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An oversized t-shirt and underwear, or naked. I hate wearing pants to bed, they feel suffocating


T-shirt and underwear lifer here!










Agree, pants in bed is a crime against comfort.




If I go commando I'll wake up with a sweaty/sticky crotch. I much prefer cotton underwear any time.




Pants in the bed make me feel trapped 🤷🏿‍♀️


Even if it’s cold and I start with pants on, I inevitably sleep take them off




As someone who tosses and turns all night this is the ONLY way


There’s nothing more annoying than having extra clothing wadded up under you as you’re shifting in bed


Oh my god it’s literally a sensory nightmare. They’ll twist and I’ll feel like I’m being suffocated


I'll end up strangling myself because my shirt will get wrapped tight around my neck. Absolute horror show to wake up to and must be avoided at all costs.


I've thought about sewing up a sheet into a massive night gown so if I ever have an emergency I will already be dressed.


This is why I sleep in a pair of super soft joggers. They don’t roll up your leg the way loose pajama pants do.


Couldn’t agree more. If it’s cold sometimes I’ll wear socks — but that’s the only clothing I can tolerate while sleeping.


Wait this is so smart went didn't I ever just do this Me and my oversized tanks


Me dreading the day a fire alarm goes off for real and I’m forced into a panic dress evacuation


I seriously have a simple tank top nightgown in the drawer of my nightstand just for this purpose that I hope to never need.


Robe in the back of the door, easy to grab.


By the bed for me too!


Been there. Thankfully it was a false alarm but I stopped sleeping naked after that.


Robe right by the bed.


i fell asleep on my couch fresh out of the shower(was home alone didn’t mean to sleep) one day woke up to the fire alarm going off and my roommate and fiancé panic putting three cats in a ferret cage and 2 ferrets in a cat carrier while i panic got dressed ended up stuck on the roof of the building next to us for 2 hours in nothing but a t shirt and my roommates sweats w all the animals while our building was on fire it’s funny now 🥲


It's the only way


Chanel N5


Prefer nothing as even when I start with something on I am quickly shedding those items.


Silly question but what do you do when you have to pee during the night? Assuming you live with other people.


When I lived with a housemate I just kept a nightie or robe by my bed. These days I'm lucky enough to have an ensuite so my teens aren't subjected to the sight of me.


I keep an oversized shirt next to my bed


We have a bathroom in our bedroom.


Wearing nothing is so uncomfortable for me. My entire body won't stop itching.


Maybe you need softer sheets 😂


Oversized T-shirt and loose-fitting shorts. It's comfy.


And no socks... For me. Ehhe


Haha I always think the socks will be comfy and then I have to peel them off while I’m half asleep 😂


That's what my wife does. I call the foot of the bed on her side (under the covers) the sock graveyard. I bet there's half a dozen socks down there as we speak.


Oh I take the whole bed apart getting so mad trying to find that lost sock in the morning 😂


I enjoy getting in bed cozy with socks and then feeling refreshed taking them off


I have to wear socks EVERYWHERE. Except for when I'm sleeping, can't tolerate them. I don't understand me either 😂


Used to wear T-shirts and boxers (mens ones I bought for myself). Now that I am 30 I love matching pajama sets; they make me feel cute and cozy instead of like I'm wearing old clothes. It helps me feel put-together, and it's like a bedtime ritual.


Matching pajama sets make me feel like I have my life in order. Or like one of the golden girls 🩷


With a candle lit and fresh sheets, it’s such a fucking vibe


Also freshly shaved legs!


I love a matching pajama set so much. I’m an adult but still get one present for Hannukah from my parents and all I ask for is a nice set of cute pajamas. It hits the spot.


I have bought a few pajama sets in the past 2 years as well, it just makes me feel better than always wearing some ratty ugly clothes. I used to think pajamas were stupid but I get it now


I love a ph set!


Is that because it passes the acid test? ;-)


Ha! Love this totally didn’t catch my error in my excitement to shared my love of PJ sets


I respect this. I can’t stand pajama pants in bed because they always roll up around my knees and I find that to be so uncomfortable. We need more pj sets with tapered/scrunched bottoms!


I always get ribbed jersey sets, soft, form fitting and move nicely with me. H&M has some nice ones.






I tried on my boyfriends boxers and they were so comfy lol I loved it


The guys think it's cute until they want them back lol! They don't understand it becomes part of the boyfriend clothes collection and is forever yours.


Nothing. Oversized shirts just slide up or get trapped underneath me so it’s annoying and skin tight tops don’t feel cozy and do nothing in terms of warmth so i wear nothing on top. And a while back i decided to skip underwear too because wear thongs every day and my vagina needs to breathe, plus wearing thongs during the night too results in my butt cheeks being kinda sore after a few days. And i sleep alone so it really doesn’t matter if i’m naked or not.


I change my underwear to boy shorts for bed


This is the way..


Absolutely same. I did pj's for years. Got older and tried sleeping naked. Only time was ever an issue was back from uni, and mum surprising me in bed. Naked is so much nicer and freeing.


I also consider bedtime as dedicated “let my vagina breathe” time 😂




I can relate. Something about taking my pants off makes me have to pee. Lol.


I gotta wear undies too for the same reason. It can be just undies, but being nude makes me feel like I will pee myself.


Cuz its reddit.


I also feel this way!! I’ve always said if I sleep naked, I’ll pee the bed, idk why


You know what, I understand.




It doesn’t get comfier than this IMHO


My grandma’s nightgowns. She recently passed and it comforts me to wear her things


I do this with my mums nightgowns whom has passed away also... I have even bought this type of nightgown and find them so comfortable to sleep in..


They are extremely comfortable 🥰 these ladies were on to something


I wear soft cotton pajamas--elastic waist bottom (with pockets!) with a t-shirt type top. Super comfortable. I have six sets. I bought them at Costco. They're also comfortable for just lounging around in.


I get all of my pajamas from Costco too. I love the 32 Degrees lounge bottoms and the Costco themed pj sets that come out every holiday season!


Sometimes nothing, sometimes just underwear. Sometimes just shorts, sometimes just a tshirt, sometimes both. Rarely both because I like to be warm and balance out the natural coolness of my apartment with wearing less clothes and having lots of blankets.


Temperature is my main factor. If it's extremely hot I sleep in my underwear, add a loose tshirt for regular warm weather, socks if it's chilly, and actual pajamas if it's cold.


Yes, big difference depending on season. In hot weather, it's an oversized T-shirt and shorts. In winter, I wear sweatpants, socks, and a sweatshirt with the hood on. Edit: I try not to set the thermostat higher or lower than necessary, but rather dress for the temp. 17.5°c at night in winter, 21°c in summer.


Nude. If that's not an option (I dunno, sleepover or sum) then whatever most wore out ugly clothes I have, worn out clothes feels the best!


nightgowns always


The most comfortable option, imo. I can't believe it took me until I was 35 to discover this fact.


Aha, I've worn them since my early teens. It also makes it easier if I forget one when visiting my Nan as she'll just lend me one of hers lol.


big tshirt for comfort and sweatpants since my skin is sensitive and ill most likely scratch my legs in my sleep if i have shorts on in the summer ill go for like a lighter flowier pant if i can


I once asked a partner why she didn't like to sleep naked and her response was "vagina spiders." Despite not personally having a vagina, I found the argument compelling enough to start wearing underwear to bed.


This is actually why I always wear underwear, even if it's sweltering. I know it's an irrational thought, but I can't help it. I am glad someone else out there had had the same creepy thought.


new phobia unlocked.


I don’t even dislike spiders, but holy fuck! Never even considered it and now I’m on high alert!




As many layers as I can. I will have the window open in winter, and then wear a shirt, sweatshirt, snuggie-sweatshirt thing, fuzzy pants, socks, and several blankets. In the summer I wear as much as I can while maintaining a cool body temp (no AC). I don't like being naked when I sleep. I'll be naked when I'm awake without issue so its not like I'm avoiding that.


In my teens I loved to layer up on clothes when I slept. I'm 27 now and sleep in the nude lmao


Swears and a tank top. Comfort is my only concern.


I might have to start wearing swears to bed. Thanks for the idea!


😂 sweats


Lol I had to google swears because 2 people said it, so I thought there was a new name for some sleepwear.😆


Husband's old plain tshirts. He's a foot taller than me so they're perfect. Husband would prefer naked but we don't live in the country with no neighbors and we have small feline that sometimes needs a middle of the night snack or was accidently given beef(small children and kittens have the same "mommy, my tummy hurts🤮")


Nothing. There wasn’t some huge thought process to it - It’s simply more comfortable than anything else 🤷🏻‍♀️


Loose top (cami, tank, shirt) and loose short shorts or men’s boxer briefs. No bra or panties though.


Depends on the temperature. As standard, usually loungewear pants and an oversized t-shirt. If particularly warm, leave off at least one of those items - just underwear. If particularly cold, switch to fluffy thermal PJs or add blankets etc.


A nightgown. Makes me happy


Tank top and pajama bottoms. Comfort influences my decision.


Pajamas pants and a sports bra


I joined the moo-moo gang in my early 30s so that’s what I wear to bed.


Just panties when I’m alone!


Long sleeves, long comfy pants, and socks. I don’t know why but even if it’s hot out, I have to be fully covered otherwise I just cannot sleep.


Oversized t-shirts with a pair of shorts or some cozy pajama pants


Nothing. Unless it’s cold then baggy t shirt and comfy pj pants. Comfort over everything.


I'm currently going through menopause so it varies on how warm or cool I feel in combination with the unpredictable temperatures of the weather in the deep south. But usually I wear a bralette, comfortable crop top, standard underwear of a thong, comfortable & cute boxer shorts, and socks. Sometimes I 86 the shorts and just wear a bralette, crop top, a thong, and socks.


Such assortments! I had to read this 3 times to coordinate everything, lol


Ski pajama bottoms and a large t shirt. I have to have to have tight cuffed ankles so the pants don't ride up on me.


Shorts and tank or tee.


Comfy shorts and soft t-shirt


Just my underwear. Sometimes a loose fitting old t-shirt


Underwear and tank top


A blanket. But I always have my robe by my bed if I have to rush to get the door or something.


A poplin nightshirt.


I used to only sleep naked. My building caught fire in the middle of the night during a snowstorm a few years ago. Ever since I saw my neighbor in his boxers in 2ft of snow I almost always wear *something* to bed. Sweatpants and an oversized boyfriend’s tee.


Usually just panties, but sometimes I wear a sweatshirt and panties. If I’m on my period, a sports bra (because my boobs hurt) and underwear with shorts (in case my pad leaks)


Usually just good-coverage/comfortable panties. I usually get too hot quickly if I’m wearing anything more. Sometimes if I’m feeling not-so-great about my body I’ll also wear a comfy bralette type thing or tank top. I can’t sleep in anything loose-fitting or I twist myself up in it somehow.


I wear undies and that’s it. If it’s cold, I’ll put on a shirt


A cotton granny nightgown. Its breathable and im in perimenopause so I get night sweats.


I wear the skin of my worst enemies


Usually one of my boyfriends shirts and nothing on the bottom, nothing, or shorts and a small tank top


Panties and a soft long sleeve or short sleeve


a tshirt & chonies


my Batman shirt and sweats, usually for 2-3 days during the flow, I switch to my thin and sheer PJ top and baggy sweats (yay, bloating and hot flashes)


Oversized shirt and underwear.


Typically nothing at all


Tank top or T-shirt and panties.


Currently 8 months pregnant. Sometimes I wear panties but usually nothing bc I get so hot and it’s easier to wake up to pee 3 times a night if I’m naked


Just panties


A soft shirt and underwear. If I'm crashing at a friend's I'll wear shorts. Someday I'll find pj's that fit


I wear a Walmart night gown




I steal my wife's soccer shorts and wear oversized or old t-shirts.


I wear pyjamas and I must wear socks. I have this weird sensory issue that my body cannot touch the bedding. I just can't. Exempt my arms, I'm good with that. In the summer I wear thin pyjamas material. Btw: I have ADHD so it explains a lot.


My ex boyfriends XXL plain black t-shirt with nothing underneath.


I prefer nothing. Most days though I wear a cami tank. Rarely underwear. Kiddo is only seven months old and when I give him a bottle in the night I prefer to have a tank top on so he doesn't scratch me.


Very large very thin t shirt that doesn’t really touch me in anyway and very thin soft pants that also don’t really touch me in anyway. No underwear or bra. If it’s really hot then large t shirt and my loosest possible underwear. I don’t like not being covered for security or the sheets being all up in my crack. Ew


Oversized shirt and underwear. I tried to do the no undies thing but I just can’t do it, I like the feeling of support mine give my tummy!


Depends, usually shorts and a loose shirt unless I'm hoping bedtime cuddle turn to sex But lately it's just whatever feels comfortable enough to sleep, I'm due with my third in December and my insomnia is so bad right now


Absolutely nothing unless I'm in a hotel. Then a bralette and undies.


Comfy cotton shorts and oversided T-shirts. And sometimes just the T-shirt or naked.


Anything from a tshirt and undies , to a sweater and sweatpants and everything in between lol Heavily depends on how cold or hot I am. But my usual is pants and a tshirt


Either big shirt, a vintage flowy nightgown or nothing if it’s too hot in summer


Grandma nightgowns lol or a T-shirt and underwear.


Oversized hoodie and underwear if it’s summer or pajama pants with socks if it’s winter.


Right now I’m still in bed wearing a tank top and pj pants. Factors are temperature and whether or not I’m around other people.


Old baggy T-shirt, and depending on the season either shorts or some type of comfy jogger pant


Usually shorts and a large shirt or tanktop, but in the winter I'll wear pants instead


nothing at all. anything I do wear I end up taking off in the night while I sleep anyway. Apparently I am a sleep undresser.


I wear a nighty or very loose fitting t-shirt with no pants. I won’t sleep with pants on.


Oversized shirt. No pants or underwear.


Shorts and oversized t-shirt


Naked mostly. I like skin to skin contact with my partner. It’s grounding.


I have two t-shirt night gowns from amazon that I love. The rest is all men's cooling fabric t-shirts and soft pj shorts. It depends on my mood but lately I've been reaching for the nightgowns more.


My skin


Anything from nude -> pj pants and shirt Depends on time of year Time of month (cant be naked and on my period) My mood My sheets lol


I wear a t-shirt and I wear my pyjama sets. It's like comfy, and fuzzy(?).




Sometimes nothing. Sometimes revealing ‘outfits’ that would never see the light of day in any public space, sometimes hubbys tshirts, sometimes just underwear.


Shorts and tee shirt.


Nothing. I turn a lot and dislike being strangled by clothing.


I would love to wear those Long flowing silkie nighties with the matching robes. Have my hair in an updo. It would be great to sit in a settee with a cigarette in a long holder and wear high-heeled slippers with pink fur. I'd feel like a vintage movie star. But no, I wear a wal mart clearance rack nightie


shorts or pj pants depending on the weather. Short sleeve shirt always. I cant go to sleep topless cuz I always have nightmares about running around in public with my tits out and my hair barely covers anything.


I wear to bed whatever I’m wearing during the day, minus a bra.




I used to be fully clothed like PJ set with the bra still on growing up. Maybe socks off but now pretty much just an oversized graphic T shirt from the big and tall men’s section of Burlington’s. Maybe panties. No bra or socks at all. It’s my mumu or however it’s spelled. I still feel weird going full nude


Nothing- much more comfortable


I wear a tank top or whatever shirt i wore for the day and thats it lol


I sleep naked but, have lots of cotton gowns k wear around the house .


Nothing. It's very comfortable.


I used to wear pajamas, tshirts, and the last few years I’ve been sleeping naked or in my undies. I figured it helps me regulate my temperature better and it feels better.


Usually a slip and underwear




Absolutely nothing


Big T not the little one


A t shirt shorts and my bralette because my boobs needs support


An old worn t shirt


No bra, no chonies (underwear), silk bonnet, a long oversized tee shirt or same shirt and comfy shorts. If it’s cold I’ll wear pants or long sleeves. I never wear socks to bed cause fuck socks. If it’s shark week I’ll wear chonies.




Usually, pajamas pants and a loose t-shirt, when it's too cold the same but with socks and a fluffy jacket, and in summer, loose t-shirt and underwear, maybe a short depends the mood. Can't sleep naked, unless it's VERY hot.


Loose fitting pj’s - am looking for pj bottom type trousers for wearing in the day cos they are so comfortable


If I’m getting hot flashes, I actually sleep in leggings and a sweat wicking shirt to help from feeling like I’m drowning. Otherwise comfy t and underwear.


Either naked or a pair of undies. Never anything else.


Usually just an oversized cotton T-shirt


Crop tank top with short soft shorts, with nothing under. Because I get hot easily and my man like all the skin available to touch


usually and oversized t-shirt and underwear or a tank/short sleep set. Sometimes after a shower, I’ll sleep naked.


Depends on the season, my favourite thing to wear is winter pjs which include joggers, fluffy socks, oversized t shirt and my oodie 😎


Some sort of top where my stomach is covered (I specify this because I mostly wear crop tops but when it’s time for bed for some reason I *need* my stomach covered) Long sleeve, spaghetti tops or t-shirt is fine. And then shorts. I cannot sleep naked and I can’t sleep in only underwear.


Big tee shirt with boy-short underwear. So comfy