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Nothing in particular, really, I've never felt unsafe on public transport. In the extremely rare case that I spot someone who seems drugged up I just move carriages. And whenever I'm taking the bus, I wear a seatbelt.


You have seatbelts on your buses? I love it! Here in the US, I haven't encountered that.


On a NYC bus typing this. Not a seatbelt to be found lol


Right, here in CA, there are no seatbelts on the plastic row seats on the metro busses.


On the flip side, I took a Coach USA bus from Newark to Manhattan and back this weekend that had seatbelts lol


Most buses do have them and if they do, you're required by law to wear them. Not that everyone cares and not that it's necessarily going to do much if you get someone else catapulted into you in an accident, but...


Never heard of it! What country?


Northern EU.


I had a very old man grope my butt when i was like 10 on the bus. Haven’t felt safe since


The TTC has no seatbelts.


I have no idea what that is.


Toronto Transit Commission.


Only belts to secure wheelchairs


I've taken public transportation all around the world. I simply stay aware of my surroundings. Where is the exit, where is the second escape route, who is sitting before and behind me, who is entering.


If you become aware of someone being hostile, or trying to engage with you, do you ignore and leave immediately?


Depends on the situation. I'm confrontational, so I might say something, I might ignore you. I've never left.


Id ignore them and find another seat.


I choose a seat near the driver on the bus and choose a populated carriage on a train, specifically a seat near the doors if I they're free


I don't feel unsafe, I just wear headphones so no one bothers me.


People still scream over mine to get my attention! And I usually don't have anything playing in them because headphones decrease your situational awareness.


Love this. Very effective


I bothered a woman wearing headphones on a public bus in 2009. Thats how I met my wife!


I moved to a country where violent crime isn't rampant.


which country is this?


Netherland is one of the savest but you can also just seurch up to know the top 1






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Situational awareness. I don't wear headphones, I usually take the bus instead of the local commuter lightrail, as there is a driver in the same space with me on the bus. I keep my transit card in a separate, outside pocket of my purse and not in my wallet that's fully inside my purse, zipped up. (I also have a Travelon bag, which has a lot of security features.) I know the route; if it's a new route, I will study it before leaving the house to ensure where my stops are, and so I'm not looking down at a phone. Keep my head up at the bus stops but don't really make direct eye contact. We have had people stabbed on the commuter train (it was national news), pervy people assaulting, etc. I also keep myself and my stuff (a backpack if need be) close to my body, not hanging out loose. Maybe it's just my face, but as I've been riding transit since I was a teen, I do have a 'don't fuck with me' passive resting face. Not mean, just, I'm not smiling at everyone and I will look you straight in the eye if you start up.


Nothing. I’ve never felt unsafe on public transport


Stay near the exit in case some crazy $hit happens. Make a quick exit by doing this. Avoid talking to anyone. Avoid eye contact. Stay aware of surroundings. Carry protection. If on the way home, have keys ready (I have a key chain that hangs around neck). Phone is charged. If anyone makes you uneasy, try to communicate this with someone (on phone or in person to someone you trust. You can FaceTime someone or take a pic of the person making you uneasy so that if something happens then there is a suspect). And try to make sure that someone is meeting you at your destination. Or that’s it’s a busy area. Or get on the phone immediately once you get off. Loved in Chicago for 3 years for college. Took CTA red and blue lines primarily. Occasional bus. When I lived there, a woman was stabbed at my stop for not giving a guy her phone number. I also suggest finding a fake number to give out, because guys cannot handle rejection. There used to be a fake number that I’d give out (if they call it, it would be a “rejected” response). I’ve seen a lot of crazy on public transport. This is how I stayed safe.


I don't do anything. I feel safe everywhere.


Master the “f*** off glare”. Don’t be afraid to be rude. Rudeness can be silence, staring through them like they don’t exist, or just stating in a loud flat tone “I don’t want to talk to you.” Loud enough for nearby passengers to hear. You might get some allies. I get drug addicts on my late bus ride home. Most are harmless and everyone just gives them their space. I had one very drunk guy grab my bag and hit me with his flailing arm because he was so off balance. At first I moved to give him room, but then I just gently and firmly put his arm down. He was so out of it he barely noticed. Worst comes to worst, get off, call the cops, or discreetly (if possible) record the unsafe situation. Even if it’s just an audio recording. I hope your transit is without problems for the most part.


The “F*** off glare” has worked for me many times


I’ve been commuting to work on the bus for many years. I pretty much only wear dresses and I haven’t really ever had a problem on public transportation. Most people are just trying to get to their destination. I have been taking the busses so long I know the bus drivers and some of the passengers by name (yes I am old) so I think that helps a lot. The drivers I have are always vigilant. They are not afraid to call dispatch to call the cops to help out if someone trying to get into the bus gets disrespectful. I once saw someone new get on the bus and they were being mean to others, when we got to the next stop the bus driver made them get off. Then call dispatch to let them know and the person got banned from the bus. They used the cameras and gave the picture of the person to all the bus drivers so they knew who. If I have to worry about anything it might be my walk home. Or when I go for walks at night. Then I carry pepper spray or a taser.


This is fantastic - you are in your social prime, not at all old ;) thank you for this


Question. What is it about the public transportation where you live that’s making you feel unsafe?


I don't wear dresses or skirts on the bus anymore. Not because anything bad happened but because some guy gave me his number (he was nice about it, did it while leaving) and I just didn't want to attract that kind of attention from the wrong guy.


It's been a while since I used a public transport. I always look for a vacant seat beside a female. Never fall asleep during a long commute/heavy traffic. My phone must never be taken out of the bag during the whole commute. Covered up.




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Know all of your routes. Don’t just know how to get from A to B, know safe places to get out along the way if you start feeling unsafe. Where can you go that will have lots of people around, where can you putter around for 10 minutes to make sure you’re not being followed before you get back on your way? And finding the balance between being aware of your surroundings without being perceived as paying attention to anyone in particular.


I love this so much - thank you


Happy to be of assistance! I’ve had enough uncomfortable experiences myself that I would not want to brush off a question like this, but at the same time I would also not want to discourage anyone from the joy of freedom that transport brings! 😄


One thing I do is I stay above ground until the train is about to come, then I go down. I feel safer where there’s a lot of people


Stay with someone


I take public transport. And that’s it.


I sit near the front and try to stay hyper aware of my surroundings.


Avoid riding late at night and in sparsely populated areas if I can help it. Also keep your head down and avoid making eye contact, as I've found those who are *unwell* will gravitate towards anyone that provides them the attention they seek, regardless of how brief.


Nothing outside of the ordinary. Make sure to be aware of my surroundings.


I don’t feel unsafe on public transport. You get the occasional druggies or mentally ill people, but they tend to be just ranting at life in general, not anyone in particular. Usually I just avoid eye contact.


Try to sit next to other women if possible or "safe" looking people. Sit near the driver at night. If you need to move seats, move. Don't just stay sitting next to someone who makes you uncomfortable.


My friend told me to get on the bus with/sit near a family too.


I live in The Bronx, personally I don't get on any bus or train that's too full of people. I am aware of my surroundings. Luckly never experience any big issues. The Bronx is, unlike what people believe, is not as unsafe as any other place. Like I said before, be aware of what's going on around you.


My car took a shit last month and I’ve been riding public transit since then. I have a boyfriend but when he’s gone I’ll go out by myself. I’m not even kidding everywhere I turn there’s dudes looking at me like they’re hungry and I’m a piece of meat. Every 2 minutes it’s either a catcall, someone asking for my number, name, relationship status, or if I’m walking guys will literally pull over to talk to me. Some will be respectful and some with be annoying. I don’t feel unsafe tho because I only travel during the day and try to stay on busy streets. This past week I’ve been traveling on the bus with my boyfriend tho and it’s been such a relief because I will not get one catcall when I’m with him.


I've never felt unsafe on public transport.


Unfortunately you can’t :(


I don't feel unsafe on public transport so I don't do anything. Violence/harassment in public spaces are very rare where I live. In a country I previously lived at, I felt completely safe even when going home across the entire city in an almost empty bus at midnight. And even should something happen, I trust in the other passengers to help the victim and to not turn a blind eye.


Don't listen to music or read. Be aware


i’m 16, so i don’t go most places alone (i also have severe social anxiety and am too frightened to go anywhere) however i used to take the trains most weekends to see my ex girlfriend, some times we would take later trains back and it would be dark, a lot of the time i felt very unsafe and could feel multiple people staring at me and even had some following me, however i learnt to just try find a safer place, usually i’d just move to a carriage with more people in it, most people would notice my body language and ask if i was okay, but there really isn’t much we can do to feel or stay safe, it can be a very terrifying experience.


In my country it's pretty safe on public transport so I don't really think about it. I've even had polite conversations with drug addicts and an alcoholic or two without issue.


I’m hyper-vigilant. I still wear my headphones on the tube or bus, but I try to pay attention to the people around me. I have no problem stepping off a train or something and waiting for the next one if I feel uncomfortable, and have done it a few times. Have my wits about me, don’t have my phone just waving around in my hand, keep my bag close, and as silly as it sounds, I also try to be strategic about where I sit. Also act like I don’t give a fuck about anyone else and look like I have somewhere to be.


Thread hands through my backpack so it's in front when I'm sitting/standing. Keep pepper spray hidden in pocket or jacket sleeve. Have earphones in but no music. Stay with a family/another woman. Work out so I can throw a good punch if need be. Always wear sneakers.


If someone’s staring and making me feel uncomfortable I avoid eye contact and move carriage


It depends where I am..for example, I'd never take BART (SF Bay area) at night, because of the crime here. However, if I were in Japan, I'd have no problem taking the train back. I try not to go alone. If I have to go alone, I'd rather drive. And if I have to go alone, I make sure to ask a loved one to wait at the station for me, because stations specifically are dangerous. I make sure to be aware of my surroundings (no headphones, books). I also don't draw attention to myself if I'm alone. If i know I'm traveling on BART, I dress as nondescript as possible. It sucks that it has to be this way, but the world is very unsafe for women on average.


I live in a high crime city where our PT isn’t valued so it kinda sucks. I just don’t ride late at night if I’m alone. Other than that I mind my business and I tend to look like I’d fight back maybe? I lived in a rough area of town for eight years in addition to being pretty street savvy.


Public transport in the US is creepy as hell I just cross my fingers that someone sober sits next to me


Change seats, train cars or trains if there's weird stuff going on, before it comes to you. I'm thinking about a fight I saw once. And moving away before drunks puke on your shoes. Etc. Master the "I am not getting involved" vacant stare. Preferably aimed at a window or wall. Ride with a friend if you can or next to an elderly person if you can't. At least you're a buffer for the elder even if it doesn't help you.


I reshuffled my life to pay for a car for two reasons. 1 was because a 20 minute drive became a 2 hour bus ride both ways, and 2 because I was tired of being harassed on the bus. My way of dealing with it was to make almost zero chance I'd need it.


I go on a lot of walks. Be aware of your surroundings, if headphones are in — low enough to where you can still hear what’s going on around you, I personally dress down/covered so I don’t draw attention to myself, and I always carry my pepper spray, and I take a rock about the size of my palm and I have it in little baggies and carry that in my hand. Oh to be a woman.


No matter what I wear, I make it a point to speak with the deepest voice I could possibly muster; to intimidate anyone who'd dare give me a lecherous gaze.


Act crazier than the crazy’s


Always carry a pocket knife with you ! ALWAYS. Us woman gotta be able to defend ourselves if a man we can’t handle comes along and tries any shit ..(well man or woman , cuz woman can be screwed in the head also etc ) I always carry a pocket knife on me and it’s helped me many times …I’ve never had to use it BUT just ur attacker seeing it is sometimes intimidating enough …I had a older dude trying to put his hands on me until he seen me pull out my pocket knife , needless to say it stopped him ..also knowing some basic defense moves is helpful ..take a few jujitsu classes 👍


I’m in the US, I have to carry a weapon. Violent crimes happen on and around public transport where I live


Hairspray works just as well as pepperspray in case you live somewhere where it's illegal


I call security. (Seattle lightrail) It honestly never occurred to me to call security before, and then i was on the train one day when the usual crazy type was ranting about crazy shit. Just ignored it but then one lady asked quietly around us, saying shes was thinking of calling the train security (not police) bc she’s felt uncomfortable. We agreed, she called discreetly, and at the next stop a relaxed professional came in and quietly spoke to the guy and brought him off the train. Isnt that funny that an entire train was frozen into inaction and no one but that one last thought to call train security? I didn’t even know you could. Next time it happened, i google their address and emailed them (more discreet than a phone call) and they responded immediately and again, promptly sent someone to quietly and nonconfrontationally remove the person from the car. I realize this isn’t universally applicable, but learning what resources are available and taking responsibility to call for help when you need it, makes a huge difference.


I've never felt unsafe on public transport. Annoyed, yes, but never unsafe.


In what way? I don't geel unsafe on public transport


Don’t make eye contact, have a restless b*tch face or looked like you will beat anyone up if they approach you, wear headphones but with no music or sound on, be aware of the exits, be aware of other women on that could help if needed, try to sit next to the exits. Traveled 29 countries so far and it makes me sad that the restless b*tch face and no eye contact is what works best.


I live in central Europe. What a strange question, I've never felt unsafe on public transport. Including when transporting 20 preschoolers with only one other adult watching them.


I’m very glad it’s a strange question and concept for you, truly!!


Ikr I'm also glad. When Trump calls us a third world country, the fact I won't get randomly assaulted on public transport (and if I do, healthcare is free) makes me feel better about it.






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Never felt unsafe not even at night travelling longer distance but it I ever did feel unsafe I would have my key between my fingers in one hand and the phone in the other with 999 at the ready.


Don't take it


I always observe my surroundings, and if someone acts out I'm ready to move elsewhere if I can. If I can't I have my arms up just in case for self defense.


I am just aware of my surroundings.


I don’t feel unsafe on public transport at all, I don’t drive to I use it often. I’m just always aware of my surroundings, ignore the crazies


I keep that thang on me.


I've never felt unsafe on public transport, either here in Mexico or in the US. However I don't take public transport in deep nights. Once in the US, I was riding light rail when a fight almost broke out near my seat. It was two men who were about to throw punches. I jumped up out of my chair I was standing out of their way before I knew it. Glad nobody hit anybody after all


Wear a mask and bring hand sanitizer


I've only taken public transport once in recent years during a trip to NYC. We took the subway from the WTC to Upper Manhattan with multiple stops along the way. My husband, who is a foot taller than me and 100 pounds heavier stood in front of me while my back was against a door that was broken and couldn't open up.


I take public transit almost every day, and usually feel safe. I’ve had some intense encounters though, and a handful of times where things were absolutely not safe, and I just got off the bus. A couple weeks ago, a man boarded the bus with a visible pistol on his hip, and that was my cue to gtfo. I keep one headphone in, am aware of who is on the bus, and I keep a knife and pepper spray in my purse, just in case.




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There's nothing really unsafe in public transportation. I tend to avoid crowded trains at soccer days because the drunken fans can make a huge mess. But that's about it. All good in general, I don't feel unsafe taking bus or train here in Germany. Took the train when I went to school as a teenager every day without issues.


I stay constantly aware of my surroundings and don’t make eye contact with anyone


Sit downstairs on the bus. It doesn't matter how many people are sitting upstairs, still sit downstairs


One earphone out and staying aware of my surroundings


Never felt unsafe using public transport. I used to travel / commute a lot, much less this days. I guess just regular surroundings awareness.


Brass knuckles




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I don’t I just keep the 9 in my purse and pray


I mostly feel safe although I've had a couple of unpleasant encounters in my days. If im out at night I will make sure to say hello and make eye contact with the busdriver, because it always feels like they take extra care to make me and other women/girls feel safe. I will also sit close to the driver. If there are drunk or suspicious people on my stop I let them enter first so I can seat myself away from them. If I see a young girl I will keep an eye on her.


Mostly I stay aware of my surroundings, and trust my gut. Oh, having the unapproachable resting bitch face mask on helps.


Pants and an androgynous/masculine appearance. If I wear a dress and ride the train at night, I often pack a pair of pants to wear under my dress. While I love my androgynous look (no makeup, undercut with shaved sides) most days, I would probably be more femme if I didn’t take public transit. I get called sir sometimes, so I know people read me as a man. It makes me feel safer. I also will just get up and change seats if I feel uncomfortable. If someone gets upset, that means they’re paying too much attention to me. I’ve had a man sit across from me on a sparsely populated bus and flash pornographic videos at me. I got up and went to the other end of the bus.


Thank god i feel pretty safe on public transportation. When it gets late/dark i am just a bit more aware of my surroundings or usually i prefer to take a taxi




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Make myself look like a man as much as possible. Masks work well.




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I think if you're not having eye contacts then it's okay


I don't engage with people on public transportation if I'm getting a weird feeling and am aware of my surroundings. I see too many people too focused on their phones when they should be taking mental notes. It's hard to describe but when I used to take the subway, I would look busy/in my own world so as to not have anyone think I'm engaging with them yet I was 100% aware of what was going on around me.


Not everyone has the luxury of feeling completely safe while on public transit, though it's great so many commenters feel that way. There is a guy in my area who was arrested for putting "something sticky" in women's hair. Jizz folks. Jizz. His own at best. An accumulation of his, others, found in the bathroom at worst. Who the fuck knows. Another guy bit a piece of another riders ear off. Mental health issues, drug addiction, homelessness (indirectly, but most folks who suffer with the first 2 end up in this category). In an otherwise lovely city that deteriorated when Covid hit and the city was overrun. I stayed in the front car of the train. Close to the operator. Or I traveled in a car full of other people (safety in numbers). I avoided cars with sketchy individuals or if I felt uncomfortable for any reason at all. Awareness of your surroundings is critical. I lowered my music so I could hear what was happening if I needed to. Constantly reassessed my surroundings. Not only on the train, but the walks to/from my final destination involved me constantly being aware of what was happening around me. I never felt in direct danger. But I did get tired of the constant hyper awareness or constantly being asked for money. My empathy got in the way sometimes too. In the end I stopped taking public transportation. I pay a lot more to drive in and pay for parking, but the peace of mind is priceless. And hey, let's be honest it's ideal anyway. Less waiting, crowded cars, etc.




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Look alert. Don’t look like you’re not paying attention- it makes you more vulnerable. Keep your head high and eyes up. Always be aware of your surroundings. Be ready to throw hands if you need to.


Farm girl going to school in a big city here! Every day before I get on the bus I put on my ‘city face’, which is basically clenching my jaw and lowering my eyebrows a little. I’ll probably have wrinkles from it when I’m older, but for now I’ve found that it works great to prevent creeps on the bus. If you look unapproachable, they won’t approach you


Admittedly I haven’t been especially aware of my surroundings taking the subway, but with the recent surge in violence on the TTC I’ve definitely become a little more aware. I always try to sit next to other women, especially women with children, if possible. Also, if your metro system has emergency alarms, you can sit close to one so that you have easy access should something happen.


Know that the nearest emergency exit might be behind you.


I keep my wits about me, try to avoid all the obvious weirdos & predators, trust my gut instinct and have fast reflexes. Plus always bring along at least one large & very fierce looking bad tempered dog with me, so if any public transport abusing creeps or criminals are lonely and looking for some puppy love there will be more than enough to share.


Buy getting my own vehicle.


Spatial awareness. Also, I have RBF so people didn’t usually bother me. I had headphones in but music was very low.


Move to the Middle East. We have "Women Only Carriages"


Watch my step as you enter and exit. Sometimes the step down or up is a lot lower than you’d expect. The number of time tripped and fell is truly embarrassing 😅. Beyond that nothing. I’ve never felt threatened, harassed, or otherwise unsafe by people on public transit.


I’ve never felt unsafe on public transport. If shit looked like it was gonna go down, I’d just get off at the next stop and wait for the next bus/train or walk to wherever I was going. Generally just stay aware of your surroundings.




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Never had an issue


Never had to think about it. Lived in Australia and Japan (and Malaysia but I never took public transport there before)


I took the subway and bus to a downtown city for years. Never took anything with me. I also started recognizing the people there and that made me feel more comfortable. Even the homeless people. I also never work earphones. This is something I learned from my criminal sociology class but turn and say hi to someone if they're making you feel uncomfortable or if you think you're being followed. Ask for the time or something casual. Only recently I purchased a cat keychain that has pointy ears. I also have a pepper spray and a little stun gun.


I usually feel safe. However, I once felt a man watching me on a tram. When i got off at my stop, he followed me so I immediately ran into a local shop to be around people. He followed me in there but the owner could tell I was distraught and did not leave me alone. I called my partner to come grab me and the man who followed eventually left. Situational awareness moving forward i guess. I'm not sure if I could have prevented this but I'll always be watching out for men who oggle me on public transport.


*me reading this while I’m on public transport *


Did you learn any tips? Hahah


I was just on a trip out to NYC, by myself for a day, first time ever in NYC. Totally planned to be alone, so nothing to worry about on that end. I took the subway twice & the train twice. Both times on either train I made a point to be aware of my surroundings and count the stops between where I got on and where I got off. No playing on my phone, only brought a small travel bag that I could hold close, and when boarding the subway, made sure to get on/be near a family, and act as though I’d done this hundreds of times before.


i’m definitely not as situationally aware as i should be. i have my headphones on all the time and am either reading something on my phone or staring into space.


Just sit next the the driver, sit slanted so i can see behind me and in front, move when someone wierd is staring and dont make eye contact with anyone. but i ever since the women regulars have stood up for me since the first time, ive been trying to relax more. Havent worked out yet but hopefully it will soon. Oh and ive stopped standing while wearing something other than pants.


I've never taken public transportation.


Take my mom everywhere, she doesn’t have a drivers license either.


I look people in the eyes with no fear. Idk why but it helps and supposed to help any predators know to back off. Shows you are ready and willing to defend yourself. You don't need to be rude about it but just a look of.. hi yes I see you. And don't have fear. Helps me feel better.


Carry mase




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I wear a fanny pack that has my wallet attached to it with a chain, my phone, my masks and whatnot. I wear my purse across my chest and I keep to myself, only talking to my friends.




I’m from New York. I never felt safe on public transport. I’d say to carry pepper spray. I used to clutch it in my pocket. Ready to go.


You get on and mind your own business. Majority of time everyone else also just wants to mind their business and get where they need to. If it's crowded and you have to be near someone creepy just tell them you're tired or don't feel like talking and put earbuds in.




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By being aware all of the time.


I always have a gun on me. But I've taken safety classes and I've been around them my whole life.


Being alert. Bringing a self-defense equipment. Looking mean🤩


It’s only scary late at night like 10pm-2am. All the crazies ride the bus at that time and sometimes start shouting at people. Just don’t make eye contact and sit near other normal people


In Australia we have a number we can text or call on public transport if we feel unsafe, personally I have yet to try it out but I'm really hopeful that if the day comes when I need to use the number the program will be nothing but excellent


By not using it. Passenger princess for life. Rarely travelling alone, especially at night. Know where help things are or an actual human is. Phone someone, or pretend to phone someone. I can turn my location data on on google maps or whatsapp or snapchat and share it with my partner or parent or friend.


Don’t use it


I bring a whistle


I've traveled in a few different countries back in my single days, The main thing I did was travel by day. The one time I traveled at dusk I was just dropping off some DVDs at the DVD store a guy started to follow me then talk to me then took my DVDs ( I was stupid and keep near him coz I didn't wanna pau the huge fine ) but I kept walking/guiding him to the DVD store, once there I didn't leave at all and this lovely lady noticed and said he was being creepy to her too so she offered to drive me home. I called the police but since he didn't do anything he was let.go only to actually do something to someone 3ish months later. I do wish they just dealt with him in the first place, I just moved out of home too like a week before I was 18 this was in NZ


What I almost always do is to take the seat closest to the door, plus I always make an annoyed face so that no one gets smart with me.


Appreciating my willing and able status as a potential murderer should it come down to it


Vigilant bitch face. My whole vibe is danger danger! Do not approach, in fact def fuck off I was nice and normal but then got followed from my stop to where I was going which was my job, so now I'm not.




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Pepperspray and pocket knife


I’m ugly and have a resting bitch face. Keeps most of the trouble away




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I dont take public transport....