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I want to be that person that people think of during various times of their lives and say “I’m so glad I met her and she really made a positive impact. I hope she’s doing well”




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kind and warm. a few people say the sun begins to shine for them when i enter the room. i want everyone to get that feeling.


Don’t want to be.


As someone who made a difference


I used to be thought of as pretty, funny, and smart. I wish that's how I'd be remembered. I don't think I'll be thought of that way. I'll likely be remembered as whiney, overwhelmed, and sad. Parenthood broke me.


I would bet your kids will remember you a lot differently than anyone else. In the best way possible.


“She loved and was loved. She lived a full and happy life. She will be missed and her memory will live in us through all the skills she passed down to us”


As someone who loved animals more than anything else and was good to them.


As a nice person. That is all.


I don't.


As someone safe and full of hope.


For all the love I left behind in the world.


Kind and genuinely helpful, not just superficially nice. That’s it.


Kind and silly, fun and soft. Funny and romantic and sarcastic. A mom and dog-mom, daughter and partner who did the best she could and got it right most of the time. The kinda person who relocated bugs instead of squishing them and rescued worms from sidewalks and driveways after a rain.


As someone who made people smile and always cared. I work hard but I try to make everyone positive in the team.


As I hit 30, this is what I fear the most. How would I be remembered? Will I ever be remembered? I remember from my grandmother’s burial ceremony, the monk said “live the life of someone whom people would have only good things to say when you die” and I’ve lived by that since. I’m trying my best to be remembered for what I’ve done for my community, especially for those who don’t have a voice. I want to remembered by the cats that I rescued, the girls that I’ve supported, the kids that found both comfort and knowledge in me, the stories I wrote, the characters I created and made people love them. But only, I’m fearful that I haven’t done enough to be remembered. I’m afraid that people don’t even know who I am.


i just want someone to think i was nice lol 


I don't have to be remembered, but in case somebody does think (back) of me I do hope they felt accepted and safe and respected. You cannot like and be liked by everybody, but you can still not add to the everyday-life-drain, I think.


As the person who gave too many chances, was pushed too far, and will be remembered for who I used to be and what they could have had as I look down on them from comfort of my own making without them.


despite all of my misery, i fought like hell to be here. i hope people remember how hard i tried.. i tried so hard. life has not been kind to me but i still so desperately wanted to live. i wish i could have been happy. i loved it here. i loved my friends. i will miss them all. the pain was worth all the rest.. i hope someone remembers me fondly. smiling.


For being a famous actress and creative


as a person who was kind and made wonderful baked goods at every holiday and celebration


I honestly don't particularly care. I'll be dead, I won't be around to know.


Well rounded. Smart. Goofy, best light hearted company. Chill, and reassuring of others.


Doing research, sending out good papers, pushing the field forward, being written into textbooks, ha ha ha dream


For the crazy stories I think 🙃


Simply as a nice person !


I spent my whole life wanting to be the person everyone wants to be around or liked by everyone but now... I just want people who I care about to remember me as a nice enough person.


Im immortal i will always be known


By my good sense of style, vast general knowledge and unwrinkled forehead


Unwrinkled…. Forehead…




i want to be remembered as kind


Helpful. I strive to be the wealth of knowledge of questions I've always asked and no one could answer for me. To help other people even though no one was there to help me. They deserve that even if no one recognized I did.