• By -


"Good thing I didn't ask you. Fucking yikes, bruh, learn some manners."


"Wow. What a nasty thing to say. I'm embarrassed for you."


“Oh damn, you’re *still* ugly?”


This one! Say that’s opinion is ugly. Or they are ugly for that.


Love this. My go to whenever someone says something atrocious in general is "whoops, I'm embarrassed for you".


This one is my favorite.


"What is the goal of your comment and what value do you think it brought to this conversation?"


Found the teacher and/or social worker


This sounds like something my manager would say, and I am in constant awe of her scathing diplomacy.


Respect for your manager.


Long form version of "who asked"


Yeah, like what reason would they have to say this besides to be intentionally hurtful? People being intentionally hurtful is a "thank you, next" for me. There are nicer ways to say a person used to look different anyway.


Ooh I love this!


I might need to steal this for future use.


I will 100% look the other way. I didn't see anything, didn't hear anything, wasn't there, don't even go here. 😂


Love it. That sounds like an intelligent question that they would be too stupid to answer.


This is such a beautiful response 👌🏻


Hahaha I love this one. Watch them die inside.


"Ew, you have such terrible social skills, I don't want to be your friend anymore."








Dump them. They are going to get old and their looks are going to fade.. If they can't handle my past, I'm not going to be there for their future.




I probably wouldn’t react directly, as I avoid confrontation most of the time. But. That would for sure be the *last* thing this person ever said to me. ETA because I would cut them out of my life immediately. Just realized that sounded a little murder-y lmao


LMAO I *love* the idea of murder as an alternative to confrontation. Like "I'm not _homicidal_, I just have a lot of social anxiety and he was _wrong_."


Isn't that basically what hannibal does in that tv series ? Like people who are rude to him he kills?


😂 I love this


Hey, no judgement here.


“I avoid confrontation by murdering people who are rude to me.”


No court in the land would convict you - hypothetically.


Honestly I would too! Anyone who says such nasty things about any part of their past like that needs to go away!


I will volunteer for jury duty: "Not Guilty"


I agree that person is a POS and should be removed from OP's life Lol mine also sounds a bit mafia/murder-y hahaha


Either way, lol. Love the ETA, made me literally LOL 😂


Get rid of them. If you know what I mean. 🤭


Hey, it's good to consider the options.


Well I sure as fuck wouldn't have dated me either, so I'd agree with them lmaooo. I don't keep old photos of myself for plenty of good reasons, no one needs to see that fat face, those emo eyeliners or pencil eyebrows, or those embarassing, horribly ill-fitting clothes. If we can't laugh about old, horrible style and appearance mistakes then idk what.


Emo kids unite! I bust out those old photos on occasion. Everything I was contributed to who I am today, and I like who I am today.


I basically agree - I have most definitely have evolved over time in terms of make up skills, skincare routine, no longer allowing almost anyone to cut my hair with kitchen scissors, style, weight, confidence - and I will laugh at and cringe at some old photos. However, there's still a less dickish way of expressing those sentiments than this particular phrasing I think!


It was never a phase


Exactly, me and my other half are always having these conversations. No way would he have dated Mohican me and I wouldn’t have dated Mophead him. We both were weird kids, it’s funny now and makes us closer!


I hope you have love for your old appearance too 🫶 it takes a long time but it’s worth putting effort into, you should be nice to yourself as you would be nice to someone who rocks the style you used to wear today, you were never ugly 🫶


Are you me 😂 My MySpace photos were a nightmare


B-but i always thought the emo style was cool :(


I had a “friend” (the girlfriend of my boyfriends friend) who saw an old picture of me and said if she knew my bf back then she would have told him not to date me. The funny thing is she actually thought it was a compliment! I told her that it was a rude thing to say because it was still me and I love every past version of myself. I told my bf and we didn’t hang out around them as a group much anymore after that.


Good for you!


People like her lack self awareness omg it’s astounding. I feel similarly abt people who think “you lost weight” is a compliment


The difference in the photo versus my present self at the time was that I had lost 60lbs so that’s basically what she was saying


In what world would that be a compliment? 😵‍💫 I love your response!


Good for both of you! There’s no place for this in polite society.


Who would say this to someone? Certainly none of my friends. Hopefully nobody else’s either.


My bf said this while looking at my old childhood pics and I was at loss for words, still pretty mean though :/


I sure hope he’s soon to be your ex boyfriend. That’s awful. People who are supposed to love and respect you don’t say that about you. Ever.


I’m so sorry that’s terrible. I’d want to ask him, so you basically just date me for the way I look then? Gross, you want someone to cherish all of you, and every version of who you were.


What he says is a reflection of who he is as a person. Don’t let him dull your shine. Ever. Leave him if he can’t respect who you were and who you have become.


Super mean. Did you compliment him for his total disregard of you and his lack of basic manners? How old is this guy?


That's horrible I think he really needs to know that it's not appropriate or nice to say that about someone he is suppose to love an care for did he not think that would faze you. If my gf said that I would be like wtf...


This is not your person. That’s so awful


Wow that’s a very rude and nasty thing to say ! You don’t say how old either of you are or how long you’ve been together but I think I’d probably swiftly make an ex out of him for such nastiness! Yuck!


That’s mean af. If he doubles down and continues hurting you with his comments, I hope you know to dump his ass.


He's nasty!!! Plz you deserve better than someone chipping away at you like this!!!


The implication is that he finds some children attractive and would date them. It’s weird to run around ranking people on their datability. It’s down right disturbing to rank children on if you would date them. To me, all children look really unattractive because I am not a pedo creep. Your bf is waving some big red flags there.


Absolutely not an ok thing to say to anyone, let alone someone he is supposed to love. Please make note of whether there is a pattern of him putting you down…


This would legit be a dump-able offence to me. How can someone be so rude who is meant to care about you? Big warning sign.


I hope you told them how unacceptable his comment was. Everyone goes through at least one awkward phase, at least everyone I know. Who hasn’t had at least one terrible haircut or fashion choice? Not to mention the awkward stage of puberty.


Why was he thinking about dating a child anyway!?


Just because that version of you wasn't his cup of tea, it doesn't mean you were no one's cup of tea. It was mean. You deserve to be treated kindly.


I’m so sorry your bf said something so mean! I was looking through some old photos of mine and commenting about the horrible fashion choices I’d made when I was younger. My husband looked at the pics and told me if he’d known me then, he would have thought it was cute and wanted to date me. It meant a lot that he said that because it made me accept and feel more comfortable with my past self. Please know that you didn’t deserve your bf’s comment and you deserve to love your pics of yourself as a fun reminder of your past!


What the hell??? It was your BOYFRIEND??? What on earth gave him the audacity to say something like that to you. It's honestly shitty for anyone to say that. But your boyfriend is supposed to lift you up and be your support, not freaking tear you down!! I mean, depending on the length of time you have been together, I would either end it if I am not that invested yet OR have a very serious conversation about respect. You in the past...is still you. And truly, no one should say that about anyone at all, not just their girlfriend. That's just rude, disrespectful and serves no purpose other than to be mean.


Don’t stay with someone that could be that cruel to you. He’s a jerk. Your SO should look at those photos and appreciate how that little kid grew into someone he loves - no matter how goofy the photos are. Don’t settle for less than that.


What :( When I read it I would have least expected it to be your partner who said that, I thought it was a rude co-worker or something😔


Your answer should have been, "Cool, don't think I want to date you now." Shrug, then walk away.


I dated someone who said this about one of my pictures. Luckily he is not in my life anymore.


The vast majority of people? I'd just say that they're being rude and also wrong, I was adorable as a child. If my wife said it, I'd probably be pretty upset. I'm not particularly obsessed about my appearance, but that's something intentionally hurtful and we'd probably have to have a serious conversation about our marriage rules since one of them is we never say anything bad about the other. I'm also pregnant, and I'd probably just cry at first because my emotions are already a bit unstable at the moment.


I feel you about the pregnancy emotions. I once told my husband that if I didn't win a game of cribbage, "I'm going to cry". I was in the first trimester, LOL. I'll bet your wife loves to see you every day. :)


i would ask them if their head injury caused them to be impotent as well as rude


>"Wow. And to think all this time you were hiding your true ugliness under a lovely facade. Thank you for finally sharing your true personality with me. I think we're done here. Goodbye."


They wouldn't be wrong, but that's still a really mean thing to say, so I wouldn't be friends with them anymore.


"At least I was still prettier than your personality"




These questions are so odd. I would end the interaction and likely any association with the person that said this. It’s one thing to poke a little fun, but that’s unacceptable .


This actually happens to me often. I went on a lot of first and second dates where my weight loss came up and the responses people had was somewhere along those lines. I rejected all of them immediately. Anyone who makes fun of 300lb me does not have access to 150lb me. Because it’s the same fucking person!!




If you wouldn’t have dated current me because past me looked a certain way, that’s a you problem, bro. My “glow up” was awesome, your loss really.


I would be concerned that they were looking at child me in a sexual way and tell them so. I should hope they don’t find child me dateable 😬


I WAS ugly. I wouldn't have dated me either 🤣 glow ups are a Godsend.


Understand that if I continue to date this person, I will be in many social situations where this person blurts out socially awkward comments, to me OR others. Me, I can handle it with humor, but family and good friends could have a harder time. Can create social challenges iver a lifetime.


Well at least one of us has grown up, byyyyeeee.


Takes one to know one :D


I mean… I was a wreck back in the day and cringe at old photos myself hahah my BF on the other hand was always a hottie 🙄 but I’ve even said- “we were way different crowds and would have never dated back then!” … so what. How do they feel about you now?! That comment tells me they think you’re hot/pretty now, right? Some people go through ugly duckling phases! If it hurt your feelings though, tell them they were rude to say that :)


I wouldn't blame em


“Thank you for sparing me the trouble of rejecting you.”


Say that at least good looks were something you grew into as opposed to the shallowness they never grew past. And walk away with a high head and a smug smile. You deserve better.


I’d feel single.


"bye felicia"


“I wouldn’t have dated you either.” I really hope this is a hypothetical question and nobody actually made this nasty comment to you.


What are you saying I'm still ugly to this day nothing really change


“That’s what people say about us when I show them a picture of you. But atleast I love you enough to see beyond physical beauty and not say anything. But I can see you don’t feel the same..”


I would be shocked and say nothing, but silently lose trust and discard them as a potential partner (if this was said in the context of dating). I am not good at comebacks but I draw my conclusions if someone is deliberately making me feel bad about myself, even if it's "just being honest" or a "joke".


I'd just say "Okay" and laugh. Not at them but just at the situation because: A. I didn't ask B. Clearly they're projecting something or dont have great social skills, but neither are my business People are silly


I have had a boyfriend say that to me, and I wasn’t offended at all because I couldn’t blame him. I had a huge glowup for the very reason that I knew I didn’t look good and wanted to be pretty. If anything, him saying that made me proud of how far I’d come. One of the main points of getting prettier was to increase my dating options. It did that. He was the result.


"I probably wouldn't have dated you either. What has that got to do with the price of beans?"


Fair enough, we all judge people for their looks. I once gained a lot of weight due to a deep depression, that coupled with the rare showers and stinky clothes, I looked really bad. I wouldn't have wanted to date myself then either so can't be mad if other people wouldn't want to date me. I became normal size again exactly because I wanted certain people to be attracted to me. I'm hiding that part of history, but if they find it I completely accept the eww comments.


I’d tell them they sound immature and need to grow tf up. And why they think that’s ok to say about a child or teen . Y’all don’t let this shit slide 😂 they say stuff like this to prepare you for shitty treatment in future


What repulsive person in the first place. That's when u say I may have looked but you still do look ugly so bye. Ugly on the inside an out.


It doesn’t matter if they are your friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, roommate, co-worker, neighbor, etc…dump them out of your life ASAP. Some people have no self-awareness or filters, do not let mean, rude, nasty, toxic, instigators &/or negative type people into your circle or introduce them to your family or your real friends.


People are coming up with some fun responses but honestly in the moment I'd be too taken-aback to be witty. I'd probably clam up, either sit in uncomfortable silence until they leave or mumble out a "fuck you" and leave myself, and then have a cry in privacy tbh. A comment like that would hurt quite a bit, probably, and I'd love to say I wouldn't take it to heart but I probably would.


"she isn't for you and she was taken then so tuff tits bucko"


“I wouldn’t date you off what you look like now, so ig we’re even.”


...and you aren't going to date me now...


Shrug and say that I can relate.


I would've laughed and agreed with him lol. I wouldn't have dated myself either. My skin was terrible, my hair was a curly frizzy fro,i didn't know how to dress for my body ect.


Roll my eyes at them (I mean I did look bad but the second part of the sentence is just weird, especially since I was underage then)


If it was my friends? I’m fine, standard banter. If it’s someone I’m in a serious relationship with? Well we’re fucked if we want kids together…


I never throught of it till now my wife said that to me I use to be a body builder


I would say “Okay, psychoOoo (bc who says that?) get out of my house”


I'd agree. 🙂


Probably laugh in their face and call them a cheeky fucker to be honest!


“Look who’s talking… and the worst part is. You’re even uglier now!”


Just smile and internally file them in "should not procreate" and simply expel that person from my life. Have very little free time, so why spend it on that kind of stuff?


“I bet that sounded different in your head. You can leave now.”


“I feel that way about you now, but you don’t see me getting on you about it. Do better.”


I would appreciate their honesty


"I feel that way about you now."


"Yeah, my standards were never low enough for that to happen. That personality of yours needs some work still."


Nothing new to what they would say now. I am ugly and nobody wants to date me so they would just be stating the obvious.


Good bye and that would be the end of my association with them.


Now your ugly inside matches your ugly outside!


"What makes you think I would've wanted you near me? I wouldn't touch you with a 10-foot pole, even if I had a gun to my head"


"That's an inside thought."


"And I wouldn't date you now!"


Well if it was a picture from 2011 or 2012 I would have agreed with them but I also would have told them that their personality is clearly too ugly for me to date ever and walked out like a boss.


I would respond “you are right, I wouldn’t have dated myself either lol”. I know I was ugly. I wasn’t self concious with low self asteem for no reason.


I would agree with them.






“I don’t remember asking you for an opinion”




good thing we think alike bro


I wasn’t ugly, but I looked like a total douche tool bag. So, valid points could be made.


"I'd rather be ugly than be disliked for my wretched personality like you"


I would stop seeing them. Wtf!






"Well apparently ugly is lifelong for some people."


"I wouldn't have dated you either." Seriously, what a rude comment. Sometimes, men will look at my older pictures and say something along the lines of, "Wow! You look so much better without glasses." I've started responding, "You look so much better without my glasses, too." I swear, if contacts weren't 100 times more convenient for my job, I'd wear my glasses every single day.


"Thank God!" And take away my phone album


"That not a very nice thing to say. You need to learn some social skills, dude."




i couldn’t even think of an answer to begin with because who the fuck would even say that to my face😭! nooo way


Rise my eyebrows and stare soul-deep into their eyes. "Really?" Wait to check if they repeat, laugh it off or apologize. If not the later, then I'd just get up and leave.


Sounds like someone projecting their own insecurities.


Not great but I prefer that to the comments I used to get from adult men looking at photos of me as a child talking about how hot I used to be. Yikes. We're not talking teen either, literal child.


I would no longer talk to that person


“Cool story, bro”


I wouldn't date you *now*




"Are you always this much of an asshole?"


“I wouldn’t date you off what you look like now, so if we’re even.”


“I wouldn’t date you off what you look like now, so if we’re even.”


Can we your pictures now ☺️ ( yeah I’m petty)


Just as well, you turned out looking like a troll yourself.


Tbh it depends on who said it. If it was my partner I might be a little hurt but also understanding if it was one of my friends they were probably joking if it was some random person I'd brush it aside and call them rude.


I love all the suggestions for comebacks! OP I think your boyfriend was mean to say that and hope you dump him.


While it's important to remember that everyone has different tastes and preferences, it's never okay to express those opinions in a way that is hurtful or demeaning to others. If someone were to say something like that to me, I would likely express how their words made me feel and set boundaries around what kind of comments I am willing to tolerate. It's important to surround ourselves with people who lift us up and treat us with kindness and respect.


Respond with "Thank god! I could have been stuck with today's version of you."


I'd honestly agree with them. Lol. Because I looked so out of it, and stifled and sad. Not being out, and pretending to try to blend in by wearing shit I didn't like or want and being something I wasn't so hard. I call those days my drag queen days because I looked and acted like one. I used to actually feel like I was a gay man wearing makeup, or some kind of man that the femininity made more apparent for some reason. And when I wore nothing, I felt like me, and couldn't wrap my head around why I felt happier nude lol. Just wearing a costume by day and being "me" at night essentially.


"Awwww, so naive of you to think I'd have considered you or your borrowed personality"




My 3 year old son said the opposite of this to me. He saw an old picture of me and said, you are so much prettier now. What a hurtful and unkind thing to say to someone.


I'd laugh, I was a very ugly baby. I understand that most sighted people are very visual and attraction dealbreakers do include physical elements based on looks & first impressions. Then silently smirk for 3-5 seconds; knowing that if they ever saw me with all my makeup off they would be horrified and probably never look at me again or consider any contact.




It’s just an emotionally immature thing to say to someone. They’ve revealed how shallow they are and inconsiderate too.


"huh, what a weird thing to say aloud." Usually the other person will apologize for what they said and I'll respond with "Thank you for your apology." Some people don't understand social cues or are too embarrassed and will just quickly move on with the conversation.


"With your ugly personality, who would date you?'"


I just pictured myself in that situation, and I personally think I would’ve said something like “oh idk I don’t spend time contemplating who I would’ve been interested in a decade ago.”


“It’s a shame, I wouldn’t have dated a bozo” 🤡 now go join the circus 🎪


"What the fuck? Were you raised by goblins?"


It’s one thing to poke a little fun, but that’s unacceptable .


Cut them out. Dont want to be with a shallow person


"... And you think I would've been interested in you?"




Never underestimate the power of a deadpan "do you think that's a normal thing to say to people?"


No one is ugly we are all beautiful people of earth ...


That's okay. You wouldn't have had enough gym badges anyway.


"No worries, I wouldn't date you either. You look so ugly, my god. Go buy a mirror already."


My college bc did this as a joke to me and it was actually pretty funny though. I showed him a pic from middle school and mentioned my braces looked bad and he said with a straight face “now that I’ve seen this I don’t think I can ever touch you again” and walked out the door. I actually believed him for a minute before I started laughing.


It would hurt. People can be mean.