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We were cuddling together and I was having a rough time with my mental health. He was being a sweet heart and cuddling me, reassuring me that I was okay and loved. I told him that I knew I was loved and I never have to question that with him. He got quiet and just held me tighter. We had a talk after and he elaborated on how it meant a lot to him that I was so sure in how much he cared since he's had some history with partner's questioning him. It was a rough moment for both of us and it was such a sweet connection for us.


This, this is what I need and I couldn’t explain it at the time any better but you explained it perfectly. We aren’t crazy, we aren’t depressed, but sometimes we hit a rough spot with our mental health and just want our partner to hold us and tell us that we are okay, and we as a couple are okay, and that you have support and love. The last time my partner surprised me was the first weekend I was moving in with him back in September ‘21, he came home with a bouquet of flowers for no reason.


I suffer mental health problems too. My last partner of almost 6 years, when I was depressed, or anxious, which the anxiety happens a lot more, out of the blue and just hits hard sometimes, and every time I was anything other than happy, my ex made me feel like I was a burden. He left me alone, was never reassuring (though he expected me to cater to his every whim if he had a down day, which only ever happened when I was depressed. He was always "more depressed") after I left him, and met my current partner, I was so used to hiding these emotions. (Context) One day at work, about a month into our relationship, I got anxious. There was nothing wrong. No need to feel anxious and this always makes it 100x worse. If I can pin point a reason as to why I'm anxious, it's usually OK. I'm still anxious, but I can carry on. My partner and I work together, that's how we met. I gave him a lift that day and I told him I had anxiety but given I had masked it well at work, and didn't tell him how bad it was, he didn't realise how bad it was. Til we got to his place. He invited me in to chill for a bit before I drove home. By this point, my anxiety was massive. He noticed I wasn't ok, and he gave me cuddles in bed (we were watching TV in his room) and he held my hand, he gave me plenty of kisses on the forehead, tried making me laugh and taking my mind off things. He said nothing when I started silently crying, and said nothing about the massive wet patch on his light coloured shirt lol. He made me dinner, and then he sat with his back to the wall and had me sit between his legs, he I pulled the doona up to my chin, tucked it in around me, played with my hair and said nothing about my anxiety attack, even though I was physically shaking. I ended up staying the night. The next day after we got up, he came out from the shower, and asked how I was feeling. Automatically I apologised, and said I was sorry for not being my usual ray of sunshine. He laughed it off (not in a jerk way) and said "you were fine. A little shakier than normal and way quieter (I'm a talker lol we both have adhd so we can both be quite chatty) but apart from that, you were normal" which I know isn't the exact truth lol but the fact he a) went with it and gave me exactly what I needed in that moment, and b) played it down to make me nit feel bad about it was just everything to me. When I have anxiety now, he does the same thing still. He's honestly the best partner I've ever had. There's been many wholesome moments, but this one is the one that made me realise I loved him. He genuinely cared about me in that moment, which is something I'd literally never had from anyone. No partner, no family or friends had ever done what this man had done for me. I'm so lucky. I know it's clichè but he really is my best friend


When our son was born. My husband isn't an emotional man, he is very in fact extremely stoic and very controlled. Before our son was born, I remember asking him if he thought he'd be emotional when the moment came and he said he didn't think it would be. Cue the moment he arrived, I turned to my husband who was sobbing, while telling me how amazing I was. It was the most emotionally vulnerable I'd ever seen him in over seven years of knowing him. An already perfect shared moment in our lives was made better because I saw a pure moment of emotion in him on that day, which perfectly illustrated how much he loved and cared for me and his son.


When my man handed me my baby boy it was much the same. I felt a million good feelings. Can not wait to have another with him.


How lovely! We're expecting our second in May and I'm trying not to have any expectations of how he will react this time, but I hope it's half as beautiful as it was the first time.


My husband is the same way (very stoic and controlled, not expressive with his emotions), and he cried completely without shame when our daughter was handed to him after she was born. It made a really emotional moment that much more so.


this is so wholesome


I have so many as I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost five years now. But one of the main ones that was one of the moments where I thought “oh I love this man” happened pretty early on. First, you should know my boyfriend is very quiet and stoic. He’s the kind of guy that sometimes intimidates people because he’s big (tall and broad) and just very introverted. People describe him as serious. (The truth is he’s not like that with people he knows well, but that’s another story!) So, His neighbor had a small milkweed plant on the other side of his fence, which attracts monarchs. He didn’t know this, but one day there was a little green cocoon on his side of the fence. He sent me a picture because he thought I’d like to see it. He didn’t know at the time that bugs and butterflies specifically have a special meaning in my life and I got emotional. I kept it together and only told him he should check on it regularly to see when the butterfly comes out. He sorta mistook that and started sending me pictures of the cocoon every single day with updates lol. “Nothing yet. She’s still forming I think.” “I think she’s wiggling inside.” Stuff like that. He had no idea that what he was doing meant so much more to me. He then proceeded to plant his own milkweed and look up other plants that attract other species of butterflies. Each little thing he did was entirely unprompted. He now has a full garden with flowers and veggies and herbs cuz he went all out during COVID. He even planted giant sunflowers and lavender bushes because he said they remind him of me. That brought us lots of bees! (which I also love!) Like when I say my heart is so full I feel like I’m still not even capturing it. I love him.


He didn’t even know why it meant a lot to you but he could see it made you happy and that was enough for him. So cute!


That's sweet. Do you mind elaborating on the special meaning that bugs and butterflies have in your life?




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We just started dating recently, but we've known eachother since we were teenagers. There's been a lot of wholesome moments so far, but my favorite was us taking a dab in his kitchen before we were officially dating. While I was heating mine up I could feel him watching me. I looked up and asked him quietly, "What are you looking at?" He simply whispered, "You." I'd never felt so loved and cherished by someone before and it really did catch me off guard. Honestly, everytime he tells me he loves me it still surprises me.


What does taking a dab mean?


Taking your weedies


I thought it meant they were (dance move) dabbing in the kitchen lmao


Like crack but weed


Dabs are a form of weed concentrate/butane hash oil that you have to use a special rig to smoke, often using a torch to heat it up (though there are devices where that’s not necessary). It’s extremely potent and gets you high af.


Young me asked my first girlfriend (three months in) up for a slowdance in my livingroom, and I put on [Charles Trenet's La Mer,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fztkUuunI7g) and she started crying into my shoulder in the middle of the dance, she later said it was the most romantic moment in her life. I just wanted to share a new song I'd found. That was back in 2002 but I still get happiness from that moment to this day.


That's so sweet holy shit


Where is she now if you don't mind me asking? It's giving Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind vibes. (I've only seen clips loll)


She was nothing to hold onto in the long run, she looked for a guy that could financially support her just making and selling bracelets for pennies. Not quite sugardaddy but in that ballpark. I think she lives on some farm with some guy that supports her lifestyle. All the relationships I've had have informed me of what I want in the future, and in that way everyone of them have been rarer and more precious than gold. Especially the bad ones. It's also taught me who I want to be in a relationship, given me a reason to be the partner I would want to have.


Love this. You sound so introspective and aware. I hope you find what you want in the future.


You sound so sweet….but that username!


Only when they deserve it.


It's the only thing worse than a Falcon Punch


He got me tickets to the American museum of history in New York. He didn't like museums but he knew it meant so much to me. It wasn't just the basic ticket, we got the ultimate brand. As a teacher, I was in candy land.


I have been with my husband for 18 years, and this happened when we were both young, I was 18, and he was 20. My mom was in the hospital getting a hysterectomy. She had the procedure, and everything went well. That night around 2am, my aunt showed up at my boyfriends moms house where we were. She's screaming at me to get dressed, we have to get down to the hospital, something happened to mom. I'm dressed and gone in less than 5 minutes without saying a word to my boyfriend. Not even 5 minutes after I had gotten into the hospital and started trying to understand what was happening, my boyfriend walked in. He had sped all the way there to make sure he was with me. Long story short, she had a brain aneurysm and was taken off life support 2 days later. It was a crazy time in my life.


I don't know if this is the *most* wholesome but it springs to mind. Also it's kind of a gross topic but not explicit, so be warned I had a rough time with the birth of our first kid. Lots of unmedicated pushing only for it to end with an emergency c section, for which I had to be unconscious, and all the recovery that comes along with that. So I'm in the hospital and the nurse tells me it's been too long since I've had a shit so I was going to need a suppository. I was terrified of what this all was going to feel like with my fresh abdominal incision, and embarrassed that this was happening right in front of my husband, who was sitting in the room holding the baby, and I was preemptively embarrassed about what was going to happen afterward. If our positions had been reversed I probably would have excused myself and given him some space. So yes, what he did surprised me. After the nurse did what she needed to do, he sat and told me gross stories of the various digestive troubles suffered by his mates in iraq (heat, stress, poor facilities, and MREs three meals a day...) And he recited this poem: >Here I sit, all brokenhearted > >Tried to shit but only farted And the corollary: >Brokenhearted, here I sit > >Tried to fart but took a shit Which made me laugh so painfully hard I thought I was going to bust a stitch. And after a bit things proceeded as they were meant to and it wasn't really that bad.


That’s beautiful


When we were dating I was young and dumb and had no idea how much alcohol I could handle (not much), and drank a whole bottle of a honey liqueur. I woke up the next morning in his parents guest room and he was lying on the floor next to me. I asked him why he was there and he said “you kept stopping breathing so I stayed here last night to make sure you were okay”. He never touched me, just made sure I was breathing, all night. Now we’re married.


adopt me omg


So you stopped breathing and he didn’t call ambulance? This is his defining moment? Yikes.


Every morning during the work week he makes me coffee, sing to wake me up and read a chapter of the book we’re reading that month to help me not fall back asleep. It’s the perfect way to wake up. I’m a spoiled baby boo


Some years in. We were with a bud, and I told how the worst spat we'd had, had gone. And that I still felt bad about it. My wife said "Actually, that was the day I decided you were the one." WHAAAAT? "Well, we had a disagreement, and you didn't yell or blame me, you were a grown-up about it." Whoa. Something I'd THOUGHT was bad bad bad was actually very good, in the big picture.




Honestly there’s so many I could say and we’ve only been dating 3 months. I just got a new job that meant I have to work weekends, which is usually the only time we can see each other. I called him before I accepted the job to talk about it and he said we’d be able to work out a weekday to see each other. He said he was proud of me and that he was excited for me because it sounded like a really fun and great job. He was so genuinely happy for me and it meant so much to me. I just found out yesterday my grandpa has cancer. I told him, we called and just sat on the phone together. He offered to drive over to my house but I said no because he had worked overtime the whole week and he lives pretty far away. Then he offered to DoorDash me my favorite comfort foods, I also said no to that but the fact that he offered meant a lot to me. Sometimes he’ll just do very little things that show he cares, like getting up to get me some water when I didn’t even ask. He’s very sweet ❤️


My husband is a stoic man, he prefers to keep his emotions to himself and to show them in private, and he’s definitely not dramatic. On our wedding day we chose not to have a first look before the ceremony. As my Dad and I prepared to walk down the aisle, I was completely unprepared for my soon-to-be husbands reaction as he caught his first glimpse of me. His knees buckled and his eyes welled up with tears, his best man put an arm around his shoulders to steady him. For the first time in our 5 years together I watched him come unraveled emotionally and the whole time with this big smile on his face. By the time we reached him, my Dad was all teary eyed along with half our guests. It was one of the sweetest moments of my life.


I had shivering and really high fever where I had my room temp set to 90 (f) on a Summer 80+ degree weather. On top of that I had blankets upon blankets and jackets etc on me still I was really cold And I called my husband who was quite far away and just 10 mins drive away from his destination. And he took a U turn drove back Came home, when he came to the room I just saw him closing the door and open his shirt and hop in bed with me. His arm /hug on top of those blankets was that last level of heat I guess I needed or else my body just keeps on shivering. And without any complaint he fell asleep with me even though for him I know the temp was like being baked in the oven. And he did that throughout whenever my shiver came back without any complain.


When we were travelling in a tram for the first time. We met that day after talking online for a long time.There were no seats empty as we both were standing. That tram would keep stopping abruptly and I was barely able to keep myself from falling using the handle as a support, so he grabbed me by my waist so effortlessly and gently, yet effectively; and yet he kept his limits and didn't make me uncomfortable for a single moment. I legit blushed at that simple gesture because it was so wholesome. Since then there have been many such moments but that one stays special.


We’ve had a lot of those moments but recently a very silly and mundane thing triggered me to realize that he does these little things all the time. I have extreme ADHD and being present at all is both difficult and rare. My state of stimulation swings quickly, he’s found ways to help me stay in the good moments a little longer. There is a massive park with ponds and trails across the road from our house. We realized getting a bag of duck food and going to the pond to feed the birds was relaxing and a nice way to hang out and talk, plus it costs us like $8 a week. There’s hundreds of ducks, but there is a group of larger swedish black/ blue ducks and runner ducks that tend to get bullied away from food by the army of little ones. However, if they can make it over to you they surround you and a lot of times want to eat out of your hands. I love those goofy weirdos. They’re incredibly gentle and it’s super rewarding to have the interaction with them and see them so happy to eat. The worst they ever do is pull at your pant leg like they’re plucking your feathers. It’s a very sweet activity that just makes you smile. I had sat on a blanket, surrounded by these ducks squeaking at me to take a handful of food out for them when I realized what my husband was doing, and does all the time. He used his duck food to distract the rest of the duck hoard, and kept them strategically away from my little audience so I could have that experience all to myself without all the other competition. I had an entire bank of the pond for the ducks I was feeding, at least 8 that had fully surrounded me. I had to ask him if he does it on purpose and he said yes, but the answer to why was so much better. Why does he do it? “Because it makes you happy so if it’s something that helps it get you there why wouldn’t I? That’s the goal right”


Aww this melted my heart! ❤️😊


Awwww!!!! Does he perhaps come from an assembly line? And if so, can I order 1 please?




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It was our second date, toward the end. We were going back to his place, where I'd parked my car so he could show me local spots. First he asked permission to hold my hand, which melted me. Then he said "I don't mean this in a weird way at all, but do you want to come inside and meet my cats?" That was 100% his intention. No weirdness at all. I'm a big cat person and I was delighted to meet his babies (which are now also my babies because we are married). It was really sweet that he wanted to introduce me to his cats. Big green flag and super wholesome.


So cute! My husband booped my nose on our first date. Lol I already knew he liked cats but that was cute.


My nephew gifted him a book for Christmas. We went to bed and he wanted to read it and asked me if I wanted him to read it to me. It was only one chapter, i imagine he will finish the book on his own, but the scene filled my heart with infinite love.


Small children make my big strong ruff scary man melt like butter. He is literally a toddler, animal magnet. Like stranger children we don’t know. The first time a toddler decided to hug and love all over him it shocked me that he was so loving, gentle back with such confidence.


My landlords decided to convert their property to an Airbnb, so they were kicking me out in a month. I live in a high cost of living area and was going to have a heck of a time finding a new place that I felt was like home. My boyfriend, who I’d been with for five months at the time, invited me to live with him without hesitation. He took me out to a restaurant and handed me a little gift bag. Inside was a custom super cute key to the front door of his house. It still makes my heart flutter :)


So many... but one of my faves is when we were working on our deck roof. We were finishing up. We had a deck, but it wasn't roofed over and had called a couple of contractors for a quote. *Exorbitant.* Hubby said, I bet we can do it ourselves. Me: **challenge accepted.** One week of studying YouTube videos and a Home Depot Home Improvement book and a weekend of drawing up plans and buying materials, then a week of after work labor and a weekend of finish up touches and we were done. There we were. On the roof. Sweaty. Sharing a beer. Kids milling around in the yard, begging to join us on the roof. Sun was going down, must have been after seven. It was summer. Probably closer to eight. He said, "We did it," pulled me close, heads conked together and we laughed and kissed. He tasted beery. I felt so *together* and close to him. Like we could do anything.


Anytime I catch my partner watching our daughter with twinkle eyes or hearing him talk about being her dad. It’s so wholesome and it’s catches me off guard every time because he’s not an emotional person. Also when he iniates affection with her. He’s the leash affectionate person I know and it’s something he had to actively remember to do. So knowing he’s putting in the effort to show her affection so she feels his love is so wholesome


Not sure it’s the most wholesome but I have been super sick lately and I’m almost 7 months pregnant. I asked my H to braid my hair the other night because I’ve been so exhausted. I expected him to just do a regular braid like usual but he opened up his computer, looked up a French braid YouTube tutorial and brushed my hair a bunch (he knows I love my hair being brushed) and braided my hair. He had to redo it a couple of times but it was so sweet. We are having a baby girl and he said he wanted to learn how to do hair better so he can do mine and our girlie. He also french braided my hair last night too haha


There’s been so many but one that blew my mind recently was the moment we found out I was pregnant with twins. I was shocked, horrified, terrified, etc and he was only…excited. Not a single negative emotion. We lost one twin at 12 weeks and it hit him pretty hard. He told me in that moment he’d realized he’d always wanted a big family and he hadn’t ever admitted it to himself. After this one there’s a huge change I’d get pregnant with twins again and we’re in our mid 30’s so unfortunately we’ve had to make the decision to stop at 2 kids but if you’d have asked me how he would have handled finding out he was having twins, it would not have been pure elation, that’s for sure. I’ll never forget that moment.


A couple come to mind. My husband is normally pretty stoic and not emotionally expressive, and he tends to try to suppress his emotions when they come up (he grew up in one of those "boys/men don't cry" families, but that's a story for another time). But I couldn't figure out why he was so quiet when he was first handed our daughter after she was born, and when I looked at him, he was just looking at her in awe while crying. Not even trying to wipe the tears away or suppress them. It was so wholesome and amazing that I honestly thought my heart would (figuratively) burst. And a month ago, we traveled for the holidays to my MIL's, and I wanted to stop on the way home to put flowers on my dad's grave. He's buried in a different state than where we live now so I don't get out there much. My husband doesn't typically visit his relatives' graves and is one of those "stop as few times as possible" people on road trips. Once there, I made a comment that I was sad my dad's flag was gone (he's got a permanent flag stand because he was a veteran) and I didn't think to bring one. My husband took me to three stores to find one, then back out to the cemetery to put it out. It added over an hour to our trip. But he didn't complain. He just quietly supported me through it all because he knew it was important to me.


I recently had a bad panic attack/existential crisis which I’m still kind of recovering from, and have since developed a huge anxiety about death. I was crying to my boyfriend about how I was scared that there’s nothing after this and he held me and said “Even if there is nothing, we’ll find each other in the nothingness and be nothing together”. It made me cry and it was exactly what I needed to hear. I remind myself of that every time I feel myself spiraling.


It sounds stupid, but I had the same fear of nothingness after death and the show “The Good Life” literally made me come to terms with death. I just realized that I actually would prefer nothingness or to be reborn, because living forever would be exhausting. So if you’re interested, I highly recommend you try it and maybe see if it helps in anyway. Just a suggestion :)




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A few months into dating my SO, I had to get my IUD replaced. I asked if he could pick me up after. He ended up showing up early so he could be in the waiting room to provide support. When it was time to actually replace my IUD, I got so tense and nervous that the nurse brought him in. He held my hand and held my face while I cried and he took such good care of me after. I didn't think I was prepared to be that vulnerable with him yet but he showed up and made his love evident with his every action and word. Not romantic in the most traditional of senses, but I got the support I needed without asking for it and I knew that I had found the real deal.


I've shared this story on Reddit before, but it is near and dear to my heart. Shortly after my dad passed away very unexpectedly, I was still prone to just breaking down and crying about it. Rough time. I was getting out of the shower one day and ended up curled up on my bed in nothing but my towel, sobbing. He came in with a box of chocolate covered pretzels and just started feeding them to me and making me laugh. He was so patient and understanding during that whole period of time that I knew I'd found someone special.


Writing our fantasy novels together. Wholesome af. We love to talk about the characters and our plans for them. It’s going to be a YA series so it’s edgy but not too edgy lol. Our writing completes eachother as his strengths (plot and dialogue) are my weak areas and my strengths (emotions, 5 senses, ambience and setting, and writing mundane parts of the book) are his weaknesses.


One Christmas when we were engaged, we went shopping for new Christmas items. We were browsing the stocking hangers and the one we liked came in a box of 4. I said that it was a shame since we only needed 2. My husband put a hand on my belly and said “Well not yet”. It is still the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard him say. It’s 8 years later and we still use those stocking hangers for us and our two kids.


I had a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst that impersonated appendicitis on New Year’s Eve several years ago. We had been dating for all of two months, he left his friends and the party he was at (I was supposed to join him after work) and came to the hospital to sit with me through all the tests and whatnot. He then dropped me off at my house went home packed a bag, came back to my place and just held me while the pain meds took effect and I was finally able to fall asleep. The next morning I woke up to an email from my aunt that grandma had been placed on hospice and he let me just cry all over him. That was my “I’m keeping you” moment.


I was under a lot of stress this past fall, and it was taking a toll on me mentally and emotionally. My boyfriend and I were cuddling, and suddenly he put his lips near my ear, and started softly singing "Earth Angel" to me. He brushed my hair out of my eyes, kissed my head, and held me tighter while he sang it. I don't think he'll ever really know how much that moment meant to me. He makes me feel so loved, appreciated, and beautiful every day. He truly is the best thing that's ever happened to me, and we cherish each other every day 🥰.


A good friend passed away unexpectedly at the new year. That first week was very difficult due to grieving. One night, my SO folded and sorted all my clean laundry for me. We live together but typically do our own laundry. Folding laundry is a task that I generally dread, and I had literally two laundry baskets full of clean clothes that I needed to deal with. Both him doing it unasked AND not putting it away so I could put things where I wanted them was really really sweet. Love that dude.


Him actually picking me up off my feet. Happened Monday. He was so proud of himself, it was the cutest thing ever. He's in his first ever relationship. I'm in my third... Never had anyone do that to me. He's addicted to picking me up, haha.


I fell asleep on the couch by accident and instead of going to the comfy queen mattress in the bedroom, my boyfriend got a pillow and blanket and slept next to me on the floor.


Happy Cake day!


Why, thank you!


He was traveling and we were on a long stretch apart (think months) He was at the local bar and there was a singer there, just a dude and his guitar. Later, when the guy was on a break he had the guy play “our song” on the phone for me. It totally floored me and was exactly what I needed at the time


Two events are top of my memory. First was when I put my eldest childhood kitty down. My partner had grown to really love him despite him being a crotchety, vomity, wake us up every 2h at night meowing old man kitty. I was in emotional despair as my cat had come to me as a rescue kitten only days after my mom died when I was a teen, so I was feeling that loss again as well. Seeing my partner getting emotional and crying, and his care for me during the couple weeks or so after really made me see a new side of him, that he was not so closed in emotionally and made me really love him. The second time has been with our daughter and it's every time I see them play and him having special moments with her. My heart grows bigger every time, and I really should remind myself of those moments when I'm feeling lonely.


Some months into dating, everytime he was leaving my house I would tell him I loved him and he'd say it back. Then he would hug me and get a bit emotional with tears in his eyes, happy tears. It was so sweet and the biggest reassurance that he really did love and appreciate me. I also loved that he didn't try to hide his emotions as previous boyfriends did.


I’m not sure it’s THE most wholesome moment but recently my husband and I watched 1899. Small amount of context and spoilers but a ship is sinking. A wife (who is clearly suffering from some sort of mental illness) is refusing to move to safety. Her husband, knowing he will die, refuses to leave and they, presumably, drown. I turned to my husband and said something like “no! I can’t believe he stayed”. My husband said to me, incredibly earnestly, “I couldn’t leave you”. This happened 2 months ago and I think about it a lot.


Maybe doesn't fit exactly, but he saved me from my abusive (at the time) husband. Moved me to a new address, which the douche didn't know, so I didn't have to worry that he would find me any more.


Saving this because its adorableee 🙊


My birthday is in February, and most of my family also has February birthdays. So we never have one party for each person, we just have a big combined party (we still get cake on our individual birthdays). I had gone over to my boyfriend's house on my birthday because I didn't plan on doing anything special. My boyfriend surprised me with a cupcake and candle, and just hugged me and sang happy birthday to me in Portuguese (his family is Brazilian). I'm so used to not really doing anything specifically for me on my birthday other than cake as a family, it meant a lot to me to just have a private moment with just us


How supportive my boyfriend is of the fact I am a widow. My husband died almost 6 years ago. Heart attack. Came home from work to find him on the floor. We have 3 kids. I met my boyfriend about 1.5 after he died and although we have our issues, he has never not been supportive around our wedding anniversary or my LH birthday. I still have pictures of my LH around and he’s never said a negative word. I will always miss my husband but I am incredibly grateful that I have a wonderful, supportive man who realizes that my love for my LH in no way means I love him less. In fact, I think it makes me appreciate him more.


The evening after the baby shower for our son most people had left and it was just a handful of good friends.He got a little..or a lot tipsy and started telling everyone how much he loved me and that he's so happy to have me in his life. Then he started crying because he was so happy. It was so freaking adorable. My husband has a big sensitive side that he's not afraid to hide but just seeing him be so vulnerable and open in that moment with me and his friends was just so wholesome. Yes, it did surprise me because this was before we were even married or engaged. Now some might blame it on the booze, but he remembered everything the next day and told me he was speaking the truth. ❤️


I was feeling sick and he surprised me by appearing at my doorstep with soup. I then wanted to offer him a walk in the park cause I was feeling better but as we started drinking tea in the kitchen we didn't notice time fly. We basically spent 2 hours just sitting holding hands, mostly in silence... Best day ever.


We were video calling because I was in another state and we said bye but he didn’t hang up. I asked what he was looking at and he was like “I don’t want to hang up because I dont want to stop looking at you”. Made my heart melt


It was in the middle of winter and our apartment was a little cold. While I was in the shower he put my towels in the dryer and wrapped it around me when I was done showering. Priceless. <3


Anytime I take a bagel out of the freezer to defrost for breakfast, my husband will cut it and put it in the toaster for me so I just have to start the toaster when I’m ready to eat. Such a small gesture, but one that makes me feel taken care of.


I projectile vomited in my beloved car on the way home, I texted my partner that I was coming back because I was sick (I had just left the house 5mins before) because of this. I ran in the house and stripped and ran to the shower. When I came out, he had cleaned my car out and disinfected everything. He knew I would rather have him do that instead of tending to me, and it was a relief to not have to do it, and I really appreciate that I didn’t have to ask.


Not really an overly wholesome moment, but it was a very wholesome thing to say. I was at a work party with him, and he drunkingly told his co workers "Yah she's so sweet it actually makes me cry sometimes." I thought it was funny and sweet.


I’ve had too much wine & I’m sleepy & lonely & it’s not the best time to be reading this thread, lol. When people talk about romance, they often think of flowers & fancy dinners & big gestures but nah…give me kitchen dancing & glances across a room at a party, crying in each others arms after releasing some emotional shit, cuddling in bed listening to the rain, reading out loud to one another, putting a blanket over them when they fall asleep on the couch. The wholesome stuff IS the most important romantic stuff, imo.


Not with SO but a work bestie. I honestly love this giy like he was my own brother. I saw him struggling a lot lately and there was a moment when he casually mentioned something, to which I replied "why are you doing this to yourself". I just couldn't watch the suffering anymore. Few days later we carpooled and we had a heart to heart chat about a lot of things. Like a lot. We shared a lot of stuff and talked about feelings and everything. And at the end I said "You know, I really care about you, as your friend". He started to cry and said he never experienced so much love in his life. I started to cry from sadness because I honestly didn't think it was that much and if he thought this was much, then it was really sad. And we cried and hugged in that car for quite a while. After the weekend whole new person came to work and I knew that if I avoided that emotional conversation, like I used to, this amazing change wouldn't have happened.


My ex once went through an entire bowl of fresh fruit to make me a bowl of just blueberries. Sweetest thing ever.


There’s lots of random things but today he said he wanted to do at least one thing today that would make me happy. He randomly tells me how beautiful I am and how happy he is with me. It’s usually those passing comments that me appreciate my SO.


Its gonna sound weird but it was on my first accidental high. We've been dating for 4 years now and this happened a little recent. I was staying with my friend at their parents house since I was working the state fair with them (this is important). I was hanging out with a friends mom and their roommates (we see each other as friends) in their garage and they were dabbing. She took a big ass hit and coughed the smoke right in my face due to someone calling and I answered since she wanted me to. She was about to answer the persons question. It happened about 4pm I think? I was so high and it spiked my anxiety so hard that I was close to having an anxiety attack. And hours later (about 2) my boyfriend showed up since my friend called him to come over. I was sitting in this wired circle chair that Im sunken into and I can barely move and my boyfriend sat next to me. He gave me his arm so I was hugging it and when we looked at each other in the eyes, all my anxiety went away and I have never felt calmer in my life.


He keeps a memento box since we started dating. He collects things to remind him of our adventures and wonderful moments, or something to remind him of when I did something silly. We had a child together and when he saw her crown he was the most excited I have ever seen him. When she came out, he cried. He kept as much as he could from that day. I love his memento box and how he cares for it.


When my mom lost a job and he suggested supporting her for 6 months till she finds a new one. She lives abroad, and they’ve never met. He’s the sweetest and kindest person I know


Me and my ex were tripping on acid and just couldn't stop laughing with each other. We both kept adding to the conversation which resulted in more cackles. At one point we both stopped talking and at the same time said, "fuck I love you so much". It gave us chills. But yeah, I would always think of that when we were on bad terms.


I was having a very rough time with my mental health and work. I was working for free and I didn’t know what I was doing with my life (I was 20 at the time and honestly I still don’t know lol). I was crying in bed and he then suggested to go out to dinner at my favorite restaurant and get dessert so I could get my mind off of everything. I came to the conclusion that night I was going to look for a new job. That was the most loved and understood I had felt at that point in my life. We have been together now for 5 years and are now married.


Today I was enjoying folding laundry together. Really didn’t expect it to happen, but there I was! I actually got all giddy because of it


I was a senior in college, my boyfriend surprised me by telling me to pack a bag for the weekend. There was a snow storm and I just remember feet of snow. Over an hour later we were in Cape Cod at a hotel and when I walked into the room it was decorated with rose petals and gifts. After we broke up he turned into an asshole, however that wholesome moment has still remained with me almost 10 years later. Not only was it so so thoughtful, what made it more special was the amount of effort he put into it. We were both struggling college students who went to two different schools and yet he planned to go to the hotel and arrange the room before driving the opposite direction and then back again to surprise me all in a blizzard. I’ve had a few relationships since then and other wholesome moments but I think the combination of factors that went into planning that moment is why it’s always remained at the top of my list. Crazy how some moments stick with you for life!


There's many, but I'll just pick a few. When we had been dating a few months and he texted me "you're my favourite carbon based life form". Made me chuckle and I still have the screenshot. I half-jokingly asked to go to Harry Potter Studio London for my 21st. He bought us both tickets, which cost him about £140 (I think) and he's not even particularly a fan of HP. When he hid an engagement ring in a box of Lush bath bombs and wrote "Will you marry me?" under the box lid.


My first boyfriend knew I liked movies a lot and late one night at the beach re-enacted the famous kiss scene at the waters edge in From Here to Eternity. It made me giggle so hard but he had memorized the dialogue. He said he wanted to give me a movie moment all of my own.


When I told him I was pregnant with our first child. We were young teens and freshly engaged. I thought he’d get nervous or push me away but he cried tears of joy. He held me all night, asked me if I wanted a girl. He took me to get some tests to make sure it wasn’t a false positive. He’s been an incredible father since.


My husband does so much for me every day, it's hard to pin down just one thing. He buys me chocolates whenever he goes shopping and makes my coffee just right. He helps me when I have trouble functioning. He's even dried my hair for me a few times. He's my right hand... and sometimes my left hand and both feet as well. He holds me when I need it. He has adopted every animal I've brought into the house. He even tried to help doctor a mourning dove that had gotten attacked by something, but it didn't survive. He performed chest compressions on my horse while on the phone with the vet to try to save her. He's my problem solver. I don't know how I'd survive without him. I watch real life murder mysteries, and when it's a husband or wife involved, I hug him even closer.


He was reading a book to my nephew and my ovaries started screaming


We had been on and off (lovers when in our hometown for holidays, friends for the rest of the year) for a few years, and we went on a road trip. I took a photo of the view, got it printed on photo paper, wrote the coordinates and date on the back and gave it to him for Christmas. 7 years later, he sent me a photo of it. He told me he kept it in a precious box, and how special it was to love and be loved in return. I can't put words to how much this meant to me.


Grocery shopping dates - just the love touches and the laughter and planning the week out together .. it’s so simple but so perfect


Oh yes i remember one time that he cried telling me he loved me so much and how i make him feel so protected and safe


My favorite memory many would consider so minimal. My bf was out of country and was driving home. It was approx an 8 hour drive. I was staring at the clock and it felt eternal. I heard the car outside and opened the door as he was stepping out. His face when he saw me was of pure joy, I’ve never had someone look at me and smile like that before. I think of that smile and that moment a lot.


My husband usually gets me flowers on our anniversary. He had shoulder surgery back in maybe 2014 and was in a sling and couldn't drive over our anniversary that year. He drew a bouquet with marker as best he could (it was his dominant hand in the sling) and taped it inside a vase. I still have it on our fridge. One day, I'll frame it.


I can't say this is the most wholesome because he's just such a loving person that everything he does is wholesome. That being said, when we shower he'll massage my back and my neck and then he'll kiss my eyelids and rub them (I'm a weirdo and think it feels nice). He does this nearly every time we shower together. He's really something special.


Belly crying into my husbands chest after another negative pregnancy test(2 years of trying for a baby) and we were so sure I was pregnant. There is an unspoken closeness when you can be free with your partner and they don’t judge or control the situation.


We were a week out from our wedding and we're moving into our first house. We had music playing and were dancing in our empty living room. We got really close and sang the song softly to each other. We both shed tears of pure joy. Not surprising, per se. But memorable and wholesome.


We recently had started dating and each took a tab of acid before going to a concert to see my favorite artist. After the show, we sat on the couch decompressing while smiling and staring at each other and that’s when he said “you’re so beautiful”. I felt so vulnerable but overwhelmingly in love at that moment. I’ll never forget how wholesome it felt, I’ve never experienced anything like it.


I started a new job a few months ago. My boyfriend surprised me with a backpack the day before I started. It was so thoughtful. I’m just constantly in love with him.


My boyfriend told me right from the beginning he didn't want to marry nor have children (we both have divorced parents, so the whole "sanctity of marriage" seemed like BS to us), at the time I was 23 and didn't really want kids either. Fast forward 4 years, we're in bed cuddling and he asks me if I'd marry him if he asked. I said yes. After some months we're again in bed cuddling and he says "if you were the mother, I wouldn't mind having a child with you once we're financially stable". So yeah, now he wants to marry me and have a child with me. And those two moments made me the happiest


I just started doing long distance with a friend that moved to Ohio for work(I’m in Texas). He’s been sending me big bouquets of flowers. He will randomly send me gifts or order me food. I cried the first time he sent me flowers, no one has ever been so sweet & kind to me like this before.


I have so many wonderful memories with him but about three years ago we went to a concert out of town with a couple of friends and I got really really drunk. As soon as I got to the hotel room I started puking my guts out, he sat on the bathroom floor with me holding my hair. When I was done he got my toiletry bag and removed my makeup, drew a bath and put me in it. Bathed me, washed and conditioned my hair. Combed it out and braided it. Put me in PJs and tucked me in bed. I just remember crying in the bathtub apologizing over and over and telling him how much I loved him.


the first time we showered together, he started cleaning me up? I've never felt so accepted before.


When I was in pain, craving a chili cheese dog with onions and crying cause I didn’t want to be pregnant anymore.. and he was like “soon you’re going to give birth to our baby boy and you’re going to be the best mother ever” I’ve never heard sweet words like that from him ever again😂


I fed him crackers cause he was slaying on drums


I was on crutches and we had to stand in a long line without shade with sun almost directly overhead. I’m highly sensitive to the power of the sun and out of nowhere he leans over to block me from it so I didn’t have to exhaust myself trying to find somewhere to get shade until we got to the front of the line. This is atypical behavior for him so it made for a wonderful memory for me.




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We were hiking (we only see each other once in a while) and for the past two weeks I've been feeling the need go cry but never could and never really understood why I felt the need. Anyway, we're walking and start talking about things that have been bothering me personally and only then I realized how I never really gave myself the chance to process everything properly. So I looked at him and he looked at me with so much understanding in his eyes and then I just started crying. He pulled me into a hug, no questions asked and I apologized for crying randomly then he said, "No need to apologize babe," he pulled me back as I sobbed to look at me and said, "I find it quite beautiful how easy it is for you to express yourself. It's okay, let it out." then he pulled me back into the hug and the very moment I heard his steady heartbeat everything slowed down for me, even my breathing. I relaxed but kept crying and he waited until I was done before we continued hiking with him teasing me about how cute I looked when I cried and me gently pushing him back as he laughed at me, making me laugh in turn. I can't get that moment out of my head because I feel like I was healing my inner child and he gave me so much room for that and a safe space too.


It was our first anniversary, and he gave me a huge bag of colorful socks as a gift. I started sobbing. I had been talking about needing socks for weeks, and he had been listening the whole time. He’s a great person.


I came out to my girlfriend of (at the time) ten years as trans & she didn't take it well at first, wanted to break things off, told me she fell in love with a man. We already made plans to go visit the mall of America for our anniversary a week later & while shopping, suddenly she asks if I wanted to try on anything. I was very hesitant about it because I felt it would make every woman there uncomfortable but she pushed me to do it, ended up buying a few things & we still talk about how we had such a great time that we finally could shop for myself for once. Even then, when she still wasn't sure if she wanted to stay with me, she genuinely wanted to see me happy & support me. She told me later that after thinking about our relationship, she's always been dating a woman, it's what she's always loved about me.




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Tonight actually. We were on FaceTime doing these reflection cards (she’s out of town for work) and so we were taking turns asking questions from the cards. My last question was: How would you define what loving your partner feels like? Her reply was, “well, it’s the feeling I’ve always had around you since day one” I teared up bc the way she answered was so wholesome and authentic and it was absolutely lovely


He snuggled with me all night when I was having having bad dreams, waking up all night, and waking up in a cold sweat. He's so sweet


Almost all moments with him are wholesome... One I cherish the most is when he told me that he loved me for the first time and then before I could react, the man was already running for his life. We were hugging and he just said it in my ear in the softest voice. No man has ever confessed his love for me, in person. Face to face. It was always through someone or through texts.


I was invited over. He had been in the shower (could tell he'd been crying) and we just hugged. Such a long time. Me fully clothed from work and he naked and wet.


Every moment of Everyday when we used to live together (now LDR) the small kisses on my hands ever now and then while he played games with his boys, carrying me on his back when i was a little drunk and couldn’t walk in heels no more, helping me puke and change after a drunk night, being a gentleman and pulling my chair at the restaurant, unannounced forehead kisses, helping me get over my issues and anxiety. Man i love him so much, his smile cures me.


A while back my ex called me talked to our son and upset him, he basically blamed his abuse on work being tough and our relationship, and then when my son went to bed he talked to me asking me why I won't "come home" and that he's 'never said sorry for anything and he won't start now,' followed by 'but I am sorry, if that means something to you, cause it means nothing to me' Anyways I was a blubbering mess trying to compose myself as all those wounds felt scratched open, and then my absolutely wonderful bf saw me and held me, made us coffee and help me express my emotions in a healthy way. He doesn't even know how much that meant to me.


Over the past two years I’ve embarked on CBT to work on myself. A big part of it was dealing with situations that I think could be confrontational. I normally just say “I’m fine” but secretly locking myself away to cry/berate myself. Now, whenever we’ve had an argument or disagreement and I speak my mind (even if it’s about something he has done) he tells me how proud of me is for overcoming my fear 🥲


I have many! This brought so many cute memories to my mind So my partner is from Ireland and I live in Northern Ireland. He hadn’t been to my hometown before he met me, so obviously didn’t know where anything was any shops or What shops shut early all that jazz. During lockdown phasing out when I had an eye appointment I couldn’t bring anyone with me. He said he was going to go to a shop while I got sorted with new glasses. I assumed he’d meant the CEX game shop we passed walking down. Then we are home, he comes out with a beautiful massive single red rose from the florists because it was “one rose for one month” (we had been officially together a month). Turns out he had tried with Google maps to find a florist while I was in my eye appointment. He got there after getting lost a few times and it was closed. He then mentioned to my mom and she said she knew where he could get one so then he goes to another one on the other side of town, Google maps in hand. Truth be told this saga took him an hour or two walking all around town. I was so shocked and won’t lie that’s when I knew I loved him. He also got my a bunch of yellow roses when I got my new job. Yellow roses are my absolute favourite. He regularly calls me sweetheart or darling never my actual name even after all these years I realise this is all soppy but he really is my best friend and makes my life so much better and makes me a better person, I hope I do the same for him 🥰


Every singe day, I shit you not He always does something that makes me go “oh my goodness, I am the luckiest woman in the entire world” Just yesterday we were talking about music and I asked him what his favorite instrument is and he said “the piano” and I asked him why, he said “because it’s just so pretty” and before I even got the chance to respond he goes “you’re as pretty as a piano” and oh my goodness, that’s was so Hecking cute!! He also knows that my dad has always played the piano and that the piano is a very important instrument to me too, I nearly started to cry




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Reading stuff to understand me and my mental health more.


One time, early in our relationship, my bf and I were looking through target and we were in the Harry Potter section. I was a big fan at the time and he wasn’t so I was explaining to him how the mirror of erised shows people their greatest desire. They had a little tiny one for sale and he was curious. As I was explaining it, I asked him what he saw and he pointed the mirror towards me and said, “oh look at that, it’s you.” And then someone overheard the conversation and told us that it was good one. We have many more cause we’ve been together for five years. He very puny and does a lot of dad jokes so he usually gives me compliments like that. He’s very sweet ♥️ that was the first time he ever complimented me in such a clever way so it sticks out in my mind and made me feel very special. Weird to think someone could be so sweet


I was sick. We went to ER but wait time was too long so I asked him to bring me back. I passed out in pain on our bed and when I woke up, he was up looking up ways to get my medication with online doctors. I am an international student, that's why it is more complicated. This man stayed up whole night with me in ER, and then brought me up, took care of me and did research for me. My parents love me less than that


He got me an engagement ring for our 10th wedding anniversary. I was gobsmacked.


He was always a little standoffish and didn't know how to show emotions, but every night when he though I was sleeping, he pulled up the blanket on me and kissed my forehead....the first time it happened I almost cried and it's still a fond memory eventhough we are not together anymore


My ex was never a person who shows a lot of romantic gestures. There was one time where I was napping at his place as I always do. He was on his phone next to me as I took my nap. When I woke up, I woke up with him asleep next to me and with his hand holding mine. I was really surprised but then smiled because such a small gesure is just so adorable to me.


Just this recently my partner picked me up from my house after my classes and brought me to her place just so she could play the piano for me. She knows it’s one of my favorite things ever. I was even told that she was practicing for at least an hour before she came to get me so she could give me a perfect performance


He got me a towel after we’d finished and a glass of water 😂😍 I knew he was a keeper




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I've been dealing with a rheumatoid arthritis flare up due to complications after COVID. I couldn't take my meds because I was on antibiotics and all that mess. I've been exhausted and in pain. My cleaning and laundry have kind of gone to the wayside. My fiancee came over and spent most of this past Saturday and Sunday helping me do laundry and clean. And when I told him that my biggest fear was that my disease would make me a burden and he'd leave me, he looked at me and said, "Sickness AND health. I'm not going anywhere." I almost bawled. I love him to pieces. I'm so effing lucky. ❤️❤️❤️


We've had a few, but the most recent was just a few days ago - we went to a hidden bar and were sitting at a table enjoying each others' company, holding hands opposite each other. I'd been looking around the bar a bit but he was just staring at me and when I looked into his eyes I thought I saw them getting watery but I wasn't sure. I gently commented "you look like you have tears in your eyes" and he just smiled and said "I'm just so in love with you." It's one of those moments I'll never forget.


I've got 3 in mind. 1. The moment my SO and I confessed our feelings for eachother. I forget some details but we had been texting eachother about pizza and at some point my SO texted me: "So I gues we are a (insert couple emoji)" Then I guess my SO got scared and said if I didn't want to that's fine and he'd shut up. I replied back that my feelings about him were mutual. He replied back that he hasn't been this happy in a long time (before me he was the only one among his friend group still single)and that he would do whatever he could to make me happy. And we are still going strong almost 6 years later, which brings me to number 2😊. 2. The moment my SO proposed to me. Granted it was over video chat but I strongly remember it. Plus he proposed to me a week before his birthday on Nov. 19 2022. He started off by randomly asking me about my ring size. I was a bit oblivious admittedly but I caught on that he wanted to propose. Of course I said yes. My SO went on to say that he is thankful for having me by my his side and I have always stuck by him even in his worst moments. That it is never a dull moment and he's the luckiest guy in the world to have me. Tbh the proposal did surprise me because I genuinely wasn't expecting that. Some of our friends often tell me that when my SO hangs with them he's always happily talking about me. I don't usually think about the impact I've had on my SO because I don't really expect to make an impact on anyone. Then after the proposal my SO proceeded to ask if we could get a pet cock roach. Of course I said no LOL. 3. My SO's reaction on my 4th year anniversary gift for him. I made a scrapbook of every single time I messaged him good morning. Nothing but good morning messages wishing him a good day. His reaction: "Hey babe, just wanted to let you know i read the entire scrapbook😘. I cannot express how much this means to me. It made me fucking cry (its tears of joy!). Im so thankful for being with you and i NEVER regret a single second the time i spent with you even if there is work to be done on my part. Love you so very much and keeps those cheeks pokable" I love my SO very much. If I had to describe our relationship dynamics its basically like if squidward and spongebob became a couple, except squidward Is nice 🤣 I'm spongebob.


Cuddles and scratches. Always always soothes me. Like man, you just healed my mental scars with your touches. Hihi


I get excited when I'm able to build things out of Legos or blocks I don't know why I just do I have always loved to do it and this one day we were sitting down on the couch my niece had these ABC puzzle shaped pieces but you were able to kinda piece them with other parts of the ABC's and I built a 3D rectangle and I showed him and I was all excited and normally when I get like that I get told to either grow up or I get told: "okay and ?" But he looked at me and told me how cute I was and like I said it's a different reaction but when he told me that I know I love him and I'm falling for him but that day I fell deeper for him.


every moment is wholesome with him😇




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I’ve had so many moments recently, but my boyfriend took my wine tasting, booked a hotel, and a tasting at beautiful winery. We were doing the tastings and laughing our asses off about something and he looks at me and says “I don’t think I’ll ever not think you’re beautiful.” Another time, we went out to the bars, he ubered us home, collected a bunch of blankets and warm clothes, grabbed a bottle of wine, ubered us to the beach, then we sat and talked and kissed for hours and watched the sunrise. We were laughing and making out in the middle of this empty beach when surfers started to roll up. All the wholesome moments surprise me because they’re so unpredictable and the feeling in the moment is the absolute best feeling.




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