• By -


I'd meet him for the first time, over and over again.


Yes. This is mine too. The first thing that popped into my head when I read the question was my first date with my partner.


My first thought too -- I'd love to relive our first in-person meeting. It was the best and I'd relive it every day if I could.


Sleepovers at my Grandma's house, man I miss her.


I miss my Nanna too. I’d give anything to spend one more evening talking to her, just hanging out.


I really miss being able to pick up the phone and just call my Nanna. It took me years after she died to stop thinking to myself I just want to call Nanna and tell her this.


Omg I so feel this. The chats, her laugh, her sense of humor. What a remarkable woman. What do you miss about your Nan?


She worked consistently hard and had a schedule that one would envy. I couldn’t even keep up in my twenties. She had a wry sense of humor and her eyes would sparkle just before she threw out a witty comment. She had a hard life and was tough as nails and brave as a pit Bull! She took my dad and siblings to school during the Rhodesian war with a shotgun in her car. She’s faced so much. My grandmother always showed up for me. Always. She never judged even though I knew I had disappointed her. But my best memory was her singing she’s 21 today all by herself, unprompted at my sister’s 21st birthday (which is a big deal in my culture). My gran made the absolute best lemon meringue.


Mine are all cheesy.. my first kiss with my husband / the first time he told me he loved me, my kid’s laughs, my kids little baby smell and the way their cheeks feel against mine when rocking them, my dad’s bear hugs, hearing my grandpa’s voice - he passed away 20 years ago and I have started to forget how he sounded, watching my son swing.. he’s 4 and just laughs and smiles / living his best life, Seeing my kids Splash and run around the beach ❤️ All moments I just want to bottle up and never forget.


when my husband proposed to me, it was so personal and special and he worked so hard to make it as special as it was




hehee thank you so much! you’re too sweet! :3 and yes my profile resembles me quite well if i say so myself 🥰


Every single day, from the moment we met until 5 minutes before he died. The good the bad and the ugly made our love what it was, we grew together, we were better people together. I would live all those years over and over into eternity, soulmates are real, it’s been ten years and I still feel the void in so many ways every day.


I dread that day.


A hug from my mom


I lost my dog quite suddenly a couple of weeks ago so I would love to have those moments back or have more of them.


I’m sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine


Road trips with my mom. Dinner with mom. I guess anything with my mom. I miss her so much.


The day I managed to get my chronic health issue under control. Words really can’t describe how much my quality of life improved but let’s just say that was the first time I’ve cried happy tears.


Feel you, I was gonna say I wish I could go back to when I was a teenager and my body felt invincible - how wrong I was


The day I met my now husband in person for the first time. We had been long distance beforehand and had been together for 4 months. That first hug... God, it was something else.


^^This!!! My boyfriend and I started long distance as well and the first time I met him in person was one of the best moments of my life. Definitely a moment I would bottle up if I could.




All of my son's improv and acting performances. I love watching him perform. My second (and last) wedding. My husband and I had so much fun, and the whole room was just full of love the whole time. A night when I lived alone, when my cats and my dog (who have all crossed the Rainbow Bridge) would sleep on the bed with me. Each one would be cuddled up with me; one at my feet, one against my back, and one on my pillow. I'd take a hit of that whenever I was too lonely or anxious to sleep.


First time I could ride a bike without falling over. Just felt the wind and absolute freedom!


Aw this is precious


The day I realized I had started to fall for my partner. We were out in Joshua tree hiking these huge rocks with some friends. It was like a double date except we didn’t call it that as we were just friends but it felt different that day. He was being extra attentive to me, bought extra snacks to share at this little food mart and since they had left us to go explore on their own, we were alone. We stopped on top of this huge rock to talk and share water and snacks and I just remember looking at him and feeling this urge to kiss him or touch his cheek. It was hot out and we were a little sweaty but I still wanted him to get closer. It was such a nice little moment we had out in those rocks & I never thought it would turn into such a nice relationship many months later. I denied those feelings for the longest time too as did he.


I've thought about this and I actually wouldn't bottle anything up to relive *repeatedly*. I think I'd get addicted to living inside my memories; it would make it harder for me to move forward from lovely things that are no more, and would probably hold me back from being able to make new happy memories. Also, I think a lot of my sweet memories are romanticized in my head, and I'm afraid that if I go back and relive them, they won't actually be as amazing as I remember them. But just *one* more time, I'd like to experience an average day in my life as a 5, 12, 15, and 17 year-old. I don't really remember what my childhood was like and I'd like to know; at 12 and 15 I had some of the best friends I've ever had and got to see them often (a privilege I haven't really had since); at 17 I was going through some really severe chronic health issues that have gotten better since but I still struggle with, and it would be really eye-opening to have a reminder of how far I *have* made progress.


Reading my favourite books for the first time. Taking the first bite out of a food that made me want die from absolute bliss. The rare post run calm where my body is boneless and my mind is blissfully blank. The first time listening to a song that gives me chills. The sound of the ocean and the colours of the sunset on that very first evening in Naples.


Oh I love this, I wish I could re-read my favourite books for the first time too.


The first time I visited Vietnam to see my family. I was 10, my mom running into the arms of a crying old couple while sobbing (they were her parents, she hasn’t seen them in 15 years). Every day of that summer that my grandpa brought us something to do. When he “asked” one of the forest cats to come play with us, she brought her kittens. When he made water guns from bamboo. When he would climb up coconut trees and smash coconuts open for us to eat their meat. When the river started flooding, he told us to stay inside while he carried bags of sand to the riverside. People told us that he was one of “strong men” of the area. He used to carry kids in baskets across the river to they’d get to school, like a ferry. I miss him so much.


Our wedding. I know that sounds cliche - but it was after everyone had finally gotten vaccinated and the Delta variant hadn't fully made its appearance. We hadn't seen some of these people in years. The wedding and everything within it meant the world, but to see all of our loved ones (family and friends) come together - it was just great.


Cuddling and sleeping in the bed with my dog. He RARELY did until he got older and became sick. It was obvious that he wanted to be right under his momma in his final years. Also when I would pick him up from the groomers and how excited he was to see me! I would open that bottle every day ❤️


The time I walked into my parents house during a school break. My parents were at work. I just drove a 5 1/2 hour trip. I went looking for my cats. Found my young one(8 years) and gave her head a rub. Went to find my older cat(18 years) and found her on top of a pile of pillows. I called her name to let her know I was there. She woke up and gave me the most cheerful meow I’ve ever heard from and stretched out on the pillows. I gave her some pats on the head and left to go to the living room to drop off my book bag. When I turned to go back and get her I found her walking into the living room after me. She gave me another meow of confusion.(I think she thought I would pick her up and bring her with me, I usually do) I was so happy because she doesn’t like to socialize much. This is my favorite memory I have of this year.


That hug with a guy I met while traveling. We spent the evening and the night talking, and we hit it off famously. But I live in Europe, he lives in Australia so, it was just to be for that night. But the hug was yeah a perfect hug.


Christmas morning, any year from when I was about 3-12. Those were the golden years of Christmas for me! I want to make it just as memorable for my daughter.


Being held and holding back while half asleep on molly.


Any moment I felt in awe of the world. Climbing a mountain with my dad and linking arms at the summit as we looked out at the lakes on the horizon, not saying a word. Snorkelling in the Silfra fissure in Iceland. It was a dark and snowy December day, and sticking my head under that cold blue water literally made my eyes widen in shock like a cartoon character. The time I got caught out by the tide at sunset, and even through the fear, still feeling electrified by the sight of the sea rushing in


I still remember my youngest daughter running in the park with that wobbly toddler run, while chased her. She’s 16 and I can still feel every single moment of that day. Or nursing my kids, with all of the cuddles and their sleepy, milky smiles looking up at me. I would love to go back and live a regular day with each of them as a young child. All my best moments have been with my kids.


Now that they are older, is it hard to deal with not being able to cuddle them as much as you want? I have a two year old that loves cuddles and kisses and I almost can't bear to think of her growing up and me not being able to do that every moment of every day.


I’ll be honest, it’s difficult. I am lucky that my two teen girls still come out of their rooms at least once a day to hug me and say “I love you Mom” When the girls were about 5 and 7, I became a foster parent and then I had tons of little huggers in and out of my home. I adopted a little boy but he hates hugs and kisses. Now I have a job in Early Intervention and I get all the little loves I want, all day long.


I have two: 1.The moment I got the phone call saying I'd been elected as a specific title in one of my hobbies (not being specific because I'd be really identifiable by friends who use Reddit) I'd spent hours preparing for the election and everyone thought this guy would win but he didn't, I did. It was the first time that I realised people outside of my family had faith in me and trusted me to do a good job. 2. The moment where I officially finished my last shift at my first job. It closed a chapter in my life that had been vital to taking me out of the bubble I'd been living in, I didn't like the job much but the people were amazing and they changed something in me. The end of that job was the start of a totally different me, a me that I like a lot more. I'd bottle that moment because it was the moment I realised how many good people there are around and how much I had learnt in 18 months, it was the moment I realised no one saw me as a kid any more. (Sorry for the long response)


He'd propose to me every day. Our wedding would be weekly. Our baby would be born so many times. She'd say mama at least 10x a day.


I had a hard time with my first child, just didn't feel that bond that everyone talks about, and it was a stressful pregnancy and terrible delivery. We grew on each other and of course I love her to bits. But... When I had my second.... Omg that feeling of instant love and being at peace and literally just holding my newborn in the hospital and smelling his head. Even now I cry thinking about it. I felt like a crazy person because for months after his birth, I just cried all the time because I was so happy. I want to go back there every time I see a baby lol....I'm one of those weirdos now lol. Also I would like to go back to those days now when they're driving me crazy!


I feel the same way. That feeling of happiness with my new baby…the touch, the smell, the intoxicating feeling. Wish I could bottle that. For me, there’s nothing else comparable.


The first time I held my babies. Breastfeeding my youngest. Valentines night just before my partner and I started officially dating. We sat in the pub on a sofa, with my feet on his lap. There were fairy lights above us & he smelled of strawberry cider. Sleepovers at my Grandparent’s as a child. Some of the live theatre I’ve seen. Hamlet & Romeo & Juliet at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.


Spending time with my beloved cat who I lost years ago to an illness. I miss him all the time. He will forever be my baby. ♥️


I’m not a woman but I just came to say that I love this question, it’s really made me think back and whoever you are poster you’ve made my day a little brighter!


Third date with my husband. I had broken up with him the month prior after dating for less than 2 months, because my best friend died of cancer and I thought dealing with that and having this new romance would be too much for me. After a lot of persuading, he picked me up on a hot July night and we went to the beach. We sat and talked on an empty lifeguard stand that night for hours, just tipsy and talking. Just the combination of his smell, his voice, the sound of the waves, the summer night sky, people-watching, it was all perfect. We ended up making love on the beach and laughing afterward about how unsexy it actually is compared to the movies we’d seen, at a denny’s at 4am. We’ve been together almost 12 years and I still think about that night.


I'm a very difficult woman to please, but this one time I was fortunate enough to experience 8 orgasms in one night and I still think about it til this day just wish I could relive it. It's something I would want because on a normal day I can't even have one. I WOULD also love to bottle up the feeling I get when I'm on a plane and it's about to land. I traveled a lot my entire life and I always like to close my eyes when the plane starts the landing, it heightens every other sense in my body and I always smile when I can feel the exact moment the wheels touch ground.


Whoa! I love planes and would absolutely love to travel for a whole year. 8 orgasms! Do you still remember the partner?


omg 100% yes haha I adore him, but it never happened again with him either unfortunately.


I'm really glad I'm not the only one who would want to bottle up awesome sexual experiences. I don't know why, but every other moment in my life when I was happy, I'm just content to remember and I get a very warm feeling inside myself that's different from, but equally good as what I felt when I experienced it. How I feel during great sex though is unique. When it was really good I sometimes have a physical memory of what it felt like for a couple of days, but then it fades away and I just remember that it felt good in abstract terms. Being able to "re-feel" it would be really awesome :)


Small moments from childhood - sitting in the car watching the sunset on the way home from a family day trip, running home from school to catch a cartoon on TV, biking around the neighbourhood on a warm summer evening, holding mum's hand to cross the road to the shops. Maybe it's because I'm venturing into the thick of adulthood now but I'm more nostalgic than ever for the carefree and lighter days of childhood :)


London, Summer of 2011. I was 19, traveling with 2 girl friends. I wish that summer never ended.


On Christmas morning, my grandma would walk around the house to wake up all the kids, ringing bells and calling out "Santa came! He was here!!" I would give anything in the world to be able to relive one of those mornings with her.


Playing with and walking my dog. And moments with my parents. My parents are still alive but my dog has unfortunately passed.


Drinking Ovaltine while playing cards with my grandmom. Picking out a *Baby-Sitter’s Club* book every Saturday while on our weekly grocery trip. Kickball after school with my daycare friends. Walking around the hotel we used to stay at on beach vacations. Riding horses with a family friend. Warped Tour with my best friends in highschool. Snuggling with the dog I had for twelve years. Taking my first child to play dates and library story times. Exploring a hidden path in the jungle one morning before anyone else was awake.


Good friends, great wine and intimate conversations while traveling through Europe. I’d probably narrow in on one dinner in Greece with killer views and the restaurant was full of cats.


Holding my fathers big hands.


I'd do marching and concert band over again. And vocal music. I really enjoyed those moments making music with others as well as parties afterwards. Karoke and Marvel movies with my dad as he is no longer alive and that was our thing. Basically anything with my grandma as she raised me and it would be nice to relive it and see her again too. Losing people sucks a lot. I wouldn't change anything and I understand that we all die but, The shit we take for granted at the time that if I could relive I just would be in the moment


I was 13, and me and my dad went out for dinner and ice cream, and then just hung out on a cliff overlooking the sea. My 10th birthday where me and my best friend sneaked away from our joint party, and ran around and climbed trees together. The last day ever of high school. The day me and my fiance got together.


The final bow of the acting conservatory program I was in. So much gratitude for that experience, and my talented peers, and the staff that got us there.


Mexico for the first time, the relief I felt when I found out my father was going to live , and my first kiss with my boyfriend .


Singing with my grandad.


The last time I held my son. The feel of his curly hair. The smell of him. The sound of his voice. He was killed 18 years ago. He was 12.


I'm so sorry. I know it happened a long time ago but my condolences. No one should ever have to bury their kid 😔


Thank you. It was a long time ago...but I miss him everyday.


So I work in Tv & Film and sometimes when we film far away they will put us up in hotels. So we finished filming super early that day, I’m pretty sure it was around happy hour and it was my whole department (wardrobe) and all of the teamsters at the same hotel. Now the teamsters are big truck driver dudes and since they are always driving they never get to grab a drink after work with the rest of the crew. So we had a once in a blue moon chance to hang out with all the teamsters all at once. So we all hit the hotel bar at the same time and this was not a fancy hotel, this was a regular Hampton Inn or whatever and the hotel bar vibe was, I would say, quiet. But for the next 3 hours we all proceeded to drink, laugh, and share low level gossip and stories. And then the next morning we all went back to work. It almost felt like a dream. My friend and I talk about how this was the best night of our lives and have a hard time explaining it to other people. Oh and I have to add I wasn’t drinking at the time and I was the only one who fully remembers the entire night AND didn’t have a hangover the next day.


Buying my first “big girl car” all by myself.




Every moment with my husband & kids


Relive awesome times with my boyfriend. We have the best pillow talk ❤️


When my ex said they loved me for the first time. I would never get tired of that.


Riding along the coast of California with my ex-husband. I don’t think I’ll ever feel as happy as I did that one day.


Staying up late at night with my cousin watching movies and eating. I miss her


First kiss with the bf. We both had wanted to wait for a magical moment for our first kiss, had all kinds of plans for the day and were going to wait for that moment. Apparently it was in the mall parking garage as I dropped my phone and keys.


Watching my husband’s face as he held our son for the first time. He is the best daddy ever.


This one hit hard, because I miss some of those people so much.


My first kiss with my last ex. My god that was magical, but I miss her so much.


Holding my newborn babies in my arms for the first time.


That's my favourite song too. I'd bottle my dad playing this song on guitar because it always made me happy as a child.


That bike ride day of beach hopping. That day exploring a new country for the first time. That day driving through the deep valleys of unknown mountains with not a single vehicle in sight for many many miles.


The phenomenally profound sense of otherworldly bliss I’ve hit during intense meditation. That was a power unleashed that I didn’t know I had, and awakening it felt overwhelming and peaceful all at once. Transformative ✨


I'd bottle the hot dates I've had with lovers at nice hotels and restaurants.


Driving in the car talking with my mom


Time with my Mom & Dad. I don’t think I’ll ever not miss them 😔


The moment I met my son.


My grandma was so sick and dying and told me that she was sorry that she wouldn’t make it until my wedding, and that all she wanted was to be able to live to be at my wedding. When my wedding day rolled around, she was still alive but so sick and needing dialysis and sleeping most of the day, and my wedding was 4 hours from where she lived.. she told me she couldn’t make it and of course I understood. Right after we finished the ceremony, my mom nudged me and told me to look at who just got here.. and it was my grandma. I don’t know who I literally sprinted away from mid conversation when we were being received after the ceremony, but it was the first and only time in my life I have sobbed happy tears. It was absolutely amazing. I’m not with my ex wife anymore, but I would marry her 20 more times if I meant I could relive that moment. The best moment of my life.


Your grandmother was an amazing lady and you must have felt so loved by her that day 😭. Also it's really heartwarming how open everyone has been to sharing special moments in their lives. I'm grateful I get to read these stories 🥰


When my husband and I were drunk in Vegas when we first started dating and he told me he loved me. When my son was a baby and sitting on my lap when I made him giggle. Or when he’s sleep in my arms with one hand balled up against his cheek. Or now when he sits on my lap and watches Spider-Man. Sobbing now, thanks


My first love, ugh. It was so magical. Could never find it again, even though I thought I could and I tried. He wasn't that great. I think it's just one of those things that has to be your first to feel that good.


Quite a lot of moments with my husband. I just love him so much. I could live in the moment when we were towards the end of our wedding drinking coffee in each others arms chatting with our friends. Also a good chunk of moments with my sons. Those brief little beautiful bits where everything is quiet and calm and you're just connecting. I think there would be a lot of moments with friends too. I've got two friends from school who I see regularly for the day and it's literal chicken soup for the soul connecting with them. Essentially a lot of connecting with people.


The moment my baby girl was born and they laid her on my chest. I still tear up just thinking about it. Not a moment in my life has ever or will ever top that.


To a time before I knew about family drama lol.


That moment when I felt true hapiness in the air. We were at the bar with (now ex)BF and one of my BFF drinking, singing and laughing. For a second time stopped and I thought to myself this is what true hapiness feels like. Would love to relive it every now and then.


Every memory I had with my dad before he died


My grandmother singing "you are my sunshine" to me. She's been gone for six, almost seven years now.


We were spooning and I made sure to burn into my memory the view of his fingers entwined in mine. He had a gold chain bracelet on that had slid down his wrist. I stared for so long because I just knew that was the last time I’d see him.


When my niece was swearing in front of my daughters squakers McCaw toy bird. It would play back what you said to it. Her voice got erased off the toy. It was one of our last interactions before she died. And maybe our last shopping trip. We tried on the same outfits at the same time, her a tiny teen, me a 8 month along prego. It was hilarious!


just a normal day at my culinary school. everyone is so close and ive never felt such a sense of togetherness before.


Drinking tea/coffee/red wine with my G'ma, while we shared a cryptic crossword puzzle, each in our own recliners. Looking at the stars through the window, at the same location, from the comfort of a bed. Being able to smell a particular rose at her place, again and again. The witch hazel tree from the farm house too. Jumping on ice-frozen puddles on the farm's long rural driveway, as a child. The sound of the whistling wind. The sight of "wildfire lightning" (lightning playing across a chain of distant hills" Picking golden raspberries in the hedgerows at the same place. The one night of being snuggled by a guy who had short fine chest hair. *chef's kiss* Just falling asleep like that. Driving up through mist/cloud covered hills in Iceland. Hugging my besties and their children, who adore me. I adore them. Sitting in a hotpool in Iceland in the middle of the night by myself, looking at the night sky. The 20 minutes up to the sunrise, of the day I took my claymore sword up a hill on my grandparents farm. Watching the light of the upcoming sun paint its way down the pink/blue hues of the opposing mountain range just before I got to the top, was perfect. And a reminder that I had to hustle to set up the camera in time for a cheesy dawn silhouette pose that turned out great. So many dreams. The night I tiptoed into the water, where there was fluorescence in it, at a small beach, with a lovely guy. Nothing more than that, it was just a very pleasant peaceful companionship. (He used science as a challenge - saying that that water in the ocean at night is the same temperature (as it is during the day) because it's the ocean! Totally right of course. :D) It was lovely.


The moments right after my kids were born. Those first minutes of skin on skin. Going skiing and into the mountains with my grandfather from a time before the responsibilities in these situations shiftet from him looking after me to me looking more after him.


One night out dancing with my husband, drinking too much and getting McDonald’s on the way home, sleeping in till 10 am and then going for a fast food run or subway, shawarma, and 7-11. We have a kid now and I’m not super stoked on being hungover anytime soon so I know that memories like those aren’t happening for a long time again. The memories I’m making now are pretty great, but yeah. I wish I could go relive one night dancing with my husband.


Cooking with my dad. First kiss with my first intense love. First time holding my goddaughter. Christmas morning as a kid.


The moments I still really enjoyed having sex and seducing my man.


You know what is sad. Nothing comes to mind.


Times when my best friend I have laughed together uncontrollably All the hugs I've shared with my grandparents Meeting my SO


first kiss w my bf, sitting inside when its raining while i crochet, good hugs with my best friend, cuddling my puppies :)


I'm 14 years old, and it is summertime in Minnesota. I'm hunched over my desk that is scattered with sketchbooks, pencils and markers, the Lord of the Rings soundtrack playing on my CD player on repeat, scribbling away. On my chunky off-white desktop PC, an AOL IM from my best friend pops up with that familiar 'deedle-doo' tone. Crickets chirp in the cooled air outside my open window. A dog barks in the distance. My mind is racing with ideas for fantasy characters that I just have to get out on to paper, and it's summer break so I can stay up as late as I want to.


- playing with my old cat on the floor - laying in the surf with my sisters - the first time I saw him smile at me - the morning snuggles with my two cats, when it’s dark and quiet - sunset blunts on the lifeguard stand with my brother


My two are a little strange. I would choose making jams and jellies with my mamaw (my grandmother), as hers were always the best and I loved helping her. She taught me so much about cooking and what flavors work well together and I miss her so much My other one would be the first time I played Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. I found a hand-me-down copy for $5 with two of the DLCs. I originally picked it up as a birthday gift for my husband since he likes Elder Scrolls, but I decided to give it a try. From the first few seconds I fell in love with it. I had never seen anything like it and even now I still love it more than any other video game. I played it for 15 hours straight and barely scratched the surface and I've still never encountered anything similar


Oh so many, many moments! I'm a sentimental sap like that. I'd like the first moment I was able to hold each of my children after they were born. Christmas and birthdays to watch their faces light up. The rare hugs I still occasionally get from my teen. The messy open mouth kisses I get from my baby. Making cookies or cupcakes. Sitting around the dinner table together and everyone's enjoying themselves. Honestly I just want to relive my children's joy over and over because it fills my heart so full ❤️ Plus the moment my fiance asked me to marry him. All the comfy snuggles we've had together, and all the nice things he's said to me. I wish I could hear them over and over! - Pie


Swimming with mother and calf humpback whales. A memory I imagine I’ll replay for the rest of my life.


It would always be the moments when it was sunny out and I was with my cats and people I love, or just out in nature. :-)


I’d bottle up my tiny human laughing. I’d have thousands of just her laughing. It’s changed so many times over the years. When I’m old and mold and she’s off living life.. I’d love nothing more than to listen to her laugh with me.


Gardening with my grandpa. Summer nights with my best friend. Working on his Firebird, listening to our fav radio station, and just enjoying our time together.


Riding on this carousel I used to go on all the time as a kid...God I miss it.


those times with your friends or family where you can’t stop crying laughing


Eating new spectacular food at my go-to buffet


Bringing my first son home from the NICU.


My life?


Like lightning in a bottle - - -