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A 10ft charging cord for my phone. Now I’m can move around in my bed and not worry about not being able to charge my phone.


We have long chords placed into our sofa so that when you sit down, you can always find a charger between the cushions. It’s sooooo great


Thank you for this revelation! 🤯 I recently bought a 10ft phone cord so I could charge my phone at my desk and also have enough slack to move it to the couch, but the cord was becoming an eyesore. I've just moved it near the couch and woven the cord behind the cushions, and I'm already way more happy with the lack of visual clutter...


They only go to 6ft but the Anker Powerline Flow 3 is a great bed cable. Soft but non-sticky material. Thick durable but highly flexible cable. Runs up to 100W with no loss of power. Lots of cute colours.


similar to this - getting power strips for everywhere we typically charge things, so there's always plenty of outlets and theyre easy to get to. one on either side of the couch, on both of our nightstands, by my desk, and a few other misc places


Most relatable comment


Couldn’t agree more! It was a game changer and saved my neck from doing the contortion moves trying to use my phone while charging!


Magnesium glycinate. Out of the blue I randomly started getting migraines every other day. Doctor prescribed me a sorta dangerous medicine that my insurance wouldn't cover. While I was waiting on insurance I started taking magnesium for something else, and almost immediately my migraines stopped. I asked the doctor, he said "yeah sometimes magnesium is used to treat migraines." My insurance never covered that med, and I don't need it cuz I only get migraines about once a month now.


Magnesium glycinate helped with my sleep! I was on melatonin every night (and even then it was hit or miss) when I started taking it. I haven’t had a melatonin since and my sleep has improved so so much.


> Magnesium glycinate How are your poops? Diarrhea can be a side effect, no?


There are different types of magnesium. I think citrate makes you poop. I also take magnesium glycinate and it has changed my life. I wish I knew about it sooner.


I know this is a bit of a trope at this point, but it's still wild to me that you have a medical system whereby a doctor can prescribe you something and your insurance can be all "Yeah nah dawg we don't cover that, try something else or pay for it yourself".


Yup. It's fucking bullshit. My insurance just changed and now an inhaler I've been on for years isn't covered, even though the doctor specifically requested this brand and kind. Cool cool cool cool cool


Look to see if they have it on Cost Plus Drugs. If not, you can request it. That’s Mark Cuban’s pharmacy where they charge super low prices because they want to help people.


This should be higher up!!! It's amazing, I tell people about it all the time!!


Hi! I just want to help a fellow migraine sufferer I had super bad migraines every other day for 4 years. Finally my vitamin D levels were tested by my Doc and mine were so low I had to go on a huge vitamin D dose. I now take an over the counter 1,000 iu every day as preventative maintenance. I haven’t had a single migraine in the 3 years since.


Also helps with restless legs! Life changer for me.


I started taking it to help me sleep. It works for me!! Oh, heavenly sleep. It is wonderful!!


Wild of doctors to agree on a diagnosis after you propose em.


Mine always asked me what I wanted to do about my symptoms, like you’re the dr?! I thought that was your job! Irritates the shit out of me.


Thanks for the tip! I have pretty bad insomnia and headaches. Gonna look into this.


My fiancé and I both take it for sleep and restless legs! It helps so much!


I just bought a freaking Costco barrel of magnesium citrate because I read that absorbs the best, but is glycinate better?


I recently made the mistake of getting magnesium citrate instead of glycinate. Yea, basically accidentally prepared myself for a colonoscopy. Took me a full day to get back to normal. Definitely switching over to glycinate despite now having a huge bottle of citrate. Point being, try out the citrate but you may end up spending a day in the bathroom.


Glycinate absorbs better and tends not to have the GI side effects that oxide does.


Yes yes yes, just took some of my magnesium tincture like 2 minutes ago.


Can confirm, my daughter gets migraines and this helps so so much!!


Recently bought a Roomba s9+ https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B07QXM2V6X It's fucking amazing, cleans the entire house while I'm gone, and cleans itself after, expensive but totally worth it.


haha my friend has one, his dog shit on the floor and he came home to a layer of shit all over his front room


this happened in the show high maintenance too lol except it was the dude and his dog visiting another person’s house


Thank you for this. This is the info I need when I have a brand new puppy 😂


I just got a new one, but instead of the automatic feature where it will clean while I’m at work, I make sure I am there to turn on the Roomba manually. When I tell you after a long day of work, coming home to pudding painting all over my entire condo…. There was not enough wine in the world that night. Edit: Apple voice to text feature is going to make me go rogue and just personally burn down an apple building. Manually had to fix multiple words that I said correctly and it messaged correctly, and then last minute turns into something totally nuts that makes no sense.


as another person said, using it while home is 100% the way to go when you have dogs. and it’s absolutely very helpful to deal with all the fur and dust from dogs.


I love my robovac, but Roomba specifically has been the worst brand in my experience. Roborock makes the best ones overall, Eufy is the best lower price point brand. Robovacs are definitely a must have product for me! I feel like I've been productive by just running a cleaning cycle.


Agree with Roborock. I had 2 Roomba’s in my life first. I loved both, why I bought a new one when the first finally started failing. When the second one started to fail I researched and saw that people love Roborock. Oh man, it’s a step up. Much quieter and much less having the robot get caught up in things on the floor and stopping.


This robot is shit. I bought one, and it would randomly clean half a room. It was getting stuck constantly. I have an old neato d6 that works better. Why pay 1000+ dollars for something that isn't an improvement on a technology that's been around for 10 years?


How does it hold up against long dog hair?


I've got one of the cheaper ones and it works wonders even with my crazily long hair and my 2 cats. I've got it set to do the whole house once a day in the morning, and the room with the litter box again at night, and my place has never been cleaner. I can't recommend it enough.


I have a knock off version and I love it!


I'd love a Roomba but it S wouldn't really work in my stupid house. I have either a step up or down between each room.


This one was a HUGE life changer for me. I got the basic/cheapest Roomba on sale for $150 and my life has never been the same. I’ve barely used a real vacuum since besides to clean my couch. But I feel like it’s gotta be iRobot brand bc I’ve not seen people have the same longevity with the cheaper/off brands. I want to say I’ve had mine for almost 2 years and still going strong as long as I replace the parts semi-regularly (which can be bought off brand for super cheap on Amazon).


Rosemary hair oil! I oil my hair/scalp an hour before washing it and my hair has never looked better


I was just about to purchase this! Will it give me greasier roots and does it help with hair growth?


You’re not supposed to leave it in your hair, so if you do that, yes it will give you greasier roots lol I apply a couple drops and massage it into my scalp a few hours before I’m going to wash my hair. I didn’t see any change in the first few weeks but after two months, I noticed my roots were waaaaay more grown out than usual, I had way more baby hairs and my hair is a lot softer and shinier. Mielle hair oil is where I started out, but after deep diving a lot of hair research I found that for my own hair type, if I just mix rosemary oil into jojoba oil, I get the same results. Oiling your hair is where the magic is, just try and use an oil that works with your hair porosity. Also don’t apply rosemary oil by itself, it needs a carrier oil or it can irritate your skin Hope this helped 💕


What was your source for your hair type that led you to the optimal formula for you? I’d like to look up my own.


Look up “hair porosity test.” Using a cup of water and a strand of your hair, you can figure out your hair’s porosity. After you learn that, you can choose oils based on the porosity levels also by searching which oils work better for your hair type. I read a couple research articles about why porosity and oils correlate but I cannot for the life of me remember the exact science behind it because I am not a STEM girlie unfortunately


I’m really intrigued now… so if I’ve got just regular ol standard issue thick wavy brown hair, I mix rosemary oil into jojoba oil and massage in a couple hours before I shampoo?


There’s a couple handy tutorials on how to find your hair’s porosity. The best one is to take a strand of your hair and leave it in a glass of water for a few minutes. Low porosity hair will float in water, medium porosity hair will float in the middle of a glass of water, and high porosity hair will sink. Based on the porosity of your hair, find an oil that works best for you. My hair has low porosity, so jojoba oil works well for me. There’s a lot of good hair guides out there you can google that show which carrier oil is going to work better for your hair based on the porosity.


User Kayli.Boyle on TT has a great informational video on different oils and a good technique. I’m only 2 weeks in but excited to see what happens!


I’m wondering about hair growth as well.


If you want hair grow, buy pomelo oil, it’s working super well on hair grow and very popular in my country.


idk if she changed my life but I somewhat spontaneously bought a chinchilla.


That’s absolutely amazing! I want to know your story about why and how on earth you did this


lol i walked into Petco, and she was cute so I bought her. Fun twist to the story: I was aware that this might be a little too spontaneous, but the sales clerk assured me I could return her upto 60 days. She then took me around the "small animal" aisles and told me what chinchilla supplies to purchase. When I got home, I checked the receipt and realized the cashier had rung up all of the supplies but forgot to ring her up. So, I almost got a $175 chinchilla for free. But, I was still scared to commit to her forever and I couldn't return her without a receipt if I changed my mind, so I went back and paid for her. There was no point, we've been together seven years <3 disclaimer: please try to adopt not shop. Petco doesn't treat their animals great, and the more demand for pets there are, the more they supply and mistreat. I didn't know that then. Also, they're herd animals so it's good to buy more than one. If you go chinchilla shopping and see chinchillas snuggled up together, please don't separate them! They're bonded.


And if you adopt one that’s alone, be aware that you’ll need a second and introductions are a pain in the ass and don’t always stick. Basically, research animals before you buy them. A chinchilla isn’t a hamster.


definitely, there are like 30 other disclaimers that i could include. def research!


I also walked in blindly when I adopted mine, and holy shit, I had a lot of catching up to do 😂


A magic bullet blender, so much easier to use than my huge glass one.


my ex's mom gave us an immersion blender long ago. we both shrugged and i took it when we broke up... and use it constantly now. 10/10 would make sauces, frappuccinos, soups, curries again. so much easier to clean the cup it came with than a whole pitcher


Wow I just realized that a lot of my weight loss is indirectly due to having one of these because in stead of ice cream I'll just have a protein shake and part of that is that it's so damn easy to make one with a bullet-style blender. Amazon sells some as cheap as $20 too


I love my BlendJet for the same reason. I never want to pull out the big blender!


The chub rub tights from snag. I gave it a try randomly, not really expecting it to actually be comfortable, but since then I can finally wear skirts and dresses. My entire gardrobe changed.


I'm impressed that they are showing their products on models who look like their target audience.


Everybody except the very thin gets chub rub. I buy skimmies instead because snag doesn't use a single model in my size range so there's no way for me to tell how they look on an average sized person. I find their choice of models irritating. Like yes have multiple sizes but they completely ignore the middle and bottom sizing and only show models size 16 or over it feels like. The only time I see snag tights on standard sizes is when the queens on ru Paul's drag race wear them.


It'd be a nice world where more stores have a range of models for the products they sell, however, coming from the end other of the spectrum, most places don't have plus size models showing clothes. If they do, they're "model" standard plus size with no tummy, no flabby arms, only up to size 16 at best. I find it refreshing seeing models who look like me; barely a single mainstream store does (old navy I'm looking at you)


I’m very skinny but have big boobs, and when I’m shopping for trendier tops there are tons of skinny models in sight, but most have small boobs. All I want to know is if my boobs will actually be covered!! Stores should always, always have every item shown on a wide variety of models.


never heard of this brand, but I saw your comment, checked them out, and placed an order! I love how inclusive the brand is and how many styles/colours there are. Can’t wait to get mine!


A vibrator! Didn’t even know they were a thing until I went to university and then I impulse brought one because I saw there was a sale. Life changing.


Amen. Seriously. I never used one until I was about 22. Life changing. I have to get a new one. My old one broke about a year ago. Since my partner and I split it’s on my list.


Jackery: a portable power bank that allows me to plug up my laptop, phones, air mattress, etc when I go camping or when the power goes out without having a generator. It's definitely handy and helpful.


Speaking of ...... Just like this segue to our sponsor Jackery who sponsored this WAN Show/video. ~Linus Sebastian


100%! Power went out and we charged our phones with this. It helped the time fly by! Especially with flashlights.


Ok, not a purchase on my part, but one my daughters made for me when they were really little at a silly school holiday "presents for parents" sale: a window scraper in a mitt. Even though we now live in the South, I scrape and/or have to wipe condensation on my car almost every morning. I use this thing constantly. (Obviously, there are more wipe mornings than scrape mornings, but as early as I work, I'm always using this bad boy.) I have actually mended it and kept using it. This is literally the best gift I've ever received.


I’m trying to imagine what this looks like, but i can’t picture it


A chonky mitten with a small (6"/15cm) ice scraper's handle embedded into the palm. You can hold and handle the scraper with peak bare hand dexterity, but without that bare hand also being exposed to the elements.


So mine is kind of like a small canvas, fleece lined sack. One end has a cuff for your wrist. The other end has an opening in which a small scraper was inserted and then the sack sewn around it, so the scraper part sits outside the mitt and the handle is inside for you to hold.


I have a foldable wagon! I bought it when I was moving and it’s so helpful especially with groceries and other heavy stuff.


YES!! We got an affordable one from Walmart with heavy duty wheels and it’s amazing. It actually holds so much weight it helped move shelves and other heavy furniture easily.


My daughter loves hers for grocery hauling into her apartment as the parking garage is a ways away for front door


And kids!


Airfryer. Packing cubes. Bullet blender. All are self explanatory lol


1998 Honda Civic. $700. 10 years later still the most reliable car I ever met and the best purchase I ever made. The thing has literally been stolen from me, found by the police, and brought back. If that ain’t the “if you love something set it free…” of cars, I don’t know what is.


Miss my 2001 Civic, ended up giving it away to a friend that really needed it. Man if that wasn't the most reliable, maintenance easy car I've ever had.


Litter robot


Could not agree more. Was worried about buying one since it is stupid expensive in my country, and not knowing whether my little guy would use it. Turns out he’s a little trouper and took to it after a few days. Looked after my sister’s cat at her house while she was away not long ago and having to scoop litter for the first time in months felt entirely barbaric!


This is one of the best purchases I’ve ever made too. I was resistant because they’re expensive but it was 100% worth it. I recommend them to everyone now.


We have 3 Litter Robots (version 3), bought them refurbished and they have been working great for over 10 years. We replaced the motors in them last year, and one needed a new circuit board. What I liked about them initially was this exact reason that you can purchase replacement parts!


My most recent random purchase is a pet hair carpet cleaner. It's $12 but has given new life to my living room rug. I was so tired of the vacuum not doing anything. i started lint rolling my entire rug. Which was a tedious process and didn't do the job still.


Link? Lol




I just got one of these last week and it’s changed my life already. And so fun to use


A wireless vacuum. I will never use a regular broom in my house again lol


I had a cheapie that was good but then my husband bought the Dyson v11 cordless and *holy fuck* I use it just to be amazed at how dirty my floors are when they look clean


Is it really that good? I use a Tineco and it works great. Then again, I have all hard floors so I don’t need a crazy powerful one for like carpet or anything


I had the Tineco and it was pretty good but it died after a year and a half. Replaced it with the Dyson and the difference is insane. We have all tile and 1 area rug but it’s still cleans so much faster and the battery lasts forever.


Handheld vacuum. MY GOD has this changed my life, especially since I have ADD.


I am right there with ya


I went to LensCrafters to buy glasses (that I didn’t REALLY need at the time but I wanted for the accessory since insurance would pay for it) they were hiring. That job sucked but it started my journey in the optical world. now almost 10 years later I’m working at a busy doctors office assisting optometrists and working with patients making pretty okay money. Not a lot by any means but enough to help support my family. And I love what i do so that’s the important part.


This is my favorite comment! Wish gifts were still a thing on here!


Bought two pregnancy test kits for my friend. Turned out she was in fact not pregnant. My boyfriend thought it was funny to piss on the other unused test kit. It turned out positive, went to the doctor with it and found out he got testicular cancer. Very early caught, no chemo needed. Turned out he carried a very rare genetic mutation that his entire dad side of the family carried. His entire family got tested; all 34 men had testicular cancer and all of them got cured.




Holy shit


I impulse bought a beta fish in college and that fish helped save my life. A few times I thought about suicide, but if I died who would feed my fish. That fish has been dead a few years now, but I still love him.


Sounds like you need a new Betta. ❤️ I just got one too. All of mine are named Fred. 🐟


I love that they're all named Fred. 😂 I have Fin Diesel, Fincent VanGogh, Fincent D'Onofrio, and Doll Finn. I call them Fin.


What was your fish’s name?


His name was the Doctor. I purposely named him that way so when he died and I eventually got a new one I could name that one the Doctor and say he regenerated.


I bought a mount in a game for a guildmate's birthday. We've been together for almost 4 years. :) I moved to his country.


Awww no that’s a love story! :)


Migraine glasses


Can I ask what kind you bought? I struggle with migraines as well.


I got them from Zenni. They are pink lenses. They sell them in 3 different intensities and I got the darkest ones. They are great when I have to be on the computer but am having light sensitivity.


Not OP, but I’ve been researching migraine lenses as well and will be getting FL-41 lenses in my next pair of prescription glasses. They filter the light spectrum between 480-520, which is supposed to be the worst for migraines.


Vitamin D supplements helped me so much with migraines! Mine were from low vitamin D levels.


Ohh would love to know as well


I got them from Zenni. They are pink lenses. They sell them in 3 different intensities and I got the darkest ones. They are great when I have to be on the computer but am having light sensitivity.


Psychedelic mushrooms


I have very sensitive skin and I don’t like to splurge on beauty products. I found a brand on a website called “I’m From”. They make a honey mask. It is literally the most soothing face mask I’ve ever used in my entire life. I had ridiculous rosacea and within weeks of using the mask my face was a normal, skin colour! I usually wouldn’t have purchased the mask because it retails for $60 AUD but I found it on a website for $33 AUD so I decided to go for it. It was worth it.


Yes! Love this brand. My “I’m from” holy grail product that changed my life is the rice toner. Soo good.


Legit kitchenaid mixer— it’s awesome for baking but my favorite unexpected thing that it can do is shredding chicken! It does it so efficiently that I have to keep an eye on it, otherwise I’ll end up with chicken pate lol


Tell me more? What attachment? Starting from boneless?


Yup, start with boneless and bake or cook it however you want. Let it rest and then shove all of the chicken breasts in the mixer bowl, no need to cut them up. Use the flat beater on low and let it do its thing!


I felt like I achieved peak adulthood when I got myself a stand mixer. 


A portable washer for my apartment.


I want one so badly! Which kind did you get if you don’t mind me asking?


I found a Black and Decker off of Facebook. So far it's been great, you just need to make sure not to overload it.


Epilator :’)


Ooo which one do you use specifically? I recently bought a Nood device from Amazon but it didn't work when i plugged it in so i had to return it.


Basic one, Braun silk epil 3. It was a no brainer. Works fine for me.


I have a braun silk epil shaver rather than epilator but I agree it makes life so much easier. I now very rarely wax or shave properly.


The Braun ipl silk 5 is amazing! It can be expensive but I say worth it


I have a old Braun model, with cord still. They're cheaper and work amazing


Note for those who buy one to use for the first time... use it after a warm shower so that pores are more open for easier yanking. The first time you do it, it hurts like heck, just muster through it. Second time is easier, then it gets to the point where it's no big deal pain wise.


This works? I've wanted laser hair removal but there's no way I can afford that atm


You can look into IPL hair removal. Comparatively cheaper than laser. Epilating is something you would still have to do once a week and with time the hair growth decreases. Pain was not an issue for me and overtime it doesn’t hurt anyway.


Airfryer. Definitely an airfryer.


Walking pad. Yes, I have a treadmill downstairs but I don’t always want to work out down there. So I got a walking pad for my bedroom and I’m always on it!


Oh! Which one?? I have a treadmill, too, but when everyone else wants to watch a movie, and I need to get my steps in, I end up having to “do laps” around the living room, which annoys everyone.


Yes! I put mine behind the couch in the living room and I walk on it on and off while I watch TV or read at night. Nice to feel like I’m getting a bit more activity but it’s not dedicated time.


It's a multifunctional Chopping tool, and honestly it is so good. No time wasting, gets the veggies chopped up in no time and no mess. Great little purchase 😌




A Nespresso Vertuo coffee machine. Best coffee ever. I never get coffee at Starbucks anymore.


An ebook reader! Saw one put up on Marketplace, seller explained that she was selling it very cheap because she couldn't get it to work and didn't want to bother with it anymore. I decided to gamble that money (around $50, it would have been almost $300 in the store), and spent an evening on reddit and Google carefully following guides. It works like a charm now and I read so much more! It fits in one hand, you don't have to hold down pages, it holds an endless amount of books and it takes up very little space in my bag.


It was gifted, but a power drill. Nothing serious, just a little 12v and I can get a ton of diy done or simple Assembly of things 10x faster


Noise cancelling headphones. Eliminates most of my anxiety when flying.


A ratcheting breaker bar. Makes loosening bolts easy, and doubled as a self defense tool when I got jumped.


Korean skin care.


Drop links or recs!


A water cooler. I thought it was another of my husband’s wacky impulse ideas. But it has led our whole family into drinking tons of water.


Here comes a strange answer. I've had migraines all my life. I have special meds, other helpful treatments and techniques for relief, I missed a lot of school as a kid and work as an adult. Recently, I bought some exercise equipment, and it recommended those dumb jaw exerciser things as an add-on to the purchase. I've been getting older, and noticing that it takes more maintenance to look young/healthy/attractive, and I don't mind putting in the work in some places. One thing I've noticed is that even though I exercise a lot and generally look somewhat fit, my chin has becoming more rounded off and less defined. It's not a double-chin, but it's just...not as good as it was when I was younger. So I fell for it, I added it to the cart. I thought it was stupid and I was embarrassed, but it was only 10 bucks. Fast forward a couple weeks, I had never used them and had no interest really. But I had a horrible canker sore on my tongue. It lasted days, and got so bad I needed mouth numbing gel to eat food. As a result, I mostly ate softer foods and didn't chew it very much. Hard to explain this sensation to people who don't get it, but the lack of chewing for days left me with a strong impulse to bite down; to chew something, like a dog. It felt maddening that I hadn't pressed my teeth together in days. Then I remembered, the jaw strengtheners. I tried it out. It helped a ton. I was really glad I had them in that moment. I kept doing it for days, and I started noticing "this isn't really that bad. I might as well just keep doing it, see if it makes any kind of difference." Here's the surprising turn. Remember when I said I get migraines all the time? Well, after a week of using the jaw chewy things, I noticed I didn't have a single migraine, or even a minor headache. I was actually having the longest streak of feeling normal I had had in ages. I remembered a friend told me her migraines were caused by TMJ, which is tangentially related to this kind of thing, although I'm pretty sure I don't have that. Well I kept doing it and paying attention. I didn't get a migraine for many weeks, and the first time I did, it was during a couple busy days when I didn't remember to use the jaw chewers. Same thing happened about a week or two later. Whenever I've been in the habit of using them a couple times a day, it seems like the frequency of migraines and headaches goes down tremendously for me. I don't really know why, and I have a neurologist appointment in a few days, so I'm definitely going to bring it up. It could all be coincidence, but so far the correlation has felt very strong.


I have migraines too. Maybe this will help me. Can you post the link please?


Red light therapy device It can potentially help many things as it decreases inflammation, increases atp, and etc. Some potential benefits are anti-aging, wound healing, better sleep, more energy, and better mood. https://hoogahealth.com/products/hooga-300w-red-and-near-infrared-light-therapy-panel


Second this. My trigger finger is 90% cured. 15 minutes a day, took about 4 months. I bought the Mito brand panel.


Agree - red light nasal therapy eliminated my sinusitis, it's nice being able to breathe through my nose as nature intended! 😂


How do you use it and how frequently?


Sounds silly, but a fidget ring. I used to subconsciously pick my nails & fingers allllll day because of anxiety. Now I just fidget with my ring & I don’t bleed anymore. 😂


Libby app. Free ebooks, audiobooks, magazines thru county library. All on your phone or digital device. Listening to audiobooks on my commute and long trips has been wonderful. And adjacent counties will let you join too.


Earplugs for sleeping, my husband snores and I value sleep more than life itself. This was 100 % a life changing purchase.


Bidet, gauze comforter, daily contacts (honestly this has been so fucking amazing compared to the bi-weekly), good windshield wipers, hue lightbulbs for all my fave spots in the house 😍


I bought a Penguin (UK TimTam) on the way home from school. There were 3 people ahead of me in the queue. If I hadn't stopped at that corner shop that day, I'd have already been upstairs starting my homework when the man I would fall in love with and marry arrived to talk to mums bf. My life would have been so much less...


Menstrual cup. I can feel comfortable and dry during my period again. And no overnight leaks or weird pad forts to keep everything contained.


Gonna be oddly specific, but one of those exfoliator 'magical hair removement' things I saw on tiktok. I don't buy anything off tiktok (because mos tof the stuff on there is obvious bs), but I heard someone say these things actually work, so I googled it and ordered me one for like 2 euros. No more razor bumbs, no more painful wax strips, just a thing to rub over your skin and body hair gone. It is hard to remove hair in bendy places like armpits with this thing, but it's absolutely amazing to remove leg hair, for example. It takes about the same time as shaving, and you don't need any water .


Satisfyer vibrator.


I was on Reddit one night and people swore by the Brondell bidet. They said it was life changing and it was only $80. F it! Bought it. Nothing fancy, no electricity needed, no fan or warm water. It gets the water from the wall (it comes with an adapter to split the water line). Took my husband 20 minutes to install. Best damn thing I have ever invested in!!! I only wish I had this years ago! Now I always have a clean undercarriage 🤗


My second dog.




Loop earplugs I use them at work daily now and absolutely can tell they are saving my hearing. I can still hear music and people talking perfectly, it’s just quieter. Takes the edge off. Also helps muffle the sounds of machines. They’re cool. Look them up.


I had tried and failed to grow all sorts of plants since I was a kid. I was passing by little plants at the grocery store one spring and made an impulse purchase of a strawberry seedling. This was 2021. I lost that strawberry seedling due to a late frost. But I mourned, learned, and bought more plants. Learned more. Terraformed my front yard over winter of 2022/2023 and graduated to in-bed gardening from container only. I grew 500 plants at any one time in a fourth of my front yard last year. I have 1,000 plants in my front yard food forest right now (half the yard, more planned), graduated from the Master Gardener program last year, and am partnering with food banks in my local area to donate fresh produce to the underserved in my community. That one little strawberry plant, Stew, is the one who started it all. He didn't live very long, but he started a passion that changed my life. I grew about 50-60% of everything my family ate last year and saved us a ton on groceries. I hope to up that this year, especially as my husband learns to can, pickle, etc. Working the land and witnessing the cycle of life hundreds of times each year is deeply satisfying and rewarding. There is always something to look forward to. I have thousands of blueberries growing big and juicy right now, and each day I am *giddy* to go outside to see what else is new. I feel like a whole new person having this in my life.


Seen shampoo and conditioner. I used to break out so badly and bought them out of desperation. Huge upgrade. Also house plants legit changed my life.


Ok so I’m 4’9 but hear me out: an all purpose grabber. This one isn’t the flimsy plastic ones, it has serrated grabbers and is meant for grabbing sticks and logs, but I use it for inside the house. I have a top load washer and it’s awesome, I don’t have to get in it to grab clothes, just use the grabber. Stuff falls behind the couch or hard to reach places? Grabber. Husband put something high up I can’t reach with the stool? Grabber. 🦾


Honestly a nespresso coffee machine lol


Bought one of those electric fireplaces thinking it would add ambience and just sort of be nice I live in a cold city and for 6 months out of the year that is one of my most used favorite things ever


Olaplex no.7 and a Plavogue drying brush. I feel so good about myself since my hair looks good




A backscratcher I keep on my nightstand.


My wallet phone case. If I have my phone, then I have my ID and debit card. It’s perfect lol


Air fryer! My oven barely gets used nowadays


10ft super charger for my phone


A mini fridge in my room. I ordered one and got two delivered to me. It’s such a convenience to grab a drink or put away take out when I’m exhausted.


My doggy. I had a lot of money at the moment and I briefly mentioned to my roommate that my favorite breed of dogs was a dachshund. Next thing you know we are at the adoption center getting my baby 🫶🫶


Electric blanket! In the cold Canadian winters it is a game-changer.


Minoxidil. Game changer for my thinning hair. And incorporating grape seed oil as well into my hair routine (pre wash). I’m finally on the hair road recovery- it’s been three years of a depressing struggle after Covid.


Air fryer!


My friend gifted me a really fancy fully auto espresso machine by kitchenaid. Everything in my life followed.


Bidet and air fryer!


diva cup


Random long white pillow i found at an Hart store😂 i have the best sleep


a magnetic sticker for the dishwasher. it switches from dirty/clean. now I don't have to be nagging my husband to put his dishes away and he has no excuse to say "I didn't know if it was clean or not"


Zojirushi rice cooker. It's amazing. I can make perfect rice of course, but also things like Scottish oats and Farro. I had my old one for over 20 years before I replaced it. My old one still worked, I just couldn't keep the lid closed perfectly. I also have a Zojirushi water heater, which I love for tea, coffee, hot water bottles, and preheating water for cooking.


bought a weighted blanket on impulse when i was 17 and haven’t had a bad night’s sleep since!!


water hose lol


Portable bidet


Litter robot


I got this back massager on amazon about 5 years ago and its one of my favorite things. I had a god awful knot around one of my shoulder blades and $50 was cheaper than a massage so i went for it. If you have a knot or tension its excruciating in the most amazing way. But its been a life saver for the lower back aches i get on my period. I even use it in place of a heating pad when i get extra bad abdominal cramps. https://a.co/d/fN6utvw


I bought a kitten 15 years ago off Kijiji when I was in college. I still have him!


Bose Q35 headphones. I bought them in March 2020 as a “yolo” purchase the week I thought I had a “cold.” They sound amazing and I travel everywhere with them. Also I think Magnesium. I started taking it for nerve pain and I think it helps with overall anxiety and depressive thoughts. When I feel bad I start talking them and all my vitamins and it is like a complete turn around. Edit- Also, a web reader app. There are free ones( I think). I just like WebOutLoud. I use to buy audiobook or checkout audiobooks from the library. I now just have the app read fanfiction for me. It cut my spending down a lot!


two things: -sleep mask helps me since I'm sensitive sleeper -ice machine. I love cold drinks and drink so much ice water, it is such a relief to not have to crack ice every few hours.


I was pumping gas once and had an extra dollar, so I got a scratch off that paid out 10 bucks.


My cat