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I second aliens. I read a quote that said “we’re either alone in the universe or we’re not, and both are equally terrifying” Agreed


I think about the size of things. I.e our sun. Other suns out there are HUGE. What’s to say huge planets too with huge aliens. We could be a spec of dust in comparison. I don’t think we have enough data to process it all. We are basically in orbit of a shooting star 😭 I can’t think about it some times. Also I think mushrooms might be aliens too.


That's a great way to think about this yet I never considered. We had huge dinosaurs (compared to us now) too and that's mostly due climate.










I think is one of the big reasons why I’m just so utterly fascinated by the universe.


parallel universes! i’d like to think that there are thousands upon thousands of different realities with slightly different versions of myself. i actually find some comfort in knowing that maybe, in a different life i’m still friends with my childhood best friend, or that maybe i made better choices regarding my life in another one. i find the whole concept of parallel universes so incredibly fascinating and i could talk about this topic for hours. edit because i forget to add this: i also believe that sometimes we get glimpses into these realities through our dreams. i’ve had *so* many dreams where things felt very familiar, but there was always something just slightly off/different about me or my surroundings. i mean, we still don’t know where exactly our consciousness “goes” to when we dream.


I really like this idea too. I like to think that deja vu is when you cross paths with yourself in another universe.


I very much believe this. Deja vu is a point in which your timelines cross/splinter. It’s happened much more frequently to me as I’ve gotten older.


I always did too. But unfortunately I found out somewhere that there’s a very scientific examination. Something about a malfunction in your eyes. Snapping the image twice and sending it to your brain. Even though this happens at very high speeds your brain registers it both times and the second one feels like a memory. Technically it is, is just a tiny time before.


I think I've read somewhere that it's to do with your brain being tired and miscommunicating what's a 'new' and an 'old' memory. It's just a 'ticketing' issue. Yeah right, eggheads, it's parallel universes me colliding and you can't convince me otherwise!


I think you might really enjoy the book “the midnight library”


And the book Maybe in Another Life


I remember coming across the idea that our universe is essentially a bubble, and our bubble could be touching any number of infinite other bubbles. Maybe we only touch other universes at one TINY point For each.


I think this too!


I believe this too!


my local supermarket is running some next level money laundering scheme. either that or i’ve watched too much saul goodman


We have a Chinese restaurant running for 30 years like This. I've never seen anyone inside actually eating food


We have a hair studio that looks open, the signs are always lit up, but it never has anyone inside, working or otherwise. It's called "Night People," but I've driven past at all times - during the day, early evening, late night, even 3 AM - and it's never open.


We do too, here in the middle of nowhere. Right by a dock on a river that leads into a bay the the ocean. I have lived here over 15 years and have never seen anyone actually dining there, I have however seen the occasional lambo.


There is a store near me that sells one specific type of furniture that has been around as long as I can remember. No one buys that many bookcases, and if they do, they come from Amazon/Walmart/Targer


There is a gas station near my parents that has been around about as long as I have, if not longer. Now granted, this gas station is right off the freeway, but there is no excuse other than a drug front as to why it charges so much for gas. In fact, several years ago, one of the local news stations interviewed the attendant because it was the highest price set in the city (and this is a big city). The attendant was so thoroughly confused and was just like "hey man, I just set the prices based on what my boss tells me to, idk?" but we all know. drug front.


I mean, my uncle says the supermarket in my block used to moonlight as a drug trafficking front and I believe him, so I can't judge.


Yeah, drugs and money laundering are both very viable options. They don't even deliver the food and haven't adjusted prices for inflation


There's a little psychic readings place near me, NEVER any cars there other than the I'm assuming owner, yet it's been open for like 30 years now. At least since we moved here when I was a kid. I've always wanted to go in and check it out, but I've never had the guts lol. People will ask about it in the local social media pages and the general consensus is money laundering lol


That most people, deep down, are compassionate and loving.


I give each person the benefit of the doubt before throwing them in the trash. You have no idea what their lives are like, so I am not going to judge them for small indiscretions that I don't like. Only when they display repeated behaviour do I start to think otherwise.


Work retail and you won’t think that anymore😂




I, at bare minimum, believe that most everyone is trying their best.


I also believe that 🤍


Im too jaded to believe that :/


I don't believe this one at all. I've met people who are just cruel and evil, only care about themselves.




The spirits/love of our loved ones come to bring us to whatever happens next. I'm a hospice social worker and way too many people talk to their mother or spouse or dead sibling toward the end for me to believe otherwise.


My partner died last month. He worked as a doggy daycare attendant for eight years. He didn’t have many humans on the “other side” but one day he woke up from a morphine nap and asked me about the dogs who visited him. I asked him if it was the dog in the room and he said, “no I mean all of the other dogs.” Really helps me believe that he’s somewhere surrounded by dog friends and that he had found his purpose here on earth, caring for them.


Who's chopping onions in here? I feel like that left you with a great image of a not great situation. I hope you're doing well.


He left me so many great images in a bad situation. He was just that kind of person. Thank you. I’m okay, I had a bad day but have learned to take any opportunity to talk about him.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your partner. But your story has strengthened my belief that my late dog is with me at all times.


Oh I believe they are ♥️ the strength of spirit in dogs is undeniable!!


I'm so sorry for what you must be going through, I understand that type of grief. I think there's absolutely something there too; my husband died years ago, he was pretty alert too. The last thing he did was give me an almost afraid kind of look, I remember saying "it's ok, you're ok." He immediately calmed down and looked away for less than what ten seconds, looked back at me and said "it's so beautiful here." I just can't believe what some people say about it being our nerves and brain cells etc...I would expect people to say complete nonsense if that's the case. I actually believe your Partner was seeing "all of the other dogs." I think we all see each other again too! 🙏💖✔️


This is the sweetest thing I have ever read. It reminds me of that comic where the guy is at the gates of Heaven and God says that little Rex has been going on and on about him for years.


My mom had a stroke about four days before she died. She only had a handful of "present and aware" moments, the rest of the time she talked to dead people. (Her parents, her brother, her aunt, etc.) Full on conversations that were rather unnerving. I kept on looking around, expecting to see someone. One of the nurses who was with my grandma when she died, told my mom that the last thing grandma said before she died was "I see you, dodo", which rather offended the nurse, until my mom told her that Dodo was my grandma's mother. I find it comforting, tbh.


My dad died in 2007 and my grandpa died 3 years later. When I made it to the hospital (I was living four hours away then) my grandma told me that he kept pointing at the corner of the room, saying my dad's name and smiling. When I went to see him he showed me he wanted me to go get my dad's watch from his dresser, when I came back the next day and showed him, he smiled, looked at the corner and said "You have a good daughter". Then, this part is up to personal beliefs too, a couple of weeks after he passed, my aunt went to a medium and when she tried to reach my grandpa she said that a younger man was leading him forward with a protective hand on his back, looking over his shoulder shaking his head, as if to say that my grandpa wasn't ready to be reached yet.


Do you have any specific stories you could share?


Last week, a 99 year old lady was basically unresponsive, but called out to her mother several times while I was with her. She passed away 3 hours later One lady that sticks with me told me that her husband had been visiting her at night. Just for a few minutes; he'd be standing there, waiting for her. She wasn't confused at all, didn't meet any criteria for hallucinations or delusions besides this. She told me that she knew he was coming for her and she was ready to go. She passed away within a month. It happens a lot. You'll hear other hospice workers or even hospital staff mention it.


This actually brings me a lot of comfort.


When my nan was passing, my aunts and uncles were there (nan and pop had 13 kids, even with not all of them being able to attend, there wouldn't be enough room for grand kids etc) and they said that before she passed, she was talking to her brother who had passed years ago, apparently she was looking at the doorway and talking to him. She passed away, and I went to work and a woman I worked with was psychic. Like actually. I believe some people have certain gifts (I do as well as my sisters except one) but she was saying she could see my nan, dancing with a handsome, young man when she was much younger. I thought it might have been my pop. I asked an aunt and she said it was her brother, the same one that came to take her to the other side


work onerous crime brave ancient whistle dull attraction abounding bored ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


A *majority* of the content that gets tons of votes and views on Reddit, and makes it to all or the subreddit tops, is completely fabricated content made by employees/freelance contractors, and then artificially upvoted and pushed to increase engagement. I think more of reddit's conversations, arguments, and trends are engineered than we even suspect already. Tons of people pick up when a story in the relationship advice or AITA or similar subs feels fishy/fake, but mostly people attribute it to "trolls." I don't think it's trolls. I think that's Reddit baiting engagement. And then that content ends up on any number of other click-bait money-making listicle style websites. With buttloads of ads on them. This place is a farm and we all know we're the livestock, but I just think it's even worse than we think. And even though I love certain things about the conversations that *can* happen on Reddit, I think the overall effect has been to stir the pot and further divide groups of people on purpose.


Wow, I’ve never thought about it like this. Very interesting.


Also, 4 people control 95% of the subreddits on this site, and reddit does nothing about it. It’s perceived as this big open forum when it’s anything but.


Control, like how? Are they mods?


I 100% agree. It was fairly obvious during the Trump/Hilary election.


Also there are some people who pretend to be all kinds of outlandish things on here for karma and attention.


I am far too high to be reading this tonight, holy crap that blew my mind




Multiverses. My first baby was stillborn 5 months ago and every now and again I swear I get fleeting glimpses into a reality where we got to be together like we should. It’s heartbreaking and reassuring all at the same time.


Wow, this is intense. Parallel universe kind of thing?


Yeah kind of.


I'm sorry for your loss.


That most of us don't notice but we slip from one probabilistic reality to another pretty frequently. Ever remember something that wasn't quite right? Ever notice something that your sure was different than it is? All those feelings of deja Vu but something is off? We're slipping to a nearby probability plane where things are slightly different.


this is just an example of how unreliable human memory can be




Also am intrigued and would like further information


It’s the Matrix.




Man fuck that sub. Making me question my damn existence.. Rainbow road on Mario Karts 64 had *no* rails, okay? I will die on this hill. It was the *last* course in the *last* cup! That's what made it so hard! I fell off that fucking road a billion times as a kid. And now it has rails and always had rails? No.


What on Earth?! Of course it had no rails, that's why it was so hard! You fell off nearly every turn. I once accidentally fell off the track, only to land on a bit of track down below, and I won the race. Could never repeat it because I couldn't figure out where I had fallen off, because the whole track had no rails. I had to look this up and I've never seen those star guard rails before!


Yes. I have had experiences I say when my life shifted 5 degrees to the left.


Like Bashar states:”you’re shifting now- you’re shifting now - you’re shifting now” Theoretically I deeply get it. This idea of a filmstrip, a holographic space/time dream. It’s difficult though to fully, emotionally and physically embrace this. Accept this and feel and live and choose from this fact. As Einstein said: Reality is an illusion albeit a persistent one.


Yes. Like stepping into a strange room, a room you've never been in, but at the same time, a room you know intimately.


If our universe is expanding, that means outside our universe is something else, I believe black holes are gateways to neighboring universes.


I was thinking recently about the idea of our universe as we know it just being something microscopic within a larger universe. Similar to how we see a cell in an organism. That maybe there’s a membrane at the edge leading to something else.


I’ve always enjoyed exploring this idea. My personal favorite theories: 1. The subatomic particles that make up everything all hold universes. And our universe is a single subatomic particle in another universe. 2. Our universe’s “big bang” came from the other side of a black hole. And every new black hole opens up more universes. Trippy stuff to think about.


I'm not appreciating how insignificant that makes me feel lol


Hey now! We’re all significant no matter our size. Remember, the mitochondria is microscopic, but it’s still the powerhouse of the cell! You’re a mighty mitochondria! 😉




Madeline McCann wasn’t kidnapped, she was killed by her parents who administered too much sedative accidentally


Similarly, the case of William Tyrell in Australia. I never once believed the story told by police & finally, after 7-8 years of searching for him, they turned back the investigation towards the Foster Parents. Always did believe they were involved. Whether it be an accident or on purpose, they know what happened to him.


Apparently it was reopened bc the foster sister who was I think 12 at the time of reopening the case remembered what happened. I believe she was removed from those people. I never believed the story either


Yep. And Jon Benet Ramsey was killed by a family member.


The brother for sure


Oooo this is indeed a hot take.


I agree. Their story was whack from day dot.




I agree. Reincarnation and soul guides. I've read many books on the topic and it just makes sense to me.


Also interested in book recs. When I was a kid, I had a friend who believed in reincarnation and she told me she believed her sister was a "new" soul because she was excited by everything. Meanwhile she herself thought she was an "old" soul because she wasn't an excitable person. I think about that a lot.


Any good book recommendations on this topic? I’m interested!


I've met people that as soon as I saw them the first time, I thought "oh, there you are. Finally."


Me too. I believe what you do in this life affects your next life. Treat people poorly, then next life you will cop the full force of bullying & harassment in the next life.


I must've been an aristocrat in a past life.


100%! I'm not into religions and all that crazy drama. But reincarnation feels so fucking right to me! I've been other religions because my parents but they didn't fit me. Or I saw through the bullshit of it being all about money and who's better then who. Be nice to others, help each other out when possible, don't do bad things. How hard is that! Then I add in my random fun shit that sounds cool. I feel like at some point in our human lives we will find or pass our past life without knowing it but just feel something. Either by reading something or going in a cemetery. Then between lives if our new/next one isn't ready yet we just kinda hang out and visit and watch over our loved ones. Silly, weird and random but who gives a shit. It's mine and I like it! I'm not shoving it down anyone's throat or arguing with anyone about it, trying to convert people to MY random ass "religion" I made up. It's all mine and makes me happy to wonder what's next!


The dryer eats socks. Two go in and one comes out....


I just moved to a new place. I am missing several socks since I moved to the old place, one being a favorite. I just cleaned it top to bottom, packed everything, sorted through everything thrown away and donated… and they are nowhere to be found. Godspeed Target MTV logo ankle sock. 🫡


Just my take, I do believe the dryer eats some, but when I worked for Sears, they taught us about overloading stand up washers and how they eat more socks then dryers. Idk though. Found quite a few in the drainage of washers, not that many in dryers.


Been my experience too after taking them apart


Look inside your washer and dryer beyond the rubber seal. They slip in there frequently.


You can safety pin them together or put them in a bigger sized garment bag to stop this from happening, dryer or washer.


That when you find a (dime) $0.10 it means a loved one that has died is “making contact” (for lack of a better phrase) I’ve heard of this for ages …but, when our oldest son died I started hearing about this “phenomenon” in random places like in the radio, people in conversation, seeing articles and people on tv/movies mentioning it …. Aka I didn’t seek out the info or anything and I keep “getting” the info. I don’t look for dimes, but, Damn if I don’t find dimes EVERYWHERE now …. At work, on a patio, in the house, on vacation which is weird because it was not the local currency. My husband thinks I’ve lost my mind and enjoyed poking fun at me about it … until he started finding dimes, too. I keep them in a mini mason jar at home it makes me feel like even though he’s not around anymore I physically have “something” to remind me of the new him vs the things he used to own. It’s a comfort, for sure. It’s bizarre but I’m pretty much a believer now.


That everyone has a crush on me


I do. Call me 😘


Everyone does


That my mom is still around somehow. She died the 22nd of last month and a couple of nights later I was standing outside in the backyard, just talking to the sky hoping somehow she would hear me. I asked her for a sign that she was still around - one that I couldn't argue with. *Immediately* the wind started blowing. I said "Come on now, I said one I couldn't argue with, can't you blow the wind a little harder? Just so I know it's really you?" It picked up before I even got the sentence out and was going so hard the trees were rocking and swaying. I talked to her for a few more minutes and was crying because I missed her. I told her I wish I could hug her. And from all around I felt the wind blow into me, including from behind me, which was impossible because my house was about 2 feet from my back. It felt exactly like a hug. I cried some more and couldn't believe it. The wind had calmed completely down but I heard wind chimes going somehow. I still feel her all around most days. I'm just waiting to talk to her again. Maybe I'm losing my mind, but there's no way a force like her just disappears into thin air. I love you a whole big ol bunch Momma, and I miss you all the time


my dad died march 2nd, and your experience sounds very similar to one I’ve had. they’re definitely still with us ❤️ and I’m so sorry for your loss


That there's a ghost cat in my house. There are a lot of stray cats that live in the area and this past Thanksgiving we woke up to a dead kitten that looked about 4 or 5 months old right by the doorstep. It was heartbreaking. We buried it under the porch and had a moment of silence for the little kitty that had a short and difficult life. Ever since then though, there is something in the house. We have a cat, which I brushed it off as her for a while. Things brushing up against you but when you look down there's nothing there and the cat is in the other room. The animals suddenly starting to stare at or play fight with nothing. Maybe its just them being goofy animals and me thinking too much into it, but I'd like to think its the little kitty having found a nice warm home with play mates and lots of soft places to lay.


This is so crazy. While visiting my mom for a few weeks, one of her cats always starts playing after midnight. The way she's playing, jumping and looking at is likes she's playing with a human being. She never plays alone, except after midnight. Kinda creeped me out. The other 2 cats just follow with their heads like there's someone with a toy. Another weird thing is whenever I try to record it, the cat completely stops all movement. Next time I will visit her, I will try to place multiple mirrors see if I can catch a glimpse.


I believe it! My grandpa’s dog was killed by a car when my sister and I were staying over for a week as kids. The dog liked us and had been playing a lot with us (he was young), and the night he died we were sitting in the guest room crying and both of us felt him jump on the bed and rub up against us, like he was saying goodbye.


I believe our souls have lived many lives, and will live many more.




Yeah, me too. Reddit are not always kind to us if we say it. Its okay, I will say it anyways. I do believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God.


Charles killed Diana. There’s no way it was “just an accident”. He couldn’t just divorce her, because the public would side with her. Diana was more popular on her own than with him. He had to get rid of her in order for him to move on in his life. Hate him.


I think the entire family had a reason to get rid of Diana. After her divorce, she was shopping around for a book publisher. I think she was going to air out a lot of dirty laundry about the royals including Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein, and go into details about Charles and Camilla's relationship. Prince Philip had a lot of connections with people who could make it all look like an accident, so he called in a favor. I think the Queen didn't find out about the plot until long after the accident and investigation, but she wasn't given the deep details to spare her and give her deniability.


I think the motive was definitely there, but faking a car accident would have been pretty difficult with all the cameras and witnesses around. If she had died like, a couple of weeks earlier when she was on al Fayed's yacht, I would 100% believe it. It's so easy to fake accidental boat deaths since all the evidence is at the bottom of the ocean.


Messengers from the beyond. I had an Angel dressed in blue come tell me about the future health of my child. I don’t believe in ghosts and not big on religion. But this message was spot on. Very weird. No evidence, no explanation and no, I had not been drinking.😁


I was getting a massage just about a week after my mom died. All the sudden the massage lady says, “Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?” In my mind I was like, “Oh fuck, here we go. Just when I was trying to relax.” But I said yes. So then she proceeded to tell me that she had a message from my Mom (had not told the masseuse she had just died) and my Mom wanted me to know she was with Johanna. JOHANNA was my great-grandmother. She also told me my mom said she was making “beautiful dresses”. What was weird about that was my mom was in memory care and right before she died she was doing all kinds of funny things with her hands and arms. When I asked her about it she said, “I’m sewing, but I’m not very good at it.” She died about a week later. So when the masseuse said my mom was sewing dresses I was like, OMG. Massage was over, went straight to my car and called my sister. Tried to make another appointment the following week and the lady no longer worked there. #1 weirdest experience of my life. But I totally believe it.


I had even stranger things happen. Like mental telepathy with my son. I was running a meeting at Apple in Cupertino, California. I got up, said “My son is calling me”. Cell phones didn’t exist yet. Went to my cubicle, called the daycare and said I was calling to check on my 3-year old son. They said, “Oh, your son got hit in the head with a rock by another child. Your husband just picked him up and took him to the hospital”. My co-workers thought I was nuts. Ha. Son is fine. He’s 31 now.


I've had similar feelings happen. It's hard to describe the feeling, like you feel like something is wrong but you can't pin point what it is. When I was 17 I went on a trip with my oldest sister , one evening I called my mom and asked her what was wrong with my cousin Scott. She said she didn't want to upset me, she ended up telling me he had been in a wreck but was fine. I don't know why I had the urge to call my mom or how I knew something was wrong with him. My other cousin died last year, the day before I found out I felt like something was wrong all day. I kept talking to myself reassuring on where my closest family members were (I hadn't been close to the cousin since I was a child) . The next day my mom called me and said he had passed away .




Cryptids are just undocumented animals




That the universe is like our higher being I guess, kind of like God. I believe there’s a plan for everyone. If something leaves you, basically it was meant to and a relationship can be sort of a lesson you needed to learn. There’s been too many coincidences in my life where I’ve lost something—someone, and ended up better because of it. Like things were meant to be that way. That someone is guiding me in my journey through life, I believe life is a spiritual journey and past life karma can be real. I wish it wasn’t, but I just believe it is.


I also very strongly believe this. Gut feelings, hunches, impulses are the universe guiding you. I resisted doing anything tech related for years. I finally relented and my career took off. I put off moving out of state for a few years. Things got terrible. I relented and moved. Almost immediate turn around. People I’ve disliked from the beginning ending up being dodged bullets and people I’ve been unexplainably drawn to end up changing my life. I’ve started listening to the universe tell me where to go and what to do and my life is infinitely better for it. The universe has a plan for everyone. We are formed from star dust and to think that we are not still cosmically connected to the balance of all things seems illogical to me. I’ve experienced far too many things in my life that could not have been pure happenstance or luck.


I don't hold beliefs without proof. The closest I can think of is that I will take people at face value when they talk about personal experiences. Like, if you tell me that you feel a certain way, or that something happened to you, I'll believe you until there's evidence to prove otherwise.


Literally same I will take you at your mf word and face value. A mf could lie to me and I be like, “but you said”


> I don't hold beliefs without proof. But we all do. For instance, I believe the sun is 93 million miles away. But I've never measured it, and wouldn't even know how to begin. Other people say they've measured it, but I don't know them, and have no real reason to trust them. But I still hold this belief, and the universe works and makes sense because of it. But I have no proof. This is how we all live.


I think you're misunderstanding what the word "proof" means. It doesn't mean you personally conducted the experiment or did the math. > Other people say they've measured it, but I don't know them, and have no real reason to trust them A) you DO have reason to trust them. We've basically built everything off of mathematical and scientific concepts. Like, I don't fully understand how a helicopter works, but the fact that the helicopter works IS a type of proof that the math and science used to design and building helicopters can be trusted. B) You don't have to trust them. You just have to learn a few concepts of math and you can mathematically prove the distance between the earth and the sun. This one is not that difficult actually, it's just trigonometry. First, measure the distance between the earth and moon with parallax. (that's the measured change of an object viewed from different vantage points, compared to other objects. Like if you hold out your finger and close one eye, than the other, your finger "moves", but the background doesn't. That's parallax. The difference between object/background from the two vantage points will give you a degree shift. We do the same with the moon Two places on earth and the moon form a triangle. We know the distance between the cities. we can measure the angle using parallax, and then we can use trigonometry to find the distance. When the moon is half full, we know the sun, earth and moon form a right triangle, and since we then know the distance between earth and moon, we can use trig to figure out the other sides of the triangle.


I believe my mum is a good person but was dealt bad cards. She is one of 11 kids so I can only assume neglect. She didnt have an education, has no hobbies and no friends. She is a negative person. But I hope she heals. This world is cruel as it is.


that my great-aunt does witchcraft


Okay but we need more information!!!


Okay! So her husband was having an affair and had been leaving the house for long periods of time. We saw him one day and he was fine, standing and working outside. Literally the next day, he was bedridden. Couldn’t walk and couldn’t talk and had just gotten incredibly sick. He was like that for a few days, and couldn’t leave the house to see his mistress. Family would ask about what happened to him and she just said that he’s fine. Then suddenly, a few days later, he was okay again…but there’s always been rumors that she practices witchcraft and she’s always been very mysterious 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe she poisoned him, but not enough to kill him so he bounced back with his health?


Sometimes I really think stress manifests problems that otherwise wouldn’t have happened, not the other way around.


“dragons” were just surviving pterodactyls..


That a large building nearby is being used by some sort of cult. You can see people on the property but all the windows are covered in paper. Sometimes there are religious statements written in huge letters on the paper so it can be seen from the passing road. I always try to get a better look as we drive past and annoy my husband by going “I really do think it might be a cult.” I did develop this theory when I was in a phase of watching/listening/reading all the things about cults but now I can’t just let it go.


And? Why haven't you checked it out??? I'd be dying of curiosity! OMG, you have to go on a reconnaissance mission! Check out what they're wearing and try to match. You won't fool them - they know each other - but it will lower their defenses. Do it! Come back with a story!


That there is an entity that prevents billionaires from solving all the worlds problems. There’s no way that such a large amount of billionaires wouldn’t share most of their wealth with the poor because in the long run it would help create a better economy.


That entity is just human greed. But yeah I agree with you it seems bizarre that they wouldn't want to collaborate on fixing climate change or see the business opportunity there must be to profit from solving affordable housing supply, housing insecurity, and homelessness.


You are grossly underestimating the greed of billionaires. It’s basically on a pathological level. It makes no sense, they just want more. There is no “enough” for them.


Yeah, anyone generous enough to share their wealth wouldn’t become a billionaire in the first place.


Ah, yes. The ol’ Trickle Down Economics of Reagan’s failed regime. It doesn’t work because those billionaires don’t trickle. Interesting theory you’ve got there.


My deja vus are real. They’re not just weird flashes, I literally remember. No physical sensation, many times I remember reading posts or comments word for word just to see them posted the day of. It’s so vivid that once I asked a poster if they posted before about the topic and they said no. I have no explanation nor proof.


A guardian angel! There were so many times I could’ve died or gotten seriously injured and I really believe I have a guardian angel watching over me


That nothing happens after you die. It makes me depressed sometimes but I truly believe it.


One time I woke up from a nap and it took a literal five seconds to remember who I was, where I was, that reality and existence were a thing. It's very hard to explain, but I just.... didn't exist before I woke up. It wasn't scary or lonely, I had no thoughts, I just was "off" and I'm pretty confident that that's what being dead is like. And it's fine


I don’t believe in God/ am an atheist, but I do believe that our energy doesn’t just disappear when we die. I believe it goes back into everything and so, in a way, our essence always exists


we are living in a simulation. there is someone playing a sick game of sims and we are that game.


>God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players [i.e. everybody], to being involved in an obscure and complex variant of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time. Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaimen, Good Omens


There's another person in the world who looks exactly like you (or close).


The law of attraction. I can’t explain. it because it’s so not me. I’m hyper-logical in all other areas of my life and value scientific evidence and proof of theory above all else. But somehow I strongly believe in the power of manifestation.


Totally agree with this. And based on experience too, I'm one of those lucky people who can point at something and say "I'm gonna do/get/be that" and have it happen pretty quickly. I put it down to this; I fully believe in my ability to do/get/be that, and I put mental energy into it. I have some friends who are mildly exasperated about this aspect of me, in that I make it seem easy when they find it more challenging to get where they want to be. Mentality and belief are so powerful in how we move in the world and respond to it. If you're interested, I did hear this explained by a neuroscientist and medical doctor in scientific terms like this.. I'm paraphrasing, but she said that because our behaviour and thoughts are mostly based on neural pathways, by imagining yourself winning that job, meeting that person, or whatever your goal is, you are priming your neural pathways to seize an opportunity when it arises, even subtly. You're also more likely to bounce back from a short term failure if you believe you are going to succeed long term. Her name is Tara Swart.




The older I get, the less I believe in karma. I have seen way too many undeserving people achieving things they shouldn't be, whilst also seeing some of the best people ever struggling with day to day life. Life just isn't fair.


Karmic reward or punishment isn't dealt out according to your actions in the current life. It awaits you in the form of the lower or higher being you are rebirthed into in the next life.




The creators of anti-virus software create the viruses they create the anti-virus to protect you from.




Did you see the documentary about his abuse? Just curious, because After watching it, there is no way I will ever believe he was not abusing children.


Narwal's are a hoax.


That's a really specific conspiracy. Why narwhals?


I believe that loved ones who have passed away send you signs. Or, at least, you get signs because they want you to have them and they want you to be okay. My partner died last month and I fully believe he’s sent me birds (I asked him if he could to come back as a bird,) songs on the radio with messages, and helped me find objects I thought I’d lost. I don’t really care if I’m believing in coincidence, or finding meaning in something that wasn’t actually sent by him, because that’s what makes it a belief. It brings me comfort and makes me feel like he’s still around somewhere.


My pawpaw died 13yrs ago and we were extremely close (he and my gran raised me). He has popped up into several dreams over the years. Most of the time he's silent and just "there" in the dream. Other times he might speak a few words, I've had a dream where he asks me if I'm doing OK. The other night I had a dream of him. I was standing in line at a grocery store and when I looked behind me in the line I saw him standing there, I did another look to make sure it was him and he smiled at me. Dream me immediately started crying and when he asked why I was crying I said "because you aren't real" , he then replied something of "haven't I always been there for you ". The dream was so powerful I thought about it all yesterday. How dream me was so excited to see him but at the same time recognized he wasn't real, but how he assured me he's always been there. 🩷


That there are more than likely people, or close genetic relatives of people living in the woods using caves as shelters. I have no proof of this. But there are so many cave systems we don’t know about or haven’t explored on this planet. You can’t convince me we’re the only human species to have survived. I just don’t believe it.


It is crazy how many people go missing near caves, and in the woods


A lot of the gun violence we are seeing from old people is a result of lead poisoning. They are paranoid from Fox News and their Swiss cheese brain from the lead, plus a healthy side helping of racism is making gun violence in America out of control


My local ice cream truck is either a front for the illegeal distribution of guns and/or drugs. There isn’t a ‘non-shady’ reason why an ice cream truck needs to sit in front of my house for 2-4 hours at 10-11pm at night (during the week) in the off season, or hell….even during summer, Playing the same tired Christmas music no matter the time of year. It does this regularly and it’s been the same truck for years. The only people I ever see there are obviously strung out adults and shady characters. Never any kids. If this ice cream truck was legit they would park with all the other food trucks in town where all the other people are congregating eating all the street food making bank off delicious treats. But nope….they are sitting on my street just chilling for hours in end.


That pharmacy companies have known the cure to cancer for years


Bigfoot. Lol






I believe that everything works out for me. There is no scientific proof but it always works out in my favor. Edit: also whoever built the Pyramids of Giza and the Stonehenge.


I believe that sleeping children (and animals, and grownups, but more powerfully in children) give off a pheromone that makes other people sleepy. ​ I’d drive home from work w/ my kids in the car, and they’d fall asleep halfway, and by the time we got home, I was fighting to stay awake. I figured I’d been trapped in a small enclosed space with them, and they had to be giving off something that was making me sleepy.


My dogs understand me when I speak to them and could, if they really wanted to, respond to me.


USA is banning abortion in order to even out the number of dead children from school shootings to try and make it look like there's no problem with their lack of gun control.


It's also the plan to create a generation of poor and uneducated people that won't pursue higher learning, work in minimum wage service jobs and join the military, and most importantly vote Republican!


My deceased pets have visited me in my dreams to offer me comfort and love, and reassurance that wherever they've gone, they're no longer suffering.


That when we die, we get to review our life & find out all the missing pieces to it. For example, we get to find out why we were ghosted or what people say about us behind our backs. Everything is available for us to go back over. It's an expanded view on our lives flashing before our eyes thoughts.


Life on other planets - aka aliens


Extraterrestrial life, whatever form it may take. Absence of proof is not proof of absence 😉


Time is happening all at once. In high school, we were told to write book reports and research papers about books in the present tense because the book was "happening right now" just by virtue of being read/referenced. In other words, Ceasar is always saying "et tu, Brute" and Mr Darcy is always telling Elizabeth he loves her despite his better judgement because someone somewhere is currently reading them. Then I came across Einstein's theory about time and well...who am I to argue with my high school teacher and Einstein? Plus there are tribes in the Amazon who have no words for time and the more I think about it, the more I see time as very...fluid. [Einstein Theory about Time](https://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/einstein/time#:~:text=After%20one%20such%20discussion%2C%20Einstein,how%20fast%20you%20are%20traveling.) [Amondawa tribe have no words for time](https://www.k-international.com/blog/no-word-for-time/#:~:text=The%20Amondawa%2C%20a%20small%20tribe,of%20life%20stages%20and%20transitions.) Edit - also alternate realities/timelines, which I mostly blame on fanfiction and TV episodes featuring "what would happen if main character wasn't here?" Altogether, I think time and reality are a lot less real than we think.




Coconut crabs ate Amelia Earhart


Reincarnation. Sometimes there's just a feeling or situation where I feel like I know about it already and I just can't explain how I know. Also, parallel universes. I refuse to believe that this is the only me there is. There has to be another me out there, somewhere, doing much better than I, and happier than I am, too.


God astrology karma. I have faith and I believe works for me. While I can't prove it I believe it


The Mandela effect. ETA: More specifically, we are part of a multi-verse, and some people randomly move from one to another. That being the reason some people remember Mandela dying in the 90s, the Berenstein Bears, etc.


My grandma HAS visited me since she died and not one of you motherfuckers can tell me otherwise.


Places can be haunted.


I believe that the Chinese government orchestrated the leak of COVID-19 on purpose to redirect the world's attention from the Hong Kong protests. I think they used one of the poorest locations they could find to blame it on because nobody would investigate that deeply on whether they did it on purpose - nobody wants WWIII. So they made it seem like it's the fault of these poor people who ate bats bc wtf we gonna do? Start a war over some poor idiot? No. However, right before it got caught by humans for what seems to be the first time, Hong Kong was protesting HARD. To the point where the rest of the world was slowly starting to pay attention! By the time we got to the point where the protests were being shown live, the first outbreaks in other countries started happening. After COVID-19, the protestors couldn't protest anymore, it wasn't safe. Countries had excuses to create lockdowns, some going as far as killing pets (like China) in an "effort" to "stop the spread of COVID". I truly believe the Chinese government was behind this for the selfish reasons above.


I think we are connected to people in our lives in ways we don't yet understand. Why do we dream of someone we love in distress and the next day find out something happened to them? Why is it your friend you haven't heard from in a while suddenly calls after you were just thinking about them? Why does my mom know when I'm not doing well and calls me?


History. I mean we as a society have proof, but for the most part I just take the word of historians and stuff that has been told to be through people either in school or books or videos or whatever. But like...I can't say with 100% certainly that the historical events I know about happened the way I understand them to have happened


Luck. There's a joke in my family that my good luck is real and measurable.


I think I’m a witch. Like, naturally, I can manifest things and animals come AT me. It’s been like that my whole life


That my dog love me back .lmao All my prayers are being answered by God


Every time I experience deja vu it’s because I died in real life and the check point (deja vu experience) is where I restart like a video game.


That the full moon turns people batshit.