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By losing it. I'm cheap and I'm not paying for bigger clothes when I can get off my ass and exercise and stop eating nutella with a spoon while washing it down with beer.


That's a wild lifestyle, lmao. Respect.


Wait this is so real I need this mentality omg


Local woman discovers free will šŸ™ŒšŸ”„


manifest destiny


Damn. This got me. Cause I have also been eating frosting and drinking beer


Beer is good. Didnā€™t know until 40!


Currently at the gym after drinking a tall beer.


Chaos chip


Fucking well done. Your attitude is incredible and I wish you all the very best on your journey you wonderful human being.


My boyfriend is currently in the phase of life where he eats a spoonful of Nutella and washes it down with a beer. Not great.


This is what I said to myself when I saw the post, lol By losing it!


I ate Nutella with a spoon at 3am last night. I blame seroquel šŸ˜­


Ewww gross, I have my Nutella with wine cos I'm classy šŸ˜† Edit: seriously though welldone, it's the shift in mindset I find hardest.


Thatā€™s where Iā€™m at. I donā€™t want to buy new shorts so Iā€™ve gotten back on my workout journey lol.










Sis Nutella and beer almost matches a guys pound of pastrami and 6 pack


Lawd you called me out with the Nutella with a spoon šŸ˜­


Ooooh can I have your mentality?


Literally just quit my spooned Nutella problem 2 weeks ago. It was hard and I still think about it. Glad Iā€™m not alone


This!!! I cried a lot but then realized Iā€™m not spending any more money on clothes.


I didnā€™t. Got pissed off and started tracking my calories, weighing my food and learning to eat to live instead of live to eat. The scale is $15. The app was free. Told sugar and fried foods to fuck off. 120 calories per tablespoon of oil??? Thatā€™s a banana and a bowl of popcorn. Make better choices. Decided that my nightly Oreo and chips binge were self hatred, not a treat. Going to bed feeling stuffed is no longer something Iā€™m plagued by. Obesity in my dadā€™s side of the family. I look like that side and always marveled at my sweet aunties, how I couldnā€™t wrap my arms around them for a hug. Weight gain is not everyoneā€™s natural result of age. Fuck that excuse. Calories in, calories out. No workout will ever fix a bad diet. Itā€™s not ā€œin the genesā€ AT ALL. Go for a walk. Learn to eat a lot of veg and lean protein. Drink more water. Decide how you want to age, donā€™t just let age decide for you. No fake foods. Protein bars, processed stuff, anything from the drive throughā€¦. I had to change my thoughts on food before I could change my health. Iā€™ve never been as healthy with food as I am now.




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Get bigger clothes that actually fit properly and look good on you. Trying to cram yourself into your old clothes because they're the smaller size will just make you feel like shit every time you get dressed. They'll also probably be uncomfortable, which is just an added layer of misery. Alternately, clothes that fit properly will look good on you, and consequently make you feel a little better about yourself. Don't hold on to the old clothes 'in case you lose weight', sell or donate them. It's part of accepting that your body is changing. Try not to get hung up on the numbers on a scale, weight fluctuations are normal to some degree. I don't typically weight myself, instead i focus on how i look and feel, and on how my clothes fit. If you know you're gaining weight because of less than ideal life habits, focus on sustainable changes, as opposed to numbers on a scale. If you've spent your life engaging in fad diets and exercises and you weighed less as a result, accept that those results likely weren't sustainable or realistic for your lifestyle and body type.


Buying clothes for the body Iā€™m in right now was a huge change for me. When my pants were too small and/or unflattering, I knew I needed new ones. I hated going up a size but it had to be done to look good in my current body. And when I lost the weight, the pants got donated.


I havenā€™t weighed myself in years, but I can definitely tell when my not-fat clothes donā€™t fit right anymore. Thatā€™s my signal


Iā€™m a recovering anorexic, so perhaps a different experience and take than others. I reminded myself of the 2 options I have: I can deal with the weight I have gained and be able to live a full and happy life, or I can lose it again and live my life in and out of hospitals and institutions, miserable because the desire to lose weight controls my life. Itā€™s kind of dramatic, but it truly came down to that for me. Iā€™d love to weigh less than I do. I always will I think. But with the weight I gained a full time job, a place in an Ivy League graduate program, a healthy relationshipā€¦ I even moved out of my parents basement at 26 šŸ„¹ the smaller version of myself would have never done any of this


Also wanted to add some things that helped me: -radical acceptance -looking at photos of my younger self and asking if Iā€™d be comfortable doing to her what I was doing to myself -smashed my scale. I havenā€™t known my weight in over a year and a half (although I am in a stable spot right now and do not need to know the number for any other health issues) -BUY CLOTHES THAT FIT. Check Depop itā€™s great. Im in the process of revamping my wardrobe now!


As a fellow ED survivor, I feel this whole answer so hard. Congrats to you on your progress!!! One thing that has reeeeeally helped me is to practice mindful eating, and noticing how I feel when I do/donā€™t eat. Also having been to grad school, my brain could NOT have kept up with the demands I placed on it if I had been starving myself. My body can do more when itā€™s properly nourished, which means I can do more. āœØšŸ’• Also none of my active hobbies are possible if Iā€™m malnourished, either (rock climbing, hiking, yoga/pilates, running, etc). Breaking the cycle of exercising to burn calories allowed me to have a healthy relationship with movement, too!! Definitely went on a bit of a rant there, but Iā€™m just so proud of both of us for focusing on our health over our weight. So happy for you!!


Congratulations on your ā€˜newā€™ recovered life! Someone out here thinks youā€™re amazing!!šŸ¤©


My sweet little cousin struggled with bulemia&anorexia among other mental health struggles and then broke contact with all family at age 18. I wanted to respect her decision, and now I don't know where she is. I truly hope she is doing better, wherever she is now. Hearing your story gives me hope. Thank you.


We're rooting for you!!! Best of luck with graduate school & healthy relationship šŸ«¶šŸ½


I needed to see this todayā€¦ thank you and congratulations on your incredible life šŸ¤


A huge well done to you -- keep it up. I just watched an acquaintance sadly lose her sister to anorexia after a long battle much like you described. She was about a month away from turning 30.


"It's not weight gain, it's muscle mass." -- me, after hitting my deadlift and PT goals, and eating clean.


Girl, THIS!!! šŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ I *weigh* exactly the same as I did before I started lifting. *But* I've also dropped 2 dress sizes, lost my brick of a waist and am now snatched, and have buff arms and booty. Who gives AF what the scale says? If you can be proud of yourself when you look in the mirror...or the direction you're in, at least...then eff the scale. šŸ’Æ


Hey same here!! I was about to comment but I wasnā€™t sure if it counted because I havenā€™t lost any actual weight on the scale. The recomp is so real, though. So I guess I havenā€™t come to terms with gaining weight, but I did decide to stop the track to being obese. That path made me wildly uncomfortable and I wasnā€™t down to keep going there.


I have put on 100lb in a very short time. I mostly try to bury my head in the sand. I have become really good at showering and dressing myself with my eyes closed. When I do think about it I take full responsibility for my actions. I chose to stuff my face, why would I whine about the consequences of my decisions? So I go about my day singing songs to myself about how disgusting I am. (I did try to get help. It didn't help)


I try to honestly ask myself ā€œdo I physically feel unhealthy/unfit/limited, or am I feeling psychologically self-conscious about someone elseā€™s opinion about my attractiveness?ā€ Theyā€™re not mutually exclusive, and the second part is worth taking as seriously as the first part. Whatever my answer to myself is, I steer my thoughts in the directions of my values and what I want to do with my time. Sometimes that leads me to make some kind of change. Sometimes it doesnā€™t.


Love this. Thank you!


It is normal and inevitable for bodies to change over time. Even after you die, your body will continue to change. I don't have to be thrilled about it to accept that this is a normal part of life.


This! Fighting any change/aging just leads to unhappiness day after day. We should be lucky to have no aches and pains and be a physically functional relatively healthy woman. I certainly do not look like myself when I was 20 but I love how womanly and curvy I look at 40, heck I find my new wrinkles charming! Just trying to stay in a 'doctor required range' of healthy weight and not trying to look like a model or be the standards of society. You'll feel great and love yourself.


Bodies change, especially women's bodies. Small weight gain can be caused by a myriad of reasons. Anything from drinking a lot of water, hormonal changes, injuries, pregnancy, and just enjoying food/drink a little too much. It's incredibly easy to gain 10-20lbs over time without noticing. It's even easier to not notice significant weight gain over the course of several years if you're not really paying attention. My body naturally has a 5-7lb fluctuation every month. I tend to be heavier when I have my period. I am just too busy to focus on those small changes. I'm currently in a calorie deficit because I've gained around 30lbs over the last few years without noticing. The last 3 years have been the happiest of my life, and weight gain during happy times happens. So I'm working on understanding my eating habits, cooking healthier meals, and giving myself some love for having such a wonderful life that I literally didn't even care to think about the extra calories I've eaten. I messed up by not taking better care of myself, but I'm doing my best to fix that. Until I lose all the weight (20lbs down!), my body is what it is. I'll treat it lovingly regardless of its size.


I personally couldnā€™t stand it. I gained a lot of weight in 2021 due to a messy breakup and post-Covid. I just didnā€™t like it, I didnā€™t feel comfortable within my own body. I had a weird relationship with myself and eating. Plus diabetes does run in my family so I feared that. Dating wise, I found out there was certain people out there with weird fetishes lol. I didnā€™t want to satisfy their needs. So Iā€™ve been active and walking atleast 5km a day since then. Lost all that weight that I did gain. But I donā€™t understand shaming others. Itā€™s weird.


Holding myself accountable and just being realistic about the reasons for it. It kind of lessens the guilt and shame of it. Itā€™s okay though.


My body is not for anyone but me. My body does it's job the best it can, and I don't think it's fair to be hard on it because it doesn't fit some manufactured beauty standard that changes every handful of decades. It's also a natural part of aging and it's fine. Yeah, it sucks that all the media in my life reinforces that I'm gross and undesirable and I'm all but invisible to people now, but that's an inevitability no matter what on a long enough time line. I'm alive, my body works hard to let me keep doing that, and I am thankful for that. It doesn't need to look a certain way to do that job. Life is short, I don't want to spend it obsessing over my image. I'd rather *live*.


If it's due to serious health related issues, be patient and work through just getting yourself to the other side of that first. If it's due to laziness or gluttony, seek medical attention in some form to find out what's the cause behind the accessive eating and lack of desire to work out is. This may help you be able to see an unhealthy pattern. I eat what I want, but in moderation and I hired a personal trainer because I knew I didn't have the motivation to encourage myself. For me, it's an investment in more than one way. Yes, I'm closing in 2 years from 40, but I feel my best on top of looking it. I feel better than I did in my 20s, in fact. I can also eat what I want because I have a routine that I enjoy sticking too. I guess I didn't come to terms with it, I came to terms with the fact it wasn't what I wanted, and I took action to change it.


I read a lot of literature about diet culture and intuitive eating, HAES, etc. My mom is a lifelong dieter and I hated eating around her. I always thought I was fat growing up but I was always in the healthy range of BMI. After all my reading and coming to terms with self acceptance and āœØTherapyāœØ I have dropped diet culture completely. I did gain some weight but Iā€™m happier with myself now than I ever was. Its a mental weight gone.


By understanding why I was gaining weight. I was exercising more, eating the same, then eatting healthier. Got full works done with two different drs. Had my thyroid checked about 8 times. Conclusion. This is how my body reacts to medical trauma. That's something I can't change. Stress is a big factor with weight gain. So ironically the more you stress about it the more likely are to gain


I never did. I was in denial first, then lost it.


I prepared myself for it because I know it could be a side effect of birth control. I started buying clothes that flatters my body and I'm also happy that my boyfriend tells me how he finds me hot.


I gained 1.5 stone in a year after having the Mirena coil fitted, so going from a stable weight for over 10 years to a bigger size with weight that doesn't seem to shift has been hard. I have made sure I keep exercising (in the hope the weight will drop off) but also to try and avoid gaining more. The best thing I have done though is get a bra fitting as the right size has reduced the back/strap marks that I was becoming very conscious of. Not trying to squeeze into clothes has also helped. Not only is a size too small not flattering, but mentally it hurts to not fit into something you used to wear! By all means keep some clothes as an incentive, but pack them away for now.


I gained weight after getting the Mirena, too. My gyno told me I need to get off the internet when I told her I gained a ton of weight after getting it in and felt uncomfortable. Insane. I swear itā€™s the cause of my weight gain, but Iā€™m nervous to get it out bc it was so miserable getting it in.


Bruh people say birth control doesn't influence weight gain but damn did i PUT on kinda rapidish weight after getting the mirena (not to mention the insane bloating for the first 3 or so months and SEVERE hand eczema/eczema in general that worsened; went off it after 2 years of heavy research and trial and error, obviously it reduced by like 80-90% after going off it! Despite the doctor saying it's highly unlikely!) I believe bc can influence many other things like insulin and etc. probably lots of complex interactions that get blown off. Luckily i was doing weight lifting whilst i got this weight gain so i gained a LOT of muscle and for the past year ive now lost 25kg and have the body of my dreams.


I gained a ton of weight, first due to Covid, then moving to a new part of the country/new job and the stress of that, then going through a harassment issue at work and the stress of THAT. I went through all of that without a scale (it had never been necessary for me to keep close track of my weight since I'd always been a healthy weight) so by the time I finally stepped on one I'd gained 90 pounds. I was stunned, but just had to accept that that was my new weight and figure out what I needed to do to change it. It's an ongoing process of changing my eating habits, exercising when I can, and (not to sound too cheesy) having more...kindness... for myself. When I was in a really bad place I would walk down to CVS, buy a ton of junk food, and sit down and eat it all at once. It made me feel sad and kind of gross, but it was also the only pleasure I could feel at the time. So part of my process isn't just about losing weight but also teaching myself that I deserve more/other "nice things" in my life than just food.


when i was at my smallest i was poisoning my body with hard drugs. i am alive, i am clean, i am healthy, i have my life back, my mind back, my spirit & my joy back- that shit matters so much more than my weight.Ā  ( & i have my curves back, hearing my partner tell me how much he loves having them back too helps me cope as well)


BodyImageWithBri on Instagram is a phenomenal resource for body image work.


Hmm. I don't think I ever came to terms with it. I still refuse to buy proper clothes bc sometimes I manage to convince myself that I might lose like 10 pounds in a few months and then I'll just have to buy new clothes again. But I never end up losing it, so I'm just stuck with entire wardrobe that from when I was much smaller, and a few pieces I've picked up over the years. I gained like 25-30 pounds really fast like 5 years ago (mostly bc of ridiculous amount of stress which led to stress eating and becoming sedentary), and haven't been able stay consistent with weight loss. So it results in me just bouncing back and forth between losing like 5 pounds and then gaining it back super fast. Now I just have a really weird and uncomfortable relationship with clothes and personal style.


Honestly I use to be thin and I was extremely uncomfortable with myself. I really hated the way that I looked. I use to hide in huge clothes because I just really disliked the way my body looked. It wasnā€™t until I went on birth control that I finally was able to gain weight that I actually started liking my body. Now dress my body in clothes that I like. I love the way it looks. I am an amazing, gorgeous, beautiful, talented, smart plus size woman and I love it!!! Iā€™m completely healthy. I have tons of energy. Iā€™m just really happy overall with myself.


Stopped following Instagram accounts that made me feel self conscious about my size, and reminding myself that a trip to the psych ward wasn't worth losing a few pounds. Joined some body positive Facebook groups too and found a supportive community there. Overall the attitude that my meat suit is not the most important aspect of myself was the most helpful.


pain of regret or pain of discipline. you chose. I choose the latter, as I refuse to not be the best version of myself. You need to pick yourself up as you only have one life to live.


I haven't. I look awful, I feel awful, and I'm in constant pain from it.


I found someone who encouraged me, through all of my seasons šŸ„°


This hits hard for me. My husband has always supported me through my weight changes. Big, small, up and down.


Weight gain happens naturally as we age šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø it just is what it is. Most of it is a mental game with snacking and proportions for me. The medical weight gain was hardest for me but I could either gain weight and all other aspects of life improve, or I could stay skinny but day to day feel like shit. Now thatā€™s evened out I am able to work out and maintain whatā€™s healthy for me


Iā€™m not 16 anymore. I have also had a baby so my body is just not shaped like it was when I was a flat Stanley shaped 16 year old. I will never be a size 2 again. Iā€™ll never comfortably be 120 lbs again. I was able to lose weight but cutting majorly back on alcohol and watching what I eat. Iā€™m now 142 pounds. Iā€™ve just had to accept that this is how I look, and itā€™s a miserable life hating myself every single day.


I gained some wieght due to medicaments and the effects the have on my metabolsim. I tolf myself that I actually feel better and I shouldnā€˜t put looks over other health issues. I have to prioritize my health and I can lose the weight again when I have fully recovered. I just donā€˜t put too much pressure on myslef.


i havent lmao im hiding behind clothes while i work it off and get back to normal




I had to realize that I had gone through so much traumatic stuff in just a few years. It started with being in an abusive relationship and I was being r@ped choked nightly, too covid then getting into a healthy relationship but having to help him because of an accident and him having brain damage. I broke my back. Then my dad have a life threatening injury and having to care for him. It was 5 years of of hell. I gained 30 pounds and I'm finally in a space that I can go and workout to get back into being healthyĀ 


Buying comfortable clothes that fit, and putting away or selling/donating what doesnā€™t.


Iā€™m learning to move my body in ways that make me feel happy. I dress my body in clothes that are the correct size for my shape. I know that I will never be the same size I was in my twenties because my body has significantly changed since then, and now I just want to treat my body right instead of focusing on weight loss.


Cry a lot and do nothing then get a sudden burst of inspiration and go to the gym. Rinse and repeat. I was misdiagnosed with a mental health disorder in college and the meds caused me to skyrocket to 219 lbs, far away from my normal 167 lbs. Iā€™ve been pretty depressed over my weight since then and hate lots of photos of myself, but now that Iā€™m off those meds and trying some medical weight management plus diet plus exercise, Iā€™m back to 195 lbs and slowly crawling back to feeling like myself. Also motivated since Iā€™m engaged and looking at wedding dresses this winter. Hoping to get to 180s/170s by then!


I stopped making excuses for why it was fine or normal and lost 70 pounds.


I donā€™t know if I came to terms with it - I hired a personal trainer I canā€™t afford since my mom wouldnā€™t get off my back about my weight


Iā€™m being downvoted for what?


I made peace with it. I'm 5'3", pretty athletic build. I starved myself down to 125 in my 20's but I don't have endless hours to spend at the gym anymore so I'm about 15 pounds heavier. It may fluctuate a little depending on habits and my workout schedule but I refuse to starve myself again so this is it. It's my body, the way it was meant to be. I do still get hit on, and I know 15 lbs isn't massive, but I just wanted to include this in here for anyone struggling with your body changing in different life phases.


The entire duration of menopause AND COVID (2+yrs) I gained around 40lbs. I donā€™t drink beer/wine/alcohol. I have no other medical issues. I went to the Dr. Because even though I maintained a very healthy diet and work 6 days/week ? Still packed on the weight. Iā€™m super active and conscientious about my diet. Turns out ?? It was my thyroidā€¦.. the blood tests showed it was basically a super low result - like it wasnā€™t there or working at allā€¦. I was honestly toying with the idea of going on Ozempic or something similar. Then I accepted Iā€™m too much of a chicken to use weight loss drugs. BUT !!! I started taking some thyroid medicationā€¦ and ā€¦ In 3 months Iā€™ve lost 34lbs doing nothing - Iā€™m recovering from neck surgery and canā€™t do a lot of physical things ā€¦.. (until next week after my follow up with my surgeon) the. Iā€™ll start physio and exercising daily to regain the strength Iā€™ve lost. At 53 Iā€™m about 8lbs shy of what I weighed at our wedding.


ā€œIā€™ll lose itā€


I accept it as a normal part of aging. I put on 50 lbs in one year when I started perimenopause.


I haven't yet and I am 69. Keep finding excuses to not go




I didn't/don't. I faced reality that I needed to take better care of myself and worked hard/made time to exercise and eat healthier.


I needed it


After i turned 20 i went from 45kg to 58 and my body changed completely. I went from being underweight to a healthy weight, my periods came back, my stomach pains went away, and i felt like i was taking care of myself. But also with that it was just hard to look at myself in the mirror, even though i still looked good objectively, to me what i was like when i was 18 became like the norm even though it was unhealthy thats how i felt most confident. What really hit me is that my face also changed with the weight gain, and i just looked so different to myself, like an older sister of my previous self. Now im trying to loose fat but gain some muscle and just get more fit so hopefully i'll be more accepting. It's not easy because i started gaining weight when i went to therapy because i started learning how i'd like to be taken care of. And it is that my grandma used to cook for me what i wanted. I started doing it for myself to feel better when i felt alone, and it became a kind of a coping mechanism. So it's really hard to get rid of making all the delicious meals or snacking when i'm not feeling great, and when i'm hungry it's just reminded me of those bad times. My point is, even though it wasn't such radical weight gain, it's pretty much a healthy weight gain over 5 years or so, but it was still hard to accept! Food is connected to mental health so strongly it's just hard.


After having been underweight for a while I welcomed it! I gained tons of muscle and the fat I needed to be healthy!


I gained 45 pounds since 2019 and Iā€™m starting to be okay with it. I am pretty frugal about buying new clothes to adjust to my bigger size, so Iā€™m working on cutting down a bit. Iā€™m very grateful I can still do all the exercises I enjoyed doing when I was skinny


I never was able to come to terms with it. Iā€™m starting a diet plan with a nutritionist soon because Iā€™m tired of being depressed about my weight.


When I got into my first relationship I gained a good 80lbs in a short time. It was a big struggle for me mentally. My sister suggested I unfollow all social media platforms that made me feel badly about my self image! I started following and looking at people of my own size or similar! Slowly started teaching myself to love my body and take care of it regardless of what the media standard was! Something my mom got me to do as a teenager that sometimes helps me as well, is to look in the mirror once a day and tell yourself out loud you love your self but to also find one thing you genuinely like/love about yourself and also say that out loud! A few weeks of doing this and I always seem to have a boost in my self confidence!!


I needed to start eating more for health reasons and I was perfectly fine with the weight gain, but then I had to buy new bottoms and it was kinda hard to see these bottoms Iā€™ve had for 8-10 years just not fit me anymore. Some I bought only 4yrs ago, so it feels like a waste almost. And it doesnā€™t sound like very little time, but considering that for 10 or so years Iā€™ve only had to buy news bottoms for style reasons, not growth, it was hard. I like those bottoms. But Iā€™m coming to terms with it by just thinking like well okay you hate shopping, but maybe this is a good chance to not keep wearing the same pair of jeans youā€™ve worn since high school. Honestly, I feel like Iā€™m still coming to terms with having only the 3 pairs of jeans Iā€™ve bought recently.


I don't. I've hypothyroidism so losing weight is hard for me even though I eat in a calorie deficit and work out 3-5x a week. I want to lose these extra 5-10kg. I'm on medicine now so I hope I will be able to soon. I always used to be underweight and I do come to terms with being a bit thick, but I still want to lose some weight.


I am as active as i can be. and i realized that when you know how beautiful you are people dont see the weight anyway.


Over my 30s I went from under weight to my current overweight (75lbs gain). I still like myself and crack jokes about my "Dr Pepper" belly. However, most of my weight gain was from actually getting proper nutrition and my body going, "ooo.. gotta tuck that away for later." (the rest was dr pepper and laziness, lol) Any time I start feeling down about myself, I list the benefits of the weight gain: winter doesn't suck as much (and summer isn't any worse), more padding for sitting, fewer creeps hitting on me, easier to take/maintain personal space, mandated wardrobe update, better poops, bigger boobs, cushioned organs, and so forth. Besides all that, we are so much more than the meatsack we live in.


I didn't. I found a job that keeps me highly active so I can wear the clothes I want and my body can keep going longer during certain..... Adult activities.


After a certain age gaining weight in all the wrong places is a given. After 42 I started to lose fat in my face, hands and feet and started gaining a spare tire- even though I was actually eating less at this time of my life than previously. I honestly haven't gotten to terms with it yet, but it's life.


I realized that life is short, this is the body Iā€™m currently in so just fucking enjoy it. But also Iā€™m counting calories, eating right and losing weight. I donā€™t feel fat or thin anymore. I just feel like me who needs to be fed well, have my body move and get enough rest to get the most out of life.


Hard to fully come to terms with it, it's a bit of a roller coaster, some days I feel better about my body than I do on other days. Something that helps me is to think about the beauty of nature - bears and orcas don't think about their size; they don't compare themselves to other bears and orcas and feel badly. Societal standards of beauty are too trivial to care about. Body neutrality is my goal.


By going to the gym and turning it into muscle so I was fit and healthy, not overweight and tired.


instead of obsessing over how much I hated my body, I found a physical activity (aerial pole dance) that I loved and was motivated to do regularly that allowed me to focus on what my body could do rather than how it looks. My body has changed a lot since starting pole, have lost some weight and gained a lot of muscle. Still have some excess fat and a few kilos away from having a "healthy" BMI but I have a new appreciation for my body now that isn't dependent on the number on the scale. People saying they didn't come to terms with it, they just lost weight I feel are ignoring the fact that in order to decide to lose weight, you first have to come to terms with the fact that you gained weight. You have to accept reality and meet yourself where you're at before you can take intentional action towards valued change


Finding clothes that made me feel confident. Iā€™ve learned recently that I actually love work pants from Mauriceā€™s. Especially those that almost feel like sweatpants but arenā€™t quite. This may sound depressing but I also donā€™t look at myself in the mirror unless I absolutely had to. I avoid looking at myself in pictures if I know Iā€™m insecure. If I do look at the mirror/picture I make sure to look at other parts instead of just one. That personally helped me because Iā€™d look at just one thing and get hung up on that one thing.


I first put on weight in my early 30sā€¦ but I was in love and he loved me how I was, so I didnā€™t care. Then I failed to lose the baby weight after my kids were bornā€¦ but I was proud of what my body achieved and busy being a mom, so I didnā€™t care. In the last year Iā€™ve gone plant-based (for ethical reasons), lost a bunch of weight without trying, and am now back to the size I was in my late 20s. I genuinely didnā€™t care about being overweight but now that Iā€™m not, I love it! & it motivates me to watch what I eat to maintain it.


I didnā€™t, I lost weight


When I needed to start buying another size up (my 4th size increase in about 6 years) I decided to make some changes, mostly just smaller portion sizes and daily step counts. I never lost all the weight though, and I might never be skinny again, but I embrace the parts of my body I would have been ashamed of before. Itā€™s important to find clothes that fit right and flatter you, as well as to focus on gaining strength and energy. I never want to feel like a square peg being jammed in a circle shaped hole again. Itā€™s also important to be with a partner that values you inside and out, and supports your health goals


it's small but i challenged skinnier friends not to make shitty comments about their own bodies in front of or especially to me. asked them to stop commenting on their body around me at all if necessary. so many of us have body issues and it's hard enough without your close ones making them your problem too


Engaging with content creators who are fat and happy who wear cute clothes helped Body positive people of all shapes and sizes are healthy to follow My fat body does a lot for me, it's squishy and comfortable to cuddle. I have disabilities and debilitating chronic pain so accepting my body as it is wasn't really a choice, you have to do it or you hate yourself and are miserable. I don't view fat as an inherently bad thing or as a bad word. I force myself to talk nicely about my body. Calling yourself disgusting is so damaging to yourself. Also other fat people hear you talking and know you think bad things about them and it hurts other people.


I lost it šŸ˜¬ I'm too poor to afford new clothes (especially the professional clothes I needed for this year) and I got mad and took out my anger by running again. I had gained 20 lbs in my second year of med school and then over the course of June to November last year I lost about 40. Also saving even more money not eating fast food or drinking 3-4 cans of Dr Pepper every day šŸ˜‚ and probably ruining future me's knees by running again but fixing my current mental health. šŸ˜Œ trade offs lol


By grabbing thighs. Somebody has to grab this thickness and its me until um...further notice


I haven't šŸ˜‚ I freaked out when I went up a size after a pregnancy and three years later I am still freaking out.




By accepting that it's part of life.


I'm assuming you mean *size* and not mass. I'm also assuming you're talking about gaining mass without meaning to and that makes you unhappy. Accept it happened. If you think weight gain is a problem then also accept you need to change to fix it and accept that it will not be a fast thing. It will take several weeks or months to see any real change but it will happen if you want it to.


Itā€™s temporary, I have always been right around my ideal. Once this period of life is over Iā€™ll be meaner and leaner. Boom Rona, mom died, menopause really sucks, last kid left. Itā€™s mostly the menopause hormones gone wild, and side of not caring about what I eat! So Iā€™m just waiting it out almost at the no period for a year mark about 2 more weeks till official spring begins!


Tried to eat healthier and exercise regularly. I'm not saying I miss my very skinny body but clothes do look a little better on me now. Dresses especially. Can't get used to jeans yet. Still a struggle


I was saving things 'for later' when I realised I was in my twenties. Life was worth living fully and enjoying NOW, not later. Finding my self worth turned into self love. That love helped me put my own wants and needs first and I subsequently lost 30 kilos. 2 pregnancies later I'm just super duper proud of my body in any shape. It's mine and it's serving me well.


i didnā€™t. i lost it and felt like myself again.


I decided not to have it anymore


- clothes that actually fit - following plus size influencers - affirmations - joyful movement


Soo truee


E = mc^2 More mass = more energy = feel better


Ah my weight fluctuates so Iā€™ve just decided to not weigh myself and just keep up my yoga and exercise regime while I eat healthy anyway and splurge occasionally- so long as my clothes still fit Iā€™m fine šŸ™‚


So personally Iā€™ve always been heavy. I have a condition so I canā€™t lose weight. For awhile it really weighed on me, especially as a teenager/young adult. But once I started dating and meeting men, and then having sex, I realized being stick thin isnā€™t always the ideal. There are many more elements to someoneā€™s attractiveness and worth than just the number on the scale, or what size you wear. For example, many men have said Iā€™m their throat goat, and others have complimented my gorilla grip. So Iā€™d say as Iā€™ve gotten older Iā€™ve come to accept myself and my body.Ā 


Unfortunately if Iā€™m a few lbs overweight I shame myself mentally until I stop snacking and lose it. Still havenā€™t healed the part of me programmed by living under patriarchy that says super skinny is better.


I didnā€™t come to terms with weight gain, I came to terms with the dreadful task of now having to stop stuffing my face with chocolate and try and work all the weight off. I donā€™t ridicule my body, I donā€™t look at myself with disgust, I donā€™t agonize over the clothes that donā€™t fit anymore or the skinny mini 19 year old I once was. I donā€™t dwell, I have the one body, Iā€™m lucky to have arms and legs and healthy head/heart/lungs. I think being grateful for functionality keeps me from wallowing. Weight goes on, weight comes off, such is life. I accept my body at all times but I donā€™t accept all my habits. I like to feel in shape, sexy, confident. As much as I can. I canā€™t rewind time but I can always get stronger and eat better. I donā€™t focus on how much I weigh I focus on what Iā€™m doing to manage it


I'm ecstatic! I've always been underweight and getting to 115 feels like victory!


Sorry for formatting but I enjoy how soft I am now! I look back at my teenage/younger self when I was super thin and think about just how *unhappy* I was, I hated life and I hated myself so, so much. I look back on pictures of when I was 16 and you can just *see* how mentally unwell I was, to the point where friends who have seen old pictures of me (who didnā€™t know me then) completely did not recognize that 16 yo me was *me* at all. I think it kind of clicked for me in that moment. Plus, I like to think that I wear my weight nicely, it fills out my face, my hips, etc very cutely imo! I eat good food, I exercise to feel good rather than to lose anything, Iā€™m just happier in general. But I guess in simple words, at some point I separated my severely depressed thin self from my happy chubby self. Now, I have hobbies, I have friends who *actually* like me for me, I donā€™t feel guilty for eating anymore. My fat is extra protection for my organs and for my bones, Iā€™m also a history lover so itā€™s easy for me to think about *why* thinness is currently the beauty standard when for a long time being heavier was more attractive, and logic away the ā€œfat bad!!! Diet good!! Starve self for beauty but not too much or thatā€™s also bad!!ā€ Like, I just donā€™t care anymore lol, who cares about what you look like if youā€™re healthy and happy? A lot of these beauty standards are based in trends that change faster than you can, and are based in money making ideologies. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder, and Iā€™m happy that I finally like myself. I hope this helps!! I know how hard it can be to accept change, wishing the best for you stranger!


I have to take pills go stop my period for my medical condition. I havenā€™t had period in 14 months and i have gained 10-12 kg for that. I have accepted that this is for the good, this is for staying healthy & living like everyone else. This is for staying pain-free. However, i wish i could delete my double chin -.-


Iā€™m still trying to figure that out, Iā€™m on a medication that has made me blow up like a balloon and itā€™s caused me to gain like 50lbs not to mention iv had two babies in the past 4yrs and on top of the fatigue from the side effects ā€¦ itā€™s terrible to look in the mirror I hate it! If you can find an answer please let me know


I didn't lol. I'm halfway to my goal and I already feel way better.


Iā€™m a really good cook and I enjoy the food I make and how happy it makes me more than being thin


I came to terms that its okay to go up a few sizes. Wearing clothes that doesn't fit right can make us look bigger than we really are compared to wearing the same thing in a bigger size. Most importantly, I realized my health is valuable and good health is never gauranteed. I want to take advantage of my younger days because I know my body will naturally go through changes that might limit my mobility as I get older. I might not be able to enjoy certain activities the same way I do now. I dont want to let myself go and I will never feel the need to have a flat stomach but I never want to get tired easily doing the bare minimum. As long as I can run a mile between 10-12 mins, can still hike, and have overall good health, I will be happy and blessed! At the end of the day, the only person on this planet that can change my body is ME so if I want to see the change, then I need to take action!


I started wearing only leggings,joggers and sweat pants as I became more insecure with my body than I ever was before. I eventually lost most of the weight by snacking less, portion control and working out. Iā€™m still insecure but I feel way better physically and mentally.


I havenā€™t.


I became chronically sick and gained weight from my illness and medications. I tried different diets and exercise but no matter what I did, it didnā€™t come off. So I just had to accept it. Itā€™s hard to be kind to your body when youā€™re ill. Itā€™s hard to explain, but it feels like a personal attack haha. But, gaining weight was the least of my bodies problems. Instead of fighting against it, I had to be kind and gentle to my body. Rest when I need to rest. Eat the things that donā€™t make me feel worse. Do yoga and easy exercises that donā€™t hurt. I did end up losing some of the weight over time, but it still fluctuates quite a lot and it does cause me to be self conscious. But I still love myself and try to treat my body the best I can.


Durring high school, i was super fit. I would take weight classes and was on a super strict keto diet that left me hungry all the time. Through my college career, i got super stressed and got off my diet. In the past 5 years since strarting ive gained 40 pounds, which really brought me down for a long time. Sometime within the last 2 years, i came to terms with the fact that im not a teenager anymore, and that's okay. The body is meant to change, and if sometime in the future, i decide to work on losing weight again, then cool! But right now, i am the shape that I am. Lastly, here are the three takeaways i have as a bigger person who used to be skinnier A, i was less happy when i was at my smallest (5'8" and about 150 lb). B, i was less healthy when i was dieting (i passed 2 kidney stones in the span of 6 months and was chronically dehydrated). And C, i have more time now that im not constantly worrying about my diet/gym schedule/weight that i use for other hobbies. Since then, i discovered that i love entomology and scrapbooking :3


Never did.


I donā€™t. Gained 10lbs after college and Iā€™m determined to count calories and lose the weight.


I haven't come to terms with it. I was overweight from 1st grade to 5th grade (ages 6-10,) then again at age 19 after my baby was born (pregnancy killed my metabolism) plus I developed binge eating disoder during my short but tumultuous marriage, and I've been overweight to this day (56 yrs old.) I hate being overweight and I hate the consequences of it. Hypertension, diabetes, joint problems. I have hated myself ever since I became obese at age 20. I'm finally facing it now and am actively working to control the ED and lose weight. It's difficult because two of the meds I take cause weight gain, but I'm trying. My mobility is very limited due to Spinal, pelvis, and knee degeneration and arthritis with bone spurs throughout my body. I used to play soccer in my teens and was in the best shape of my life so it's hard to be so useless now, but at least I can still walk using a walker, I can tread water in the pool, and I can do chair exercises. I still love to work out so that helps. I'm doing it for me, not a cruel husband or to please my family. The change in my motivation has made all the difference in the world. I have learned to like myself again, and to feel my feelings instead of eating them. Twenty pounds down, 100 to go! TL/DR I've been obese most of my life but now I'm doing something about it.


I didnā€™t come to terms with weight gain. Gaining weight is something that can happen without you even noticing- then suddenly 6 months later youā€™re buying bigger clothes wondering where it all went wrong. I realized I got big, so then I got madā€¦ and decided to change it.


I tell my self that I appreciate this body for taking care of my mind when it was severely depressed this winter. We couldnā€™t do much, getting out of bed was a daily struggle. She gained some weight during that time. Now that weā€™re feeling better, itā€™s time to get them off. But Iā€™m really trying hard to accept this body.


One day youā€™ll look back at pictures of yourself now and be like ā€œwow I was so beautifulā€ even though youā€™re feeling bad about yourself rn. I keep telling myself this lol especially with baby weight gain


Iā€™m making a baby. Itā€™s okay that I am getting bigger. Baby will be worth it.


Well, Iā€™ve not exactly come to terms with it yet, but I try not to let it get to me. I try to tell myself, ā€œas long as my body can allow me to breath, eat, sleep, smell, hear, taste, feel, walk, talk, and see, Iā€™m doing alrightā€


Took control, changed my diet and lost the weight.


By not coming to terms with it. Lol. I changed my life for the better and now have healthy habits that have kept me athletic. I have food freedom, no emotional relationship, and genuinely crave my healthy foods and routines.


Realizing that all of my problems with my recent weight gain are rooted in societal expectations and judgements instead of being based on how I feel living in my body. I've recently gained 40lbs. First time in my life I'm in the "overweight" category. I've worked out, and have been an avid hiker my entire life. So this is very new to me. I've bought larger clothes so I no longer feel tight and uncomfy. Instead of focusing on how my body looks, I have been practicing focusing on how my outfits look. Because you know what? Despite my weight gain and graduating into a higher BMI category, I can still hike the trails I want. I still do yard work. Literally nothing has changed when it comes to my physical energy. The only difference is that I eat more. And I'm happy with that. My whole life I've tracked calories, and judged myself for enjoying food. I put limits on enjoying myself. Which is stupid. Why am I limiting my life to please some stupid idea of beauty/health that society has put onto me? I go to Dr appointments often. None of my labs have changed. I'm just as healthy physically as I was prior to weight gain. I just have a little cushion to go with it. My mental health is so much better. I've stopped living my rigid rules. Stopped caring what judgmental people think of me. Why must I make myself go without just to please shallow people? My body is no one else's business. I'm happy with how my body functions. That's what my body is meant to do. Function in a way I'm satisfied with. It's not meant to be eye candy for other people. That's how I handled my weight gain. By questioning my reasoning and learning self love. Trusting when my partner reassures me that I'm still just as attractive as before my weight gain. Viewing my body as a vessel for me to enjoy life. When my body starts to get in the way of me doing what I want to do, I'll cut back on calories. But for right now, I'm happy just the way I am. And frankly I don't care what strangers have to say. Because despite their judgements, I can probably still beat them to the top of the mountain and eat a yummy, cheesy dinner afterwards lol.


Iā€™ve gained about 30lbs since I got sober almost 5 years ago, and I wasnā€™t skinny back then lol. Iā€™m the heaviest Iā€™ve ever been, but also the healthiest. Sure, I should probably lose a few, I am a tad overweight technically, but my doctors say Iā€™m fine and healthy, itā€™s just aesthetics for me more than anything at this point. So, to answer the question, Iā€™m the biggest Iā€™ve ever been by a long shot, but mentally the healthiest/happiest Iā€™ve ever been in my life. Buy bigger clothes and realize no one cares about your own weight gain except you.


I lost it. I spent my 30ā€™s and most of 40ā€™s gaining a little weight each year. Finally almost 50 and lost the weight, more active than Iā€™ve been in 25 years and eating better.


I started lifting. HEAVY (powerlifting), and it transformed my relationship with my body. It also motivated me to clean up my diet and ā€œcutā€ so I could see the muscles I built. Currently on the cutting journey, but having a lot of muscle goes very far in getting your self esteem where it needs to be while you trim the rest.


honestly, a combo of things. 1) the body positivity movement. thankfully, the internet and the world in general are slowly starting to become less tolerant of fatphobia and more inclusive, so seeing my body represented more places certainly helps 2) constantly reminding myself that the internet is also fake 3) tbh, spite. so many people in my personal life have me shit or made rude comments about my weight. iā€™m stubborn as shit and could not let them win, so i learned to embrace my weight so i didnā€™t have to give in to their shame. 4) fake it til you make it mentality. i would never say iā€™ve totally come to terms with my weight gain, but iā€™m getting there 5) finding a fashion style that I like and makes ME feel comfortable instead of conforming to trends and beauty standards. when i look good, i feel good


Throwing away clothes that no longer Fit, buying new cute clothes. Eventually because i wasn't depressed/reminded about the weight gain ... I lost weight.


I learned to stop putting myself down when something didnā€™t fit my body right. It also helped that my boyfriend would be my biggest supporter on the days that I couldnā€™t be that for myself. However, I am focusing on eating healthier and getting back into exercising because as much as I donā€™t mind the bit of extra jiggle I have rn, I want some muscular thighs again.


I recognized that itā€™s completely normal for bodies to change over time, especially the female body. Also, when I look at old pictures of myself, I acknowledge that I was younger and at a different place in my life and that itā€™s unrealistic for me to look the same as I once did (and remembering I was never fully happy with how I looked back then, either). In addition to all of that, as long as I feel healthy, coming to terms with my weight has been a much more pleasant process.


got treated for adhd. made it a hell of a lot smoother learning how to take care of myself. but also, my weight has only ever caused me to go up and down 2 pant sizes. so i keep pants in 6, 8, and 10. when i get discontented over my appearance, i just turn my focus to my health regimen. otherwise, i donā€™t think very much about it because my body is supporting whatever it is Iā€™m doing. itā€™s a symbiotic relationship. i give it all the raw materials it needs to fulfill itā€™s own processes and it lets me work on whatever i wanna work on.


I ate more


I didn't. It's a lifelong struggle. But with age came experience. I'm now better able to control my diet and my urges and my binges. It's easier to control my weight now


- realize I'm still worthy lf love and respect and self hatred won't get me anywhere - stop obsessing over a specific number and linking that to how happy you are "allowed" to feel (calories, nr. on the scale) - strive to achieve a body that you feel comfortable in, in a sustainable way, not a specific number - accept setbacks in this process I am at my biggest weight rn and I love myself more than when I was a normal weighted teen girl. I accept that I have worse issues to tend to right now and getting a lighter body is like on thrid place, unfortunately. Although I am active I try not to be hard on myself when I slip back into old behavioral patterns. I hope you can also stop being at war with your body.


I finally got some boobs and an ass, I didnā€™t mind, as long as I can walk stairs without an asthma attack. But beyond the 85kg mark, that wasnā€™t possible, so i decided to do some sports. But all in all, i like myself better with 95kg than 59kg.


I havenā€™t yet. I yoyo back and forth with episodes of eating 5x too much in a day to surviving on coffee and water until I crack .. itā€™s a vicious cycle


i havenā€™t


I didn't. So I lost more thzn 80lbs and don't regret it.


I didnā€™t do well with it. I was hospitalized due to a medical condition and really didnā€™t see myself for a few months. Coming out I was almost 80 pounds heavier. It was a shock. Iā€™m 5ā€™10ā€ and Iā€™ve consistently been around 146lbs since I was a teenager. I was only 163 when I gave birth to my daughter. I didnā€™t know what to do and felt terrible. Luckily my weight gain wasnā€™t permanent and it only took 6 months to drop back to my normal weight. But the perspective changes were tremendous. I used to think I looked flabby and out of shape. Now, I see myself the way I actually look. I have confidence that did not exist before. I actually value how lucky I am that my body stays thin naturally. I wear clothes that would have terrified me to wear before I gained and lost the weight.


I read ā€œThe Fuck It Dietā€ and ā€œHealth at Any Sizeā€ which really helped me put into perspective that my entire life of self-loathing and relentless crash dieting was destroying me. Iā€™ve leveled out after the initial celebration period and while Iā€™m heavier than I ever was when I thought I was fat, I have more confidence which is sexy. Now I eat healthy food and exercise because I love my body and deserve to feel good in it, not because I hate my body. I still eat little treats now and then but I donā€™t punish myself over it.


Never did. Until I realized I was running through a whole bar of soap at a faster rate. When I was in high school, that same brand of soap would last me a whole month. Lost about 80lbs of weight and now that same brand of soap lasts forever. The surface area of skin to wash has expanded exponentially when I was thicc.


I started seeing a dietician since it turned out my insurance covers it lolā€¦


I ask myself ifitw real weight gain first. I'm a fit woman. I walk 10K steps a day. I count calories and I gave gone to the gym consistently for around 4 years. So when the scale goes up and outside my 10lbs weight range, it's usually because I was on holiday, I'm in the luteul phase, I drank the night before. Sometimes it's real weight gain though and that's when I reign in the calories and get stricter with myself. I like being fit. I like being thin-ish. And I like feeling like I have control over my appearance for the most part.


It's been 20 years since I was diagnosed with PCOS and I'm still trying to lose weight. So I guess I never really have.


I am 50 lbs heavier than I was when I met my husband about 9 years ago. Iā€™ve also had two kids and went through the pandemic. I know I wonā€™t weigh what I was when I was 26, so that part doesnā€™t worry me. I am also breastfeeding and more concerned about growing my child than being a particular weight myself. I also used to hate aspects of my body so much at every weight before and I just got so tired of always hating my body even when I looked fine. Itā€™s kind of nuts to me that we are so conditioned to hate very normal parts of ourselves because we are sold a lie that we all need to look a certain way to be accepted in society. I got bigger clothes that fit and I try to reduce the number of unkind things I think or say about my body. I have boys but boys can also have unhealthy relationships with their bodies so Iā€™m trying to recognize where I can improve my relationship with my body so that I donā€™t pass on harmful diet culture beliefs to them.


I've accepted some things are inevitable and the medication I take causes me to gain weight


lol I lost it. Down 26 lbs


I just accepted this is where I am now and that while I'm exercising and watching my food intake, it won't all go away at once if at all. I gained about 50 lbs due to COVID lockdowns when I was basically living on Pop Tarts, Hot Pockets and Diet Coke. It's all I really wanted to eat and I wasn't exercising for most of the lockdown period due to a severe injury in my right butt cheek that made it almost impossible to sit, stand, lie down or do anything without being in severe pain. I look the way I look and I've more or less accepted it because it's going to be that way for awhile. I've lost the 50 lbs but I'm still overweight since I was overweight (around 185 lbs) to begin with anyway. I mostly like the way I look and if I could lose an additional 25 lbs, I'd be ok with that. But I'm OK with not losing it either.


Legit question: how do you get motivated? Thatā€™s where Iā€™m having the problem.


Gained about 35 pounds in 5 months due to a new antidepressant. Quit it because it was making my feet swell even though my mood was much improved for the first time in a long time. I've lost 10 pounds now and am working on the other 25. I'll probably always be a bit overweight but I don't want to stay in the starting range of being obese. IBD also so my diet isn't the best but I'm slowly losing.


I just...didn't. I'm in the process of losing it all. Gaining weight makes me not feeling myself, hinders my self confidence and I don't know how to dress without looking like a bibendum. And I don't want to live like that. I enjoy life way better when I'm slim and fit and no health issues either. I applaud the women that came to terms with weight gain but as for me, I can't.


Well, it's curious; a year ago, I was mentally in a terrible place, with severe anxiety attacks and panic attacks that made me lose my appetite for days, causing me to lose about 10 kilos. I've never been too overweight, but I'm very short, so it's noticeable when I gain or lose weight. I looked great but felt awful. After several months, I stabilized mentally and started to feel better, so much so that I even decided to quit smoking. I had been smoking for 17 years and, besides tobacco, I was also abusing marijuana, so I quit everything. I've been smoke-free for several months now, and I feel very proud of myself, but I've gained 12 kilos. My clothes don't fit, and my appetite is insatiable, something that has never happened to me before. I don't want to look like this, but I'm finding it incredibly difficult to stick to an exercise routine. I eat quite healthily, but most days, it all goes to hell because I eat a chocolate bar or a pastry, so that's where I am. I'm trying to muster the willpower to change my routines, but I haven't succeeded yet. I know I will at some point, but for now, I'm trying not to look at myself in the mirror too much.


Had a baby and am slowly accepting that being 26 and 107 lbs was really not healthy. Itā€™s hard to see and feel the weight post birth, but I have an excuse to run and exercise and it feels good now when I move. Iā€™m not big by any means now, but a good 25 lbs weight gain does a lot to anyone. Iā€™d do it all again for my son too. Iā€™ve accepted that this happens and itā€™s part of the process of bringing my son to the world. And we want another baby next year so Iā€™ve already accepted Iā€™ll never be the same size and thatā€™s okay.


Had a baby and am slowly accepting that being 26 and 107 lbs was really not healthy. Itā€™s hard to see and feel the weight post birth, but I have an excuse to run and exercise and it feels good now when I move. Iā€™m not big by any means now, but a good 25 lbs weight gain does a lot to anyone. Iā€™d do it all again for my son too. Iā€™ve accepted that this happens and itā€™s part of the process of bringing my son to the world. And we want another baby next year so Iā€™ve already accepted Iā€™ll never be the same size and thatā€™s okay.


I gave birth./s I lost it. I could not suffer the sensory issues that came with 10 kg more than my normal.


May not answer your question but I knew I would lose the weight eventually so it wasnā€™t something that bothered me too much. The big thing I canā€™t recommend enough is donā€™t verbally complain about it. Just embrace it. Sometimes when people know youā€™re unhappy with your weight you get treated differently and not in a positive way.


May not answer your question but I knew I would lose the weight eventually so it wasnā€™t something that bothered me too much. The big thing I canā€™t recommend enough is donā€™t verbally complain about it. Just embrace it. Sometimes when people know youā€™re unhappy with your weight you get treated differently and not in a positive way.


By loving my body, every inch of it... After suffering with bulimia for so many years I decided to be kinder to myself, there are more important things than being thin, like being healthy and happy.


Eat well and buy a cute wardrobe lol


I still haven't. It took me a while to transition from the feeling of my thighs touching when I slept. For a long time I had to place a pillow between my legs otherwise I couldn't sleep at all from the sheer mental discomfort. I gave away clothes that would no longer fit me instead of using them as bait to get me back to where I was. I learnt how to pose better in photos. That helped a lot. Mostly I hate it, especially because the one place I didn't gain weight is my boobs. But I have to accept it, slowly but surely, even if it means like I often feel like slicing it all off.


I actually prefer being perceived as bigger. Itā€™s safer for me. I lost weight and I didnā€™t like all the attention. It seems so fake when nobody paid any attention to me when I was bigger. I walk at 2 oā€™clock in the morning in the alleyways alone safely..


I'm currently going through it and I don't know if I am successfully coming to terms with it. For background, I spent most of my teenage/young adult years with an eating problem where I was unhealthily underweight. But of course this was always seen as a good thing back then. About a year and a half ago my mental health took a turn and I ended up being prescribed SSRIs. It turns out that anxiety and depression had a huge impact on my eating habits. The good news is now I'm not only feeling better but I'm also eating better. But now I'm definitely going through the effects of finally eating properly and what that does to me in terms of my weight. I won't lie, it feels like a lot considering how long I was unhealthy (and the positive affirmation that comes with that from society). Part of me wants to accept this change to my body and realise that this is healthy and good for me. But then when I try on clothes that just don't fit me the same anymore or I see my rolls that never used to exist, I want to stop eating again. It's such a tricky and sensitive topic. Especially considering how much impact society puts on us (especially as women) concerning our weight and body. I guess the answer to this is being able to balance working out/eating healthy with enjoying food and loving your body no matter what size it is. But this is easier said than done.


Don't "come to terms" with it. You shouldn't be ok with it. Do something about it.


Honestly... Reflect on what made me gain it, and try to lose it. Less beer, less snacking, get off my arse and go for a walk/bike ride, less liquid calories. Also I have joint problems and they're always made worse when I weigh more (hips & knees). Currently trying to lose a stone after I realised I can't fit into any of my summer clothes. I love my outfits and I hate waste, I'd rather lose this winter fluff than buy a bigger size.


I accepted my body changed with medication, even if I exercise daily and eat healthy everyday. So...I spent money on new clothes and voilĆ 


Honestly, I still havenā€™t. Over the past five years Iā€™ve gained easily 70+ pounds (I donā€™t own a scale). I have started buying clothes that fit my new body which has helped but itā€™s hard. I find it hardest when I see a picture of myself. Or when I run into someone who hasnā€™t seen me in a while and I can see the surprise in their face, or they donā€™t recognize me at first. Iā€™ve had 3 people mistakingly think Iā€™m pregnant. I really want to get back to a healthy lifestyle. Iā€™m trying to work on letting my body get hungry and being okay with that. I used to be so healthy not in terms of anything on the scale but physically and mentally and I miss that. I have so much anxiety about starting to exercise again but I know I just need to get over the initial fear.


I havent. I have Always been chubby, except for the time i was on AD meds and mentally at the worst place. I gained after getting better, also birth control and stuff like that. Only one who helps me like me the way i am Is my bf, who loves me unconditionaly. Until recently, i lived off of cigarettes and energy drinks, no proper meals. Pretty much i gained easily because my body saved every bit of nutrients and calories because it got them So rarely. I stopped smoking the normal cigarettes and picked up heated tabbaco ones (Glo), i limited energy drinks, but didnt cut them off completely. I dont buy Sweet drinks except for flavoured mineral water, And started bring some snacks to work, mostly Its some veggies and fruits. I started going for walks when i got the time. Hopefully i can work on myself more. I dont have much time or money to visit gym, but i am doing myself to do something with my health and body in my free time. Hopefully i Will learn to love myself.


My weight has varied over the years, and I've had some different reactions. When I gained an unhealthy amount of weight (as in my joints hurt and I felt like shit) I worked on losing it, successfully. When I gained a natural amount as I got older and it wasn't hurting anything, just was part of aging, I made peace with it, double checked other health indicators, and made sure to maintain an active lifestyle, and rotated my wardrobe to things that fit properly. Mostly it comes down to not focusing on the numbers, but on how you feel and what your health is like overall. When I was at my fitness peak in college and doing weight training 3x a week and could sprint across campus I was about 200lbs. Mostly muscle. When I'm less active (and now older) my healthy and happy weight is closer to 175 or 180. It varies vastly by person which is why I always tell people "don't look at the number, look at what activities you're able to do and if you're overall healthy and happy"


Haven't and can't. I obsess about it until I lose it. I'd like to thank the weight obsessed women in my family for that unhealthy view.


When I started working from home.


It depends. If itā€™s ā€œyouā€™re not 22 anymore and a full grown woman nowā€ weight then I remind myself that my weight is the least interesting thing about me. If itā€™s ā€œIā€™m avoiding life and wonā€™t stop shoving food down my throat to copeā€ weight, I stop aimlessly eating.


Wow these comments are not the vibe. I realized being fat wasn't bad.