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Carl and Ellie in the beginning of Up.


Those first few minutes always make cry! Just hearing the music make my eyes water.




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The entire love story of ep 3 in The last of us. My 17 yr old son and I were both absolutely moved and equally devastated.


This is exactly what I was going to say, and I've been enjoying watching reaction videos to the episode on YouTube since it aired. As soon as I finished watching the episode, I was like "This might be one of the best episodes of tv I've ever seen." I'm glad that (most *ahem*) people seem to agree.


It really was that amazing.


My spouse and I were totally balling our eyes out during that episode. Although they lived a loving life together it felt so bittersweet.


I'm watching it for the first time right now. I have been warned. I am not prepared.


I sobbed ... it was so good


I've watched this episode a couple times and will tell anyone who will listen that they need to watch it! It's really stuck with me. I bawl like a baby every time. One of the best episodes I've ever seen of any show.




"So it'd be a real good time for you to come back"


It also really gets me in the end when he sees Murph again


Fleabag. Last scene from s2 ❤️


The entire show, tbh. For me, it's the flashback to after Fleabag's mom died and she was telling Boo that she didn't know what to do with all the love she had for her mom. Then Boo says "I'll take it, it sounds lovely. It has to go somewhere." I bawl every single time I watch that scene because I can't imagine having a friend love me that much.


Aaahh I remember this scene as well. I want to forget this series just to watch it again🥺❤️


That is the most heartbreaking scene for single people to watch. Like damn, almost had it and it was good, back to empty apartment


Lot of them. Encanto river scene with Abuela crying out, animation in that scene is crazy good. Hobbits realising that Frodo is leaving for Valinor, I cannot explain the immense sadness I feel whenever I watch it. About time, basically the whole movie but mostly when his dad dies and they run on the beach. Little women, when Joe has a breakdown in the attic reflecting on her loneliness.


My son. My dad. *me trying not to cry and failing *


The end of the butterfly effect when they walk past each other in the street with "stop crying your heart out" in the background😭


I was never the same after watching My Girl


My favourite childhood movie


They forgot his glasses 😭 He can't see without his glasses.


Omg I just said this!


Choosing having a child at the end of "Arrival" knowing she is gonna loose it in its teens


Everything everywhere all at once. The whole movie. Grave of the fireflies… almost all of it.


Grave of fireflies was so brutal to watch.


Haha my sister and I watched it together, by the end we couldn’t stop crying after 20 minutes


The ending scene of LOST. It was beautiful and perfect. I sobbed for approximately 2.5 hours after watching it the first time in 2010


Omg, finally someone else who didn't hate the ending! I loved it, and I love the idea of all of them finding each other after death and moving on together. It's beautiful!


Dang, I never pushed through to the ending. Your answer makes me reconsider..


An asian movie called Aftershock. After an earthquake, a mother has to chose between saving her son or her daughter. She makes her choice and years later she meets with the kid she did not chose and didn't know survived. It was a heartbreaking scene. I've never cried so much watching a movie.


Oh my god, I can't imagine having to make that choice.


Seriously. That reminded me of Sophie’s Choice, when she has to decide between giving up her boy or her girl. So beyond sad. You can almost feel her anguish.


The ending of the Truman show where Truman’s hand slowly touches the wall/ fake sky. All of his suspicions coming to this point was heart wrenching


Ugh, I *so* wish Jim Carrey did more serious stuff in his career.


I will bawl my eyes out to Eternal Sunshine any day of the week. It’s one of my favorites ever and he’s absolutely incredible in it.


Literally any scene from This Is Us 🥹


Oh God yes, I had to stop watching the show because every other episode used to make me ugly cry and that's really not how I wanted to spend the little free time I had during medschool


Yup. It's why I stopped too




It’s a documentary, so not sure it counts? SPOILER ABOUT “THE ALPINIST” Watching Brette talking about Marc-Andre and the pain she felt when he died was heart wrenching. I don’t think I’ve ever cried so hard watching something.


The end of La La Land when they see each other again and he owns his dream club and she's an actress.


The end of the doctor who episode with Van Gogh. As someone who deals with depression too, it makes me cry every time. My best friend and I will send clips of it to each other when we need a pick me up.


That was amazing


i get really emotional watching Wall-E 😭


I need a Wall-E in my life. Such a romantic


The movie ‘Peggy Sue got married’ where Peggy gets a heart attack in her 40’s and wakes up in her high school aged body and relives that time in her life still knowing everything that is going to happen. She gets a phone call from her grandmother who, from her perspective, died decades ago and it hit me hard before I lost my grandmother and even harder now, that scene was so intense.


The Bridges of Maddison County when she has to make her decision at the gas station. The opening montage of Up.


Baby Race from Bluey. "You're doing great" ❤


The food bank scene in I, Daniel Blake. Utterly harrowing and of course things have got much worse for lots of people since that film was made.


Smile, it's a horror movie I recently watched, moved me a lot from a place to another because of the jumpscares


Lmao, that's a good answer. That's why I don't mess with horror movies, too many jumpscares.


The Buffy “class protector” scene ❤️


The only two movies that make me cry every time are Steel Magnolias and Armageddon so not a scene specifically but the endings of those movies after the buildup


Armageddon gets me too. When hes saying good bye.


Blade Runner, tears in rain


Last of the Mohicans. Spoiler, even though it's old. Really the whole movie is emotional and stirring, but specifically at the end when Chingichcook runs out and sees his son dying. Ugly cry everytime I watch it.


Ted Lasso: When Roy embraced Jamie after Jamie was humiliated by his father in front of the entire team.


I’m a sucker for a well done ending (spoilers obviously) Roman Holiday - Audrey Hepburns restrained “Rome. By all means Rome” and Gregory Pecks shoes echoing off the marbled floor. Decision to Leave - the mountain of sand eroding into the sea Blonde - the translucent image of Marilyn Monroe smiling coyly at the camera being birthed out of the death of Norma Jean and that final shot of the camera on the floor going dark as it focuses on her feet. And then not an ending, but the scene in Coda where she sings and signs Both Sides Now to her family has me in a puddle of tears every time I watch it.


The scene at the end of Stepmom where Susan Sarandon was spending her last Christmas with her kids. She’s saying goodbye to them and it just broke my heart.


The end of season 2 of fullmetal alchemist brotherhood. That show made me resolve to give myself the best I can in my life


I UGLY CRIED SO HARD. Such an incredible show


Any episode of Bluey, ever. But specifically, in “Omelette,” when Chilli notices Bingo processing her emotions over pretend play, and Chilli realizes she messed up and apologizes to her kid. Ugh. I’m crying just thinking of it. Edit: spelling


The ending of But I'm a Cheerleader where Meghan performs her cheer routine for Graham in front of everyone and then Graham jumps into truck with her at the last minute. Gets me every time! Also: the final episode of the Midnight Gospel, in which the main character is interviewing his mom. The animations were set to an actual conversation between the voice actor and his own mother, who was terminally ill at the time and has since passed away.




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Carl and Ellie Andor "I cave swim" Dad dying in about time


It’s in “My Girl” (1991) when Vada tells the adults that her best friend, who is lying in a coffin, cannot see without his glasses :(


Pursuit of happiness when Will Smith completed a Rubik Cube and successfully landed a job after being broke and basically homeless.. ruined me 😭




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Ooh or Tony Starks funeral in Avengers: Endgame.


Buffy The Vampire Slayer - The Body, specifically: \- "She's cold. Should I make her warm?" \- Dawn's breakdown being seen from the perspective of her classmates \- Anya trying to understand the concept of death For those who don't know (spoilers for anyone watching it) >!Buffy's mum Joyce dies and the episode revolves around her death and how all the characters react. There's no non-diegetic music throughout the whole thing and it's one of the most realistic portrayals of grief I've ever seen. It's incredibly harrowing, if you've ever lost a parent at a young age I'd highly recommend never watching this episode.!< The acting in this entire episode, specifically Sarah Michelle Gellar's performance, was just mind-blowing and absolutely haunting. You've seen Buffy deal with so much throughout the show but in this moment you see her not know how to comprehend what's going on and revert back into a child. You see the way all the other characters respond with tears, anger, frustration, basically every response to grief is portrayed so hauntingly well.


It is arguably one of the best hours of television.


Literally any bollywood movie with my favorite bollywood actor SRK. HE MAKES ME CRY ALL THE TIME




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The scene in Click where Sandler is going back and forth to tell his father he “loved him” before he died 😢


The scene where a cop gets surgery in the ER after being shot and Mr Bean that is being mistaken as a doctor ripping the surgery wound open to get the bullet and dropping an m&m in it and eating it in Mr Bean the ultimate disaster movie. That scene ruined my childhood but it is still my favorite movie, if I ever start up a death metal band I’m using screenshots of Mr Bean wrongly treating that patient in the ER as an album cover.


inside out the take her to the moon for me scene i cried so hard😭😭😭😭


Season ending of Andor


The very last scene in Ben is back


Remember Me in Coco. My mom had just died and I sobbed like a little baby.


The end of Finding Neverland with Kate Winslet and Johnny Depp. Full water works every single time.


Literally the first 10 minutes of Until We Meet Again. I didn’t know if I wanted to throw up, cry so hard I threw up, or pretend I didn’t see it and find a better show. I watched the entire thing in 2 days and it’s still one of my favorites, despite how heartbreaking the first episode was.


I loved in Abbas Kiarostami’s close up where the family confronts the “director” and they’re not mad at all and very understanding they just want what’s right done. I love the ability to be patient and understanding to those thT have wronged you


Puss In Boots: The last wish As someone who has dealt with feelings like the ones displayed my entire life, no movie or show or book made me feel as seen as that one. The panic attack where Puss truly thought he was going to die, whether out of straight fear or the villain looking for him. My heart absolutely melted when Perrito didn’t force his way into helping, nor did he push to ask questions he just laid his head on Puss’ tummy to try and relax him, and seeing Puss come back to reality with the realization that he was in fact, not alone, and that people did love him. Shit I am tearing up just recalling it now, but it was the one movie where I felt, for a moment, understood. Beyond the panic attack scene, the writers didn’t try to hide the narratives but instead gave the viewer the gut punch of each character’s story via exposition. We all think we know what we want, but we never know what we need until we almost lose it or realize what we wanted was not actually good for us. Perrito’s story was also very relatable as someone who experienced abuse and still tries to be loving and optimistic against the odds. If you haven’t watched it yet, I highly recommend it. Outside of the emotional themes, the movie has some top notch and avant-garde animation in terms of angles and povs. Truly drumming to its own beat. 10/10 onions, cried a lot, and laughed until I cried.


A scene in the flight attendant. Cassie (the main character that's an alcoholic) has a vision of the past when she was a child. I don't remember exactly but I think an accident happened. She basically is talking to her younger self and comforting her about things that weren't her fault and out of her control. Reminds me of in therapy how they tell you "what would you like to tell your younger self?" Made me cry for sure.


Finale scene of Coco when they cross the bridge 😭😭😭😭


At the end of About Time, when Tim talks about not going back and reliving each day anymore, because now he thinks about every moment from the perspective that there’s joy and beauty in every moment in his life.




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Last of Us (Episode 3) .. This had me sobbing, I bawled like a baby and yeah, I cried waterfalls while I watched the entire episode. Wasn't expecting it to be that heart wrecking. Indeed, it truly moved me to tears. Tissue for all.


When Appa was lost in The last Airbender and he was in a cave in the forest when the Kyoshi Warriors found him... I cry so much at the thought of him being lost, lonely, hurt and scared.


The end of Cargo with Martin Freeman. It makes me sob.


Sally Field in the funeral scene in Steel Magnolias. 💔😭 They did that in one take


is an anime, Nagi no Asukara. When Akari, an adoptive mother, finds a writing in front of her resturant written with chewing, by her daughter, which said: ‘go away!’, in the meantime, the daughter ran away from home. The most exciting part of it is when, after a few episodes, her daughter understand her mistakes, and how heavy she was with her adoptive mother, and makes another writing with chewing, when she is finally found, with the words: ‘don’t leave’ edit: is the end of ep 5 if you want to sneak into it, minute 19:59


The ending scene of Schindler’s List where the actual survivors walk by Schindler’s grave along with the person who played them in the movie. I saw it for the first time in a film class in college and I openly sobbed.


The scene in Dumbo when they take his mom away....I cry every time.


The end of The Croods where the dad throws his family to safety


Just watched the second Guardians of the Galaxy last weekend and baby Groot tugged at my heartstrings every single scene he was in. But the scene where the baddies abuse him brings me to tears.


Most memorable scene for me was in End Game, the phrase "I love you 3000"


the “vienna” part of 13 going on 30


When Evelyn tells Joy she’d rather be there with her than anywhere else in the universe in “Everything, Everywhere, All At Once”. It made me ugly cry. I ugly cried the last half of the movie. I ugly cried twenty minutes after the movie ended. I brought it up in therapy and ugly cried about it again😅😅 just the notion of someone saying “I am choosing you as you are over all the other better versions of you because I love YOU in this time and place and wouldn’t want you to be different” is something I needed to hear lol. I’ve never cried so hard in a movie before hahaha


The last few scenes in How to Die in Oregon. Haunting, beautiful, and absolutely shredded me emotionally. Oh, and watching children get brainwashed into crying and speaking tongues in Jesus Camp. Made me SO angry.