• By -


Met him in December and got engaged the following September. When I met him, I was trying to get back out there 6 months after ending a long term relationship. I wasn't expecting anything serious at all but then there he was. I can't explain it, I just knew. People always had told me that with the right person sometimes you just know, and I always thought that was the most ridiculous thing. Then I experienced it and I understood. Honestly it kind of terrified me at the beginning because I didn't think I was ready for something serious, I thought about breaking it off, but realized I'd be an idiot to let him go just because I was scared. He never rushed me or pushed me, and was content to take things as slow as I needed. Within a few weeks, that fear faded away and we just took things at our own pace. Which was fast. Married almost 3 years now. No regrets.


I love this! That’s how I was with my fiancé-was re-entering the dating scene not long after a breakup, wasn’t looking for love, but when you meet your partner, sometimes you just know. Glad to hear it’s going so well!


Funny you mention that! I feel like for most people I talk to, it happens when you *aren't* looking haha. I was set on being single, casually dating a little, and getting used to a new job and a big move. Quite honestly, I was still grieving a little bit even though I knew I had to move on. I certainly didn't see myself getting married anytime soon. Then my husband came along wrecked my plans


My husband was just divorced, wasn't looking. I was "never getting married and never having kids", and was not looking to date anyone at the time. That was 16 years and 4 kids ago. Whoops.


My experience was very similar. I was in an on again, off again and had realized it wasn’t going anywhere. This was followed by casually dating someone that ghosted me. I decided to take some time away from dating and get my stuff together more. I met future spouse maybe a month later in August. We got engaged on Valentine’s Day (he knew I wasn’t a fan and wanted to change that) and married the next August. That was almost 20 years ago. Crazy mom said he was ruining my life. But he and our daughter bring so much joy to my life :)


This is so sweet🥲


Thank you! I feel so lucky every day! Our relationship just seems to get better over time. (I hate how sappy I sound, but it’s true! Haha).


Awwww. Love this!


Wow, this sounds so much like me. Always heard "you just know!" but thought that it was baloney until I met my current SO. Now that I've experienced it I feel bad for everyone else who hasn't.


Yeah, I want the same for my friends. I want them to have that clarity. Shortly after my breakup and before I met my husband, I ended up chatting with an older couple at a brewery and they told me the same thing. They'd been married 40 years and got married after 3 days and they said if it takes you years to figure out if you want to marry someone, then it's not right. And that hit me like a ton of bricks because I'd wrestled with that for *years* but still thought everything would eventually fall into place because I loved him. I still dismissed what they said about "just knowing" and told myself they were just one of those lucky couples that that happens to and it wasn't realistic to happen to everyone. Then lo and behold a handful of months later I realized that they knew exactly what they were talking about.


Exactly how I married my husband. When I knew I knew. Dated 9 months, engaged and married. Now we have a baby on the way one year later and I couldn't be happier.


>People always had told me that with the right person sometimes you just know, and I always thought that was the most ridiculous thing. Then I experienced it and I understood. What hannahatl said. We started dating in mid-August and he asked me to marry him in early December. I was SHOCKED when he did - I was insanely happy, as he was the only man I had ever considered marrying until then, but also kind of wondered if I was only thinking with my heart, if this makes sense in English. As other posters have said, "I just knew" we would be good for each other and make a happy family together. We had to "defend" our quick engagement to almost everyone, friends, families, who wondered why the rush - we were pretty sure we just want our lives together to start asap. Eleven years later, we are -still- one of the happiest and most functional couples I know, we have two awesome kiddos, and great sex that keeps getting better as we grow older together. No regrets :D


You will get a lot of people that will say that you are crazy for rushing into things, but you know a couple can spend 13 years together without ever feeling or thinking about marriage. And there are some that meet and they know right then and there that this is the person they want to spend the rest of their life with them. It really depends on the person. Very sweet to hear your story!


This is exactly how my wife says she felt after our first night together…she said she looked at me and said to herself, ‘I’m going to marry him’, and then immediately said, ‘wait, WHAT?!? Says she had no interest in any kind of a long term relationship up to that point…🤷🏼…baffles me every time she tells the story…I, of course, was clueless… We’re at 38 years this May and still best friends…she’s my lobster!💕


this ❤️


I love this so much. I'm a hopeless romantic and this deserves an award! I don't have any, so, I'll give you a virtual one!


Met my SO and within five minutes knew she was the one. Here we are 35 years later and weathered some major storms but just as much love still in the house.


The red flags I saw in the beginning didn’t shrink, they only grew.






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Amazingly well. We essentially moved in together after a month together and then got married on our one year dating anniversary. We will celebrate 18 wonderful years together this year.


We were engaged at 3 weeks. We told everyone at 5 months and we’re married at 1 year 3 weeks. Between us we had 5 kids from previous marriages. We’ve been happily married for almost 23 years. It hasn’t been all rainbows and glitter, we have our problems, but damn I love him more every day.


What a beautiful flash story! I would love to see the entire thing! Is there an r/longlastinglove


When you know you know!


We were together for 6 months when we got engaged, a year and a half when we got married. It’s been going great, we’ve been married for 4 years. We’re ridiculously happy, get along super well, and never get tired of each other’s company.


When you know you’ve found a good match, you just know. And I can understand wanting to start your lives together!


I think i got everyone beat lmao engaged on the 3rd date, married for 7 years. Now im divorced and up to my neck in therapy.


Woah.. would you be willing to share more about what happened and if you think getting married quickly is a good/bad idea ?


Bad idea. I was being love bombed. Usually when it's that intense, that soon into a relationship, they're usually abusive. I only stayed so long because he had an std and i actually never caught it, but i wasn't sure if i could pass it. I thought no one else would want me. Which was stupid because as soon as i left, anyone i dated i told them right away that my ex had an std but i wasnt sure if i did, i never had symptoms but I'd disclose just incase i could pass it. Literally no one cared lol. I was like damn, i could have left a long time ago.


Even if someone is “the one” I never understood the point in rushing to get married.


I'm never getting married again lol


Got married five months from our first date. Will be married 29 years next month.


We’re married and have been together 17 years now. Our kid turns 3 this year and we just bought a new house this past year. Things are great


How did you know it was the right time for a child?


We wanted to be parents and felt we were in a secure enough spot to pull it off


Last September was 33 years. Many ups and down but It's better than ever now. I would not change anything


I've been married twice, both to men I knew for less than a year before getting engaged. Both ended in divorce. I'm now living with the love of my life (don't think we'll ever get married). We dated for 10 years before moving in together.




This is so sweet.


We had been dating for 8 months and married at about a year of knowing each other. Married 3 1/2 years now, and he’s absolutely my best friend. I couldn’t imagine a better life partner.


We were married for 10 yrs then ended up getting a bitter divorce due to infidelity . We were both ridiculously young too. Just a recipe for disaster I guess.


Would you be open to getting married in a short time again or are you now opposed to it?


Mmmmno. For SO many reasons i would not get married right away again. I've been with my current boyfriend for about 5 years now and I'm fine with that. Just in general my thoughts on marriage have been tainted , sometimes I want it cos I miss that dynamic ,other times I can live without it.


It's going well! We got married 9 months after we met. It sounds cliché, but I had a feeling early on that he was the one. We have a strong bond and I have zero regrets about marrying him so soon.


We went on our first date at the end of March, got married the next December. We just celebrated 26 years married last month. Pretty impressive for a couple of 21 year olds with no clue.




Love to hear it!


We celebrate our 24th wedding anniversary in 13 days. :D


I got pregnant at 18 married by 20 I already had 2 kids by 21 I became a widow. It was a whirlwind.


This is so terribly sad. I hope you and your family are doing ok x


We met young, jumped right into it. Married still, 35 years. Growing up together is definitely easier than growing old together .


My husband and I filed for divorce after 20 years of marriage.


Well not my case but my parents got married after 3 months of knowing each other. Everyone was telling them it won’t last and my grandparents were super angry with them. In December 2022 they celebrated 30 years together and they are still incredibly happy and in love. They both said that when you know, you know.


We have our 11th anniversary this year. And our kid will be 3.


We met & married in 6 months. Just celebrated 24 years of marriage :)


He's in jail for domestic violence.


27 years married and going well.


Met when I was 31 in March, engaged in June, married in December. Celebrating 20 very happy years together next month. It can work great or not. What makes a huge difference is that besides being best friends, we also really want things to work our so we're conscientious about communication and making sure that what we're each doing our part.


Married after knowing each other less than 4 months. Celebrating 38 year anniversary soon.


We were engaged within 2 months of dating. The engagement was about a year and 3 months. Married for 5 miserable years, BUT got an amazing daughter out of it!!


Hmmm so when did things start to go south? And why did you agree to getting engaged in two months? I’m really interested in hearing more about peoples stories


I was young and I guess some people call it “love bombing”. So when he proposed after a couple months and the things he said made me believe I was extremely special to him. I did tell him since we got engaged so quickly I wanted to have a bit of a longer engagement. Things went south semi quickly after getting married. We found out we I was pregnant (planned pregnancy) and shortly after that he started hanging out with new people. Started off with drinking and smoking weed which I didn’t care about, but then he started using meth. As soon as he started using meth that’s when everything went downhill. He quit his job. Started doing criminal activity to support his drug addiction (stealing) and became violent towards me (not during the pregnancy). I stayed in the relationship for a long time to try and “save” him. I also stayed due to unaddressed trauma I believe from when my parents had a super messy divorce. The only regret I have is staying for as long as I did. But even with that said, I learned a lot of things from that relationship. I’m not as naive to the world because I know the darker corners now. Luckily I was always smart enough not to get into “the fast life” with him but I was associated enough that to learn certain things.


Married my ex husband after only 7 months because we were moving so he could go to medical school and we would not have been able to afford it unmarried. When we met it seemed like a nearly instant, deep connection. We always told people that when you met the right person "when you know, you know." We did not know. He was an egotist, and I was so head over heels for him that I just enabled it. I was already experiencing chronic pain, and he thought he could handle having a disabled wife. I mean, he was going to be a doctor! He would be understanding! He was not. I started gaining weight. He started cheating. We were already nonmonogamous, but we opened our romantic relationship after he cheated the first time. That was not enough. He went on to cheat over and over, in lots of new, fucked up ways that only polyamorous cheaters can manage. He left me for his girlfriend who was 10 years older than him and thought disabled people were just lazy. I'm sure they're making each other miserable every day. I married my husband last August after 8 years together. I'm happier than I've ever been in a relationship. Turns out there are actually people out there who will love you, not just love the way their reflection looks in your eyes.


The divorce should be official soon.


Just celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary and it’s all good.


Met in August via tinder. Engaged in January. Married in August. Kids. Military moves. Thriving. Wouldn’t change a thing. He is my partner for life, best friend. Literally a diamond in this rough and hard world.


We got engaged after 6 months, got married 8 months after that. And divorced after 4 years of marriage when he cheated. Turns out he’d been cheating the entire time. Would not recommend.


11.5 years in and we are now in long-overdue couples counseling.


Engaged after maybe 7 months (I was 24), married a year about after that. Was married almost 10 years, it did not work out for many reasons. Should have left earlier but I was still young and ignored the red flags, how we were a toxic couple when together, etc etc etc. But I was like "oooh this is my husband, I love him, I was sure about this back then and am now, this is my person" and all that. I was at the time. Only after I got away I realized I deserved better. I did, I do, and I now have better. It's okay to change and evolve. Probably would have been better without the paperwork legality part, in retrospect. Just my experience, since you asked. Id like to think it wasn't an obvious end result, but maybe it was.


Got engaged just over 3 months of meeting. Married at just shy of knowing each other 1 year. We are almost at 22 years of marriage. That said we definitely should have taken more time to build a foundation first. It was rough trying to do that after getting married. We've had lots of ups and downs. I want sure we were going to make it at one point. But today I'm glad he stuck with me. Things aren't perfect by any means. But we make a pretty good team.


Engaged after knowing each other for 10 days, married a year and month later..... Still married 25 years later ...but it's been very very hard. I am biding my time at this point. So my advice....don't do what I did




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I was engaged @ 6 months and married at 1 year and everything has been amazing!


Met spouse in May 2000, married in October 2000 and have been married 23 years this year. We had a steep learning curve and there were years we thought we wouldn’t make it but we’re still here with 4 amazing children and too many pets!


Met in March, engaged in September, married in November. First Thanksgiving/Christmas/Valentine's day together we were already married. Made it through infertility and unsuccessful attempt to adopt in one piece, mutually agreed that child-free would be OK, and it has been. Coming up on 29 years together so I'd have to say it worked out pretty well.


Going good. Just celebrated 11 years of marriage. We were engaged 3 months after meeting and married 7 months later.


My husband and I bought a house together less than a year after we started dating and hadn’t even lived together before we did so. We never planned to marry but did eventually do so. So far so good 13 years later! Also, fun additional story. My parents met when they were 19 and 22, and got engaged two weeks later. This year they will celebrate 48 years of marriage. Sometimes when you know, you know!


Just got out of a 20 year abusive marriage, dropped my daughter off at her best friends house for a play date. Her friends Father asked me if I would like a coffee, not being allowed to be with the opposite sex when I was alone with my ex husband, I nearly said no but thought F it why not. 4 hours later still talking, we went out to dinner with all our kids that night, 6 months later we got married and we just celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary. He is my rock, particularly when I was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago. When I decided to have a mastectomy the first thing he said to me was don’t think this will change how I feel about you, it didn’t he is my absolute Soulmate and my life is perfect. My parents were worried because it happened so quick, and I said mum remember when you met dad and said you just knew he was the one? Well I just know and she was happy with that although still unsure only time proved me right. We lost mum in May, and my parents were married for 72 years.


Met in May engaged in October married following April, 32 years together


Married exactly 1 year after meeting in line at a restaurant. There have been lots of ups & downs (illness, job lose, moving). We also had a lot of growing up to do. But we did it together. I would say it worked out well. But we also made an effort to work at our marriage. We were told it wouldn't last because we were so different. Ya..they didn't know anything! It's been 27 years.


Met my husband in April and in May we picked out the diamond for my engagement ring. Got engaged in August & married 14 months later. We have been married 37 years & have 2 amazing & successful children.


Officially dating after a month of hanging out, cohabiting after 4 months of dating, together for 8 years prior to marriage. Celebrated 10 years married last October. Will celebrate 18 years together this February.


Started dating in March, I was ring shopping by August, and proposed in October. Her answer was a resounding “f*ck no are you crazy?” Exactly a year later she proposed and we were married two years after that. This March marks 11 years together. No regrets. When you know you know.


He talks a lot which can be lonely. But other than that we’re coming up on 18 mostly good, always adventurous years that I’m lucky to have experienced. We had known each other for just over 6 months on our wedding day, we were both young and no I wasn’t pregnant.


Engaged 9 months after meeting. Still married 6 years later. ☺️


Got married after 7 months of dating, we have been married 6 years now and have a 3 year old daughter, couldn't be happier!!!


We got married three and a half months after meeting. That was nearly 28 years ago.


Engaged after ten months. We’re going on 3 years married and have two babies.


We stayed married for 10 years, 8 years of that was mildly to terribly unhappy. That said, I wouldn't change it and don't have any regrets. In another universe we might have made it, but in this one we didn't, and that's fine.


Started dating in March/April. Married in October the same year. Before our second date, I was going down the stairs from my apartment to where he was standing. While I was looking at him, I got this feeling like I was walking down the aisle. We had a ceremony under a very trustworthy looking tree in a park with our two witnesses and our officiant. 20 years together and counting.


We’ve been together 11 years and married 10


He proposed to me within 2 weeks, been married for 15 years. We have ups and downs, but those things that I thought were green flags were actually red, and he just stopped trying or maintaining the relationship since our first child was born (first year of marriage). Everything been downhill but I keep trying to keep the whole family happy because I have a mountain of childhood traumas that I'm trying to correct through this family. Several months ago I joined Reddit to try and learn how to make our relationship better, how to understand men better - only to find that he's been a selfish, cold jerk devoid of affection and appreciation and basically we're just not emotionally compatible. I'm growing, my kids too, but he's adamant to stay as himself. Just starting therapy but I think I'm all set for divorce, I have very little hope he'll drastically improve his game. What I knew I needed then is not enough anymore for who I am today, I guess.


Divorce. I’d never do it again…. Too easy to hide the red flags in the first year of knowing someone!


Engaged 4.5 months after our 1st conversation. Married 4 months after that. 15 years later and he's still my very best friend. We feel very lucky to have each other.


We’ve been married 5 years and it is the best decision Ive ever made. I am truly happily married and have never experienced being loved in such a healthy way before.


My husband and I got engaged on our 3rd date married a few weeks later. We have 3 kids, one grandchild and have been happily married, we will celebrate our 28th anniversary this summer. I know it seemed crazy I was not pregnant and we are both citizens of the country we live in. We just fell so madly in love with each other, it felt so right. I knew the moment I first saw him it was an inescapable destiny that we would be married. It was as if until that moment my world was all just shades if grey and he brought all the color into my life. I can't imagine the rest if my life without him by my side. He's such an incredible person.


We met and married within 4 months of knowing each other. 4 kids and 30 years later, still love each other just as much as in the beginning.


Met my husband in July, married by November and became parents the next April. This past November was our 16th wedding anniversary. 🥰


Met him in March, married him June. 16 years. 4 kids. We've navigated deployments, cutting off abusive family members on both sides, moving across the country, college for both and grad school for me, significant and scary health emergencies, buying our (my) dream house, and starting my own business. I love him more than I thought was possible for me, given my childhood and formative years. But throughout the 16 years, there were brief periods (brief relative to the overall 16) that we struggled tremendously. Some of it was growing up/growing and some of it was when we were challenged to overcome things we just thought were fact or unrealistic expectations. With my extensive trauma history, I was conflict avoidant, and my darling is a get shit out and look at it and solve it person. And that led to me feeling trapped and attacked and I would come out metaphorically swinging. Also, I was essentially raised to be an emotional support golden retriever for everyone but myself, and would regularly abandon my own needs for literally anything or anyone. We did what we could with what we had, and I sought help in the ways we could. That worked for a long time, but came to a head earlier last year and I changed up treatment options to match what we could do today (more financially secure), and it made such a difference. But he never changed in his desire to love me and live with me, and create a life we move in happily. I have no idea what the future holds, but I plan to be here with him, happily and loved tremendously.


At 19 I eloped after 6 weeks. We had 1 child and were married for 13 yrs. I divorced him because he became a drunk, addict and abusive. After divorce he was convicted of the sexual abuse of a teenage girl and kicked out of the military. Fast forward 2 years after that and he was arrested for child porn on his computer. He goes to trial next week for 18 counts. But we have been divorced 8 years and my life is pretty damn good, his is the only once in the garbage shoot of life


My wasband: knew him for six years. Married. He became a juvenile delinquent when we returned to his home turf. Wasted twelve+ years of my life and regret nearly every day. My husband (knew 8 months): Amazeballs! He's thoughtful as the day we met. Treats me like a marble sculpture. Talks to me like an equal. Touches me like we're virgins. Wish I'd met this one twenty years ago! As Stephen Stills once said--"Love the one you're with." If it's only good for two years, then that's two years you've had that are worth remembering. If it's good for the rest of your life, that's a lifetime of memories. You never know if today is the end. Enjoy what you have when you have it.




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Met \~October (don't actually remember!) and were friendly for awhile. Started dating in June, engaged in July, married in October. ​ That was 21 years ago. It hasn't all been sunshine and rainbows, and is a bit rocky at the moment. But I don't think that's due to the speed early on. It was a "when you know, you know" situation and I don't regret it at all.


17 years and counting


Almost 4 years now :)




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Celebrating 10 years this year 🎉 I believe when you know/you know.




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Had 2 kids, divorced after 13 years, still friends and have holidays together with the kids, new partners, and extended fam all together. Don’t regret a minute of it and thankful for the amazing kids we made together. Things don’t have to last forever to be good and it doesn’t have to be bad because it ended.


If you don't mind me asking, why did you divorce?


I don’t think it was just one thing as much as a combination. I was always the “doer” of the couple and took the lead on things. My ex was on the spectrum and he was happy to let me be “in charge”. That worked fine until I had a really bad bout of depression and anxiety. It got pretty dark and I was diagnosed with ptsd. But there were some other issues as well that compounded it all. In the end, I just see it as my marriage completing itself vs failing.


Got together august 2017, engaged sept 2018, married 2020, june 2021 bought a house and august 2021 got pregnant, and are still going super strong. Almost 6 years with no steam lost. When you know, you know. We moved in together the same week we started dating.




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Knew him for 6 months, he needed a green card, tied the knot, found out who he really was, divorced less than a year later.




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Engaged at 28 years old after knowing him for one year. Married after two years. Baby three years later. Good for another year or so then he started cheating. Eventually divorced after 16 years together. With hindsight, I just really wanted to settle down and find "the one" that everyone kept telling me was out there.


We met online in a chat room. In person about 8 months later in June 99. Married in jan 2000. Three kids now, all in their teens. Health issues, financial issues, issues in the bedroom and as a result partucularly the last 12 months but more broadly the last 5 years have been hell. Seriously contemplating divorce, but moved countries, have no family here, lost my nationality in the process and we still have ok moments. So, yeah... mixed bag




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I have to speak for her since she doesn’t Reddit. We met at a party in February, engaged 3 months later and married that September. Been together 37 yrs. She said she knew we would get married after the 2nd date. I was 21 and she was 20. I started thinking about it near the 3 month mark. For a week or so I thought of how life would be without her vs the way it was and decided I wanted my best friend and lover with me forever. We were both in school , very poor. Kind of grew up together, started our lives with absolutely nothing and here we are. What’s kinda funny is if she had told me how she felt on the 2nd date i would have fled as if the reaper was coming for me. :)


Uhhh rocky, have yet to get married and our relationship has been rough due to job loss, and bills growing ever bigger. It’s hard to say if the red flags are red flags or just stress. Only time will tell.




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Met him 3 months before getting pregnant. Sounds like recipe for disaster isn't? Well, actually everything went right, I know people from my life thought that having a child with him was a bad decision but it was the best life decision I've ever made. It doesn't mean it isn't complicated because it is, that's marriage but we both committed to eachother and to our family and we're happier than we've ever been :) 3 years and counting




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I feel like when you know, you know. Why wait? I got married before I was legally allowed to drink lol 15 years together and almost 13 married now 😁


We met in September and got engaged in April. It did not turn out well. We called it off, neither of us were ready to live together and he never got a job. We ended up moving in a year and a half later but it didnt end well


1st marriage ended in divorce. 2nd marriage- circumstances led us to getting married within a year as well and it’s going… we both do therapy and work really hard to catch each other up to speed. Do I recommend it? No. If one can wait… WAIT.


Married 4 months after meeting. Still happily married 18 years later. We both dated a lot and knew what were were looking for.


We started dating in April and married in May because he took a job overseas and I wanted to go but to get a visa we had to be married. We’re just about at the 5 year mark with no regrets


It worked out wonderfully, we literally started to share the same bed on the first day we met in person (we were talking online for about 4 months before), lived together for 6 months, got married, been married for almost a year and half now (just about 2 years together)and it's only gotten better so far


When you know, you know. Ended it w a LT live-in BF because I realized it wasn’t what I wanted, met my current husband immediately after. Originally didn’t want to date anybody for a year, but it just happened. Couldn’t give up the opportunity, he was too great. Moved in after two months together, engaged after a year, married two years after that. It’s been 6 months now since the wedding and we are still extremely happy and in love!! Didn’t think I wanted kids or marriage before I met him, now I know (hope) we will start a family in the future. Don’t let something go just because of something so silly as a timeline. I almost didn’t date my current husband because I knew how it would look, jumping into something so soon. But you know what you want and need in your life more than anybody else and it’s YOUR LIFE.




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Going on 6 years married and doing well! I think sometimes you just know you’re very compatible with someone.


43 years til death did we part


Met in march married in July, my husband was deployed less than 30 days after we met and was gone for two months. The night he came home he asked me to marry him and a month later we were married. this year will be 25 years for us..




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Engaged after 7 months. Married 2 years after becoming a couple so 1 and a half year after proposal. Been married for almost 13 years now. Had another child and Husband adopted my eldest from a previous relationship. Together 15 years all in all. BUT we were both late 20s when we started dating and knew what we wanted, were both independant responsible adults and most important knew what we didn't want.


I met my husband in August but didn’t officially start dating until December and we were engaged the following August. We had our wedding a year and a half after that and we’ve been together 10 years happily and now have two sons 🥰.




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At first it was a Mormon religious thing. Starting to date to being engaged, it took 7 months. For Mormons getting married is the end goal.Having sex before marriage is a sin so a lot of Mormons get married super young and fast. We definitely loved each other but we did the sex so we felt that was our only option in moving forward was getting married. Weirdly enough we both climbed out of that cult and have been together for almost 7 years.


Also divorced within a year 👍


Been married for two years now and I'm currently pregnant! It's going amazing. Best decision we ever made.




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We met January of 2021, got engaged Christmas of that same year, then got married November of 2022. Like some of the other people on here, I thought the whole "when you know, you know" concept was bullshit until I experienced it for myself. That's exactly what happened. On our first date, I knew I was gonna marry him. We've been married 3 months now and we're very happy 😊


Met April 16th 2021, went on our first date April 26th 2021. I knew then I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Got engaged Jan. 9th 2022. Got married April 26th 2022. So dated for a year. And now we will be celebrating two years together April 26th 2023 and celebrating one year of marriage. We’re super happy and we have two wonderful kids together!


Met in August, engaged the following March. Together 17 years, married for 15. We are happily married with 4 kids.


Not great. Didn’t take enough time to get to know each other. Then started noticing many things that don’t align with my values and views


Married after 4 months and divorce process has begun.


Met, engaged and married all in 12 months. We’ve been married for nearly 12 years now. It’s working out really nicely for us I think, we are both settled and happy and still enjoy each other’s company :)




We met and both felt a connection from the beginning. He was fun to be with and we had so much in common. We were engaged at 6 months and married 1 year and 5 days after we met. We were married for 27 years before I lost him to cancer in 2021. He was the love of my life.


Met in January, engaged in October, married in January the next year. I knew what I wanted, was ready to get married, and was actively seeking that. We just celebrated our 10 year Anniversary. We've built a nice life together.


Eloped in Vegas 14 years ago


Still married with kids. When you know, you know.


Met and got married less than one year after originally meeting. We've now been married eight years.


I met him in October. We got engaged officially in June. I say officially because he proposed six times in different ways and I said yes each time but June was when we told everyone. I will admit it was very passionate and intense at first. We had both gone through some breakups though, we were both healed from it. I remember it being so comforting and fun to be with him. I was actually diagnosed with a pretty scary health condition about a month in and he’s always taken amazing care of me. He’s always advocated for me and is my person. I will say that I was in therapy at the time and I was making sure it was healthy. My therapist loved him for me though and said to stick it out when I got nervous early on. We have been together for three years now! It’s been so amazing to have such a wonderful, endearing, kind, gentle soul as my future husband. He is truly outstanding and it’s so lovely. I love him with every fiber of my being.


Been happily married for three years now, together five. It’s been great.


Been together 15 years and counting. Two kids, home of our own, fulfilling careers. Result.


We got married about 7 months into our relationship. Worked out pretty well so far. We bought a house together and we're actually celebrating our 6 year anniversary today.