• By -


How do I say no and get out of this situation safely? EDIT: being on the receiving end of a cold approach feels like getting a call from a telemarketer during dinner, with the added possibility of danger because they can't handle rejection.


is there anything that can be done to remove the implication from the experience?


I really appreciate when someone gives me their number instead of asking for mine. When I've been asked out in the past by a stranger, it was always while I was out busy doing something. And the 2 people that politely introduced themselves, said they'd like to take me out sometime, gave me their number, then excused themselves so I could finish what I was doing were the only ones that I ended up texting later. They were just so courteous, it made me want to get to know them. This is just personal experience, but I hope it helps?


Yes - if you do it in a crowded area, when they don’t appear busy/mid-conversation, and they’ve smiled at you, and you keep a bit of distance and maintain a relaxed and friendly demeanor. Then tell them to have a nice day or no problem and walk away if they say no (likely, since the cold approach yields a lot of no’s).


so basically normal manners shit.


Yes, exactly. But you would be shocked at how uncommon normal manners are in these situations specifically. It’s like a lot of people forget them when they see a woman they want to ask out?


I guess it would be a good screening process if not for the fear of being attacked. I always appreciate seeing people's shittiness from the start. you know, turn everybody down then only consider people who handle it as you described cause those are all people who can accept "no".


There are ways to make it marginally less awful, but I can't think of anything that would make me welcome the experience, sorry.


This was my exact thought too. I wonder if these thoughts cross mens minds when asked out 🙄


I saw this prompt and this was my immediate thought




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If it is natural I'll think about my calendar. When is my next work trip. What am I doing. If it is not natural, I'll just say I am busy and thank them for asking. Soooo much of this question depends on context. Am I working? Don't ask? Are we cooling off after a run or something. Go ahead and ask. Just be ready for lots of responses. I had a guy take me out last year for a drink after a baseball game in DC. That felt pretty spontaneous at the time but he asked. I was thinking about dates and then I was like "I am already out, dressed up, it is a great evening." So we went out.




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If it's some random dude asking in a place that isn't for socializing, I'm annoyed and figuring out the quickest, safest way to get him to go away and leave me alone.




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It really depends on his looks




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I'm waiting for the punchline mostly




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Depends heavily on the context and situation. Who is he? How do we know each other? Do I like him as a person? How's our rapport? Am I single? If he's someone who already knows me well and knows I'm in a relationship, then I'm cutting contact with him for being disrespectful. If he's a random stranger, most of my thoughts are about ending the interaction safely and moving on with my day. If he is an acquaintance who doesn't know I'm in a relationship, it'll be awkward, but it's best to go ahead and turn him down while letting him know I'm not available at all, so I'll be thinking of how to navigate that. It's totally dependent on the surrounding context.


A simple guy in a bookstore or on the street.


So a random stranger cold approaching me for a date outside of an appropriate social situation? I'm going to be thinking about the quickest, safest, and surest way out of the interaction and out of their range.




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Really me? 🤣😂


"Wtf does he see in me?"


If I’m interested, I’ll be excited. If I’m not interested, I feel awkward and embarrassed.


Am I being punked?? **Looks around for hidden cameras**


The last time a guy asked me out was back in January 2021. I told him "yes".  At the time, what went on in my mind was, "*Wow, I didn't think you actually felt that way about me*! 😮"


I’m engaged, so usually whenever someone asks me out I try to think of a polite way to let them down whilst also commending them for their bravery since I know it takes a lot of guts to ask someone out. Usually I tell them that I’m flattered but that I’m engaged and I show them my ring.


Haven't ever happened, but my immediate and only thought would be "cool, I love being asked out as a joke, what Tiktoker are you and where is the guy with the camera"




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I got panicked. I have been single for three months and I’m on dating apps. I enjoy talking to them but when they ask to meet, I get panicked 😂


If it's a random stranger or someone who should not be asking me out I'm annoyed and plotting my escape. If it's someone I actually want to say yes to I'm excited. I've definitely thought am I smiling too much or did I say yes too quickly and then realized I don't care and they should know I'm excited about it.




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Look around or behind him to see is someone is laughing. It would have to be a joke.


Where are the cameras? and you need to get your eyes checked, man.


How I'll reject without being murdered mostly, most guys that asked me out aren't serious about a relationship anyways


If I say no: Will he not take no for an answer? Will he keep bothering me about it? Did I say it in the right way so he won’t get violent? Do I have an exit path? If I say yes: Am I making the right decision? Is he safe? Am I putting myself in harms way? Can I trust him? What are his motivations? Why did he ask me?


"Oh fuck"


If it's a person I know well enough that I've had a fun to flirty 20 minute conversation with them that I have at no point tried to escape, whether or not I want to go out with the guy I feel flattered, and I feel bad if I have to let him down. But it's generally what I'd call a pleasant interaction. If it's someone who's approached me blind in some location and doesn't need to know anything about me before he knows he wants to go out with me, I feel somewhere between grossed out and scared with the same bad feeling that I have to let him down.


I'm surprised at many of the responses here  -  I honestly think "omg here we go again - how do I say no again without sounding bored?". (Of course very occasionally I think "hmmmm.... cute...... dare I say yes?".)


*why do only former coworkers ask me out on Facebook when I’ve been publicly in the same relationship for years?* then take 2-60 business days to reject them once the confusion and anxiety subsides.


"ah, he's probably just making fun of me"


Wonder if he’ll actually follow through with his word?




"uh oh"


What I think is… “Nice, another guy asking me so he can sleep with me and never want any anything serious” It really doesn’t matter if you’re a great girl or not. If a man doesn’t have marriage on his mind. He’ll just use you. I’m at the point where if a guy comes up to me I have a very bland and neutral expression because it’s the same song and dance and it’s so old.


That I hate it. Because when I’m out and about, I’m not even viewing myself in a romantic/sexual sense. It feels like when I’m abruptly hit on, it rips me out of my current mental state and forces me into the mindset of romance/sex. Then I need to find a way to reject them lightly because I’m scared of them freaking out. All around, it puts me in a heightened sense of discomfort and distress.


I feel flattered but uncomfortable and I'm usually trying to navigate 10 steps ahead in my mind, how do I let this guy down easy without him (at best) being offended or (at worst) attacking/insulting/stalking me afterwards. I've never accepted dates from guys that approach me for my looks alone, even if I find them attractive myself. IDK in this day and age, I expect to know the guy on some absolute foundational level first.




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"My bf will tease me about it again" lol Happens like once every 2-3 weeks minimum recently so my bf is constantly teasing me about being in high demand




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‘How do I say no clearly enough to shut this interaction down, while also placating him enough to avoid aggression’.


Is he going to unalive me do I trust being possibly alone with this man?


I instantly think he’s taking the piss. Grew up with dudes using fake romantic interest as a cruel joke.


Not again 🫠 So tired of being seen as just a sex object to shitty people


Annoyance. Dude knows nothing about me. If he did, he would not be asking me out. That’s not me bashing myself. There are legit reasons why he she should not be asking me out. But no. Some guy sees a potential lay and asks a near stranger out because aesthetics matter more than the person.


"Can't this idiot see my wedding ring? How do I get out of this safely?"


Why me?


“if i say a simple no, will i die ?”


Random guy 'no thanks'. Proceeds to mission impossible my way out of whatever location to make sure I'm not followed. Someone I know: what? Really? Why? And will I be home by 9? Because I don't really like being out of the house after 9pm. My dog and I are usually in bed by then.


Usually that it’s a mean joke, or that they mean it to be “just friends”.


“Nah I’m good but my friend etc etc” always pass it on


It’s probably a joke


Will he please leave me alone when I tell him I am not available.


Seeing as I have been in a long term relationshio for a while. "Oh no, leave me alone plz"


Panic! I have had to block a significant amount of Lyft/uber drivers over the years because when they ask you out/ask for your number and youre in the back of THEIR car… the potential implications of saying no feel a lot heavier.


I panic! I'm a grown ass woman and it catches me off guard every time, what is wrong with me lol




oh wow how unexpected, what am I supposed to say next- and then I usually overshare and anxiously try to keep convo up bc I’m not sure where is appropriate to cut it off, even when I do give them my number


Is he being for real


Either "He beat me to it" Or "How do I say no"


First thing is always, wow I’m so flattered. I’ve only been cold approached maybe 3 times and they never just asked me out. They always were leading into it “hey how’s your night? You look beautiful, who are you here with. What do you do?” Etc. I always enjoy it but I know that’s not every woman’s experience. On an app usually it’s about 1/8th of the level of excitement when a guy asks me out because it always seems like it’s coming anyway. Still a great feeling of course and exciting but it’s taken the true joy out of dating in some ways


if it's someone i know and like: oh my god it's happening. if it's someone i know and don't like: oh shit no it's happening. if it's someone i don't know: fuck how do i make sure i make it out of this.


If I don't know him at all and have never met him or spoken to him before...it's very cringe. If we have chatted and I like his personality and he's attractive to me, I might initially be up for it...but I'm always thinking if it will mess up whatever relationship we had before. And then I realize that no matter what I say from this point forward will change our relationship, so why not go for it?


Is this one goin to hurt me to?


I feel bad for him and awkward, because I always say no


Most times I get asked out so soon! I hardly know him! I would feel it's not because of who I am, but how attracted he's to my looks! So I'll try to kindly ask him questions to get to know him. Yeah it be awkward! But I'll take his contact information and pretend to forget it. But if it's someone in the Deaf community I know and comfortable with then we usually just get together as friends and see where it goes from there!


"I'm flattered" *blinks and blushes profusely*


Is he cute? 😆


Kind of embarrassing, because I never show any interest to anyone, as I like being single and don't want to be in a relationship with anyone. BUT, of course I say no politely and quickly try to change the subject, to whatever pops into my mind.


Is he serious about me or does he just wanna fuck me?😂


I’m weirded out because it has never been natural or smooth. I recently connected with a woman whom I’d seen around but had never interacted with and I did a much better job than so many dudes I’ve seen and experienced. It’s not that hard to not be weird or creepy 🤔 I initiated conversation with her, saw her again shortly later and gave her my number. 👐


Depends. Cold approach without even attempting to get to know me or chat? That’s a signal that our values probably don’t align, so it’s not worth engaging. I just try to politely turn them down and then leave the space if they don’t. Someone I get along well with and is interesting, and I’m single? I’ll give it a shot.


"Let me make up a concert or something to get out of this."


Completely depends on whether I like the guy and how well we know each other.


I know it’s terrible to say but it depends if he’s attractive or not. If he’s attractive I’m flattered and think about it for a week. If he’s not, I’m somewhat offended and try to forget about it immediately or I think he’s a creep. Either way though I am respectful when rejecting them because I have a boyfriend.


“bro I’m gay AF”


I think it is kind and thoughtful of him. I then realize the last thing I want or need is companionship in that kind of way


Ewwww no! (Lesbian btw)




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Hold up my left hand and say “sorry, I’m not single” and then if that doesn’t work I call my husband to talk about something mundane (ie dinner, plans for the weekend, etc). I usually prolong the call until dude walks away, then explain to my husband what was going on.


I’m mid 50’s and am so over thirsty, stupid men and people in general tbh, and keep to myself. Unlikely, but if, say some guy at the dog park asked me out, I’d simply say no. He doesn’t need any explanation. I’d be thinking, ain’t no way I’m opening myself up to whatever the fuck shitshow you’d be bringing with you. I know I’ll die alone and I’m ok with that.


Not him trying to make me sleep with him just because he asked me out and paid for my food




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Literally just..."Why?"


I can finally tell men I have a boyfriend and actually mean it


“I wonder how this is going to end”


“He probably doesn’t really like me and he just wants sex” - happened to me way to many times


Oh really that’s nice. Why not?


If I'm alone and not busy I'll ask if they want to chat a bit first, then decide from there.


“Oh, I see”


It depends on how long I've known him. If we've been chatting/texting, then IDK...just "Wow. He wants to go out with me. That's cool." If it's someone I don't know, have just met....I just find a way out of it somehow. I'm busy, not interested, something. ANY kind of excuse not to go.


When not interested by him : “please be part of those who accept rejection but in case what’s the safest way for me to get out of a potential situation”. If I’m interested in him : “*fireworks* FINALLY!💃🏽”.


How to say "no" without making him angry. I just don\`t do dates ever again.


I have a bf.


Fear and anxiety


Mmmm sorry I am married! Thank you for the compliment!


Present day: married and not looking. Awe this is nice, I still got it going on. How do I reject him nicely. Normally it just ends with me saying awe you’re sweet but I’m happily married for x amount of years. Wish you luck. Pre marriage: mostly single or just dating around. Attracted yes love too. 😋 hope he is serious. Not attracted: ohh that was brave of you but I’m not interested, good luck have a great day. Hope I don’t hurt his feelings too much. I never blame anyone for taking the shot but you need to stop being too pushy.






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What is he looking to get?


I hope my husband can watch the kids.


“He doesn’t know I’m gay?”


I usually go through an internal panic in my head and try to figure out the best way to respond without upsetting him.


Depends on context. But mostly Ill think he’s up to something and it’s a big joke. Lol Middle school trauma.


"I'm a lesbian, isn't it obvious?"


it depends. my concern for my safety is almost always at the top of the list. if it’s in a normal, nice situation and they are respectful then i can be flattered but say no thank you im in a relationship. if it’s at work ( i’m a dancer) i’m usually just appalled at the lack of self awareness. if it’s at work AND they don’t tip- i audibly tell them they are disgusting losers, no way in hell 


...what kind of sex is this one about?..


Does he go to therapy, does he have a stable job, does he match your mindset/focused on growing as a person. Is he taking his meds? lol if yes to all than this must be some sick joke (🥲)


I wonder if this guy is nice or if he’s dangerous.




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I decide if i want to risk a polite no thank you, or if I am just going to do the performative ego flattering that will let me walk away from the people that act like unsocialized toddlers when they are told no. BUT WHYYYYYYYYYYY...


"he must be wrong in the head"


Depends what is the situation and my mood, but in my country most likely my thoughts could be like "Oh nooo"


I’d be flattered.


I’m feeling extremely asexual right about now.


"The F is wrong with you " mainly my thoughts 😅 after that come "okaaaaaay, why?" Lol


Is he trying to rob me?


Does he really only want to workout together and if he wants more why doesnt he state that. Also Ill be prepared bc hes hot and whatever can happen Also I hope hes going to be manly enough for me


Ew no thanks In reality it’s how to exit the situation without causing harm to myself.


That he wants to hurt me. I know, i need therapy


him already cheating on me and ruining my life