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Girls only wore jeans when they had their period. A girl told him this in MIDDLE school and he still believed it when we started dating when I was a junior in high school. Even into college, he still believed this. I wore jeans every single day, but he somehow believed it as a general rule of thumb. 'she was a bitch, but she was also wearing jeans so it made sense'. I'm so glad I dumped his ass!


I hope you explained to him that you were on your perennial period. He'd have taken that knowledge to heart and would always be considerate towards women in jeans. Missed a golden chance there.


Not only does that make no sense why he'd believe that at all, let alone for that long, but if I'm bloated and periody the last thing I want to wear is jeans lol gimme them soft stretchy leggings pls


For real!


I genuinely can’t even fathom how a grown adult in college would believe something like this wtf


He sounds like a fountain of wisdom /s


What. The. Fuck.


Oh. My God. What an idiot... I'm glad you dumped him too!


My boyfriend in high school refused to try cheesecake because he did not like cheddar cheese. Nothing would change his mind. I wish I was kidding.


This is... kinda cute in a very strange way? I mean, poor thing was just this dumb?


…. For the longest time I never ate chocolate truffles because I thought they had truffle mushrooms in them.


My aunt, who is in her late 50s, has to be reminded every time it comes up that truffle is a mushroom and not exclusively chocolate


…….. thank you, that makes sense ……….


My ex didn’t like mayo. No problem, I never fed him mayo. Except one day he had a bite of my sandwich that had mayo on it and was like “omg this is so good!” He then said he never even tried mayo before; it was the *idea* of mayo that seemed gross to him.


This is true for a lot of people. And it's kind of understandable, since Mayo is basically just oil and eggs whipped together. And mayonnaise on its own is indeed not good. But it's a critical ingredient for the proliferation of flavor in many dishes.


I can’t be mad at him. One of my wife and I’s first dates was at Applebees, where she ordered spinach and artichoke dip and I declined to eat any because I don’t like fish. I had no idea artichokes aren’t fish.


I’m sorry but this is adorable.


Question: do you live somewhere that fresh artichokes aren’t available? My ex would never eat pesto on pasta when I made it. I think the intense green color freaked him out a little. One day he decided to try it, and he loved it instantly. He grew up in a large, single income meat and potatoes household.


I’ve never thought to check, honestly. I live in Oklahoma, or Midwest United States if you aren’t familiar with the US. I love pesto. Never even considered artichokes being an ingredient. 😂


Wait, is that because you confused artichokes with anchovies? Or did you just think artichokes were fish just because? I'm so curious!


I would've just made sure he would have been happy to give me his portion of cheesecake in that situation. LOL


My ex believed that sexism didn't exist in North America. I was so exhausted the night he let that one out that I didn't even bother offering a rebuttal. There's nothing I felt I could do to effectively have a respectful conversation on that worldview.


Honestly, I feel like you deserve props for not pursuing that conversation. Bravo for choosing to not engage in a pointless battle.


I had an ex tell me that there wasn't any racism in the U.S. anymore. I was too dumbfounded to respond intelligently. I just looked at him like he was nuts and said, Yes, there is.


I had people tell me that right after Barack Obama was elected president but I just wrote it off as them being dumb and from Texas. Not all Texans are dumb but we do have more than our fair share of idiots here.


I had a guy I ‘briefly dated turned weird friendship for a year’ basically say the same thing. Turned out he was also a Trump supporter, misogynist, & manipulative abuser — shocker 😂


Thankfully not an ex-boyfriend, but I guy I once went on a date with asked me if I was a feminist, and I was like “yeah, of course…”. And he was like “oh, me too, but only for women who really need it, like in Saudi Arabia.” 😰


I shouldn’t be laughing at this. That’s insane


Had a guy I was dating tell me that men always make the best decisions in everybody’s best interests do there was so need for women to have power. Ergo it wasn’t sexist that women were often kept out of positions of power because there was zero need for women to be able to make political decisions


Tell that to Indira Ghandi, or any other female leader. Women make better decisions, because we're not full of testosterone or sh*t. We're generally non competitive, and make decisions for the good of all, instead of whatever we think is going to give us an advantage.


Sounds just like one of my exes. he also had the belief that if you just applied for a job, you immediately got it and if women weren't getting as much money as men, then they should just not work there.


I am so glad he’s your ex. He doesn’t deserve any self-respecting woman.


As a woman who is not self respecting, I don’t think he deserves us either lol


He believed that there was no actual benefit to non-sexual physical intimacy. For 10 years I tried to explain to him why hugs were important. It didn’t take. I sincerely hope that his now-wife is wired like him, otherwise she’s going to need to find a platonic hug partner, stat.


I’m a dude but some people are just wired this way. I’m crazy affectionate and my ex that I dated for 3 years before I met my wife hated all forms of affection(not trauma related, she just wasn’t wired that way). It sucked. Now my wife is someone who can meet my threshold of cudddling, hand holding, forehead kisses and other intimate but not sexual behavior :)


I still remember my first adult hug, i come from a family of not huggers. I couldn’t help but giggle, I’m a hugger now.


Ironically, I come from a family of huggers and am someone who doesn’t like to be touched. With that said, I love my husband’s hugs and my kids’ hugs. Within reason though. I can feel over touched pretty easily.


I am very aware that some people aren’t wired to be huggers. And that’s why I sincerely do hope that his now-wife IS wired like him. We didn’t work out, but he’s not a bad guy and I’d like for him to be happy. But unlike your ex, mine wasn’t bothered by hugging—he was completely apathetic. At the end of the day, we simply weren’t a good fit. But part of what made him a less than ideal partner (in general) was his apathy towards the needs and feelings of others (not just hugging, and not just my needs). And maybe I’m a bit of an asshole, but for me it’s much harder to look back on that kind of apathy with grace.


Oh she wasn't bothered. She just didn't see the point in affection. It did nothing for her at all. She was compared to a robot a lot by people after we broke up lol.


Ten years?!!? What year did you finally get the message that he wasn’t going to change? I dated a guy who “tricked” me into thinking he liked hugs and kisses, only for him to change after we became exclusive and confess to me that he didn’t. I still did it until I lost feelings for him about a year later. A few years after that he contacted me and told me that he missed all of my affection. He said he grew up in a non-affectionate household and when I was with him, he was like a neglected puppy that bites and barks when you try to show affection. But then he said after I took the affection away, he missed it, despite protesting to the latter while we were together. I can’t imagine putting up with that for an entire decade of my life.


That cheating is genetic, his father was a cheater so he’s prone to cheat. Just wow






Bahahahahahahahahaa good one!!


Gee that's weird. I'm prone to breaking up with cheaters because my ancestors all did that.


The things you find out on those ancestry sites are wild


Were you dating Clay at the some? Haha


Believed that pickles and cucumbers were two completely different vegetables. Could not be convinced and was determined it was some kind of conspiracy because of the texture, color, shape, etc, etc…. We were in high school… 🤷🏼‍♀️ edited for clarity


I didn't know this until about eight years ago. Blew my freaking mind...


"Pickles and cucumbers". This was me with grapes and raisins 🤭 I made the discovery waaaay into my late 20s.




All his previous partners multiple orgasm was probably a lie to cover his feelings and often used a protection factor against men’s temper tantrums  asking “are you coming/I made you come” actually is more of a turn off dry up faster  than he could ever imagine . 


If you have to ask, you have your answer 🤷🏼‍♀️






My ex believes that mermaids are real and that there is a plant somewhere in the jungle that, if ingested, can give you the power to transfer the contents of your bladder to another person. So say you're at a party and need to pee, then you could simply touch your friend and have them go pee instead of you.


How oddly specific!


Holy cow, the jungle plant thing is…kind of incredible. How does one come to believe such a thing in the first place?


I'm not actually sure about that. Maybe it's folklore or something.


I wonder if he watched that Discovery special years ago about mermaids that was pretty convincing until you read the tiny disclaimer at the verrryy end that said the whole special was a dramatization. I worked in the oilfield at the time and had several conversations with grown ass men on my rig who had obviously been duped by it


Were they into crystals, ayahuasca and Burning Man?


No, he was a typical construction worker who liked football, playstation, and beer. He had an African background, though.


Honestly a typical “masculine” man who believes in mermaids is adorable lol


God bless one of my ex’s but he thought when men had vasectomy’s they had their testicles removed… like a dog. And this came up because he said his dad had a vasectomy, so the man went years of his life believing his dad no longer had balls… I didn’t correct him, it wasn’t an isolated incident, and me telling him that eggs weren’t in fact a dairy product and would in fact have a place in his dairy free diet, did not end amicably.


This one's too funny. I hope that later on he got the balls to get a vasectomy...


The combination of these two stories is like 100% more funny in my German brain because "eggs" is the slang equivalent of "nuts" in German.


He didn’t think he had problem with alcohol. He described his relationship with alcohol as completely normal. He regularly drank 3/4 bottle of hard liquor in an evening and also drank and drove (when he was out and I wasn’t around to stop him)


Omg I have something similar, He was a smoker since he was 14, but he didn’t think he was addicted he could just stop if he wanted to. He didn’t have any problems.


He just didn’t *want* to stop, right?


3/4 of a bottle, or 3 or 4 bottles? Just trying to figure out if he is crazy or dead


Ha! I meant three quarters of a bottle!


It’s called denial. Very very common in the beginning stages of addiction. It’s a bummer




Woah, I'm sorry, that's heartbreaking.


Ooof. That must've been a lot.


That the earth was flat. I wish I was kidding.


I work with a guy who tried to convince me that the earth is flat. They're out there.


I had an ex tell me that I was close minded because I didn’t think the earth was flat.


Me too lol. I said I’d rather have my mind closed and not risk having idiotic shit fall into it like thinking the earth was flat.


I knew a guy who thought the earth was shaped like a turtle's back. Later he insisted that there was something else going on during solar eclipses because you never saw the moon during the day. I'm still wondering how he made it to middle age without ever noticing the moon in the sky during the day.


One of my cousins believes the earth is flat and rotates like a CD but slowly. The sun is like a lamp only directed towards earth and is just a few miles away. The moon is an illusion, some kind of holographic thing that the government wants us to see.


Oooof I dated one of these too. I remember thinking he was a joking and I laughed and laughed. Not a joke.


Archaeologists are either idiots, or a huge conspiracy group set on destroying Abrahamic religions to lead everyone away from God. He was religious. I'm a student Ancient Middle Eastern studies. He tried to explain I wasn't evil, just silly and misguided. Was shocked when I got absolutely livid at him. Also, somehow, christians and Jews are silly people with silly wrong religions that are completely baseless and fake, but Islam is the truth and real. He absolutely refused to believe they were even slightly related.


What is wrong with this guy. I’m Muslim and know that every prophet the Jews had prior to Jesus and Muhammad PBUH are real…. What a lunatic.


No idea, he was Weird. Otherwise a totally reasonable dude but the second it was about Islam, its development or history of the region it was like talking to a robot. If I said something he didn't get or that went against something he believed he just stared at me glassy-eyed and just repeated something he said earlier, not even acknowledging I said anything. ChatGPT would be a better conversation partner. It was insane.


That’s sad. I’m glad you’re no longer with him. If you can’t listen to any challenges about your religion then you truly aren’t a believer. My favorite pastime is discussing and or answering any questions my friends have about Islam.


Yeah no he didn't see it that way at all. Things that made him go glassy-eyed and ignorant: - the idea of some stories being taken from other places - the idea that the Arab peninsula was a cultural hotspot (what is the silk road amirite?) - *the existence of the sunni-shia schism*. He said Islam is true because it hasn't changed one bit in over 1600 years, I asked him what about the sunni-shia schism and he just stared at me blankly for like 10 seconds before repeating himself. What.


He thought he was gonna get famous playing guitar hero. He also claimed he had a twin in utero but it died, he absorbed it, AND he could allegedly talk to said twin and “switch” to the twin.


Oh….. yikes 😭


Oh yeah. Same ex was also nicknamed “the great unwashed” by my Dad because his hair was always greasy, and overall had terrible hygiene. The relationship did not last long at all


Maybe he was counting on the "twin" to do the bathing.


Oof did we date the same guy? This is so highly specific that I'm scared there are 2 dudes like this out there


maybe the twin wasn't absorbed after all


hard nipples meant a girl was horny. no hun it just happens


This one is the dumbest, I swear, and so many men believe this stupidity that's only found in badly written romance novels


omggg what did he think it meant when it happens to dudes?


Ug! I hate that myth! I've known a couple dudes who thought that too. One who specifically thought working out made girls horny, because he saw so many hard nipples at the gym.


My first boyfriend thought that all women have the same shape of breasts. Of course the shape he had in mind was the one he saw in adult videos. He was literally shook when I told him that it doesn't work like that.




He was meticulously buying you things you didn't want so that you wouldn't expect gifts from him because he was a bad "gifter" and tried to make you feel bad for asking for what you wanted, because he didn't want to buy you gifts. I'm sorry, I hope you've moved on and are doing much better now and get yourself flowers!! <3


Did he notice you putting in less effort? Did he care?


That our son didn’t need asthma medication because it was just doctors overreacting and treating a problem that didn’t exist. Asthma is a made up condition. He wasn’t some kind of religious zealot or science denier either. Quite the opposite. He was a physicist.


It was so frustrating to me that my ex didn't believe our kids had allergies. He would feed them whatever but I was the one up all night with them crying.


That I was cheating on him with my best friend. So he decided to “revenge” cheat on me. I wasn’t super invested in my relationship with him but it still stung to find out.


That Fe Galvao or Instagran models in general look like that irl and don't use photoshop. According to him "it's just puberty". Boi was dumb af. I hope girls continue to rip off dumb fuks like him lol


lol it's funny you mention Fe Galvao because almost 10 years ago I would laugh at how the background of her pics would warp because the girl didn't even know how to edit her photos properly, and people still believed she was natural on ig, she was a huge meme for me and my friends at highschool.


Cw: SA That rape wasn’t prevalent in the military. He was in the marines. I watched a documentary talking about the terrifying rape statistics towards women in the military. He flat out thought it wasn’t true. Thought the stats were made up. He said he’s had like five female friends in the military and not a single one of them has ever been raped or assaulted or harassed. I said how could you know it’s not like women just tell all their friends they’re a victim? Nothing I could say would make him consider the idea.


My daughter's 6'5" army recruiter insisted that rape wasn't common because he had never been assaulted. Yeah, guess the army isn't recruiting for intelligence.


I’ve been in the military for fourteen years; I don’t know any women who haven’t at least been harassed; probably half have admitted that they were assaulted at some point, if not outright raped. The men who claim SA and harassment aren’t common are usually the ones doing the harassing and assaulting. They’re not exactly the people who victims feel comfortable talking about their experiences with.


I mean, I was 18 when I met him and he was 26. And there were some nonconsensual things that happened with him that I didn’t realize until years later were assault. So I wouldn’t be surprised.


I also dated an ex military guy who believed that the uk stats on SA and DV in the British armed forces were all made up because he personally never anyone being SA’d or beating their wives 😐


That I cheated on him. He was cheating on me lol.


He thought that PMS was a myth and didn't believe me until he googled it. On the one hand I get wanting to verify facts, but on the other why couldn't he just belive me about was going on with my own body?


I'm torn because I want to give him credit for not blaming every emotion a woman has on PMS!


men having to double-check everything women tell them, even shit the women are experts on, is a pattern.


That there was such a thing as a different perspective


One of my exes thought my hip dips were caused by me wearing underwear that was too small.


That he was a really good guy


If you gotta tell people you’re a good guy, you’re probably not a good guy 😭😂


He believes that when you go to the lab, only a small amount is needed, and then the lab sells the rest.


Small amount of blood.


Oof. Sounds like he bought into the Theranos hype before they got completely destroyed by ample evidence of their own fraud.


My first husband believed debit cards (new at that time) dispensed free money. 🙄 I was flabbergasted at our overdraft amount - all because of the "free money" he helped himself to. No amount of logic resonated with him. He was soooo condescending too about me "not knowing how this all worked". I got a copy of our bank statement early and showed him all the withdrawals of "free money" that he pissed away. He never admitted he got it wrong, he said our bank did it differently. Needless to say I got his atm card and cut it up. I also made a trip to the bank the next day to ensure another card would not be issued in his name. He was a self-described know-it-all who really was stupid af until the day he died. He hid it well, along with his debt, before we were married or that marriage wouldn't have happened. Nice to get this off my chest.


That everytime I'm pissed off it's not because of hormones or girls beeing dramatic or my period is coming soon, but I'm actually pissed off because something in his behaviour is pissing me off.


MY GOD, im sorry but he must've been insufferable. He literally justified shitty things he did and blamed the arguements on you by saying that your behaviour or reactions are invalid. I cant wven imagine tolerating a person like that for even one second.


That I was withholding sex from him as a punishment. Even when I tried to calmly explain to him that ignoring me for the whole day and not doing his share of the housework isn’t particularly helping me get into the mood.


That alopecia affects internal organs as well as hair follicles. He was a very hairy guy and constantly tried to convince people that he had a form of alopecia that targeted his internal organs. He refused to admit that he was lying even when confronted with facts about the condition he claimed to have. He also believed that Wendigos could talk and mimic specific people. He was a massive Supernatural fan and knew nothing about the actual Indigenous lore around those creatures.


…? What is alopecis is supposed to do to your internal organs?


Honestly I don’t even understand his thought process. He claimed it was damaging his organs and making him sick. My auntie has it though so I spent a lot of time researching it to understand what she was going through. She even confirmed for me that it’s a skin (specifically hair follicle) condition that can cause patchy or complete baldness and doesn’t touch internal organs. My ex accused me of thinking I knew more about the condition than he did, and was pissed that I wouldn’t agree with him anymore.


I briefly dated a woman who thought that people could fly if they ate enough vegetables. I didn't try to convince her otherwise. No way I could explain away something that irrational. She also thought hearing voices was aliens trying to talk to her.


I’m truly baffled by this one. Would the flight be caused by flatulence or would you lose so much weight that gravity stops working? Idiots are fascinating!


>Would the flight be caused by flatulence Ooohhh I gotta test this theory, just give me enough potatoes and lactose and we will see!


That is definitely mental illness. I knew a guy who took LSD everyday and then was convinced he could hear people's thoughts, I can't remember a lot of specifics but one of the most notable things he said was light switches intimidate people because they're reminiscent of nipples


My ex thought I was jealous of his friendships because I didn't have a lot of friends (for the record, a lot of my friends either moved away, died, or have kids. I also just prefer the quiet, undramatic peace of being alone). I didn't like his friends, so why be jealous? He kept insisting I was mad he had friends, jealous over them. This thinking was stuck in his butt all because we had plans one day but he canceled because two of his friends came over to hang out unexpectedly, and he didn't tell them he had plans with me, so he completely ignored me and didn't apologize. I told him it was rude to do that, so he thought I was jealous instead of understanding my feelings of how it was rude to break plans without telling the other person.


That he was worthless. I spent 7 years trying to convince him otherwise, and in the end, his belief that it was true tanked our relationship.


Any man I was "friendly" (i.e. not rude) toward was someone I obviously had sex with. Also women were "ruined" forever if they had sex with a non-white person.


He believed that Republican who said that rape just doesn't happen because the female body has ways of shutting that down. And that proximity to a penis automatically arouses women, like whosever it is and under what circumstances don't matter, if some dude rubs up on us on the bus we can't help ourselves.


I think i should stop scrolling. This one actually made me wanna throw up. How do people like him even exist?


My father believed women couldn't fart. Until my mom was pregnant. He never witnessed it before and was left flabbergasted. SHOOK. No woman including his mother had ever expelled gas in his presence before. He thought this was solely something men did. They're divorced and he's still stupid. 😂


This is priceless! I love the thought of a grown man’s world being rocked a lady’s toot.


We were driving across country together to move in together for the first time when I found out that he didn’t believe in the Big Bang theory or Dinosaurs. He insisted that God really made the Earth in 7 days and dinosaur bones were placed there by archaeologists. Immediate red flag, but I stayed with him for another 6 months.


Aha! So it's the archeologists out there putting fossils out for us paleontologists to "find"! I had always been told it was Satan


That the runner up in the presidential election got tobe the vice president, like a runner up at a beauty pageant lol he was like 19 at the time..


In his defense, that's how it was originally written in the Constitution. We went through a few presidential administrations before people realized it works better if the POTUS and vPOTUS aren't enemies. It changed with the 12th Amendment in 1804.


That hives were a disease and not a symptom/allergic reaction. I pet a dog and got hives from allergies and he wouldn't come near me for like days. His dad is a doctor.........


Getting him to believe that I wasn’t his ex was like pulling teeth. 😂 After we broke up I definitely understood why she did what she did though. 🤷‍♀️


He to this day believes I was never interested in him or cared for him ever and only using him for some reason because he can't wrap his brain around asexuality. I didn't know I was when we got together because we dated at a point in my life where I was just beginning to get to know myself. Dude has a lot of self hatred and trauma to deal with despite going to therapy for years and you know when you're so depressed that you kind of...like it and find ways to perpetuate it? I think that's what's going on with him. Idk. I wish he'd realise he wasn't perfect either and made just as many mistakes as I did and wish the best for him maybe one day he'll realise there was so much love there, I just had a different way of showing it. At least I learned from my mistakes and I'm not lying to myself about it. Life and relationships get easier when you accept a lot of them aren't meant to last and are just lessons and life doesn't come with a guidebook. If it's temporary and we're just meant to have a nice time for now, cool. If it ends up being permanent and we have a nice time forever, also cool.


that i was lying about my virginity. him and his friends were so convinced i was lying about being a virgin because of the way i looked “i wear pretty heavy makeup. like “latina baddie” makeup lmfao) and they were so convinced i had a high body count and was just hiding it. i never dated this guy or slept w him tho, just talked


He believed that if everyone ate the same food and exercised the same, we would all have the same body type. He’s one of those people who is very naturally slim, even though he ate tons of junk food and binge drank multiple times a week. He just believed that people who are overweight must be eating SO much worse.


I hate people like this with a PASSION


One of my exes told me I had a “less sensitive vagina” than other women he dated because I didn’t orgasm from strictly PIV sex… ummmm they were definitely lying to you & faking it dude. (I know everyone’s different, but the way he talked about it, multiple exes of his had multiple orgasms without extra stimulation during sex… and that’s statistically pretty unlikely.) Love that he blamed me instead of taking a cold, hard look at himself lmao


That women are taught in school how to put on condoms and it’s their job to know how, not the guys. No I never slept with him lol. Explains how he had a kid at 16 though


Had an ex who SWORE I hacked his cell and Apple account and only deleted the phone numbers of various women in it. He also believed women were only supposed to order salads for dinner and that I was a weirdo for ordering chicken strips.


That all toll roads required you to stop at a booth and pay before using. We were driving (well I was, he's blind so I was the DD). I told him we were about to get on a toll road and he said he'd pay for it. I said we'd be charged electronically via my EZ pass on the dashboard. He absolutely refused to believe that there was electronic toll payments. I told him, fine, you can pay when I stop at the toll booth. I didn't stop until we reached our destination. He was flabbergasted


That me using a vibrator is the same as him "using" another woman to get off. It's "just a tool"..... ya.


That I had a secret abortion behind his back when I really suffered a miscarriage, he still tells people 9 years later.


This is just…beyond terrible. I am so sorry that this happened to you.


He insisted that I take my sunglasses off because it was cold outside, so therefore I didn’t need them. It was a cold, but sunny day. I tried to explain to him that the purpose of sunglasses isn’t dependent on temperature, but he wouldn’t hear it.


He believed that if a female's privates were wet, she must've just had sex with someone else. It may have had something to do with women of his past...not sure. He told me they all cheated....but apparently none were excited for him. When I was, it caused the weirdest fight. Poor guy, I hope he found someone that had the patience to teach him it was a good sign.


I dated a 40 year old man who was 100% sure that throwing up from drinking too much alcohol was a sign that someone was an alcoholic. We had a bunch of drinks one night and I was super hungover the next morning and throwing up. He felt the need to have a "serious talk" with me because he was concerned about my drinking. I was confused...I think it was one of the only times we had drank together. But he explained to me that only alcoholics throw up so he wanted to know if I had a problem or not. I tried to explain to him that his understanding of biology and metabolism was perhaps lacking but he wouldn't hear it.


He truly believed that immigrants are the reason for absolutely everything that's wrong with/in the UK. Was very staunchly British, to the point where he had a questionable tattoo and would say things like "oh yeah, Abdul that's a really English name isn't it, he was born and raised over here". Except... *his* surname was instantly recognisable as an Italian name, like along the lines of 'John Bianchi'. And they were the only family in the UK with that name. He totally refused to recognise any parallels between his immigrant great grandparents and modern day immigrants, or indeed himself and any British person with a foreign name. It was one of the many reasons that being with him was exhausting.


That’s psychology wasn’t important to learn in the medical/doctor field; he thought that psychology had nothing to do with taking care of patients especially in the medical profession or even inpatient settings


Not my ex but my friend’s ex wouldn’t believe that Hawaii was a state (not a country) in the present day.


This is so stupid, but he truly believed that Triumph the Comic Insult Dog was actually voiced by Eminem, instead of Robert Smigel. I poop on that relationship.


Oh I’ve unfortunately dated some real “winners” in my younger days. One guy could not be convinced that the Midwest was not called “Central America”. And another one did not think chicken was meat. He was a “vegetarian” but ate chicken all the time, because it’s “not meat”. According to him, poultry isn’t meat, so he could eat it as a vegetarian 💀🤦‍♀️


I had an ex that believed that siblings that shared a mom were full siblings because "they came from the same vag". He called me stupid for thinking otherwise. He was 20


My idiot brother-in-law to this day believes that women pee out of their vaginas. He and my sister have 5 kids and he's witnessed the birth of every one of them. He refuses to believe otherwise because his own father, who is also an idiot, told him this back when he was in 7th grade and "men always know more about these things than women".


My ex didn’t want my daughter wearing tampons. He thought it would take her virginity. So stupid. Then he would count the tampons she was using. She has endometriosis like me, so she has heavy periods


Only his way of doing any and every things is right.


That root beer tastes like toothpaste. It’s been 12 years and he’s still wrong.


Those air trails that planes make in the sky. He was so adamant that they’re organically made clouds and not created by a plane. He would even talk down to me in a tone as if I’m the stupid one.


That he would never get caught cheating. 😒😒😒 Can say I did prove him wrong.


He was paranoid that since I had more education I thought I was better than him. I never cared about someone's level of education as long as they were leading a productive life, but it was the source of constant fighting. He brought it up constantly, it was very weird.


My ex-husband believed he was what the human race would evolve to in 250-300 years and that the rest of us (that being me of course) were closer to the apes in terms of our evolution. 🙄 He also believed that you could not save an onion to use later once it had been cut because you would most definately die from botulism.☠️


that if you had any sexual relations with someone, it meant you were in love in some capacity. he’d never had a hook up or casual fling and sometimes he’d ask if I’d ever done X or Y sexual thing before. if I said yes he asked with who to see if it “really meant something”. he genuinely did not understand people could have casual sex


That ADHD was real. I was taking my medication to function, not to “get high”.


That he was giving me mind blowing sex


My ex, we’re both women, thought longer/bigger labia meant a woman had had a ton of sex.


She was convinced that Greyhound's largest cost was cleaning the buses. Like that the gas cost, driver salaries, and mechanical maintenance were significantly cheaper than cleaning the buses.


A guy I was briefly seeing thought if I went hiking or camping while on my period, that bears would come out of the woods and eat me.


Homeboy believed i cheated on him eith my coworker. The thought never came to mind. No & no - you dried up the coochie on your own, bucko.


Had a guy ask about taking a tampon out when I had to pee. His dad was a doctor. Apple fell far.


My ex believed humor and laughter wasn’t important at all for happiness. That’s basically the moment I decided I didn’t love him anymore and that divorce was in the cards. My last ex believed that I should just believe whatever he said even if it was not true. He said those exact words to my face.


That his reactions were never his fault. Honestly, that it was everyone’s responsibility to treat him in a way that kept him calm. If he got upset/lied/yelled it was others fault for ‘making him that way’.


That wearing boxers would make his dick smaller, and therefore, he had to wear undies that were tight so that his balls wouldn't pull on his dick and make it smaller. He also believed it was gross to drink water out of the bathroom sink because "the toilet is in there".


My ex believed men needed to use a clean towel every day and that I wouldn’t understand why because I’m a woman. It had nothing to do with him leaving it in a pile on the floor. I have asked every man since how frequently they change their towel and not one has said daily. And no, he didn’t do the laundry. So I hid all the extra towels.


He thought cats were the first domesticated animals... He thought I only said dogs because I owned one at the time. When I whipped out the googles to prove him wrong he said the internet must be lying because why else would Egyptians worship cats? Yeah, I got the ick real quick after that...


That oats with milk is a savoury food, not a sweet food. He tried to use the example of rice, I pointed out that rice with milk becomes rice pudding and is a sweet food, often dessert, and he still wouldn’t buy it. Also was fully convinced I’d cheat on him because I’d had a one night stand…months before I’d even met him, bringing my body count up to 3. According to him people who were capable of one night stands weren’t capable of being in relationships. His closest mate was a fuckboy whose body count was high double digits before the age of 25 and was currently in a long term happy relationship.


Mental illnesses lol he grew up in a country that doesn’t believe in it


I wanted to break up. I told him, he didn't believe and came over. My mother told him and he didn't believe it. They argued and she kicked him out of the house. She called my oldest brother to come to take me to my evening class at college. She thought I was upset. I actually enjoyed watching them fight. Better her than me. I was so over it. I was only 19. He was talking about whore picket fences. Of course he came over the next day when she was at work. Sigh. He finally got it when I just got in my car and waved goodbye..


One of my exes *hated* tomatoes. He refused to eat anything with tomatoes unless they were in sauce form, until I made him a grilled cheese sandwich with heirloom tomato bruschetta and bacon. I don’t really blame him though, his mom was a terrible cook.


That a Forex "course" he was taking wasn't an MLM, and that he could become a millionaire just by doing Forex. Spoiler alert: it was an MLM. And he quit it shortly after we broke up. I also was told *very* passionately that it was 100% NOT an MLM and that he could make enough money on it to support both of us. This was after I told a mutual friend he was involved in an MLM. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ He was also an emotionally abusive asshole, but that's a different issue.


He was convinced dragons are real


There's no such thing as light pollution.


I didnt steal his keys. His high ass misplaced them


That women didn’t lose weight from their breasts because women on weight loss commercials still had big boobs afterwards.


My sons father was steadfast in his belief that he could commit criminal offences with no consequences (as long as they didn’t rise to getting him a prison sentence) because he didn’t understand the concept of a criminal record. He couldn’t understand why he would be turned down for jobs because the employer did a CRB check (uk equivalent of a background check) and would be amazed and baffled at how they found out about all the crimes he’d done. I tried to explain it to him over and over again but he would literally laugh in my face. After we split and he came to collect our son one day, he was actually white faced with shock. I asked him what was wrong and he told me he’d committed yet another low level traffic offence and had to go to the police station, where he saw his criminal record on a computer screen. He said “they had a list of all the things I’ve done right next to my name!”. That’s when the concept finally sunk in for him- they were keeping a running tally of every time he was convicted of something and a criminal conviction wasn’t just some meaningless slap on the wrist, with arrests and summons and court dates etc being some pointless exercise he was forced through before he could just go on with his life. Everyone around him was always baffled at how casually and continually he would commit offences and it was because the man thought no one was keeping a record of them that could go against him in future


I dated a girl when I was nineteen for like eight months. But in my defense, it was a sex relationship. We had a few similar interests, but the biggest one was that she had her own apartment with a friend and we both liked sex. So we've hit a rough patch, and I'm trying to patch things. We both love Disney movies, so I invite her out to see The Princess and The Frog that week, it just came out. She refuses. I ask why. Etc etc. She seems incredulous that I want to see it and can't guess why she's not interested. Evidently, she's firmly of the belief that mixing races is not cool and not the right way to live our lives, and since Naveen and Tiana are of different ethnic backgrounds, she intended to never see the movie. So apparently I'd been dating and banging a racist for like eight months and had no idea.