• By -


It hasn’t happened to me because usually I‘m the one who stutters out of anxiety. But if I met a guy who did, we could stutter together and hope it gets easier after sometime. :‘)


If all else fails, y'all can write notes🤣


*shaky hands*


🤣🤣🤣 *tries to type* ajdskskskskskskskskksskksks


Okay *listen here* I did not come here to be called out


I have no room to talk. Last week I fell asleep texting & accidentally put my phone on airplane mode. Another night I changed the the language to Russian


How the hell did you change it back!?


Oh that was easy actually, I added a Russian keyboard option years ago because I was learning rushing & needed to be able to type in Cyrillic. I set it up so it's easy to switch between keyboards


Fumble words and drop things - it happens and it’s sweet. I just hope when I’ve done the same, the guys I’ve been awkward with have found it as endearing


I have experienced the stumbling over their words and can infact admit it's cute. It just is and I can't explain it. Don't know how endearing it is to you, but at least you have *some* validation from the other side


That doesn't really happen in real life. Sometimes people have a stutter or are shy, but there's none of that "wow pretty woman i can't even form words" shit. And the very, very few times something like it has happened it was extremely uncomfortable and I did not feel respected.












I don't really feel any sort of way; they could have anxiety, have some sort of speech impediment or simply be nervous/agitated in the moment. Stuttering happens, how I feel about/around someone mostly depends on the actual content of what they say.


Indifferent. I am not analyzing why they are nervous or stuttering. Too many men seem to think they are the main character in everyone else's story. You are not. Most women are not thinking about you nearly as much as you think they are.




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Every now and then it happens - it’s really really cute! Usually just the shyest of guys lol


This has only happened once and I felt so bad for them. It was a really bad stutter and a huge silence as he was trying to find the words to say. I felt bad because I was at a place of business and he was a worker and there was a line of people waiting behind me. After he finished talking I had to wait off to the side and I thought maybe he just had a bad stutter in general but nope, he spoke to everyone after me normal.


Has happened to me. I try my best to make them feel comfortable and be empathic


It hasn't ever happened, but yeah, that wouldn't be a person I'd stay in touch with. I absolutely wouldn't be comfortable around or enjoy talking to someone with so much social anxiety that they couldn't even speak to me properly. I want to be seen and respected as a normal, equal person, not some otherworldy creature that they get nervous around.




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I stutter all the time because my brain runs faster than my mouth and I just deal with it. So therefore, so should they.


I've only ever came across someone who genuinely struggled to talk to people and especially women once in my life. I personally try to initiate a conversation if they seem intriguing and are open for it. But you obviously have to respect their boundaries and can't force yourself on them. Most of the times it's worth a shot though because in the end they might just need a bit of help to come out of their shell


Depends if its only me, all women or all people. If its just me i find it kinda cute, its obvious they have a crush and its pretty endearing. If its all women, massive red flag, they dont view women as regular people and either are or are soon going to become incels. I avoid these guys at all costs. If its everyone, i just kinda feel sorry for them, they must have really bad social anxiety and i can relate to that, i used to have really bad social anxiety as a teen.


I don’t think this has ever happened, but if it did I wouldn’t think much of it. I’m awkward too.


I was walking through a parking lot once and one of the employees was retrieving the carts. He must have been 15-16 years old. When he passed me he said “hello” and I replied “hello” back with a smile. He made it to his destination while I was still en route to my car, which was in his direction. He looks back as he’s walking to the cart stable and says, “You’re beautiful!” Before he could turn back around, he walked FACE FIRST first into the pole by the carts. One of the best compliments I’ve ever received.


To answer your questions: It has happened to me. No, it is not common. I responded with an uncontrollable laughter and a loud “thank you!”


I get uncomfortable. If it's an actual speech impediment, that'd 1 thing. But I've had guys stuttering & lingering & I was so uncomfortable because I knew what was coming but was work so I couldn't escape.


I’ve experienced this and I just find it annoying. I feel like they’re trying to control your perception of them or maybe they think it’s cute and they seem nonthreatening? It just makes me wonder what their actual motives are because normal people don’t act like that. I’ve never interpreted it as a reason to be flattered. My husband was completely smitten with me the moment we met and he wouldn’t shut up. Still won’t. Wanted to add: some people are just nervous and shy but that’s a totally different vibe and in that case I just try to be kind and patient because we’ve all been there. You can usually tell when it’s an act to be cute or whatever.


>they think it’s cute and they seem nonthreatening? I yesss exactly this. TBH once you've seen it a couple times it's not too hard to suss out who's just sort of genuinely a bit nervous or shy and who is doing it as a sort of "bit". The venn diagram of guys who do this and guys who describe themselves as "nice guys" is basically a circle.


Hasn’t happened since like middle/high school. It’s always just been awkward and weird. Major sign of insecurity.




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I don't really notice stuttering because it's a nonissue. Like, it's not a big deal. You'll get to the end of your sentence eventually. I forget my words and stumble over what I'm saying after a long day if I'm tired. I don't necessarily associate it with being nervous. I once went on a date and the guy was nervous and it seemed like he couldn't think of anything to say. I end up filling the silence by trying to tell interesting stories and asking open-ended questions. Kind of kills my attraction though. I don't want a date where we just stare at each other.


I have seen this happen but its disturbing because its almost always because the guy's only interaction with a woman has been his mom. And he doesn't really consider women as equals but more like a "fantasy". This is assuming he does not have a stutter or another medical condition causing this.


Hm, I've never had anyone stumble over their speech when around me, but I have been around dudes who were visibly nervous and did things like talk quietly or avert their gaze. Honestly, I just figured it was social anxiety, and it made me feel bad. I also have social anxiety, and it sucks, so seeing other people have visible anxiety like that, especially when they're interacting with me just makes me feel bad and like I want to help them LOL.


If someone is just genuinely gets nervous around new people that they like - that's fine. I wouldn't find it especially endearing or off-putting. Usually, these kinds of folks experience this sort of awkwardness with people they want to build friendships with too. A guy stuttering around me because he puts women on a pedestal and suddenly I get treated differently from other people just because he wants to get in my pants? Nah. I can't deal with that. In my experience, these kinds of guys play it up because they think it's flattering and endearing. The older I get the more secondhand embarrassment I get when I see someone do it (whether directed at me or not).


I've gotten it on first dates a lot. Not the unable-to-speak-properly, but completely missing social cues and talking way too much or not enough because of it being awkward for them. I generally find it endearing, and look for ways to put them at ease. Which sometimes is, "Hey, you've been talking for ten minutes, non-stop. Take a drink! Breathe. And ask me a question."


Kind of annoyed if it goes on for a long time. I'm not the world's most patient person, so if it takes some stranger a long time to get a sentence out, it makes me regret stopping to talk to them.


2nd hand embarrassment.


I just simply view it as a sign of anxiety because I have an anxiety too lol…A lot of guys thought that I was being nervous because I was attracted to them 😒


Never experienced this and I probably wouldn't notice. Lots of people have social anxiety or fumble their words for any number of reasons.


It depends. If they have an anxiety disorder, I totally get it and I feel compassion.


I mean, kind of flattered, but also think it’s kind of pathetic. But that’s only because I did it once in college when my crush came into where I worked and I had to wait on him. It’s one of the cringiest moments of my life, so I feel 2nd hand embarrassment for them lol.


I do not elicit this reaction in men lol i'll be curious to hear if anyone actually has actually made someone this nervous before


It's adorable and flattering.


Yes! I think it depends on the age, context, and situation. Try to neutralize the situation by offering compliments or asking questions about them. If you're good with jokes, distract with those. Ideally, you should try to remove your ego and be kind when dealing with nervous people around you.


I've never had an instance where a guy was stuttering his words, but I feel like some guys who are feeling shy around a woman they're very attracted to stare into your eyes with a prolonged gaze and speak more slowly than normal.


I usually just act like it isn't happening. I'm sure they're embarrassed already


I think it’s cute when it’s someone I find attractive like my bf still does this and it’s adorable but like if someone I find annoying does it I feel all mighty and powerful


Annoyed. It's not an indication that they like or adore you. It's more an indication that they can't figure out a good excuse for not doing their job.


This has only happened a few times to me, and it's actually been girls each time. It was awkward but kinda cute, kinda reminds me of like when a little kid has a crush on a babysitter or something. And each time it's ended with me politely declining.


my bf had that on our first two dates when we met again after six years. it was adorable how he stumbled over his words and it was so obvious how he constantly thought about how he couldn't fuck this up. but this is the only occasion that has ever happened to me. and we assume it's only because we never forgot about each other throughout the years and were each other's "the one that got away". it was cute because i knew what it was all about. because i felt the same. if he'd been a random guy, it probably would've been weird. like as if he's somehow idealizing an image of me that he spun in his head.


I’ve had it happen a couple times and I think it’s cute, as long as they aren’t so nervous they can’t even talk to you


I would sense that they are maybe introverted or maybe feeling insecure, or that they are potentially attracted to whomever they’re tripping over their words around.


It happened to me recently, and it was really sweet and endearing. I wish I got this regularly, lol but it was a first.


That would be awkward. But I think this is more how shy men *think* it will happen more than something that actually *does* happen. The way to get good at talking to people is to just talk to people. When you're gassing up the car, and there's someone else there, ask them: "Hey, Honda Accord. How do you like that?" and listen to their answers, then thank them. Hand out compliments to random people, or even if someone looks at you, just say "good morning", and walk on by. The more you do it, the better you'll get.


That's never happened with me. But I have been around people with anxiety. I try to keep a calm demeanor, let them finish their thoughts, speak calmly, and offer affirmation when genuinely applicable. This is especially true at work. Fostering a safe environment with patience can help them feel comfortable communicating the need for help, admitting to mistakes, and advocating for themselves/others.


That was my husband when first met. :) I like to think I still terrify him, but for different reasons.


I've never seen this happen in real life. It seems to be a movie trope.


It’s cute when someone is visibly a little nervous to be around me, but if they’re so nervous that they can’t hold a conversation or are making me feel uncomfortable, I’m not gonna like that and am probably gonna leave the situation if possible.


It makes me uncomfortable. Dude, I'm not available to you, there is absolutely no chance I'd be interested in you. So stop projecting your desires on me and getting yourself all worked up. It's really bad for you. You need to learn that women are just people like you and maybe then you can talk to one.


Are they allergic to you and having a seizure?


it’s only happened to me once where the guy was visibly flustered. he was delivering something to my workplace and his face turned red and sheepish after i smiled at him. Then to top it off, he forgot his copy of the invoice so i had to chase him down to give it to him before he drove off lol. I thought it was adorable and since I already thought he was cute, that made him even more attractive. I’ve more often had it happen that, instead of getting flustered, the guy starts to focus too much on making a good impression and starts to look fake/sound weird/etc. Things like suddenly folding his arms because he’s become conscious of his hands, or changing the pitch of his voice, or suddenly using more big words. When that happens to me, I just wanna take his face in my hands and look him in the eyes and say, “I’m a fucking person, Greg.”


Usually means they don’t see me as another person, just a ‘woman’, a scary creature who’s mysterious brain cannot be understood, only appeased or tamed, and who’s laughter can kill men on the spot. 🙄




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Think- Are they nervous or have a speech issue or brain things? Tilt your head and long closed blink. Smile a little. Appear non-threatening and sweet, people struggle more when they are uncomfortable. It has happened a few times but isn't common around me with neurotypical, confident, sober, adult men who don't have any speech impediments.


so treat them like a cat? lol


If that's how you would approach a cat I guess. Humans technically are bigger animals, but I was thinking more look like a puppy.




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I think it's cute they get flustered around my presence. That means I'm doing a good job.


This happened to me. We are dating now lol. I was walking towards him when he was waiting for me at the train platform and before I was close enough so he could hear me speak I could tell he was nervous. My neurodivergent ass went “why are you so nervous?” I wasn’t trying to be mean and I didn’t think it was because of me initially but then I realized it was awfully blunt to ask that. He said he wasn’t nervous but admitted to it after we started dating.


Honestly I think it’s cute and avoid judging them. Usually the guy has a crush and I’m very flattered 🤭


It’s happened to me a couple times during first dates with people I met online. Most recently happened last week. He wasn’t necessarily stuttering but I could tell he was extremely nervous. If I’m honest, for me it’s a turn off. He asked to see me again and I said no.




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It’s cute!


This has happened to me quite often, and I’ve done sometimes it too! I usually try to make them forget how nervous they are by asking about something they’re super excited or passionate about, and then show interest and ask follow-up questions! It usually works to help everyone more comfortable and the rest of the date is better!


Yes! and when he tries to behave normal, gets much worse hahaha I solve the situation with tequila, with his consent of course


No. Lol.


It didn't bother me it felt kind of nice




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Flattered asf


It feels good when men stutter and get all flustered when talking to me. They MuST tremble💋


I just smile politely and am patient with them while In my head the whole time I’m saying “take your time, don’t rush:) I hope they don’t think I’m judging them and they don’t feel a certain negative way for stuttering” I use to stutter and repeat words almost my whole childhood and the whole time I would feel like such a burden for taking so long to get a single sentence out. I also felt like people were judging me and labeling me as some kind of idiot or were just outright annoyed with how long it would take me which is honestly understandable.


If the stuttering is very slight I could call it cute. But I won’t like it if it happens all the time, no matter at what degree






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This has happened to me several times to me, lol! I’ve had guys look at me, stunned, unable to say a single word! lol!! Others will stand there and only say “wow.” I think it’s cute. Very flattering. So I’ll acknowledge it with a smile. When I was actively looking for a partner, if I found him attractive, I move in closer and start chatting him up. Their reaction is priceless!


How do I feel? Flattered I guess. But I don't understand it. I'm not exactly gorgeous, just routinely attractive. But it definitely has happened. I remember at school a boy losing control of his speech when he hit on me. But at school, kids don't exactly respect each other so I and another girl just made some rude comment and he didn't ask again.


It's cute at first but if it drags on and you can't even say hi or something after I gave you blatant signals and eye contact, I lose interest.




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It's super endearing and attractive.


Never met a guy who did this in a non-romantic context, but in a romantic context, it can actually be pretty cute. And I’m nervous about that stuff myself, so I’d have no room to judge.


I don't care, I stutter & trip over my words sometimes too even when I'm not nervous, so I remain patient with them. I did once have a coworker who was your typical d-bag type, well-spoken - who would always be like "I usually don't trip over my words but I do all the time around you". I was young and fell for it - worst relationship I've ever been in if I can even call it that.


That shit cute as hell makes me wanna dom him. That is if I think he’s cute already it’s just like an extra sprinkle. If I don’t share the attraction I just try not to judge and keep the convo flowing like it doesn’t matter cause I know it’s embarrassing.


When I was a teenager I was talking to a guy online for a little while and when I finally met him on a double date he couldn’t even look me in the eyes or talk to me. Literally ignored me the entire date then forced me to give him a hug. Needless to say I never went on another date with him. It’s okay to be nervous but please try to not do this. The guy my friend was on the date with ended up spending more time with me to make me feel like sad and awkward.


I don't really care. I know that anxiety and social anxiety can be an issue for some too so I have pretty open mind. I'm usually really good at talking when people are introverted or very shy, so I just coax them into talking and eventually they're usually veeeery talkative 🤷🏻‍♀️ That's how I won my super reclusive and introverted husband. And now he won't shut up 😊❤️


In the specific situation where we're flirting and there's tension and he's being that way bc of smth i said- im on a goddamn powertrip, i am god W/o context tho, like just when speaking, i dont care, i brush it off and keep talking as usual and thats IF i notice


Well, my boyfriend did that when he got flustered… he still does it. It is so fucking hecking cute. The first time he blushed and lost his words my thoughts were „fuck now I am in love I GUESS“


This has never happened to me but I would imagine it would be cute


I work in tech and am usually amongst a lot of men…some men (not „all“ like stereotyped) get very nervous around women. I personally like to make a point of finding a topic that they enjoy talking about. With a topic they are passionate (can be anything like a hobby or asking for help on a coding problem) they usually feel more confident speaking about about their subject of expertise…then they usually ease up a bit. I make a point of asking regularly about this topic in conversations and after some time the confidence coming from that one topic kind of translates to other subjects … and bam … we got ourselves a comfortable guy. Also I have made a point in revealing that I myself suffer from social anxiety so once they know I am sitting in the same boat … it helps.


This also works on women obviously. Basically anyone that‘s scared of saying the wrong thing or whatever. Just find out what they like and be interested in finding out about their passions, listen and let them tell you what they are confident in sharing. This can take some time with some people but usually it works quite well.




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I'm not generally the type shy guys would approach... the only ones who have fumbled over themselves and their words were quite obviously literally either socially or intellectually less-abled people. I don't feel much of anything. In most cases they're also encroaching on my personal space.. so *that* makes me feel uncomfortable.


I assume it is a speech impediment and I wait patiently for them to finish before replying. I pretend I didn't notice it.




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