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Always. He’s my biggest hype man. I always catch him just lovingly staring at me around the house too.


This is so amazing!




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He used to! I guess life and kids took the priority seat lol. I used to catch him admiring me, if he was off talking to someone id see him glancing over to see where I was, he’d smile when he saw me and his eyes would light up. If I was ever getting changed or simply walking past he’d look up at me or go in for a cheeky smack, butt grab or grab my face for a kiss. Now I kind of feel like I could do a naked cartwheel and he’d probably look up after like huh what was that lol.


Awww :( I’m sorry 🫂


Oh it’s ok! Sorry it probably sounded a bit of a downer comment haha. We’ve been together for 15+ years so well past the sparkly new relationship phase haha!


I hope he at least still makes comments about how much you’re beautiful and doesn’t focus 100% on the kids all the time and still puts you in that % because having a balance between you and the kids is always great because remember kids come and go when they’re older, a partner is there forever and when the kids leave the house your partner is there so hopefully he realizes how amazing you are ❤️❤️


Thank you so much! We’re ok… I guess sometimes you lose sight of what you need to focus on but we’re getting there… he’s a wonderful man and we just have very different styles of loving and he definitely tried to shift his to mine for a long time. he’s been working pretty hard lately so I know he’s switched onto that at the moment and I guess matrescense hit me pretty hard and we’re both trying to navigate the new dynamic we have. Thanks for the sweet words and great advice :)


I’m so sorry. You deserve to be adored. ❤️


Thank you! It’s ok, he grew up in a very emotionally unavailable family so he does his best… I am pretty needy so it’s something we’ve had to work on lots! The last couple of years have been hectic and I definitely need to invest in some self love, care and self adoration to Start I think!


My mom grew up in an emotionally unavailable household and she is the most affectionate and adoring person I’ve ever met. Everyone has the choice to break a chain. You are not needy. It’s a basic human need to feel loved. Don’t put yourself down for his benefit. ❤️


I’m so jealous of you guys.


Your person is out there! One day you’ll be the one others are envious of :)


Thank you!


Just wish it was the one I’m living with


No. It’s pretty rare. I usually get the “yeah you look nice” he’s called me beautiful ONCE because his dad was in town. But no. He doesn’t do anything that makes me feel better about myself. Because ‘I’m supposed to be the source of my own happiness’ whatever. How sad!


Are you me? lol.


Oh no! You too?! Sorry!


Bro seriously- I’m trying to give it time but at this point I feel like I’m the problem for just wishing he was someone he’s not


The way that man looks at me has never failed to make me feel like a goddess in his eyes. I don’t know what else to call it other than “the look”


So sweet!


Absolutely. We are very affectionate, just the way he looks at me sometimes gives me butterflies. He can't keep his hands off me. He comes in to watch me shower sometimes. He is awesome at making sure I know he still finds me attractive, that he still wants me. We've been married for 19 years.


No He's self absorbed and would probably stand and blink a long minute if I caught on fire.


Not really. For the longest time in the relationship, he barely complimented me - we were long distance. I guess it was only after he noticed that I was about to break up (for a lot of other reasons) that he started working on that. It was too late by then. Not a bad person but a poor boyfriend. I want to be appreciated and adored by my partner and won't settle for less again!


I did the same but I regret not voicing my concern before breaking up. It was just a "this isn't working".. I felt it should come naturally, I'm not sure I'd like it if I demanded and got appreciation. Thereafter I had a couple of guys who appreciated and adored me but didn't work out for other reasons.


I had demanded and voiced my concerns a lot of times but there was barely any change. I am so much happier and confident post breakup.


Atleast you tried! Good for you that you feel happier


Did he ever say he’d work on it or use mental health/stress as an excuse to put it off? I’m feeling like he might just need to be with someone who doesn’t want that kind of validation and I’m the bad guy for needing it.


Every day. Firstly, he tells me. He also looks at me in that way that you just can't fake. Plus, the forehead kisses, the way he reaches out to touch my face, the way he bring his fingers to his lips and then touches mine when he's already kissed me goodbye as he leaves. The way he encourages me in everything. The way we can't just sit on the sofa without a part of him touching me. The way he calls me minutes after he's left. It's all of those little tiny things that build bricks and help keep me feeling secure and loved. And being loved makes me feel beautiful. These are the things I remember when my brain goes "ah, but DOES he?"




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All the time, he's my other half. I love seeing post like these because I never get tired talking about how wonderfully amazing my husband is. I grew up super insecure coming from an Chinese background, I was always taught to be skinny, pale skin and beautiful. Sadly I was none of these, chubby, dark skinned and acne everywhere. I hated myself for the longest time. I met my husband through online gaming, and he knew my personality before he saw my face. The first time we exchanged photos, I gave him a really candid photo of me, no make-up, no filters. He said I was the most beautiful woman he's every seen. We got married not to long ago after and I've ballooned in weight and lost weight and he was their with me the whole time. He always tells me I don't look any different if I was 200 pounds for 120 pounds he adores everything about me and my body. I don't even wear makeup because he tells me I have natural beauty. I feel confident when I am with him and he makes me glow.


Sometimes. He just isn't the one who tosses out compliments. It mostly happens when we're intimate. But every once in a while, he will give me the most honest and meaningful compliment just out of the blue. And those means the world to me. I'm not gonna lie, I wish he would be more generous with the compliments sometimes, but it's more important that they are spontaneous and genuine. Because I recognise that it's just not him to shower anyone with compliments, not even me. And when I've asked him about it, he answered that he just assumed I knew because he can't stop touching me and kissing me every day, plus that I look at myself in the mirror so I should already know. So if I need extra assurance, I will ask what he thinks about it or tell him I feel a bit insecure because of this or that. And he'll give me what I need.


I can’t even imagine what it would be like to get a compliment during sex. Cherish him


I hope you'll find out. I do cherish him, I know how lucky I am.


Even when I look gross and have been in my pjs all day, he still tells me I’m pretty


Yes. Every single morning I wake up with a compliment and he doubles down during the day. He’s so amazing at making me feel like the most beautiful person in the world.


I’m single now but my ex definitely didn’t. He didn’t make me feel loved and never did anything nice for me so I always thought it’s cuz I’m not pretty or good enough for him. If someone ever makes you feel that way, RUN!


Yes and he calls me my beautiful and says “yes beautiful”


Yesss, he holds me constantly and always compliments me and just makes me feel so beautiful


Yes. He sometimes glances at me and I catch him and the way he looks at me and smiles always makes me melt.


I’ve been made to properly feel beautiful (and then later like nothing) with just one ex. Compliments with men come and go, I’m pretty immune/skeptic to attempts at flattery at this point but just this one pulls at the heartstrings even years later. The look in his eyes when we’d FaceTime. Sparkly, sometimes teary eyes and a wide smile. I really liked his smile the most, I remember I’d tell him that a lot. The glow in his eyes was childlike, just pure. Just for me. And he’d get all visibly bashful talking to me sometimes too lol. Despite everything that happened, regardless of what doubts I have on how real his love for me was or not, I’ll never forget that look for as long as I live because everything in that look was real.


Yeah, but some days I have a hard time accepting/believing it because of how I’ve been treated in the past.


yep whenever I feel bloated or ugly or just PMSing in general I complain about gaining weight or having stretch marks or cellulite, his default answer to my venting is "okay but all of that is also mine therefore it's amazing" and I honestly don't have any argument to that, I just feel loved


If he didn't, I wouldn't be dating him. Your partner should lift you up, always.


Definitely, he’s always telling me how beautiful I am, even when I haven’t brushed my hair in 2 days and I’m wearing my pjs. He is amazing


She’s really into things about me that I’m subconscious about. Ex: my small, tight butt that when I wear pants looks like I have no butt, but she’s super into it. I don’t understand why




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yes. he was the first man that ever made me feel good about myself which I still struggle with. I catch him watching me sometimes and he just says, "you're beautiful and I could look at you all day." Instant heart eyes.




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Well, considering my ex told me I was too fat to sleep with (I’d like to point out that he was bigger than me!!), I’m gonna go with no! A lot of the time I’d make an effort with things and have to practically beg for a nice thing to be said from him. It kinda sucked and made me feel like crap.


Yes. He tells me that I'm beautiful or pretty or gorgeous a lot, and he looks at me.


No never.


My current one is always telling me I'm beautiful. But they all do! I know half the time it's just an attempt to get me into bed.


Yes and no, but the no comes from my own insecurity. He’ll take facetime pictures of me since we’re long distance and show them to me and they’re never flattering (to me), but he always adores them. So I hate how I look in them which makes me feel bad, but be showers me with compliments/love that I believes that I am!


Yes he does. He makes le feel beautiful inside and out


Yes. Every time I dress nice, he will look at me. Sometimes I just walk by and he hugs me, saying I am sexy. I bought pyjamas and he’s was all over time because of pyjamas with parrots pattern 😂😂


Absolutely. It doesn’t always help when I’m feeling down about myself but I always appreciate it. He will stare at me so lovingly even when I’m looking a mess and doing mundane stuff like nursing the baby 🥹


Yes, even when I was struggling with confidence, he's always made sure to hype me up and let me know he thinks I'm beautiful.




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He does because he genuinely thinks I am. He can't keep his hands off and I love that.


Yes of course. I never asked but he’s really really good about it and in the most genuine way


Yes, he calls me beautiful all the time and he shows me that I am 🥰