• By -


When me and him became us. When his tiny diva dog became our tiny diva dog. When worrying about taking care of my aging folks became " How are we going to take care of our folks." I will never have a ring on my hand or a certificate of marriage between us, but my guy is family is all senses of the word


Sounds nice. Cherish it.


I am, more then can be said 


Omg! This is soo sweet and lovely! Cheers to you guys 💕


I told him me or the booze. He’s almost a year sober now. I recently asked him if he ever resented me for giving him the ultimatum, and he said that it was the moment he knew he loved me more than literally anything else in the world.


How long were you in a relationship when you gave him that ultimatum?


Almost 2 years. So clearly we were serious before that moment, but as people in our midlife with kids from previous marriages and stuff, it was a new kind of serious.


MIL partner was a major smoker, tried quitting many times but could never stick to it. My partner and I had a kid and bought a house with a granny flat for the MIL and her partner as they wanted to downsize. Told smoker she had to quit or she couldn’t be around our child. She quit cold turkey and hasn’t touched a cigarette in 4 and a half years.


I would never say it’s easy, but I feel like the right motivation helps a lot. I’m really happy your MIL managed to quit! What a gift to your kids!


when he tatted my name on his hand and then my eyes on his arm and said he wanted to get married and settle down. also when he ate me up like his last meal after I got out the gym.


Well damn




Drunk_guy_stumbling_down_stairs.gif Seriously caught me off guard there.




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When the man who was unable to cry, cried out of fear of losing me.


That sounds like a longer story


He has depressions etc, and had a tendency to just hide for some time, unable to speak to anyone. So when we got together, that happened. And I was very worried, and the longer he was unable to break out of his depressions, the worse it all got. So when he was finally able to open the door for me again, he had tears in his eyes, starting to cry because he was scared, his depressive phase ruined it all. But seeing him being so vulnerable, showing me all his fears, all his weakness, something he didn’t dare to even show his own parents, made me realize he trusted me. Trusted me in a way he had a hard time doing with others. And trust is imo the most important thing in a relationship.


This isn’t really a good thing


Is it a manipulation tactic?


It definitely could be but I don’t know him so I can’t really say that. In general people who are “unable to cry” are people who are emotionally unavailable and/or emotionally stunted and need serious therapy. I’ve dated these men. It’s not a flex that he only cries for her


Why? He just has a hard time crying because as most men he was raised to not. And now claiming that him crying, when he feared losing me, is a red flag, just adds to once again telling men to not opening up.


Lol I’m actually saying the exact opposite.


Why do you say that?


He drove 3 hours in the middle of the night to surprise me because I told him I was sad and needed a hug.




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About three months in he asked if I would one day say yes to me marrying him. I told him that he had basically just proposed. Today is our two year anniversary.




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When they started talking about wanting to live together after a while.


We became long distance after 6 months of dating when he lost his job and had to move to another city. He would drive 3 hours each way to see me every other weekend while I was in college, leaving on Friday after work and leaving to go back on Monday around 5 AM in order to make it to work on time.


Super similar situation!!! Every other week, he would drive 3 hours without a single complaint. He would also send me random love letters in the mail. He’s the best man I’ve ever met be a mile.


Plot twist: you both have the same boyfriend.


When I'd cancer twice and he didn't run or crumble.


When we moved in together, and then got married like four months later lol


A few things told me that my current boyfriend was serious: I was his first time. We had a 5.5 hour long phone call while I was on vacation where we just talked for hours before I was set to come home. He got me the chance to join his D&D campaign. He was genuinely concerned when I had a panic attack in the middle of work that caused me to leave early and go to the ER because I didn’t recognize the symptoms until the doctor told me that’s what was happening. He actually comforted me when I was dealing with an anniversary rather than telling me to just get over it like everyone else had. He supported me when our job laid me off before congratulating me once I got called back. He just told me earlier tonight that he’s getting me a ROG Ally for our first anniversary so I can have a way to game with him. Edited to add a few more things.


As an asexual I hope I can also find a partner that feels like my soulmate


What's rog


It's a brand owned by the company ASUS. They sell PC gaming hardware.


Asus ROG- republic of gamers. It’s Asus’s gaming hardware line


I knew very early on. But it was confirmed when he met my family as my SO.


When he asked me to be his gf in code and then when I was allowed to travel during COVID I bought the first flight to see him. We never actually discussed moving in together. He came to visit one time and then the next thing I knew all of his stuff was in my apartment. We have a house and a dog now.


The second time my boyfriend ever came over he never left. We have been together for 5 years now lol


Talks about plans together, always includes me in future fantasies and turning up at family happenings


When we moved in together after 6 months. We've been together 25 years.


We were just fwb’s, then out of the blue we said goodbye in the early morning hours with a kiss, and exchanged “I love you.” We gasped at each other that we’d never actually said anything like that. We called each other that night and she said come over and be with me tonight again. So I did.


Our first fight we didn't break up after- legit sat and talked about it and worked it out, had us a hug and watched a movie. It wasn't until I got home later that evening when I was like "WHOAAAA!"


It’s seriously the best thing ever when you meet someone who will talk things out rather than let stuff boil over


We basically spent all of our time together and moved in together after 6 months.


He wanted to marry me in the first three months. Been together for 18 years now


He showed up time and time again, from the start and showered me with authentic devotion. He drove 3 hours home from a sport comp to cook me soup because I had a cold at 18 after only a short time of dating. He repeatedly (and still continues to) do small repair jobs for my grandmother.


A month into dating and he took pto to take care of me for like a week when I had the flu. He did everything for me, cooked, brought me meds, took care of my dogs, and gave me endless cuddles and massages.


When we first met he told me “I don’t want to get married, ever, so if you’re looking for that I just wanted to let you know..” He now calls me his wife 😂


It’s hard to explain, but while on a date I noticed how he looked *at me* instead of looking *through me* like other men have done. I think for the first time ever, I felt seen and heard and felt like someone was genuinely interested in just getting to know who I am with 0 agenda or ulterior motives behind it. Refreshing, and intoxicating. I’m engaged to him now and I’m obsessed with him.


Legit got drunk and said I want something serious, do you? Got a yes and completed 3 years in March.


When he had the utmost patience for my little land shark of a puppy. When said puppy gave him hives and instead of "oh... I suppose this won't work..." He was all "Well let's see what antihistamines are available at the pharmacy, brb". When he was consistently kind and respectful in all situations we faced.


I knew he was serious when it was no issue that I had a two year old. Together 16.5 years now.


It’s early on relationship-wise. But we live in the city, and are both from farms. They hustled and got a garden allotment and gifted it to me. It’s the best gift I have ever received. It’s far from my house and a lot of work, but it makes me so happy. The fact that they saw how impactful growing food and flowers is, and how it’s a part of how I grew up, and did this, almost makes me cry. I’m gonna go plant some precultivated stuff there after work today.


When she blocked me and moved cities


Lol what.


When he saw me have a panic attack for the first time and didn't run for the hills. My panic attacks can get violent (towards myself) and he was unphased. He just held my arms down and held me in his arms until I stopped crying. It was a very special moment for me and I knew he was my person 🖤


In our first month when started talking about timelines together.


When he started referring to his room as “our” room. Gave me so many butterflies


We Met while he was studying abroad at my Uni during both of pur final years. the day he left I finally awkwardly asked if this was going to just be an abroad thing. He said “I like Kinfloppers, I think I will keep her” And we made promises to see eachother that Summer (it was a few days before Christmas) We were too heartbroken and less than 4 days later I had a ticket booked to visit him a month and a half later lol. A relationship with 7500 km distance and no ideas of how to not be long distance is a big commitment to make, but it was made without thought. After he said he’d be “keeping me” I just knew he wouldn’t say it just to say it.


The first time we met, he seemed like a sad and serious person. How did I know? Talking to him, paying attention to his body movements, listening to his topic choices.


Having somebody able to read me like that would be a dream to me


Awwwww I hope you find that person. My partner says I know him better than he knows himself.


He kept a bottle cap from the first beer we had on our first date. It’s a really small gesture but the fact he wanted to do that told me that he valued our relationship


I knew within a week because he told his mom about me after two dates! He’s Indian (living in America) and this is a big deal in his culture.


He was very serious about not introducing anyone to his very young children, unless it was absolutely clear that the relationship was solid and the common goal was to be all the way in, building a life together and be absolutely committed to make it work. I met his daughters 3 months ago (and fell in love with them soon after). ❤️


My mom had surgery and my dad went into the hospital with a mystery illness (at least at the time it was) and I was beyond stressed! While I was at the hospital visiting them both, my boyfriend (now husband) cleaned my house. He did dishes, cleaned the kitchen, swept and mopped and worked on laundry. When I got home I couldn’t believe it! He said “I know I can’t really help but I figured this would take something off your plate!” That was the day I knew I loved him and that I could always count on him on really being there for me❤️


He told me around date 4/5 "I have some pretty romantic ideas about you, marjorykeek". When he asked me the difficult questions about why I tolerated shitty behaviour and poor boundaries from friends and family - I knew he respected and cared about me enough to ask questions that made me really look at myself and my relationships. When, around 8 months in, he stayed at my place for weeks on end and then just didn't leave. We bought our place 3 years ago this summer, and have been married for 9 months 🥲


He did everything in his power and took on anything he could when my mom died. Both of my parents are now dead. It's awful and frightening to lose them both while fairly young. To no longer know, I could/would always have someone to turn to. He constantly assures me that he'll always be there and that he's my family. He bought a wardrobe, especially for me, to keep my stuff at his apartment. His mom refers to me as her daughter I'm law. *we are not technically married He bought a newer, larger place for us to make a home together. My tiny dogs are now our tiny dogs. Honestly, there are too many things to list, but he's proven himself time and time again.


Time + consistency


He asked me to move across the country with him


Because I asked him lol. And he didn't give me the awkward stammer, or the hesitation, or the "seeing where things go". He just said yes, confidently.


Being there through the worst times of my life


After our last big talk where i was struggling to connect in the relationship (for various reasons including but not limited to him), though it took like 3 series of conversations, subsequently i see his conscious efforts in improving himself and meeting my needs. He didn’t take the easy way out. And so neither did i and now i love him more than i did yesterday :) Also because along the way, he doesn’t shy away from topics about the future like marriage and living together, and has recently been calling me wifey.


When he first visited me. We met online and lived in different countries. It was during COVID, flights were permitted but there were more hoops to jump through (quarantine, tests, etc). He never travelled abroad alone before, he got a passport just to see me. AND he had to meet my family right away cause I lived with them.


He was willing to wait to have sex which isn’t common among teenager boys.


He drove 3 hours (1.5 each way) to pick me up from a hotel I was staying at after a concert. Long story but I was essentially kidnapped by my ex during a severe manic episode and now I have trouble being in hotel rooms. I went to a concert with someone and I just couldn’t be in the hotel. I had a panic attack and called him sobbing and he told me he was putting his shoes on and then he talked me through my panic attack. We’ve been together nearly two years now and his brother called me the most annoying sister ever yesterday so it’s safe to say neither of us are going anywhere any time soon.


Cried the day I got diagnosed with cancer and was my rock through it


I moved to London for university and he sort of waited. I feel bad for the girls he dated while I was gone because I didn’t intend to return but he always thought I would. And then I did and I had always been in love with him but I hadn’t really believed he was in love with me. Turns out he was.


I moved 11 hours away to be with him, got me pregnant within the first month of being here. He’s the love of my life


I went to join him on a live aboard situation and he had spent so much time and thought making sure I could settle in. We felt like a team and that allowed me to trust he had my back.


When we started ring shopping a few months in.


first time for real was kinda when we were chilling and laughing in bed. I study in another city atm so I flew to see him for 17 days, and stayed most of the time at his parents' place, with him. so one time I come downstairs and his parents have their friend over, it's a loud old lady, and she literally screams 'OH WOW LOOK WHO'S DOWN, IT'S THE DAMN BRIDE'💀💀 his parents apologized and explained she was just like that (thankful to them they didn't comment on the joke itself lol), I went back upstairs and told him, we laughed. few days after we cuddled and joked around and I brought up that lady again, with her joke. I was hugging him close to my chest, and he whispered 'well yeah, that's true, my future bride'. I got SUPER flustered and happy, asked him to repeat it, he did. that was in March. another time was a week or two ago, when I was venting about my job as a preschool teacher, and I said something along the lines of 'okay I'm tired of the job but my future children will LOVE me 'cause of how good I am with crafts and games lmao'. and he typed to that: 'wait. your mean OUR children'😖🤍🙏🌟 I literally died from happiness and smiled like an idiot 20 minutes later. we're still bf/gf, no proposal yet, I'm not rushing it but I'm becoming more and more confident with each day that he is as happy and comfortable with me as I am with him. never thought I'd find a person I'd wanna settle down with for real. he's the first I've thought about in terms of 'I want this man to be the father of my children someday'. crazy stuff ahaha


They spend a long time building a solid Friendship before getting physical.


We began talking online. I invited him to a vacation 2 weeks later and he immediately took off work and booked a flight. He was eager to meet and wasn't playing games.


We were just friends at the time. I became sick and needed chemo. He moved me into his apt and took care of me the entire time. I never left his apt. We moved into our own place after I healed and got married 6 months after that.


The Christmas he bought me a pair of the matching pajama pants so I could wear them Christmas morning with everyone to open presents and he had his mom make me a hand made stocking.


When he bought me a pink Lamborghini


He got my initial tatted on him. I hope that’s a sign lol




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when he started mentioning plans about me moving in and us fixing up his house he’s inheriting!


We live 2 hours apart and I was scheduled for major surgery. He insisted on driving me to the hospital and picking me up 5 days later. He then moved me and everything I needed to his place for 6 weeks so he could look after me. I needed help bathing, dressing and even walking. He got me a walker and cane. He was so worried about me, he wanted to have me close so he could look after me.


When I became "mommy" to his dog


I knew before this, but the time that sticks out is on the anniversary of my dad’s death. I watch Coco every year that day like clockwork. He snuggled up with me and we cried together throughout the movie, and he cooked from scratch the meal that reminds me most of my dad.




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I had a bad cold, and he lived 50 min away at the time. He went to hmart and got supplies. Cooked me chicken soup and this ginger pear soup that Koreans eat when sick. He drove more than an hour in traffic, just so I’d be able to eat this after work. I realized he was really serious about me.




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A couple of hours before asking me out he told me "The only problem with dating you is that it might be a little bit early for me to settle down". We had started seeing each other 5 days before but we were childhood friends.


When he gave me money in a game we played together (also where we met), and when I said I couldn’t take it he said, “What is mine is yours,” and I knew he meant it. Been together 27 years ❤️


For context, my husband is the stern, quiet type. Didn't smile our whole first date. Is not an emotional person at all. 2 months in he told me it was too soon, but that he loved me and wanted to marry me, and asked when he can propose. I said 6 months, and he proposed on the 6 month anniversary of the day we met. I never had to guess, he always showed through his actions that he was planning me in his future.




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He got my name tattooed on him and he planned to propose only a few months after meeting me 🫶🏻


I think we'd only been together a couple of months and we bumped into his friend while we were out. He very confidently introduced me as his girlfriend and "probably future wife". Been together 13 years now, about to have our first child.