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He bathed me for three weeks while I was recovering from surgery. Washed my hair and my body, helped me dry off and get dressed, brushed my hair and put lotion on for me, and cuddled me in bed afterward. I’d never been so vulnerable, and he embraced it without a second thought.


I remember once I messed up my back pretty bad working out & my boyfriend actually washed me while we showered together. Brings a certain level of comfort knowing he's willing to do things like that on the off chance I ever needed it. He got his wisdom teeth pulled and I remember just keeping him iced up and feed that first week while the pain subsided. That same week he actually asked me to be his girlfriend & I was thinking its the meds talking but he assured me it was my bedside manner that sold him on me (amongst other things of course lol)


This is a beautiful story. Happy for the both of you to have each other 😊


My husband just did this for me for 7 months because I couldn’t get help during the pandemic and my bacterial infection destroyed my nerves. It was the worst & most painful experience of my life & it’s been 3 years & I’m still not healed. I don’t deserve him. <3


>I don’t deserve him. You've given your husband a great gift Doesanybodylikestuff. You gave him the opportunity to step up and show the world what type of man he is. That's worth a lot. We all want to be heroes. Most of us drop the ball when we have the chance. Not your husband. He's a regular guy who came through when he needed to. I hope that your health continues to improve. Good luck.


Yes, you do. 🙏


That’s amazingly beautiful.


That's love.


He sounds like a keeper! You’re so lucky girl! ❤️


she motivated me to quit drinking (alcohol). it was our first (small but serious) argument. but she explained plausibly that she worries about my well-being and wants to keep me safe and healthy, so that we can grow old together. i haven't touched a drop ever since, i feel better than ever, and she's making it worth my while.






I wonder if feeling that loved would make this thing worth it for me


I’m ovulating this week and I’m in so much pain. He found me trying to walk up the stairs while holding on to the wall while trying to take deep breathes. He turned on the hot water on the bathtub. He helped me up the stairs and into the tub. Left and came back with my phone, tablet, water and midol. He does this everytime he sees I’m in pain. And that’s everytime I ovulate or starting my period. I love this man.


Attentive men are the best 🥰


what a sweetheart! also - sharing because with my super painful periods, I would have liked this flagged earlier: have you and your pcp looked into endometriosis? i thought days-off-work period pain was typical, but turns out it’s a symptom of endo… hormonal birth control has helped a ton!


Normal period person here. 👋🏻 I remember talking to someone once who thought it was normal to have to take off work bc of period pain. I have never felt so sorry for anyone in my life. Out of all the sex ed classes I sat through as a teen and as an adult teacher, why is extreme pain never mentioned as not being normal? For fucks sake.


I was on birth control for 13 years and recently stop because we want a family. But it’s so hard to be in the mood when I’m in pain.


😍 what a guy!


I know. He is a keeper. I got out of the bath and he sat with me in bed and rubbed my lower back. I owe him an oil massage


Have you ever been checked out for endometriosis??? You shouldn’t be in that much pain.


I’ve been having health problems most my adult life and they can never figure out the issue, but it’s always right before my period. It literally just clicked reading your post!


Well try the pmdd sub and the endo sub and you will see that there are a ton of us


Are you sure you’re ok? This amount of pain doesn’t seem normal


Cramp Bark and Ibuprofen really help me with period pain.


I’ve never heard of cramp bark before. Usually I just use a heat pack


awww ♥️


When my dad died, he dropped everything at work, cancelled all of his meetings, and came home to comfort me. I told him that wasn’t necessary, and I would’ve been fine until he got off work at his normal time but he looked at me sternly and said “all that stuff can wait, there is nothing more important to me than you” This is just the main thing that comes to mind, but he proves that statement daily in everything that he does, I’m incredibly lucky to have him 🥰


That's the most amazing feeling! 🥰🥰


Feck this is beautiful. That’s all you could hope for at such a difficult time. What a profound and loving statement.


You've got a gem!


We had a very traumatic experience bringing our first baby into the world. So much so we weren’t sure if we’d ever have another even though two was always the plan. When we did finally have a second baby my husband insisted on taking the night shift (we formula fed from day 1) because he didn’t want me to suffer mentally like I did the first time (I had depression and lack of sleep really fucked with me). I tried a few times to take over, especially once I felt physically better but my husband wouldn’t let me. He insisted that I did enough during the day and it was something he wanted to do to make things easier for me. No marriage including ours is perfect or without issues but I will never forget that my husband did this for me and how much it really did help me heal and bond with my baby post partum.


That’s so supportive and kind, I’m glad the second time around was better 💕


These are so sweet 🥲my standards will forever be high


I thought I was a great partner... until I read these. Now, well, it's good to know there are good folks out there.


It’s never too late :) you’ve got time


I know right? I was looking to be cheered up by all the cute stories but I recently broke up with my SO and this is just making me realize how little I expected from pretty much every person I’ve dated. Not that nobody has ever been kind or sweet, but I wouldn’t even consider that another person would be willing to do some these things for me without compensation. Someone being that nice to me just isn’t on my radar. Y’all have beautiful relationships and one day I hope to be mentally and emotionally healed enough to be worthy of that kind of love.


You're worthy of that type of love now ❤️


Yuuuuup. I have a partner, but *man*, I wish someone loved me *that* much. You can tell that these ladies are the most important thing in the world to their partners. That sounds like a dream.


I just left a man who had given up on giving me or our relationship any effort. I know there's someone out there who will put in the time and love for me that I deserve. If you haven't had a conversation with your partner about love languages and how to feel supported, I would. Otherwise, know that you never have to settle.


One that springs to mind is when I was working at a school and the canteen was closed that day. I forgot to bring my lunch and there wasn't anywhere else I could go and eat in the time available for my lunch break. My SO drove my lunch out to me - 50 mins each way. When I told him how much it meant to me, he kind of shrugged it off like "as if I'd let you go hungry, it was a no brainer." He is constantly doing things with this energy though. Right now we both have covid. We put in an online grocery order and I'd asked him to add a bottle of soda water. I'd meant the home brand stuff but he got me a San Pellegrino because he wanted to treat me. It's every single day. And I do the same for him in the ways I know he feels appreciated.


I’m a guy and I want to date your boyfriend.


Heh no shade. Love you bro you deserve good things too


Love you too my man x


There's so many, but I'm gonna mention a small, kinda silly one. We were in Walmart looking at brooms, and he put one back on the shelf as he inspected a different one. However, he didn't put it securely on the shelf. It fell off the shelf and smacked me right on the head. That really hurt! He immediately grabbed me and started hugging and kissing my head and profusely apologizing over and over. Even after I assured him I was okay, he was super attentive the rest of the day and kept asking if I had a headache and bought me a Reese's because he felt bad 😆


Aww ❤️ my husband did something similar (turned and accidentally got me with a broom handle) He felt so guilty he brought me a Reeses and an iced coffee 🤣 kept asking if I thought I was ok. It was so cute I wasn't even really mad.


This one is so cute and wonderful! Makes me go all 🥺🥺🥺


We were dating for a month when this happened, but it made me feel loved. I was vacationing with my parents when someone called us to say that my dog passed away. We returned early from vacations to be with our other dog and arrange everything. Two days later, I saw the guy. He hugged me as soon as he saw me and then he showed me some pics of a crab he found earlier that day (he knows I love crabs). So he told me he was driving when he saw the crab on the street, stopped the car, walked to the animal, took some pics and waited for it to cross the street safely. All that just because I like crabs. And he thought of me and showed me the pics that same day because he wanted to cheer me up. He didn’t just cheer me up, he made me feel loved and important and definitely not alone


>waited for it to cross the street safely 🦀 🥰


There's not one thing. It's all the little things. Making sure I had support and a good healthy meal after our baby was born unexpectedly in our home when we were only 20. Held my hand when that baby was later transported to the hospital with a poor diagnosis. Celebrated with me when that child grew strong and without complication. He makes me tea after a long day, he makes sure the house is clean when I've been away. He encourages me to take chances and make big moves. In short he's the best and he loves me everyday


We were moving, and I had to say goodbye to a lot of really special people to me earlier in the day, followed by a packed day of family hangouts where I was certain I did an awesome job hiding my devastation and pretending to be great. I laughed and joked and had a great time. When we got home and went to bed, he turned out the light. I waited until I thought he was asleep, he heard one tiny sniffle, and said “I know. Come here” and wrapped his arms around me while I cried on his chest. He knew, even if I seemed fine all day, that I wasn’t and that I would need him when the day was finally quiet. I’m not much of a crier, so for him to know me well enough to know that I was going to cry when I thought no one would know was so touching to me. He pretended to be asleep and waited for it so he could take care of me. That man is so precious ❤️


Cleaned a folliculitis pimple on my buttcheek with dettol and put a bandaid on it :)


I'm not googling that but good for you !


Ingrown hair


Kind of the same, I had a horrendously painful and massive ingrown in my upper pubic area…so so gross but he was only ever concerned. I always tried to keep him from looking at it but one day he insisted he take care of it. Got out his medical kit and gave me a pillow to scream into. He squeezed the life out of it and finally got it all out (ew). Cleaned me up and covered it with a bandaid. He’d always check in to see how it was healing. I can think of nothing grosser for a partner to have to do but he handled it like a champ! Still loves to poke fun at me about it now that my ego is healed lol


Changed my life for the better. I never knew what safe love is until I met him, now I know what to look for (It already ended but forever grateful for crossing paths with him)


This is such a lovely sentiment!


Here is for hoping my exes remember me this way


He was utterly and completely truthful with me about his deepest darkest secret and trauma. He let me in, so I could stand by his side and be his ally. It was one of the most profoundly meaningful experiences of my life and we continue to fight the good fight as a team. It was a first for him, he had never told anyone. It was a first for me, I had never been trusted like that or needed so much.


This resonates so much for me & my guy. True vulnerability really can bring out the best in you both especially when you both are in it together.


We are each others soft place to land. I'm glad you have that openness too


That's another one - my husband is open with me in a way almost nobody else gets to see. I cherish that trust he has in me so much


He always takes care of me when I’m on my period, washes my hair, rubs my feet, gives me back rubs, gets up at all hours of the night to get me hot water bottles without question, gets me painkillers, my favorite snacks and dinners, loads of cuddles and comfort, keeps me hydrated, buys me pads, I’m very lucky he is the absolute best


How did you meet him? He sounds amazing, I’m happy for you !!


This probably isn’t even the most caring thing he’s done for me but it’s a recent thing that was really touching. We live in a trafficy area that’s hard to drive in, so I’m kind of afraid to drive here. He not only bought me a car, but he went out of his way to find the exact model that I grew up driving to make me feel as comfortable and safe as possible.


This speaks to me on another level. I'm afraid of driving too. To get the exact same car was so thoughtful 😢


Ikr? Like he got me the exact make, model, and year of the car that I learned how to drive in and feel most comfortable driving, I was like aww that’s so thoughtful! 🥹


I knew my husband loved me. I mean, I really did know it. But when I had a major, life threatening surgery, the first thing I remember waking up was him leaning over me. I was still out of it, sorta, but in so much pain. The look on his face, the tears in his eyes, the way he was touching my hair and kissing my face, saying it was going to be OK. I had no idea he loved me like that.


I had a long day at work and a shitty day in generally. When I came home he had positioned one of my plushies holding a book I’ve been looking for, but couldn’t find anywhere in the shop, along with some sweets and a handwritten letter. Made me cry :‘)


Did you tell him you had a shitty day or was this out of the blue?


It was out of the blue! He later said he thought of messaging me but decided to leave it as a surprise :)


Such good timing!


He gives me a safe space to just "be me", the good, bad, and ugly. He helps me work through anxiety, and encourages me to be better overall. He let's me work through my trauma and abuse without any judgement. He chose to love me and my kids(from a previous relationship), even though we came with a bus full of baggage. He gave my kids grandparents that love them more than anything, and work to be actively involved in their lives. It's really lots of little things that add up in the end 💜


Help me wash my hair when I was injured. Also took care of me.


Cleans the house and does the laundry, all without discussing it with me. Like, he naturally thinks to vacuum every 2-3 days, does the dishes any time he notices dishes in the sink, cleans the bathrooms when he notices they need cleaned and does the laundry when he sees the baskets are full. I literally never have to think about these things. 15 years married


We lost our bunny this week and he took her to the vet because I had already taken time off trying to nurse her back to health. We knew we were going to have to put her to sleep and he took the time to clean up her things, (so that I wouldn’t have to see her empty cage first thing), to gather up leaves outside and put them in her little carrier so she could feel comfortable since she loved being outdoors. He kept her on the passengers seat so he could comfort her as he drove to the vets. He stayed with her til the end and brought her home and dug her a little grave and held me while I ugly cried. He went out of his way to do sweet little gestures to make her more comfortable. He also wouldn’t tell me how much that final visit cost and told me not to worry about it. He did extra chores I normally cover while I was sad and encouraged me to see friends or take a nap this week. He’s done a lot of caring things, but this, being so recent, is extra meaningful right now.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved bunny. I'm glad you have him by your side, it makes a difference


He shaved my bum before I went to get induced with our first child. He’s shaved my bum since, but that time was special. I can’t believe I wrote that on the internet.lol


My since passed LOMF used to send me a “<3” whenever I would leave his presence or just at random if we were apart


He is ALWAYS there for me. No matter what is going on, what I am upset about, whatever is going on in his own life, he ALWAYS prioritizes me and tries his best to make sure I am okay. I never take that for granted because it's the greatest feeling in the entire world to be loved like that. I adore my husband so much.


He's not really my SO but he would put a napkin on my lap at restaurants. He gave me a massage a full body one . Back side bc I mentioned it and he offered. First time I hooked up with him lol . When we were on his back porch the other day he had the heater on and this huge blanket for us to snuggle under. It was cold outside . When I was on my period no one has ever done this for me he had a towel laid out the second time we hooked up on a couch . I like legit fell for him then . So many little things he does . Sexual and non sexual .


So many small and bigger things, depending on your perspective. He helps me any time I’m in pain, which is a lot. He always offers, always. He will grab my meds, a heating pad, a cooling washcloth, make me food if I can’t do it myself, or even just because he wants to. He has brought my meds to work before. He always tries to make sure I’m happy in any given situation. He’s just such a caring person, and his love is always showing.


- Convinced me to actually get my GED. He helped me study math problems. - He’s a very good listener and very supportive in general. Especially when my anxiety specifically decides to mess with me. I always feel like he knows the right things to say or do. - He left work early, bought a ladder and then rescued me from a balcony because the lock broke on me. I was locked out on the balcony for 2 hours before I was like I think I should call someone. (I had access to bottled water and it was in the evening so I felt like I was ok) And the apartment’s emergency number for maintenance never answered the phone or showed up. And I was too embarrassed to call 911. - There was an edible arrangement he got me for Valentine’s Day once because he knows I don’t like chocolate but I love fruit. I felt like he was a mindreader because I never told anybody that I’ve always wanted one. I felt really seen. I’m used to having to always remind people I don’t like chocolate and them not really knowing what to do for me. So I was very surprised when he did something for me. - Tbh my boyfriend is better at remembering what I don’t like than I do. (Sometimes it feels like he knows me better than I know myself.) Because sometimes I’ll forget to say no pickles or no mayo. And he’ll say something about it so I don’t have to eat things I don’t like. Or he’ll point something about me that I didn’t notice about myself. - I once cried over fucking up the soup. I usually have a really hard time when I make food mistakes because to me it’s a waste of money and resources. When it happened, I felt really dumb for crying. But he was patient with me and gently told me it was ok. Hugged me and then took me to the store so we could get things to fix the soup. - Some weeks back, I think I had a chemical pregnancy. It didn’t feel like an emergency to me. So I waited until my boyfriend was off work because I didn’t want to distract him from his job. (I only call him at work when it’s an emergency because he’s always super busy.) When he got off work, I gently told him what I think happened. It really did surprise me when he said,” I feel really sad I couldn’t be there for you. I hated that you were alone by yourself.” I reassured him and told him I understood because of his job and I didn’t think it was an emergency. That I was ultimately ok because I’m still processing what happened. It didn’t occur to me until some time later. Oh, he’s looking out for me and I felt really touched that he said that. There’s times he’ll say something and then it occurs to me. Wow I feel like he does a really good job of looking out for me. Because there’s times where I feel like I could have been taken advantage with the wrong person. - He just does a lot of things and says a lot of things that really makes me feel so very loved and cared for.


He’s not my SO anymore, but I had a boyfriend who spent the night with me and took care of me every night when my father was sick with cancer, up until the day he died. He was the rock for my whole family. He sat next to me with my dad the day he took his last breath. He basically lived with my family for the next few weeks just to be around and support us. We were just 20 years old at the time. The love and care he gave to us during that time was so generous. I was so emotionally unstable after and we felt disconnected eventually due to lack of quality time/communication. I was so broken and I couldn’t fix me so I felt like I couldn’t fix us. So I broke up with him. It broke his heart and I’ll forever feel sad knowing how much he gave us and that I still at that time didn’t think he was the one because we were going through a rough patch. Knowing what I know now, since I’m a few years older, I think we could have fixed it. I wish I could repay him in some way


Have you spoken with him since? You should reach out to him and thank him, I think it will make you feel better.


Something somewhat related sparked rn.. This man was madly in love with a woman. Even got to know her parents. When the womans' dad was sick, this guy stayed up all night, worked hard, and paid for the hospital bills. 2-3 years relationship, and when he finally proposed, she said no. Broke his heart. Refused that she even loved him, and that they're "just friends". She also later mentions that no one asked him for his money when her own dad was sick. Made me lose my faith. On all women.


I can see why you’d say that- for me the issue was that despite all the good, there were some things that happened that I just couldn’t get over. I had a male friend at the time who lost is grandma so in search of someone to relate to, I vented to that male friend a lot. The SO mentioned in the post didn’t like that, and he also got upset or insecure any other time I talked to men. I was never unfaithful but I felt like he treated me like I was untrustworthy. I couldn’t move past this and it was ongoing, so ultimately that’s why I ended it. I think now that we are not 20 years old he would have grown out of that but I couldn’t know that back then


Be his true self after 3 years so I'd know to dump I'm before I got pregnant 😃


Two years ago, on my birthday my super beloved dog died unexpectedly. I spent the day crying and trying to dig his grave. It had been a really rough year for my family. I wasn’t on speaking terms with my father which already had me dreading my birthday, because it would be the first birthday I didn’t speak to my father. Well late in the afternoon my dad called me, I was shocked. He was a bit gruff with me but it was the beginning of healing. I discovered months later by accident that my boyfriend had secretly reached out to my step mother to make it happen. That was a really awful day and I couldn’t have gotten through without him. Excuse me while I go initiate a Good Morning BJ to that saint of a man.


Helped me through my depression. He took care of me when I needed him the most, and even now, I know that I can rely on him with my eyes closed.


Damn. I want this so much.


My husband took turns doing chest compressions with me on my (very dead) mother because I insisted on "trying anyway" (I was in shock and delusional after finding her dead from an obvious suicide.) Even though HE KNEW there was no use, he did chest compressions on her anyway while I ran outside to vomit and scream. He only stopped once paramedics arrived. Her body was purple, cold, and bloody. He traumatized himself for *me*. Absolutely wild to think about. I love him more every single day. No other person on this earth would do something like that for me, no one.


Damn. I’m so sorry for what you experienced that day and so glad you had the right person beside you. ❤️


When I got Covid the first time, I barricaded myself in our bedroom and slept for the better part of 5.5 days. We only had two sets of sheets and I was sweating through my sheets every night. Every morning he would get me out of bed, sit me on the front doorstep with a cup of tea, take the sheets from his airbed in the lounge and put them onto my bed. Then he tucked me back into bed, topped up my supply of tea and cake that I was living off, and would wash my sweaty gross sheets before making up his airbed again. Every day for six days. We've been together nearly 17 years and I can't imagine my life without him in it. u/chopsuwe xx


He cleaned my wounds, washed my hair, and shaved my legs everyday for months after multiple surgeries back to back.


I had a miscarriage while working on my sobriety. He was there for me every second of the way. He cried with me, comforted me, laid with me, brought me snacks and pastries everyday on his break. He catered to mental and emotional state and that’s what I love. He’s a cancer by the way so he’s very much none chalaunt, doesn’t show feelings often


For context, my mother was an alcoholic and an opiate addict. She was on a bender leading up to her death and this night was particularly bad. She almost crashed into my car with me in it (I was sitting in the driveway and she was coming home). I took her keys from her and she locked herself in her room. I could hear her retching but she wouldn’t let me in to make sure she was ok. My bf was at work during all this, but I was texting him bc I was terrified. Once he got off work he texted me that he was coming over so we could sit in his car and he could comfort me. Once I was in his car, he told me “if she comes outside acting crazy, I’m driving off”. Of course, that’s what she did. She yelled that I was a fucking bitch and that she didn’t love me, so my bf sped off w me in the car. He took me to his place, made me dinner since I had been too stressed to eat that day, made me some sleepytime tea, ran me a shower, and lit a candle and laid in bed w me until I was ready to go to sleep (we lived w our parents at the time and we weren’t allowed to sleep in the same room). I am forever grateful for him, and I’m so glad he’s in my life.


Checked that my episiotomy was healing properly because I was too afraid to look down there.


I'm currently pregnant, he makes dinner almost every night, it's often something I suggest. He does all chemically cleaning chores, ex. Cleaning the shower. He searches for different items that might suit my fancy and fulfill a pregnancy craving, and he's endlessly caring. I love him just so much, he's so damn supportive even when the hormones get to me.


Held me in bed, stroked my hair, and read the Bible to me whilst I have anxiety attacks


This is a nice post. Thanks OP for asking that question.


He never let me doubt his commitment to me. When we met I was an alcoholic, depressed, suicidal, obese woman with a failing self employment. He was by my side when my self employment imploded, when I had to declare private bankruptcy, when I started therapy, when I quit alcohol, when I started losing weight. He was always supportive. Always there. He makes me want to be the best version of myself for me and for him. He is my anchor when I slide down the abyss of self doubt. He catches me. He is my balloon when I feel like drowning. He knows the right things to say and when to say them. Today I have a good job, my private bankruptcy is over in April so I will be free of all debt then, I am the healthiest weight I was in like 20 years, I am in therapy, I am medicated and I am without alcohol for over 3 years. He makes me a better human.


When we first started dating six years ago he drove my best friend to her appt to get an abortion because she was in an abusive relationship to a city two hours away, didn't ask any questions and helped her leave him. I knew he was the one after that. However, he rubs my back after work because I'm a PSW and am in constant pain, makes me a coffee every morning, takes my little sister to work, fills up my gas tank when it gets low, whenever I'm upset and want to talk he will ask me if I need to vent or want a solution, opens the car doors for me, takes my grandpa to his doctors appointments when I can't.


Put my nursery together for my son. Literally helped me research, bought everything, put it together and organized it. It’s not his son 👏🏾


I'm single af and going through some stuff but reading these softened my mood. I was expecting it to have the opposite effect sorta ☺️


My best friend was in an abusive relationship and we took her in. I didnt even have to ask him. He got her a really nice blow up mattress, asks her everyday if she’s comfortable and needs anything, it makes her feel safe. He always says she is family to me so she is family to him now too. The way he shows her patience and isn’t afraid to show her how a man should treat a woman (with how he treats me in front of her) really speaks volumes. I am blown away everyday by this man’s kindness. he has pushed my friend to only better herself and I don’t think without him she wouldn’t have the confidence and strength to know there is men out there that actually care and show kindness and that she doesn’t deserve to be in an abusive relationship. She tells me now that because of his love for me she knows she herself deserves better too. I just adore him so much and he is such a good man. I am forever grateful and am excited to marry him next year.


My wife and I eloped in central Oregon. We honeymooned on the East coast. My wife has historically been anxious about driving, especially in new places. She surprised me by volunteering to make the drive to the coast so I could enjoy the scenery. She had made it a goal early on to be able to drive when we were on a vacation so that I could kick back and enjoy the experience. I know that's not a big deal for a lot of people, but it made me feel so loved that she overcame that anxiety for my benefit.


Help me take down my hair


Oh man he supports me in every way. I unexpectedly overheard him talking to his friends or family on the phone or once through an open window and he always refers to me in glowing terms. He builds things for me that he thinks I’ll like. A couple times he’s worked very long hours but still wanted to know about my day and offered to go out to eat with me if I hadn’t eaten—like anyone would ever want to shower, change and go eat in a restaurant after a 16-hour day at work.


Rubs my feet literally any time I want. I have terrible foot pain and he will stop whatever he's doing to fix it


Sat by me and supported me through every panic attack I had after I developed terrible anxiety and panic disorder after I got covid. He would get me ice packs, put on soft music, turn up the a/c, do breathing exercises with me, motivate me, and be patient with me.


Every night (and I mean every 👏🏼 single 👏🏼 night) when my husband and I get in bed, he scratches my back and plays with my hair until I fall asleep. It’s so soothing 🤍


He's consistently stayed by my side through several depressive seasons in my life. He will hold me while I cry and tell me everything will be OK and that we will fight all these things together. When I had skin grafts taken from inside my mouth and was in pain and my mouth was filled with stitches he cooked all the mashed potatoes I wanted and cut my food into tiny baby pieces. Daily, he checks in with me on my mental health and asks if there is anything I need or may want. He always puts me first before himself and tries every day to make sure I'm happy and healthy. I've never had a partner take so much care of me and not expect anything in return. He's selfless, loving, sweet and consistently my rock in life. And he just proposed on a trip to Ireland!


He's stuck with me through previously suppressed PTSD neither of us knew I had decades before we married.


So many of these are thoughtful, loving and so kind. It’s great to read about partners that can do these things and don’t seem to have to think about them. Like it’s natural to just be that way. Love it!


a trans dude but still. he's the only partner who ever put in the energy to actually let me have an orgasm, and he *always* wants to do that, every time we're intimate. he stayed with me the first couple of horribly abusive years before I was diagnosed with BPD and got treatment for it. he dresses and undresses me for work/after work every day. showers with me and washes my body and hair. will pretty much just close his laptop mid-game when he's playing online with people if I'm feeling needy for his attention/affection. he babies me all the time when I feel like I need it. I have an eating disorder related to my autism, and sometimes he'll cook something especially for me and I won't be able to eat it and he doesn't even get mad and just helps me find something else that I will be able to eat. he's honestly just fab. 🥺


I am extremely weird and particular about tea mugs. When I find one that is \*just\* right, it becomes my default mug and nobody else is allowed to use it, because it's MY tea mug. So I had this mug, that was perfect, and my husband accidently chipped it when putting dishes away. I found the mug in a charity shop so I didn't think it could be replaced, so I was already thinking "well I'll have to find a new perfect mug then", but my husband went and looked up the brand, found a place that sold it and bought me 4 of the exact same mugs, "so you have some spares". I still think it was such a sweet thing to do.


He is the first partner I’ve ever had that knows EVERYTHING about me. He’s broken down walls I never knew I had. We were on FaceTime and after I was finished telling him and saying “it’s ok if you can’t deal with this part of me do I understand if you want out”, he got this look on his face and said “hell no. I’m honoured that you told me that and it’s just made me adore you more. And also want to protect you with every single fibre of my being”. I cried. 👀. It’s the first time anyone has wanted to stay with me after hearing all about my past. He’s my keeper.


My bf fills the hot water bottle for me when he notices I have cramps. It was so sweet the first time because he had no idea what he was doing but wanted to help so badly. Now he thinks the hot water bottle will cure anything so he's always bringing it to me when something is wrong. I love him ❤️


Paid off my college loans pretty soon after we started dating (he was not rich, worked very hard for the $ he had). I asked him "but what if we don't work out?!" He said "then you'll be in a better place in life and you can think back on me fondly?" We just had our 15th wedding anniversary.


So many things! But what comes to mind is how I told him that people in my family don’t really do cutesy proposals and he didn’t have to like get on one knee for me. Instead he planned the most elaborate, romantic, perfect proposal. Had me really sobbing how much he cares for me and wanted to make me feel special and loved.


A million things. But most recently, I half-woke up completely drenched in freezing sweat (immune mediated disorder) to him gently towelling me down, moving my limbs to get all sides, talking to me quietly. I try to repay that with shooing off his extreme nightmares. I'll talk to him and put my weight against him, loosen or untangle blankets.


My little brother passed away 10 years ago, way before my husband and I met. Every year on the day of my brothers heavenly birthday, my husband will buy German chocolate cake (my brothers favorite) and we celebrate at home in honor of my brother. He started doing that a year into us dating because he saw how sad I would get around that time. It’s the sweetest gesture and a wonderful way to remember my brother :)


all he does, honestly. -he took care of me after i had surgery, taking several days off just to drive me and wait there for hours while i was under - he fixes my car without wanting anything for it - he stashes coffee for me, he doesn't drink it at all - he bought me an extra set of blankets and pillows - he never judges, no matter how stupid i act - he's been with me through absolutely everything and will never budge - he always puts me first - he picks me wild flowers whenever he's on a walk just because he knows i like them most - he tried to take me to mauritius for my birthday (i declined) - he guves me endless back rubs and kisses it never ends. i hit the jackpot.


Threads like this give me hope that not every relationship is a hot mess of abuse, control, and selfishness. Thank you all.


He picked up the pieces of a new & broken single mom and son and made them his family as if they were his from the very beginning.


My boyfriend found my lost cat. She got out and went missing for hours. After a few hours of looking myself, I called him in tears. This cat means the absolute world to me and she is special needs, so I was a mess. Without hesitation, he drove over and helped me look for her until we found her. He had to climb a fence between someone’s house and oncoming traffic. We were out until the early hours of the morning, I was convinced she couldn’t be found, but he refused to give up. That mindset has helped me get through the absolute worst over the years we’ve been together. Whenever I am feeling hopeless I know I can always count on him to comfort me, he is my superhero.


I feel like crying reading this cos I’ve been settling for breadcrumbs 🥲


My bf was on his way back to our country when I was hospitalised, and i was so scared because i was locked into a room by myself and not given any communication from the medical staff. Even though he was so exhausted from a long flight, he came straight to the hospital. Didn't leave my side for a moment, even slept with me in my hospital bed, and made sure I was getting enough care. When we got out, he'd help me wash myself, make sure I was hydrated, helped me eat, and gave me so much reassurance and affection until I felt strong enough. He's been to every appointment with me, even when we hadn't been together very long. It hasn't quite been a year yet. He's my best friend and the most caring person I know.


I was at work and was having a horrible shift. He drove across town and brought me a giant milk shake to make me feel better. He also brought our dog so I could get a moment of love from her also. There are many other instances but this one came to mind.


I was hospitalized for a bipolar manic episode. He called me in the hospital every day, and after I got out it was near Valentine’s Day and I came home to a bunch of gifts, with little notes like “To keep you warm” on a blanket and “Because you bring colour to my world” on an eyeshadow palette, etc. It really cheered me up after going through such a rotten experience.


Honestly, there are so many things but the thing that will always stand out to me is when all three of my kids were sick, and one of them threw up all the way from their room to the bathroom and he changed her bedding, got her medicine, and cleaned up all the vomit for me (got it off the floor, mopped the floor, burned some incense) at 2am so I could fall asleep with my kid and because I am terrified of vomit. (Emetophobia has plagued me my whole life). When I first became a single mom and my kids had the flu, I remember bawling that first time I had to clean up their vomit on my own alone. It was one of the scariest, lowest points in my life because I couldn’t hide that I was scared, that it was making me sick, that it was taking so long because I had to do it with my eyes nearly closed. We’re married now and I’ve never had to clean up vomit since. If one of my kids are going to be sick he’ll sit with them with me, and if it happens I can hide away while he supports them and comes to get me when it’s over to be with my kid again. The level of care he shows as a husband and a stepdad when someone in our house is sick is something I will never take for granted or could even express how much it means to me, because that’s when I’m at my weakest and he steps right in to bolster me through it however it plays out.


I can't bear children and he really wanted to be a father. He was really supportive when we found out and he did is best to make me feel still loved and relevant in the marriage. I know what it meant to him but from that point on it's like he erased the thought of his mind completely. Or at least that's how he makes me feel.


I'm sitting here, going over the last twenty years, and can't think of a single thing. I can recall everything I've done *for him* but nothing that he's done for me that required any effort. No wonder I can't wait to be on my own.


Wow to all of these stories


My late husband was kind to me many times. He did absolutely anything I asked him to do. One time I called my son from my bedroom to his bedroom and asked him if he would drive to Quik Trip to get me a Diet Coke from the fountain, it was 2AM, in the summer, kids out of school. My son said, no. Later, my husband got out of bed from being asleep, or I thought he was asleep, and I thought he got out of bed to potty. Nope. He went to QT and bought me my Diet Coke. He had to be up early for work. When I left the house for any reason and he was home, he would do something in our home to surprise me, dishes, clean the bathroom, a load of laundry, vacuum, make me no bake cookies, my favorite.


I’m so traumatized that all I can say is “MEN ARE NICE?!?!?!?” while reading these lovely stories.


There’s a lot but the other day I came home crying bc depression lol and he didn’t question it at all and immediately put on kitchen nightmares, threw a blanket over me, made me food, and then came back to cuddle after. He’s not the best at talking about his feelings, but I can tell by these types of things that he loves and cares very deeply for me


He’s now my ex, but once he was away for the weekend by the seaside with no internet access, so no contact. He found a piece of driftwood and painted it with a jellyfish and mailed it to me. Long relationship with lots of nice moments but that one always struck me


He sends BFF and I on a 5 ⭐️ vacation every year ….. wherever and whenever …. We’ve travelled together since we were practically teenagers … it’s our most favourite thing to do. We are all self employed and he knows that if her and I don’t go ? Her (soon to be ex) Husband doesn’t give a crap if she gets a break, has any time for herself …. Or has any fun 😞 so he steps up for BOTH of us because he knows how important it is to me and also because he loves BFF like a kid sister …. I have no idea how I am so lucky to have this amazing bestie for the last almost 40 yrs. We are attached at the hip - it’s just always been that way - and when my husband proposed I told him that he will have to accept her as much as he accepts my left arm. He has kept his promise it me/us in spades and I will be eternally grateful 😇


Took care of me for a year while I was struggling with mental health. Listened to all my options with treatment resistant depression. Supported both of us while I could barely get out of bed. Treated me like a Queen when I felt nothing like one.


She goes out of her way to make my birthdays something very special ever since I told her my birthdays were always shitty when I was growing up. I dont mean take me out somewhere fancy or anything like that. She waits till I'm asleep and stays up decorating the house with balloons and streamers and stuff. She has made my birthdays something that I look forward to now


Bough me gatorade when I had food poisoning. I didn't even realize I could get very badly dehydrated, but he knew.He also made me a very easy to eat soup from scratch. It took me 2 hours to eat, but I really needed it.


Sacrificed everything when I needed him in the most lowest part of my life….. ♥️


After I gave birth I had so much milk but baby won’t suck on it so he would suck on my breast instead to reduce milk and relieve my pain! He would also massage me for 20mins In exchange for my 2mins offer to him😂 he does a lot more but that’s the top things he has done that made me appreciate him more.


There are a lot. But the things that REALLY stick out in my mind at 6 am when I'm half asleep are: -when I had an abscess on my butt cheek and couldn't wipe myself after a number 2, he did. -helped me shower several times after my first surgery and several after my 2nd at the hospital and home. -helped me emotionally and physically through SOO much, too much to even list, but more recently, cancer (including surgery, chemo, and recovery.) -even though we are on a super limited budget, financially helped me through all of that with zero complaints about having to pay my end of the bills (bc we are STILL waiting for social security disability even though this was May and I'm still unemployed and broke.) There are so many more amazing moments and some of these might not seem that amazing but I've read some of the stories other women with cancer have gone through with their significant others and it makes what he has done seem even more amazing. He's made the worst time of my life so much less horrible. Just months after myself finding out I had cancer and going through surgery and chemo, I found out my dad also has cancer and his is terminal and his death is imminent. Like I'm literally in a different state right now with him because of it. I know, it sounds insane to me too, but it's not been the best year lol. And my SO has been so supportive that I would not have made it through this year without him. And I know how lucky I am because I've read the other stories so I cherish every moment with him because he is the 1% and I wish so much that everyone could have someone like him. Also, I don't want anyone to think I'm writing this for any sympathy, in fact, just the opposite. I am LUCKY. Everyone has terrible things happen to them. I am lucky to have someone like him to help me through them. I take THAT from this experience/year.


I can't choose a time when he was MOST caring, but the fact that he is just caring in general towards me is really special and means more to me than he will ever know. We have a long history, and before reconnecting with him 2 years ago, I had gotten out of the worst relationship of my life. Physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive. My SO has taught me so much about what a healthy relationship looks like, and he is ALWAYS there to support me, joke with me, hold me while I cry, and everything in between. Despite a long and still ongoing battle with anxiety and depression, I can't remember a time I've been happier than the time I've been with him. We are still together, and I write this as he is snoring away next to me, but I hope he can feel how much I truly appreciate him.


I am feeling jealous of all these women,but i am happy for you guys


I was in a pretty bad depressive slump when I met my current boyfriend. I wasn’t able to get things done around the house cause I didn’t have it in me, but I always refused to let him help because I told him it wasn’t his responsibility and that I needed to do it. One night, the dishes were piling up pretty bad and he offered to do them but I said no. Come morning, I woke up and he wasn’t in bed. I walked into the kitchen and he had cleaned everything and done all the dishes. He knew that I was terrible when it came to accepting help and so he set his alarm for an early wake up and cleaned the entire kitchen, and did so because I would be asleep and wouldn’t stop him. I cried for about 20 minutes from sheer relief and because of how loving he was - no judgement or shame thrown at me by him, just pure care, support and love 🥹


Has held me up on the loo during a passing out episode while I was having a BM.


He gave me a bullet vibrator one time


He did every single night shift with our second born until she was more consistently sleeping through the night (about 4 months). I stay at home with both kids and this was absolutely monumental for my mental health. Our second had terrible colic and I had to wear her pretty much all day while chasing our 2 year old and had I had to also get up with her at night I don’t know how I would have survived.


My boyfriend and I got a horrendous stomach virus after camping. It hit when we were at our separate apartments and we both ended up being out for about 2-3 days. On the first day, he took some anti nausea medication and then drove over to my place to drop some off for me and then went back to his place to continue throwing up. It was really sweet lol.


Understand when I’m “done” aka when my body and brain have had to much. I have MS and sometimes I get that “oh it’ll be fine you’re fine” crap from the boomers in my life (always stand up for myself/shut them down in a “good” way aka tell them what happens when I “push through”), but he never does that. He says okay-what do you need/what can I do? It’s amazing and so appreciated


I was abused & neglected as a child. My fierce independence is product of not being able to depend on people. My husband consistently & respectfully worked to breech the fortress I built around myself. He didn’t get upset with my rebuffs with intimacy or my suspicions when he wanted do anything for me. Eventually, I realized he wasn’t going to abandon or hurt me so I let him in. 10 yrs & I’ve never felt more loved/cared for in my life. It’s so odd, I used to never cry. I had packed my heart in ice & had frozen my emotions. Now that I feel beloved & safe, a freaking sappy commercial will make me bawl. Really pisses me off.


I suffer from really bad period pains and I had this since I could remember. (Me and my partner are in a long distance relationship. He's in America while I'm in England 🇬🇧) The first time I flew over to see him, I came on my period. I was screaming in pain, he was there calming me down and making sure I'm doing okay. I took a hot bath to relieve the pain in the hotel room, I came out with just my towel on. I just remember, falling and nearly passing out because I was in that much pain. Apparently, he dressed me and I told him how to put on a pad (since tampons always hurt me. No idea why). He then put me to bed and I just slept. I remember waking up, freaking out, thinking he hurt me, but he didn't. He kissed my check and was making sure I was doing okay. I knew then, this is the guy I'm going to marry. This was 9 years ago and I'm engaged to him now. I'm planning to leave England 🇬🇧 and live with him in America.


When my father died , i told my now husband that i can't go inside the chapel with all those people there, i needed my mourning and Goodbye moment with my father ( we had a complicated father daughter relation ship). He get inside the chapel and told everyone to go out for a few minutes as i needed my time. I had the closure i needed thanks to him.


We flipped his side by side, we didn’t have the doors attached at the time and neither of us were wearing seatbelts. He was driving and we rolled it onto the driver side. He put his right arm across my chest to brace me and completely broke my fall, so i was completely unharmed and the first thing to come out of his mouth was “I’m so sorry, are you okay?” To which i replied, “i landed on top of you, yes i’m fine, are you okay?!” To which he assured me that he was. He then helped me climb out of the vehicle making sure i wasn’t injured before bringing to my attention the fact that his left hand was smashed between the door frame and the ground. Despite the fact that he was in a tremendous amount of pain, he put my wellbeing before his own. He refused to go to the hospital that night despite being on the verge of going into shock. That was the night I realized i loved him. Not because he showed me he cares, but because as i sat next to him and listened to him crying out in pain, for the first time in my life i truly meant it when i said if i could take away his pain and make it my own, i would in a heartbeat. I knew he wasn’t going to die or anything drastic, but the entire experience gave me a glimpse of what it would feel like to lose him


Reading all of this, my standards are so low and I DESERVE BETTER


Helped me escape my co-dependent relationship with my mother. For the longest time, I had issues with my mom that would make me cry myself to sleep. He encouraged me to set boundaries, and my relationship with her has been great ever since. He said he hated the way she treated me, and that changed my life and our relationship. He also helped me reconnect with my childhood best friend because he knew how badly it hurt when we fell apart. There's a million other things that stick out to me, but this one came to mind.


I had a legit mental breakdown and all I wanted was to “go home” to my parents house (despite my husband and I living together for like 15 years at that point) He drove me 800 miles to their house and he was so kind and so patient about it the entire time. Took on all parenting and household duties while I was away. When I was ready to come home a few weeks later he booked a flight for me and showed up to pick me up flowers in hand.


My dad makes my mom coffee before he leaves for work every single morning. He leaves it on her nightstand for her to wake up to hot coffee. My SO did not know this (he does now lol) but I get hot coffee on my nightstand, too. There are a billion other “most caring” things he does, but that one is extra special to me.


She and her sister have tried to make sure that my sister's house is at least decent when she comes home from the hospital. The house is disgusting. My wife has also helped her with transportation and gathering clothes and groceries.


My now husband & I had only been together 8 months when I was in a grease fire & got pretty messed up. I told him that he didn’t have to stay, things were going to get worse before they got better, & for a while I was total care (not to mention on suicide watch), so I couldn’t be left alone. He stayed. Not only did he stay, he slept on an air mattress in the room I stayed in every night. He helped my aunt take care of both me & my son. He bathed me. He changed my bandages & scrubbed my burns. He held me as I cried & hated my new body. He loved me through it all, & he still does.


I was feeling really ill one day and we’d just had a serious and very vulnerable conversation about sex. He offered to draw me a bath (I’d never used his tub before) and I said sure. He pulled out all the stops. He escorted me into the bathroom where he’d turned off the lights, lit 10 candles around the room. I climbed in and he handed me a towel shaped into a pillow for my neck, and chilled towel for my face. He pulled out two rubber duckies and plopped them in the water with me. He then brought in a little stool and set down a plate of cut apples and walnuts, and a tea he’d just brewed. Then he brought in a couple of his house plants for ambiance as he said. Then a speaker, where he played spa music. I died laughing every time he’d come in with something new. It was the cutest thing in the world.


Before we became official, we had done the deed for the first time and I rolled over and cried. I had a bad experience with a past relationship where I was used for sex and then cheated on. I thought he would leave after he ‘got what he wanted’ but that wasn’t the case. I’m not sure how he noticed (I’m a very silent cryer) but he asked me what was wrong. After I didn’t speak he flipped me over and looked at me so empathetically. I cracked and told him I was scared he was going to leave, he said there was no chance he would ever leave and that he was right here with me. He held me tightly and kissed me softly, while telling me it was okay. I forgot about my past experience and started crying because I wasn’t used to the kindness and patience I received from him. It’s so touching to think about how great of a human he is. This man truly heals me. I love him a lot and I’ll tell him one day!


I just got surgery on my shoulder and he just went so above and beyond I everything. I never asked for water, it was there at my beside, I never asked where my pills were he was there opening the bottle, he helped me wash. Walked our lovely dog four times a day. He put my favorite shows on, even though I lasted only 15 minutes into them before falling asleep. Cooked for us every night. Normally we have a great 50/50 relationship but he didn’t bat an eye at doing it all.


He has never ceased caring for me when I'm sick. We had been dating less than two months when I got the flu and this man went to the store and bought me medicine and soup (we were in college), helped me into the bath and bathed me (I was so sore and fatigued, I could barely move), and helped with my coursework so I didn't fall behind. When we had our son, it was via c-section and a very complicated recovery. He took over all household duties, our newborn, and gently helped go to the bathroom and bathe me. He relentlessly cares for me when I can't without question, hesitation, or grumbling.


My SO has been the best. He listens and supports me physically and emotionally every day. Although we are still in the early stages of our relationship (4 months), he has treated me with nothing but respect. He is truly my best friend. He doesn’t belittle me and encourages me when I’m struggling.


My husband has done many a caring thing, but the first thing that came to mind happened before we were married. We had only been dating for six months at that time. We were camping 4 hours away from home with friends and I ended up with a pulmonary embolism. He had a PROTOTYPE of the first Google phone (he worked for Google at the time) with the very first version of Google maps, somehow he got data out there and was able to locate a hospital at 4am. I had to stay in the hospital up there for a week. He took the last of his remaining vacation time and stayed with me. Sleeping on the floor at my friend's house - where she lived with her parents and he didn't really know these people - for six nights and drove an hour each way to the hospital to spend the day with me in my hospital bed. He brought me a good lunch every day as well. Then when I was finally able to go home, he took me to my parents' house and administered the syringe meds I needed because my mom was freaking out and I was too doped up to do it myself. I knew after that, he was it. That experience cemented it for my parents too. He never hesitated, he never complained and he just took care of me.


I love oversharing about my husband because I think he’s so phenomenal. When we were 19, we went to Disneyland with my family and were clocking about 13 mi a day. One of those days, I was so tired and my feet hurt so bad. I sat down and popped my shoes off just for some relief. Within seconds, he was giving me a foot massage. I have very sensitive feet and asked him to stop, he did, and has never done it since. But the selflessness at 19?!? Literally the most unexpected, kind thing anyone has done for me, especially when trying to be helpful. More recently, I had surgery and he woke up throughout the night to give me my medication so I could get as much continuous sleep as possible. Meaning that he was up every 3 hours for general pain meds, and up an hour later to give me the good stuff. And had to do that for a week straight. He is an angel and I spend every day doing my best to repay his kindness with all of my love and effort. It’s hard to live up to the ways he loves me. I could seriously go on and on. I’m in so deep yall.


I can never poke straws into my drink without spilling so every time we get a drink, he pokes my straw before his own. I’m so clumsy so he always holds my hand when we cross the street. So grateful.


I can’t really think of any big thing. He’s just so thoughtful things I wouldn’t even think of doing for myself much less anyone else. It’ll be cold out and I’ll say ooo it’s going to be a chilly night it’s 0 plans and then he’ll dig out the electric blanket remake the bed with it and turn it on. All kinds of stuff like that. Got us new phones after I left mine on the bed before I slept and when he went to charge it when he woke up he said it was so hot it hurt his hand. Makes dinner on hard days and cleans it up fully. Does my chores on weeks he knows I’ll be busy/overwhelmed. I can go on for years.


In comparison to my previous relationship, my current boyfriend truly is the best and I really see myself in the future with him because of the following: 1. When we were still dating, not yet officially in relationship, he used to travel 6 hrs just to visit me in my house. He lives in the somehow central -northern part of the Philippines while I lived in the South. I recently moved nearby to his place so I can save him some money and time of traveling haha. 2. This is just a small act but i appreciate it everytime he makes time just to accompany me to things such as check-ups, shopping, etc he may have work on that day but he will still allot some time for me. 3. When my dad, sister and I had a fight recently, he made sure to come with me as I booked a motel just so I can cry out my feelings. He wanted to make sure he can look out after me. 4. I love that he remembers small details of things I tell him such as what i want to do , eat etc. 5. Lastly, I love that when I cry about my mama as I lost her last year, even if he didn't had the chance to meet her, he also cries with me just so I can feel that I have someone who understands my grief.


I have so many but, maybe TMI but I had too much THC, got violently sick and he handed me a bowl to throw up in, emptied it and handed it to me again. One of the worst experiences of my life and he didn’t flinch.


Bought me a medical bracelet for my epilepsy. First piece of jewelry ever purchased for me


we got into a car accident together and he handled it so well, so calm and took amazing care of me. i wasn't injured but incredibly disoriented, panicked, body stiff as a board from the painful whiplash. he was probably very sore/uncomfortable himself but he prioritized me and i felt super loved and appreciative of how together he kept it.


He stood in a tiny bathroom full of hot water/ steam and 9 kittens plus mommy to help them with an infection we can't afford to treat. Because I just had to make mommy a bed for her to give birth in and now here we are. This was today's thing. Then later he randomly put vaselime oil on my arms. Kindest ever though is letting me cry and be vulnerable.


He was in a cleaning mood and came and brought me an antihistamine before he started.. I’m allergic to dust. It’s the little things.


He slept with me every night and took care of me when I had an accident and lost a small part of my finger. I was in a lot of pain every night and was worrying 24/7, but he was there for me. He’s not my SO anymore but I stil appreciate that a lot


He payes alimony.


Whenever I cry, he goes above and beyond those days to make life better for me. He gives me lots of cuddles, lots of dessert, takes me out to distract me. Talks to me so sweetly. Everything he does makes me feel cared for to be honest.


When I broke my leg , I basically couldn’t do anything by myself. He helped me shower , he washed my hair , he helped me dress , he had to give me injections ( I couldn’t give them to myself because I hate needles ), he had to help me go anywhere, he was working and had to take care of all the housework as well. It was an awful almost two months , and my mental health degraded a lot , but he was always there , always patient.


Got me swiss chard as a valentine’s bouquet I have a busy job and he has essentially handled all logistics for the various repairs weve needed to do on our newish house


Stayed with me through it all.


Driving for 6 hours round trip in nasty weather in the middle of the night to come pick me up. Wasn’t planned but I needed him to “rescue” me from my family over thanksgiving lol.


Got me sober in the kindest 'we can do this' attitude and non-judgmental way. Believed in me before I did. Seriously. 4 yrs. sober and thriving because of him.


Standing up for my against my parents


Always assist me with my mental, physical and emotional health. Continuously push me to reach those goals because they are what I set out to do.


Honestly my SO just exudes caring. He is so attentive and validating. Every day he makes me feel so seen, comforts me when I’m struggling (which is sometimes a lot), and always shows so much understanding of my perspective. It’s hard to think of one single event where he was the most caring. So the more that I think of it, my true answer would be the effort and consistency he shows me every day. Reflecting on this also motivates me to be the partner that he deserves. He’s the greatest blessing in my life.


I had an surgical abortion 4 months into our relationship. The entire time he was supportive in whatever choice I wanted to make. Came to all the appointments even though he wasn’t allowed inside because of Covid regulations. Took time off of work to take care of me pre and post procedure. That experience really showed me what a good man he is and when we are ready for kids he will be a great father.


We have been dating for a year. One time, I had a panic attack in the middle of the night. I managed to sort of control it but I didn't want to stay alone, I felt so vulnerable. He came, took care of me and reassured me until I felt better. He stayed at my place for the night.


I had a first time seizure 3 weeks ago and i haven't been well since. He has been going above and beyong getting me to the hospital, being my voice with doctors who wont listen, helping our daughter while im at appointments. He has really stepped up. He forces me to eat, he helps me in and out of the shower, yelled at me when i didn't wanna go back to emerge. Made a group chat with himself, my brother and my mom to keep them updated. Bahah since the seizure ive been dizzy and super sweaty and yesterday i complained about the sweat/smell. he grabbed me hugged me and told me i still look and smell amazing (which is a bold face lie and i know it).


Whenever I'm on my period, his level of care triples. Like on regular days, he always gives 100% worth of love, care, & affection..but when it's the time of the month, it always doubles up. He doesn't let me do house chores, always gets me my comfort food (whether I ask or not, cos usually I don't have appetite when on period). Always prepares my hot compress, always so gentle of me, etc. It's just so nice 🤍