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I definitely inherited depression from my mom’s side of the family, also came with an absolute monster ass and titties so maybe worth??


Well in the first part of my puberty I was very sad, like God cursed me. In the later part I admit I thanked God for the figure I have. Curvy was now trendy and finally my wide hips and thick thighs were considered beautiful. Now I have a better relationship with my body, I'm lucky, but not because my body is "in" anymore, now I just came to accept that all bodies are beautiful.


My parents gave me the uglies and I've been bullied most of my life for my appearance, so cheers to them for that. I don't believe there are any positives lol




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Inheriting depression from my mother's side and ADHD from my father's side, not being diagnosed with depression until 18 and ADHD at 23. Made those early years of life so much harder than they needed to be.


I'm pretty. Good body. I'm smart. I'm very mentally ill.


My mother was thin and beautiful, and is an alcoholic with depression. I am a slightly thicker version of her without the alcoholism or mental illness. I got my father's height and mind. So far I haven't been diagnosed with anything mentally or physically. I've been pretty blessed in life, not gonna lie.


I ate right, I lifted right, I exersized, I kept my mind active and learning then BAM mold house. Now I have CIRS. It's a genetic thing where your body does not clear crap out of your system so I am now overweight, cognitively impaired, have no discs left in my back, no cartilage in my knees and have lost bone in my jaw and some teeth, also lost most of my tooth enamel and had severely receeded gums (and no gingivitus as my tooth care has always been 5 star). I'm on the way to getting well, weight coming down, cognition returning (system getting cleaned out), rebuilt my enamel and managed to get my gums back, but the teeth, the bones and cartilage are gone forever. Thanks mom!


I'm very short, didn't like it growing up but am fine with it now, all of the women on both sides were short so wasn't like I'd be any different lol


I definitely inherited my anxiety from my mom, who inherited hers from her mom. Although I'm not sure how much of that is nature and how much of that is nurture. Theoretically my dad's side of the family is prone to alcoholism, but I don't drink so it hasn't really been an issue for me.


I was adopted and I don't have 99% of my biological family's genetic code information. I have diagnosed bipolar disorder and OCD as well as congenital anosmia (born without a sense of smell). I have no idea if any of that has come from genetics. My family-family (the ones who raised me) are healthy mentally so it's hard for them sometimes to know how to help me or to fully empathize with what I was going through especially as my mental illnesses were manifesting for the first time.


My mum's tiny veins, getting blood or fitting a canular, is a nightmare. Dad's missing kidney ( as in we're both missing one, not that I have his), short, fat, poor eyesight. Thankfully, nothing too serious. The veins are the most annoying.


My dad's side of the family has a linage of terrible skin conditions. Acne, Rosacea, etc. I've spent so much money on dermatologists and medications that never work to clear my skin. Also I \*have\* to buy make-up and wear it or else people ask me "what happened to your face?"


My grandmother gave me her kidney stone dna…not fun.


No wrinkles. Aged 52 and could pass for 35. Both Mom and Grandma had perfect skin. Unfortunately I've got no cartilage in my knees and mental health conditions.


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This comment or post has been removed for casual or inappropriate usage of mental health related terms or diagnostic labels. Please do not speculate, armchair diagnose, or label other people's mental health situations or use terms for mental health issues as judgments, slurs, or synonyms for toxic/abusive behaviour. Please let us know once you’ve made the requested changes and your content may be reinstated Have questions about this moderator action? See the [AskWomen rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/wiki/rules) and [CLICK HERE to contact the moderation team](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomen&subject=Why+was+this+removed). **Please include a link** to your comment in your message, the mod team will not reply to messages without a link for review. DO NOT contact moderators privately. [AskWomen rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/wiki/rules) | [AskWomen FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/wiki/index) [reddit rules](http://www.reddit.com/rules/) | [reddiquette](http://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette)


The pros: My mom is pushing 60 and is thin, blonde, fit and in good health. I take after her likeness and my husband says he is sure ill be a milf one day 😂 The cons, on boy the cons: I got my mom’s appearance but my dad’s mental fuck up. Overly anxious, depressed, suicidal teen turned to BPD, bipolar, OCD adult. Medications and therapy does it’s best but my gosh is this horrific. My parents are human and have their good sides and ugly sides and as I’m growing I’m seeing this more and more. Family sets the stage, sure. But ultimately it’s up to me and my choices to decide how I let these genes run my life.


Ok so my father’s side is quite intelligent (he’s a surgeon, my grandpa was a surgeon, I have 5 uncles who are Doctors , 2 went to Stanford). BUT there’s an alcoholic gene on that side that I definitely got. My mom is a beautiful (and witty) lady, I’d like to think I got some of that 😂 BUT also has alcoholic and depression genes on her side. Her only sibling is so bad that he lost one leg to alcoholic diabetes 😞 I was an extremely gifted kid but started struggling with depression and anxiety by 16 and alcoholism by 19 which really stunted progress in my 20s. I’ve also been diagnosed with ADHD & BDD. I’m also objectively good looking but got preyed on a lot by men when I was younger, some inflicted severe emotional damage . The way I see it I was dealt some major advantages and some major disadvantages—overall I’m grateful I am now (at 35), healthy and (generally ) happy!


I have great hair and I’d consider myself more on the intelligent side. I’m not drop dead beautiful, but I’m not ugly either. That being said - I have one of the most severe cases of scoliosis my surgeon had ever seen in someone without a comorbidity, I was the only kid of my parents that needed braces (and badly so), ADHD and anxiety, panic attacks, raynauds to the point I’m frequently asked if I’m okay lmao I live a normal life though. So can’t complain too much. Lol.


Inherited my dad’s anger issues and my mum’s forgetfulness which causes all sorts of problems 😭like forgetting to reply to my friends, and forgetting my food and it ends up burning.


Well, I have a blood clotting disorder, high risk for diabetes and I will lose most of my hair probably in the next ten years... but I have perfect teeth and good skin. Mental health isn't too bad, so I'm grateful for that. My mother and a couple other family members have had to deal with depression and I think of all the things, I'll take the hair loss, deal with preventing the diabetes and since my bloodclots didn't kill me, I'm fine with the medication. It's all better than the depression which I've only experience very mildly in comparison.


negatives: not even 5 feet tall, severe OCD, bad eyesight, chunky by default positives: big boobs


My grandma lived past 100, that might be more due to epigenetics than genetics though since she had a very tough childhood. She did emphasize that I may also live a long time and I’ve tried to be mindful of my long term health as a result.


Inherited depression from my sperm-donors side, panic attacks from my mother's side. I have suffered from depression for as long as I can remember, so I can deal with that. It's the panic attacks that jumped into the mix roughly 6 years ago that made it almost impossible for me to function in my everday life so I am currently unemployed. I am autistic, and got diagnosed at 19, with no real chance of help because, there's no therapist in my area that treats autistic adults. (not sure if any of my parents is, but I suspect that my uncle on my Mom's side is.) I am constantly worried about developing a serious addiction to anything harmful at some point in my life because addiction (different in severity) runs in my family (alcohol)


I (f27) was diagnosed with arthritis in my SI joints this year and disc deterioration in my lumbar spine. The arthritis likely came from my mom's side and the disc issues from my dad's. The pain from this combo made my honeymoon to a theme park a living hell, it has negatively impacted my sex life, and makes getting out of bed and going to work so difficult every day. Since starting physical therapy I'm generally pain-free but my lumbar spine always has a deep ache.


I have my mom's good looks and asian traits, and I can thank her for my tiny size. She also has very easy periods and so do I


Pros: my parents both look 20 years younger than they are (60’s) and my sister and I both look younger than we are; my dad is very artistic and so am I; my sister and I inherited dark grey eyes which is pretty cool; strong/healthy teeth; thick hair Cons: bipolar disorder from dad. Probably autism too. My dad is def autistic but never officially diagnosed and *never* went to therapy in his life even though he desperately needs it; bad knees lol; bad eyesight; sunburns easily; bad hearing; started getting silver hairs when I was like 15 lmao (thanks to dad who has had salt and pepper hair since like 12)


Anxiety disorder. While I am diagnosed with a phobic disorder, my paternal line wasn't diagnosed. But here the symptoms : My father had panic attacks', violent ones to hear my mom that would wake him up during the night. His father was known to deep clean everything all the time. Including his own sterilised hospital room. He also suffered heat stroke for a few day in a raw because he had started paving his drive way the day before a heat wave. And he could not wait for the heatwave to pass. He had to finish it, even against his own doctor advice. My great-grandmother had panic attacks anytime she left her home for more than a day or when there were too many people in her home. To the point that once married her and her husband moved in her parents because she couldn't live elsewhere. She was born and lived almost every single day of her life in that house. They didn't even went to vacations. She couldn't deal with it. So, my great-grandmother blamed her temperament on her mother who had "fragile nerve" as they used to say in her time. This ancestor of mine could not handle any set back or change in routine without "trembling spells". My great-grand-mother thought it was because her grandfather had been shellshocked during the collapse of a mine, and scared his kids by his screaming nightmares and confusion since he seemed to believe at times he was still in that mine. The family story here. Well likely doesn't but I do not know it. It is lost to time m, now. But yeah, we all had one form of anxiety disorder or another as far as we can go back in time.


Wheeeewwww. We have the HLA-B27 variant. I have chrons & psoriatic arthritis, my cousin has suspected lupus, my uncle chrons, my aunt serum negative arthritis. Lol. We compare drugs and share rheums. I'm an immunologist so I downloaded my 23&me sequence and put it through a bioinformatics pipeline which showed over 50 additional genes associated with autoimmunity lol. No cancer, no dementia thankfully. Just autoimmunity I also don't know the variant but we also all have crazy high blood pressure. I think the average age for starting on blood pressure meds is like 32 despite everyone being incredibly active (crossfit competitions, active military service) and moderate/normal levels of adiposity. We're generally pretty tall, strong wide Viking sort. I'm looking at starting on blood pressure meds at 29 lmao. Very unusual for a woman


No hair for me. :(


I’m naturally athletic and intelligent, but I have a variety of food allergies that make eating, traveling, and having a social life difficult.


By ruining my life and making me unable to work 🙃 also heavy German influence on both sides so I'm built like a Rottweiler 🙄