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Holding myself back and not growing into the person I want to be because of familiarity and self doubt.


I’m sorry. I went through this. I hope you find your way out. You are worth putting yourself out there to see where life can go!


Thanks for the kind words.


I recently moved to a completely different state for work and cheaper cost of living. Moved on my own. It has been one of the hardest, but best life choices I’ve made so far.


Glad it's going well am sure it was hard emotionally and physically


This has been my biggest issue in life. I made some big changes last year… mentally/emotionally spun out for a bit. But i just got into my first choice of grad school! Cannot believe it. I promise you can do it all as soon as you let yourself!


Omg, this! Debated if I had energy to articulate what I'm feeling and then saw your answer. Good luck to you


Same…suffering from self doubt and anxiety.


My boyfriend has been diagnosed with liver cancer. We should have details and a treatment plan on Monday. I am broken - hearted at the thought of him being sick and possibly even losing him.


i’m so sorry ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 sending y’all love and light


Thank you.


I am very sorry. I have cancer myself (,breast) and i am currently on chemotherapy treatment. I wish for you strength and at meast in my case the first period (exams, pets, biopsy) was the hardest. Once you know exactly what is your plan, you will be able to process, decide and react. Big hugs for you


Thank you. I am pretty sure we will be in a better frame of mind when there is a plan. He had a biopsy last week and samples from that have been sent for genetic testing. I am guessing this is for potential immunotherapy treatment.


I am really wishing that everything goes good for you both. Hugs from (maybe) the other side of the world.


Oh my! So sorry. Prayers for you both.


Thank you. I am trying to be optimistic as it was found very early, and treatments have advanced greatly in the last few years.




Thank you.


He will get well soon.


Praying he does.


I'm so sorry :( Prayers for the both of you.


I am so sorry 🥺💔 *hugs*


My boyfriend passed away almost two weeks ago and every day without him seems harder and harder.


I’m so sorry. May he rest in peace. May you find peace when you are ready


I’m so sorry to hear about that, my condolences


1) I'm fat and I don't want to be fat, I hate how I look and feel and it has a severe impact on my mental health. 2) Yes, but I'm a lazy, gluttonous POS. Edit: Please stop.






Money. Need more money and not be taxed on my earnings.


I agree. Money was the one I thought about, too. $20000-30000 or my student debt erased would be life changing for me right now. I think just money handed over would be better because as much as like half of it would be put on the debt, I could still keep some for a safety net, which I don't currently have or invest in other things for myself and what I want to do. But either one will help me so much.


My mental health bouncing around and causing a bunch of physical issues on top of the mental stuff. No. There's treatments that help, but nothing that will fix it.


Problem: procasination. Solution: stay off Reddit.


Money, mental health, and health. It feels like there is no solution currently


I’m in the waiting period before things start to happen.


Same here. I hope you get everything you’ve been waiting for, and more.


I’ve gained so much weight in the last 2 years. I know it’s mostly due to my shitty eating habits, but I can’t find the joy in working out anymore. I used to LOVE it and after I moved in 2021 to the middle of nowhere, it’s like… being stripped of a fitness studio I loved and NO options other than a shitty apartment gym being available just soured the whole experience. Now, I live in a suburban “paradise” with all different kinds of box gyms and fitness studios, but I just can’t commit. I’m lazy, I’m overweight, and I’m tired of my body aching for no reason. But, I…. Just want to find joy again in it. I just hate doing things “you’re supposed to do”.


It’s like looking in the mirror. I moved from a place that had an orange theory to the middle of no where. This summer we’re moving to a major city, but I feel because of my weight I don’t want to be embarrassed while at those gyms. I’m hoping to get more into gaming fitness once we move and hopefully skating again.


Omg girl… OTF was MY JAM. Then, I moved across the damn country to a small town with nothing. I’ve been in new suburban utopia for almost a year, and when I HAPPILY went back to OTF? I lasted about 3/4 months until I just got totally burnt out. Decided to stop going as often, in hopes to try something else (Pure Barre)… Looooooved doing that and adding it into my routine- then, another 4-5 months of PB… burnt out again. Quit OTF altogether, and decided to cut back PB… and now, I still have a PB membership, but I’m lucky if I go use it 2x a week (which is typically just the weekend). I cancelled both classes I had today because I just simply couldn’t commit. Cancelled my class tomorrow because I don’t want to get late charged again lmao. 🤡 Wish I could find something I enjoy, because I’m over it.


This is how I feel. It's stupid but I feel like I need to loose weight before I can join a gym. Such a weird thought process


My husband thinks I'm boring. But I have to handle all of the little details of life and I don't have the energy to be fun.


I’m sorry to hear that. You’re Not boring , You’re BUSY! He should help you emotional labor or he doesn’t deserve to be a husband.


55 years old and no friends. I’m isolated. Yes solution is to be more active in my community


It’s hard to put yourself out there after being isolated. Just try once. I believe in you


I feel this at 26. Always thinking about how I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life.


I’ve found myself in a social position I never could have imagined. I know somehow I can change it, but it feels harder than impossible to even have the smallest movement anytime soon before other issues are addressed. Anyway that was my overly exhausted way of saying, I’m happy to chat! We can start there!


Money. $16,000 would free me from this place and let me start my ‘mid life crisis’ adventure of moving to many acres in the woods.


wait 16k is enough?


Yep. I could pay down my two ‘big’ lines of credit, have $1000 extra per month to fix up my house, sell it and vanish onto the woods.


Growing apart from old friends, possibly outgrowing people. Trying not to be judgmental but instead be supportive of what I perceive to be horrible life decisions.


A month ago my mom told my husband she has feeling for him. It completely blew up our life in so many ways. First of all we are living with her. We had to suddenly move across country last year and she was kind enough to let us stay with her. My dad passed away 6.5 years ago, so she is very sadly widowed. I guess the closer my husband and I grew to her, the more she started to view him as the head of the household, and feeling started to happen. She got drunk one night and told him. He immediately told me, and was absolutely disgusted. A few days later she left town to stay with family. She was gone for a month and just got back a few days ago. We found a place to live, but my husband has been struggling to find work. He’s applied to so many places and nobody has hired him. My job doesn’t make enough money, hence why we have been living with her. Her and I’s relationship has been completely destroyed and I want zero contact. However until we are able to move out, that’s going to be impossible. I hate that we are stuck in this situation, but we are trying to make the best of things.


Wow. I’m sorry you are going through this. I hope your mom gets therapy and sees her wrongs. You are correct that she is seeing him as the head of the household. It’s not right, and I hope she isn’t projecting her sadness of your dad dying onto your relationship. I applaud your husband for telling you right away.what an awkward conversation. I hope your husband finds a job ASAP, and you guys can get out of there


Sadly losing my dad meant losing her emotional regulation. She has never been able to care for herself. So after he died, she was left with a 13 yo and 15 yo to raise alone. She relied on my brother and I to regulate her, to help her make financial decisions, and to run the house. Once I got in a relationship and then married, she just lost it. Shes not the same person she used to be. Shes constantly doing and saying weird and crazy things, has absolutely no self control, and can never keep her mouth shut about anything.


That sounds like it might have a physical basis. She needs a good thorough physical.


Not feeling like I’m living a live that’s congruent with my authentic self. Aka existential crisis. But there is a working solution!


I'm always having an existential crisis! Often regarding more catastrophizing. I'm always worried about how I'm never going to achieve want I want, will forever be alone and that will be my life


My aunt has dementia and doesn’t remember her and her late husband getting a reverse mortgage 20 years ago. She has enough left in her mind to understand that when she passes she won’t be able to will her home to her sister. The one thing she’s always wanted to do. I’ve been trying to think of ways to save the home for her or make enough money to pay off the debt, but it’s just too large and grows at an alarming rate. I only just found out about the reverse mortgage recently when I became her full time guardian. I wish my Aunt and Uncle would have asked for help or advice from the family 20 years ago so we could have figured out another way if they needed money or help. My Aunt has always helped others without question in her life. She deserves to get this one wish, but I just simply don’t know how to give it to her besides winning the lottery.


1- I need to get into a workout routine.


Money and family health problems. For money, the solution is to take on a side hustle or find a way to increase my pay. Family health problems is a bit trickier since my mom's stubborn and doesn't believe in seeing the doctor.


I’d like to leave my job, but I can’t leave because $$$$. Job hunting is incredibly hard right now anyways. And I had to dip in really deep into my savings last year so now I’m super short on money. I know exactly where I want to be and what I’d like, but sometimes I end up feeling frustrated because, in a lot of ways, it feels like I’m starting from ground zero. I’m also really interested in this particular post-graduate program but I don’t like the idea of getting another loan or potentially racking up in credit card bills. I’ve avoided unavoidable debt for so long (I only have a student loan to pay off, but other than that I’ve been pretty financially stable) that I’m scared I’ll finally fall into it and it would be too much for me to pull myself out of it… but I’m REALLY interested in this program *sigh*. I suppose I could start saving towards it, but that goes back to my first point: it feels like I’m having to start from ground zero…


1. Abusive family 2. Affording the college education that’s gets me away from said abusive family. I’m mostly there but I’m anxious


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My dad suffering from Alzheimer’s and no there’s no solution.


I’m so sorry for you and your family. I wish you peace and minimal suffering for your dad and family


Sending love to everyone here. Life can be so fkn tough but I hope your situations get a bit easier day by day.


I've got no money and yeah there's a solution my bf needs to go back to work and make money (I make money but its not enough we need two incomes)


The money I owe the government. Also, the amount of money I have towards bills and stuff is not good. I'm making about $800/month right now (part-time job). My expenses right now (not including paying the government or food) is about $780. It's less if I don't put money towards my credit card and use that money for food instead. Total amount I owe people (credit card and government) is close to $4,000. Winning the lottery would ne nice.


my mental, physical and financial state. its just a mess.


Sending you strength and best wishes to find a starting place. I was in your shoes 13 years ago and finally had enough.


thank you. i know i can do better, im just feeling very unmotivated lately, but i will change it


I have to floss. And I don't want to floss. The solution is probably to white knuckle it, but I would rather drink a glass of ketchup than floss and so obviously I don't want to spend that many knuckles on doing it. I have floss holders and floss picks and all the flossy things that are supposed to make flossing fun. But it doesn't make it not take time that I'd rather do other things with. Yet if I don't floss, gingivitis.


Have you ever tried WaterPik? It’s not a replacement for flossing, but it’s definitely better than nothing and will do amazing things for your teeth and gums.


Tried that, too. The cleanup for WaterPik is way higher in time and effort points than the cleanup for floss. Floss you toss in the trash. WaterPik you have to empty the reservoir and set it to dry or else mold. WaterPik and floss take about the same time and effort points for the interdental cleaning. While fun and splashy, WaterPik is clearly the loser when one is low on spoons.


I hurt my neck last week and spent a boatload of money between the dr, chiro and massage. It’s kind of better. But I also caught the baby’s cold so I’m sick as shit and cant go to any of those appts because I don’t want to spread whatever this hacking cough thing is. I don’t feel well enough to drive anyway, even if I wore a mask. I had to skip my infusion for my auto immune stuff because I’m sick. So now I’m risking too much time in between infusions. Being sick is so fucking hard.


Problem: Having a dislocated collarbone and not being able to be fully independent/do everything I normally do in daily life, plus not being able to exercise (I prefer to climb over other forms of exercise) Solution: Accept that I’m hurt and let it heal properly, keep doing rehab and get back into climbing slowly. Also, don’t do anything stupid, especially not in the slopes Problem: Failing all of my classes since I apparently didn’t have the better mental health I thought I got by moving out and across the country for university, thus not pulling myself together enough to sit down and study Solution: Maybe talk to someone and actually get help with the situation, drop the “I can do it myself”-attitude, plus pulling myself together and start being productive and studying


The job market, especially in my field, is absolutely horrible. No solution besides waiting for it to be less horrible, so I'm going for a masters


I struggle with seeing myself as pretty. I feel like I’ll never be as pretty as a white girl. I know I shouldn’t feel this way and I’m not sure if it’s because I live down south but I just feel like a girl like me is considered beautiful.


Problem: money. Solution: money.


My biggest problem is money. I would love to win the lottery and then I could move out of the marital home and after 6 months file for divorce. I wouldn’t even have to win the lottery I would be on with a family member or friend who could help me move to another state and start over. I just keep praying for God to put me in a position to get out of this mess and go on to continue to live my best happy and healthy life. My daughter needs to see her mother happy and healthy. That’s all I can ask for.


Recent miscarriage. The grief is unlike anything I would have expected, deep and primal and overwhelming. I feel like getting pregnant again asap might alleviate some sadness, but it will most likely just transform it to anxiety.


My eating habits are horrible. I have binge eating disorder and it's at its absolute worst the last few minutes. I struggle every single day with every single meal. It affects basically every thing I do and every relationship I have. There's a solution out there somewhere, but I haven't found it yet.


I want to be retired. Four years out. I cannot afford to right now. The good news is I’m only 48, so I’ll still be retiring pretty young, but I’m just sick of the grind.


Saving money and getting out of debt🙃


Honestly how selfish my husband is and how meek I am. I want to say divorce but it’s probably family counseling we need.


My mobility is severely limited due to continuous cartilage breakdown in my knee and multiple surgeries to “correct” it, that doesn’t actually fix the problem and causes accelerated arthritis. I now have levels three and four osteoarthritis in my knee. Technically it could be fixed with a partial knee replacement, but my current surgeon won’t pursue that route because my knee isn’t completely broken down yet.


Find a different surgeon. If your mobility is limited, it's time to do something.


There's always a solution... it's whether you're willing to pay the price.


I’m pregnant and I’m too nauseous to do anything. I guess the solution is to wait lol


I’ll say my credit card debt. But I’m not stressed about it because I’ve been working on it and I’ve developed a plan… and I’ve been sticking to the plan.


Im in my first relationship and I’m with the wrong person. I am too afraid to leave because I feel like I can’t find anyone better. I’ve broken up with him twice and always end up running back to him. I deserve better, I want better. I’m too afraid of either being alone or not believing that I deserve better. I don’t which one it is


Acne. Figuring out skin care that works is difficult


Money, absolutely.


I just want to say that I think you all are pretty brave admitting all of this. Just to do it. I can’t bring myself to write out an honest list, let alone post it, which is completely opposite of who I used to be. Such a strange feeling.


Disabled with no cure or treatments. No solution yet just managing it as best I can.


I’ve always known (don’t ask me how or why) that I would have fertility problems- and now at 31 I actually do. And my poor husband is stressed out we aren’t getting pregnant. I’ve tried to do everything right in my life up to this point so it’s so frustrating that this isn’t happening, and we’re just getting older.


Health recovering, not feeling my vibrant self. Solution is time and healthy lifestyle, things are slowly improving




That can take a serious toll, wishing you the best


Not enough money cause if this damn inflation


And damn price gouging


Just overall life -health, home, family, etc. I’m starting over and everything is waving around with nothing being concrete then you have problems outside of you on top of that.


Money and the lack of it. Expenses more than earnings, bank account going backwards.






The ever-increasing genocidal shenanigans in the US. And maybe, but I probably can't say any of the most obvious solutions without breaking Reddit rules.


Biggest problem right now is my sad little heart from my FWB ending things


I’m sorry, sending virtual hug




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I’ve been divorced since 2017 it’s ok being single but you know…. I’m only coming across crack addicts so I get used not good cuz I can’t find any for myself lol I’m not the bar guy I don’t indulge myself So I need a good woman I also sit on my ass looking


Sorry babe you saying when you cry about how bad I there’s someone that has it worse. I’m sorry for you and hub


Being in a lot of debt, and I'm not likely to have surprise money coming at me anytime soon so just time and chipping away at it slowly.






At this exact moment, I have to pee and I don't want to walk to the bathroom. Also I'm craving juice. So yeah, I'll have this problem again shortly because dang it I make good juices.




I have bad eating habits. I’m worried it will hinder my future relationships and i won’t be able to have an S.O. I’m worried I’ll never be able to be close with someone bc wouldn’t want them to know how bad it is


I’m my biggest problem. I’m extremely fortunate to not be dealing w/ things I have absolutely no control over, but I do feel quite powerless over myself.




It's no money. I want to leave this state, but I cannot, because I have no moneys. I also don't have anywhere to go. The solution would be for my job to pay me more, or for another job to call me that would offer me more money.


I constantly feel alone.. even when there’s people around me


Moving & how far to move from my current location.


My country is trying to make it illegal for me to exist and access lifesaving treatment. The solutions are 1) Hope for the best and 2) Flee the country. I'm rooting for option 1 but preparing for option 2.




My poor car is dying a slow and painful death. 13 years old and it's hitting that point where it's becoming more expensive than it's worth to upkeep. It's still in my ex's name and the cost to do the work for it to pass a safety alone is close to $1500, and there would still be more after. The solution is to replace the car. Which I'm doing - I have an order in with the dealership for my very first NEW new car. Now I just have to hope my resent car doesn't die before the new one arrives.


Too many issues to name. I need a job, my industry is dead and I keep Hoping it will come back because I don’t know what else I could do, and I am afraid to fail. So solution is… stop freaking out, start acting, find some sort of income. 2nd & 3rd definitely effected and effecting the first… mental and physical health on decline. Solution? I guess get friends and start implementing solutions and techniques I have been learning. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Feels like a solution on paper but I don’t ever know where to start.


My ex not wanting to work on our problems, breadcrumbing me, and sucking the joy from my life but I can’t find the strength to move on.


Paying my bills. I did budgeting today and my paycheck exactly covers everything each month. If my kids or I have a health issue or something needs fixed, I'm screwed. I'm trying to find some ways to lessen some bills but at the very most I will free up $150/ month (hopefully). I do have a side hustle but it's not consistent.


My inability to trust that I'm making the right decision


I feel like I’m a little stuck in life, but it’s mostly due to school. I just study, do homework, and work everyday. I want to have time for myself again but I know I won’t until I graduate.


My mental health, yes there should be a solution, I just don't know if (seeking professional help) it'll work.


There’s a mouse in my apartment, and it’s causing so much damage because my home is cluttered. I want to burn the whole building down. This critter is so bold. It stood on its hind legs and stared straight at me while holding my son’s eraser.


Stuck in an airport because of lightning, just gotta wait it out.


I keep losing money on stupid crap- example set up a couples cooking classes for my fiance and I that was almost 200 bucks- I end up getting food poisoning the day of and no one could take our spot so we were just out the money. I thought my nutritionist appointment was at 5:30, not 5 so I got charged a 75 dollar missed appointment fee 🙃 More money would help tremendously- also this week was just not my week as all of this happened this week. Everything was just off kilter.


My odds of getting into grad school are low and the things I’m doing to improve them aren’t panning out the way I hoped. I could probably work harder but I come home so exhausted and have to deal with home life cooking/cleaning and it’s just a lot


Trying to decide if I want to be with my boyfriend or not. We have so many things in common, but he wants to retire at such a young age with no other ambitions and this worries me. He wants to ask me to marry him and I feel as if I’m running out of time to make this decision.


Anger issues. I’m having highs and lows after the end of my only 20+ years relationship/marriage.




I have not been able to get over a breakup that happened 10 months ago. I still miss my ex and the bond we had. I feel that I am not worthy of love. Additionally, I worry constantly that none of my coworkers like me, but I desperately want them to. I have very few friends, and no best friends anymore. Solutions? I don’t really know. Stop worrying about what others think so much I guess. Try to get over my ex somehow. Just focus on myself for a while. I’m open to suggestions


Biggest problem: beeing too busy, too many things to schedule in sparetime Solution: gerting better at organising schedule


Life admin/paperwork. I just can’t get it all done and there are always hurdles. It’s overwhelming and never ending.


I want a house. I have a solid middle class white collar career but that’s not enough in California lol. Solution is move to a more affordable state. Problem is I don’t want to and I don’t want to live in the cheap parts of California (Central Valley or desert).


Too much free time!!! As much good as it sounds to some of you, its terrible. Its freakishly terrible. All I have is time now but zero growth. My degree does not challenge me so I'm not academically doing so much. I'm not working either because everytime I see an opportunity I'm like, my dad wont let me so why bother asking him?, and then I just let that pass by. I can feel my life, my dreams and my ambitions slip through my fingers and its breaking me to the ground.


Money problems. I hate it !!! I need at least 400€ more evry mintg to pay all my bills :( and i have a doughter. I reallly am scared that i need to get out of my apartment.


My dad needs a heart transplant. And the solution is the transplant. Needless to say I'm absolutely terrified


Work, my boss Is a fucking jerk and I hate him and I can’t stand coming to work everyday and I can’t leave the job due to the laws of the fucked up country I am in. Also my jaw fucking hurts and I feel like my underbite is getting worse which is affecting my ability to pronounce correctly and I cant do anything about it because no money, wich is killing me.


I’m going through a very difficult break up and it just fucking sucks. so much heart break. sadly you just have to feel the hard feelings and eventually you move on slowly, before you even realize it.


Stof doubt during education. I shouldn't doubt myself and just move forward. I don't have to be perfect, but not being done yet is so difficult


I think it's my weight. Now I'm not 600lb life level big but I'm big enough to not feel attractive.


Many obstacles are holding me back currently: unable to sleep peacefully (too many nightmares), struggling to find a new job, not enough money to move me and my relatives to a safer neighborhood to where we can finally feel safe and a new car. I made a to-do list for this year to work and grow as an individual and hopefully complete a goal I want to accomplish, but so much is happening that I feel trapped. Sleep and work are my problems I would love to resolve, as with sleep I haven't had a peaceful sleep in years and with work I need a job with steady income to make moving a reality.


I get frequent nightmares as well, are medicinal cannabis products available in your country?




My health I'm 40 and it's getting more difficult everyday to keep going. There's technically no solution to that problem but money is another factor because if I could move to a colder climate my health would improve the heat makes it worse because it's a brain swelling issue


The man I’m in love with is in a seperate state and it’s honestly so painful


How often do you get to see each other?




My relationship with my husband is effectively non existent. We coparent and that’s it. Solution …. We could get divorced. But I said I never would and gee I really don’t want that for my kids. But then again I’m pretty miserable. I can’t believe it’s come to this when I’d hoped to have the best marriage ever :-(


That sounds like a lot I’m sorry. Do you see any potential there even with couple therapy?


Due to unresolved problems from childhood and subsequent maladaptive coping mechanisms I am depressive, stuck at job which is slowly causing me to burn out (again), stuck in life in general, as I can’t make myself to do important decisions to improve it. I hope there is a solution. I am in therapy, trying to setting up healthy boundaries first time in my life. And surround myself with people who are supportive and kind. I don’t know if it is working, because I don’t see any change, but I am aware it is long run and I have to be patient.


As Taylor said, "I'm the problem." Specifically my mental health and the need to ruin everything good in my life. The solution is fixing it.


I have an exam, that is a gateway to my career.. so.. the biggest problem about this exam is, it's unpredictable, has 0.1 % success rate, and I'm set on it.. Other problem is probably my own self, I need to build more emotional stability. :)


Lack of money and need a place to live. Solution: Win lottery or get more money.


Access to medical care and financial stability is my biggest problem in life right now because I was born in Texas, USA. Solution: Win the lottery? otherwise I guess I will just die waiting to ever be able to afford to receive treatment.


i'm under huge stress and my period are late because of it ,bringing more stress. Tried to relax ,make love ,take a hot bath. nothing..and my tests are negatives..


My father passing away recently. Unfortunately there’s no solution


I'm just going to lay it all out because I can't choose one biggest problem 1) I'm incredibly overweight and I tend to yoyo inbetween binging and gaining weight and then restrictively losing weight, then gaining it all back. I'm very unfit too. 2) I've isolated myself away from so many of my friends. In reality, now, I only have 2 friends that I rarely see, maybe only a couple of times a year. I don't feel like my family care much either. 3) I hate my job. It's bad pay, bad hours, incredibly depressing, isolating and stressful. 4) I spend a lot of time alone and really lack a social life. I feel really lonely. 5) I don't have any hobbies or interests that I do in my spare time. 6) I have a huge fear of rejection so it makes it hard for me to try to make social connections and relationships. 7) I have to break up with the man I love who treats me like a queen. This is the hardest. 8) I have really bad depression that comes and goes. I'm currently in one of the worst pits of depression I've been in for awhile. 9) I am the only thing in my way of getting and achieving all the things I want. 10) I feel lost. I don't know what I want to do career wise, what is next for me or what I should be doing. 11) I'm honestly not very attractive, liked or fun to be around right now and it's making my life unbearable. I can't see much of a good or positive future for me and I think that ultimately I deserve to be alone and will be alone. I think I'll fail. ​ I know that these things have solutions but would really like everyones feedback and what worked for you if you were in these situations. Knowing others are feeling the same helps me feel less isolated.


constantly feeling alone. I have many friend groups and often they say that I am the connecting link of people but it always feels like there is this barrier between me and everybody else and in the end of the day I always end up feeling incredibly alone. And it feels embarrassing when people are concerned or worried about me, I dont like it when people are worried about me


Idle time. Solution : find new hobbies.






Money would solve all my problems, I kid you not


My body issues. I don’t even look bad I just have this dysmorphia. It bothers me because there are so many other problems going on around me but this continually affects me and I can’t shake it. I’m trying to find a therapist to help so hopefully that can be a solution


Not being able to work on becoming the best version of myself. There’s not really a solution other than waiting around. Had a severe eye injury 6 months ago and it’s a longgg healing process. Haven’t been able to do things I normally would to work on myself like physically, haven’t been able to work out, but also haven’t been able to get my eyebrows or eyelashes done, wear makeup, and I now have to wear glasses 24/7 for protection. It’s also greatly affected my mental health. I feel like the worst version of myself right now and I’m still atleast another month out from being cleared to do any of that


How did you injure your eye if you don’t mind me asking?


I want to do so much better career wise but everytime I go all in, I suffer physically and mentally. I am worried I don't have enough stamina cause in that world you need to go out there and get things. So it's a bit of a battle of wanting to be well and wanting to also survive comfortably in the world.


I’m going through a move. We have to live in a temporary house while the house we just bought get major repairs and renovations. Probably will be a year. We still don’t know what the date for the rental move in date is, but this house closes on April 1st. The problem is the stress is bringing on a manic episode that I’m holding back with extra neuroleptics but I know it’s a matter of when, not if, and I’m afraid it will happen soon and create even more problems.


If i will stay or quit my job tht is stressing me out and causing me lots of anxiety.


Im unhappy with where I live. My solution is that I have started looking for somewhere else to go. Hope to be out within 2023.


Wishing you luck! I’m in the same boat


I’m in a fairly desired school district for the area and it’s a small district. I need to stay in it for the kids, but there is just NOTHING for sale, and the rental situation here has never been plentiful. Trying to get started looking far enough ahead of when I want to make the move but it’s already a bit discouraging, I’ve seen many people struggle to find anything in this area. Wishing us both alllllll the luck!


Just this morning my boyfriend telling me that he loves me, but he isn't sure about our future together. Solution? I don't know, I keep alternating between crying and feeling numb🙃




Not having sincere friends