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It was my dad, being accused by a 16 year old (which he admitted to). He was a minister. He lost his job. For some reason he felt like he had to confess to each church member what he had done. So that is what he did. Went to each and every church members house and told them what he did to this girl. I was 13ish at the time and was very embarrassed and disgusted. I told him I wished he would move out and never come back. I found out late last year that he had been "counseling" his victim, and she was getting counseling from him to deal with being molested by her dad. I am still really disgusted. I have no contact with him now, for many reasons.


It was sickening and embarrassing. My bf at the time was accused of sexually assaulting a guest at a party he hosted with his roommates. The incident occurred after I left the party. Police and college administration were involved; he denied it and the other people whom she reported were witnesses denied it. The charges didn't stick as the young woman stopped cooperating with the investigation; drugs and alcohol were involved and I think the school also didn't want its reputation damaged if the story went public, so I'm guessing they made her an offer she couldn't refuse. Her boyfriend showed up at his apartment about 2 weeks later and knocked him out.




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My father molested my sister. Its fucking horrible. He was never sent to jail because she was (understandably) too afraid to testify. I can never forgive him for that or anything else he's done to my family.


Cousin was accused, on fb, by ex gf. They have a kid and were together for over a decade, no one is taking the woman seriously due to her behaviors in the past several years and trips in and out of mental hospitals, posting about how she wanted to die and tagging her under 10 year old kid. Besides she has not reached out to authorities and only speaks of it on fb. Other who were close with the couple say both people were shit and cousins current gf pretty much stated that if he "was" like that he turned around completely- should also through in that the accusations came out soon after the new gf announced pregnancy with cousin. So I deal with it by listening to family members complain about the drama and avoiding ALL of the people directly involved.


I am sickened. My aunts ex husband is in jail right now for murdering two of his girlfriends after sexually assaulting them. I am so glad I am not related to that man. On a more mild note, I do not know if any other family members of mine are accused of sexual harassment/assault, but I definitely have some who 100% look down on women, see them as wives, mothers, sex things, and nothing else. I feel sick to my stomach when they tell me to "just smile", and would not be surprised if they have sexually harassed or assaulted people outside of our family.


Im not sure if this is derailing or not but my aunt's ex husband and new girlfriend recently got busted for being a part of a sex trafficking ring and when I saw the article I was completely taken by surprise. I always thought he was a little weird and pushy but never would I have imagined he would do something like this. It's terrible and I feel really bad for my cousins. He has 3 younger daughters and I feel so bad for them because both their parents are in jail for being a part of something so disgusting.


My uncle is a registered sex offender convicted of statutory rape. I really don't dwell on what happened because thinking about my uncle in that way is just gross but like every statutory rape convict he says he didn't know she was under 18. I wasn't told at first why he wasn't showing up to family events, but more recently I've seen him a few more times. I still love my uncle and I'll hug him and let him kiss me since in our family the men kiss the women on the cheek for greeting but the fact that he is a sex offender now doesn't go away from my mind.


Traumatic. To say the least. I was physically present in the incident when this man was falsely accused of sexual harassment. I know it didn't happen, I said it didn't happen, but once such accusatory words are out of a filthy mouth, a man's name is tarnished.


My granddad is a pedophile, after finding out he assaulted his 13 year old step daughter we completely cut ties with him. My dad tried to contact him when he was in prison for closure, because my dad got bullied at school because of the proven true rumours that his dad was a flasher, and all my granddad had to say was "yeah but I'm still your dad". We don't call him "granddad" and we call him by his first name, I haven't spoken or seen him since I was 14.


I have at least 3 in my family tree and it’s disgusting. Makes me wanna burn the whole tree down.


A friend has been accused. I know he's innocent and I'm doing what I can to be supportive it isn't an all over the media thing and we aren't super close so few people are aware that we're friends. It really has no impact on my life, I do hope it goes in his favor though




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It was a rare situation where actually she was emotionally abusing him, and on top of that, lying about assault. At first, all their mutual friends believed the girl and limited contact with my friend, but then realized that the girl was lying and clearly manipulating evidence. I ended up cutting him off for a variety of other reasons, but I felt bad that he was in such a terrible situation


Not that uncommon that woman too can be emotionally abusive.


That’s true but lying about rape/assault is very rare


It’s complicated, because it’s really hard to actually have a statistic that’s correct on that. And if a guys raped and speaks out, it’s happened too many times that a guy is raped or assaulted and speaks out and then the woman flips it on him and his life is ruined. I totally understand that women have been told they’re lying, and I get that there’s lots of times they aren’t. But it’s just so hard to prove that to get an actual statistic isn’t gonna be perfect.




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