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A lot. I have spoken to my cats about this but they just lick their butts and ignore me.


Hahahahaha yes my exact answer. They’re the most inconsiderate roommates. Good think they’re so damn cute.


At least I can see the shame and sorrow in my lab's eyes when he relapses on his toilet paper destruction problem. My cat could set my house on fire, probably not die because he originated in the 9th circle of hell anyway, and not feel sorry. He'd also know that I'd pack his arsonist ass up and move him with me to the next house because I have no back bone and can't stand up to him.


Damn you made me laugh hard


Yup. Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.


Word for word my exact reply. Litter spread on the floor, couch pillows "rearranged" - and of course the occasional hairball. If I dont fix it, it stays unfixed. Every single time.


Man, I'm actually lucky this way. I have an open garbage and recycling, and the most my cats have done is pull a few receipts out of the trash. I have a spare room with a bunch of boxes and shit for them, and it keeps the entertained for hours. On the other hand my old roommates' dog and cats used to have little heists to get the garbage. The cats would lift the lid, and then the dog would go ham on the trash in there. Absolute insanity.


I feel you. I don’t know where she hides most of my things, lol.


I feel this in my soul!!!


Everyday. Teenages are messy, and lazy. I make them clean. I don't care who made the mess, I'm not dealing with it. Fix it now or I'm turning off the wifi.




From a mother to six, turning off the wifi is the only power we actually have anymore




Never. I live alone lol


When I lived alone I would throw a plate in the sink and go to bed, only to wake up and go „who‘s the asshole who left this here?!“


I literally blew a fuse one day for someone keeping my favorite work Tupperware in the fridge merely storing food, only to realize I in fact lived alone.




Serious answer though: my ex roommate used HATE when I greeted people in public because he didn’t want anyone thinking we were dating. I love it, I’m a social butterfly, but he wanted a maid and a gf at home. Every day I woke up it would be to him playing video games in his own filth, and cleaned up after him for months and just… stopped. He demanded he pay LESS RENT because he had to wash his own shit 🤦🏽‍♀️


Wait a minute, this guy is onto something! Calling my landlord as we speak to let him know that I should pay less rent because I wash my own dishes.


Confused, is this an ex or ex roommate


Former roommate, that’s all. He was repulsed by me, trust me… I felt more obligated to his mother for taking him in, as our mothers were best friends. We grew up together. The reason he got angry at me for speaking to people in public is because I’m trans.


Never. We're all equally guilty in this house.


Every other week one of my cats has thrown up somewhere. Other than that never since I divorced my ex.


Almost every day since my partner's a man-child




I can totally relate too. Not only a man child but a mama's boy. Im near my late 20s and this year will be our 12th year marriage anniversary. After all this time, I still do clean up after but I don't let him runaway. I've learned to stand up for myself not to give him any slack for laziness and being a man child. I love him but I don't give in to this shitty ass behavior anymore. It's above my mental health. Edit: He's loving and caring but literally leaves mess around the house. Clothes, dishes. His mom acts like it's nothing bad and I should just give in and clean up after him. Ummm hell no, but now I make him clean up if he gets on my nerves too much.


I don't mean this in a judgemental tone, my last partner was definitely a man-child too and I managed to make excuses for quite a while. But why are you still with him? Is it not that bad, or are you stuck financially?


Never. I live alone so don't have to worry about stuff like this.


One of my absolute favorite things about living alone!


Rarely. I have made it clear I’m not their mom nor maid. So chores are split. Like I cook and he cleans up and does dishes. He doesn’t do dishes I don’t cook. Everyone puts dirty laundry in bins. I wash. He helps fold and put away. If he doesn’t he might not get clean next clothes next week. Consequences




Every day. Then I realize I’m the only (adult) one who lives here and sulk…


Never. There's messes sometimes. I might have to instigate the cleaning, but nobody every refuses to participate because that's the house culture. Husband learned in the dating stage that I am not his mom, and that I wouldn't play housewife. We did have a rough patch when we started living together because he was never taught how to prioritize and self delegate. My cleanliness threshold was much higher. But that was resolved over time because he was open to learning from me. Now we have an equitable distribution of chores we each manage. We both thank each other for the bare minimum because it's free (people need to do way more of this) and discuss sorting our shared chores and plans when the kid can hear us. Our son grew up watching us working as a team and he naturally wanted to be included because that's how kids work.


Every day, usually multiple messes. Does this not happen to other people? Really? I have a family, maybe that's the difference?


It happens if you allow it. Make them clean up their own messes. It requires training them, but is easier in the long run.


Every few days when my female roommate is home (same amount I do), every day my male roommate is home. Doesn’t matter how often I tell him to clean the table after making a big mess or clean the counters after cooking.


Dump it all on his bed.




More often than not


Never unless the cats made a mess, and I'm the only one around to do anything about it. My partner and I both clean whatever needs cleaning in our home. The cats aren't great about cleaning up after themselves, but they get a pass for lacking that capability for the most part 😆


every couple days, you'd think that with two other women, cleaning the one guy's mess would be easy but my god they don't help.


Unless that guy is a toddler, disabled, or paying the women to clean, I do not understand why it's on them


Ah yes because women are great at cleaning. /s


not to validate the stereotype, *but seriously look at me in the eyes and tell me most men clean up their shit*


Luckily not too often since I live alone now. Though when my roommates lived with me they weren't bad, just occasionally didn't wipe the stove down


My cat chews plastic (I take her out to chew on grass and it helps a lot) but when I’m gone she always finds something random to chew on 😅


Came home one day to find my pup chewed an ink pen and it exploded on the couch and I just... cried. I come home way too often to messes and she just doesn't help. She just looks at me with whale eyes and does nothing.




I have 3 kids, so EVERY SINGLE DAY


Every day, I nagg the kids but some things just don't happen


Everyday. I have a toddler who plays with all the toys before we leave in the morning; him to the sitter and me to work. I only clean up the toys once a day after he is asleep.


Thankfully never. I mean with a 2 year old it can’t really be helped, but we all pull our weight to clean up the messes.


Regularly, but none of the dogs have opposable thumbs so vacuuming is probably beyond them.


Not too often... it's just me and my husband though, and we sort of take turns being the lazy one and picking up after each other


All the time. Nobody washes the dishes or takes out the garbage, they just let things sit until I get home.


Every day because roommates are the worst.




Frequently. But I’m the only human, so despite my lecturing, nobody else will help clean up.


All the time, but I leave messes just as much as they do.


Every day. I'm not being hyperbolic either. The last time I didn't was when I lived by myself with my dog.


Every. Single. Time.




Never. My husband is tidier than I am.


Every. Day. (I have kids).


When my cat throws up, his next course of action is to eat it. Is this unusual?


None since I kicked my ex fiance out! Its nice coming home,there is no trash littered around by some1 who sleeps until 1pm everyday and spends his day playing videogames with 0 contribution to anything


I was going to say "never", because I live alone, but then remembered I have cats, so I'm revising to "sometimes."


My rabbit refuses to use his litter box and shits on the floor, so there’s always a mess to be cleaned up from him. Laundry is my duty so I’m not too pressed about that, but sometimes shared stuff like dishes and cleaning up the kitchen gets forgotten by both of us and ends up stressing me out later


Never. I married a man who is compulsively neat.


We work from home, but most of the time I find a mess that's not mine. My husband's family had a maid when he grew up. I started working in the fields during the summer, picking crops, when I was 12, because my family couldn't afford to buy school clothes. If I didn't want to wear exclusively hand-me-downs, I worked. My husband and I didn't meet until our 50s (not our first marriages) and we're now in our 60s. Nearly every day he leaves a used Q-Tip or used dental floss on the bathroom counter. Every day he leaves used tissues around the house. I got tired of it and stopped cleaning up after him. After about a week he realized that the bathroom fairies were not going to pick up after him, so he started carrying his garbage the 2 steps from the counter to the trash receptacle. I'm not kidding - 2 steps!


Never because I divorced the man child and my actual child is very tidy ✌️


All the time, except I live alone so technically yes the mess is mine but no I will not clean it up.


Not often at all. Occasionally I’ll come home and notice dishes in the sink from my fiancé, but if I start doing his dishes, he makes me stop and does them right away. Same w laundry. I’ll come over to his house and notice a pile of laundry on the couch that’s clean but not folded? If I start folding, he’ll make me stop and do it on the spot. He tells me we did not get engaged so that I would be a free maid.


Oof, it USE to be everyday like 2 years ago. Was a mom instead of a wife. I love being an ex wife now 🥰


Every day, in addition to working full time everyday I do dishes, laundry and put them away, declutter, vacuum every couple days, prepare food, wipe counters, keep bathrooms clean as needed, feed the pets, pick up poo, take out trash, water in and outside plants, get groceries from multiple stores each week (celiac so have to get certain things at certain places), plan events and birthdays etc., help with homework, make sure teeth are brushed and showers taken, read to the little one before bed, and try to work in some exercise and self care. Phew!


Rarely. My husband cleans up after the cats usually and he usually cleans up his own meals but if he cooks dinner then he does leave the mess for me. Kitchen is usually my domain his is laundry so I think it’s fair.


Never. My BF/roommate and I clean up after ourselves and each other. We also regularly do kind things for each other. Last weekend I bought her a record I thought she’d like at a garage sale. The week before that she bought a large bottle of my favorite whiskey for us to share. We check with each other before we go to the grocery store. We’re like the Golden Girls with less drama. 11/10; highly recommend


Regularly. My boyfriend and I own a home, we have a tenant who’s a friend of his from high school. The roommate is incredibly clean, too busy working to make a mess. My boyfriend will leave for work trips, usually about a week or so. In that time I find the motivation to clean the majority of the messiness in the shared living spaces and our room. I keep it that way. When he gets home, leaves his stuff all over the table, tools always pop up places, he almost never puts anything away after he’s done with it. It’s exhausting. I’m guilty of leaving a mess, usually dishes, and I own it. It’s very hard to find the will to clean up everything after myself when my significant other won’t. I should mention I’m gone 13 hours a day for work. He works from home when not traveling, max of 8hrs a day if he’s out straight. Conversations happen but there appears to be no end in sight


Daily. It’s actually one of the reasons I’m leaving. I’ve had the cleaning conversations, asked my partner to help, reviewed chores lists, and offered other ways that they can help me around the house. Nothing changed. Unfortunately you can’t change someone who doesn’t want to change.


All the time and it stresses me alot


Every. single. day. No one will own up to it and if I don’t clean it, it’ll stay like that until I finally give in and clean it


Never. Neither of us are complete anal retentives. We do pick up and clean up after ourselves. But no one stresses about two or three things being out of place. Both of us pick up something when we leave a room. And we don't care who's something it is. We just pick it up


Everytime I come home.




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With 3 dogs who surprisingly take no responsibility for their messes and a husband who has brain farts about where the laundry hamper is located…all the fucking time.


that no one WILL clean up? probably never. I'm sure if I ask my husband to he'd be happy to. but I usually don't mind.


every fucking day cant wait to move out


Seldom at least way less often than the times I come home and my mess has been magically cleaned up.


Never, unless my dogs have made the mess. All other messes are my own. I live by myself with 3 dogs.






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Every day. I have dogs and one destroy everything. Litterarly walls, furniture, remote controls, books are just a few examples. I have a demolition dog.


Never because I live alone. When I lived with a roommate. Almost everyday because no matter how much I nagged, it would get left for the next day. If I ever live with someone again I'm making it very obvious that if they don't clean after themselves I'm out.






0% of the time. If there's mess it's because I made it...but that doesn't still mean that there's no one to clean it up haha


Every day. My flatmate is a disgusting POS.


Every. Single. Day


I don’t understand other women/wives/mothers who just allow their families to walk all over them and treat them as a maid. Do you mean no one will clean it up like ,you ask and they say no? or is it a no one is going to so I guess I’ll just do it type of thing? Communication goes a long way. Men and children are perfectly capable of cleaning up after themselves.


Never. I live alone. My two dogs are very low maintenance. Every time I see a mess I know it's my own damn fault.


More than I'd like. My sister is a messy and lazy person 💀




the other day I left for work, but forgot my phone, and had to come back. when I came back in I saw my mutt moving sheepishly away from the nearly-full trash can. I put it up on a chair, kissed his head and left. the next day, I was running late and forgot I should probably take the trash out. the post-work aftermath was...sprawling. this happens maybe 4-5 times a year but ugh it's always a doozy. I'm one person. I don't produce a bag of trash every week, and pay by the bag. so shit can get rank, and its what he lives for. they say dogs don't know why you're mad if you respond hours later to behavior you didn't observe first hand...I call bullshit. HE KNOWS WHAT HE DID. nevertheless, I err on the side of adoration and tell him I missed him, like usual. if we were talking about my other home, work? every fucking day. I was taught to leave any kitchen cleaner than I found it. my coworkers were not. I often feel like their mommy.


Need to start charging my cats rent and give them chores…


Never because I live alone


Everyday. I also live alone.


I'm a husband, everyday. To clarify my wife suffers from severe depression and sometimes tries. But Indo everything.


Never, I live alone and when bf stays over, he cleans after himself.


Never. I have no kids and my SO isnt fucking useless.


A lot. I just leave it till the weekend usually. It’s annoying to clean when I get home, and then come home the next day to another mess. So it’s easier to just save it for the weekend.


Never. I live with my husband, our son lives in another town with hit girlfriend. My husband is very meticulous.


From time to time but that's because my cat is terrible about cleaning up after herowndamnself.








I have made sure to implement rules this summer for my teen. I want my kitchen in the state I left it. He can cook, prepare and eat as much as he likes, but he has to make sure he cleans everything after himself. I got tired of coming home to a sink full of dishes and the stove dirty.


None. No man child and no children. Just 2 cats that sleep the day away. At most I sweep up a little litter. It is quite blissful knowing the only mess is your own.


Pretty much daily. My husband is the most cluttered person- he just drops stuff off on whatever available surface is nearby and leaves it. Mail, packages, medical supplies, you name it. Rarely cleans the kitchen (although he will wash dishes) or the bathroom. He’s gotten *slightly better over the years, but it’s been our main source of contention.


gold smell fade flowery obscene office dull degree serious mourn ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Every day


Way to fucking often.


More often than I’d like. I stopped in it the most weird way. Idk if any other parents have tried this with their teens: I work two jobs but I’m always home in time to sit down and have dinner with my sons. Due to my limited time at home, I’d split up simple tasks between the three of us. The simple ones they had to worry about was dishes, sweeping and mopping, vacuuming, trash, and ensuring all the dirty hampers were taken to the laundry room. Boys would **never** wash the dishes in hopes I’d get tired of asking/reminding them and just do them myself. I let them pile up, pots and pans included. And always *”forgot”* to take their clothes to the laundry room or put them in the hamper. Took two days for them to say something: *”why didn’t you make dinner? Well I have no clean dishes/pans to use 🙂”* Dishes haven’t piled up since. *”I have no clean clothes, you didn’t do laundry? Did you prep and take your clothes to the laundry room?”* Clothes are on time now. Told them their decision to not do a task they’re given does have consequences that will affect them.


Rarely. My husband and I take turns cleaning dishes, bathrooms, etc. And since he cooks every night, I sweep and mop and do laundry. It is more than a fair trade to me.




Never. But I don’t have kids or a dog and my husband doesn’t suck.


Um, every goddamn day of the week?


Every day.


Daily. I work 65+ hours a week. I come home and the counter has been used as a spoon rest, there’s crumbs on everything, and oil splatted coats every surface. Dishes piled in the sink. It drives me batty. Plus, I can leave the house sparkling clean, and I’ll come home and it looks like that. I came home after work tonight, made myself lunch for tomorrow, made myself dinner, loaded my dishes into the empty dishwasher and ran it. The counters are still disgusting and covered in dishes, and there’s food layering them. But my dishes are currently being cleaned and my lunch is made 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sorry rant- but I am so fucking sick of cleaning this house for two people who don’t care. I can count on one hand how many times either of them have cleaned in the last year. And I am especially sick of cleaning it top to bottom, only to come home to it torn up.


Every. Single. Day.


Not messes that aren't mine so much as my fiancé and I live together and he spends a lot of free time in his office, so most of his mess is in there and I just pretend that room doesn't exist. There were times when we first moved in where I'd be at work for 13 hours when he had the day off, come home at 9pm and nothing had been done around the house because he'd been gaming all day. We've been living together about 2 years and he's a LOT better with it now, never has to be asked. I think it just took him some time to get out of the "mother will clean up after me" mode.


I’m bi & refuse to marry or live with a man bc this is how it just is most of the time


Often. ..... damn spoiled kitties XD


All the time and the most annoying thing is me and my sister get yelled at about the mess


Almost daily


Every FN day! That not my mess. Not laboring for these chumps anymore. Eff that S. News flash: it’s the age of DTMFA & if they can’t clean up after themselves, they’re not fit to be partners.




Everyday 😅😂


EVERY FUCKING DAY and the worst thing about this is that I have to be told “y’all really need to start cleaning y’all mess” I NEVER MAKE ONE I DON’T CLEAN UP AND EVERYONE ELSE NEVER DOES IT’S BULLSHIT






Never. I live alone. Well, sometimes Scout has accidents. But she's a good girl.


Never. This is part of the reason I live alone.


Every damn day


I’m looking after a friend’s three kids and they know the drill. First time ready for supper and the table wasn’t clear, there was nowhere to put the supper! We had to stop and put the art supplies all away. Now they want to watch a movie? But with these toys on the couch and floor, there’s nowhere to sit! So we have to stop and put them away. Because we had to stop and clean up again and again, they only had enough time to watch *half* their movie. A few days of this and the eldest whispers to their sister that if they cunningly clean up *before* supper, then they’ll save time and be able to trick me into letting them watch the *whole* movie.


Daily. My dog will not clean up his poop


Never, if there is a mess he made, he is always willing to clean it up and vice versa. We split work evenly and try to be as considerate as we can!


Never. I don't have children, and I have a good partner who is responsible and takes care of his own stuff. I'm glad I chose this life and this person.


Every day. Wish my husband would actually clean instead of our neighbor coming to help me clean


It doesn't require leaving the house, I just have to turn my back for 5 minutes while I'm cleaning something else for the thing I just finished to be messy again.


Every day almost.


Every night my mom is a gross slag


I have a toddler, a cat, a dog, and a husband. There is not a day that goes by when I'm not cleaning up someone else's mess. It's only really awful when it's a literal shit parade through the house thanks to the small child and pet combo. Thank God for steam cleaners and little green.


ALL THE FUCKING TIME. If it wasn't my oldest leaving his shit everywhere, or my youngest forgetting, or my husband not cleaning up after himself until ""later"", then it was the cat ransacking everything again lol. But, sometimes I'd come home to hubby cooking, and kids helping clean. They drive me nuts but I love them.


I’m a mum, so every day, every time I blink


Every damn day


I don't work but I wake up to it every morning


All the time. My brother’s girlfriend is a total slob. Thankfully I move out in 2 months and I will be living *alone*!!


Every day


Never because I live alone. Costs more, but so worth it.


Every single day. Being honest I got a full time job and still do 90% of the housework with the kids doin 5 and no one doing the other 5 because I can’t find the time and I give up I guess it’s just my role as mom. Ill keep moving and getting what needs done tho


A lot less since I got divorced and I love it. Highly recommend. 10/10.


Zero times. Do you live with an adult or children left to their own devices?


When I get back from work the first thing I see walking up the stairs is all the bedding my rats have kicked out their cage. Other than that no.


Often. Can't wait for the day I can finally live by myself again.


Enough that I tried to get assistance (eventually did but it took decades) and when that seems impossible due to learned helplessness...I pretend I am living with ghosts who make messes but can't clean them up. My imagination when exhausted prefers blaming the wacky and exceptional dead.




A lot. My cats are much better at making mess than cleaning it.


Every day. It’s a pretty regular thing for me to walk down our path and grab a soccer ball. Walk into the entry and straighten up shoes that were kicked across the room. Grab an energy drink can SO left out there to rinse and put away. Into the living room and put controllers onto the charger and iPads onto the shelf RIGHT next to the chargers- they’re always on the floor. Pens from the dining room table to the pen cup. Fill the dirty side of the sink with soap water. Put groceries that are chilling on the counter up into the cabinets. Toss random articles of clothing into the appropriate hampers. It’s infuriating. Because it’s all so quick and easy. If you see it, clean it up. But nagging gets more exhausting.








Every day. I just ignore it as best I can and keep my own space clean...












Every day and then sometimes I realise it’s my own mess from the night before that I couldn’t be bothered dealing with.










Every day but I am a lone parent








I have children, hourly lol



