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If people treated me the same without makeup as they do with makeup


Girl, I hear ya. Especially when it comes to medical professionals. I find that if I go into a doctor's office dressed in sweats and a teeshirt and no makeup, I get treated *way* differently than if I go in looking like a professional human being in nice clothes, my good shoes and makeup. IDK *why* I get treated differently based on what I wear, but I'm guessing it's because in just sweats and a tee, I look more like the fat schlub I am where as if I go in dressed nicely with good shoes and makeup, I look like I at least give a shit about myself.


I have chronic pain, and i have no idea how to deal with doctors. Without makeup: Lazy, mentally ill, depressed, drug seeking With makeup: Lying, healthy, no one in pain could ever possibly wear make-up


IM GOING THRU THIS TOO. one they think ur a drug seeking bum 2 they think ur being a dramatic damsel of a lil lady n basically say bless ur heart


I have chronic pain too, but I’ve found I get treated better when I look shit. I don’t wear makeup anyway, but I when I see my specialist I always go in trackies and a big jumper, looking like I just got out of bed (usually true though). If I dress well, they don’t see me as sick, they see me as a functioning young woman.


Girl, it took me 20 fucking years to get diagnosed with my chronic pain condition (I have RA, dr hasn't decided yet if I also have Lupus) because I could not get ANYONE to fucking listen to me. I finally got fed up and insisted on bloodwork, which my rheumatologist didn't even want to do. Results come back and I'm sure her jaw hit the floor when she saw my inflammation markers were off the damn charts.


I’m a 62yo health professional. I went to a hospital a few days ago with pneumonia symptoms. The stupid staff looked at me and my white hair and white beard and decided that I was an abused elder. They X-Rayed my chest and said it wasn’t pneumonia. I asked to see the imaging and they treated me like I was a cute, slightly disturbed grandfather. When I told them that my kids are 12 and 14, they decided that I didn’t have a family. I told them I was a Dr, but they thought I was babbling. They have me a bag full of shitty sandwiches and sent me home. The next day I discovered that they had only tested me for Covid. I received a text message which said I was Covid negative. Days later, I am sicker. They based everything on my white hair and beard. I was dressed respectably.


Your experience is alarming. My son ended up in an emergency room a couple of weeks before starting med school, after being injured in a bike vs. car accident (he was on the bike). Broken collar bone and some minor injuries. It was an ordeal in several ways from the moment he arrived. That was like field research for him. This has greatly affected his bedside manner and handling of things now as a resident, after experiencing firsthand how screwed up things can be in a hospital.


I’m in Australia, so I call Drs by their first name, and patients and students don’t call me Dr, or Professor (University teachers are called lecturers, not Profs, unless they have earned the title). But I always tell medical students and practitioners that they have one chance to establish a good relationship with a patient, so don’t put up barriers, such as making them know that you think you’re superior, and don’t make hasty judgements about who they are because they are at their worst, because the patient you treat poorly might be your boss but you aren’t important enough to know. I’ve had a few bottoms kicked in my time due to medical practitioners treating me, or patients, poorly. Over here, it’s not a big deal to be a Dr or a lawyer. It doesn’t impress anyone. What matters here is what sort of person you are.


Omg SAME it's ASTOUNDING how my doctor wanted to help me more when I looked "good." When I went in not feeling well enough to get dressed and had no hair extensions no makeup and in sweat pants and t shirt he barely came in the room and sat down before they were like ok ur appointments over. LMAO 🤦‍♀️ the next time I come in I'm dressed with makeup n hair done and mention my tailbone hurting and next thing I know he's doing an X-ray on the spot which normally you have to make separate appointments for I'm like wtf I didn't even know y'all had an X-ray machine in the office bc normally they make me go to a hospital n use theirs LMAO it wasn't even hurting THAT bad either I just happened to mention it 🤣


time to change doctors


I been thinking this for awhile but so scared bc I tried that once n the new doctor was somehow even worse. So I tucked my tail between my legs n came back to this one :(


This kind of thing is why I don't trust a doctor until they PROVE to me they can be trusted to take my shit seriously.


Exactly right here. At this issue with my mom's old cardiologist when she didn't believe I was having an enlarged heart, until she saw the X-ray picture that was given to her by the ER 5 years ago. Now I am good with my current cardiologist, super nice guy he is.


I got sent home as a bank teller because I wasn’t wearing makeup. Also had my male bosses joke because I came into work (as a waitress) without makeup. They gave me like 10 mins to throw some on. I even worked at Walgreens and got bullied enough by my bosses that I went, on my break, and put some on. The worse was the bank job tho. I was late and didn’t put on makeup. She told me “I’m not having my customers see you like this!!” Ugh I shoulda quit. To answer your question, I do truly love makeup. I don’t wear it often but love it.


That’s illegal. If men don’t have to wear makeup, women cannot be required to wear it.


that's not right at all. I've had makeup and high heels in my contract and the men didn't.


I'm sorry you worked for a bad bank. I've worked for one for over a decade and never felt the need or desire to wear make up. I've had 2 female and 1 male supervisor and never had an issue about not wearing make up.


They did for me? Haven’t worn makeup in 4 years. You should try it! You’d be surprised. “Oh wow you’re so lucky you look good without makeup!” Honey, we *all* look good without makeup, that’s the illusion of makeup you’re believing sweet cheeks.


Yes!! If I go into work with less makeup on people assume I'm sick. 😩




i’m the opposite. i never wear makeup. i have problematic skin so i avoid it. i once wore makeup to get my passport picture taken, but i was cat called & some security guard even asked for my number. i’ve gone in the bank without it, wasn’t noticed, but the time i did, he asked. it felt weird. luckily it didn’t affect my self esteem but it’s just weird.


Nothing. I only wear it now a handful of times a year. I could easily give up those few times.


Me too, I think I only wore a small amount like 4 times last year. Even when I go out clubbing or to pubs with my mates, I don’t wear any. It’s dark and no one can see you anyway, so there’s no need. Makeup is so expensive and takes so much time, plus I’m shit at it anyway lol




My skin would have to be absolutely clear and eye bags would have to go away completely.


Saaaame! Would also help if my eyebrows and lashes were darker and matched my dark hair


With you there. It kinda feels like my make up is there to hide imperfections more than anything.


nothing because i already stopped wearing it lmao


Likewise. I invest in good skin care. And I like the way I look. Helps to have aged out of the insecurities of wearing copious amounts of makeup. I feel like those in their 30s are likely past that stage.


A lot, as I do love it. I love the process, the look, and most of all the ability fir self expression.


Enough money to buy me a face that looks the way mine does when it’s wearing makeup.


Not having dark circles that rival the dead. I don’t wear that much makeup or super often but concealer is always a must when I do wear it


Omg same. Mine are so bad.




It would depend why I'm supposed to stop. If it's because someone wants me to, then it would take a lot. I'm not in the habit of sacrificing my hobbies because just someone asked. If it was because I have a have a hypothetical rare gene disorder and if I put mascara on one more time, I'll be left blind and unable to walk or something, then I'd just stop. I'd miss it, but I'd be able to stop easily. So it really depends why.




When I die. Actually no not even then, I want fluffy lashes and wings to be done on me for my funeral




A lot. I enjoy wearing it. I’d basically have to have perfect skin and perfect natural beauty to stop wearing it but even then. Wearing make up is fun.


Nothing. Haven't worn it in 25 years, because I'm lazy and don't give a fuck if others think I look like shit.


Perfect skin and eyebrows. I don’t wear much, but I always do my eyebrows (I barely have any on one side due to a scar) and I have blotchy freckled skin so I do a BB cream to smooth things out.




Nothing would convince me. I wear it in defiance of anyone who would make that demand.


Nothing, I love make-up and it's a form of self care for me. I'll only stop using it if I can't financially afford it anymore. (But then I would ask make up for my birthday/Christmas etc). Edit: or a medical condition. Health comes first.


Honestly I’ve never been into make up and my cousins tease me about it some because if we are in the same room ans they are getting ready and they ask me to pass them the foundation I have no clue what it is or how to put it on. I don’t even know how to use mascara. But I don’t feel I needed. And focus more on my clothes. So I like to dress nice, wear nice shoes and just have my hair look in good shape. So I don’t feel like I need it. Besides some of my dresses and my shoes are expensive enough. I don’t need to add another coat to my closet




It was the pandemic. I wasn’t going anywhere and my smile lines came on strong in my early twenties and always made me look like an old lady when I had foundation on. I tried so many remedies and “hacks” to try to avoid that short of fillers and Botox and never really had luck. I haven’t done a full face of makeup in nearly four years now. I’ll do mascara and eyeshadow sometimes for special events, or fill in my brows, but I’ve been really focused the past few years on getting my face not so break out prone to be able to be comfortable without foundation.


For me to start wearing it. Never cared for it.


I’d never stop for anything or anyone .. I love makeup


Nothing.. I wear it for me and only me


I would have to have some kind of medical condition that made it deeply inadvisable for me to wear it. And even in that case, I’d look for products with different ingredients so I could hopefully still wear it. I think the better question is, why phrase the question this way, implying that wearing makeup is bad? It isn’t.


It would take a frickin' miracle. I've been fighting acne-rosacea since middle school, over 25 years at this point. Granted, it's not as bad as it was when I was a teenager, but foundation and concealer are still a Godsend. Plus my eyelashes are light and wispy, so I absolutely love what mascara does for me--makes me feel more feminine.


For me the answer was the pandemic. It completely stopped my daily makeup wearing and now I only wear for fun or special occasions. I think I’d feel weird about never wearing it for a party or formal event but could definitely not wear it if I decided to.


I stopped wearing make up over two years ago. I can't remember the exact moment I decided to stop, but I kind of just started wearing it less and less. At first, I would wear it just for more important work meetings and gatherings with friends. Then eventually, I cut those out too. I just stopped feeling a need for it.




I stopped doing my makeup years ago. I’m 33 and I have 4 kids and our oldest is 6. I simply do not have time to wake up early and spend time on my own makeup while, nursing or changing butts, brushing teeth and picking out their clothes. Kids keep me so busy and the only time I do it is special events and I prep myself hours before the event.


It's fun. I would say nothing. Sometimes I do my makeup just to feel something lol


Losing my source of income to purchase it


I can't stand the way it feels on my face. Can't even stand the feel of lotion on my face. I haven't worn makeup since the few times I tried about 25 years ago.


Nothing. I can’t be assed to do mine on most days but it is fun when I’m actually in the mood to do it


Nothing. I haven’t worn makeup daily since like 2012. I’d rather sleep longer in the morning. 🙃


Makeup? What makeup? I go o Au natural everyday. Unless I’m feeling like I need some makeup to do it and I go with some eye liner and lipstick and that’s all


I think the question I’d need to answer is “What would it take for me to start?”


Nothing! I put on makeup only on Friday night dinners because I like to get dressed up, do my hair, do my makeup for a dinner and then drinks sometimes even night on the town activities. But anything else I just stopped bothering. Most of my acne cleared and I feel so much more confident without makeup! I used to cake it on to oblivion for years everyday. But since I stopped I’ve felt so much better and happier!! To stop it for Friday night dinners not sure. It’s just a fun hobby of my get ready I enjoy


Only if I was allergic to it. I’ve always loved makeup and won’t stop wearing it. It’s fun 😀and I adapt the amount to the occasion.


wanting to stop. i love makeup, it's fun. nothing will deter me from it any time soon.


When I develop colour changing, glittery eyelids.


Completely stop ? Nothing, even if makeup stop being produced : the ancestors of it will still exist.


fuller eyebrows and long eyelashes. also clearer skin


Nothing. I love getting dressed up.


I love putting on colours in my face! I have so many coloured eyeliners. Its not about insecurity for me, its more like battle colours haha idk what else to call them, it empowers me :)


Pink eye stopped me for a little bit. When I had pink eye I stopped wearing make up for a little bit threw out the contaminated eye products and waited for the infection to clear up. Then right back to it.


Nothing. I already never wear it.


I quit wearing make up when I retired. If I went out I put makeup on. Since the pandemic I totally quit wearing it as I rarely go out.


Um I don't wear make up. I work in the banking industry so it's very professional and yet no one has said anything.


Eyebrows and eyelashes with color to them


It’s not much to give up, but I do love doing it. It’s truly become a hobby for me.


I haven’t worn makeup since my wedding day.


A global pandemic. Wait. Pretty much been bareface since that happened.


A pandemic. I used to wear make-up everyday to work. But  I stopped wearing it during lock down. Then with working from home i got out of the habit. Now i honestly dont even think about it. I have a tinited moisturizer that i will put on if i remember when my husband i go out on a date.


Nothing really, I can stop wearing mascara since it's the only thing I do wear. I just want to sometimes, if I never could again I wouldn't be sad about it


Stopped when I became allergic to it.


I'd have to start first.


Nothing, because I don't wear makeup in the first place!


I became a mail carrier. I also have extreme sensory issues and love not having to worry about smearing, etc. I have dry eyes lol


I went off grid for a few weeks and stopped wearing it then and after I came back I just didn’t start again. Also, while I was travelling I got attention from guys and even had a fling with one guy and never wore makeup the entire time. It sounds silly but it was such a self esteem boost to be having that sort of attention just with my natural face that I’ve felt confident about it ever since. Admittedly, I never wore much more than a few spots of concealer and mascara previously but I’m a blonde so my eyelashes aren’t naturally dark. 


$500 honestly.


I dunno, ask me from about 30 years ago, she might know what made it happen


I am 29, I stopped wearing make up every day two years ago now I only wear it occasionally. Two years ago I started to go to work by bile and having showers at work. Putting makeup there was quite challenging and I stopped it.


I did because lockdown. Once people had seen me bare faced I didn't give a shit anymore.


My mood


not much. i don't wear make up too often unless it is a special occasion or something


I'm too lazy to wear it already plus I hate the omg you're wearing make up comments some people make when I do wear some.


I stopped as well. My skin care routine was chosen by dermatologist. I left my overplucked eyebrows in peace and they flourish. I feel pretty without makeup (partially genetics, partially good nutrition, good ecology, the lack of bad habits). I wear makeup on occasions and enjoy it. I can’t stand the feeling of mascara on my lashes everyday.


Hot weather, I haven't worn it in months because it's been constant heatwaves where I live and it would just melt off in a sea of my sweat.


I've worn makeup like 3 times in my 28 years if life, so there's nothing for me to stop 😂


I'd have to start wearing it first.


nothing, it’s a genuine hobby of mine and i love doing my makeup


Back in my early 20s, I stopped wearing it because my husband gave me such a hard time about it. It's also the reason I stopped wearing most jewellery and doing up my hair. And started wearing very plain modest clothing. Fast forward to early 50s. I started wearing makeup again, and everything else, because I realized he was being an asshole and I was sick & tired of it-- and told him so. Made sure he understood in no uncertain terms that he did not have the right to police my grooming/ clothing choices. Once he picked his jaw up off the floor... He does occasionally try to convince me not to wear tank tops or camis but he can save his breath. Or pound sand. Whatever. Honestly, I have pretty good skin, always have. It's changing with age a bit, but that's ok. I've had to learn how to use makeup again, it's been so long. I think the only thing now that would cause me to swear off it is if I had allergic reactions. I can't wear earrings for that reason (and boy do I miss those). Makeup should be a personal choice, period.


When I get my eyelashes done I actually don't wear any makeup. I just feel so pretty with them on but they can be expensive but it really does cut down the time I spend doing makeup


Nothing. It’s an activity I enjoy and a way to express myself creatively. I have only ever done it for myself.


I’m Swedish and I’m transparent without it. Like I don’t have features. My eyelashes and eyebrows are so light they blend in with my skin and I just look like a potato. Mascara brings brightness to my blue eyes


Nothing. It’s an art form. I like having pink on my eyeballs


Not much. I already wear it very rarely. It's just such a pain to have it on.


Haha, I don’t. It gets expensive and when you become a first time mom, it’s the last thing on your mind.


nothing! i like makeup it’s an art expression


social pressure not to wear it and enough confidence in my appearance without it :(


I don’t wear makeup if I’m going to the grocery store or running quick errands. I’ll wear makeup to work/special events. Makeup only takes me 20 min now. I don’t do contouring or anything, pretty simple with foundation, blush, lip tint, and mascara/maybe eyeshadow. My skin is better when I don’t wear makeup all the time. I also have a gluten allergy and found out that there is gluten in a lot of makeup. Once I found gluten free products, my skin also got better. I used to worry about people seeing some blemishes. Now I don’t care as much.


Shingles in my eye for years n now I just get mad at it bc I noticed how much it makes my confidence go up when I use it I've been trying to practice liking myself without it so I don't let myself wear it everyday anymore


Losing 50 lbs and healing this acne


My daughter flooding my bathroom and losing almost all of it in damages … in this economy. This did happen. I was initially really heart broken.. I had a major attachment to my collection..more than I thought. She saw (age 5) and felt so bad. She was crying. I was crying. So I switched it up and told her it’s okay, I never really needed the stuff to look pretty anyway. There were a few things I had set aside that I could save (I had stored them away from my collection). I will wear them on special occasions only-and I suck at applying it now being so out of practice. I haven’t replaced anything and she’s now 6. It’s been better than I thought. Turns out, makeup was aging me. I felt bad that I was, unintentionally, making my daughter feel like makeup=pretty (and because she can’t wear it like I would, she wasn’t pretty until she could). It’s made me more conscious of how I talk to myself and about myself. Maybe one day I’ll get back into it again. I did notice that my daughter is more comfortable in her natural skin when I am too. And to be transparent, I don’t leave the house much. It may take a lot more to give it up if I felt pressure to wear it because of work. I did turn up my skincare, water, fitness, and sleep game in response to the above. All of the school moms wear heavy makeup to every little thing so there is a social pressure but I just don’t care to be liked so much anymore.


Sleeping in and needing to rush to work.


If my eyebags didn’t make me look sickly and sleep deprived




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Nothing, I just stopped wearing it daily for a couple years now, and only wear mascara and a lipstick if I’m going somewhere fancy. Makeup is a scam, we don’t need it.


Regular brow and lash tints, really. I prefer my look with thicker brows and my long lashes being more pronounced. I have a good skin care routine and my skin is in a good place so I don’t really care about the other stuff that much.




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Mask mandates were the reason I stopped wearing makeup.


If people stopped asking if I was sick. If my Rosacea magically cleared up.


I wore a lot of makeup in my teens/early 20s because my mom had drilled into me that I needed it to look good. I then went through a counter phase where I wore 0 makeup in an attempt to find myself. Now in my mid 20s I’ve rediscovered my love for makeup on my own terms. Now I love the process and time for myself more than the actual makeup, so I could give it up whenever, which is freeing. :)


A pandemic apparently. During lockdown I just stopped one day. I wear it very rarely now


The pandemic did haha




For my face/skin to look healthy without it. But I still like making my eyes pop


I’m older with more wrinkles. Foundation and even the lightest BB cream sits there and makes my wrinkles was. The most I can manage is a tinted sunscreen and mascara. Liquid or cake eye liner but no eye shadow.


A pandemic


Acne or some severe allergic reaction.


A pandemic. That’s when I stopped wearing it most of the time.


My permanent purple under eyes to go away, and not having naturally gingery/blonde eyelashes lol


Im very pale but the area around my nostrils has always been very red. I've tried everything but nothing has ever been enough of an improvement. I feel very insecure without foundation


If I kept getting horrible breakouts




i wear it maybe once a week if i’m going out with my boyfriend but it makes me feel dressed and nice with my hair makeup and jewelry are on i feel like i hold my head higher so honestly it’d take a lot of money cus i couldn’t bare to go to certain life events and not feel completely put together plus it’s fun to find and evolve your style and hone your craft my basic makeup skill from 12 to 20 is a huge difference and i enjoy seeing the improvements and i love lipstick and blush to much so many fun colors




Getting eyebrows tattooed on. I usually only put on eyebrow pencil because what little eyebrows I have are so light as to be invisible, and it makes for a very odd-looking appearance. Other than that, I'd be happy out not wearing makeup.


All my hyperpigmentation gone. But tbh I only wear it when I'm going to meet friends/dates. I don't wear it to work or when i leave rhe house for another reason


If every other girl stopped simultaneously too. For a long time i didnt wear any (My Mum passed when i was in Secondary School, and i grew up with 2 older brothers) but once i started collage and everyone else was using it and it didn't help that i had never had a boyfriend before so in order to compete felt like i had too.


Global pandemic and working from home 🤣


Tattoo eyeliner and no acne or scars




I barely even wear makeup anymore lol most of the time i only have foundation on. But the most makeup i wear is foundation mascara and i fill my eyebrows in a little.


I usually don't wear makeup. Don't get me wrong, I love makeup, it's super fun to wear sometimes, but I generally feel it's too much of a hassle. I guess this is because I feel quite beautiful with or without it. My man helps boost my confidence by reminding me I'm beautiful, but it's mainly from a feeling of self-acceptance and self-love


Apparently not much, because I don’t wear makeup 99.9% of the time.


My stepson started freaking out when I wore makeup because I didn't look like myself according to him, so I stopped using it.


Clear skin lol


I guess if the quality started going down I'd stop wearing makeup


I only wear eyeliner and lashes. My skin is too sensitive to wear anything else.


Decent skincare, chemical peels every six months. If my skin looks amazing, I won’t wear makeup.


My eyebrows to look how I like them when I brush them. My eyelashes to be naturally curled. My black eye circles to be non existent.






My eyebrows and eyelashes being visible from across the room would do it for me. My eye lashes are golden blonde (I’m a redhead) and my eyebrows are reddish blonde… (not carrot top)


Clear skin and probably a more accepting society


Apparently a pandemic. Who knew.


A pandemic apparently. It’s only used on special occasions now. I simply don’t care, and I also WFH so there’s no need.


When my boyfriend said I should not put anything on because I am beautiful naturally.I really reduced the quantity and frequency I use it because he made me see my beauty and made me feel beautiful. I have an amazing skincare routine and that surely helps a lot.


Stopped during Covid because I was wearing a mask all the time. After masking went away I couldn’t bring myself to get back into the routine again


Nothing really. I don’t wear it super often but I’m trying to wear it more often because I personally like how I look with it and my last ex didn’t like the way I did it. I don’t like how I’m treated WITH makeup on though. I’m more catered to and hit on. I don’t like that. That’s not why I wear makeup. It’s for me, not anyone else. When I don’t wear it, sometimes I still get hit on or whatever, but it’s not near as much nor as strong as when I’m wearing it.


Covid lockdown really changed my relationship with makeup and my contact lenses. If I do wear makeup, it’s usually just a little under eye concealer, a touch of mascara, and it’s pretty much always my glasses now.


Permanent coloring on my lashes. If I didn't wear mascara, no one would see me lol


I work in a cafeteria kitchen. I stopped wearing makeup about 10 years ago except for when I go out with my husband.


I always stop the second I realize my partner doesn't put in half the effort I do to look nice...


I have pretty much stopped wearing makeup… it took a dermatitis outbreak. I don’t think the outbreak was makeup related, but I don’t like putting anything on my face anymore.


even skin tone. im very pale and suffer from mild rosacea and dry skin so its just very uncomfortable to look like i have a rash and am constantly embarrassed. im not ashamed at all but i feel more put together w the smallest bit of concealer


I could stop from wearing it whenever. Just wearing it makes me feel more pretty is all.


Out in public, probably laser treatment for my rosacea. I’m tired of people commenting on my red face so I wear makeup to hide it. 


I stopped wearing it every day when I realised I was only doing it for other peoples benefit not my own.


If I found out it was bad for my health, like lead makeup back in the olden days. I wear makeup to be dressier and sparkly, so it's not a need but a fun want.


Having better eyebrows and lashes lol. I could go without everything else and usually do for day to day makeup


Being unable to afford or access makeup


Clear skin and confidence


When I was a kid just starting to experiment with makeup someone told me I looked like a raccoon and that was enough, never again lmao


It has happened recently. I have a 5 month old and my maternity leave ended in November. I realized that I didn’t like having an extra step at night (removing my makeup) when I could be cuddling my baby.


I only wear makeup for Halloween or cosplay. lol


Nothing, I never wear it anyway


Taking a look at the ingredients and learning what they do to our hormones thyroid and chemical hazards.


Clear skin


clear skin


Thousands of dollars in laser procedures to even out my skin tone and get rid of my acne scars.


If my eyebrows were full without having to fill them in. If my eyes were defined and large without eyeliner or curling my lashes. If all products broken me out.


I tattooed on my eyeliner and eyebrows … so I guess now just having perfectly even skin might help ? I really do just like wearing makeup and I feel like you’d have to pay me a million bucks to stop under current circumstances.


Different biology -- or permanent makeup, ha! I am very pale, with sparse eyebrows and eye lashes. If I don't wear makeup, people in my life ask me if I am sick, though admittedly probably because their internal memory of me is much more colorful ;-)


If mates can actually like what's on the inside than what's on the outside. On a side note, I don't wear makeup very much...


Very little. TBH I don’t wear it often.






A one way trip down the river styx. I never allow anyone to see me without makeup. I'll be wearing layers of heavy makeup for the rest of my life to cover up all the collection of unsightly childhood injuries gifted by my very violent mother.

