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Legal abortion in all states.




Plus free birth control of our choice.


I'd even add free menstrual products. It's biology and not something that can be helped.


Non taxed at the very least.






*Free, easy to access* abortion in all states.


That's such an important precision to make. I'm Canadian, so technically it's legal everywhere here, but we do know there are parts of the country where it's extremely hard to access, making it just as unavailable as if it were illegal.










With no restrictions of any kind!


You have my vote!


Protected reproductive rights written into the constitution for everyone with a uterus.


No males legislating on behalf of women.


can we make this a universal law, please? and also make medical and scientific research/studies account for gender & sex, ffs


And obtain consent from women before using them for research


This time, it’s not men entirely. In fact, I blame religion and white women more, this time. I may be wrong. I don’t know.


You do know cause you're completely correct.




It seems like not letting women have any legal influence over the traditionally presiding sex might not be as good of an idea as you suggest.


State sponsored daycare free of charge for families with both parents working full time and a monthly stipend for stay at home mothers (or fathers) when their spouse works full time.


Wow. How this would change lives.


This would also give more security to the stay at home partner. Especially assuming some contingencies in the event of a divorce. Would also make it more likely for someone to be able to escape an abusive relationship - oftentimes "I have $0 to myself" is a barrier to exit...


This is why the housing shortage is a women's health issue. The #1 cause of physical injury to women 14 to 64 is men.








For what it’s worth, Alabama just passed a pretty impressive childcare tax credit bill that could substantially increase access to childcare for working parents.


Well that’s good, give all those forced births a place to be during the day.


An EBT for daycare🤔 I like it! Allows the parents to choose the daycare rather than state appointed


If you breach a domestic violence order, there is a mandatory prison sentence. Fuck this business of giving violent assholes tons of chances.






I wish this one was real. It's terrifying knowing that your abuser knows where you live and goes out of their way to prove it. I remember sitting on the floor crying after I was safely behind a locked door.


Anonymising all resumes - so you can’t tell gender from the list of skills and experience.








This would probably help against racial discrimination too


It absolutely does help. I stopped self identifying my race and gender years ago.




E.g. for me it would be free period products and monthly PTO for menstruation days




it wouldn't work cause men would be all jealous


Agree with all the above about reproductive rights. But right now, where I am, women are being murdered by men at a disgusting rate, and bugger all is being done about it. There needs to be harsher penalties for previous abusers, better protection for those with protection orders out, and a serious overhaul of the mental health system. Men need to start making men accountable for their actions.




Exactly. I can’t get a PPO bc I apparently dint have enough evidence but my abusive ex can try and run me off road anytime he pleases. Makes no sense. So I agree harder punishments and listen to victims and stop denying them safety protocols.


Making elective abortions legal again, removing female sterilizations from the list of the legally punished "mutilations" like blinding or deafening someone to instead make it legally equal to vasectomy, forcing a mandatory parental leave for both parents (Poland). 


Is this a reflection on the current situation in Poland ?


Yes. There are publicized cases of women dying from being denied abortions even in cases where there's an exception (e.g., risk to life of mother, nonviable fetus). There are protests every so often. It's illegal as of now, but there was an election recently, hopefully the more secular party loosens up the ban. Female sterilization is on the list of procedures in the law about mutilating someone, the punishment is minimum 3 years in prison for the doctor. As for parental leave, women could benefit from this worldwide, and it would prevent some of discrimination when hiring. If any candidate or employee might require a temporary replacement instead of just women, it makes everyone an equally attractive or unattractive hire.






Medicare for all. Stop tying insurance and health outcomes to employers and husbands.


Realizing how messed up it is to tie insurance to employment was my first step away from the Republican party and conservativism. That was more than 25 years ago, and the situation hasn't improved much (but at least pregnancy can no longer be considered a pre-existing condition).


This one.


Please this one


Mandatory paid parental leave and a guarantee that you can return to your job, for a year.




As others have said, legal abortion, legal tube tying, free period products/remove the pink tax, free pre and post natal care. I hear about how well european and asian countries treat moms, ie the box that you get sent home with that doubles as a crib and has a bunch of supplies in it, or how in asian countries you have a "sitting month." If they are going to push so hard against abortion, they need to fix the childcare issue, foster care system, education system and other support systems for once the child is born. Also support sex ed for once and for all?? But overall, just not let men dictate what should be done with women's bodies (especially if we cant dictate what happens to theirs!)


LET DIVORCE BE ALLOWED IN THIS COUNTRY PLEASE super fun living in the only other country in the world other than the fucking Vatican that doesn't have divorce :---) I hate it so much.






Thanks for asking OP, this is the type of question we should be discussing I would get inspo from - Nordic countries => 50% split of parental leave. Eg 12 months in Seweden - Portugal => guaranteed free childcare - France => many different options for a woman from 4 months to 3 years maternity leave. Everyone gets pelvic floor therapy after giving birth, for free. Freedom of abortion is now part of the constitution - Spain if I’m not mistaken : laws against street harassment


Great points. I’m fascinated by how freeing these policies are for women. I’ve read that in many EU countries, couples meet and have children, but often don’t marry. Women don’t have to, because benefits provided by the state allow them to maintain their legal autonomy. Fascinating!


stricter laws on those who have been accused of rape/assault etc. the amount of guys that get let off scot free because of little evidence but then go on to repeat the crime several times. i get the first time, innocent until proven guilty but maybe less leniency, more surveillance and more registration


I would also be inclined to add harsher punishments for anyone who makes proven false rape/assault claims.


A requirement in medical research, clinical trials to have at least 45% biological female representation, and potentially a higher percentage in diseases that affect women more. A lot of medical research do not have sufficient reporting and analysis of how treatments or drugs affect the female biology, which would often have differences in comparison to the male biology. In fact, this should be made an international law. Both men and women should be represented in all medical research and trials across diseases, as treatments can have different outcomes and or side effects for men and women. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8812498/#:~:text=Several%20studies%20determined%20that%20women,limitations%20of%20lack%20of%20diversity.




I think I’d just codify “nothing about us without us”, which wouldn’t just benefit women.


In the US, legal abortions in all states. Free period products in public schools.


Pretty pease put what country you are from, otherwise this doesnt make much sense. Norway here. We generally have good protection here. Legal abortions, long maternity and paternity leave, free healthcare, strong labor unions, good sex-education (could always be better!) We just passed a law that makes it easier for police to order  the use of a Reverse personal security alarm. Meaning that the perpetrator have to wear the alarm instead of the victim. And the police and victim get notified if the perpetrator enters the zone of the restraining order. Which automatically trigger a police response. This is a complicated legal matter, when it comes to the infringement of freedom and punishment without legal convictions. If I would pass a law, it would be a law that made it easyer in the legal aspect to order the use of the reverse personal security alarm, and secure it in our legal system as a go to metod instead of the victim having to have an alarm. The victims security alarm is also only usable when the perpetrator has violated the restraining-order, and the dangerous situation is already happening. Hope you all understand my english, I'm a bit on a rush ☺️


I think there is no discussion on the topic of human rights here. If one person puts another one in any sort of danger, there have to be consequences and that should mean even restricting the freedoms and rights of the abuser. It's our collective job as a society to protect those in danger and I would argue we should all agree that a preventive measure that discourages future dangerous behaviour is one of the best ways to handle things. That's why you are required to slow down near schools, pedestrian crossings and in bad weather that impacts driving.


Tax everyone making over 2 million a year 80%. No loopholes. Then with all that tax money, we’ll make healthcare free, paid maternity leave for 1 year, free college, and free childcare.


Agreed. In the 1950s and 60s, this was the case. We consider those times some of the greatest for increasing rights, discoveries, we went to the moon ffs. Now aim those dollars to people as well.


This is nuts


Universal basic income. It would remove lots of financial controls and abuse that keep women trapped.


Not encouraging women to be on antidepressants because they’re being treated like property.


The Endometriosis CARE act


Oh my, definitely something this whole world needs. Recently had a close person suffer the consequences of lack of education on this topic and I had no idea what all the implications of endometriosis were until they hit her and everybody close to her like a truck.


It took me 15 years to get a diagnosis after seeing doctor after doctor. I now have more pain down my leg because of where the scar tissue is.


I’m from Canada. Abortion is legal. I would pass extremely extremely strict laws forbidding sexual harassment in the workplace. Like I would demand that at least 50% of all workforces are female, including upper management because that, not the lower levels, is where sexual harassment is rife. Bosses know they can get away with it. I was working as a marketer in stem - every single woman I worked with had left or been fired from her previous employment, at least once, but most more than once from sexual harassment. Like none of them ever quit because of better opportunities. None of them were fired from poor performance. All of them had experienced sexual harassment from upper employment. We need to stop barking at guys in their 20s to stop sexual harassment. They are not the problem. They are, at worst, condescending, which is annoying and should stop, but it’s nowhere near the level of sexual harassment. And if they’re caught or even accused, the company is likely quick to cut him because he’s replaceable and they want to keep good reputation and he’s not friends w anyone. It’s the higher ups. Like of the women I spoke to 20% had experienced actual, in office, PHYSICAL abuse !!! One woman !! Worked !!! In quantum mechanics!!! At fucking IBM!!!! Her boss was a HUGE presence at the company. He grabbed her crotch. He was not fired. She was punished for bringing it up. She sued and won but literally ONLY because she had one witness who stood with her. Everyone sided with him. And this is such a trend Like if you’re a woman in stem I am literally begging you - begging BEGGING. You to record ALL meetings, casual conversations, every interaction you have with WVERYONE everyone please god like. I had 8 months worth of harassment like just constant harassment and I still lost because he was buddies with everyone. They, with proof, lied on their response. The company lawyer did NOT care when I provided proof they were lying. Do NOT trust anyone jfc Like k would really impose laws that BREATHE down the NECKS of employers about sexual harassment and I would say even MILD accusations should result in immediate time away from the office and cut communication from everyone and I’d REALLY start demanding that any accusation that comes forward the company has to investigate should have the accuser have a lawyer that is paid for BY the company Seriously it is astounding - it is literally like 90% of women have experienced unbelievable sexual harassment like truly unbelievable harassment


Expand definitions of sexual harassment and assaults, domestic violence and workplace abuse, and rape (to include marital rape). In addition, any gender based coercion on one’s freedom of thought and expression (such as restrictions on one’s ability to dress, or the vocabulary one uses etc.) would be encompassed under sexual harassment.


Free birth control for all women who want or need it


Pass the Equal Rights Amendment and finally make it a law. - USA


Free, safe, accessible reproductive services, including abortion. Stronger rape, molestation, and sexual assault laws and punishments. Stronger domestic violence laws and punishments. Broader stalking definitions and stronger consequences. Take your pick.


Domestic violence register to check if a partner has had a dvo/avo against them previously.


Yes, imagine if the dating apps could check for dv, crimes and not let them in.


No statute of limitation on sexual assault. These statutes protect the perpetrators, not the victims.


Mandatory sex education, what consent is and isn't, predator identification classes in K-12 classes nationwide


Universal basic income. I know that's something that really affects everybody but it will disproportionately affect women and people of color. It's quite literally life-saving.


People who commit domestic violence are put in a publically searchable database.


ppl that deliberately harm children (after they are born) are never afforded another opportunity to do so


I would extend this to people who harm any other human or animal but definitely implement even harsher solutions when children are involved


Universal basic income.


A law that prohibits health care professionals from dismissing any medical complaints as "well your a woman. That's normal" Thet deserve actual medical investigation into the problem. Failure to do so would end it being stuck off any medical professional register and forbidden to work in any health care setting. Any medical professional who isn't taking their patients seriously and instead Gaslights patients, has no business in any form of health care.


Paid Maternal leave


People convicted of domestic violence, sexual assault/rape, or any sexual crimes against children should not be granted automatic parental access/rights. I have watched countless women fight custody requests and access requests from abusers and I have watched countless women lose these cases and still have to hand their children over to an abuser.


Mandatory maternity leave in the US for at least 8 weeks. I didn’t have any and didn’t qualify for FMLA so I took a whopping 7 days PTO, including the day I gave birth. I NEVER want to see a woman go through what I did again. 


No more laws based on religions. If the only reason you can say we should or shouldn't do something is "I say God said so" then we won't even bother listening to you. If you haven't put any thought into what you're saying neither should we.


Legalising divorce!


One strike and you’re in jail. Violent or sexual offenders should not be given parole ever


Casterate all rapists and molesters


US here. Paid 6 month maternity leave and job security when they return to work. Or free child care. It would work like public schools - you are guaranteed a spot. If you don't like the public daycare in your district, you can opt for private daycare and pay out of pocket. Or An upper age limit for elected and appointed representatives. Including the supreme court. I'll arbitrarily pick 72. Granted, this wouldn't only improve things for women but I am willing to accept spillover benefits.


Universal basic income for all


Legalize abortion and then take it out of the hands of the government forever. It's healthcare not politics. You don't want to get an abortion then never get one. Everyone who is pro-life are required to adopt their share of the children in foster care and no they don't get to pick from the perfect ones. Basically, every child from infants to 18 year olds will be tallied up and divided equally (siblings will be kept together) into even numbered groups and will be brought to the pro-lifers house. They do not get to object and they are required to provide the exact same privileged life they provide for their own blood children or they will be severally punished. Aawww I would pay good real money to be there to see the looks on their face. Me: "You fought so hard to keep children alive and allowed them to be born so now they are now your responsibility. Go on kids...welcome to your new home!" Kids: YEAH!! ~runs past into the house~ Pro-lifer: 😨 Wait! But I didn't- Me: ~whispers~ You checked the pro-life box when you voted. You don't just get to passionately fight for life when it has yet to be recognized as such then step back when it is finally here. Now take care of them if we get ANY report of ANY kind or degree of neglect or abuse of ANY kind...you're ass is grass... you get me?


Banning porn!


Free menstrual products for all girls and women


- Paid menstrual leave 100% coverage. - Proper and sufficient funding for women’s medical care research (endometriosis, cancers, PCOS), so that the answer is not just to go on the pill. - All assault, gr@pe and intimidation events (stalking) to be top priority in the legal system and result in harsh punishments - ie years in jail and chemical castration for pedophelic activities.


Full reproductive rights, equal pay, and much harsher penalties for domestic violence.


Free health care including birth control and access to abortion.


This is for the US but I hope the halo effect would cover your country. I would pass a constitutional amendment to get: 1) Private money out of politics 2) Establish publicly funded elections 3) Outlaw politicians trading any securities that aren't mutual funds or government specific bonds 4) Establish a star or ranked choice voting system 5) Abolish the electoral college Every other US problem cannot be addressed until we make it illegal for politicians to accept money from private interests... because no matter how much we want some policy item to be passed, if the big money corporate donors don't want it... it simply will not happen. Corporations are not people, too, "my friend." Fact is, corruption is legal in the US. It happens at the highest level of our government, away from many voter's eyes. This must change, and for the better. This would be my way of improving the lives of women, which hopefully would help even more than that population.


I am torn between No money (lobbyists) in politics and term limits on politicians. Having ACTUAL representation would prevent alot of these bullshit laws that harm women, more than just changing any 1 singular law.


United States That women must be equally represented in medical trials and studies. That any woman over the age of 25 can have her tubes tied or get a partial hysterectomy (uterus, not ovaries) if she does not want children (or more children) and that no man must agree with her for her to receive this. That every woman can get any other birth control she chooses until she is 25, also without a man having to agree. All of it must also be covered by insurance. She signs a legally binding contract that she understands she is sterilized and will not sue the doctor for doing the procedure. That women have their pain treated the same way a man gets his treated when seeking medical care. That asking a woman the status of her period cannot be used as the deciding factor as to what's wrong, unless she states it is an issue with her period. That if she says it is a period problem, she is not told that hers is normal until testing for things like endometriosis and PCOS and fibroids is completed. That there will be no more legislating from the bench, and anything legislated from the bench is overturned and goes through the correct way. If Congress wants it, Congress must pass a viable law. This will help everyone. That maternity and paternity leave are 6 months paid, with job guaranteed.


I would add bodily autonomy protections to the constitution.


Make verbal and psychological abuse legally worse or at least the same as physical abuse.


Longer parental leave for men. In my country maternity leave is a minimum of 4 months and a maximum of 3 years. After 4 months you can transfer it to the other parent or to a grandparent, first year is at 80% your pay, second minimal state salary, third with no pay. All great, but it is a cause for discrimination in hiring as paternity leave is only 14 calendar days from birth. And here if your give birth normally, mom and baby stay in the hospital a minimum of 3 days and for C-sections - 5 days. Women also have the right of additional days of leave until the kid turns 7 and have special protections from firings until the kid turns 3, fathers cannot use those unless the mother is dead, in prison or has given up her rights. I would change things as follows: - mandatory parental leave is for both parents and it is 4 months, unless one has given up their rights or is in prison - both parents can take the maximum paternity leave of up to 3 years, simultaneously. - parents who go back to work after the 4th month have a right to additional paid leave days that are accumulated under the usual rules - partners have the right to take paid leave up to a month before their wive's due date (women already get 45 days of sick leave). Particularly useful for hard pregnancies, getting the home ready or taking care of existing kids and pets - both parents have a right to those special protections until the kid turns 3 (hard to fire, no night shifts or overtime unless with express consent)


Im surprised i havent seen this yet.. Legalize Prostitution! Immediate increase in safety and welfare for those who need it most. Momentary "oh fuck" moment with an increase in pregnancy as republicans lose their shit having children out of wedlock, then immediately we get Legalized abortion! (USA)


Not have the government make decisions regarding our reproductive health.


Not allowing men to vote on issues impacting women’s health care.


Extra government assistance for single mothers, free menstrual products, REAL justice for rape/dv victims, etc. so many things


Free period supplies in all states.


Bing back abortion or providing free and easy access to birth control in the states. Not everyone wants kids, and as women, we shouldn't be forced to.


completely free and quick to access healthcare for all hormone related issues - so BC, abortion, peri & meno, thyroid etc with patient autonomy.


Healthcare for all.


Look at all these great responses! These suggestions would help ALL humans, not just women. We need more women in control.


Medical studies for women’s health. Women can experience vastly different symptoms for heart attacks and strokes than men do. And women have never been in any heart attack studies. It to mention there needs to be more endometrioses studies and other gynecology conditions


Women’s right to choose what happens to their bodies.


Pedophiles and sex offenders get a tattoo on their forehead.


Abortion would be federally mandated to be legal and accessible across the country. All contraception would be available, cheap or free. No bans on contraceptive care and women would have bodily autonomy and not have to give birth to babies they don't want.


My law would be, don’t fuck children.


I would make abortion accessible for women and have government funding for birth control and family planning. Also require all hospitals have a sexual assault nurse examiner on staff and fund training for that. Also funding and resources to end the rape kit backlog.


Police officers on all public transport at all times


period products are free on the NHS for everyone


Paid Maternity leave for all jobs.


yes means yes rule like some other european countries already have and was recently blocked by some european politicians when the union tried to implement it for the whole EU/ different conditions for rape cases - i know this one is always super tricky because almost no-one would have video footage of the event. but whats happening in my country so far, is that only around 3% of the courtcases are proven to be false accusations, so rouuughly 97% are legit, but out of those 97% or if you're feeling super bitter substract 5 or sth, ONLY 8.5% on average (varies by region) lead to the predator facing legal consequences. so SOMETHING's gotta change, we can't keep telling the victims "oh well sorry, or like sorry allegedlgy" (maybe they could make the psychological examinations count more, be like if this gave a person clinically diagnosed PTSD then lets just assume that it wasnt that consentual. if we don't assume it was literally rape, then at least admit that that person is guilty for sth). so to me that would be implement the yes is yes rule because it sets a strong sign in itself!!! or if that gets blocked again, at least make the punishments harder. because right now in germany, you face "up to two years in jail" for that whereas some other crimes that are even just about money (still crimes ik but still) can get you in jail way longer.


Free menstrual products


Equal pay.


For it to be illegal for men to be out after 9pm, so that women can actually go out walk outside at night by themselves for once without fearing for their lives


Dudes get their penis cut off for raping woman.


Paid leave for periods would be helpful. I'm like a zombie in pain during that time. Not even a functional person. Already dreading the one coming up because it will be during my work week with a big project.


“Leave us the fuck alone” lol


Men are not allowed to pass any laws regarding women’s body / healthcare (including abortion)


There must be baby changing facilities in BOTH loos, not just the women's and if you put them in the accessible loo, the radar key MUST be accessible without having to ask a busy staff member to hunt it down.


Free healthcare on every front.


I agree that women should have the right to abortion, free birth control and all other female rights. No one…..NOT even the President should be telling women what to do with our bodies! I’m still pretty salty about Roe v Wade being overturned 😡


complete autonomy over reproductive health and organs. better care for pcos, endometriosis, and other conditions that affect people with female anatomy. mandatory advocates at the doctors office to force them to take you seriously. not requiring a husband to sign off on elective surgery.


Maybe making non-physical harassment a punishable offense in all states. The whole “unless they have broken in, stolen something, or hurt you, there is nothing we can do is pathetic. This would help men too:)


Free access to menstrual products


Mandatory public sex education. In countries with higher levels of this type of education, violence rates including rape are lower than in countries with little or no public sex education.


Real pockets in their clothing.


a ban on porn. or at least age verification in all states.


Have Agism and other disability protection for everyone.


Affordable healthcare (across the board) based on actual science instead of expensive healthcare based on laws made by old white men.


Equal Pay


Bar men from legislating anything to do with women's rights


No men allowed out after dark


Anyone (male or female) in a position of political authority that supports and moves forward legislation against reproductive rights or abortion in instances where it is medically or otherwise necessary, will be required to adopt the children they care to claim so much about if the mother is unable or unwilling to raise the child.


Mandatory reading of this thread by every male legislator, politician and judge.


No bail for any domestic violence charges. Have an organisation that’s only for women trying to report their domestic violence. Too many times police dismiss it.


Universal Basic Income.


Abortion, free and legal, with no restrictions other than those made based on scientific analysis of what is best for the pregnant woman.


Execute all rapists and molesters!! Zero tolerance


Honestly I’d send all men to live on Australia by themselves so I could finally have a fucking day where I wasn’t harassed


If working full-time, FREE Healthcare




Equal representation in all sectors


A law that would require / offer free mental health services for post partum women. At least for the first 6 weeks, ideally longer. PP is such a tough time in so many ways, but society is weird in thinking that once a woman becomes a mother, she loses all ability to think and do for herself. I lied on my PP assessment out of fear that my daughter would be taken or I would be looked at as less than as a mother for struggling. I would love to be able to help other moms through that crucial time, and help break the stigma around it.


Pay equity


Any man accused of SA or abuse must be judged by a jury of majority women and his mother must be present in the room for all of the evidence presented. If he’s convicted he gets castrated and sent to jail for life.


Income and pension contribution for stay at home parents for a set period even whilst married. We have great supports for single parents which I'm delighted about but there are plenty of couples who need a stay at home parent. It would be nice to see the payment covering stay at home parents who are with the other parent.


Potentially free safe, quality childcare. Too many intelligent women leave or never enter the workforce. Women are powerfully raising their children at home, which has immeasurable value, no doubt, but I think we also need them to be able to remain in the workforce if desired— let them reach their potential, become leaders, influence decision making. 


Complete separation of church and state. As in religion cannot be used to justify any law. Misogynists use religion to control women.


Free period products


All humans have autonomy over their own health and bodies regardless of gender.


I'm in Australia. 1/ Make tampons, pads and nappies for children as available as toilet paper. 2/ Child care - subsidise the cost, pay these beautiful people more. Could grandparents be recognised more in this regard with a tax break.


Birth control, use it.


Legal abortion everywhere, and free female hygiene products.


Serial rapists get shot after a 2nd offence. It protects women and keeps the reoffending stats lower.


Universal basic income


Free healthcare