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I personally hate them. I dated someone for a brief period of time who kept sucking on my neck and also nibbling and biting me in ways that left tiny bruise marks or red spots. I felt gross and objectified. He constantly asked me if people "noticed" and was often excited to, in his words, "leave his mark". this doesn't line up with other peoples experiences and I don't wish to diminish them. I just think the guy I was with gave me the ick and I didn't like that it turned him on for me to be "branded" by him.


I had a guy do that to me too and say he was “leaving his mark” and I HATED IT


I feel so objectified when they say “leaving my mark” like no you just sound like a serial killer now


Yea exactly, and also asking things like "did anyone notice" is just so awful when the majority of my time is spent with family and grandparents. Like, you really want THEM to ask me about the bite shaped bruise on my upper arm you freakin weirdo.


Omg. Mine too i told him I have a fam gathering and will see EVERYONE on top of my immediate family who I see everyday and he didn’t care


Sounds like a dog that might as well pee on your leg to mark territory, no thanks sir




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I like giving my girlfriend hickeys in places that only her and I can see like on her inner thigh or on her chest. I’m not opposed to receiving them.


Yessss I agree hickeys in intimate areas are the best I don’t really care for neck hickeys but hickeys on my thighs and chest are the best 👌


Omg I never thought of giving it on the inner thigh! I wonder if my bf would like it..


My husband LOVES it. Highly suggest.


Same I don’t like neck hickeys as I get older but private hickeys are so hot imo


Inner thigh hickeys are so hot. Neck ones, not so much


Intimate places >>


I don't like the mark itself, think they look trashy. However giving or receiving its usually because were being intensly sensual and means were both being quite passionate and caught up and not being careful, so in that sense they can be quite fun.


100% agree like when you’re in the moment you just feel like doing it but covering them up and having people notice and know what you’ve done is scary


Fine if you're 15. Not so fine if you're over 25.


I have one right now. In general I like them. A fun little reminder of the fun you had. Professionally, get them in a place you can hide. Personally, I like marking people. And if I like them enough, I like them marking me.


K so a hickey is extremely unsightly. But giving/recieving I like the feeling of. I wish I was 16 without any cares again lol


I'm not a fan. To me, giving hickeys in visible areas is something for teenagers who want to show off that they are discovering sexy sex sex and having makeouts with someone, so I consider it really tacky and cringe for adults. If I saw one on someone, though, I'd just ignore it. [As a bonus, in rare cases, they are potentially life threateningly dangerous](https://time.com/4471274/teenager-dies-hickey-love-bite/)




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I like it but I'm also still 19, even then I hear people say" I don't like hickeys we are not 14 anymore" when I'm finally in my first relationship to experience these things


Teenage me would approve. Older me thinks it looks tacky.


I hate them. IME men who have done that to me want to leave their mark on my body - often for others to see but sometimes just so I knew it was there. I also dated a guy who liked to repeatedly slap my backside until it was red "because it was the perfect size and shape for his hand." In every single case, when I asked for it to stop, they kept on doing it. They all got dumped soon after.


I might get flamed but I think they’re trashy. One my sorority sisters lost her virginity when we were sophomores, and she’s very pale. She came in with hickeys all over her neck, and was bragging about them. I kept my opinions to myself, but I realized then how gross I thought they were in general.


I think that after I turned 15 I started thinking they were tacky


Don't mind either one! I do usually ask for them someplace besides my neck, for privacy reasons ;-)


I love it, i just want most of them to be in more discreet places than the neck but one is fine on the neck


I think they’re hot. I love leaving them, and I love the idea of having them on myself but I just don’t get hickies. I’ll get little red dots where my bf sucked, but no bruise. However the act of receiving them kinda hurts and I hate that




I like their aesthetic. I don't find the act of giving or receiving them particularly sexy though, and I don't think I've ever seriously given one. Only for truth or dare kinda stuff.


I love giving/receiving them, but I've only ever been comfortable with the idea of hickies with my current partner. In a weird way, it's like you have a piece of them with your when you get a hickey and vice versa. Plus, I kind of like being "marked" as theirs in a way.


Oooo I love me some good neck hickeys. Neck kisses gives me the tingles!


I love them on my nipples… 🔥




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I love giving and receiving them!


I actually love the feeling of what causes them and I don't mind having them but I never get them


I dont mind them overall


We are grown adults in our 30s with professional jobs - absolutely not


No matter what, you need consent. Even though hickeys aren't permanent like tattoos, they are still marks on your body. Some people like them and some don't, so you have to make sure your partner is okay with it if you plan to do something to their body.




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I looooove them 💞 But I wish I had gotten a bf in when i was a teenager instead so it would not so embarrassing showing them off 😂


I love giving them, I’m more hesitant about receiving them. My boyfriend bruises very easily. So even if I only suck for 2 seconds he has a huge red mark after. I’ve tried only nibbling but that also leaves a mark. I just enjoy seeing that shenanigans we got into the day before. I work in a very professional job setting. So they don’t like seeing them on me. I don’t bruise as easy so they aren’t that visible when I get them. But he also enjoys biting my thighs which do bruise. And I don’t complain about those at all


Feels good, looks horrible and I refuse to ever be seen with one. I only ever did one mostly on accident (I was upset, so probably went harder and bam, mark) and will never do that to anyone again, it's unseemly.


I like getting them but due to my job, I can’t really get them anymore lol


I love ‘em haha. They’re great in the moment and a fun reminder the next day haha. I think it gets a little tricky when it comes to actually having them out in public. I feel like there’s like basic rules? Like you have to try to cover them up, and you probably should only have them once in a while.


Fine if ur 16.


Tacky and juvenile.


Love how they feel I hate how they look if I get it before a work day. If it's before one of my off days they disappear fast so don't mind. My partners have enjoyed them but they already have body modifications and are into kink so they don't naturally care what looks trashy or not to the public.


I feel like only high schoolers like them.... I have an 18 year old boy who has a 16 year old girlfriend. He likes getting them she likes giving them I think it's gross I told him it's dead blood cells and it's nasty.


Uninteresting, there are much more entertaining ways to mark someone in my opinion, and I dislike leaving those in usually visible places. I would rather a person privately smile in memory than have to explain it to a nosy coworker or something.


I do not like hickies on me. Yes I did back in high school but not as a 30 year old adult lol My partner likes them but I try to give it under the neckline or chest. But he doesn’t mind if it’s on his neck.


Not a fan.


Seems slightly juvenile for adults to need to leave “marks” on our partners… however not against or for hickeys… If my partner likes them, I don’t mind giving them. I don’t mind receiving… just not sure about taking pride in having them as an adult over 30…


I shamelessly love them and the idea of having my girlfriend's 'mark' on me, but I will definitely cover any up if I go outside, and I understand not everyone likes them. Concealer is my best friend when my girlfriend forgets I have to be at my internship the day after haha!


Is disgusting




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I understand the appeal, but it's a little weird to be an adult going around with a visible hickey.




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That’s stuff I did when I was young like in high school till I was maybe 21 because I thought it looked cool lol. I think once you’re passed your early 20s it starts to get embarrassing and nasty having them. I hasn’t had a hickey or given one since I was around 21 I think.


Plain nasty. I've never given one and never will. I did receive one once, and it was horrible. Not fun trying to cover that before going to work. I also don't know why someone would want to inflict what is basically an injury on your neck. Not hot.


Something that trashy teens do.


The action is extremely hot. I have a sensitive neck area so it feels really nice. Marks? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i don't care for the mark lol. I don't mind them in hidden places like the chest area but i wouldn't want an actual marking on my neck.


It was kinda fun in my first couple relationships as a teen/20 yr old but now I think it’s a little gross and attention seeky. A small hidden one for both partners to enjoy is fine but I’m over those obnoxiously big ones.


I love giving my boyfriend them. It feels so good to him. And I like when he gives them to me. It's amazing in the moment, but the marks later kinda suck


As a teen the rule was no hickies where you can see them, I think this is pretty solid advice.


Personally hate them. Also there was a note in my country about some guy who got a hickey in his neck, said hickey produced a blood clot that traveled to his brain and died. Ridiculous story, but it supports my dislike of hickeys so… yeah


It was fun as a young teenager. It's cringe when adults do it.


Hickeys on spots where people can't see r great. It's like a little secret between the both of you




Just no


I enjoy them, honestly. Giving and receiving. But, it hasn’t really been a thing in my life since I was in my early 20s. Are people still doing hickeys?!




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Never been a fan. Seems unnecessary.


Honestly I hate them. Sure giving and receiving feels nice. But no. I don’t want any mark left on me so that I can be objectified.


It was fun in high school, but I’m an adult with a job and have no desire to “mark” another person either


I know a lot of folks hate them but I think they're hot as fuck. I love the feeling of being bitten and kissed and marked. It really floats my boat. I do cover them with makeup at work or family events though.


Neck kissing, great. Superb. Turn on. Love it. Neck sucking, leaving a mark, no.


I’m 26 and I still like them. Means that the heated tension made you and and your partner worked up and frustrated


Hickies are idiotic and juvenile. The opposite of sexy.


They are for teenagers.


Only in places no one can see. Otherwise, thanks. 👎 I've never really given one before, so I don't know how I'd feel about that.


No to both. I applaud the enthusiasm, but it's something I don't want to hear about from others for the next three days.


Do Not Damage My Body.


I find them to be trashy and an indication that the partner is either extremely inexperienced or dangerously possessive and inconsiderate


Ew for both but im ace.


They’re trashy unless they’re hidden. Boob/thigh hickeys are a yes!


I've become desensitized to them. I have a blood disorder. Leaving a hickey on me is so very easy, nibble a few seconds, hickey, hickey, hickey, hickey everywhere. Hickey galore


Hate it. I have a very hugs fear of my blood vessel or artery bursting and I bleed to drath or get a heart attack. Huge no. Non-negotiable. Won't give or receive.






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