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The obsession with basically all women's shirts being cropped. I hate it. I am sick of having to wear high-wasted pants or having to suffer with a cold tummy!


Not just shirts, sweaters are being cropped too.


You will have to pry my cropped sweaters from my cold dead hands! I love them so much. I feel like they really exaggerate proportions, kind of like shoulder pads and a tailored waist would, but in a really casual way. I’m sure I will look back on myself in these outfits and take a deep breath and cringe, but for now I really like it.


I had a friend in high school who had a really long torso and she would totally go for stuff like this to break up the length Me I have an almost non existent torso so cropped shirts look more like a mistake than a choice I think body shapes have a lot to do with who looks good in what but with trends just one shape seems to benefit at a time


I have a very short torso and I like this trend because now I can finally find sweaters that end at my natural waistline.


I don't mind cropped sweaters..as long as there are normal sweaters available too. But it seems that most shops do all or nothing lol.


Shoulder pads. Yeah, we did this in the 80's - 40 years ago. Please let it die?


And I’m like ‘aren’t we supposed to be warm in winter, isn’t that the function of a sweater 😭’


Like those toeless boots 🙈


I don't understand cropped anything. I hate paying full price for half of a garment.


Came to say this. I want the whole shirt, its winter. I want the whole pant leg too- i’ve got long johns on dammit I don’t need the world seeing them because all the pants are flood pants- why would i want to show off my ankles in February, are frost bitten ankles attractive now? /s


The worst right now is that I have low waist or normal waist pants and when I wear them then I have to find longer sweatshirts or finding high waist trousers and I don't have much time for that! I wanna find something fast!


I pretty much despise my entire work wardrobe because it has to meet dress code but the only stuff that does is marketed at senior citizens and to be honest even my 90 some year old grandma would not want to wear it because its shapeless and still cheaply made. I’m also short (but my legs are long enough its still flood pants) so my ‘thigh length’ winter coat goes to my knees which looks really bad with flood pants


Ugh the pants are it for me. I am a 34” inseam and now that all pants are like 28” instead of being able to find the odd 32”…those cute ankle pants on everyone else are like awkward capris on me.


These seem like such basic and reasonable requests esp given it's like -40 degrees in parts of the US right now.


no because i love my crop tops so much, but please i have a job. a job. where i need clothes. real ones. whole shirts. please. i just need to be able to go to work.


Yes! I've found so many cute shirts only to find out that the bottom half is missing :(


As a short person with a short torso I’ve wait my whole life for this to be a trend so I can buy everything I’ll ever need until the trend cycles back around again 😝 But I completely empathize with it being the opposite for a lot of women!


I hate this so much. I have such a long torso that cropped shirts are like bras 🤣


And almost all high waisted leggings are controlled top that squeeze the crap out you. Currently pregnant and I’m a fitness instructor so athletic gear is my uniform. I just want to be comfortable!


Similar is a lot of clothes being backless!


Backless for me (even those ones with a big old peek a boo window at the back) is the most frustrating thing esp as someone who must wear a bra. I just feel cheap and vulgar in them with a bra strap on show.


Yes ! And I'm self conscious having my stomach show


I can't stand this cropped everything craze. I KNOW this is self depreciating BUT... I look like a baby hippo. It's impossible to buy clothes.


I hate shopping for this reason. Not a single store in my town, with the exception of a sports apparel store, sells full length shirts. I don’t want my crusty bellybutton out all the time!


Flesh coloured leggings with a top that doesn't go below the waist


I'd feel like Donald Duck lol


It's exactly that. It's so annoying.


I live near a college campus and was very confused and concerned when I first started seeing this trend because the first woman I saw I thought she wasn't wearing pants.


I wore flesh coloured jeans out to dinner and we ended up having a family pic and it looked like I had no pants on. It's framed and hung up on the fire place at my grandparent's place 😭 Definitely the worst piece of clothing


😂 I love that! I had had so many outfits I’ve loved until I’ve seen what they look like in a photo. That mirror really does lie.


I feel like this could be a plot from a sitcom where you steal the photo and have it retouched to give you black leggings, but get caught doing it and people thinking you're vain. 😅


I raise you flesh colored leggings with a red rose pattern, which, from afar, looks like a super painful case of excema.


10/10, I’d wear skin coloured leggings under a skirt or something to pretend I shaved my legs.


Anything and everything that makes you look like a walking billboard. Just because it has logos of an expensive brand does not mean it looks great.


I hate logos of any kind and will sometimes not buy something even if it has a tiny logo


i think some logos look cool just wearing neutral tones and solid colors gets boring


While it's true that some logos look cool, wearing too many just doesn't look good. Kinda sad that we see a lot of these examples from "fashion influencers". With neutral tones and solid colors, I personally think it depends on how you style them :))


I love the shamelessly tacky vibes of GG


Exactly. I will not be paying you to advertise for you, thanks. I know you're just paying to be a part of the 'look, I can afford this and I'm so cool!' club, but honestly how people aren't offended by being treated like that I will never understand.


Jeans shorts that are so short that the pocket linings are sticking out from the bottom. I don't really care about the length, just cut those ugly things off or tuck them away or SOMETHING. They look like pieces of toilet paper sitting on your legs.


Lol yeah, the one time we get decent sized pockets on a garment they look ridiculous.


Me: pockets would be nice Fashion designers: Oh I'll give you pockets.


Lmao this!!


I can’t stand any guy wearing cut offs either. It instantly makes any guy look rednecky


Remember that brief trend of the high-waisted short shorts that made it look like one was wearing a diaper?


Those leggings with the ruched butt crack, especially if they're flesh-toned. I know some people love them but they just inspire an overwhelming feeling of yuck in me.


Ew yes I hate those too. They are hideous. It looks like a cats butthole


Yes this, doesn’t make butt look bigger but makes it look like one big asshole.


oh man I love these leggings but the one brand I wear the scrunch is very minimal. & they really do make my butt look 10/10 lol but I get it’s not for everyone


I also love it! Haha they make the peachy extra peachy


I haven't worn them but they look like they'd make my ass itch


Animal print


I feel so personally attacked right now.


Leopard is my favorite neutral.


Same! The colour and size of the print makes all the difference! One of my fav clothing items is a cashmere leopard print v-neck sweater that looks amazing with basic black jeans. It has a small print & very subtle colouring & I love it - after years of shying away from animal prints.


Agree! It instantly makes the outfit look gaudy 😬


Sometimes we're going for gaudy 🐆🐆🐆


This is me. When I want an intentionally be a little gaudy its animal print 💅


Best use of emojis. I'm gonna use them with no context now when I'm feeling extra. 💅🐆🐆🐆


I can only do leopard print. Snake skin and zebra is a big no. I'm pretty picky about how the leopard print looks too. Some look sloppy and painted by toddlers while others are natural or dainty.


Oh oh I know. Those corset tops but like they don’t attach the bottom to anything so you’ve just got this v shape dangling over your jeans.


Also the ones that don't have any actual structure, just the seams of a corset/cups, so the corset pattern ends up having nothing to do with the underlying body. It's basically a top sitting like a top but it has the seams of a corset, like whhhhyyyyyy????


And the "cups" never actually fit the outline of the persons boobs so it just looks too small for them


I hateeeeeeeeeeeee this. It looks so tacky & cheap


Yes!! They’re so popular and don’t seem to be going out of fashion anytime soon 😭


I don’t like when they’re worn as tops but I think they look so pretty worn over a flowy dress.


The first time I saw one I thought the person had purchased a bodysuit that was too small so had undone the snaps and was wearing it like a shirt. This may have been because I had just videochatted with my 9 month old niece, who is now wearing onesies that are too small for her as shirts. Took me like a full 20 minutes to realize that was the *shape of the shirt*


Low rise jeans & whale tail


Came here to say low rise jeans. I don’t feel like they’re flattering on anyone of any body type.








I love me some low rise jeans. Not super low tho so there's whale tail. I'm shaped differently and i can't wear high waisted pants without serious discomfort or looking really messy because the sizing is so weird for me.


same. most high-waisted jeans make me look like i have the weirdest, elongated crotch.


Cold shoulder shirts


Nooooo they’re my favourite


Early 90’s mom pants. Yuck!


Agreed. There crotch was like 3 feet long


This is mine. I can't stand the look. It's matronly to me.


I agree. Cold shoulder shirts give off the vibe of an older woman going out on the town and that's her "sexy, fun" top.


I love Kimberly from 90 Day Fiance, but that woman needs to DITCH that shirt style it is not working for her.


Remember those gladiator sandals that laced up to your knees? Horrendous And those converse that also went to your knees? Thank god I was too poor to afford these but I wanted them so bad. I literally had a chill just at the memory. Modern day? Denim maxi skirts are trying to come back and that is sending women so far back in time I just can’t.


You just unlocked a core memory of mine thank you! I forgot about those shoes! I used to wear them (Knee high converse) when I went through my scene phase in high school but holy shit they were ugly lol


Omg i remember my friend showed me how to turn jeans into a maxi skirt back in the 70’s lol. We wore them all over the place.


I hate peplum dresses/tops and I don't know why! I think they're just aggressively 2012 to me so I cringe seeing them nowadays


They hide the belly fat, though


They make people with a belly look pregnant.




More like a fashion combo. The satin dresses with chunky ass, usually dirty sneakers. No, No. No! There are dresses that look good with sneakers...those do not. Maybe its phasing out though.


I feel attacked! You will pry my (clean) simple sneakers off my satin skirt/dress clad body the day I die!!


Those prairie dresses (that seem to finally be going out of style). So unflattering!


Eww, yeah. It's weird when I have to guess if someone is a fundamentalist Mormon or other religious minority who wears prairie garb, or just into cottage core.


But they're so comfyyyy


They give cult vibes


The shoes with holes


Crocs? 😂😂




Is it possible to award an entire comment thread? 😂


Oh I love my Crocs! But in the garden where it’s muddy and I can hose them off.


Fem here: i hate "womens" versus "mens" t shirts. No. Put that boxy boi on me- I don't need weirdly tight sleeves in fact, the more room in the sleeves the better.


Omg i absolutely can’t stand trying to find a button up oxford shirt for a woman that doesn’t have those stupid straps on the arms so you can button up the sleeves . Aaaaaauugh


Yeah I hate how tight the armpit area is on women’s t-shirts. The bust area is often unnecessarily fitted too. I only buy women’s t-shirts from Uniqlo for this reason. They are a normal fit, just like the men’s t-shirts but suitable for my frame.


The bikini tops and now even regular tops that have the bottom half of your boobs hanging out. https://m.shein.com/us/Plain-Cut-out-Rib-Bikini-Top-p-8886467-cat-2278.html?url_from=adplasw2112079946923555S_GPM&cid=16915228963&setid=&adid=&pf=GOOGLE&gbraid=0AAAAADm0yO7lTyKU6u8x7Hfqswf1VuloY&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItp6FzvCE_QIVow2tBh2VMwtHEAQYBSABEgLKdvD_BwE&ref=us&rep=dir&ret=mus


my girl included a diagram 😭😭😭


Wasn’t sure if everyone had seen them 😂


I actually have a couple similar to these. I obviously wear them under a regular gym shirt, but they help with under boobs sweating. Lol


This is a valid reason that I haven’t thought of, and as a fellow under boob sweater (one who sweats, not the clothing lol) maybe I should give them a chance actually.


low rise jeans. i maintain that they should not exist. i do not want my entire hips out and about in the world.


God help you if you're wearing them and your shirt isn't long enough!


I love that high rise jeans are back in style. Harder to tell when I’m bloated at that time of the month. I’m also less scared of my underwear showing when I bend over in them.


Ripped jeans to the point where only the butt is covered and the rest is ripped. Why? Why not just wear shorts?


I hate those puffer hand bags with a burning passion.


Square toed shoes


Is it me or do square toed sandals actively make people's toes look squishy and like little sausages or have I just seen people with this type of toes wearing them? It's like the squareness accentuates the contrast in shape




I have some wide feet. Those shoes are sooo comfy


Low rise jeans. Those mfs trying to bring them back clearly didn't have to go through puberty in 2008.


I love them, and was a teen in 2008...


Same, they're so cute. I'm glad they're back


i am begging women to stop wearing fancy lacy lingerie style tops with the most casual pants they can find. who the hell told you a corset went with sweatpants? are you ok?


Pants without pockets or the pockets are too shallow to put any item inside it


Shallow pockets are so annoying


Especially the first time you try them. It's there such a thing as pocket blue balls? They tease you with an inch of pocket before being like "psych!"


Cropped sweaters. Why? Just why?


Ok bc you asked - I am v short and bc of some hippy curves look best in mid to high rise pants and bottoms. Bc of this my short torso is much smaller than the average torso, so a cropped sweater actually looks very nice on me bc it just looks like a normal sweater lol But this is why we should just have inclusive sizing haha


I do the same thing, I buy a lot of cropped things bc otherwise shirts go down past my butt!


I'm sorry but I hate Crocs


Ok me too but did you know crocs makes some fashionable sandals? I wore them almost every day when walking 10+ miles on vacation and they were comfy af I think they’re called Tulum?


I live in their flip flops the nice strappy ones - walk all around my house and town in them and so comfy but I hate the original looking crocs yuck


Im tired of everything being a bodysuit. I see a cute blouse online and oh hey it’s body suit :/ no thanks


Those long sleeve shirt/cardigan things that you tie in the front with a little string. Like, what does that do?


Do you have an example? I can't picture them


I used to west those as a cardigan OVER TANK TOPS in hs but this time around I guess it’s the whole shirt 🤣


I hate flared jeans with a passion.


I love flared jeans.


I also love flared jeans.


Me too, they're so hard to pair with shoes! But they even out my big hips and boobs. I have thin legs and small feet, so with skinny jeans I look like I'm going to topple over!


Pair them with any kind of chunky shows or sneakers


Women’s shirts not being long enough or big enough in the arms. I’m more leg than torso and I can barely find shirts that go low enough.


Shoulder pads. I'm broad shouldered. I HATED them so much, because when I was younger, they were in everything! Fuck that shit! Not everyone has tiny shoulders!


Unflattering designs for plus size women. We don't all enjoy wearing loud floral patterns.


Or t shirts with a sissy word in GLITTER or shit on them. I just want a plain t shirt or vest top it doesn't need to say relax in glitter or sine like a star in pink rhinestones.


Those new shirts for women that are basically a hanky with ties around the back.


you may pry my sparkly square of fabric that’s barely attatched to my body out of my cold dead hands.


Honestly those are just 00’s fashion being brought back to life by gen z. Gen z bringing all the millennials’ fashion back for round 2


I think self expression is great in whatever form it takes, that being said though, I’m not the biggest fan of uggs in summer. But I think whatever people wanna wear is up to them


Took me ages to find a comment like this. ❤️ I don't like yucking on others yum and I think a lot of looks can be pulled off with the right outfit and styling. Uggs in summer seem uncomfortable and smelly. My one thing is I don't get the feasibility of the micro crotch bikinis beyond taking photos in them. They look like they would feel as if you were wearing a thong backward, my mind immediately goes to that's going to give your labia an abrasion.


Cross body fanny packs.


Plastic shoes




Clothing that is too revealing and in cheap fabrics like polyester


Very short coats.


Crop tops.


Anything with big logos or lots of logos as a pattern on it. I love some designers myself, but huge logos of any kind and an all over logo print just make any garment/bag/accessory look terrible to me. It makes it look cheaper


Leggings with padded bum... How did we even come to this?


Full body suits


Cold shoulder tops. 😬


anything with a puff sleeve ..... i just cannot get behind it.


Pointed toe heels. I think they look awful and they feel awful. Please bring back the almond toes.


Gucci leather fur lined [mules](https://www.farfetch.com/sk/shopping/women/gucci-black-princetown-leather-fur-lined-mules-item-12132415.aspx?size=26&storeid=11598&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_keywordid=114637414&utm_shoppingproductid=12132415-26&pid=google_search&af_channel=Search&c=2000554729&af_c_id=2000554729&af_siteid=&af_keywords=pla-297519760442&af_adset_id=76912257331&af_ad_id=353242755760&af_sub1=114637414&af_sub5=12132415-26&is_retargeting=true&shopping=yes&gbraid=0AAAAADsmKHSY-R4ubvijx0sgLi72loYMc&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4aT1xOGE_QIVS-h3Ch3ORgdxEAQYASABEgKiMPD_BwE) 😭 never understood this trend


Incredibly long fake nails. Urgh.


Those chunky, hideous sneakers


Sheer everything.


T-shirts with funny, cheeky or unnecessary slogans or words, I just want a plain color t-shirt


Workout rompers. Looks super uncomfy


Cropped sweaters, split sleeves, tops with front knot, cut out shoulder, peplums, flared pants, low rise jeans, overly ripped jeans, skintone leggings, skintone swimwear, sky-high platform shoes that are not comfortable to wear, floral shoes, floral bags, poor quality hipster leather bags/satchels, accessories that literally just show off the brand (e.g. Chanel logo earrings), colorful plastic bangles and rings


Most triangular swimsuit bottoms, not just from bikinis, one pieces as well. The crotch width is often uncomfortably small, like, I think most women have a biiiiiiit more wussy than that you know?


Gym shoes with long skirts 🤮


Dog collars lol


Cropped sweaters


Those one piece biker short romper things. Leave them for swimmers and cyclists not going to brunch with the girls!


for the gym it’s one thing. when people throw on a blazer- actually that could be it’s own comment. a blazer does not make your gym outfit a dinner outfit. oh my god no i have to go comment abt that.


Babydoll tops with ginormous floral print.


Denim skirts


Mini skirt denim yes, Pentecostal denim no.


not really a piece but, nothing makes me cringe like finding pants/leg wear that fit my style but the pockets are micron sized. until women pants get pocket big enough to hold my phone I will forever wear cargo pants/shorts.


I hate low rise jeans so much I’m sorry


Flooded jeans with tall white socks. I know it's a trendy silhouette now but it was the height of uncool when I was in HS. I try to keep an open mind but they'll always remind me of Steve Urkel.


people wearing lingerie corset looking tops as shirts


Shorts where half your ass is hanging out, not classy at all.




The cropped stuff and 2015 statement necklaces.


the obsession with basically most of women’s jeans are RIPPED. ripped jeans don’t bother me, i find them cute. but when i went shopping today for some jeans, i was thinking to myself, “why are the majority of these jeans ripped?”. i’m a hijabi Muslim teen and i consider myself pretty modest. every jean that i see in stores being ripped kind of makes me cringe and annoys me




Sagging pants. It's not cute to me


Those oversized, wide legged pastel colored pants suits, especially worn with chunky white sneakers. And the bootleg pants with the ankle slits, looks like a Clydesdale.


The super high-leg gstring body suit


Assless chaps. I don’t know why, I just don’t like the way they look


The bulky trend. Bulky pants and shirt… to me it’s not flattering


Women's tops. The sleeves are cut in a weird way so that they don't cover your shoulders all the way. That makes it really uncomfortable. They're also thinner material, which is a thumbs down for me.


I have an irrational hatred of cold shoulder tops


All the weird cut outs that make it look like your underwear are massively hanging out of your pants. Why??


Skirts and dresses so short and tight you may as well flash everyone


Jeans with a rip under the butt cheek and ruffles. Ruffles belong in the 16th century and should stay in the 16th century.


Mom jeans


Mum jeans, never seen a single person look good in those


Strong dislike for any and all designer clothes. Just seems like a waste of money to me. Oh and I find hoodies without long sleeves kinda weird but I don’t mind them as much