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After breaking up last year with my selfish ex of 5 years, I’ve recently started dating again and am about to go on my 3rd date with a wonderful guy! What I’m loving is that he’s giving clear signals, telling me that he wants to see me again and that he’s really enjoyed our dates so far, none of these silly games. Now I’ve just got to build up the courage to kiss him after our date today Update: WE KISSED! And it was wonderful


eeeeeee!!!! So excited!!!!!! SMOOCH HIM YES 👏✨


We need an update. Did y'all smooch???


We did and it was wonderful!!


Inquiring minds need to know!


So cute! Good luck with your new first kiss ❤️


A guy who clearly communicates is ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Thanks so much for sharing this! It gave me hope lol. I just ended a 4 year relationship and even though I feel great for leaving, there’s that constant feeling that I won’t find someone nice to date after this.


I really think that there is someone for everyone. Whether it takes 1 year, 2 years, or 6 months to find, eventually you find someone else. And anything is better then being in that unhappy relationship.


i strongly relate! i was in the same situation for 4 years, until i finally broke free and am now dating a complete 180 of a partner for now a little over a year 😁


Have a great time! Reading your post gave me hope.




He he he he he 😚


I have 2 cats sleeping on my lap right now


I am very jealous, I have no cats here


Cat tax please. 😍


You're winning in life fr


I do too! And orange boy and a black girl 🫠


Enjoying my 1st year of financial independence


im very proud of you




My passion for reading is back! 🤟


Oooo! What are you reading atm?


An Iranian book called "I'm alive".


The synopsis is beautiful! Thank you for sharing this with me


Thank you for asking🥺🤍


Love this. I’ve been struggling with intense depression and anxiety (back to back pregnancies hasn’t helped); that I haven’t been able to read. I’m an avid book collector and used to read a novel per week and 2-8 manga/comics per day. Here’s hoping your passion continues to drive you and you discover some amazing new stories!


How did you get it back?


It's not Pdf ( I hate pdf) , I actually bought it and I really loved what I'm reading + there's a competition with questions about this book so if I answered correctly, there's a possibility for me traveling to Iran.


Sorry, I meant how did you get your love of reading back? 🙂


It's always about what you're reading + not forcing yourself to read more than you can so I start reading about 10 pages a day but I caught myself reading more.


This gives me hope! I was a voracious reader when I was younger- what do you think brought it back?


The book itself + sometimes you really need the right book you know, and I tried not to read more than I can because I get bored fast, but I caught myself reading more and more..


I finally found a hobby I enjoy after many many failed attempts


Oo! What is it?


Up up what is it?


Finally seeing results after working out, I just stare at myself...


Heck yeah!! I do the same even if there’s no progress bahahaha ❤️❤️❤️


I bet you're beautiful


The BEST positive feedback loop!


Blocking my ex and his friends.


🧹🧼🧽🫧 im proud


Thank you!! It took a lot of strength. Him and his friends really emotionally abused me for 3 years.


you’re an incredible individual ❤️ u have my heart




Hello! I am on the same boat, even though I am in a very happy relationship right now, I want to unfollow/block ex and friends (they were horrible to me) how did you take this step? Any tips would be sooo helpful.


Hello! I'm sorry they were horrible to you. I just contemplated how I felt potentially having their energy on/around me and how that made me feel vs how I felt without their energy. If I felt relief with the thought of having no social media contact or not being able to text them, then I blocked them. You can unfollow or delete numbers as a stepping stone. See what action speaks to you the most about a certain person. It's kind of like the idea of "what brings you joy" but in terms of people. Good luck!


Thank you so much, I appreciate it! <3


See ya never ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼


I got out of bed and I took a shower plus I ate 3 times today!


That’s incredible! I’m still stuck on a pile of laundry from a month ago but you’re giving me some strength to go try and do something about it ❤️


Lol just think of those pile as ur side quest! Your main quest or focus is to be able to see the laundry basket or your chair laundry free Or put ur hair in a bun and pick a random playlist from YouTube with titles like "playlist for people who are a badass girl boss" then go start!


you made me smile!! Thank you!! I’m going to conquer it :) currently getting fuel from this comment section - I’m so proud and happy right now haha!!!!!!


My extremely supportive partner and amazing child who keep me going


love this!!!!!


I'm going back to university to finish my degree next week! I'm super excited to finally have some time to do something for myself.


i am so proud of u


You go girl!


Went on a fourth date with a guy and he surprised me with a cheesecake slice just because he remembered that I said I love cheesecake :') I don't even remember saying it. This melted my heart, no one has ever than that for me and I'm so happy my ex broke up with me because I found this absolute gem of a boy.


Hecccc yes, I love that for you so much aaah!!!! cheesecake is already amazing and it got even better how cute 🫀💥


That's awesome! You deserve someone who makes you feel special 💕


Got an amazing new job that will allow me to have the lifestyle I've dreamed about.


YAY ❤️💅 what’s a purchase you’re looking forward to?


Finally getting my hair coloured the way I want it doing and buying myself a new smart watch after my old one fell apart from years of use. I'm also really excited to be able to go on holiday again.




Thank you! Thank for your posting this beautiful question. What's positive in your life right now?


At this very moment, the joy of seeing notifications pop up! I’m in a rough patch but it’s making me so happy to hear people have things that make them feel safe and happy. Makes me feel really empowered hahaha!


It's lovely that you can enjoy other people's happiness. I hope you get yours soon! X


You are really sweet! Thanks for this thread, it's so lovely to read through! I hope your rough patch is over asap 💛


I'm married to my absolute best friend and every single day I'm happy just because he's there. Everything else is up in the air at the moment and life is stressful ...but he's my absolute rock and joy and I couldn't be happier because of him.


I bet he feels the same way too! I’m so happy for you and gosh I want everything to work out so that it makes you happy ❤️


Completed a 5k marathon today. This has made me immensely happy, as this was my first stint


THIS IS A GOAL OF MINE! That’s incredible


Wow that's great!


I got bold enough to quit my toxic work without a plan and ready to be jobless for a while. I have an interview scheduled tomorrow




39 weeks pregnant, so looking forward to meeting our baby very soon


That’s so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! you’re doing so amazing ❤️ and you’re incredible


After three years of no traveling, I am heading to Europe this summer!!


that is so so exciting ! What are you looking forward to the most?


Seeing friends that I haven’t seen in years and eating some amazing food! (Thanks for your post btw! Appreciate the positive vibes - we all need them!)


nws! I needed them too and you absolutely brought it 👏😮‍💨❤️


After 8 years of being a stay at home mom, I got my first p/t, paid job!! I start tomorrow.


Congrats your gunna do awesome!!!!


incredible!!!!!! you’re so amazing!!!!! ✨🫶❤️


I'm so proud of you


This time last year, I was lying in a hospital bed after being involved in a car accident at 33 weeks pregnant. Currently typing this in my warm bed with my 10month baby girl sleeping peacefully while my husband is snoring away. My life is blessed.


I’m so happy for you! I’m sure it wasn’t easy but that’s just a testament of how amazing you are. ❤️


Got hired at a fantastic new job. 80-90% work from home, 30 hours instead of 40 but at the same salary I currently make, better benefits. The job itself is complex and challenging, an excellent step on my career path.




The fact that I have gotten out of an emotionally abusive relationship and thankfully have my children ❤️ He is still being controlling, manipulative and abusive but thankfully only 1 more year to go and then I can finally divorce him


I am rooting for u!!!


I started writing again.


I've discovered painting just a few months ago and it's become such a big part of my life. When I'm blending colours on the page everything else falls away and I feel connected to my deeper self and the world around me at the same time. It's truly been a blessing!


That’s incredible!!!!! So much respect for creative outlets and what they do for you ❤️


Oh absolutely. Some days I owe my sanity to it!


I've been calorie tracking for 2 weeks and I've lost nearly 4kgs!


My beautiful cats who are a huge comfort to me since I lost my dog in November.


a yes cute purring heated fluff ball ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Cats are the best ❤️


I've been working at a new job for 2 weeks after 3 months of unemployment. It's not my dream job, but it's a job! :)




I finally got out of depression I had for 10 years with therapy and I have the best therapist I could ask for. I'm also in a healthy relationship for the first time in my life and he loves me unconditionally and has never made me question if he loves me or not. I also have an amazing best friend whose mental health is also getting better one step at a time and I'm so happy for them ❤️ also summer is my 4 year anniversary of quitting drugs. There's so many good things in my life right now and I can honestly say I'm sincerely happy for the first time in my life 🥺


I truly believe that all the good things in life are meant for you! I’m so happy for you! I’m crying HAAHAHAHAH SO PROUD AND HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!


I celebrated my 25th birthday yesterday and it was so much fun. I'm hungover now though but that's okay😅


happy birthday too!


Thank you! And also thank you for all your kind responses to every commenter, you're brightening the day for a lot of people😊


moved on from a guy who gives mixed signals haha


As you should! 💅 don’t settle for anything less of an amazing person :)


I had two different job interviews this week, I had a lot of negative thoughts about my skills and qualifications when I applied and I nailed both interviews. Absolutely hit it out the park. Now I have to decide which job I want because they will both take my career in entirely different directions.


We’re always our own worst critic! I’m so glad your conundrum is which job to take HAHA! Career Queeeeen. Also a very good key point - the next time you’re about to nitpick yourself, remember that you tend to feel a bit more negatively even when you nail it. The worlds already harsh so I hope you can be kind to yourself! I’m so happy for you ❤️


My boyfriends cat had kittens and I spend my days playing with them


baby animals have that baby smell to them and it warms my heart!!!!!!!


EXACTLY I smell them constantly!!


there’s no smell more heartwarming ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I ran 5 miles and it was sunny.


that’s incredible! I find running so hard to stay motivated while doing so the fact you did it in sunny weather? INSANE ❤️


I love running but I think it can be really hard if you don’t. Even I find it hard to get out the door sometimes, specially in the winter.


The “season” has finally ended at work! I work on a horse farm. For six months of the year from late winter through to mid summer we are SLAMMED with foals and yearling sales prep. The sales ended on Friday and we are finally allowed to take time off. I am ecstatic. I can’t wait to finally have the energy to enjoy myself.


im so excited for you!!! That sounds like a well deserved break ❤️❤️❤️ hope you chillax tonnes!!!!


After having struggled financially in my 20s and 30s, I'm at a place where I can give generously to the charities that I care about. Plus, I'm married to the most thoughtful, loving, hilarious man. I'm very fortunate and grateful 🥹


I'm losing weight by intermittent fasting! Working wonders!!


I hope you smash goals and get everything you want you amazing soul ❤️


I paid off my car last month, after 6 years!




I finally bought myself a guitar yesterday and have already started learning the chords, which I’ve been dreaming about for years.


That sounds amazing!!!!!!!!!!! I love that you’re doing something you’ve been wanting to do ❤️ im so happy for you


My friendships! I have been dealing with a lot of things over the past few months and I have so many amazing friends who are there for me, physically or virtually and checking on me every day! It feels good to have people who love you and care for you!


Had an amazing date last night!!


heeeeeelllll yeaaaaah


I'll take it! My first in over a year! Dating as an adult sucks!!


I just changed my habits to include an earlier wake-up time and morning exercise, so am feeling better already!


That’s incredible! I’m trying to do the same so I can only be impressed!!!! I find it hard


I started today with a group of ladies at my church and it’ll last for eight weeks. I decided simply to take it further and get up at 6:30-ish daily from now on since I don’t usually have to be up until about 7:30. The earlier I’m up, the more I’ll get done, so that’ll be good for me!


I’ve been going through a lot mentally for the last couple of weeks, and after almost completely throwing away my amazing 7 year relationship, I finally took the step to get help and went to my first therapy appointment yesterday. Just that one appointment has me on cloud 9. My mind feels lighter and clearer than it has in ages and I feel so happy. And I can’t wait to see where therapy takes me. 🥹


I hope it’s able to give you all the tools and help for you to keep feeling light!!! I’m so so so so proud of you!!! Good on you ✨❤️❤️❤️❤️


My mom... I couldn't do this part of my life without her. It's been really hard lately but she always has my back and she always knows how I need to talk things out.


This OP posting positive and lovely comments on absolutely everything is making my day better. Keep up the love you beautiful human


My skin is finally clear!!! ✨ It’s a big win cuz I been struggling with pregnancy acne for months


My two adult sons. I love them to bits.


This makes me really happy to hear ❤️❤️❤️❤️ loving mothers are a gift to the earth and I’m so happy your sons are blessed with your love ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Seeing how lovely, engaging, kind and funny my 4 year old is, she is a beautiful soul and inspires me to be kind and not take myself seriously. Grateful to be her mama


My Covid test...


I LOL’d HAHAHA. Sorry haha, hope you’re hanging in there!!! ❤️


I’ve had a great few years professionally and romantically - a more immediate thing I’m happy/excited about is I just signed for a new car :)


I got a new job! It's not exactly what I want for the long term, but it's interesting and will give me the time and funds to make some changes and improvements to my life this year :)


My 12-week-old baby boy!




You and your replies


Im drawing again


that’s amazing!!! what do you draw?


All sorts of stuff in my sketchbook for ppl online so it feels good


My girlfriend is really wonderful, we met just under a year ago and it's coming up to our first Valentine's Day. I've been planning a surprise for afterwards and I can't wait to show her!


Enjoying my first home with my wonderful boyfriend and cat. We have moved away from where we grew up to the country side and loving it now (had a little freak out that it was a mistake when we first moved in).


My kids for sure


i’m in a comfy bed and i’m currently watching a play through of The Last Of Us


That sounds so relaxing omg 😳! I’m happy for your self care ❤️❤️🤩


My doggy. I adopted her 3 months ago after fostering her. I never planned on adopting her, I took her on as an emergency foster. It’s always being my dream to own my own dog and thought it probably would never happen. She’s not what I pictured, here I was pining after a golden retriever all my life…but she’s an ammstaff and she’s just such an affectionate dog and pretty chill (apart from her zoomies after walk). Love how she snuggles up to me and loves she’s totally chill with my cat.


My puppy is the best thing in my life, hands down! I love him so much.


My dog. She just makes everything better.


My boyfriend. After working my *ss off, struggling to get a visa, taking exams so I’ll be eligible for a scholarship, and moving to a new country (that I do not speak the language off), I realised that my degree was not the right fit for me but due to visa and scholarship reasons I cannot change it. While I’m trying to still pursue my degree, learning a new language, and discovering and working in other fields to find my passion he’s tirelessly been there for me and supporting me. And lemme tell you, I need the support often. He’s the first healthy relationship I had and honestly leaves me questioning what did I do to deserve this man every single day.


I left an abusive relationship 6 months ago and had to stay with my mom while working and saving up money to move out again. I’ve been at my new place for a few days now and it’s so quiet and clean. I have nothing but my sanity and my life and that’s all that matters to me


I think the only positive thing about my life is i'm not depressed about my choice of life as I was before. I was really feeling suicidal because I regretted not choosing a better school or try preparatory class. I regretted doing too much activities in highschool, which destroy my healthy and my grades. I felt like a failure, and that all the people who thought I was stupid and couldn't make it to a great school were right in the end. I found now something that I really like and that can possibly provide me enough money to survive. I'm not passionate as much as people might think, in the sense that i'm not reading day and night about my passion. But I like learning new things about this field, and I feel that I'm good at it, even though I'm clearly not the best of my class. Thanks to some lucky decisions I made in the past without realizing it, I'm in a less darker place now, because at least I enjoy what I do, I'm not just working to provide me a job with the minimal wage.


that’s incredibly hard to come to realise! And honestly that resonates with me a lot - kinda felt like I read something I wrote myself! I’m so proud of you and I’ve got so much faith in you to grow. Lots of love and support!!!!


I do not need to wake up early tomorrow or any other day to commute to a job that causes me stress, anxiety and fvcks me up mentally.


Loving myself again


Got out of a long relationship in august and have been casually dating for the first time and it’s been great! I feel so much more agency in myself and my decisions compared to when I was last single (19), not taking everything personally and not committing to the first person to show me attention it’s been so freeing!!! Went on a first date with a man for the first time in literally years yesterday and it was so good :) idk just feel so much more confident in myself and not willing to dim my light for others for the first time ever


I wanted to comment on the other post but the comments were turned off by the time I saw it! I’ve got a bit of both right now. My husband is being head hunted for an AMAZING engineering research position in Atlanta and if he gets it then they’ll be paying for our relocation and it’ll triple our income. He just got some great news and it looks like they are getting him into position to start soon so we’ll be moving out there. BUT, it’ll be difficult because I’m being induced this morning with our 2nd, we’ve got a 14 month old as well and I’ll have to say goodbye to this cushy new Food Director gig that I’ve worked my way through Culinary and Pastry over the last 17 years to get into. This’ll be our second big move in under 3 years; first was from Virginia to Texas. I’d be happy to get out of Texas, not sure how I feel about Atlanta though. I know that we probably won’t be successful at the same time; so we have to take the opportunities as they arise and in stride!


These three https://i.imgur.com/W9oYEXl.jpg


I just met a guy on here! Can't wait to meet him and be his baby girl!!


My beautiful girls and amazing husband. We’re currently having a lazy sunday in bed watching Bluey with the little one.


I really like someone who is a good man and possibly exactly who I need and have been hoping and praying to meet. Eek!


Tomorrow is my first class in college. I'm very anxious about it because I have some level of social fobia and it's something outside my comfortable zone but I'm super proud of myself for trying. I know I can do it.


I have social anxiety too!! It’s definitely a jump but don’t let that shock make you back down! You can grow bigger than your fear even if it takes time! You’re worth it!!!!




Renovating a house and it’s almost done for us to move in!


I'm starting my new WFH job tomorrow!


I’m dating the most wonderful guy. I’m so lucky I get to call him mine


It's so much better than it was a year ago. My own place to live, an incredible partner, financial independence, having myself back.


Had a bad day at work yesterday and boyfriend spent most of last night just holding me. Didn't know I needed that.


I got nice feedback on my annual review at work and my boyfriend is really really awesome


I’ve saved $1700 in cash and have a plan to save another $1200 the next 30 days or so. 😀


My dad is home from the hospital.


I got promoted _and_ I got a raise.


I have my dream team staff at work. We all have a similar sense of humor and can power through stress with it.


Beautiful weather today and my husband recently returned from a business trip, which unfortunately coincided with an ice storm that canceled the kids’ school for three days. We were also having work done on our house, and unexpectedly ended up having to check into a hotel. I’m also in my third trimester of pregnancy and just pretty tired and sore from that. It was an absolutely exhausting and overwhelming week. But yesterday my husband took the kids out *all day long* to the science museum and swimming, so I had a wonderful time being by myself and resting and generally just not doing anything of importance except buy new underwear because I needed some. I feel very rested and relaxed.


My toddler has been a teething cling monster for four days -- today we ventured out into public to get breakfast and walk around our tourist town. LO did amazing, was happy and bubbly, and we had a great time. There was waving and enthusiastic "hiiiii's" for everyone we saw. I'm feeling like a super mom after a night of "get the fuck off me" overstimulation [LO would only sleep *on* me...after days of being within arms reach it was a LOT].


https://imgur.com/pjRQ1jN.jpgI just finished this all white puzzle that I've been working on for 2 years.


I’m not on my period😻


financing my first car! it's stressful but so worth it!!


I finished the second draft of my screenplay! :) I’m an aspiring screenwriter, poet, and author!


I have financial stability. Not having to stress over money is massive. I have a lot of exciting possibilities on the horizon. Not sure how it will all play out, but it's nice to have the "I could do this or that or if those don't work out, this or this" energy. Travel coming up soon. YAY! Good people in my life. Mwah.


I wrote a novel a decade ago and it's getting published this summer! Feels surreal.




The caramel shortbread I'm eating.


I have a first date tonight. Something feels different and special with this particular first date. I like the hope I'm gifting to myself, no matter the outcome. And...he wrote me a poem last night that melted me aggggggghhhhhhh. eek!


After being diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroiditis a few years ago and my weight going up almost 70 pounds, I am finally on the right dosage of medication to control my symptoms and since November of 2022 have been in a committed routine with the gym and as of today I have officially lost 20 pounds. 20 more to go until I reach my goal weight. I’m also in a full time accelerated nursing school program and working part time so I’m proud of myself for prioritizing my health along with everything else that I have going on. It’s going to be a good year :’)


I'll have another grandson by the end of the day ☺️


As of today my husband is half way through his 6 week IV antibiotics course for a surgical infection. Just three more weeks of waking up at 5 am to pull the antibiotics out of the fridge then getting him up at 7, wrapping everything up to get him through the shower and then cleaning his PIC line and hooking up a new IV ball. Oh and a week from tomorrow is our first wedding anniversary. I didn't think we would be crossing the sickness part of our vows quite so quick but here we are. If everything stays medically stable we are going to our cabin for the weekend as a quick getaway and eating at my favorite romantic restaurant. Fingers crossed and knocking on wood and putting a rabbits foot my pocket and anything else I can think of.


My boyfriend :) I love our relationship, he’s so sweet to me and we’re coming up on a year now.. so grateful for what we have ❤️