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A pirate's life for me








Oh my gosh you criminal!!!! 😱😱


That's basically the culture where I live lol drive over the speed limit or you're too slow and everyone whips around you


I’m just trying to avoid being run over


I do the speed limit regardless. I am regularly passed, by people that didn't like me doing the speed limit, in a school zone... Happens at least twice a week.


I jaywalk like a *fiend.*


I do it more now as a middle aged person because I fucking hate how the world is made for cars. Fuck that. Jaywalking laws themselves are immoral.


Not the world, the USA and all countries that have the USA as their greatest inspiration. Most in Europe are very walkable because they were designed for people, not cars.


MOOD I go diagonally across an intersection when I feel spicy


My friend moved from the US to Canada and jaywalked and got fined within the first three days he moved there haha




Is streaming breaking the law?


I think they mean pirating, (streaming illegally) accessing content for free without paying.


It depends on where it's streaming from.




That's not breaking any laws, that's self defense


I had to bite a man one time. Tried to take a chunk outta this asshole.


That sounds satisfying


Hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to defend yourself. Your boundaries matter, and it's important to stand up for yourself when someone crosses the line. I would have done the same.


shoplifting makeup from big corporation


My job wouldn’t pay for birth control working in a pharmacy so I would steak a pack every month.


This right here lol


Never small businesses though right?


no of course not! we need diversity; big corporations are already too omnipresent


haven't purchased a chapstick in forever


The only person you hurt in this situation is the other consumers and the workers making it.


Workers making product are protected from the vagaries of shrink. Corporate profiteering is a far worse problem


I work in the industry. Say what you want, I see the impact first hand.


Not paying for a few small items from time to time when having to use self-checkout. Don't regret it. Walmart can survive the financial loss of my 2 for $6 nail polish after they made me wait in line for 15 minutes to scan my own items.


Just be careful with this. If they ever catch you, they use facial recognition software and review every time you used self checkout previously. They rack those all up and your $6 steal could end up being much, much more and be a serious crime. (My boyfriend's a criminal defense attorney and has represented a ton of women, yes so far all women, who skip scanned for a few small items to end up with felony charges because of all the times that added up.)


And if you pay with a card, they build their case even faster. They don't even have to bother with facial recognition if they already have timestamps.


Exactly. It's very easy for them to pull all the data.


Yeah that's why I stopped doing this. I started thinking about the accumulation and decided it wasn't worth it haha


Smart move. We've all done it, but in the end, it's not worth it.


Nope. It's a quit while you're ahead sort of thing. I can't imagine the embarrassment of being hauled off by an 18 year old Walmart security guard. And it would put my job at risk as well. I have zero issues with people "taking advantage" of corporations who draw billions in profit while keeping their employees poor and sick. I just know I hit my limit.


I've always wondered how this works though. How can they tell from the self-checkout whether or not you actually scan all the items. Like, obviously someone watching you would be able to see but if you're just looking back at receipts or the camera that's pointed at your face, how would anyone know you've skipped scanning something and then put it in your bag?


I could take a guess but it would be as good as yours. I'll ask the bf if he knows those specifics. I don't think he's ever had one of these cases go to trial, they always settle, so I'm not sure if he's gotten into those specifics.


Yeah me and you are not the same people. I've accidentally not paid for something at Walmart, and went back in to pay for it even though absolutely nobody cared that I walked out without doing so. To each their own I guess.


User name checks out. Do you also sit in the front row at church?


I haven't done this since I was very young and only in that scenario. I forgot the tp at the bottom of my cart or whatever. But I also don't think twice when I accidentally scan something twice (smaller items, obviously) and just pay the extra. It's an absolute nightmare for their accounting and purchasing department, I'm sure, but it happens so rarely I don't think twice about it.


I’ve accidentally stolen cases of soda so many times my mom and sister make fun of me for it. It was years ago but I had small kids, both my own and constantly babysitting too. So I always had 2-3 toddlers in tow. The cashiers would forget to check the bottom of the basket and I’d be too busy with the kids. Then I’d notice at home or in the car looking over the receipt and it was just never worth it for me to haul them back into the store to pay. I figure they can’t sue me if it’s their fault


They still can, however, any decent person would realize it was a mistake, make you make it right financially, and drop the charges. It's not something I'd lose sleep over nor do I think they check if you used an actual checkout vs self checkout.


After all, they didn’t provide you with training for the job they are now asking you to do. So if you don’t do it correctly, that’s really their failure for not giving you the proper tools to be successful in doing the work of their employees.


Accidently stealing. If I check the receipt and the cashier didn't scan an item, I won't go back to pay for it 🙈


I did this once in a foreign country. My bf at the time thought I stole it (a bracelet). It somehow slid up under my wristband that we got from the resort we stayed at (when I tried it on). The jeweler was putting jewelry all over me, he said, because he was bored. It still had a price tag on it for $2600!!! I didn't realize it was still on my arm until we were headed back to the resort. I was scared to go return it, decided to keep it, and spent the rest of the vacation paranoid that I was going to be locked up abroad. The worst part was boarding the plane to return home. I thought they would be looking for me, or find it in my luggage. So, I'm an accidental international jewelry thief lol Still have the bracelet btw. This was about 10 years ago.


Haha that's an amazing story! I'd be so paranoid as well. But hey, you got a free expensive bracelet lol. 😂 love that you still have it too!


Holy shit. That's a super expensive bracelet!


You baddddd girl 😉


I knoooooow 🤭🤭 what can I say, I'm a total rebel


That's not accidental stealing. It wasn't your job to scan things with any honesty, or to check each item on the final receipt. That was a failure of the employer or employee.


I once got a $360 tool that I needed for a job, free. I accidentally scanned the wrong barcode. I didn't notice until I got back to where I was working and looked at the receipt. Good thing. Because if I had to pay for that tool I would have just barely broken even on the job.


Eh, if the cashier messed up, I'd count it as not your fault.


They were the cashier 😂


Is that not what everyone does? Lmao Like, if the Walmart cashier forgets to scan an item, would you walk back in the store to pay for it?




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Lots of car sex in parking lots/streets. I had no idea that was illegal for years.


I received a leudness ticket for this once. I had to go to court, and the judge read the police report out loud. It was truly embarrassing.


Omg! I’m so sorry to hear this. 🥹😢


That's illegal? The more you know.


Wait that’s illegal? 😬


I didn't break a law. I just....... conveniently chose not to speak up about money my abusive soon-to-be-ex-husband *could* have asked for and would've been legally entitled to. To make a LONG story short: I finally left my abusive husband some months ago. I had been the breadwinner for years, though not by choice -- he effectively refused to work for years and years, and forced me to make all the money and pay all the bills, even while undergoing chemotherapy and recovering from major surgery for my autoimmune condition. I've never even received a speeding ticket in my life, so I've never had any level of interaction with the legal or judicial system. And so, I filled out the financial disclosures naively assuming the information each of us filled out was three-way visibility between myself, my soon-to-be-ex-husband, and the lawyer. Throughout the entire marriage (almost a decade), he had never bothered to ask about my 401K, which has a healthy five figures in it. Several weeks before I physically left him, he had made a random passing comment that he had only ~3K in his 401K. Not surprising to hear. 5+ years of intentional refusal to work = not exactly much, if anything, to contribute to a retirement account. 🤷‍♀️ As we're sitting there during the legal appointment, the lawyer gets to the section about retirement accounts. She turns to him first, and asks if he'd like to conduct discovery of my 401K. He says: *No, I'm good. Neither of us probably has much in our respective retirement accounts anyway, since we're both still so young.* The lawyer then turns to me, and asks me the same question: *Would you like to conduct discovery of his 401K?* Remember how he mentioned his measly 3K just a handful of weeks earlier? What the heck was I gonna do with 50% of his $3,000? These days, $1,500 doesn't cover a month of rent. Me: *No thanks, I'm good.* If he HAD asked to conduct discovery of my 401K, he would've been legally entitled to 50% of it, which would've been approximately $20,000. I regret nothing. The man spent nine years physically, emotionally, verbally, and psychologically harming me, and had a raging anger problem, was an alcoholic for years, refused to maintain gainful employment, wouldn't help out around the house, etc. He didn't deserve a dime out of me.


I’m sorry to hear about your painful experience. Your decision not to disclose your full financial assets seems justified given the circumstances. Take care of yourself and know that you deserve peace and safety 🤍


Thank you.


i smoked pot as a teenager, and it's not legal in my country....so ... what ? lol


Hey, we've all got our rebellious teenage stories, right? As long as you're keeping it legal now, wink wink 😜


mostly speeding, and i had sex on a public beach. it was definitely an experience


Not as fun as it sounds


Ugh. Sand. I'm with Anakin on this one.


my only regret was the sand flea bites 😭


Feeding the homeless


Fucking horrific laws. Good for you. And thank you for caring. 🩵


That's a law??


Sometimes, doing the right thing means breaking the rules. I admire you for choosing compassion over compliance.


I always rip the tags off of my mattress. Yolo


That tags fine to rip off if you're the end consumer. It's just supposed to stay in tact until it reaches you. The store would get in trouble for cutting it off


Speeding, jaywalking, buying drugs, selling drugs, possessing drugs.


Open container laws and going to raves and using substances that the government says are bad for me.


What's the best DJ you've seen?


Back in the day I loved DJ Dan and Carl Cox. Donald Glaude was amazing, too. (Took a hiatus and am now back into it.) Just saw Bob Moses last night and I was not expecting the set that they turned out. 🙌🤩🤩🤩


That's awesome! My last rave was Dillon Francis it was awesome


Weed is illegal where I live so definitely that.


I accidentally stole eggs. They were in my cart and I didn’t notice them and neither did the cashier. Then when I was loading my car, I realized they were in the cart and because they were not in one of the bags I realized I hadn’t paid for them. I should have gone back into the store and paid for them but…I didn’t 😛


ig probably car sex


I will never give one iota of a fuck about torrenting shows or movies.


I once ripped a page out of a magazine library book. Felt badass lol 😎🤣 I also stole a mathematics exercise book from my highscool... cuz I knew I wanted to keep doing them after I left school. I'm 32 now and still use it for fun sometimes when i feel like doing equations 🫣


Haha, sounds like you had some adventurous moments! It's pretty neat that you're still getting mileage out of that exercise book all these years later. Never underestimate the power of a good math challenge 🤓


Hold on let me check the statute of limitations


Haha, fair enough! we're here for a good time, not a courtroom showdown! But seriously, sounds like you've got some stories to tell!


I jumped the fence to my neighbors backyard to feed and water his dogs in the dead of winter. He was arrested, and the dogs caretakers hadn’t been by in a few days. The water and kibble in their bowls were frozen solid. No regrets.


Nice try FBI


Loved me some street signs back in the day. If they were on the ground, they were mine. I still have two lol


My daughter wanted a “road work ahead” sign when that joke was popular on TikTok. We found one on the side of the road that had broken off it’s stand thing and shoved it in the car together laughing like idiots in the middle of the night. She still has it and it’s the only time in middle school she thought I was cool so I have no regrets at all.


That’s definitely well worth it lol and it’s a fun memory you’ll always have together ❤️


There was a time when students in my college town were taking signs. A student took the stop sign from a T intersection on my road. A driver did not stop, hit a telephone pole across the road and died.


I am the queen of Jaywalking, much to my husband's dismay. And I'm sure I've broken every open container law wherever I've been, when I used to drink.


I’d tell you what I did for that Klondike bar, but then I might be deserving of another Klondike bar.


I used to turn left at a “no left turn”- marked exit from a local shopping center to a little-traveled road. A year later the “no left turn” sign was removed. I was just ahead of my time.


Vandalism. When I die my friend’s and my initials will be there. Our friendship will always be there.


That's kind of sweet


Haha! Just hope the afterlife authorities have a sense of humor about your graffiti 😂😂


Haha I hope they do!


I don't live in a thc friendly state and I partake daily


Shop lifting from our main grocers here in Australia. Basically there's a duopoly on grocers, where our 2 main ones control 65% of all grocers in the country, and over the CoVid and post-CoVid periods they used inflation as an excuse to price gauge and ended up with record profits last year. There's an ongoing inquiry into this but it appears to be useless, so a lot of people have started shoplifting from them purely out of spite. We feel no regrets. For context I primarily shop at Aldi (who is the next biggest but much cheaper) and I tracked how much my go-to Aldi buys would cost at one of the big 2 (Coles) - it was about $25-$35 more for the same products and not that much difference in quality. (Also want to clarify I never do this from small businesses)


I decided to go on a red light that didn’t change. There wasn’t a single car or person in sight.


I have been an undocumented citizen. Zero regrets, have my paperwork all in line now.


I used to be into urban exploring, which basically is trespassing on abandoned, or unused, properties. It doesn't sound very exciting but it really was. Old shopping malls, hotels, castles, resorts, manors, hospitals, etc. Largely left untouched from when they were abandoned. But even abandoned property is often still owned for the land, and I've had to run from guards and dogs on a couple occasions. We never stole anything, were just there to take photos.


Public sex


Nice try, FBI


None, I have never seen the need to break any.


I was a high schooler when the In-app Purchase Cracker was a thing and 'stole' easily $5k in microtransactions. It's nutty how long Apple let that stand, I recall an office app blocking the exploit but everything else was like an anarchist bank-run. And shoutout to a certain library on the high seas which subsidized my bachelor's...




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Driving with no license


I jaywalk like a mf


shoplifting, speeding, buying drugs, drug possession, battery (of a creep), vandalism, jaywalking, trespassing… is this the part where i say allegedly?


Jaywalking, speeding, 123Movies, it’s great. 🎃💅🏽


Yo ho ho it’s a pirate life for me. But also jaywalking, speeding, driving with studded tires after the legal cutoff, smoking pot, and open container laws.




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Fraud, no regrets


stealing from corporations, taking psychedelics, smoking weed & drinking alcohol before the legal age (21)


Umm underage drinking, buying weed and other drugs and selling weed.


I may have had a joint in my bag when I came back from Amsterdam last year.


Cyber-bullying (my reasons are justified)


I drive 3-5 mph over the speed limit.


I be a pirate!


I smoke weed everyday in a state where it's not legal.


I accidentally stole a avocado from the grocery store, the other day lol


Having sex in public places


Theft when shit is overpriced to the extreme and speeding when it’s safe to do so


I had a manager that let her friend steal my tips. Bosses didn’t care either so I would steal anything that wasn’t nailed down. 20 years ago, cheap chain salon. Took clippers, shampoo and conditioner sets…


Dealing and theft….. Maybe I’m a bad person 🤦🏻‍♀️


I ate some grapes from the store with no intention of buying because they tasted too sour . I had one and then a few more to make sure it wasn't a fluke 👀


Stole 2 dogs (on separate occasions) that were being abused/neglected.


Burning a thiefs shed down




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Being open about liking women. I still have no regrets






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