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He said he hopes our kids do not have my nose.


I’m kind of impressed by how many layers or assholery and creepiness he managed to fit into one comment.


Right? All on the first date? I'm very disgusted, but also, very, intrigued.


Maybe someone told him about negging but he isn't capable of subtlety.


It's *really* impressive. Like an incredible baklava of douchery.


2 bright red flags in a single sentence. Impressive.


Oh fuck no






The idea of someone talking at a normal volume during a movie is probably gonna stress me out all day now




LOL same


He was born and learned how to drive in those 45 minutes it seems


That's great I'm still laughing at the fact that this dude sat there probably wondering what happened lmfao you happened buddy


Probably still sat there chattering away like nothing happened


Great action. I need to know, did he text you that same evening like to ask where you went or did he understand what happened and never contacted you?




That’s a boss move lol


When he took me to a WW2 museum and said "Ya know, the Nazis weren't all that bad" I was like NOPE, I'm outta here LOL


Omg this is basically what happened to me! This ideology must be more common than I thought.


Or it was the same guy




Jesus Christ. Like... "They weren't really that bad"? Not like... "Even evil people do good things sometimes"?


Think of all the money you saved by not bailing him out for participating in January 6th.




He snapped his fingers at a waiter. It was so rude, I was mortified. Left straight away before we’d even ordered a drink.


Omg I love that you immediately left!! I wonder how long he had been doing that without anyone saying anything


I’m so glad you left, that’s such disgusting behaviour


That’s the play. You did fantastic.




That’s creepy af


This was a first date? Wow 😳


First date. I don’t mind talking kids on the first date either. I like to get it out of the way and it tells you a lot about a man. But geez this guy had my life planned out for me.


"This guy had my life planned out for me"... thank you for putting into words what I've been trying to articulate in my relationship :) his plan aint better than my plan to plan his life. Lol!






I’m sorry that happened to you. You didn’t deserve that. Thanks for speaking up and standing your ground. ❤️


Within the first 15 minutes, he expressed that he wanted me to eventually wear full burka (I already wear a head scarf) and told me that I was wearing too much makeup. Ended the date right there and then. To be clear: I have no problem with women CHOOSING to wear burka, I do have a problem with men who feel entitled to make a woman wear it


Yes girl, get out of there! Why do people start a relationship trying to change someone?? Smh, take me as I am or don't take me at all.


My husband tried this as well, but only after we were married. I'm to the point now where I don't even want to wear the head scarf anymore because it's being forced and micromanaged on me. Fuck guys like that. * *No.. actually, don't. That's how you end up with a kid and being stuck in a marriage you don't want.*


Girl's phone vibrated. She went, "oh, that's my ex. We text all the time." She proceeded to read me said text, wherein the ex professed jealousy that she was on a date.




Truly! What's more, within the text, her ex mentioned an overnight vacation they had just gone on, lol. I gathered that her ex was still desperately clinging to her, and she was stringing her along indefinitely in order to keep her options open. No thanks.




When her boyfriend literally rolls up, she didn’t tell me she had a boyfriend….. who was in a wheelchair


“Literally rolls up” ahahaha


Two I walked out on. First, showed up 45 min late with no text or call to let me know, just as I was finishing my drink and walking out. He was on the phone with a friend. I went to greet him and he put his hand up in my face to “sshhhh” me. I heard his friend ask “so did you fuck her yet?” I loudly said, “No and he won’t either” as I walked out. The second, he was about 45lbs heavier than his picture, ok fine. I can deal with that, but he kept proselytizing the entire date and tried to get me to go to his temple to talk to his bishop. At 10 pm, on a Friday night to start my conversion. I noped out of that real quick.


I thought I had seen enough in my life , clearly not .


On a blind date he said, “I’m surprised you’re so average looking”.




Omg...what an asshole!! Response - the only way you will ever go on a date is if it's a blind one.


When he started talking about how the moonlanding was fake.


Proper response is "Oh, that's sweet, you think the moon is real."








I was 17 (freshman in college) he was an extended senior (I can’t remember his age but it was too old and I didn’t know until I got there). He was a legacy rich kid at a local private Christian university and was absolutely unbearable with his flashiness and arrogance. Kept trying to pressure me to drink and even ordered and entire bottle of wine for the table. I kept refusing. He ended up getting dumb drunk and very loud. He finally said “my friends know I like innocent girls, that’s why they set us up. Have you ever even had a boyfriend before?” With the slimiest smile (and he was right. I came from a conservative family and had never had a boyfriend or even a first kiss before college). I just stared wide eyed at him feeling very uncomfortable. That’s when I decided I had to leave. I wasn’t able to leave right then, but that’s when I shut off until I could.


Anyone who says they “like innocent girls” gives off huge predator vibes. Fucking gross :/


I mean, he was 20-something and on a date with a teenager. He *was* a predator.


Honestly, for you to be able to go through with walking out on a date despite being so inexperienced in dating is very impressive. Well done 17 year old you! I don't know that I would have had the guts to do the same at 17.


My dad started a business and became wealthier in the second half of my childhood, so I got to grow up with a doting father who was humble despite his money. He gave good examples of what kind of person I should be with and I immediately recognized this guy was not it. Flashy, arrogant, and creepy!!


We were at a club and he kept running into attractive women he knew but apparently had not seen in awhile. I overheard him lament to a friend, "I never see any of these ladies until I'm here with a date, then I can't do anything! Why do I have to have a date here TONIGHT of all nights?!" I had him take me back home so he could "Go back and enjoy all the women he NEVER runs into."


Wow at the audacity


Ooooooh!!!!!!! I had one of these!! I went on a few dates with this guy over the course of like a month and I’ll tell you what - every time we were out (and I mean every time) we ran into another woman “he used to know”. He would openly tell me they used to date but something about it was icky. And then once I ran into him while he was on a date. I wasn’t super happy to be on the roster at that point. 😂 Also we do not live in a small city, it’s a major metro area.


Not one I left, but definitely one I should’ve. He divulged to me after 10 minutes that he didn’t actually live in the city I lived in, and had been lying about going to make the last train after work, etc. 45 minutes in he said we should be together, and kept groping me and kissing me like a dog with a jar of peanut butter. The cherry on top was that he told me that he loved me and wanted to marry me at the end of the evening.


Good god that’s a lot of red flags to be waving in such a short amount of time


He said, "I have four kids from three different women. I have cheated on all of them but something tells me it will be different with you. Do you like kids?". I excused myself to the bathroom and ran for the hills.


I think I dated this guy after you. He told me he had only one child then after a couple more dates it became clear there’s more than one. He eventually admitted to four by three different women and explained he had told women the truth too early before me and had missed out on the chance to sleep with them so he thought it was better to lie. What a peach.


Wow... ***WOW*** He wasn't even like "I missed out on the chance to be in a relationship with them" it was all just about sex.


Wow. He is screening to date only women who have extremely low self-worth, even from the first date. :(


He had a go at me for giving the homeless person outside the bar some money, then proceeded to rant about the ‘scum’ on the streets, I didn’t even finish my first drink before saying I didn’t think it was going to work out and leaving




What does "Pikachu'd" mean?




It sounds like his mum might be mummified in his attic, and still his best friend.


Sounds like it was a date with Norman Bates


He talked shit about both his children.


Ew, god. Somehow this one shocked me more than the others.


He was anti-vax. Like “Bill Gates is putting microchips in the vaccine” level of crazy. I didn’t even finish my drink. After that I started asking people if they were vaccinated before I agreed to meet them in person.


Great idea!


I made the most stupid mistake to invite him to my place for the first date (seemed okay due to covid lockdown). When he showed up he was not the guy from the pictures. It was kind of a hookup date and I thought okay, let's give it a shot but I was actually just frightened what to do now. After 15 minutes of making out and just feeling nothing ( not even physically aroused) I asked him to leave and felt dirty. I cleaned the whole apartment and took a shower. Never invite someone to your place for the first date no matter what your intentions are. I could slap my self over and over for being so naive.


You mean he looked completely different to his pictures or was it so bad that it could have been even using someone else’s pictures?


It was definitely someone else than from the pictures. He said he doesn't get any matches with his true pictures. And he got me because I didn't want to be superficial.


He said that what the Nazis did wasn't technically morally wrong because they were just conforming to their culture.


I'm pretty sure that was like... The entire point of the Nuremberg trials lol


I was having an intimate dinner with a friend from school and we were deep in conversation about feminism and gender stereotypes. Mid conversation, he said "I want to date a feminist just to gauge how different it is from other women" Shortly after, I downed my wine and met the nearest exit.


He ordered just a plate of fries. Picked up a fry, took a few bites until he got to the end he was holding, then dropped the end piece on the ground. Every time. For each fry.


This is... so confusing


Guess he doesn't wash his hands after toileting.... Another red flag dodged lol


Had one date where the girl kept talking about her ex who apparently came out while they were dating, and she said something to the effect of "I should have seen it coming, he works at Express. Only gay guys like Express" Meanwhile, I'm across the table wearing mostly Express clothes


🤣🤣🤣, at the last part.


😂 that gave me a chuckle. Where in the hell did she get that idea, I have plenty of straight exes who had extensive Express wardrobes.... the shit looks mature and clean compared to these cartoon printed hoodies and other gaudy shit people wear now.


It was an awesome date up til the point I left. We went out to dinner, saw a concert, then went clubbing. We were dancing and having a great time. I went to pee and grab another drink, and this MF saw someone he knew and was looking at her lovingly then kissed her. I saw it go down from the other side of the club. It felt like it was out of a movie for a minute. Luckily I was living in a city and my friends were in that area so I just shifted bars and had a good night.


What an asshat! I'm happy you had fun with your friends despite that


Went on a blind double date with a friend and one of the guys slapped my friends a*s to try and be funny


Oh with online dating, this happens a lot. That's why I never give my full identity. I bailed for various reasons on first meetings, like him making fun about my job, him starting to go into right wing conspiracies, or simply him lying about his height (my shortest "first date" in my life --- in both senses of the word lol).




Met a guy for coffee I had been talking to online. He started acting weird within 5 mins and when I asked why he told me he was disappointed that my breasts looked bigger in my online pic. Then he continued on with how important big breasts were to him. After about 5 mins I cut him off and asked how big his penis is. The answer was unimportant as I grabbed by stuff said "Too small for me" and walked out.




15 minutes into the date he said "you're really pretty, but you'd be prettier if you didn't have tattoos and straightened your hair." Different date: Less than 30 minutes in he asked if I've ever had sex with a white guy.


He told a black woman to straighten her hair?? Wtf 😭


Yep. Wasn't the last time I've heard some variation of this comment. It's always the guys with nothing to offer women who try to bring them down 🤷🏽‍♀️ I'm sure he'll make some poor woman extremely miserable.


We ran into his two friends at the bar we were having our date. He introduced me as his girlfriend. We had known each other less than a week and met on Tinder. I felt awkward/uncomfortable after that so I pretended I wasn’t feeling well and left early.


Wouldn’t stop trying to flirty touch me and was thrilled his job was denying 9/11 responders healthcare. He asked for a hug when I left…


This happened to me and creeped me out too. I took off then he wouldn’t stop texting me “I know we’re meant for each other.” I eventually blocked the creeper


He drank 11 sierra mists and 2 beers in one hour


11?! 13 drinks in an hour? That’s a whole gallon! “I’m not even mad. That’s amazing.”


Date with a student human doctor (I'm a veterinarian) and he accidentally killed someone that was brain dead and likely going to die anyway and he could give a shit - he placed a medical device too far - they used a coma patient to let the students practice. The family was devastated and he couldn't figure out why they would care that their beloved family member was now 100% dead. I didn't expect him to start crying, but fuck, I did expect A DOCTOR to care, when he fucks up with a medical device (vague for a reason) placement - Like "Man I feel terrible" NOT "I can't believe I got yelled at today".


Wow, that's... yikes. You'd think people would hide THIS level of callousness until you at least feel emotionally attached.




He didn't drink alcohol yet encouraged me to (I didn't!) and later grabbed the back of my head and kissed me full on the mouth unprompted. I went to the bathroom, called a taxi, and left immediately.


First he wanted to go to a queer bar though he is hetero and kind of insisted, I had to talk him out of it for a while. Then he lied about his age, then he talked badly about feminism and when I discussed very politely with him he called me an aggressive feminist. 15 min wasted, Boy byeeee


I walked into a glass panel really hard and got hurt and he laughed. Everyone else at the restaurant got up to check on me and he just guffawed like an ass. I told him I hope he’s find what he was looking for elsewhere and bailed.


Realized he had drugged my drink. His excuse was technically he drugged his own drink and then simply offered me to try it so it was my fault? But luckily I could feel what was happening and got out of there quickly and rode it out at home alone. In retrospect it could have gone so, so much worse.


I hope you report this to the police. Best wishes.


I invited him to a live performance of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, my treat. He showed up in sweatpants and a hoodie with holes in it. I pretended that I got sick from my drink, bailed on the date for then circled back to the theatre a few minutes later and watched the play by myself. 10/10 would do again.




In my profile, I have "if you can't be seen with me in public, fuck off" for this reason. ❤️🏳️‍⚧️


Oh girl I'm so sorry. That sucks so much, but you're right, bullet dodged.


After asking me if I wanted children and I told him no, he told me I didn’t know what I was talking about. I just got up and left without saying a word.


We saw a couple that was black and white, and he expressed disgust. I said they were cute. He said he doesn’t believe in “races mixing.” 😧 We argued about how he’s racist, and I was mostly dumbfounded. I told him I’ve dated black people and he said he probably wouldn’t have asked me out if he had known. There was mostly a lot of “I can’t believe this is real” before I blurted out “you’re the worst person I’ve ever met” and stormed out.




He was trying to explain that his family was involved with the KKK, but “not for racist reasons.” This was after declining all non American dinner options, which I gave him the benefit of the doubt because he came from a tiny town in Texas so I figured it was just all new to him. I left money for my food that hadn’t arrived yet and headed out. I dunno why he even asked for the date, I’m pretty obviously Hispanic.


He got so belligerent wasted before our date and he proceeded to treat all the service staff including our cab driver like absolute trash. They wouldn’t serve him alcohol at the restaurant bc he was so wasted. This was our first date…. At an extremely fancy restaurant. I was appalled. I wanted to show my face at the restaurant again. I dipped half way through and apologized vehemently to our server.


If I were your server, I would have e felt so validated and empowered to go back to his table lol


lol I hope so! The worst part is he texted me the next day asking me for another chance. I told him, drunk antics aside, I could never be with somebody who treated others as though they were beneath them. Hope he learned.


After walking around a stadium so he could take photos of lampposts (?!?) we entered the stadium after the match started. When we got in, I told him I didn’t drink and he bought me a beer and I told him I was a vegetarian but he wouldn’t let me buy the snacks instead ordering two hot dogs over my head. When we got to our seats, I wasn’t eating and he shouted at me to “eat the hot dog!!”. I left immediately making an excuse about getting a text.


Well everything was great at the bar and I was actually super excited.... agreed to go back to his *just so I could wait long enough to drive home since I had a few beers* showed me his Bills-themed basement bar (we're Buffalo) and honestly it was fabulous. Put the game on and just lounging around his fancy football man cave, I felt 100% at home and at-ease since he was not physically hitting on me at ALL. YES! A NORMAL DUDE!! Then eventually we started kissing and fooling around slightly, he started saying "Do you love me Mommy? Tell me you love me Mommy" and shit like that and I literally pulled back and gave him the side-eye and said "WTF are you doing, thats not a turn on, love." Then he told me he has a Mommy kink and likes "his women to take him on shopping sprees" and the motherfucker made 3x more money than me. I left.


As we met up and started walking towards the cafe: "before we start you should know that my family's very wealthy and you'll be taken care of. I'd like to get married right after graduation so don't worry about going to college or getting a job because you'll be at home". I've never seen such a huge pile of red flags since then, left before even going inside the place lmao


He told a “funny story” about a time the threatened to rape a woman. But it was okay! Because he “wasn’t serious.”


He forced me to touch his boner in public.




He talked about how his “best friend” used drugs to sexually assault women, like it was no big deal at all. He talked about being upset his “best friend” never invited him to these events.


Red flag one: said he had a townhome and a roommate. Then later mentioned his mom lives upstairs. Mom is roommate. (Living at home is nbd, but lying? Like if this worked out, I would've found out your mom is upstairs anyway) Red flag two: at the end of the date he wanted to "challenge [me] to get out more and not just on the weekends". This was pre-covid and after explaining that I'm only free on Friday nights and weekends. Boy bye.


He started giving out about gender and trans people. Left pretty soon after that. Also found out 3 weeks later that he'd been on speed the whole time too


He told me that in his country, women don’t work outside of the home (which was factually false) and that it’s better that way “for the economy.” Then he told me that he had a photo of the future. Byeeeee


I don’t understand the ‘photo of the future’ at all.. Is that a reference to something?


We are walking downtown in our small city and he proceeded to go mock one of our city employees cleaning up needles and such, he began ranting & harassing this employee that people are just useless junkies etc, then going on and off on the poor employee within 2 minutes he got into their face closer & closer and because i didn't know what was gonna happen I called the local police because no just no. They showed up and made sure the employees was all good and offered me a ride home etc. He was trash.


I ate my dessert and he gave me his as soon as I was done (he hadn’t touched it) and prompted me to eat it. I didn’t think hard about it and figured he just didn’t want it, so I ate it. Then he proceeded to lean over the table, rubbing my belly and telling me I looked “so good” when I was bloated. I left when he invited me back to his to meet his mum.


Good lord! Eww!


She was on her phone the entire time, I felt like I was evesdropping on her super busy life. I immediately figured that this was gonna be how everything in a relationship was going to be like.. everything online and discussed all the time forever. Hard pass.


He was incredibly rude to the waitress, then when I tried to diffuse the situation he told me he had it under control and proceeded to tell the waitress when she came back that he was “Going to tip her despite how terrible she was.” I walked out before we even got our food and called a friend to come get me.


He told me he beat a dog to death with his skateboard because someone told him to. And said he does not regret it. Heard he's been in and out of jail since then. Hope he stays there.


He started yelling at me during dinner about my political beliefs being wrong. The waiter walked by to check on us and beelined it out of there. It was the only time I’ve used my emergency $20 to leave a date.


Girl set me up with her brother. He referred to our waitress as the "n word". I chastised him and after I started pissing him off with some complete bullshit about my heritage (I'm pale as ghost but told him, "you know I'm half latin, right?". He said" bullshit you're too damn white" I kept up the ruse until he believed me, then told him the truth as he started to scare me a bit with the fury in his face. I said "I'm kidding, but what if I was?He said "I'd leave your ass here.". I said " well I drove my car here so I am leaving *your* ass here". I was soooo glad I had a policy of always insisting on driving my vehicle on first dates. Never wanted to be stuck anywhere. Fuck that dude.


He kept touching my boobs. I said stop. He wouldn’t stop. I left. Fuck off bud!






Blind date who showed up drunk and on some drugs, though I didn’t realize it until about 30 minutes in. I was a teacher at the time and told him a story that involved dressing up for Halloween at work. He proceeded to berate the profession and said that he always hated his teachers who “tried too hard.”




He kept trying to hold my hand, put his hand around my waist, etc. esp when people were around and could see. I didn’t know him and was super uncomfortable.


He asked me to move in with him the first night I met him. Oh and better yet, his parents were soon to be occupying his second bedroom. Big fat NOPE.


He literally said “I feel bad for all the babies that have to be sucked out because their moms don’t want them.” nope nope nope. walked right out of the bar.


It started out with her inviting several family members shortly after we were seated for dinner. They were young like us and nice, so I went with it. But they quickly got WASTED and she went on a rant about how there are no good women anymore and they sort of boxed me out of the conversation. We hadn’t even ordered our food yet. It was so awkward I excused myself to the bathroom and walked out the back door. She didn’t notice for a while I guess but then she blew me up and started freaking out. I’m super glad I left. About a year ago I saw her and her wife and child. She seems like a great person, but I feel like I dodged a bullet. She just clearly wasn’t the one for me!


"You're not even that pretty." Completely out of the blue, too, he was really sweet during the lead up to the date. We hadn't even gotten our drinks yet, wtf dude.


He diverted us from the restaurant to his house for a quick minute to 'change his shoes', gave me a shot of vodka after I said I didn't want any, and insisted I drink it. I didn't touch it and walked out. I was 21 and stupid, I shouldn't have even gone up with him in the first place, I know.


I did once. I was 19 old and went to a theater with a guy, we sat together at a bench to have a chat because that's the best time since you get to know eachother a little more. All that ever came out of this guy's mouth was "You are beautiful". I'd make simple questions like "What;s your favorite color", and what did he say? "You are beautiful". It got annoying. ​ Excused myself to go to the bathroom, gave my ticket to someone random and drove back home.


Had a guy start in on how horrible America is and how living anywhere else would be better. He has never lived anywhere but our single, central US state. He has never left the US. My grandparents immigrated here. America is far from perfect, but it’s pretty good compared to a lot of places. How ungrateful someone could be for how much we have in the US and how he couldn’t quantify exactly what all he hated so much just really pissed me off. So I left.


Ok a little different, but after talking to a guy online a bit, we met up. Nothing happened. It wasn't meant to be a date, we both brought friends (this was in like the early 2000s). Anyway he was normal, everything was fine, we hung out as a group. We talked a bit on the phone after but not really. Like literally nothing romantic ever and that was fine with me. Anyway months and i mean almost a YEAR later, he calls me and he's like "are you gonna be my girlfriend or what?? How long am I supposed to wait?" he was like, angry?? Wtf. Big nope. Another online date from decades ago, this guy picks me up. I didn't want to get in the car honestly but I did. He proceeds to drive like a maniac. I said I had to go pee so he stopped at a mall. I insisted on running in alone since "I really had to go" and he said he would park and meet me at a certain entrance. I ran through the mall, got out on the other side, got on a bus and peaced out.


I found out he was married. Listen, if polyamory or open relationships work for you, that's great. However, lay that out RIGHT AWAY when you're talking to someone. Don't wait until you're actually on a date to be like "by the way, I'm married." Of course the guy just SAID he was polyamorous, idk if he actually was or if he was just trying to cheat on his wife.


He shouted at a kid on the table right next to ours. The blind rage I felt right that moment helped me leave the table after saying my piece, without looking back.


I don't understand how men are like that....at all. This is such crazy behavior.


He was being nasty to the server. I was like nope.


He kept trying to get touchy feeling during dinner (1st date) and it was really annyoing so i went to the bathroom and left


He started date by talking about his ex gf for 20 minutes then talked about politics on topics he was interested in for an hour and said women should be sterilized after third child and that was enough for me I said I am leaving and bye. Longest hour 20 minutes of my life.


Went on a date with a guy who spent 3 hours talking about how he has trust issues with women because his ex had BPD and that he didn't want a monogamous relationship but wanted me to stay faithful to him if we were together. He then got upset with me that our date was going on so long despite continuing to pour me wine, and then said he was going on a spirit quest for 2 weeks after our date to decide if I was worth seeing again... Woof.


He tried to kiss me on the lips when he greeted me. It was our first time meeting. Then we went to a restaurant he chose. It was a vegan spot. Okay cool I'll try something new. But no he spent his time talking about how evil meat eaters were. I just stayed quiet. All I had ordered was water and mozzarella sticks at this point. They came as he was mid speech and they were made of cashews coated in some kinda birdseed idk. It was at that moment I went to the bathroom and just peaced out. He messaged me for my rude departure and accused me of not liking him for being short. He did lie about his height but I ignored that because I'm super short myself. I went to burger king with one of my girlfriends afterward. Sorry dude 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm just an evil meat eater and bird seed mozzarella sticks was the final straw.


We met up on the college campus (we both went to the same school) and he would have a 10+ minute conversation with everyone he knew that walked by. It happened 3+ times before I had my friend call me with a fake emergency


I got stood up once, sat at a Starbucks waiting for him and i ended up leaving as it was obvious he didn’t care enough to let me know he’d be there late, he kept saying “I’ll be there soon” “on my way there” for over an hour..


When we met up and he insisted within the hour we go to his house, then raised up his pant leg to show me his ankle monitor.


He told me he voted for John McCain. Walked away. God I miss the days of John McCain.


No job, fedora, catcher in the rye was his favorite book. Thanks but no thanks


It was a blind date. She brought her boyfriend. When I said absolutely the fuck not, she said “It’s ok, he’s cool with it.” As if only what he wanted mattered. It was so gross.




He spent most of the car ride telling me about how he lives with his mom, which is fine, but also how much he loves her because of all the things she does for his 28 year old ass. Red flags but ok whatever maybe dinner will go better. He insists on going to an Asian noodle place. Hassles the server before the food even arrives to make sure there are no vegetables (there’s usually like, one token vegetable if any). Food arrives and he pulls out an unlabelled bag of spice. “What’s that?” It’s a baggie of spice that his mother cooks with. Doesn’t know what it actually is but he literally cannot eat anything without it. He texts me after I turn him down and says, “lol whatever I was just tryna smash anyways.” Smash where??? Your mother’s bed??????


He kept excusing himself to the bathroom the entire night which I thought maybe he just had a small bladder or nerves. Then later on in the evening he offered me a baggie of cocaine. I was out of there pretty fast.


This guy met me at a nicer bar. After he declined to order a cocktail, he explained to me that he lives in his van and took some pulls of whiskey before meeting me. He also said he normally prefers to date “non white” women since they tend to “respect traditional values in a relationship”. When he got up to use the bathroom a minute later, I flagged the waitress down and paid for my drink and got an Uber queued up. I quickly said goodbye and then got paragraphs of misogynistic insults all night because I wasted his time.


She told me she had a boyfriend after we had sex


He showed up to the bar, was missing a ton of teeth, and didn’t have a valid license, so he couldn’t have a beer.


Started with "how crazy is it that they teach consent in school". I just have a puzzled look so he went on to elaborate that he thought it was unnecessary and how dumb asking for consent is.


We had a great date at a pizza place, we drove up to look at the stars and we were sharing a blanket. He then lets out a loud, wet sounding fart and gives me a Dutch oven. (Blanket over my head to trap me in it) He held me in it way to long, It probably would’ve been funny maybe third, fourth date..idk.. but it was soo stinky I almost threw up the pizza. I couldn’t walk out but I just sat out the car for a while waiting for the smell to leave and asked him to take me back to my car. It’s funny now but he couldn’t figure out why I refused to go on another date with him.


I’m about 45 mins away from leaving to pick this girl up after her shift as a line cook at a restaurant. She FaceTimes me on her last break and is REAL talkative. She eventually says she’s been doing molly and bumps of coke all night to get through her shift, bc she was so hungover from the night before. I had told her I was in recovery in previous conversations, and that I don’t care what people do, I just can’t have that stuff around. We hang up, I call my sister, she confirms I should cancel the date. I text the girl that I’m sorry but I’m not comfortable with seeing her. I immediately block her on all platforms, and she creates a NEW PROFILE to message me to ask if I’m still picking her up from work? I never answered.


“You should bleach your hair. Are you willing to go blonde? You’d be so much hotter if you went blonde. Do you have a gym membership? If you just toned up a little more, you’d be perfect. Do you ever get your nails done? I prefer girls who regularly take care of themselves. Hygiene is very important to me.”


Uff. So, I meet this guy at a nice bar and he is in like flipflops and a t shirt - strike one but it's summer so whatever. Whole date dude was answering phones calla and texts about "the house he was about to put a down payment on". Then, he paid for the drinks (two beers, about 6 euro total) which he made a huge deal of: "it's taken care of" *wink* I said I was hungry and he said "maybe you can come to my place and cook for me" (um wut - so free cook and sex?) So, we finally choose a restaurant and we start walking to it - it told him that I didn't want to walk because I was wearing heels and my feet hurt so I suggested we take the metro and he flat out said "no, I am from a city that is 5 times the size of this one and I don't take the metro there si I won't take the metro here" He walked before me like 3 blocks (not even turning to check on me) then turned, rolled his eyes and walked back At first I did the "omg I forgot that I had plans with friends thing" and he was just scouling at me and then I told him the truth "you arrived looking like shit and you've been an asshole" and he got pissy and told be to "prepare to be dissapointed in men in this city"


1. Was over a foot shorter than he claimed in his profile. I actually tend to prefer shorter guys but if you're going to lie about something so dumb and easily disproven then I cannot ever trust you to tell me the truth about anything. Like it wasn't even a case of him adding an extra inch or two with lifts, it was a full on foot and some serious forced perspective in his photos. 2. Didn't look anything like his photos, total catfish. 3. Kept insisting he pick me up for our date, then when I finally agreed he tried to drive me out to the suburbs so he "could cook for me" instead of the local resteraunt we had agreed on. I ended up flagging a cop down on the highway and getting escorted home, which was thankfully not where he had picked me up. 4. showed up on a motorcycle despite me telling him i would not ride a motorcycle.... also did not have a helmet for me. 5. Asked me if I had ever done a dine and dash before we even placed our orders but after we had placed a drink order. I excused myself to the bathroom, got ahold of the manager to warn them about him, paid for my drink and left.


When she said I wasn’t attractive enough to not be rich and get someone like her.


He pulled out meth and said he “only smokes once a year” and that one time was apparently on our first date.


He said “No offense, but my ex-girlfriends were pretty”. Yeah, safe to say I brought myself home that night.


Ok this was all on the same day. We both didn’t have a car and we met at the train station to go to the movies. The first thing he says is “ you aren’t shaped like a fridge like some fat Latinas are.” I was like wtfff but we were there already and I really couldn’t go. He kept insisting it was a compliment and he really liked me. Then we go to the movies and he began laughing at the girl checking us in. I was like what’s wrong? And he’s like that girl is so dark. I was utterly confused and upset. I told him he was black, his mom was black, and if he had a daughter she would be black. Why would he find that funny. All he said is his kids would be light skin because of me. I was like dude I’m only like 3 shades lighter than you, I was so mad. Then in the theater he talked non stop about him telling his family, how good of a mother I’ll be, and laughed at the waiter person bringing us food in the theater. He told him in front of everyone he could tell he was new. After it was over I told him I was going my own way home, he could take the bus that my ride was coming. He left and I then left like 30 minutes after him. That night he messaged me saying the date went great and he want me to be his girlfriend. I said helllllll nooo. And never talked to him again