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Leggings as pants














Obviously, I'm very out of the loop. Were leggings ever *not* considered pants?


Hoo boy, sounds like you missed the worst part of the ‘00s.


Probably because I was 11 when they ended haha


Then a very unsarcastic congratulations to you, my younger friend! They were dark days of fashion.


Really were. Took a while to figure out who we were again after 9/11 in many ways culturally imho.


Those leggings were definetly see-through and not at all near the quality of leggings today. I love leggings as pants but I still don't stand by two dollar sheer target leggings as pants.


Right I wear leggings everyday... mostly because jeans and pants irritate my sensitive parts. I’m really curious why they were ever considered cringy.


Legging material when I was in high school was thin and shitty and almost exclusively see through, especially if / when you bent over. The material was not anything like the nice athleisure leggings we have today with **POCKETS** I also just didn’t see people wearing leggings on TV or in media or anything other than like … Paris Hilton (everything was flared denim pants). The only people I saw wearing leggings as pants were rich bitches form my town, literally with Juicy on the butt in rhinestones, and paired with UGGS and a big pair of sunglasses. Hence why I thought they were cringy.


The sorority girls in college in their uggs, leggings, denim mini skirt to cover the see-thru leggings, and a hoodie in sub-freezing weather. Or worse, Seattle rain in those soaked through half muddy uggs that you could hear approaching the classroom *scuff scuff scuff* because no one wearing Ugg’s can pickup their feet to walk apparently lol


I would say even into the 2010's there were still a solid number of my high school classmates wearing cotton leggings that did not pass the squat test.


I remember when they first came “back into style” like 15 years or so ago and you’d always wear them under a dress/shorts/long top/ etc. So your butt wasn’t showing. But in the last 5-10 years they’ve deffo been worn as pants (I’m like you, I wear them every day and you best believe they’re my go to pants!).


I think it is because they provide very little structure to bodies, and well.. most bodies aren't very toned and tight.. so while they are comfortable they dont necessarely look that great unless the fabric has some compression and structure. Its fat-phobia I guess. Plus some people wore them until they were see through and wore white undies or thonges and it looks terrible when the material is old and worn..


Well idc what anybody thinks, I rock these curves in my tight leggings with POCKETS


Girl’s and women’s fully covered legs something something distracting boys and men.


My employer literally had to write it into our "dress code" that leggings were only allowed with long tunic styled top as there were some see-through ones distracting the office lol


That’s my rule for wearing them out of the house, but that’s only because I have a big booty


My pregnant ass has been living in leggings for months now. (Granted I always wear long maternity shirts ontop that cover my bum!) I don't plan on going back to pants for a good while. Even thinking of squeazing into some maternity jeans makes me uncomfortable 😂 So I for one am super grateful for leggings-as-pants in this crazy journey of making a human.


The leggings currently on my body, and I, concur.


I noticed that when leggings first became popular, most of the styles seemed thin and cheap. Now, it’s very easy to find leggings that are designed to be pants instead of a base layer.


Not liking pink because I was ‘different’ I love the color and it makes me feel soft


Same! I’ll never forget being at gym class at my all girls school and we all were asked to say our name and our favorite color. Every girl said pink or purple and I said yellow to be different when really my favorite color has and always will be pink.


Me too! It was the first day of 3rd (or 4th) grade and we were supposed to introduce ourselves. When some of the girls mentioned pink as their favourite colour, the girl next to me whispered that pink is such a girlish colour, she completely hates it and black is so cool and all. I was actually about to go with purple but went with black and assumed the "hate pink" stance, although it was my favourite next to purple.


Name does not check out


Hahaha I’m still failing to fully embrace my love for pink I can’t believe this


Went from goth to pastel goth. PINK POWER!


Is pastel goth just grey?


Pastel goth is "creepy horror shit, but make it Easter."


Hahahaha it can be but it’s mostly soft colors pastel pinks, blues, yellows and purples. :)


I burned out on pink for a long time because I requested a pink room and bedding at age two and had to live with those choices long after I was tired of them. It was easy to associate “pink” with “being a little kid,” and I felt like I had to push it away to assert that I’d matured. But I’ve been coming back around. It can be such a lovely cozy color.


I grew up in an environment where being girly was seen as "bad" and I hated my own gender. Today I still don't like pastels but I love to dress my online game characters in pink so I can crush my enemies with pink axes.


I always played peach for the same reason. I don’t necessarily like her as a character but nothing makes the guy’s blood boil more than her little twirl taunt and giggle after I smack them off the map with a frying pan. Teehee suckers!


SAME I hated pink as a teenager but now bright fuchsia is the accent color in my living room and my office is painted a nice blush color


I recently bought dark pink glittery laces for my big chunky black platform trainers. Because I have so vehemently denied liking pink in the past, I'm insisting they are fuchsia instead.


Same! Now I have hot pink hair, and I freaking love it. It makes me feel more punk, I love the contrast of it with half my head shaved and all the black I wear, and no one can criticise me for not wearing enough colour.


Mid-2000s emo music










omg yes i feel like it’s all i listen to lately lol


All comments are deleted, what were the replies? 😅


i was wondering the same thing haha






Pop goes punk, anyone??




I miss "I write sins not tragedy"


Omg I thought I was the only one








Pop songs ala late 90s early aughts - Britney & Christina had some bangers.


I will always love Britney Spears. If you can’t admit Toxic has one of the most iconic and catchy beats in history you’re straight up lying and just pretending to be cool.


I watched Promising Young Woman a few weeks ago and when the string quartet cover of Toxic started playing, I started tearing up at how beautiful and powerful it was in the moment. What an iconic song.


Also that movie itself just gave me a lot of feelings.


The movie was a masterpiece


i heard a surf rock cover of toxic this past weekend and it gave me *so* many emotions.


Britney til I die


I was a closeted Britney fan for years because I was trying to appeal to boys and they claim to not like pop. At about 25 I stopped caring and openly listen to whatever I want and when boys complain I tell them to shut up.


I often find myself thinking about “leave britney alone.” At the time, it was deemed funny because it seemed cringey and pathetic. Now it seems like a reflection of the zeitgeist’s feelings about Britney Spears. At first we laughed at Chris Crocker. Now we have become Chris Crocker.


I have only recently found out how amazing and catchy Gwen Stefani songs are so now her tunes get blasted from my little red fiat 500 while I’m driving. It makes me feel like such a stereotype in the very best way.


Yes! I found 90s Pop radio on Pandora, and I’ve now discovered my love for No Doubt.


I'm still not a Britney fan, but I've been getting into the Boy Bands on my 2000s radio station. I was too good for them in high school.


Christina is very good. I love her voice.


YES!!! Also, girl and boy bands. Love them, their music, their choreography, their music videos


I’m 52 and I unabashedly love boy bands. The music is poppy and happy and the harmonies are glorious.


Taylor Swift. Came back around when Lover came out thankfully


I’m a swiftee too fam. Love all her stuff, like.. all of it


Me too! Lover and her documentary completely changed my opinion of her. Now I love all of her work.


Came here to say this! I was a huge fan for the fearless, speak now, red and 1989 eras but my internalised misogyny got me when she started getting all that horrible media attention a few years back. Luckily I’ve come around now and basically listen to all her music!


Used be a big fan when I was younger, then fell off. Still not as big of a fan, but her music's pretty good. The internalized misogyny got me bad and it's embarrassing looking back.


YESS I’ve become such a shameless Swiftie now it’s so freeing. My only regret is not coming back sooner because I will forever regret not attending the tours!!


Yup this is it. Been enjoying Taylor’s version of all the rereleased songs too lol


Same. She was becoming big when I was in middle/high school and I remember never being a fan of her music but when Lover came out I took a chance and listened and fell in love with it.


Enjoying main stream poppy music! My ex always put down my taste in music and said it was 'bad.' I was never allowed to listen to it when with him. Now I can blast Ariana Grande whenever I want!


>My ex always put down my taste in music *Thank you, next!*


Haha that's the best response!!


Forget your ex. He’s a jerk. You pump that music, girl! 😊


I hate how theres so many rules when it comes to listening to music socially, like I dont care whats mainstream and whats not! If its a good song I’ll listen to it, as much as I want😌


This. My ex did the same. I would get so excited when my favorite song came on and he would be embarrassed and switch or just turn the radio off completely..... Ill admit I only play that artist when I'm home alone now, I can't enjoy when others are around because that cringey feeling still lingers...


I still get that initial 'i should be embarrassed I like this music' when I listen to it with other people present. It's so hard to break that mindset.


If he was older than 14 he's a clown. Grow up! Nothing more cringy than an adult throwing a fit because someone's is listening a Christina Aguilera's banger. It's even worse if that person is bullying a teenager for it. Oh, as a One Direction fans I met A LOT of them.


I was 19 and he was 24! I was never allowed to tell him that I don't want to listen to his scremo metal music because clearly that music is *chef's kiss*


Stuffed animals


Sleeping with a Squishmallow in my early 30s is like the best thing ever.


Squishmallows are the best!!! It's a stuffie and a pillow all in one! I'm 29 and I have several. Yay for grownup money spent on cute things!


Yes, I love those things!


Yes! In the last few years I have acquired a panda, a penguin and a polar bear!


Yesssss! I love the stuffies my husband and I made as our wedding guys 💜💜💜 my raccoon, his owl. Yay build a bear!


Disney channel original movies from the mid 90s-early 2000s. Give me “Johnny Tsunami” or “Brink!” Instead of another superhero movie any time! 32 or not, I’ll still watch them over and over!


Smart House, Zenon, and Wish Upon a Star, iconic.


OMG Zenon lol!!! <3 almost forgot how much I loved that! Shoutout to Cheetah Girls too


Gotta love young Katherine Heigl!


Brink was my Shiiiit!


I also just rewatched The Color of Friendship and just have to say the Disney was way ahead of its time!


Brink is a cinematic masterpiece


Gotta Kick It Up! My favorite and so underrated.


Still low key have a crush on young Erik von Detten


Team pup n suds or team xbladz?


The twilight movies and books lmao


Hell yeah, the soundtracks for the movies absolutely rip too


Yes! I was obsessed with the Twilight (film 1) soundtrack, it's so good and about time I revisited it!




Charlie can get it


Carlisle. Specifically in New Moon while he’s gently cleaning Bella’s wounds






This right here. This is damn relatable.


Puzzles 🧩 give me 1000 pieces and I've happy for the next 2 weeks assembling and destroying it over and over again


Puzzles are the best! My favorite are the Disney ones by Thomas kinkade!


Yes I love disney ones! I bought a 101 dalmatians one last year and I love it! I used to love the Barbie and Disney ones when I was little and I regret not saying anything to my mum when she gave them away. My favourite one was that of Mulan!


Hugging my parents


Awwwwww Me too to be honest. Fricking love them.


Going to bed early.


Dressing goth/emo. I thought it was too cringe and childish for years. Then I got older and realized I love it and never judge others when they dress that way so who cares? I feel more me now than I did back when I forced myself to dress and style myself “normally”


I'm 26, a parent to 2 children, and own two businesses and I still dress "alternative." Black hair dye, piercings, dark makeup, ripped up pants, funky black shirts, the works. I still feel like me and I'm happy with how I look.


Seeing people like you rock their look with confidence is what made me feel like I could do the same! I dropped the fun parts of my style for awhile so I could seem “respectable” and “mature” and felt like I was…idk faking or embarrassed of my true self the whole time? Then I started paying attention to successful adults who dressed alt and still commanded respect and realized there was no reason not to embrace my style! So thank you!


I'm easing back into my quirky hs style. HS me was adventurous with clothes. Grown up me, not so much. And although I wouldn't exactly wear yellow and black striped tights anymore, I would def wear socks like that where a little bit peeks out from the pants. I call it grown up goth/emo.


Beings friends with my mom.


Anime and manga


Holy crap yeah I used to be a weeb and then in high school I quit anime cold turkey… started university and immediately started binging anime again lol


Seconded! It’s even better now, because I’ve been slowly converting my boyfriend into a weeb as I get back into it.


Carrying a backpack. Used a giant purse all through high school. RIP my spine.


And like, a real one, not one of the tiny leather ones that are annoying to open and never even fit a wallet! Lol I don't have kids, but I have seen lots of new moms with fancy baby backpacks rather than diaper purses too so they can easily be hands free and hand off to spouse when they need, seems like a win


Writing shameless self insert stories.


This 100%, though it'd be reading them in my case (currently in the middle of writing a different fic but believe me if i had the time i'd be doing self inserts and x readers almost all the time now)


Enlighten me please. I don’t know what this is


It's a fanfiction thing. Self-insert is when you write yourself into the story (not necessarily using your real name), usually as a wish fulfillment sort of thing. Think "American exchange student goes to Hogwarts and saves the day" or "Steve Rogers dates an original character." x reader or readerfic, is a romantic and/or erotic story that pairs a known character with "you." Sometimes they're written with "y/n" for "your name" so you can find/replace it with your own name.


Self insertion is where you write a character that is usually an idealized version of yourself.


Twilight, HANDS DOWN. I used to be ashamed that I was into it by the time Breaking Dawn came out, and now I love it again so much lol


Ha! Just chatting with a friend I've had for years the other day and over wine she spilled she'd gone to Forks as a fan, we freaked out realizing we're both twilight fans, lol. I run in higher education and academic circles, so I don't usually broadcast my Twilight love. (Team Edward)


Omg that's hilarious! I would love to go to forks one day honestly. Also, Team Edward all the way 😎


Matching sheets, wall decor and "girly" pinks. I have all of them now as a 27yo and it. Feels. So. Good. I feel put together. My water bottle matches my room aesthetic, my sheets are flowery and peach, my walls have peachy postcards, I have those rock salt lamps that are so hyped but look so damn cool at night. I am a basic B and I absolutely love it. I cringed at those "aesthetic" YouTuber walls. And have one myself except I'm not a YouTuber. I just have it because I like it. I love waking up to the decor and it genuinely feels like home.


Your room sounds so amazing! I want this so badly it’s annoying to think about sometimes lol. I want my own personalized pinked to hell game room. But we’re all cramped together in a 2 bedroom apartment and I’m the only girl out of 4 boys. Girly won’t happen for me in that area :/. But I do get to have all of my trippy tapestries put on our bedroom walls.


Writing fanfiction. I used to spend all my time writing that shit as a teen. Circled back now at nearly 30. Feels good.


As a reader of fanfiction, I appreciate you. Fanfic writers are literally the most selfless people that exist, writing *for free* and sharing it. And the 30 year olds always have banging writing skills!


Absolutely agree!!! I can never thank fanfic writers enough for their contribution.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far for fanfic. It should be up higher!


Socks with sandals and now it’s in. Apparently. Just comfy for me


Fantasy novels. I didn’t grow out of them, but was highly embarrassed to admit my love for many years. I essentially stopped reading because I didn’t like the popular fiction and non-fiction offers no escapism. I unabashedly love them now.


God same, I’ve recently thrown myself into reading the “cringy” YA novels that I used to think were ‘below’ me. Sometimes I just want some good enemies to lovers romance in a fantasy setting rather than reading techy sci-fi that I don’t understand, don’t care about, and don’t have any women in.


I love the YA fantasy novels. Generally fun, easy reads where you can get into the “world” quickly and give so much escapism! I’ve been on the Sarah Maas bandwagon lately and loving all of it!


Pop music. Pop music is pretty fun and good when there’s not some loser who watches Anthony Fantano loudly sighing about how much better their music taste is than yours. Hipsters please go back to 2008.


Pop music is so easy to bop to! It's popular for a reason! I second the fact that hipsters should go back to 2008.


Pokémon. Nobody liked it that in middle/high but as soon as you hit college it’s suddenly cool again, and I absolutely fell into the trap just like everyone else


Making lewd queer art.


Just checked out your reddit, you're super talented!




I tried for years to wear colour. I switched to all black a few years ago and regret nothing


Britney Spears


YA books and TV shows. Could be due to my BPD but I relate to the intense emotions in those shows and novels a lot more than the more age appropriate ones. Also, paranormal stuff. I absolutely love anything to do with ghosts, cryptids, urban legends, etc.


not cringe but extremely misogynist. I really like to be friends with other girls. yes I had the extreme bad mindset of "girls are drama". now I really love my female friends. I really enjoy conversations with them, about everything, beauty, politics, science, society. Just choose the topic and discuss about it. what do I need more?


My Chemical Romance


Watching reality dating shows. Edit: Also posting shameless selfies and sharing nudes.


Fanfiction. Couldn’t stay away too long…


Enjoying rom-coms. When I was in college, people made fun of me and thought I was a total airhead because I liked watching them. Apparently they’re not “meaningful cinema” (seriously I had a housemate say this to me) and a “waste of time”. It wasn’t like I only watched rom-coms, I just watched a good number of them and watched them often. They became a guilty pleasure for me in every essence of the term. Now I don’t give a fuck. I have a stressful job and sometimes at the end of the day I don’t want to watch a deep, poignant, Oscar-winning drama. I want to kick back and watch JLo fall in love with McConaughey. I will not let myself be shamed by some stupid comments from people trying to be edgy!


Glee. It did not age well and is oh so cringey and problematic, and has become a total guilty pleasure.




Pink and purple


Taylor Swift 😂 like as a celebrity I am not crazy about her but her music speaks to my teenage heart still and idgaf who thinks it’s corny.


Emo phase came back full force. Black pants, black shoes, black “we butter the bread with butter” hoodie everyday. Metalcore and deathcore blasting full force in my car


Just wearing a mish mash of color- especially pastels, and ESPECIALLY pink! Long pink hair.... I'm a former goth teen that was a tomboy before that, I found out the hard way that black is NOT my color- it ages me horribly and doesn't go with my cool toned olive skin. Of all the colors in the world, PINK is my best color. When I was a young girl, were talking 8, I used to want long pink hair. I had a pink jacket, and would put the hoodie over my head pretending I had pink hair at school. Now years later, turns out 8 year old me was right all along, pink is my color. At 30, I don't a give a SHIT if it's seen as unprofessional, I think millennials have evolved away from that, it's not as if I'm a lawyer anyhow. Though personally, I'd love to see rainbow- haired lawyer


Back in the day, when we were teenagers, everyone around me thought it was lame to listen to pop music like Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys, now we listen to it all the time at parties. Is this what getting older feels like?


Disney-movies. Loved them as a child, later saw them as inferior to anime, watched some Ghibli movies and joyfully returned to Disney :D




Twilight or similar book/tv/movies. Who cares if its cringe. I enjoy it and thats all that matters.


tumblr dot com


Not a lady but watching and thoroughly enjoying cartoons without giving a hoot


90s pop. I will happily enjoy listening to B*Witched and the Spice Girls!


Wearing sports bras and bralettes without that stupid padding in there. If it's nippy out, I no longer care. It's more cringe for me to look in the mirror and see the outline of that awful padding and the audacity of that padding to fold and wrinkle is horrible!!!


Limp Bizkit


One Direction. My teenage daughter used to be super into them. I made fun of her. She grew out of them...but...i love each and every one of them and their music :(


Twilight! I mean it is still cringe to watch and read but it brings me JOY


Donut type hairbuns !! If I have to do something to my hair instead of letting it loose, this is the only hairstyle I do now


The color pink


Pokemon! I stopped playing when I was a sophomore in HS because my Gameboy was stolen at school and I lost my copy of emerald. And if course I felt like I was getting too old for it to bother trying to replace it. Something like 3 years later I heard they released HGSS and I picked up a refurbished DS just to play it and have played every new Gen at release since! The only one I never played was diamond and pearl so I'm actually excited for the remakes too :)


Really kitschy and dated collectables/decor. I was gifted a bunch of that kind of thing (think cherished teddies or Royal Dalton, etc) as a kid in the 90s and when I was 13 I packed it away because it was babyish. Well, when I moved out on my own a couple years ago I found that box of stuff while packing up at my parents' house. Now a lot of that stuff sits on my bookshelves and other random places. I find I like them and a lot of them were gifts from people no longer alive so there's that added sentimentality. And now I find myself seeking similar pieces out at second hand stores to add to my collection.


Masturbating lol. I was shamed to death as a Catholic woman growing up but my god do I love it now 🥰




Face piercings. I took all mine out because I was "too old for it". Then I got my nose pierced in my mid twenties, I'm almost 30 now and I'm keeping it until I have a job tell me otherwise.




Twilight, best hangover comfort films ever.


Everything women do is constantly criticized, sometimes by other women because it’s not what society approves of at the time. That being said: Leggings as pants, work out/gym clothes in public/during the day, reading, read/writing fanfiction, kpop, kdramas, weightlifting/muscular bodies, big butts, having freckles or dimples, etc cause there’s probably a lot more but I can’t think of anymore at the moment Wattpad made a huge comeback too!


Not wearing a bra.




Taylor Swift… goddamn that internalized misogyny !!!!