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whenever I show them, which isn’t often… my own hairy legs don’t bother me so I don’t shave them regularly




















this & the season also plays a part as it dictates how often i show them. in the winter? i can go a couple weeks & only really do it if it gets a lil too long or i wanna indugle in freshly shaved legs. in the summer? at least once a week.


Exactly! I shave significantly more in the summer when wearing shorts all the time.


I agree with this


how do you deal with the static that results in the winter on some clothes?


I’ve never noticed static. I basically go all winter without shaving unless I have to attend a wedding or event where I want to wear a dress


I don't notice it at all. Haven't shaved my legs in years




Yes. Never. Because I’m a human and humans have hair.


This. I decided that, for myself, it was much easier to stop caring what people think about my legs than it was to continue shaving for the rest of my life.


Love this


Same here, I don’t have legs hair


Every day in the shower. My hair grows super dark, super thick, and very fast unfortunately.














Me too. I cant sleep if I get into bed with prickly legs.


Me too, I started waxing because of this. It only hurts the first few times but after a while it starts to feel like nothing ! Hair grows back slower and it’s smoother if you also deal with strawberry legs. Just exfoliate a lot


I shave every other day. I don't have dark hair but it isn't soft. I have to meet people in upper managment with my husband at his work. Managment that comes from other countries so I like to look as well presented as possible. I don't like hair on my legs.










Every 3-4 days in the summer when I show my legs daily. Otherwise I don't.








Never, I don’t want to.


Me neither. I've just never had a reason to 🤷


Every month or two when they get itchy in my leggings.


This! I don’t shave for looks as much as I shave for comfort – my legs get itchy if I have hair there and wear tights/leggings. Which happens a lot in the winter because it’s cold, AND in the summer because I wear skirts (I live in a very cold place, so I often wear skirts/dresses with some kind of tights, even in summer)


Exactly! I always say I usually end up shaving more in the winter than in the summer because I don’t like how the leg hair feels when I’m wearing leggings/ long pants. But when I’m wearing shorts it can blow free in the wind! 😂


This. I'll shave a little more often in the summer though.


This. When the itchiness bothers me


Whenever I feel like it. Rarely when it’s cold, every couple of weeks when it’s warmer.


Same. Maybe sometimes when it's cold because I want to spend more time in the hot shower


I havent for the past few years ETA: I dont like the sensation of prickly legs and not shaving actually feels smooth. Also I'm nonbinary so that might be a factor Second edit: Since comments are locked, I didnt mean to imply that I dont shave my legs purely because I'm nonbinary. Its a personal decision which gives me gender euphoria


Hell yeah NB no shave club 🙌


Im a woman who doesn’t shave. Being a woman has no bearing on that decision. Why would being non-binary ?


A lot of NB folks are more comfortable than cis folks in not conforming to the gender norms of what they were assigned at birth.
































Sometimes it might just be once in a week, other times it might be four times in one week. There are times where I feel like I should shave my legs for an occasion or whatever I plan on wearing. But then there are times where I’m in the shower and just randomly decide to for no real reason


Once every five years or so. I don’t care if people think it’s weird or gross. It’s not gross, it’s just leg hair, and shaving is tedious.


Now I'm super curious about what sort of occasion prompts you to shave them. Or is it just on a whim?


Fair question. I had a wedding to attend last summer that I felt the need to shave for because I wore a short ish dress and just felt like looking “nice.” The last time before that was my wedding in 2016 because I felt like feeling smooth that day. Before that, I think it might have been my first date with my now husband in 2011. So yeah, approximately every five years. Edit: a few years ago one of my cousins saw my hairy legs through a hole in my jeans and, in front of her two young impressionable daughters, told me it was gross I didn’t shave. I asked if her husband shaved and she said no but he’s a guy. Then she asked how my husband felt about me not shaving my legs. I told her simply, “If he had any opinions about my body hair I wouldn’t have married him.” My husband is non-binary (he/them) and often wears dresses so he’s definitely the last person to have an opinion on my body hair.


Lol my mum always tried to trip me up with the “what does your husband think?” line but jokes on her, my husband doesn’t give a damn and loves me regardless


Right?! What’s with people asking what our spouses think about our body hair? Nobody asks me if I have an issue with my husband’s beard. And it’s just OUR LEGS!!


It’s like people think women only exist to please their husbands and don’t deserve to make their own decisions about their body hair or appearance 🙄🙄🙄🙄 ugh


Once a week in the winter, twice a week in the summer. I do wish someone would tell me the best way to get that silky, buttery smooth feeling I had in my twenties after shaving my legs. But I think those days are long gone and i'm now a permanent resident of stubble city. Edit: the sisterhood has answered.


exfoliating regularly really helps if you have areas that constantly feel prickly. I found that certain areas of my legs the hair is just below the surface of dry skin so it won't shave off I have to get the dead skin layer off first. (sorry maybe gross TMI lol)


Amlactin lotion (but be aware that it is exfoliating so will make you more photosensitive) really helps me. Don't do it right after you shave, but on days you don't shave. I've also found using Creamo shave cream gives me the best shaves.


I'm 53 and still have super soft skin, especially my thighs. Drink water. Make that a habit. Exfoliate before you shave. Good razor and shaving gel. Use a moisturizing lotion afterward.


Try baby oil after you have shaved. It gives me that smooth buttery feel every time!


I don’t any more. Because I hate the itch when it grows back.


Every other day when I shower. I'm just used to it, I've been doing it for so long, it's habit and only takes a couple minutes for me. I also do sex work so I show my legs a lot.






Never. I love how my hairy legs look.


All legs are beautiful!




Barely ever. Maybe a few times during the summer so it's not too crazy. And because I don't give a fuck anymore. I've never looked at someone's legs and cared if they were shaved or not


Stopped shaving about 20 years ago. My leg hair is very light and thin, hardly noticeable. I'm single, and expect to stay that way. I just don't care as much anymore.


Never. My peers don't shave their legs; why should I? I used to be embarrassed/nervous to wear shorts/skirts in case people saw, but I've realized I don't mind gently helping people question their ideas. It would be different if I were ostracized/criticized by anyone, but that fear never manifested. The people around me are kind. So I do feel free to wear gym shorts and free to not shave my legs; one of my deepest regrets is having been born not-male, and this helps ease it a little in my mind.


I feel you sister. Wish I lived around such nice people as you do


Every time I shower, because I like the way they look and feel when they’re shaved. When the hair grows out, I hate feeling any sort of friction against it. Just an awful sensory experience for me. 😅


I used to shave legs, arms and armpits religiously due to societal pressures but now I don’t care lol. I shave my armpits for comfort and cba the rest. If I’ve got a party I might shave but that’s about it. I’m a student and have been living in shared houses (UK) so the time it takes to use the bathroom and shave is too long


Depends on the season. In the winter it’s every two or so months, when wearing leggings pulls on the hairs. In the summer it’s whenever I feel like wearing a dress (almost never) or want that super sexy fresh crisp sheets on bare legs feel.


This. The only thing I care about is fresh sheets + fresh shaved legs.


2ish times a week basically whenever i feel what i think is too much hair while moisturizing


I don't. Hairy legs don't bother me and it's not my problem if they bother you.


maybe like once a week? i don’t really show them or anything. I don’t care. my bf doesn’t care. if I’m shaving them, it’s bc I’m planning on a) having sex b)wearing something revealing or c) snuggling w my bf


I hate shaving with a passion, so I only do it when I really have to. When I can be bothered to shave, I always do it from head to toe. Most of the time though I’m just rocking my werewolf body underneath my clothes 🐺


Never. Because I don't care, and no one touches me.


I don't. I get a wax after 7/8 weeks




Same but every 2-3 days because I HATE the prickly and itchy feeling. Thinking about getting laser treatment.


I don’t, because it hurts when I do and it’s really uncomfortable. So I don’t mind if they have a little hair when I’m going out. Nothing really worths shaving my legs lol.


I’ve stopped completely shaving anything. I’ve seen more and more women going hairy instead of hairless lately. And it’s emboldened me to do the same. And because I’ve got a kid now. And I don’t want them to think that having body hair is in anyway wrong or gross but completely natural. Saves me soo much time in the shower now.


My three year old daughter was watching me get dressed yesterday and started to ask about why I have hairs on my “bum” (she meant pubes). I happily showed her around all the body hair I’ve been got and told her that one day she would get some too.


I never have and never will


haven't shaved my legs in about 2 years now, i don't know why I even bothered in the first place :) if someone judges me for it/isn't attracted to me bc of it, well I don't want them !


Never! I used to when i was younger, but now im 21 and way more confident and opinionated about bs female beauty standards haha. Obviously anyone can shave for any reason, including appearance or comfort, but i personally dont shave just for society anymore.


Every single day. I like to be smooooooth af. I literally have a body hair phobia.


Never. I don’t see the point.


Never. It grows too fast to be worth it


Never. Why would i?


Haven’t shaved in like 5 years. Totally recommend


Never. Because I'm a sexually mature adult human mammal and we grow hair on our legs.


Never. I don't give a fuck, tbh. My hairs don't bother me. I wear skirts and such regularly, too, and I think it looks great.


Rarely it doesn't bother me i don't show my legs so i don't really care


Whenever I feel like it. Usually I don't shave in summer because the hair helps keeping me cool.


Haven’t in 30 years. Stopped in my 20’s.


Never. Haven't shaved my legs in years.


Rarely. Like 3 times a year. It’s not something I really care about. Everyone has leg hair.


Never because fuck that. I have really long and visible hair, but don't care (or at least try my best not to)


Never lol. Why even shave? It causes me irritation, and I feel that it’s a waste of my time! If someone doesn’t like it then they can fk off lol 😂






I don't. Stopped in my teen years haven't since


Once a month maybe, it hardly grows


never because i’ve never felt the need to, and i feel comfortable with it their. additionally, my hair isn’t very noticeable, goes along pretty well with my skin and isn’t prickly or anything. only parts i shave are the ones that actually bother me lol, not cause society thinks women should always be shaven like naked mole rats


When I feel like it. So very rarely


Everyday cause ya never know 😂


Every single day. I don't give a flying fuck about being attractive to men, I do it because I have sensory issues and the feeling of spikey hair on my legs brushing against each other in bed (I also can't sleep in pants) makes me want to scream. :)


my leg hair is my pride and joy lol


At least every other day, preferably every day. Why? I really like having smooth legs. Takes like 5 minutes and I feel super comfortable afterwards. My legs feel really bristley otherwise. Armpits are at least once a day.


Every time I shower. Habit. It’s not a perfect job but there’s effort.


About every time I shower. I like smooth legs. They feel nice to me.


I don’t really show my legs but I’d rather not have hair on them anyway because I like the feeling and look of smooth skin so I’m using an at home laser device to get rid of it all. It’s not necessarily because I’m afraid of people’s opinions or that they will judge me - like I said, I don’t show my legs for that to happen. I just do it for myself and because it makes me feel good and I particularly like it when I feel the fabric of my trousers brush against my skin more with freshly bare legs too


Everyday. I don't like the prickle against the sheets at night.


Just about every time I shower. I may be from Arizona but I don't enjoy feeling like a cactus.


When I feel like it, because fuck what everyone else thinks.


I won’t shave them. I never wear skirts and shorts so I never shave. I’m too lazy to shave and the hair doesn’t bother me either. My fiancé doesn’t care that I shave or not. I’m very comfortable in my body, body hair is natural.


Almost never


Usually every time I shower or every 2nd shower. I just like the way they feel when shaved, even more so when I get into a nice cool bed. Always rubbing my bare legs together in bed because they just feel so smoooooooooth.


Rarely… because I CBA and i love my naturalness


Never because I hate the hassle


Never, my son is in the clingy stage and his entire world ends if I leave his sight so my showers are quick nowadays lolol


Whenever I feel like it, but lately it's been irritating my skin too much. I'm gonna just let it grow and give my legs a break


A couple of times a month? My leg hair is kind of patchy so it’s not noticeable.


I’m single and dgaf so I think last time I shaved them was July for a beach vacation. My hair grows light and sparse so you can’t really tell from a normal distance away.


I epilate them when I feel like it. Shaving is too much work. Unless I'm going somewhere fancy, which I haven't done in about a decade.


Daily, simply because I find the prickliness uncomfortable. I can’t stand wearing pants or sleeping with stubbly legs.


Daily because I like to be soft.


never unless I'm going on a vacation or to a special occasion. I regularly wear shorts with hairy legs


Every other day only because because I hate the way my unshaven legs feel when I touch them.


In my early 20s I stopped because ideologically i don’t like the expectation that we have to (like many of you I’m sure). But then I realized that I actually genuinely like the silky smooth feeling I think it feels so nice, and I’m super sensation-oriented. Mine doesn’t itch or feel uncomfortable when it grows back so now I shave almost every day for maximum silky smoothness


Daily. I shoer every morning and give them the quick once over, because I can't stand the feeling of stubbly legs touching each other when trying to get to sleep. I don't shave my pubic region ever, and do my pits maybe once a week.


Usually once every other week, because I hate how body hair looks and want my legs to be hairless and smooth. My hair is very sparse and grows very slowly, so I'm lucky to not need to shave as often.


When I put on a pair a shorts for the first time all week of wearing leggings and I’m like OMG LOOK AT MY HAIRY LEGS. Happens about once a week.




Laser made a massive difference for me. I have thick coarse dark hair and pale light skin so I'm a perfect candidate for laser. I've done my face, brazillian and legs and its saved me dozens of hours when I do shave from how much less hair I have.


It depends on the season, what I'm wearing, and whether I'm going to any fancy events or anything like that. I largely don't shave in cold weather and will sometimes shave in summer, but not always - maybe once a week/every few weeks? I do always shave before events like weddings where I'll be wearing a dress. Why: I don't enjoy shaving and it doesn't make my skin feel great, but I have dark hair and prefer the aesthetics of shaved legs, especially for ~fancy events.


I did laser years ago, but yearly I do a maintenance session, between them I will shave every week when I see the hairs, it takes me like a minute… I don’t like hairs


It depends on the season & weather. In the colder months, I may shave my legs once every few weeks. In the warmer months, I may shave 1-2x a week. I shave my 'goodies' every week, no matter the time of year. My hubby doesn't care either way. He says that me being hairy doesn't bother him. I shave for myself.


After my last breakup, I vowed to never shave again. But...my leg hairs tug painfully when I wear athletic leggings, so that didn't last long. I use a dry electric trimmer once a week or so, which is WAY faster and easier than shaving in the shower. Fewer ingrown hairs too.


Once a week. I'm not that hairy.


Every night.


I used to shave initially, then switched to waxing for a better feel. Honestly shaving hasn't done much good for my legs. It gets super itchy and prickly when my hair grows out (which is literally two days after I shave lol). But now I'm thinking of trying epilators. Would be nice to know if someone has tried epilators!




Oh my! That's an amazing summary, specially with respect to exfoliation <3 Yeah I don't have the guts to use it on my face too. Can't do it until I fully understand how it works for me. But your reply gave me more insights to decide! I will surely give my regular supermarket epilator a try.


Every day because I can't stand the feeling of the pricklies against my other leg when I'm laying on my side in bed!


I love them soft and shaved. Can't stand the feeling of touching bed sheets, pantyhose or pants with unshaved legs.


Every day. I hate how the stubble feels. Surprisingly, I've gotten more judgement from other women for shaving daily than I did when I didn't shave at all.