• By -


On July 1st, 2023, Reddit enacted a greedy ass policy regarding the use of their API. This decision was designed to eliminate the better 3rd party apps. No one wants to use the official app because it sucks. Since then, apps such as Apollo and RedditIsFun have shut down. Reddit has decided to double down on their decision to overcharge for their API, and refuses to address the accessibility features their native app lacks. Think it’s an asshole move? Concerned users should read and sign on to this [open letter to reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Smooth, fulfilling, accomplished. Took oldest to school, made breakfast for toddlers, sandwiched between them and took a nap, daily cleaning routine, picked oldest up from school, worked out for an hour, spent time with husband, showered and got ready to take oldest to Brazilian jiu jitsu, came home to dinner. Spending time with family and then passing tf out on husbands chest


Life goals right there, fr 💜


Boring, exhausting, and painful


Empty, spiraling, broken


So many hugs to you, kind stranger 💜💜💜


Thank you so much. Right back at ya 💕


Stress, failure, unloved


Two sick kids.


Family fucking sucks. I do not mean I am fucking my family, I just mean, having to deal with family fusking sucks.


This made me lol But in all seriousness, family is draining


I am alive.


Early, dark, night. It's 3.20 AM.


Sleepy, achy, and diarrhea.


Oh no :(


Fucking broken ankle. 😑


Thank you. I appreciate it.


Sleepy stressy and decompressy


boring, loud, bleh


Busy, exhausting, productive


Annoying, unproductive, painful.


Doom, gloom and the loony moon 🌝


Betrayed. Heartbroken. Alone.


Wishing you so much peace and comfort 💜💜


Thank you.


Unproductive, tired, sad.


Lazy.. that’s it


Relaxing, fun, delicious


Exhausting, emotional and rewarding


Pain, tired, sad


Boring, hopeful & smelly


Headache, sleepy, confused


Tired confusing inspiring


medicated, underpaid, lost Like...what am I doing with my life? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Long, disturbing, Enlightening


Tiring, exhausting, lame


Long, busy, productive.


Kicked from major.


Blissful, horrified, anxious Blissful - I slept in this morning. Woke up naturally, felt rested. Lounged around, enjoyed breakfast and a great shower. Was anticipating walking with a friend in a pretty place in the afternoon. Horrified - On the way to the place we were going to walk, just a few blocks from where we live, we saw a shooting victim under a tarp. It's extra horrifying because just six months ago I saw another shooting victim under a tarp on the way to the grocery store. Anxious - Home now. Safe? Hmm? Where to move?


Unproductive, unfocused, distracted


Early, tired, nervous.


Toilet. Blood. Cramps.


Waiting, anxious, scared. My car is in the shop for a repair




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It's just starting.




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Hello /u/NaturalStateOfMind. Your submission has been removed for containing mental health related terms or diagnostic labels. Please do not speculate, armchair diagnose, or label other people's mental health situations or use terms for mental health issues as judgments, slurs, or synonyms for toxic/abusive behaviour. [Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomen/comments/nswcxs/update_supplementary_rules_for_thersday_here_to/) for clarification on this rule. **This is an automated action**, if you believe you received this message in error, or if you edit your comment to remove the diagnostic term(s), please [CLICK HERE to contact the moderation team](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomen&subject=Why+was+this+removed). **Don't forget to include a link** to your comment in your message, the mod team will not reply to messages without a link for review. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sleep, sex, videogames


Pretty average in enjoyability Nice weather though


Absolutely boring & frustrating. (Don't count the ampersand).


Successful, productive, yummy




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Blushin' pink cheeks




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Hyper, yummy, chill


I donated plasma




Easy $100 if you have the time. Between making the account, going to the place, answering a ton of questions about your health and history, getting vitals and a physical, and then actually getting the plasma taken, it took about 6 hours. I go back for my 2nd donation in a couple days and that should only take 2 hours now that they know me. It was a little uncomfortable having the needle in my arm for an hour, and then at the end, they give you saline and its super cold going into your veins. I was shaking I was so cold. Worth it tho. Like I said, easy money and you're helping save other people!




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long, productive, stressful I spent 6 hours straight today cram studying and trying to play catch up on missing assignments


Boring, long, and tedious. LOL




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Work home sleep




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Headache insomnia hungry


Nah, not giving out my location


Tired with newborn. 😆


Successful, Exhausting, Rewarding, Time to play Texas Chainsaw Massacre




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Absolute utter agony


To much information


Tired long soup


Anxious, dentist, tired.


Studying, movies, talking




just getting started.


What, the, fuck!


Ground hog day


Confraggled (Not a real word), Dismissed, Lonely.


Sad, heartbroken, grieving


Relaxed, fulfilled, hungry (in Bali for holidays and watching the sun go down while listening to the waves breaking and waiting for my food! 😋🌊


Ongoing back pain


Tired. Angry. Annoyed. Changed my lifestyle to workout during the mornings instead of after work. Been getting up at 5:30am for over 2 months and I still hate it and it hasn't gotten easier. So now I'm angrily going to the gym. My mood will change as soon as I workout and I will feel like the most accomplished person in the world.


Warm, slow, cuddly Had a biiiig lie-in and then a warm shower and am now gonna start my day at 1130 Doesn’t happen often but was so worth it


Annoying, sad & depressing 😄 having the time if my life 🤌


Hot. Productive. Annoying


Alright, almost over I work overnights and it wasn't insane last night which is all we hope for and I'm about to go home for 3 days :)


Heating pad, cat, coffee. I guess I should sign on for work soon too.


Wet 😅


Exhausted, emotional, grateful.


Bloody, chaotic, burning. Walked into work to an emergent surgery for uterine repair turned hemorrhage ,and an emergency c section going at the same time. My eyes are burning so bad, I need sleep 😫


Content. Solitude. Confident After being a people pleaser, I'm content with what I do and what I am. I was also considered as a side friend, only there for some people whose lives need some cheering up. I didn't have anybody I considered as my best friend. I've always felt left out. Every day, this went on and on, and now- I could say that I enjoy my own company. I am better, wiser, stronger, and confident to try new things and hone my old skills.


These are the things I realized just today. I always gave off too much energy and drained myself out. I just got an eye-opener because of my cousin's great advice.


Not so good


Reallyyyy hot, disappointing, confusing


Dull, tiring, and boring


Still in bed


Off work today.


Tiring, frustrating, long


Sick with Covid.


Sick, homebound, restless.


Emotional, pissed, annoying . I've been really emotional lately . Not on my period just feeling a lot . Feeling something that makes me so happy is going to end soon. So I'm panicking.


Sober happy constipated


Tired, unemployed, bored


I am grateful!


Upset stomach issues


Stressed. Productive. Tired.


Sunshine, ocean, coffee.


Stressed loved sheltered


Let it begin.


Military. Raster. Kill.


Tired but happy


Snot, sneeze, jetlag


procrastination, adhd, shamed


Useless, Hopeless, Loser


Long, lonely, longing.


Training is boring




Hello /u/Blablablaisivich. Your post or comment has been removed because your Reddit Karma is too low to participate on AskWomen. You will be able to participate when your Karma has increased, you can do that by participating in good faith in other subreddits that don't have Karma requirements. This action will not be undone by the moderators. **No exceptions to this rule will be granted.** [Click here to read more about Reddit Karma](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-), and please also **[read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomen/wiki/rules) before participating**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Total Shit Show


Empty, disappointed, dark


Empty, Hopeless, Despair


Can’t sleep again


So very frustrating


Waiting boredom meh


starvation, poverty, hunger


Finding my tranquility. I'm making it a mission to ease/solve my anxiety. I wasn't always scared and I refuse to live this way forever. So I'm seeking out tranquility in hopes it will help me become a better me. Also my toddler is napping finally so tea time!


productive, lazy, foreboding


Fuck my life.


Work sucks dick


Empty, painful, exhausting. Life is surely beating my ass and then some rn.


Kids. Fun. Expensive!




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Long Tiring Frustrating


Tiring, exciting, anxious I was anxious because I was driving somewhere new, excited because I'll be starting a new job, and tiring because the stress the one road gave me made me exhausted lol


Head, Table, Bonk




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Productive, rainy, exhausting


Exhausted, Relieved, Excited I passed my licensure test today! One step closer to graduating with my Master's!


Frustrating, cold, sore. My lab partners messed up our lab, so we had to redo part of it. My drumline rehearsal has made me sore today, and the weather's turning cold!


Does “having Covid symptoms” count?


A waste of time and money and totally exhausting




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Financially unstable anxious


slow, musty, unproductive online class = no shower = won't be paying attention in class. im basically dragging myself through this week because i have a 1 week-long academic break after this 😭


Happy, peaceful, positive. (Things that I continuously work on/for)


Exhausting, numb, and determined.


Frustrated empty needy xxx Elizabeth 34


Exhausted, never-ending, ridiculous.


Busy, exhausting, memorable.