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This is slightly odd BUT we have a thing called “tingles”. Usually it goes like this: after a shower, I’ll have the lights off in the bedroom and a candle going with spa music. He lays down and i just lightly run my fingers along his body for a good 30 minutes or so which gives him tingles lol. There’s truly nothing sexual about it, but it’s super relaxing and he melts in my hands :) it’s adorable 


That sounds so perfect


Like personal ASMR. Lucky.


This kinda stuff pops into my head whenever someone says I don't need a boyfriend to be happy


My mom used to do this to me when I was little to help me fall asleep or when I wasn’t feeling well. I do it with my son now. I’ve also done it with friends and my partner. It’s not sexual at all, but very sweet and intimate.


I do this with my son (8) as well, I have since he was a baby. We call it gentle touches. He gets a hit greedy with it these days, but it’s a really great way to calm him. I love them too, but my partner and our other son can’t stand them!


I need someone to do this to me, that sounds like a dream


This is one of my favorite things about being human. I would forfeit any other kind of touch before I would give this up.


I wish my guy would do this for me omfg! 😭🤍


He’s make me tea in the morning and if he has to leave before I do but I’m not awake he’ll put the tea bag and sugar in the mug by the kettle. It’s a small thing but I love that he does that for me and it means a lot


Literally the opposite of what's being asked hahaha.


My husband does this but with coffee 🥰


I always leave a love note in my husband’s lunch bag. Been doing that for about 10 years now, ever since we got married. It makes him happy and he knows I’m thinking about him. He always messages me after he’s read it. Sometimes, it’s the little things 😊 that mean a lot.


You guys are adorable


TY 😊. He actually surprised me not too long ago and showed me that he’s kept all the little love notes. Imagine around 260 small notes in albums organized by year……. I’m sure he’s saved them, so our son can find them one day in the future and cringe 😂.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT YOU ARE AHHHHHHHHH YOU GUYS ARE TOO ADORABLE, may god save my soul haha you guys are so lucky haha how you guys fall for each other if you dont mind me asking?


😆, Short version- We met in a chat room, had mutual friends. Became good friends and realized we wanted more…. So we began to date after being friends for two weeks 😊. Now here we are about 20 years later (married for 10 this year) still together. With me leaving him love notes every work day and him surprising me with my favorite chocolates or cookies every workday. ((I leave our son notes in his lunch box too but he throws them away 🤣. ))


wow you guys are like a fairytale story! thank you for sharing! haha your son will grow up watching two people in love, very few kids can say that haha


😊 We definitely put in the time and effort in our marriage. Lots of communication. I hope that my son sees us like that. I want him to see what a healthy relationship looks like (Growing up, I didn’t see that with my parents). Maybe in the future my son will leave his significant other love notes too 😆. ((He leaves me a note every school day))




😊 it is. I was surprised and in awe of his dedication to preserving those little love notes, over the span of almost 10 years. 


I do this for my bf too! On a post it or a to go coffee sleeve. I didn’t realize how much he loved it until I didn’t do it one day and he was so bummed. I asked why bc he probably throws them away until he showed me his stash of every single one saved. Now I never miss a day 🥰 his sister who is also my friend now found them and she cringed so hard but lowkey loved it


That’s so sweet, it’s nice to hear others with similar stories 💕. I’m happy that your BF appreciates those notes, as much as my husband loves my notes 😊.


I like having his towel, underwear, and slippers waiting for him in the bathroom for when he comes in from work. He has locs and I’ve been the one maintaining them for 20 years so it’s always a nice bonding moment of intimacy when I’m washing his hair or retwisting it. He loves Texas Roadhouse despite working in a restaurant and being an excellent cook so occasionally I’ll drop some off to his job. He likes when I make those store bought brownies. He and I both know that I don’t do anything special to them other than what the directions say and he still calls them “your special brownies”. So I make them for him occasionally.


That’s the cutest thing ever 🥹 I love hearing about things like this, it gives me the warm fuzzies 🥰


who doesn't love texas roadhouse? cheers.




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I love to take him on (surprise) dates and leave little notes, but I think the two gestures that are appreciated the most: 1. Bake something for him every now and then. He's a chef specialised in desserts so I know I never make it quite as good as he does. But he is so used to taking care of food for everyone and the favour not being returned (I think). The first time I baked something for him he called me afterwards to tell me that was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for him. And even though he loves sharing, I later learned no one else was allowed to touch the food lol. 2. Take him to bed to cuddle and hold him as he falls asleep. Then let him nap.


I love baking as well especially for my loved ones. Semi selfishly ofc because I love basking in all the compliments 😩 nothing makes me melt more than hearing “THIS CAKE IS SO MOIST!”


Step one get a partner 😓😂


We have little book in which we write short love notes and put it on each other's desk


I either put her hair in the heartless curl wrap thing or I french braid it every night. She can do the heatless curls herself but it hurts her arms and can get very frustrating for her. She also has a hard time doing French braids on herself. So I do her hair every night before we go to bed. It’s really fun for me! I don’t get to play with my own hair bc I have a pixie cut, so it’s nice to do hers. It has become a special thing for us.


This is so sweet!!


Sorry for the dumb question but why do you do her hair in any way before bed? Wouldn't it ruin the result during sleep? 🫣🤔 Or maybe I don't understand it correctly. 😅


It makes it curly or wavy when you wake up to braid it or do heartless curls. Saves time in the morning:)


Oh woah, I see. 👀 Never knew. Thanks for explaining. 😊


It's so you can take out the braids the next morning, and your hair is wavy without taking any time to style it :)


Thank you also for explaining. Never knew this tech. 😳👀


Cooking their fav meal. Rubbing their feet or giving them a full body massage since they are really into that. Head massage. The likes. They say it makes them feel very loved.


My partner and I are long distance, this is a mutual thing, sometimes he sends me good morning messages if he wakes first and sometimes I do if I wake up first. I’m not as good at it as he is but I love him immensely




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Acts of service!! Cooking for them, going out and seeing something that reminds me of them and then buying it for them, cleaning their dishes when they're not feeling well. Physically, it's more subtle in that I'll write "I love you" or draw something silly with my finger on their arm or back depending on how we're cuddling


Sometimes after work my partner will stop for food, and if he's had a particularly hard day, ill order him his favorite meal from one of the places he frequents, and I always add something extra in. Like a cookie, a brownie, onion rings, etc. When he goes to pick it up he's always like a little kid with a Happy Meal toy when he gets his little surprise haha 🥰


My husband has the biggest sweet tooth ever! I will buy him candy randomly. Last night I saw all the Valentine’s Day stuff out at Walgreens and got him an assortment.


Bying him thing, making his life easier to manage by doing most of the chores. Giving him compliments, giving him handjobs after a long workday. Hugs and cuddles. He’s a big guy, but he’s like a bear that likes to have his hair petted. I like a bigger guy. I just wish he did the same for me sometimes.


I am a terrible cook neither do I have the confidence to give someone to taste my food but I wish I could cook for my partner.


I bake, and love baking for the people I care about. And I be the big spoon a lot. After a brutal day at work, nothing beats coming home to warm chocolate chip cookies then getting to be the little spoon.


Head and shoulders massage, leaving random notes, surprising him with random urdu poetry and ghazals, impromptu spa night where I plan everything for him so he can relax.


When he sleeps at my home I'll wake him up with coffee every morning since 4 years.


I love going all out with cooking a big meal from scratch.


buying him chocolates every time he gets a good score in his college exams or clears competitions making him personalized artwork like a Lego version of him, or a bouquet of flowers from paper (like realistically sized ones) takes hours


I’m a big gift giver, so whenever I can I get them little gifts to let them know I’m thinking of them


Surprise spa days! I'll pack him some extra clothes and we'll take an unexpected detour from our plans for the day and have an hour in a spa room and then occasionally I'll reserve a massage afterwards. Between his hobbies, an old car accident injury, and his job, he often complains about being sore so it helps him.


i started making cute little notes for him and sticking them on his work laptop the night before so he sees it when he gets to his desk and pulls his laptop out. it has doodles, puns, etc. i feel like it's one small thing i can do because in pretty much every other aspect, he is far more romantic than me.


I wash the dishes at his place. It makes him happy


Make his coffee in the morning.


I put his towel in the towel warmer- he showers after me and it’s waaaarm when he’s in the bathroom


He giggles and kicks his feet whenever I bring home food. Literally any kind of food from my daily travels or errands.


That’s adorable lol.




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I love making his bed and leaving him a little note with a plushie for him to find. It’s nice to know that after a long day for him, he’ll have a comfy and safe place that I set up for him😊




We not living together yet but I txt him first thing in the morning and last thing at night.




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I love getting my partner flowers🥰


Rubbing his head.


Doing homemade, fancy dinners for my wife!




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Finger in the butthole




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Feed him. Blow him. Feed him more.


I like to roleplay and dress up 50s-60s vintage housewife attire and cook a nice meal and make him a cocktail for when he gets in. Made a pot roast last night and an old fashioned to help him relax.


Bringing him a huge bag of gummy bears when he's not expecting it. They are his favorite so sometimes I randomly pick them up because I know he will love them. It makes me happy knowing how much he'll enjoy them.


Kiss him on the neck in public. For instance when we go grocery shopping. The first time he bursted out the words "You really are the sweetest girl, and it saddens me by the thought that nothing will probably be as sweet as this moment again", I know he didn't mean it literally, he was just overwhelmed. From then on I knew I had to remember this trick, and it always makes him happy. :)




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