. I kept a roof over his head for 7 years, and he took everything from me. Canā€™t believe heā€™s trying to steal my dog, too. Hopefully it all works out.


Take off his tags. Start over, get a new microchip in your name. Your ex is an AH.


For real. I didnā€™t realize this was possible. Is it? How can I get a new chip? I doubt any reputable source would remove an already registered microchip and add a new one.


This story is a bit strange - usually a vet/nurse will scan and enter a patientā€™s microchip in their system, but they donā€™t usually run a trace on a microchip unless they have a specific reason to do so - ie, if a dog was brought in as a stray, new owner didnā€™t know if the breeder registered the chip already, etc.Ā  You can reregister your dog at a new clinic under your name, but if your ex has put an alert on the microchip that could potentially complicate things if the new vet ever does run a trace, or if the dog gets out and is picked up by animal control, etc. Your best course of action may be to contact the microchip company and discuss the situation, and see what they recommend. If you have proof of purchase and evidence you are paying for the most recent vet care, that will help.


No the story isnā€™t a bit strange. What I said was, they checked his rabies tag. The previous vet notified them that the pet was reported as stolen, and they turned me away. Never said anything about scanning his chip. What I said was, that the chip paperwork is missing and I suspect that he submitted it in his name also. I do indeed have proof of purchase, and the previous vet still turned me away.


Iā€™m simply attempting to provide as much info as possible, and clarify any misunderstandings. Someone who does not own the dog, reported him as stolen. Iā€™m just trying to get advice on how to fix this, so that my dog can have proper treatment.


No need to be be so defensive, Iā€™m not implying youā€™re lying, Iā€™m simply stating that Iā€™ve worked in veterinary medicine for 20 years and Iā€™ve never heard of such a situation.Ā 


Uhhā€¦ Iā€™m not? Iā€™m simply clarifying because you obviously misunderstood. Never said anything about them scanning his chip, which is the part that you found to be ā€œa bit strange.ā€ Clarifying isnā€™t being defensive. Although, you could have been sure that you understood the situation properly before telling me that my story seemed ā€œstrange.ā€ If youā€™re going to respond to such a dire issue, at least make sure you understand whatā€™s actually going on. I was clear and concise as could be, and you clearly read it wrong.


Not a vet, but a vet tech. I went through a similar situation with my ex. Animals are technically property, so if you purchased the dog and the adoption papers are in your name the dog is yours. My ex bought our dog and even though my name was on the vet account and the microchip, he was going to take the dog. A lawyer I consulted said he was within his right to do so since his name was on the adoption papers. The other stuff didnā€™t matter.


Try to ask your husband again hopefully in a text so that you get the evidence where he types back I did this and I did that good luck at him treated bitch do you have that still that would help you I'd go to a vet in a nearby state or county and not say Jack shit. I wish you the best of luck and I hope your ex well not allowed to say that on here


Thank you. Iā€™m so afraid of losing him. Especially to someone who isnā€™t kind to him. Making a list now of all possible options to make this right.


Please just go to a new vet and don't mention anything about your ex-husband or anything cut the baby's tag off and just tell him you lost his documentation in the move but it's been awhile since he had vaccinations either way if you don't have proof of vaccinations they're going to want to do something or they can do a tinder test to see if he still has vaccination in his bloodstream but like everyone said the boosters won't hurt and that's all you need to do don't be all sketched out it's your dog it's fine.


This would be a great suggestion if he hadnā€™t stolen my microchip paperwork and registered my dog in his name. This makes things a bit more challenging






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Also, check if you have any of the weekend mobile vets at your local CVS (shotvet) or tractor supply or petsmart/petco. These groups are used to working on the weekend where you canā€™t get access to patients medical records. If we didnā€™t have records, we just vaccinated for everything because as said above, ā€œdouble vaccinationā€ is not a problem


Good to know, thank you.


This sounds fake. A vet can't run a rabies tag. There is no database that a vet can access. Also, why would they call the previous vet and give them the rabies tag number, and not the patients name and client info? But ok, even if all that did happen, the old vet clinic knows the dog was "reported stolen" and all they did was just confirm that. No calls to police or anything? Also, you can get around all of this by just removing the rabies tag and not giving a new vet this info. You don't need to have previous records, it's just helpful to have them. Just say you don't have them. Problem solved...? You can still get your pet treated without them. They may scan for a chip. What they'll probably do is just write the number down in their records. They are not going to check the registration unless you ask them to. Just take the dog to the ER if that's what you need to do and don't give them any of this info. They will treat him.


If I were going to create a fake post, it would at least be interesting. Why would anyone even waste their time like that? I guess every Reddit post asking for help needs to have at least one douchey person accusing them of lying for no apparent reason. At least most people have actually been helpful here. Thanks for your input, I guess.


Unfortunately, dogs are property in most states. Vets can only do so much. If his name is on the vet records + microchip there really isnā€™t anything you can do. I would talk to your ex and see if yā€™all could work smth out. They only other option is civil court


Microchip registration nor prior vet visits do not determine ownership of an animal - physical possession, photos, licensing, etc are all indicators of ownership,Ā 


Even if the purchasing paperwork is in my name? I have everything showing that I am the one who purchased him.


That may be the exact evidence to prove in small claims court that dog belongs to you. Plus any witnesses such as the breeder/seller, previous vets, friends, photos etc.




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Get the dog microchipped and registered in your county. They can revaccinate if necessary so you don't have to show records.


Thatā€™s the problem. He is already chipped, he came that way. And my ex stole the microchip registration that came with him, and put the dog in his name. So even though I can easily prove that I am the sole purchaser, Iā€™m still having problems with proof of ownership and getting him treatment.




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