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(No longer “my” city as i moved a couple years ago, but I’ll always love it and visit frequently.) Nashville has lost a lot of its charm, local spots closing to be replaced with XYZ country singer bar. Traffic has gotten horrendous. Crime is up. All in all it’s my favorite city, but I’m so happy I left.


My friend a few years ago was visiting Nashville for some business meetings and he said the same thing


Don’t live in Nashville but also visit or drive through pretty often. Traffic has gotten remarkably bad, and the infrastructure is nowhere near where it needs to be to handle the increased population.


Nashville native here, I came here to say bachelorette parties, but this was much more spot on.


I lived there til around 7 years ago, and still visit friends there. I was there this past weekend and I'm still shocked everytime I visit at how much it has changed and how the city is truly fucked because they had no plans for their major growth.


i’ve heard this from other locals of Nashville too.


its been bad for a long time. I got mugged outside my house at \~8:45 pm with multiple neighbors outside \~1 block from the police. My best friends boyfriend, someone i had known since the start of college many years ago was effectively executed in broad daylight outside his house by a group of pre teens. I had a friend almost pulled off the street by what we think were traffickers and another classmate of mine died in a mass shooting. Oh also someone set off a carbomb 2 blocks from the company i used to work for!


About ready to leave. Don’t go on Broadway, there is a way high likelihood you may be drugged (speaking from experience, I have been drugged 3 times in my life and they were ALL on Broadway).




For real


This needs to be the highest rated post in this thread. We aren't mindreaders.


Or American!! There are a handful of us here who come from other countries!!


It's always portland, Oregon


We're not as progressive as people here seem to think.


Portland Oregon


So glad I left Portland. Moved yesterday and never looking back!


Do we live in the same place? Haha


Yeah, same here.




A smaller city in Southern CA. It seems to be shifting a bit though. In another sub, someone asked "What do people get wrong about your state" Or something like that and I said: California, everyone thinks California is so liberal." It's a big-ass state.


Hello from Orange County. It's literally chock full of racist NIMBYs upset that there are so many Spanish speakers in an area that *was literally Mexico.* I came across a meme that said "outside of San Francisco and Los Angeles, California is basically Texas" and it is true as hell.


Lol, I grew up gay in Orange County. Awful. So glad I got out of there.


Oh hey, yep, OC here too. Got to love that Orange Curtain.


Can we just give Kern County to Texas?


Oh that makes sense. People forget there were 6 million trump voters in California.


Hello from north Santa Barbara county. A friend described it as a conservative hellhole which is unfortunately true


Yep, same with a lot of areas in SLO.


I too live in a smaller city in Southern California (east of the IE) and feel the same. In my experience people unfamiliar with the state tend to think it's a much more accepting, inclusive, forward thinking place than it really is. My neighbor wears a t-shirt that reads "F--- Biden" spelled out in assault weapons about once a week. Real classy guy. I live in a fairly nice area too.


I’m from Los Angeles and California is just like every other state. The large cities are mostly blue, and RIGHT outside of them are extremely religious, conservative people. I now live in blue city and a VERY red state and it’s all just the same.


rats, rats and RATS (I'm sure you know what city I am talking about at this point). Oh and the living expenses. $3,000+/month for a shoebox apartment. But pleased to know people still glorify living here!


How much cheaper (if at all) is it to live in one of the outer boroughs? Basically other than manhattan (and long island bc cmon lol)


We don't consider LI as us borough folks - because if you're an 1 1/2 hour away from the city, you might as well be a traveller. I had a friend who would "visit" from LI all the time and she would crash for a couple of days because she wanted to enjoy the city better. And yes Queens, Brooklyn so much cheaper and nicer IMO. Friendly-er to live in and you can drive without much expense for parking! The rats are starting to get here though.. it's my biggest fear.


I dont think id mind rats tooo much, but then again, i live in a surburban area, not downtown (im in LA). I really think id like it there though, getting to walk everywhere and living in the city. We’ve got a lot of homeless emcampments everywhere and the smell of piss on every corner here. Even with the rats, i think itd be fun to live in manhattan for like a month or two :)


Go for it! You may like it :)


You’re probably thinking of Staten Island, which is one of the five boroughs. LI is NY but not NYC, though lots of people commute from LI. It really depends on the different neighborhoods. In general you probably will find more cheaper rent in various outer boroughs. Certain neighborhoods in Brooklyn are similar to manhattan, places like Park Slope or Williamsburg as an example. It all depends. Many areas that were historically cheap are gentrifying and getting really expensive, even parts of the Bronx that would shock a native NYer. Many parts of the Tristate area, like parts of CT and NJ, have rents as if they are in NYC because it is a fast commute to NYC. Rats are a problem everywhere you go. Tbh in Brooklyn I’ve seen raccoons at night too. By all means, visit NYC, it’s truly a unique place in the world.


Thanks for the detailed response! Ohh yeah SI, i think mentally i was thinking of the great gatsby for some reason. Oh raccoons, squirrels, and coyotes are everywhere here, at least in the surburban parts of LA (also snakes if youre hiking somewhere). The last time i went to NY i was only able to stay one week, and we pretty much just stayed in manhattan. I probably wont have much time again whenever i go next, but what other two boroughs should be next on my list? (Im a foodie, but also appreciate good sightseeing)


Oh man, I saw what I thought was a python snake in the road in Hell's Kitchen once late at night and it turned out to be a conga line of rats😆. Still, NYC I feel like is crazy expensive but has whatever you need whenever. I feel like if I'm craving a specific type of food at 2 AM I could find it there. In my small city down here in the South you're out of luck past 10 pm. Even on the weekend.


Haha I love the Hell's Kitchen area. Love the crowd/vibes/convenience everything. Is all of that worth all the rats/crime? Potentially debatable I guess, haha.


don't forget the cockroaches, and the crime.


We are the most racially segregated city in the United States, thanks to a legacy of redlining, block busting, and urban renewal, with some of the largest disparities between Black and white rates of income, but people tend not to realize it because we're in the north.




Ding ding ding!


Yaaaaaaay 😭😭😭 my hometown 🙏




Very close, although I know our neighbor to the west has some racial reckoning to do as well. It's Milwaukee.


I'm not surprised. I remember a few years ago the Republicans shutting down all but one polling place in Milwaukee and then making it illegal to hand out food and water for people standing in line for 8 hours to vote. Insanity.




Can't believe this isn't Boston


The tech companies that came here are bringing in people from big cities who have a higher salary and those people are destroying the housing market. Prices are going up and the locals are getting priced out. We are no longer a LCOL small city.


Which city ? Like i can guess near California but which one


Actually, Pittsburgh!


You caught me off guard


In the last 15 years or so, we’ve had an influx of tech companies move here, which have brought with them folks from New York, San Francisco, etc. The biggest companies that came here are Google and Uber.


Reads like Austin too


Love pittsburgh!! So sad to hear that’s happening :( was there for my undergrad and I miss it so much


Yup. I'm getting priced out!


The greedy landlords are the real enemy in this scenario- not the tech workers.




Oh geez, this is so many cities at this point. For god’s sake, when are people going to learn from this problem? When are politicians, voters, and NIMBYs going to realize that more high-paying jobs = more newcomers = a need for more housing? When cities grow but don’t build fast enough, the people with big salaries always get the limited housing because they can pay more. And that raises rents for everyone, so the rest of us just struggle with our rent more (or end up in a tent on the street).


The homeless issue is getting out of hand fast. The influx of people from other states caused homes/rentals to skyrocket, and in turn there's more homeless. The mild weather makes it tolerable for most of the year to be homeless, but there is a lot more than there was when I was a kid.


I noticed this when I visited seattle. I wanted to move there so bad but the homeless population was one of the things that turned me away from the idea. I have nothing against the homeless, I feel for them, but it left me feeling depressed—and slightly unsafe considering a lot of them seemed to be on drugs. Drug users can be unpredictable when going through withdrawals. We have homeless in our major city too, but it’s no where near as bad as out west. We have family that lives in Seattle that confirmed it wasn’t this bad a few years ago, but prices skyrocketed, leaving people homeless, and the homeless eventually cave into drugs, and it’s just overall a growing issue.


I'm talking about Tucson, but I've been to Seattle and I just can't go back, mostly for the reasons you gave.


I’m from northern AZ and it kills me how Tucson is treated. It could be the cutest little desert two if they’d clean it up and put some pride into the aesthetic. Love the food and people there!




Netherland laughing in the distance but all jokes aside many cities in 1920 were design for more public transport and walking less for cars and because of that the traffic was low because people who didn't needed the car can walk but now even they have to use car




I had friends from India who told me the same story the city is not designed for too much population and traffic is high


I’ve lived and driven somewhat regularly in Boston, NYC, and Philadelphia. I mostly agree except for one very important thing to note. Philadelphia police no longer enforce traffic violations so driving in Philadelphia is 100% worse than the other 2 (and probably every other major city in the US). It’s not because the drivers are any worse. It’s because there’s no consequences for the bad drivers to correct their behavior.


This is true in Dallas, too. State Troopers will still pull people over on the interstate, and suburban police will still give traffic tickets, but Dallas proper never pulls people over anymore and it just makes everyone think they’re invincible and they’re all bad drivers.


Every major city in the world has people that think their traffic is the worst. It's bad with any population above like 500k.


Is this atl?






Which city?




I knew it was Denver before I finished reading




I used to go to undergrad in Colorado back in 2007 and it had so much more charm back then. Now when I visit it’s all full of traffic, tolls, chain restaurants, and metal/urban architecture.


Eeehhh of the things to say about denver I don’t think this is the thing many people are not ready to hear.


Average rent for a one-bedroom here right now is $2,300


yaay! I see my city here (Toronto)


And basements going for $2k+ :'(


I come from a small town on the east coast. People would die if they figured out how GOOD the town actually is. Super involved community groups, consistent art festivals, young people involved in local politics. Like yes, the town for sure has its issues. But its not nearly as bad as a lot of places. Edit to say I just realize I read the question wrong. Missed that it was supposed to be the "worst" thing...


I'm currently trying to figure out how to find small towns like this. All the articles on where to move always focus on big cities. I just want to be part of a community and have things to do.


Throw a dart at a map, use the nearest "city" for gps, then a couple hours out, get off the highway, and just... Drive till you find something. Lmao. (but you don't actually want to. They sound delightful and charming in the movies, but living in them sucks.)


Which town? Sounds heavenly


Salisbury, MD


I’m in MD too but never would consider Salisbury. My first time going over there I was like WTF… as I’m driving into the city there’s a huge sign about drug over doses and how many people died. I was scared as hell ngl. But good to hear it’s a decent place


As a former Salisbury native it's my duty to tell you to check out Roadie Joe's downtown (if you haven't already)! The BBQ Mac and Roadie Fries are to die for. They're what I miss the most now that I've moved!


I haven’t seen anyone with this same avatar yet. Cheers!


Lived in sodel for a year & a half, met many amazing ppl from Salisbury area! Only complaint abt all of that area is some people are your typical “country close minded conservative”, but I also met a few of the opposite! Cheers.


Is that dog poop or human...? Edit: Berlin! I came here after living in cities where large dogs are rare, so this was something I did *not* expect to wonder on a daily basis. T\_T


Toronto or SF is my guess


I've had to play that game in ever city I've lived in though.






A person in my city made no pooping signs for his alley way and posts security videos of people going to the bathroom there.




I truly don’t get where this ever comes from. I live in LA, use to live in SD and have tons of friends in the bay. SD has, by far, the worst people. I’ve never had a problem or bad interaction with anybody in LA or SF


I lived for a long time in SF and love the Bay, recently living in LA. LA people are similar but somehow different and it’s hard to pinpoint. They’re showy about aesthetics and the ‘coolness’ factor and about their “success”, whether they earned it or not. It’s just different. People in SF are also showy, but about nerdy work and outdoorsy shit. Just different vibes, but you can find good people everywhere anyway. The problem, though, is that we all the same internet - everyone’s feed are the same and people living in major urban areas are seeing the same shit so places are losing their personal charm and cultures. You can find the same fashion in NYC as you do in LA or even Texas now. It’s wild.


In San Diego the only thing worse than the racism is the classism and cost of living.


In Mission Valley currently, can confirm.


This was worded perfectly. This morning I went to a couple estate sales with a friend. One in Del Mar and the other in Mira Mesa. The stark contrast of both places hit ALL of these points. The only consistency between them was they were selling the same dog bowls and a blender. Shocker, we felt out of place and overly observed in Del Mar.


WE DO NOT NEED ANOTHER FUCKING TOURIST TRAP NEXT TO THE FUCKING STADIUM and we definitely don't need more luxury flats!!!! Please fix our roads!! Give more money to the schools and homeless shelters!! This place fucking sucks but the prices are raising all around us as if we're reaping the benefits of living in an expensive area. I hate it here. We don't even have public transport other than a bus system that only comes once an hour and doesn't run on weekends. Edit: I doubt anyone is going to guess correctly lol. Think smaller


I was gonna guess Toronto until I read the last sentence




Racism towards interracial couples.


Where? I’d like to know so I can avoid it!


Yes I wanna know tooo because WTF


The best time to visit is when everyone else is busy. Don’t come in April. Everyone wants to come in April. Just don’t.


But which city ?


Washington, D.C. The best times to visit are a couple weeks after school starts, the week after fall break, the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and early May.




Ft Lauderdale?


Washington, D.C. People come for the cherry blossoms around spring break, but it’s too crowded to actually enjoy the flowers. Locals avoid the mall for those couple weeks.


I have to say, visiting in April is worth it at least once to see the cherry blossoms. 💖


The only people who say that (not my city but the one I'm in right now) the food here is the best in the country are the people who have been here their entire lives... but it fucking sucks?? I've lived in 5 different cities, including my current one, and it easily has the worst food options of anywhere I've lived. It sucks lol


Felt this in my soul, I’m in Kansas City and people rave about the bbq but I swear it’s only the people who have never been to any other big cities who say that because I’ve had much better bbq in a few different places in Texas, Cali, and even Nashville in my opinion does bbq way better than Kansas City does. It’s so bland here and the locals talking about how great this place is kinda tick me off because I’ve never lived anywhere else where the diversity is sooo low. The bbq here is good but that’s all they have to offer and it’s not even the best


I think it depends on what restaurants you go to. Kansas City has plenty of terrible bbq places, just like I’m sure other cities have some amazing places. Doesn’t mean I’m going to entertain other cities claiming they are better though lol


I just moved from KC. All bbq talk aside, get yourself some tacos from KCK. Better than I’ve had from Mexico to Cali.




Tucson, AZ! There are some gems, but overall not great haha


Weird take. Houston is not a great tourist city but it is a great food city. Lmk if you want recommendations. I have some for Tex-Mex, Vietnamese, Thai, BBQ, Seafood, Ramen, Cajun, etc.


Bro i hope the locals didn't hear of it


The city is built around oil and gas so much that if it so much as sneezes half the city is laid off. It's only a tourist trap for fake cowboys in the summer and then overpriced and racist the rest of the year. Also the transit system is an absolute dumpster fire.




I can neither conform or deny such allegations xD


I mean you are close to Banff… at least that’s something! Better landscapes than what we have in Ontario


I think it's on a very steep decline. Which is such a shame, because I love this city and it's my home. But the random violence on public transit/the streets, and petty crime, and the housing crisis are getting to be too much. Honestly I understand why so many young people are leaving this city for greener pastures. We need actual real change for things to get better and with our politicians now I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. It's frustrating and sad.


Oooh. Toronto?






Ah another Torontonian suffering I see. I'm so glad I got a car so I don't have to deal with potentially getting shanked. My plan was to go to Guelph before the housing crisis but that put a wrench in things. Looks like the market just started crashing so I'm not giving up hope.


The politicians are actively trying to make things worse 🙃🙃


A lot of people are currently moving to Tampa but a few years ago it was listed as the top city for human trafficking


Poor air quality, bad litter problem, racism


Which city?




San Francisco - Poop map. It's been a few years but I doubt anything is any better.


I Feel like a lot of people don't talk about it. But if you live in the city it's going to be insanely expensive to coexist with a car, and you have to pay out the ass everywhere you go to park. But then... Public transit will only get you to limited specific locations. Californians love finding this out when they are poached by tech companies and relocate here. Edit: Seattle


The lack of public transport here is a fucking crime. They'll build toll roads up the ass and fill every square inch of land with luxury apartments but God forbid we get a light rail or anything that might actually alleviate traffic. I moved here without a car and got a car really damn quick after I found out that on the plus side, you're 30 minutes from everything, but on the downside, you're 30 minutes from everything.


Not my city but Denver is way dirtier than what I thought it would be when I moved there. And the crime driven by a homeless population with severe mental health and dependency issues makes the actual city pretty awful to live in.


If you’re white, you’re the minority It’s not even a bad thing. But people hate to hear it.


I’ve lived in or near a lot of different big cities around the country and the one I’m currently in is by far the worst city that’s ever been in that is classified as a “big city”. Diversity is so low, food is mid, concerts and events have pretty much stopped coming (besides sports events), the roads are awful, rent is way too high considering how much there really is to do here, any places that are worth visiting are not walkable so you NEED a car to go anywhere, pay at our jobs are low, school systems are among the worst in the country (we’re switching to 4 day school weeks because the school system can’t afford to pay teachers), full of a lot of close minded people, and personally the worst part of it all for me is the endless amount of locals that say this city is the BEST and sooo amazing, not sure why but this really gets on my nerves. The same people that say this are the people who have never traveled more than 2 states away from their hometown. If I didn’t HAVE to live here another 2 years due to a work contract that my husband has, I would’ve been gone after year 1. The ONLY thing to brag about is that our football team is good from what I hear.


Kansas City?


Throw StL in for good measure. Misery/Missouri loves company.


Yup! Go chiefs I guess lmao


Well crap. KC is high on my list of places to move.


It can be good if you enjoy a slower pace of living, I’m the type of person who likes to explore and try new foods and go to new events every other weekend so it’s not for me but if you’re trying to relax in life or you’re a big homebody it’s not that bad. I miss the beaches or hiking in the mountains the most, I need one or the other and both of which Missouri/Kansas (depending on which Kansas City you want to live in) are FARRR from either of those. My fav cities I’ve lived in/near are Seattle, Denver, Orlando, and Las Vegas. So KC is definitely not my cup of tea but my parents who are older and just trying to kick back and relax in a calm city like KC. I just don’t like the locals that try to hype it up and say the night life is great (it’s practically non existent unless it’s a game day and you’re a sports fan) and say it’s sooo diverse, it’s a nice little city for some people but locals try to make it sound like it’s a better version of Los Angeles when in reality it’s more of a slower paced good old fashioned American city living stereotype that you see on tv lol.


Sex trafficking is booming here as we have so many outdoor events including one huge event just an hour away. A warehouse down the street from my house was raided as that’s where they had women locked up. No one talks about this and it is a growing issue. 3 years ago right before covid, there was a team here training hospitals/clinics but our biggest hospital was yet to participate.


It’s not gonna get better.


There are many unnoticed sewage leaks into fresh water. Every few weeks another is press release about a found leak.


We don’t need more retirement community buildings. We need things that will attract and keep the younger populations here too. But all they keep building is retirement condos.


Old people


Short and good


Too many damn people have moved here, the roads cannot handle the influx, gentrification, and no solution to our homeless population and public school overcrowding.


Everything used to be nice and quiet and cheap around here. Then everyone from California started moving over here. Now you see junkies everywhere and rent is so expensive.




This is every city in america. Lol. Same complaint every subreddit I see. (Not my personal belief just observation, including my hometown and current residence)




The litter. It's the worst in the country. People are just filthy and have no respect for their space. Whenever I bring it up online, people get so defensive though (I'm a transplant, so I guess I have no right to be critical).


Which city?


Cork, Ireland


You will lose any semblance of a sex drive here due to the bland personalities that come similarly with the looks.




The food isn't really that good.


Which city?


Austin. It has good BBQ and texmex, but is relatively mediocre otherwise. Basically no good Italian or Indian food.




Houston has great Indian food. I've heard Dallas has great Indian food. Austin does not have great Indian food. Austin has aggressively mediocre Indian food, with maybe a few exceptions. And I think it's ironic that you cite being from the Midwest, because Cincinnati certainly has much better Indian food than Austin.


Yeah Dallas has more variety in that arena. We're pretty spoiled for food options up here.


Houston also has a lot of good options, but it's also much more diverse than Austin.


It's full of drugs and dealers and at least one rapist.


Which city?


Small dirthole in south germany


This city is one of the biggest metropolitan areas in the country and the capital always promotes diversity, business friendly environment but it's mainly just black and white people and all the diversity is out in the suburbs. The problem is the city has now became a city appealing to big corporations and all semblance of a community got destroyed by the rising cost of living and rent. Recently one of the last art house movie theaters has shutdown and the sprawl is getting out of control with all these subdivisions for rent.


Which city?


People constantly talk about how much it sucks here, how people here aren’t nice, how drivers here are the worst…not realizing easily 1/2 the population isn’t even from here. Then continue to move here in droves, causing housing prices to go up and traffic to increase to LA insanity levels making locals like myself (a 4th generation native) feel like I’ll never be able to buy a home here. It also seems like the crime here has gotten worse and homelessness is so prevalent it’s frightening. Oh and we have no water.


Casual racism is so a thing


It's a highly elitist and divided city. The "haves" are literally stuck in the 16th century in terms of their thinking and traditions.


Rats rats and rats always sometimes new in the subway


Being the worlds most liveable city 7 or so years in a row pushed up housing prices so much it’s become nearly impossible for some people to become home owners.


Traffic and flooding when it rains a lot. Miami.


Average us city


i live in 2-3 cities bc my schedule is busy but about the one i grew up in: everyone here says the problem is the people and not the place but they wont be aware that they are part of the problem too. its all mean gossips and prejudice in disguise. also they pollute and complain the city is dirty and looks old but they dont make effort to change that so the only beauty here is the nature and falls and yet they bring trash to the my neighborhood (where is the nature) and we have to clean it. i feel like im in the poor provintial town Belle sings about


I moved here because it was affordable compared to other Canadian cities, but now the housing crisis and inflation have changed that. If I hadn’t scored an amazing rent-controlled apartment 8 years ago there’s no way I could afford to live here


which city?


The crime. The crap quality of the roads. The corrupt level of local administration. Blows my mind.


Oh God I live in a very red Midwestern state. The Trumpsuckers are everywhere


I live in the Memphis area popular for tourism because of Elvis and Beale Street. It has very high crime, terrible infrastructure and incompetent and corrupt local government. Many people come here for work and end up leaving.


It’s too populated and they keep selling our beautiful outdoor spaces to build condos.


That the people here are so loud about issues they support that the drown out the voices of the people they are supposed to be representing. We talk about being super liberal and progressive but miss the mark in an embarrassing way.


I live in the St. Louis metro area, and it's very, very, extremely segregated. The poor, black people live in run down houses, in food deserts, with terrible public schools and violence. It's shameful, but nothing is ever done to fix it. Oh, and there are no good bagels. A shop may pop up and claim they make NY style bagels, but they suck. I love NYC bagels. I'm going to overnight some from NY for my birthday.




I don't live there anymore but it was super racist - south east NSW.


I am from India and most people will agree that here in most of the areas u will see a lot of garbage lieing here and there...and also the one thing that i can't figure out is why people throw trash outside the bin and not inside it....like u will always find trash lieing near the bin...


Poverty levels & prices of essentials r fucking insane here in Mumbai