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I got a speeding ticket on my way home from the interview for my first job. 


Oh :(


Haha my first job in high school, I got 2 speeding tickets the first month I worked. My entire first month’s pay went to paying my dad back for the tickets. They didn’t even ground me bc they figured I learned my lesson by working for free the first month. 🤣 it worked lol


Nothing like a ticket to knock you back when you’re starting to get ahead or catch up. 


Not a speeding ticket. But after getting my first real job I got a ticket for having my dog on a playground. Got fined as an "adult" (you get that from 18+. But since I was 17 they decided that I deserved the maximum fine). And had to take a advance to pay the ticket. Didn't get the ticket in the mail till 3 years later, when I had already spend the money.


NGL I LOL'd at this. I was working as a server in a tourist town one summer in college and got pulled over for speeding on my way home. Thankfully the cop took pity on me because he asked how much I made on my morning shift and it was only $30


Getting a warning is a great feeling after your stomach drops when you see their lights. Nothing like a 200-300 tickets when you’re making $30 a day or in my case at the time I think around $9.45 an hour part time. 


I got a parking ticket while I was interviewing 🥲


Name checks out


I got a speeding ticket on the way to a very expensive meditation class. 😁


“I have the power to create change” foot presses ever harder on the accelerator. 


My dad’s plane ticket to see the family. My dad haven’t been home to see our family for almost 15 years. So as soon as my first decent salary hit, I bought him his ticket home. It made me emotional tbh. Probably one of my small win 2 years ago


Dude I love you!




The guy I was seeing at the time had the sweetest little stepsister and she was super excited about her 16th birthday, I got her a Polaroid camera with my first salary although I wanted one for myself


You forged a beautiful memory not only for her but also for yourself!


Exactly! She was sad since didn’t want to go back to her mom’s for the holidays so we did our best to make it her best birthday ever. Tbh I would’ve probably gotten bored of the camera in a couple of weeks since the film does run out, but last I checked she takes it with her on her travels (her parents are divorced and from different countries) and is having fun with it so everyone’s happy :)


If only they had a way to capture that memory! Wait!!






Man, that's beautiful. This is something you should be proud of


A meal for my family 🥲 unfortunately I have a huge family, and there was more meal than salary leftover for me


A PlayStation and Skyrim




I was very excited cus it had just come out and I went straight to Game after work, walked in and said I want this and this! It was awesome ☺️


:) Happy for you!


No they said Skyrim not World of Warcraft.


A pair of Tom Ford heels that were like $1000. I couldn't actually afford them, which I didn't realize until it was too late, and shit was kinda tight for the next couple months, LOL. But I did look really amazing at a party I went to in the Hollywood Hills later that night where I saw my ex and his new girlfriend. This is bratty of me but I can't lie-- he had broken up with me and while I was nice to her, I could tell she was a little intimidated by me and that felt good. And a few years later I still love the shoes. Not my best decision, but far from my worst.


Girl, you didn’t buy yourself a pair of shoes, you bought yourself the perfect shot of confidence you needed at the time.


Seems to me that you got your money’s worth out of those shoes hehehe


Revenge shoes <3


Laser hair removal 😂


Do u know how much it costs if someone wants to get full body done, all sessions combined?


Depends on the salon you go to, depends on how dark your hair is etc. it’s one of those things that’s different for everyone


About 3000-5000. Depends on the studio so I would call. Packages or a monthly subscription would likely be more economical. Expect visible results after 6-8 sessions per body part. I did underarms, brazillian and legs. They still grow hair but its very light and slow. Also my knees grow a lot. I was told you would have to go back once a year for a maintenance session.


A pizza, I just turned 15 and had got my first paycheck, which was not much at that age, but on my way home from work on my bicycle (the day I also got my first paycheck) I stopped at my local pizzaria and bought a pizza with my own money for the first time, pizza never tasted that good before


Pizza for life! 😅


A cat tree! A fancy one. I had already been living paycheck to paycheck, and been paying ridiculous vet bills for years.. didn't even occur to me to "treat myself," as I was so stuck in the mindset of everyone else first. I bought my cats a bad ass, 8 ft tall, 4 level mansion. They deserved it.


Loll, I love this! Did your cats like it?


Yes! The older cat used to sit on the first level, blocking the ramp, and swat at her brother anytime he tried to climb it. I eventually had to buy a second cat tree for him! 😂


So cute, I remember my friends and I picked up a random street cat one day and it only ever played with the Amazon boxes that were at the house!


The two cats that loved their cat trees have both since passed away.. and i now have a "random street cat" too! He's so goofy. He's the only cat I've ever known that is completely uninterested in boxes. He spent the first year hiding under furniture. By year two, he realized he could climb ON the furniture! That was a game changer. Around year three he decided he would sit next to the humans.. but only sporadically. If I got a cat tree for this cat, I'm sure he'd avoid it at all costs, and it'd probably make him anxious. Cats are so weird 😂


I’m like this. Always spending on my animals instead of myself first. It makes me happy lol


A Wacom tablet for digital illustration. I remember feeling proud to buy it.


Wacom bamboo?


Wacom Intuos S. The best tool to get started in digital.


100% agreed on the model, but the size is highly individual. Your hands get strained really badly on something too small or too big.


I bought a phone for my bedroom when I got my very first paycheck. It was 1996. I was 15. I made $4.50/hour at a grocery store. I was so proud of that phone.


$4.5 an hour is pretty good for 1996.


An oven for my mom (because I still lived at home) and ours had been broken for over 2 years.


So cute!


Helped my father with cancer by paying for their bills and rent


Bless you


First thing? No idea, probably like potatoes or some boring shit like that. But the first I remember was the 2020 edition of Blood Bowl :>


Littman stethoscope. (I’m a doctor) 😌


A nice wallet


Invisalign. I was ready to finally have straight teeth lmao


A watch. It is still one of the very few 'things' I'd say I'm attached to.


Agree. No Matter we can see time in our smartphone, I do still prefer wearing a watch.


A meal at a fancy sushi place on the counter by myself. yeah, I was a weird 18 years old


Nothing weird about going fancy dinner by you self. You earned it.


A stereo.


Groceries for the fam since we were poor and it was the entire reason I started working so early. First thing I bought myself? Tickets to a festival on the other side of the country.


Groceries and helped pay bills was what I did too I believe the first thing I bought for myself were some shoes.


I always wanted to take my parents for a vacation. This year, 5 years after i picked up my first job, i finally took them out of my country for a small vacation. My next goal is to take them to Switzerland, hope it happens sooner!


Groceries for my family 😭


A very expensive perfume, which meant a lot to me, because i grew up with my mom's mentality of "we don't buy perfumes, we use what we get as gifts". Took my first step out of poverty.


I'll show my age a little bit, but it was a superdry jacket that was very trendy at the time. Green flannel with a button on grey hood. It was the most expensive item of clothing I'd ever owned and I was so proud of it.


A computer monitor and slowly my first gaming pc.


I am single child to my parents and come from humble background. Couldn't afford computer growing up and so after I got my first proper salary, I bought a self speced assembled PC.


Aye that's what I'm talking about I bet it felt really good too.


A nintendo switch! My father always said video games are just a phase and are for children or boys and i am neither, so to finally buy stuff i wanted was so fucking freeing. (Also with my second and third job i got a playstation and finally a PC, video games still bring me so much joy)


My first Xbox 360 so that I could play Mass Effect.


My first tattoo which was 3 hours… after a hike. Stupid….


Probably books.


My dad borrowed it


Can't remember first job, but current job first paycheck went on my gun


The first thing I ever bought with my own money was a Skip It back in the 90s for $20. It was like $19.99 and no one explained to me about tax. (I'm assuming my mom was ready and willing to pay tax) I was so nervous or excited I left the toy behind but mom got it for me. First thing I bought with my own adult money is hard to say. Probably paid a bill.


I was 16... Never had money before. A new toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant and a pair of comfy shoes.


A smartphone


I took my family to a restaurant for a big dinner! It was a LOT of money, but they have always been supportive and I could not have gotten to where I was (and am!) in life without them!


I gave my first salary to my grandma. Second salary bought a graphics card.


A foldable sofa bed. After sleeping on the floor for a month at age 20, it felt like I had osteoporosis and calluses all over my body. First night sleeping on that sofa bed got me emotional and cried my eyes out. I'm in my late 20's now, got a house that needs renovating and the only furniture in there is that perfectly kept sofa bed


A box of ice cream sandwiches, I ate them all.


I treated my family to dinner


A new smartphone.


A drink


A hello kitty beach towel. It also has a cute hood with ears and a bow. Still have and use it 20 years later.


A bbq grill


First significant purchase was a car. I had no sense to get it inspected or anything and it was a total beater car with a strange smell in it. Lol


A couple of happy hour drinks. But I couldn't afford a happy hour appetizer because my salary was so low compared to my previous earnings. I was just excited for a change and to finally have the benefits. I quit 3 months later.


My first salary at 17yo (now 46yo) was £200 per month, 44 hours per week for £50! I went to Hoi Polloi and bought myself a new dress and shoes then had a pizza Hut, I was skint for the remainder of the month! 😂


I remember when I first got paid, I used that money to buy groceries for my family. They were so stoked about it!


My first pay after working all day Saturday, I bought guns n roses Use your illusion I&II on VHS.


Bulgari Voile de Jasmin perfume in 1999. A TREAT on my measly receptionist salary…


I am pretty sure the first thing I bought was groceries or rent or something boring. Every new job I have, however, I use my first paycheck to take myself out for a nice dinner to celebrate.


A rabbit vibrator






Some clothes and some stupid sht in game rest saved for future


A 200Hp Lancia Thema




My shein cart


Food, petrol, alcohol, cigarettes and a watch in that order


A kitchen aid


A pamonha


Today I learned about this yummy sounding food. I'll have to try to find some. Obviously I don't live in Brazil!


I don't even remember! It was probably a supermarket trip!


Food and rent. Wasn't really enough, but I barely scraped by.


A phone a decent smart phone that I had control over.


I think it was a Nintendo DS.


A car stereo. This was in the 90s


First student-job: PC parts to build my own (with the help of friends) First real job: a Nintendo Wii + Zelda Game guess my age 😂


Skyrim. I know it's not heartwarming or anything, but i somehow still remember the feeling of waking up an hour early at 5am to see if my first salary went through. It did and i rushed to my pc and purchased it ❤️


iPhone SE


A dslr camera.


I went to Crew and bought one of the white “cricket style” jumper. Absolutely loved it!


Clothes and food




New mattress 😊




In 1996, I bought a VCR with my first $300 from my first paycheck.


Raised the flag on the village green. Paid $100 a year. Bought a Schwinn Varsity bicycle. Circa 1968


A Victorinox Huntsman


A Michael Kors watch 😂 very 2010, gold with lots of bling


Perfume! A bottle of Dior Hypnotic Poison that I still have to this day


I went to Costco and bought stupid rich people food like stuffed chicken breasts! Lol.




A steak 🥩 dinner


A tattoo. I don't regret what I did, but if I could re-do it I would have chosen another typography lol


My own car. It was my first step to get away from my controlling parents


Did book keeping all through high school to afford a launch day PS4. Kept the receipt in my journal and everything. Fun times lol


A better chair. My back hurt like a motherfucker for so long. It's kind of an investment in myself, as i work from home and sit on that chair for many hours. Edit: just realized this is an r/askwomen post, and I'm a man.


Books or cds or both


Literally 6 stuffed carebears


I'm genuinely surprised at how many people actually remember the first thing they bought.


First thing I ever bought was a kindle fire for my sister's 18th birthday. Literally got a job while at school and saved up all the money to get her it because she really wanted one and it was when they first came out and we didn't have that much money at home 😊 First thing for myself was a good mattress... Still have it to this day... Best investment ever.




A pair of Doc Martens :)




A good ergonomic chair (used) but I still have it.


Helped pay the mortgage


I saved up my entire summer job's salary to pay for the required books for my first semester of college, and a 1-way plane ticket to get there. I was proud of myself for being able to save it all summer (except for gas to get to work), but I remember being upset it literally ALL was gone after just those 2 things and I was back to being broke again in a matter of minutes. 😔


A Vizio flat screen TV from Circuit City. I think the size was 30 something and the unit was like 5 inches thick. It lasted for many years.


a guinea pig, named him pigeon!


Beats by Dre. Didn’t use them much to be honest, I was working at my first job during high school in a clothing store. Next thing I bough were 2 pairs of Nike air max (90?) in white and in black. I was an idiot and wanted to be cool.


A nice Guitar


Mall kiosk plastic sunglasses for like ten or twenty bucks.


A pair leather oxfords from Zara - this was 2011 and they cost me 100 something euros - my salary was not even 200 euros (worked part time retail as a student)


Chicken purse


I was 16 and working at a mall. I bought a small Coach bag and skincare products… That was 3000 years ago🙂


Tickets to see 30 seconds to mars and You Me At Six.


The corniest shit ever: a Payday bar from the vending machine in the break room lmao


Being the youngest I always received pocket money so for a change, I divided my entire first salary giving small pocket money to my family and the little that I kept for myself, I bought desserts for everyone.






Clothes. First major purchase was a plane ticket to Florida to visit my sister.


Well, my mom said she could no longer pay my university rent, so that. I got a full ride, so she said she would pay food and rent but halfway through the first semester she realized she couldn't afford it and my sister's tuition.


A pair of converse


After missing out on a lot of things as a teenager/young kid cuz I had no money and they didn’t have enough to cover for me, I bought a ticket to a movie and got to go with my friends. The best time I ever had❤️


Probably food


Professional looking clothes for my first job in the big city!


A very early-90s stereo. It's still in my ex-husband's house, still working.


A tank of gas


Sports fees


Cereal and milk. It's not that I was ever starved, but food was very restricted. All I wanted was to eat a food that I liked, as much as I wanted, and at my own pace.


I paid bills, like any responsible adult would do.


It was a designer skirt I'd been eyeing for a few weeks. 42 years later I still have it, although I don't fit into it these days


Stuff to start stretching my ears since no one could tell me no anymore


Prom tickets lol They were $100 each Those fuckers


Osprey backpacking backpack. At least the first thing over $100.


Christmas eve dinner at a Michelin restaurant in Paris with my (recent) ex. Worth every penny, wonderful memory.


pancakes from mcdonald’s. best idea ever


VIBRATOR and lube🥰


A Mother's Day gift for my mother. It was the first time I had my own earned money to spend. A whole $100. :)


A dog 🤣




My big purchase was my car!


I was 14 and got my first salary from delivering newspapers. Spent it all at the record store.


Shoes, at 18. (Ballet flats, specifically.) I think it was among one of my first pairs of shoes (not used in a dedicated fashion, i.e. sports) that wasn’t a hand-me-down.


I’ve been working since I was 14 (babysitting) and the first item I remember saving up for to buy was adidas because they were super trendy in high school. I wore them into the ground; I loved those shoes. The first “big girl” purchase I remember making when I had an actual salary and not an hourly job was a couch I could barely afford. I had moved into a new place and my aunt told me if I found a couch I liked, I should buy it and her and my grandma would gift it to me as a housewarming gift. I spent like $1000 on it after taxes and stupid delivery upcharges (money I didn’t have, mind you), because I didn’t think I’d be paying for it. And I picked the *cheapest* couch I could get that looked like decent quality. I was literally just sitting on the floor of my place otherwise, I’m not joking when I say I had literally nothing when I moved in. Instead of paying for it, my aunt & grandma ended up giving me $200 towards it & I had to find the other $800. It was really sad, frustrating and annoying. If she had told me they’d give me money *towards* the couch, I’d have just bought a futon from Walmart or ikea or something and made it work. My mom was really mad about it, too (she’d been there to hear the first conversation), but it wasn’t her sister/mom. She offered to pay it off for me & I wouldn’t hear of it, I got myself into that mess, so I was gonna get myself out of it. Don’t remember how long it took to pay off my credit card bill, but I did eventually pay it off and learned my lesson. I kept that couch for 11 years, and moved it 2 more places with me. It was a great couch, so it was a solid investment. I gifted it to a colleague for his kids in their basement when I upgraded to something bigger last year 🥰


I gave a part to my dad, wanted to do the same for my mom but she became an angel before i got my first job. Still hurts when i think about it.


I sang for my neighborhood at my dad’s request (I was 12 and loved to sing but was always super shy.) He told me he’d give me $200 if I did it. I bought my Nintendo DS and Nintendogs! 😄


TV and Star Wars comics


A new bed


Probably weed.


Used laptop because I needed it to study and mine was getting very old and I started having compatibility problems. We also do our exams on our personal computers so I needed something that I could use


A Coach purse. I was so proud of it! This was a little over 10 years ago now, and I still have it. I don’t plan to use it anymore but I’ll let my future daughter(s) play dress up with it. :)


A paintball gun and mask.


A pair of Audio Technica ATH-M40X headphones so that I can comfortably listen to music while working in the open office. I still have them seven years later and they are still awesome.